Cave city in the Caucasus. Where in the Caucasus can you find a cave for beginners? What we have we don’t value

Many inhabitants of the Caucasus still have vividly preserved legends about cave life.
“A long time ago there lived a man named Solsa. People then lived underground in large caves lined with stone. These caves in some places have survived to this day,” says one of the old Ingush legends.

(P.P. Semenov “Caucasus”, 1898)

Underground cities in the Caucasus
Was there an underground civilization in the Caucasus?
A structure comparable to the famous Pyramid of Cheops has been found in Russia.
Speleologist Artur Zhemukhov from Kabardino-Balkaria has an unusual hobby: he is looking for sacred places, scattered across mountains and gorges, using our own methodology, taking into account the location of stars in the constellations and containing mathematical calculations. This is how Arthur discovered a mysterious hole filled with stones in the Baksan Gorge. And underneath is an amazing cave, which may be part of an underground city. In September, an expedition from the public research association Kosmopoisk visited there for the third time.
Without rock climbing skills it is almost impossible to enter the cave. First you need to squeeze into a hole measuring 40 by 120 cm, then climb down a narrow vertical shaft on a rope. It is formed by two parallel stone slabs. After 9 meters there is the first “knee”: the hole goes to the side and immediately breaks down again. Already here you will be covered absolute silence- Not a sound comes from outside. Another 23 meters deep - and a new “knee”. To reach the bottom of the cave, you need to overcome more than 80 meters, and it will take a whole hour. But, having passed the “bottleneck”, you will find yourself in a huge room, which the researchers called the “flask”.
“The first thing that catches your eye is that the walls in the mine are clearly of artificial origin,” says Vadim Chernobrov, coordinator of the Kosmopoisk association. - They are made of smooth stone blocks, carefully polished. IN Egyptian pyramids ah, the blocks are about the same size. It is easy to calculate that each “pebble” weighs about 200 tons. And how to move them in order to neatly fold such a structure is completely unclear. But I have little doubt that it is man-made.”
Viktor Kotlyarov, a local historian and local historian, shares the same opinion: “When we showed photographs of this mine to geologists, including foreign ones, most of them were inclined to the version of its artificial origin. In any case, they were all unanimous in the fact that they had never seen anything like this anywhere before. There are no analogues in the world!”
In the dungeon, researchers discovered a “floating” column: the megalith is attached to the wall with only one edge, which is why it appears to be hanging in the air. Unfortunately, no traces of human presence or organic remains were found in the cave. However, this does not surprise Vadim Chernobrov. He is sure that this building was not intended as a dwelling. He had other tasks.
From the moment the public learned about the mysterious mine in the Baksan Gorge, there was no shortage of versions about its purpose. It was assumed that this was a burial ground for dumping infected animals, a bunker for storing food, an Aryan dwelling, a fortification structure, a Bigfoot lair... Some of the researchers who descended into the mine heard howls, rustles and even whispers there, which, if desired, could be mistaken for an unknown ancient language. But, we repeat, no traces or remains were found. And this refutes all of the above hypotheses. But there is a draft in the dungeon and it is crammed with narrow passages that still have to be cleared of rubble. Local speleologists have already acquired electrical equipment to continue work next summer.
The presence of humans or other living beings in this structure was not initially envisaged, Chernobrov shares his guesses. - You can draw the following analogy: we did not penetrate into a home, but into some kind of factory.
Let's say we climbed into a factory chimney, then went down into the combustion chamber and now we are trying to understand: where were the people sitting here? And they weren’t sitting there at all! And they shouldn't have. According to our version, this cave is a technical structure. It served as a kind of resonator, a converter of waves and radiation of a nature unknown to us. Its age is about 5 thousand years. In size and functionality, the cave of the Baksan Gorge is comparable to the Egyptian one Great Pyramid, which many scientists also consider a wave transmitter or energy converter.”
