White Sand Beach in Bali is the only normal swimming beach. So, here's what you can see nearby

Virgin beach, or White Sand Beach in Bali was opened for us by the guys with whom we lived in Ubud at Villa Santa Mandala (by the way, I highly recommend it).

Quiet paradise in Bali - White Sand Beach

So, White Sand Beach is not so well known to the average tourist. You can get here just thanks to friends who have been living in Bali for a long time. Quiet, emerald harbor with white sand, surrounded by cliffs and picturesque green palm forests.

We came here to relax and get acquainted with another piece of paradise from Amed beach and plunged into summer, because on Amed, it seemed that autumn had come. ๐Ÿ™‚ On the way from Amed Beach to White Sand Beach, we stopped for a walk along the shady alleys.

There are no hotels on White Sand Beach and you will be charged 3,000 rupees at the entrance. And then you'll have an off-road road, so take a more reliable car.

There are cafes on the shore, where there are a lot of goodies, including fresh grilled fish (for meat-eaters), rice with vegetables or noodles (this is for vegetarians) and a watermelon with ranbutans as a gift with an order. And for dessert, as always, Balinese coffee.

Welcome ๐Ÿ™‚

And here they are - ranbutans

And on the beach you can go snorkeling and swim in coral pools and meditate on colorful fish.

Climb the rocks.

By the way, they say there are considerable waves here, but we did not find them.

The landscape of the beach is decorated with a small island not so far from the coast.

Our guys on the beach had fun like this:

Feasting or Passing ๐Ÿ™‚

Beach joys

On White Sand Beach, you can just lie on a sun lounger under an umbrella and get a massage, 7000 rupees and an hour of relaxation.

And we got here under a tropical downpour.

Happiness ๐Ÿ™‚

And just at that time a flock of dolphins came close to the shore.

And I was happy with the wonderful Balinese girl and managed to capture her. Children in all countries and at all times are funny.

We spent a wonderful day at White Sand Beach, fully surrendering to the tropical sun by 5 pm we went home to Amed.

Come to Bali, it's true Paradise. ๐Ÿ™‚

P.S. Bonus photo of White Sand Beach over and over. ๐Ÿ™‚

White Sand Beach, whose second name is Virgin Beach, and locally Pantai Bias Putih, is considered the best on. According to others - one of the best. It is located in the east of Bali, near the village of Candidasa (for president - ha ha). The turn to the beach from the main road that goes further after Candidasa is completely inconspicuous, so you need to constantly ask the locals where White Sand Beach is. They all know him, the beach is famous, so they will always help. True, some said one thing, others another, so we drove back and forth for 10 minutes, constantly passing the right turn.

After this turn, you need to drive 5-7 minutes along a terrible road. We were surprised how it is possible not to make a good road to the beach, which is considered the best on the island! Upon entry, they charge 3,000 rupees per person (9 rubles). Then on the beach itself there are several cafes on the very shore. In general, parking there costs 5,000 rupees, but some man and woman called us to stop near their cafe for free, hoping that we would eat something from them (and we only drank a coconut). They gave us towels and offered to rent masks from them. on the right side of the beach is not bad. But we had our own, because. we were going to snorkel on the neighboring island of Bali Nusa Penida (Nusa Penida), but the ferries went there only at 14:00, and we arrived in the morning, so we changed our minds and went to Virgin Beach.

If you want the sea to be calm with a minimum of waves, then come to this beach when, according to the tide schedule, the water level is in the range from 0.5 to 1.5. If higher, then there will be quite large waves.

View of the beach from the hill:

Here is the beach itself - its left side.

There are many sun loungers, each cafe has its own. There are none in the center of the beach and on the right side.

It is completely incomprehensible why this beach is called White Sand, if the sand here is mixed white + black volcanic in equal parts. Unusual, by the way, it looks! I haven't seen this anywhere else.

View from the cafes.

View of the beach from the right side. Very nice beach, cozy!

