Pyramid of Cheops, Egypt. Dimensions, interesting facts, construction, what's inside, secrets

Daria Nessel | Dec 21, 2016

The Pyramid of Cheops (Pyramid of Khufu) is one of the most famous and the only one that has survived to this day, which anyone who comes to Cairo can see. Its age dates back to approximately 2500 BC. For about fifty hundred years it has been towering, surprising and striking with its size, in the burning Egyptian desert. This unique complex has been studied for centuries. More than one generation of Egyptologists and archaeologists have “broken many copies” by arguing over its purpose and methods of construction. Thanks to the pyramid of Khufu (whom the Greeks called Cheops), the science of pyramidology appeared. Adherents of unconventional teachings and magicians of all times also put forward their own speculations describing the genesis of this grandiose creation.

Versions about the methods of building the Cheops pyramid

The Pyramid of Cheops was built by the architect and chief Hemiun, a cousin or nephew of the supreme ruler himself. The methods used by the Egyptians in its construction were forgotten and lost due to wars, civil strife, unfavorable weather conditions, which fell on Ancient Egypt, when no memories remained of its former wealth and power.

There are many interpretations explaining how the Cheops pyramid was built. The first was proposed by Herodotus, who visited Egypt in the 5th century BC. and left detailed description what he saw. According to him, more than 100,000 slaves were involved in the construction, many of whom died in this difficult work. Using wooden levers, they lifted huge basalt blanks to the desired level. This option does not stand up to criticism, since it is problematic to imagine such levers capable of supporting almost a three-ton stone and lifting it to a height of more than 140 meters (residents of the Nile Valley at that time did not know what a wheel and a block were).

Another version is to use an embankment built around the building as it grows. If we adhere to this point of view, then the volume of excavation work performed will also require a huge number of workers.

Meanwhile, the most modern archaeological finds indicate that near the construction site there was a settlement where about 4,500 people lived, permanently employed in the construction of the tomb. These people were not slaves, they ate well and had good homes. It is estimated that up to 20,000 Egyptians were employed in temporary work after agricultural work ended.

The third is the use of a spiral external ramp around the entire perimeter. But its use did not provide an explanation of how the inner chamber was made, where the pharaoh’s sarcophagus is located, located 50 m above the base, and where one relatively narrow corridor leads.

Pyramid of Khufu - sparkling crystal of Egypt

The Pyramid of Cheops in Egypt is a geometric body with a square base with a perimeter of 922 m, with a height from the base of 146 m (original, now 138 m). The angle of inclination of its geometrically ideal faces was 51 degrees. It is lined with limestone blocks of 2.5 tons.

In the center there are three rooms made of five-ton polished granite blocks, in one of which there is a sarcophagus of the pharaoh. The purpose of the two smaller chambers located above it is unknown. According to the latest assumptions, they serve as a shock absorber to prevent the “king’s chambers” from being crushed. The entire cavity of the building, except for the tunnel leading to the rooms and down below the base, as well as two ventilation drifts, is completely filled with monoliths.

Until 1168, Khufu's tomb was lined with polished elements made of soft material, which made it look like crystal sparkling in the sun. Subsequently, the cladding was used by the people of Cairo to restore their city after the Arab invasion. Total weight the monument resting on a carved rock base, over 5 million tons. Even with today's advanced technologies and techniques, it is difficult to imagine a way to firmly construct this miracle of architecture.

Theories for the creation of the Cheops pyramid

French architect Jean Pierre Roudin became interested in Khufu's pyramid in 1999 and devoted 10 years of his hard work to it. As a professional designer, he wanted to understand what technical techniques people used almost 5,000 years ago to build it. The result of his examination was the conclusion: the ancient Egyptians used an internal ramp during construction, which grew along with the pyramid and repeated its perimeter, with an inclination angle of no higher than 7 degrees (a steeper rise makes it impossible to move stone parallelepipeds on wooden rollers and runners).

Jean Pierre explained the impeccable execution of geometric proportions by the fact that first the front polished blocks were laid along the intended lines, then two more internal rows of already unpolished, but correctly marked slabs were aligned along them, and then the empty space was filled with roughly sawn limestone. His theory explained how the granite parallelepipeds of the pharaoh's burial chamber were raised and installed at a 50-meter height.