Most likely, the researchers believe, this object was not underground before. It was located on the surface, being attached to the hillside. This can explain why one of the walls of the “flask” chamber is uneven and lumpy (this is a fragment of natural rock), and the other is smooth and polished (it was erected by unknown builders). Over several millennia, the gigantic structure was covered with earth, sand and rock fragments, and trees grew on top. And the stone blocks, once located outside the hill, ended up inside it. By the way, let us remember the same pyramid of Cheops. She, along with the sphinx lying next to her, was covered with sand until archaeologists dug her up and gave the “wonder of the world” its now familiar appearance.
The Baksan mine-cave can also be excavated, although it is difficult to even imagine what kind of funds this will require. Researchers are inclined to believe that the structure of an unusual shape, preserved inside the rock, could be part of a more global structure - underground cave cities, legends about which in the North Caucasus are passed down from generation to generation. Near the hole leading to a depth of 80 meters, two more entrances to the dungeon were found. Calculations show that if they are continued, after dismantling the rubble, they will connect with each other and lead to the same mysterious cave, where you can hear a whisper similar to an unknown ancient language.
In Kabardino-Balkaria, legends about big people. We were told that not far from this hill, during excavation work, “incredibly large bones” were unearthed, but none of the interviewees knew where they were now, says Igor Kommel, a geologist. - The local population is afraid to touch the Giant’s Tomb, and we were allowed to see it only after we promised that we would not dig there. We just drew up a map and illuminated the hill with a geolocator - the device showed that in the depths of the hill there are unclear foreign inclusions, but we have not yet been able to identify them.”
In the same area, among the forest thickets on the mountain, there are several structures that look like mushrooms. Residents of the surrounding villages call them mushrooms: the stone bases, close in shape to a square, are topped with rounded “caps”, with gaps between them. These monuments (natural or man-made?) reminded researchers of... ventilation shafts, almost like those of the capital’s metro. And this is not without reason.
In the 19th century, underground cities were discovered in the Cappadocia Valley in what is now Turkey. The largest of them, Derinkuyu, was opened only half a century ago! It turns out that if you go down into a small hole in the middle of a mountain plain, you can find yourself in a huge dungeon going down eight floors, with tunnels and halls, streets and squares, wells and ventilation shafts. Now archaeological excavations are underway there, and this wonder is shown to tourists. It's amazing that cave cities Cappadocia had not been found before. On the other hand, this suggests that similar structures may exist elsewhere. Especially where there are legends about them, like in the North Caucasus.
We have heard myths about underground cities more than once. Once the elders admitted that in the Baksan Gorge there is a place whose name is translated from Kabardian as Old town. It was allegedly built by the people who lived here before them, continues V. Chernobrov. - Moreover, this city, according to them, was both aboveground and underground! We went to the hill indicated to us and, in fact, discovered the remains of walls and foundations on it. And in the mountain there is a small hole, narrow, about a meter. The old-time guide recalled that when he was little, his grandfather told him: as boys they climbed there and penetrated into a huge city, where there are squares, streets and rooms, but no people. There is also an underground river, and if you walk along it, you can reach central square, where there is some kind of monument. Something like a sacred stone in the center of the settlement. In stock underground river I have no doubt: a river runs outside along the bottom of the gorge, which flows precisely from this hill. However, it was not easy to climb through the “entrance” - after about 30-40 m the rubble began. In addition, the elders said that there was some other entrance that their grandfathers used. Later we found another crevice leading deeper into the mountain. For two years, our expeditions cleared the rubble on the way to the dungeon. We advanced several tens of meters and drew up a preliminary map of passages and adits. But to penetrate deeper and get to the “main street”, you still need to dig and dig.”
In the meantime, “Cosmopoisk” was exploring the Old City, local speleologist Arthur Zhemukhov, training in the mountains, drew attention to an inconspicuous depression littered with stones and overgrown with bushes. The hole looks like a hole. But there was a lot of draft coming from the hole. Arthur sorted out the rubble and discovered a shaft underneath, going vertically down into the darkness. And what struck him most of all: the rectangular walls of the hole were even and smooth, as if polished. Zhemukhov immediately understood: “This is a sensation.”

A structure comparable to the famous Pyramid of Cheops has been found in Russia.