On the east coast of Bali, almost all the beaches that are higher than Sanur are with black volcanic sand. However, there are pleasant exceptions, for example, snow-white White Sand Beach. It is located near Candidasa, right in front of the port of Padang Bai, we looked there on the way to Amed just out of curiosity. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Maps showed the way locals, because at first we got a little confused and turned into the port. You canโ€™t get to this beach on a bike, you need to go down the stairs, and itโ€™s quite steep, and follow the path on your own. Maybe I'm wrong, but we did not find another way.

We parked where the road ran into steps, and stomped on ourselves. Somewhere below, among the greenery, water of a beautiful turquoise color appeared, but there was no white sand. Only frozen lava:

Without losing hope, we continued our descent along a very steep staircase. We still had rather heavy backpacks with us, and the midday sun was hot as it could. On one side there is a rock, on the other - cactus thickets and a cliff.

On the way, we stared at the passing ships and mountains ๐Ÿ˜ƒ :

We still did not go down to the coveted beach:

But the place is also interesting.

Stairs again, only now back up. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

It turned out that we missed the right turn to the left:

Finally we got there and a beautiful picture opened up before our eyes. The beach is really beautiful, and the sand is white - in Bali, by the way, a rarity.

Although there is still an admixture of black sand:

The water of a beautiful turquoise color reminded us of Pantai Pandawa beach, only the bottom here is sandy and very pleasant. There are small waves.

There are several cafes and shops with sarongs on the beach, they can do a massage, and there seem to be even sunbeds. So although it is difficult to get here, the infrastructure is still there.

Here we spent quite a bit of time, as Amed was still waiting for us ahead. We swam, drank coconut and drove on. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

What makes the beach stand out from others is the combination of hardened black lava with white sand and turquoise water.

I have written several times already. I like it because there is not only a very beautiful turquoise sea, picturesque cliffs, and you can meet amazing sunrises, but also because it is less touristy and therefore calm, devoid of parties, but you canโ€™t call it pensioner))

If the southwestern part of the island took over the bulk of package tourists, built up with hotels of various stars, and also, due to the presence, turned out to be occupied by youth, surfers, then they go to the east to take a break from the bustle, for clear sea with the underwater world, for snorkeling and diving.

In Chandidas, it is impossible to drive past the lotus pond, it is right next to the road

Opened lotuses can be observed in the early morning from 6 to 8,

and later some of them are already closed, but in principle the pond is picturesque at any time of the day

We always stop here, even if not for a long time, just for a couple of minutes.

By the way, this huge pond can even be walked around in its entirety, which we also did more than once,

along the way you can go to the very shore with boats

On the way to Amed, at the exit from Chandidasa, on the right hand there is a picturesque path uphill (I talked about it), and a little further Observation deck- a favorite resting place for local dogs, tiled benches are cold even in the heat, so a midday dream is just right))

Well, the views are quite impressive.

On the opposite side of the sea there are village lands, walking along them sometimes on a clear day you can see this - the majestic Agung in all its glory

All tourists vacationing in Chandidas are certainly recommended to go for swimming and swimming at White Sand Beach, but for those who stopped like us, this beach still attracts, so let's go to it))

White Sand Beach (White Sand Beach), aka Virgin Beach

It's just an excellent beach, I tell you))

and in my opinion one of the best white sand beaches, at least in the eastern part of the island

True, at times, here you can find blotches and black sand,

after all, once upon a time, it was a black beach, of volcanic origin. Despite this, the water here is a stunning color - blue and clear,

and if you sail away from the coast, for example, towards that island

you can see a good underwater world - there are corals and tropical fish, so if you come here, take a mask with you. We, for example, always travel with swimming goggles.

Sometimes waves met us here, but this did not interfere with swimming, because you can somersault in them as much as you like without fear of hitting,

because the bottom here is completely sandy, at least in the central part of the beach, where all the sunbeds are concentrated

In the case of strong waves, it will not be possible to appreciate the beauty of the underwater sea and enjoy swimming. By the way, we most often got at just such a time ((but we admired the waves crashing against the rocks,

and walked along the shore, collecting shells. Sometimes such logs are thrown ashore by a wave

The beach is pleasant not only because it is located away from the road, but in general, which is located away from the main mass of tourist deployment - in a quiet part of the island, in the east,

and nearest tourist area located in Chandidas, which is 15-20 minutes by transport (all points on the map below).