This theory would be recognized as reliable and final if there were voids in the thickness of the Cheops pyramid that remained after construction ceased and indicated the presence of internal ramps. But so far there is no such confirmation.

All experts agree that some parts of Khufu’s pyramid were made at a high technological level that would not have been possible 4000 years ago. So, for example, granite pieces of the structure are cut out of the rock with such precision that it is not possible to insert even a knife blade into the gap between them.

The very fact of Khufu’s burial raises many questions: the granite sarcophagus for his mummy was unfinished, carried out without proper care, and no traces of burial were found. The presence of 15 and 35 ton granite stones in the masonry also cannot be explained. Such inconsistencies have given rise to theories about the divine origin of the pyramid at Giza. Since the end of the 19th century, the Cheops pyramid has become a place of pilgrimage for followers of various esoteric movements and those interested in magic, who proclaimed it the habitat of spirits and demons.

Edgar Cayce, the most famous of all occultists (1877-1945), proclaimed that it was created by the Atlanteans 10,000 BC to escape the Great Flood, and that it contained the lost wisdom of an advanced civilization.

The beginning of the space age gave birth to the fabrication of the involvement of aliens in its construction. The most popular author of one of these conclusions, the Swiss Erich von Däniken, hypothesized that the Cheops pyramid was constructed by aliens to store the bodies of representatives of foreign civilizations who died on Earth; and the god Ra, whom the local population worshiped, is an alien, and all the myths and religion of this period are simply a distorted reflection of reality. Careful geometric and astronomical research led to unexpected discoveries that can be attributed either to random coincidences or to patterns:

  • the ratio of base to height is approximately 3.14 (pi);
  • the direction of the corridor and ventilation shafts coincides with the location in the sky of the North Star, the stars Sirius and Alnitak.

The latter led to the emergence of the theory that the Cheops pyramid was nothing more than an astronomical observatory.

In the 60–70s of the 20th century. a new surge of interest in this object occurred due to the experiment of the Czech Karel Dribal, who placed a dull razor inside a cardboard copy (15 cm) of the pyramid, and after a few days its initial sharpness returned.

When they were removing fragments of stones from near Khufu's pyramid, they noticed a closed triangular chamber consisting of heavy limestone slabs. This was in 1955. Having lifted the slab with the image of Jephedra, they found a huge boat consisting of 1224 parts. It was a large boat made of Lebanese cedar. It consisted of 2 cabins and could float on water while operating 10 oars. The acacia fragments required repair. The rook took 10 years to assemble. In 1971 it was exhibited at the Solar Boat Museum.

There was also a second chamber; it was not opened for a long time. But in 1987, another smaller boat was found by radar. It is poorly preserved. In 2008, money was allocated for excavations, and in 2011 its parts were raised to the top.

Even in ancient times, the Egyptians themselves called Pharaoh Cheops Khnum-Khufu. The ruler himself called himself “the second sun.” Europeans learned about it thanks to Herodotus. The ancient historian dedicated several stories to life. His entire work is called “History”. It was Herodotus who approved the Greek reading of the name of the pharaoh - Cheops. The scientist believed that the ruler was known as a tyrant and despot. But there are a number of lifetime sources that speak of Cheops as a far-sighted and wise ruler.

The Rise of Ancient Egypt

The reign date of Pharaoh Cheops is supposedly 2589-2566 BC. e. or 2551-2528 BC. e. He was the second representative of the fourth royal dynasty. The reign of Pharaoh Cheops was the heyday of the country. By this time, Lower and Upper Egypt had already united into one strong state. The king was considered a living god. That is why his power seemed absolutely limitless. The power of the Egyptian pharaohs directly influenced the development of the economy. Economic growth contributed to the progress of political and cultural life.

Despite this, there is not much information about the pharaoh. The main sources are the works of the ancient historian Herodotus. However, this work is most likely based on legends rather than on historical facts. And therefore this work, in fact, has nothing to do with reality. However, several sources about the life of Cheops are quite reliable.

Photos of Pharaoh Cheops, unfortunately, could not be preserved. In the article you have the opportunity to see images of his tomb and sculptural creations.

Activities of the ruler

The reign of Pharaoh Cheops lasted more than two decades. He was considered the second sun and had a rather stern character. He had several wives and, accordingly, many children.