Speleologist Arthur Zhemukhov from Kabardino-Balkaria has an unusual hobby: he searches for sacred places scattered across mountains and gorges using his own method, which takes into account the location of stars in constellations and contains mathematical calculations. This is how Arthur discovered a mysterious hole filled with stones in the Baksan Gorge. And below it is an amazing cave, which may be part of an underground city. In September, an expedition from the public research association Kosmopoisk visited there for the third time.

"Flask" with "throat"

Without rock climbing skills it is almost impossible to enter the cave. First you need to squeeze into a hole measuring 40 by 120 cm, then climb down a narrow vertical shaft on a rope. It is formed by two parallel stone slabs. After 9 meters there is the first “knee”: the hole goes to the side and immediately breaks down again. Already here you will be covered in absolute silence - not a sound penetrates from outside. Another 23 meters deep - and a new “knee”. To reach the bottom of the cave, you need to overcome more than 80 meters, and it will take a whole hour. But, having passed the “bottleneck”, you will find yourself in a huge room, which the researchers called the “flask”.

“The first thing that catches your eye is that the walls in the mine are clearly of artificial origin,” says Vadim Chernobrov, coordinator of the Cosmopoisk association. - They are made of smooth stone blocks, carefully polished. The blocks in the Egyptian pyramids are approximately the same size. It is easy to calculate that each “pebble” weighs about 200 tons. And how to move them in order to neatly fold such a structure is completely unclear. But I have little doubt that it is man-made.”

Is of the same opinion Viktor Kotlyarov, local historian and local historian: “When we showed photographs of this mine to geologists, including foreign ones, most of them were inclined to believe that it was of artificial origin. In any case, they were all unanimous in the fact that they had never seen anything like this anywhere else. There are no analogues in the world!”

In the dungeon, researchers discovered a “floating” column: the megalith is attached to the wall with only one edge, which is why it appears to be hanging in the air. Unfortunately, no traces of human presence or organic remains were found in the cave. However, this does not surprise Vadim Chernobrov. He is sure that this building was not intended as a dwelling. He had other tasks.

Dig out the resonator

From the moment the public learned about the mysterious mine in the Baksan Gorge, there was no shortage of versions about its purpose. It was assumed that this was a burial ground for dumping infected animals, a bunker for storing food, an Aryan dwelling, a fortification structure, a Bigfoot lair... Some of the researchers who descended into the mine heard howls, rustles and even whispers there, which, if desired, could be mistaken for an unknown ancient language. But, we repeat, no traces or remains were found. And this refutes all of the above hypotheses. But there is a draft in the dungeon and it is crammed with narrow passages that still have to be cleared of rubble. Local speleologists have already acquired electrical equipment to continue work next summer.

“The presence of humans or other living beings in this structure was not initially envisaged,” Chernobrov shares his guesses. - You can draw the following analogy: we did not penetrate into a home, but into some kind of factory.

Let's say we climbed into a factory chimney, then went down into the combustion chamber and now we are trying to understand: where were the people sitting here? And they weren’t sitting there at all! And they shouldn't have. According to our version, this cave is a technical structure. It served as a kind of resonator, a converter of waves and radiation of a nature unknown to us. Its age is about 5 thousand years. In size and functionality, the cave of the Baksan Gorge is comparable to the Egyptian Great Pyramid, which many scientists also consider a wave transmitter or energy converter.”

Most likely, the researchers believe, this object was not underground before. It was located on the surface, being attached to the hillside. This can explain why one of the walls of the “flask” chamber is uneven and lumpy (this is a fragment of natural rock), and the other is smooth and polished (it was erected by unknown builders). Over several millennia, the gigantic structure was covered with earth, sand and rock fragments, and trees grew on top. And the stone blocks that were once located outside the hill ended up inside it. By the way, let us remember the same pyramid of Cheops. She, along with the sphinx lying next to her, was covered with sand until archaeologists dug her up and gave the “wonder of the world” its now familiar appearance.

The Baksan mine-cave can also be excavated, although it is difficult to even imagine what kind of funds this will require. Researchers are inclined to believe that the structure of an unusual shape, preserved inside the rock, could be part of a more global structure - underground cave cities, legends about which in the North Caucasus are passed down from generation to generation. Near the hole leading to a depth of 80 meters, two more entrances to the dungeon were found. Calculations show that if they are continued, after dismantling the rubble, they will connect with each other and lead to the same mysterious cave, where you can hear a whisper similar to an unknown ancient language.

The end of last year was marked by another high-profile megalithic story in Russia - this time the small Kabardino-Balkarian village of Zayukovo was in the spotlight. In the blink of an eye, a little-known mountain village just turned out to be the concentration of the world’s sacred knowledge; here they found the Universal Center for the Opening of Chakras, a solar observatory, and almost reached the Holy Grail. What caused the pilgrimage here for TV channels, local historians and mystery researchers?

Nowadays large geographical discoveries there is no longer any need to wait on land, the last bastions of the “white spots” successfully defend only the caves, waiting for their Columbuses and Amundsens, but in special speleological equipment. Rumors about the discovery of a certain mysterious cave in the North Caucasus began to appear on the World Wide Web from September to October 2011. At first it was extremely difficult to understand the layers of truth and falsehood, especially since journalists, as if driven mad by a “sensational hunger,” began to produce television programs and publications of the corresponding kind with unprecedented zeal. We all remember the recent story with the “Ukrainian pyramids”, which turned out to be an overly plump duck, so it was difficult at first to immediately believe that at the foot of Elbrus they allegedly found “a huge artificial cave, the entrance to which the Nazi expedition was looking for, but did not find.” But when the journalists who had produced a mishmash of unverified and frankly fictitious details calmed down, the bottom line was facts that the Kosmopoisk specialists had to undertake to explain.

The Kosmopoisk expedition, dedicated to checking legends about “underground cities,” took place in this area from June 4 to mid-July 2011, then individual members of the association visited the area where the cave was discovered in August. During this time, a range of works was carried out, including clearing the rubble, entering and mapping the underground complex. When the successive “discoverers” were just writing the script for the future program, in which they were going to take credit for the discovery, meetings were already being held at Kosmopoisk to discuss the results of summer expeditions in the North Caucasus.

Members of the Cosmopoisk expedition to North Caucasus(frame from a presentation dedicated to the results of work for 2011)

In fact, the adit going into the unknown was discovered after a long and systematic monitoring of the area by Arthur Zhemukhov, local resident, who appears in the media both as a climber and as a speleologist. The information about the cave was popularized by historians and local historians, the spouses Maria and Viktor Kotlyarov. The discovered entrance to the unique structure is a vertical adit, measuring 40 by 90 cm. The shaft itself consists of several “elbows” with transitions from one part to another. It resembles an outlet or chimney of some technological cavity hidden in the ground and belonging to unknown giants. If it turns out that a person was involved in the creation of the discovered system of underground communications, then this will turn out to be the largest prehistoric structure in modern Russia.

Among the searchers who descended to the bottom of the cave were speleologists Igor Kommel and Pavel Sofin, from whose words, as well as with the involvement of other sources (Kotlyarov’s diagrams, for example), the first plans of the cave were drawn up. The unknown hollowness in the rock continued to surprise seasoned climbers and speleologists - they had never seen anything like it in the vast expanses of the USSR. The winding and narrow opening through which a person could barely squeeze through turned out to be only a “bottleneck” and led into a huge room, which was given the unofficial name “flask” by the members of “Cosmopoisk”. The explored dimensions of the cave from the upper part to the lower platform are about 100 m. The size of the “flask” in some sources is called equal to 36 m. Accurate measurements have not yet been carried out.

Despite the “wow” effect from the initial look at the general structure of the hole going deep, it is too early to draw final conclusions about its man-made nature. Today, there are both arguments in favor of the fact that the walls were processed, and heavy stone blocks were used to build the underground cavity (like those that made up the Egyptian pyramids), and arguments that say that this is just a bizarre game nature.