He was also known for the fact that during his reign new cities and settlements were constantly built on the banks of the Nile. So, Pharaoh founded famous fortress in Buchen.

In addition, many religious objects appeared, including, of course, the Pyramid of Cheops. But we will return to this issue a little later.

By the way, according to Herodotus, the ruler closed the temples. He saved, and all resources went to the construction of his pyramid. However, judging by Egyptian sources, the pharaoh donated to religious objects with enviable generosity and was still an active temple builder. In many ancient drawings, the pharaoh was depicted precisely as the creator of villages and cities.

As a statesman, Pharaoh Cheops was periodically forced to send his army to the Sinai Peninsula. His goal is the destruction of nomadic tribes who were robbing local traders.

Also in this territory, the ruler tried to control deposits of copper and turquoise. It was he who first began to develop the deposits of alabaster, which are located in Hatnub.

In the south of the country, the pharaoh carefully monitored the extraction of Aswan pink granite, which was used for construction.

Architect of the tomb

In history, the name of this ruler is primarily associated with his pyramid. It is recognized as one of the seven wonders of the world. The tomb is located in Giza. It is near modern Cairo.

It is worth noting that Cheops was not the first pharaoh for whom a pyramid was built. The founder of such constructions was, after all, the ruler Djoser. Khnum-Khufu built the largest tomb.

The pyramid of Pharaoh Cheops was built around the year 2540 BC. e. The head of the construction work and the architect was one of the ruler’s relatives. His name was Hemiun. He served as vizier. Another Egyptian official who participated in the construction of the pyramid is also known - Merrer. He kept diary entries, with the help of which modern scientists learned that this figure often came to one of the limestone quarries. It was there that the blocks for the construction of the tomb were produced.

Construction progress

Preparatory work took several years, as the workers first had to build the road. Material for the construction was dragged along it. The construction of the pyramid lasted almost two decades. According to some sources, about one hundred thousand workers were involved in the construction process. But only 8,000 people could build the facility at the same time. Every 3 months the workers replaced each other.

Peasants also took part in the construction of the monumental structure. True, they could only do this when the Nile was flooding. During this period, all agricultural work was curtailed.

The Egyptians who built the pyramid were given not only food and clothing, but also a salary.

Exterior of the tomb

Initially, the height of the tomb was almost 147 meters. However, due to a series of earthquakes and the advance of sand, several blocks collapsed. Thus, today the height of the pyramid is 137.5 m. The length of one side of the tomb is 230 m.

The tomb is made of 2.3 million stone blocks. In this case, no binding solution was provided at all. The weight of each block varies from 2.5 to 15 tons.

There are burial chambers inside the tomb. One of them is called the “queen’s chamber.” At the same time, representatives of the weaker sex were traditionally buried in separate small tombs. In any case, at the foot of the pyramid there are tombs of Cheops women and nobles.

Solar boats

Near the tomb, archaeologists discovered the so-called “solar boats” - these are ceremonial boats. According to legend, on them the ruler makes his voyage to the afterlife.

In 1954, scientists found the first ship. The material used was construction without nails at all. The length of the structure is almost 40 m, and the width is 6 m.

Surprisingly, the researchers were able to identify that there were traces of silt on the boat. Perhaps during his lifetime the ruler moved along it along the Nile and the coastal waters of the Mediterranean. Steering and rowing oars were found on the boat, and superstructures with cabins were placed on the deck.

The second Cheops vessel was discovered relatively recently. It was located in the hiding place of the pyramid.

Empty sarcophagus

However, the body of the legendary pharaoh was not found. In the ninth century, one of the caliphs was able to enter the tomb. He was surprised that there were no signs of looting or break-in. But there was no mummy of Cheops; instead, only an empty sarcophagus remained.

At the same time, the structure was interpreted precisely as a tomb. Perhaps the ancient Egyptians deliberately built a false tomb to deceive potential robbers. The fact is that at one time the burial place of Cheops’ mother was robbed, and her mummy was stolen. The thieves took the body so that they could then remove the jewelry in a calm atmosphere.

At first, Cheops was not informed about the disappearance of the mummy. They only told him about the fact of the looting. After this, the pharaoh was forced to order the reburying of her mother’s body, but in fact they had to carry out the ritual with an empty sarcophagus.

There is a version that the ruler’s mummy was buried in another, modest tomb. And the pyramid itself was the posthumous abode of the spirit of a powerful king.