The head of the Kabardino-Balkarian geological exploration expedition, Vera Davidenko, claims that “the tuff of the Zayukovsky site is an accumulation of volcanic ejection products - ash, lava fragments, volcanic glass and, to a small extent, rock fragments that make up the walls of the crater. The ejection material during accumulation was hot and therefore, during solidification, cracks formed separately, that is, the entire tuff massif appeared to be broken into blocks. Consequently, the depression discovered in the area of ​​​​the village of Zayukovo is one of these cracks of gravitational separation, which is characterized by smooth contact surfaces." Davidenko is echoed by Albert Emkuzhev, head of the subsoil management department for Kabardino-Balkaria, although he notes that the natural cavity could have been used by ancient people.

Some circumstances also incline researchers to the megalithic nature of the North Caucasian formation. In many ways, the Kosmopoisk expedition was organized because of local legends passed down from mouth to mouth by elders, who claimed that there were cities underground in this area, which means that the myths could be based on real events that took place in ancient times. Speleologists who descended into the cave were able to examine and photograph the joints between possible blocks with even angles. When REN-TV correspondents, who were filming a film here in the fall, scraped off the “solution” located at the joints of the blocks and showed it to Alexander Pankratenko, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Moscow State Mining University, who, after studying the samples, confirmed that it was some kind of strengthening material. Inside the cave there is ideal ventilation, there is practically no dampness, it began to form only after the chamber was depressurized. Viktor Kotlyarov, the author of more than 50 history books on the history, ethnology and orography of the Caucasus, claims that he showed photographs of the mine to many geologists, including foreign ones, and most of them are inclined to the version of its artificial origin. “At the same time, everyone was unanimous in one thing: they had never seen anything like this,” the historian emphasizes.

There are plenty of various versions about the purpose of the mysterious passage: it is a burial ground for dumping infected animals, a bunker for storing food, an Aryan dwelling, a giant energy resonator, the remains of an ancient well or mine, one of the fortifications of the Red Army, prepared to repel the German offensive by the summer of 1942 year, a “cache” for some reconnaissance and sabotage (partisan) groups, etc.

Vadim Chernobrov, Cosmopoisk coordinator, is inclined to believe that the cave is a representative of the largest megaliths ever created by Humanity. Alas, no organic remains have yet been discovered that would allow us to determine the era in which the “underground city” was used for its intended purpose. Also, no traces of human presence inside the cave were found. The only indirect, but not yet verified, confirmation of the use of this place as a cult or sacred sanctuary came after the expedition: local historians found something like a necropolis and an astronomical observatory nearby. The data has already been actively picked up by the press, but still requires careful verification and archaeological linking to specific cultures.

Vadim Chernobrov, member of the expedition to the North Caucasus

One cannot ignore another important fact: in the press and documentaries it is voiced as almost the only existing version that the German organization Ahnenerbe showed serious interest in this place, evidence of which is the swastikas with dates carved out on the approaches to the cave. An Ufolenta correspondent asked Vadim Chernobrov a question about the veracity of this statement and the “seven swastikas” knocked out nearby.

“The topic of German heritage excites and excites the minds of literally all local researchers and local historians, without exception. For them, it is not seditious to think that Hitler considered the Caucasus the “center of Power” and the “center of world control.” Not one of them believes that Hitler rushed to the Caucasus only because of Caucasian oil or because of some other banal goal. Many are looking for traces of the presence of the Nazis here, trying to unravel their deep esoteric plans - we won’t judge. and “seven swastikas” (I didn’t see), especially since there are more fantastic versions about the Germans’ explorations in the Caucasus. In any case, I would not rush to mix the history of the ancient mine we are talking about with the history of the Germans. the Nazis clearly were not there (there are no traces of the presence of any people in the mine, neither Germans nor anyone else), they could not build it (neither they then nor we now have the necessary technologies for this), moreover The Germans simply did not have time, in fact only the autumn of 1942, after which the Red Army put an end to all their searches."

We cannot exclude the natural origin of the cave, “polished” by the ancient inhabitants of these places, for example, in the so-called “Sosruko Cave” there is a natural hood that Stone Age people used to light a fire inside. Only new research will provide answers to many questions. The main thing is that the expedition members do not fight among themselves, competing for the right to be the discoverers of new artifacts, which are quite likely hidden in the darkness of the winding labyrinths.

  • Orazaeva L. Scientists disagree on the origin of a unique cave discovered in Kabardino-Balkaria // Caucasian Knot. 09/27/2011
  • The SS men did not look for the Holy Grail in a cave in Kabardino-Balkaria // Time of Kabardino-Balkaria. 09/23/2011
  • Chernysheva M. An ancient cave of mysterious origin was found in the places of the future tourist cluster in the North Caucasus // Itar-Tass. 09/20/2011.

: it was discovered by activists of the Russian Geographical Society (RGS) in early August when they were laying out a new tourist route. The entrance opened during the development of a gypsum quarry. “The builders apparently used a ladle to remove the roof of the cave with stalactites,” says Igor Ogai, head of the Adyghe branch of the Russian Geographical Society. Already on August 30, specialists from Krasnodar carried out georadar measurements and came to the conclusion that there was not just one cave, but an entire karst massif.

Literally everything is of interest

In recent years, the Caucasus has become a center of attraction for those who like to travel through natural underground spaces, the so-called “caving tourists.” There are many caves concentrated here, the vast majority of them are of karst origin. This type of cave is the most common in nature.

The mechanism of their formation has long been known. Water flows wash away cavities in rocks (limestone, marble, gypsum), and underground spaces with numerous levels, halls, passages, lakes and waterfalls are formed. The increased content of carbon dioxide in water only accelerates this process. Exactly karst caves have the greatest length and depth, often stretching for tens of kilometers.

Stalactites and stalagmites. Photo:

For speleologists, literally everything is of interest: the history of the formation of caves, their structure, the inner world. Often, water forms salt deposits inside caves, resulting in the formation of the famous stalactites and stalagmites that attract curious tourists. Some of the caves were used by ancient people as dwellings or served as a haven for wild animals. That’s why the remains of animals or people and their waste products (drawings, fire pits, steps) are often found there.

The North-Western Caucasus (and especially Abkhazia) is in a special place among speleologists around the world. According to legend, the founder of speleology, Martel, having visited these places at the beginning of the 20th century, predicted that the deepest caves in the world would be found here.

Whether this is true or not, today three of the deepest caves in the world have been discovered in Abkhazia, and the Gagra ridge is home to the most complex underground spaces on the planet. However, nature does not know administrative boundaries, so unique caves can also be found in the neighboring Krasnodar region, and in Karachay-Cherkessia, and in Adygea.


Today, the world record holder for depth (2199 m) is the Krubera-Voronya cave in Abkhazia. The entrance to it is located in the Arabica mountain range at an altitude of 2250 m above sea level. Discovered back in 1960 to a depth of 95 meters, the cave began to be actively explored only at the beginning of the 21st century.

This year, a connecting passage was found with the Arabik underground system, which includes the Kuibyshevskaya, Genrikhova Abyss and Children's caves. The smallest river in the world, Reprua (18 m long), originates here and flows into the Black Sea.

Krubera-Voronya Cave

The Krubera-Voronya cave is a system of vertical wells connected to each other by passages and galleries, so there are no laid tourist routes. You can go down into it only in a group, if available special equipment and mountaineering skills. Speleological expeditions that continue to explore the cave cavity are carried out several times a year. The cave is located 15 km northeast of the city of Gagra.

New Athos Cave

Unlike Krubera-Voronya, the New Athos cave has been open to tourists since 1975. It is also located in Abkhazia, under the slope of Mount Iverskaya, near the temple of Simon the Canaanite of the New Athos Monastery.

The cave is a huge karst cavity with a volume of 1 million cubic meters, consisting of 11 halls. The largest of them, the Speleologists' Hall, which includes the Vanishing Lake Hall, stretches 260 meters in length, up to 75 meters in width and up to 50 meters in height. A total of eight halls are open for inspection, and from time to time the Aphertsa Hall even hosts musical concerts of the Abkhaz State Choir.

The work turned the natural cavity into an interesting attraction for people who had never been underground before. A narrow-gauge railway transports tourists to the excursion route. railway, similar to the city metro.