Descendants of the Pharaoh

When Pharaoh Cheops (ruled 2589-2566 BC or 2551-2528 BC) passed away, the son of the great ruler became the ruler of the state. His name was Djedefra. There are very few facts about his reign. It is known that he reigned for only eight years. During this time, he managed to build the second tallest tomb in this area. Unfortunately, back in those ancient times, the Djedefre pyramid was also not only looted, but also partially destroyed.

In addition, a number of historians believe that it was this offspring of Cheops who was able to build the Great Sphinx in his time. This statue was erected in memory of his father. Egyptologists believe that the body of the mythical creature was made of solid limestone. However, his head was made later. Note that many scientists claim that the face of the Sphinx is very similar in appearance to the appearance of Cheops.

Subsequent rulers of the dynasty also continued to build pyramids. But the last king of the fourth dynasty, named Shepeskaf, no longer built monumental tombs, since the heyday of Ancient Egypt came to naught. The state found itself in a state of decline. The descendants of Cheops no longer allowed themselves to waste resources on colossal structures. Thus, the time of the great pyramids remains in the distant past. But the great tomb of Cheops, which is considered one of the surviving to this day.

The most ancient wonder of the world, which we can still admire now, is the Pyramid of Cheops. Shrouded in myths and legends, the Egyptian pyramid was the largest and tallest structure for many millennia. Khufu (another name for the pyramid) is located in Giza - the most popular tourist destination.

History of the pyramids

The pyramids in Egypt are practically the main attraction of the country. There are many hypotheses related to their origin and construction. But they all converge on one important conclusion: the pyramids in Egypt are impressive tombs for the great inhabitants of the country (in those days these were the pharaohs). The Egyptians believed in the afterlife and life after death. It was believed that only a few were worthy of continuing the path of life after death - these were the pharaohs themselves, their families and the slaves who were constantly close to the rulers. Images of slaves and servants were painted on the walls of tombs so that after their death they could continue to serve their king. According to the ancient religion of the Egyptians, man had two inner souls, Ba and Ka. Ba left the Egyptian after his death, and Ka always acted as a virtual double and waited for him in the world of the dead.

To ensure that the pharaoh did not need anything in the afterlife, food, weapons, kitchen utensils, gold and much more were left in the pyramid tomb. In order for the body to remain unchanged and wait for the second soul of Ba, it was necessary to preserve it. This is how the birth of body embalming and the need to create pyramids arose.

The emergence of pyramids in Egypt dates back to the construction of the pyramid of Pharaoh Djoser 5 thousand years ago. The outer walls of the first pyramid were in the form of steps, which symbolized the ascent to heaven. The height of the structure was 60 meters with many corridors and several tombs. Djoser's chamber was located in the underground part of the pyramid. From the royal tomb, several more passages were made leading to small chambers. They contained all the accessories for the further afterlife of the Egyptians. Closer to the east, chambers for the entire family of the pharaoh were found. The structure itself was not so huge compared to the pyramid of Pharaoh Cheops, whose height was almost 3 times greater. But it is with the pyramid of Djoser that the history of the emergence of all Egyptian pyramids begins.

Very often in the photo of the Cheops pyramid you can see two more pyramids standing nearby. These are the famous pyramids of Herfen and Mekerin. It is these three pyramids that are considered the most important assets of the country. The height of the Cheops pyramid significantly distinguishes it from the others located nearby and other pyramids in Egypt. Initially, the walls of the structure were smooth, but after a long period of years they began to crumble. If you look at modern photos pyramids of Cheops, you can see the relief of the facade and its unevenness, formed over millennia.

Birth of the Cheops Pyramid

According to the official version, the Pyramid of Cheops was built in the fall of 2480 BC. Date of first occurrence ancient miracle light, many historians and researchers dispute, giving arguments in favor of their arguments. Construction Great Pyramid lasted about 2-3 decades. More than one hundred thousand inhabitants of ancient Egypt and the best craftsmen of that time took part in it. First of all, a large road was built for the delivery of building materials, then underground passages and a mine. Most of the time was spent on the construction of the upper part of the pyramid - the walls and internal passages and tombs.

There are very interesting feature buildings: the height of the Cheops pyramid in its original form and the width were 147 meters. Due to the sands filling the base of the building and sprinkling of the facing part, it decreased by 10 meters and is now 137 meters in height. The giant tomb was built mainly from huge blocks of limestone and granite, weighing about 2.5 tons, which were carefully polished so as not to lose the ideal shape of the structure. And in the tomb of the most ancient pharaoh, granite blocks were found, the weight of which reached almost 80 tons. According to Egyptologists, about 2,300,000 huge stones were needed, which cannot but impress us all.

Doubts associated with the construction of the pyramid were that in those dark times There were no special machines or devices at all capable of lifting and ideally stacking heavy blocks at a certain slope. Some believed that more than a million people took part in the construction, others that the blocks were lifted by a lifting mechanism. Everything was so thought out and as perfect as possible that without the use of concrete mortar and cement, the stones were laid in such a way that it was completely impossible to insert even thin paper between them! There is an assumption that the pyramid was created not by people at all, but by aliens or another force unknown to man.

We are based specifically on the fact that the pyramids are still the creation of people. In order to quickly remove a stone of the required size and shape from the rock, its outlines were made. A conventional shape was carved out, and dry wood was inserted there. It was regularly watered with water, the moisture made the tree grow larger, and under its pressure a crack formed in the rock. Now a large block was removed and given the required shape and size. The stones for construction were redirected along the river by huge boats.

To lift heavy boulders to the top, massive sleds made of wood were used. Along the gentle slope, the stones were lifted one after another by teams of hundreds of slaves.

Pyramid device

The entrance to the pyramid was not originally where it is now. It had the shape of an arch and was located on the northern side of the building with a height of more than 15 meters. In an attempt to rob the great tomb in 820, a new entrance was made, already at a height of 17 meters. But Caliph Abu Jafar, who wanted to enrich himself with the loot, did not find any jewelry or valuable things and left with nothing. It is this passage that is now open to tourists.

The pyramid consists of several long corridors leading to the tombs. Immediately after the entrance there is a common corridor that diverges into 2 tunnels leading to the central and lower part of the pyramid. For some reason, the chamber below was not completed. There is also a narrow loophole, behind which there is only a dead end and a three-meter well. Climbing up the corridor, you will find yourself in the Great Gallery. If you take the first left and walk a little, you will see the chamber of the ruler's wife. And along the corridor above is the largest one - the tomb of the pharaoh himself.

The beginning of the gallery is interesting because there is a long and narrow almost vertical Grotto built there. There is an assumption that he was there even before the foundation of the pyramid itself. Narrow passages about 20 centimeters wide were made from both tombs of the pharaoh and his wife. Presumably they were made for ventilation of the wards. There is another version that these passages and corridors are indicators of the stars: Sirius, Alnitaki and Thuban and that the pyramid served as a place for astronomical research. But there is another opinion - according to the belief in the afterlife, the Egyptians believed that the soul returned from heaven through channels.

There is one important and interesting fact - the construction of the pyramid was carried out strictly at one angle of 26.5 degrees. There is every reason to assume that the inhabitants of antiquity were very well versed in geometry and the exact sciences. Just look at the proportional, even corridors and ventilation ducts.

Not far from the pyramid itself, Egyptian cedar boats were found during excavations. They were made of pure wood without a single nail. One of the ball's boats is divided into 1224 parts. The restorer Ahamed Yussuf Mustafa managed to assemble it. To achieve this, the architect had to spend 14 years; such high patience in the name of science can only be envied. Today the assembled boat can be admired in the bizarrely shaped museum. It is located on the south side of the Great Pyramid.

Unfortunately, you cannot shoot video or take photographs inside the pyramid itself. But you can take many incredible pictures against the backdrop of this creation. Various souvenirs are also sold here so that an excursion to these enchanting places can remind you of itself for a long time.

Photos of the Cheops pyramid, of course, do not reflect all the greatness and uniqueness of this structure. With us you will plunge into history and look at the world with different eyes!

The Pyramid of Cheops is a legacy of ancient Egyptian civilization; all tourists coming to Egypt try to see it. It amazes the imagination with its grandiose size. The weight of the pyramid is about 4 million tons, its height is 139 meters, and its age is 4.5 thousand years. It still remains a mystery how people built the pyramids in those ancient times. It is not known for certain why these majestic structures were erected.