Pedestrian bridges are laid throughout the halls, lakes, stalactites, stone waterfalls and other bizarre sinter formations are illuminated. From the speakers, the guide’s voice tells interesting details of the opening of the cave, observation platforms quiet music is playing.

Finding the cave is not difficult, just get to the city New Athos. However, it is not the only one in the Caucasus that is equipped for tourists.

Vorontsov caves

Another place of attraction for tourists is the Vorontsovskaya system of caves connected to each other, located on the mountain range of the same name in the Khostinsky district Greater Sochi. The underground system has 14 entrances. Its total length exceeds 11 kilometers, which includes the caves Vorontsovskaya (4 km), Labyrinthovaya (3.8 km), Kabanya (2.3 km) and Dolgaya (1.5 km). The excursion route covers only 400 meters.

In the cave there are many grottoes, branches, passages, stretching into a chain of underground halls. The lowest of them gives rise to the Kudepsta River, which, in turn, forms a waterfall.

The cave is replete with archaeological finds from ancient eras. A site of ancient people, their bones, rookeries, and utility pits were discovered inside. The bones of a cave bear were also found here. The length of local stalactites and the variety of sinter formations are impressive. In the Labyrinth Cave there is a six-meter stalactite called the Rocket.

The Vorontsov Caves are located directly near Sochi, 20 km from the village of Khosta.

Azish cave system

Although the Big and Small Azish caves are located in the Absheron region Krasnodar region, they are close to the Maikop – Lago-Naki highway, near the administrative border of Adygea. That is why they are more popular among tourists coming to the republic.

The entrance to them is located in the south mountain range Azish-Tau. Probably these two caves were once one: there are only a few meters between them.

Bolshaya Azishskaya consists of voluminous galleries and halls, and is equipped for visiting by tourists. Malaya Azishskaya is very narrow and suitable for movement only in a lying position, but it has two small halls.

Both caves are multi-level. Bolshaya Azishskaya is notable for its hall with a corridor of parallel columns and stalactite chains. In addition to sinter formations, you can find here rare calcite slabs formed on the surface of an ancient underground reservoir.

Barlog's Throat

Few people know that the deepest cave in Russia is located in the Urupsky region of Karachay-Cherkessia. Barloga's Throat got its name from the works of Tolkien. The entrance to the cave is located at an altitude of 2825 meters, in the upper reaches of the Atsgara River.

To date, the depth of the dungeon is recorded at 839 meters. Like Krubera-Voronya, the Barloga Throat is not suitable for excursions and amateur visits. The cave consists of slot-shaped shafts, wells and inclined galleries. Horizontal passages vary from impassable narrows to spacious halls.

Throat Barlog Cave. Photo:

Despite the growing interest in speleology in Russia, the cave has not yet been fully explored. The last expedition in August 2001 dug through a clay siphon and discovered a 430-meter-long gallery with many passages. Therefore, the deepest cave in Russia has every chance of becoming even deeper.

What we have we don’t value

Unfortunately, the natural beauty around us often goes unnoticed. The Caucasus is rich unique caves, most of which are known only to a narrow circle of caving tourists. They often do the most interesting things there. archaeological finds, discover the remains of former civilizations and bones of long-extinct animals. Many caves are just at the beginning of their exploration, such as the Gudukala cave near the village of Bedyk in Kabardino-Balkaria, while others are just waiting for their discoverers.

Those wishing to try their hand at caving should take into account that caves usually have high humidity and consistently low temperatures. It is worth remembering that descending into bottomless voids alone and without special training can be life-threatening.


22.10.2015 15.03.2017 - admin


The ancient sign of the mystical swastika - a symbol of light, sun and prosperity is found on the stones of the ancient Caucasus. Such signs were also discovered in the area of ​​the Kabardino-Balkarian village of Zayukovo in the Baksan Gorge. Carved in stone next to the swastikas, modern, as the Arabic call them, numbers make it clear that these signs were not carved by the ancient Aryans who once inhabited the region.