Legends of the Cheops Pyramid

Shrouded in mystery ancient egypt was once the most powerful country on Earth. Perhaps his people knew secrets that are still inaccessible to modern humanity. Looking at the huge stone blocks of the pyramid, which are laid with perfect precision, you begin to believe in miracles.

According to one legend, the pyramid served as a grain storage facility during the great famine. These events are described in the Bible (Book of Exodus). Pharaoh had a prophetic dream, warning of a series of lean years. Joseph, the son of Jacob, sold into slavery by his brothers, managed to unravel Pharaoh's dream. The ruler of Egypt instructed Joseph to organize the procurement of grain, appointing him as his first adviser. The storage facilities must have been huge, given that they fed many nations for seven years when there was famine on Earth. The slight discrepancy in dates - about 1 thousand years old - is explained by adherents of this theory by the inaccuracy of carbon analysis, through which archaeologists determine the age of ancient buildings.

According to another legend, the pyramid served to transfer the material body of the pharaoh into upper world Gods. Amazing fact is that inside the pyramid where the sarcophagus for the body is located, the mummy of the pharaoh was not found, which the robbers could not take. Why did the rulers of Egypt build such huge tombs for themselves? Was their goal really to build a beautiful mausoleum that testified to greatness and power? If the construction process took several decades and required enormous amounts of labor, it means that the final goal of constructing the pyramid was vitally important to the pharaoh. Some researchers believe that we know very little about the level of development ancient civilization, the mysteries of which are yet to be discovered. The Egyptians knew the secret of eternal life. It was acquired by the pharaohs after death, thanks to technology that was hidden inside the pyramids.

Some researchers believe that the Cheops pyramid was built by a great civilization even more ancient than the Egyptian one, about which we know nothing. And the Egyptians only restored existing ancient buildings and used them at their own discretion. They themselves did not know the intention of the forerunners who built the pyramids. The Forerunners could be giants of the Antediluvian civilization or inhabitants of other planets who flew to Earth in search of a new homeland. The gigantic size of the blocks from which the pyramid is built is easier to imagine as a convenient building material for ten-meter giants than for ordinary people.

One more interesting legend I would like to mention the Cheops pyramid. They say that inside the monolithic structure there is a secret room in which there is a portal that opens paths to other dimensions. Thanks to the portal, you can instantly find yourself at a selected point in time or on another inhabited planet of the Universe. It was carefully hidden by the builders for the benefit of people, but will soon be found. The question remains whether modern scientists will understand the ancient technologies to take advantage of the discovery. In the meantime, archaeological research in the pyramid continues.

In the era of antiquity, when the Greco-Roman civilization began to flourish, ancient philosophers compiled a description of the most outstanding architectural monuments on Earth. They were called the "Seven Wonders of the World." They included Hanging Gardens Babylon, the Colossus of Rhodes and other majestic buildings built before our era. The Pyramid of Cheops, as the oldest, is in first place on this list. This wonder of the world is the only one that has survived to this day; all the others were destroyed many centuries ago.

According to the descriptions of ancient Greek historians great pyramid shone in the rays of the sun, shimmering with a warm golden shine. It was lined with meter-thick limestone slabs. The smooth white limestone, decorated with hieroglyphs and designs, reflected the sands of the surrounding desert. Local residents later dismantled the cladding for their homes, which they lost as a result of the devastating fires. Perhaps the top of the pyramid was decorated with a special triangular block made of precious material.

Around the Cheops pyramid in the valley is located the whole city dead. Dilapidated buildings mortuary temples, two others large pyramids and several smaller tombs. A huge statue of a sphinx with a broken nose, which was recently restored, is carved from a monolithic block of gigantic proportions. It was taken from the same quarry as the stones used to build the tombs. Once upon a time, ten meters from the pyramid there was a three-meter thick wall. Perhaps it was intended to protect the royal treasures, but it could not stop the robbers.

History of construction

Scientists still cannot come to a consensus on how ancient people built the Cheops pyramid from huge blocks of stone. Based on the drawings found on the walls of others, it was assumed that workers cut each block into the rocks and then dragged it to the construction site along a ramp made of cedar. History does not have a consensus on who was involved in the work - peasants for whom there was no other work during the Nile flood, slaves of the pharaoh or hired workers.