But other Aryans visited here, much later. The Nazi mountain division "Edelweiss" did not reach these places. However, according to the testimony of contemporaries, representatives of the Ahnenerbe, a thoroughly mystical organization built, however, into the structure of the SS and Nazism, actively walked throughout the entire part of the Caucasus occupied by the fascists. Occultists and mystics in uniform sought confirmation of their misanthropic theory about the superiority of the Aryan race and longed for the possession of ancient powerful artifacts. There were rumors that they were looking for the “Grail”, supposedly hidden in one of the Caucasian caves. Apparently, it was these people who marked the places that most interested them with their coat of arms. Nowadays, local history enthusiasts Maria and Viktor Kotlyarovs drew attention to these symbols. In the area where the swastikas were located in the Baksan Gorge, it was discovered, which may become one of greatest discoveries recent times. Getting into the cave is not so easy; to do this you need to have good climbing skills.

The entrance to the cave is located at an altitude of about a thousand meters above sea level, and is a hole extending into the thickness of the rocks measuring approximately forty centimeters by twenty meters. Further deep into the mountain there is a vertical shaft, into which you can only go down with a rope. The mine is narrow, and without psychological preparation, brought about by long periods of speleology, attempting to descend can cause psychological breakdowns. At the first stage, the walls of the shaft consist of two monolithic stone slabs standing vertically, the other two walls are lined with small stones. No sounds penetrate into the thickness of the rocks, and the oppressive silence also puts powerful pressure on the researcher’s psyche.
At a depth of nine meters, the mine has a break - a small horizontal hole that again breaks into the abyss. After another twenty-three meters there is a new break and a new vertical descent.
The total depth of the mine reaches eighty meters, and the dive time even for experienced specialists from the Kosmopoisk organization is at least an hour. The staff of this expedition dubbed the complex of tunnels leading deep into the mountain a “bottleneck.” They called the hall into which the researcher finds himself, having reached the bottom, a “flask.” This hall is a large, completely dark room, in which, in the light of the lanterns, you can see a huge column, as if floating in the air. The column does not reach the ceiling of the cave and does not rest against its bottom; it is attached to the wall only by its rear edge; this connection seems to be unreliable, however, as scientists suggest, it has been “hovering” in this way for about five thousand years.

From the gloomy and majestic hall of this grandiose cave, multiple tunnels go into the thickness of the rocks. All of them are absolutely unsuitable for moving a person. You can only stick your head into the widest ones and try to see where they lead, but you can hardly stick your hand into the narrow ones. Cosmopoisk scientists hope to further explore them using the latest equipment, including seismic equipment.
In the meantime, the main discovery is that the cave is... man-made! Its walls are lined with stone blocks roughly corresponding to those used in the construction of the famous Egyptian pyramids. The weight of each “pebble” is approximately two hundred tons.
Five thousand years ago, the mysterious people who inhabited these places built this structure. He found it necessary to carry out gigantic engineering work. Giant stone blocks were moved and placed in narrow passages. Why the ancient inhabitants of the Caucasus did this is one of the greatest mysteries.

However, a number of researchers believe that this structure was originally located on the surface. This, in particular, can be evidenced by the walls of the “flask”. One of them is uneven and rough, that is, the same as the surface of rocks usually is. The other three walls are made of , between which not only a knife blade, but also a needle cannot pass.
Scientists believe that the structure was once attached to the rock. When the builders abandoned it, it was covered over thousands of years with stones falling from the mountains, and sedimentary rocks held these stones together with a strength superior to the best modern cements. However, even if the construction was carried out on the surface, it is still completely unclear how these huge stone monoliths were moved and stacked one on top of the other. The level of development of ancient technology known to us allows us to assert that this is completely impossible. However, this structure can be seen and touched.

The discovered cave was immediately christened “ underground city", and researchers began to look for rooms for people to live. However, it turned out that the cave in the Baksan Gorge is absolutely not suitable for human habitation.
"" researcher Vadim Chernobrov believes that this should be the case. In his opinion, this is not a dwelling at all, but an ancient industrial complex, a kind of analogue of modern industrial enterprises, but it’s unclear what it could produce. Chernobrov is sure that this is the oldest generator and resonator of energies forgotten in our time. Whether this is so is a matter of further careful and long-term research. The method of analogies cannot be used in this case - nothing similar has been found anywhere on Earth.