The difficulty is that the blocks had to not only be delivered to the construction site, but also raised to a great height. The Pyramid of Cheops before its construction was the most tall building on Earth. Modern architects see the solution to this problem differently. According to the official version, primitive mechanical blocks were used for lifting. It’s scary to imagine how many people died during construction using this method. When the ropes and straps holding the block broke, it could crush dozens of people with its weight. It was especially difficult to install the upper block of the building at a height of 140 meters above the ground.

Some scientists suggest that ancient people had the technology to control Earth's gravity. The blocks weighing more than 2 tons, from which the Cheops pyramid was built, could be moved with ease using this method. The construction was carried out by hired workers who knew all the secrets of the craft, under the leadership of the nephew of Pharaoh Cheops. There were no human sacrifices, backbreaking labor of slaves, only the art of construction, which reached the highest technologies that are inaccessible to our civilization.

The pyramid has the same base on each side. Its length is 230 meters and 40 centimeters. Amazing accuracy for ancient uneducated builders. The density of the stones is so great that it is impossible to insert a razor blade between them. An area of ​​five hectares is occupied by one monolithic structure, the blocks of which are connected with a special solution. There are several passages and chambers inside the pyramid. There are ventilation holes facing different directions of the world. The purpose of many interior spaces remains a mystery. The robbers took away everything valuable long before the first archaeologists entered the tomb.

The pyramid is currently listed cultural heritage UNESCO. Her photo adorns many Egyptian tourist brochures. In the 19th century, Egyptian authorities wanted to dismantle the huge monolithic blocks of ancient structures to build dams on the Nile River. But labor costs far outweighed the benefits of work, so monuments ancient architecture stand to this day, delighting pilgrims in the Giza Valley.

The Pyramid of Cheops is a rare case in Egyptology when we can be sure who owns the monument. Often the ancient monuments of Egypt were appropriated by later rulers. The technology of appropriation was very simple - the name of the pharaoh-builder (cartouche) was simply lost from the inscriptions in the temple or in the tomb, and another name was knocked out.

This phenomenon was very common. Take, for example, the famous Pharaoh Tutankhamun. Until 1922, when archaeologist Howard Carter dug up, Egyptologists doubted the existence of this ruler. There was almost no written evidence about him; everything was destroyed by subsequent pharaohs.

In the 19th century, archaeologists often used very barbaric research methods. In the Cheops pyramid, gunpowder explosions were used to find hidden rooms. You can still see traces of such methods on the surfaces of structures (see photo on the left).

During this study, small rooms were discovered above the main burial chamber. Explorers rushed there in the hope of finding treasure, but, of course, there was nothing there except dust.

These rooms, only 1 meter in height, had a purely technical purpose. These are unloading chambers; they protect the ceiling of the burial chamber from collapse and relieve mechanical stress. But it was on the walls of these unloading chambers that scientists discovered inscriptions made by ancient builders.

These were block markings. Just as we now put a label on a product, the ancient Egyptian foremen marked the blocks: “This block is for the pyramid of Khufu, produced at that time, laid at that time.” These inscriptions cannot be fake; they prove that this structure was built by Cheops.

A little about Pharaoh Cheops

In the last paragraph we used the name “Khufu”. This is the official Egyptian name of this pharaoh. Cheops is the Greek interpretation of his name, and not the most common one. Other pronunciations “Cheops” or “Kiops” are more common.

The name “Khufu” is more common in the world. If you are going on an excursion to Giza with a Russian-speaking guide, then there will be no problems, he will be aware of this phonetic difference. But if you communicate with local residents or tourists from other countries, we recommend using the name “Khufu”.

Although Pharaoh Khufu is one of the, it is impossible to write much about him. We know very little about him.

In addition to the fact of the construction of this pyramid, we know that Khufu organized expeditions to develop useful resources in the Sinai Peninsula. That's all. To this day, only two artifacts have survived from Khufu - giant pyramid 137 meters high and a small ivory figurine only 7.5 centimeters high (pictured on the right).

Pharaoh Cheops remained in people's memory as a tyrant ruler who forced people to work on grandiose construction. We can read about this in the works of the Greek historian Herodotus, who visited Egypt and recorded the stories of the priests.

Surprisingly, his father Pharaoh Snofru remained in people's memory as a very kind ruler, although he built as many as three pyramids (and) and overstrained the country twice as much as Cheops.