The fact that the beach is far from the bustle of the village and the noise of the road, perhaps, cannot be called a minus, and with a great desire (and money) you can still live on the beach, there is one private villa there, the rooms in which, it seems, are even rented by the day, although there is no sign about renting with the ownerโ€™s phone now,

but according to eyewitnesses, living in the nearest village is much cheaper.

Although, at the same time, I cannot call this beach ideal, especially the "Bounty-style" beach. There are sun loungers and umbrellas, but there are no hanging hammocks

Yes, the coast is framed by beautiful rocks,

in some places picturesque stone cliffs are scattered,

but here, alas, there are almost no palm trees ... but at the same time it is green

You can relax on sun loungers under umbrellas, of which there are plenty. All of them belong to cafes, and are free for tourists, the main thing is to order something in a cafe.

The prices in the cafe are about the same, so itโ€™s better to focus on the location (and color =)) of sunbeds and umbrellas, if you want red ones, please

maybe purple or green? Sure, not a problem))

We chose free ones in the first row, 5 meters from the sea. I really want to lie around sometimes, sipping coconut or freshly squeezed juices through a straw,

watching the picture "legs in front of the beach"))

Almost everywhere you can order fresh whole fish and grilled seafood. The cost is very different, there are also for 200 and 400 thousand, but there are dishes and quite at adequate prices ๐Ÿ™‚

We ordered a fillet of some kind of fish with vegetables and rice, fish curry and 2 necks, the bill came out to 140 thousand rupees ($13)

In some cafes, in addition to Indonesian cuisine, European cuisine is presented, in the farthest from the entrance there is a large selection of Italian dishes, here it is Jepun Bali

Cafes fight for each visitor, many waiters run out to meet tourists who have just arrived at the beach, we were also intercepted by one enterprising waiter, and maybe the owner. They persuade in a variety of ways, someone offers a beach towel and, in addition, an extra one for the shower (in all cafes you can use not only the toilet, but also the shower after swimming), someone free rent a mask with flippers, someone a board (not surfing, of course, but especially children like to frolic on it in the sea foam).

In addition to cafes, there are a couple of local warungs and shops with tourist goods - swimwear, shorts, flip flops, swimming goggles and masks, some souvenirs

In addition, massage therapists roam past the sunbeds all the time, offering their services, we are skeptical about massage on the beach. From the outside, watching how our neighbors were doing, I can say that it is very unprofessional, from the series โ€œI care too muchโ€.

If the infrastructure is not needed, you can sunbathe on your poreo right on the sand, and if you move further away from the rocks, you can generally end up there alone, a complete idyll

The only thing is that the bottom under water on the outskirts of the beach is rocky in some places, in case of even small waves, I would not dare to swim there

Fishing boats add color to the beach - bright, colorful, colorful,

Several fishermen are also on duty here, they offer to swim further into the sea to snorkel or look at the neighboring beach in

On holidays, colorful ceremonies of offerings to the gods take place on the shore, we once got on one, quite unusual.

It is a pity that then all these offerings, although made of organic materials, are simply left on the shore, and willy-nilly they end up in the sea, so on the days of the ceremonies it is better to just walk along the shore.

Helpful information

Entrance to the beach is paid, but the price is ridiculous 3,000 rupees ($0.25) per person, for parking another 2-5 thousand, depending on the vehicle, even tickets are issued. You can drive up to the beach

The nearest hotels are here.

The location of the beach and a map with attractions in the area at the end of the article.

The main thing is not to pass by, although we had coordinates, when we drove for the first time, we missed the turn, it is too inconspicuous. But the signs are hanging there, so look carefully ๐Ÿ™‚

The road from the checkpoint goes down the hill, and besides, it is winding and with potholes, so it is not necessary to go to the very shore to the parking lot. We sometimes left the bike just at the entrance, and walked to the beach through a tamarind grove. Each time it was sour, apparently they fell into the off season, or maybe just such a wild variety.

In these parts there are several interesting sights that you can visit when going here on vacation.

If you want to see everything at once, you can fit in 1-2 trips or a couple of days if you stay in Chandidas.

Those who want to feel the Balinese culture, take a walk in the parks with pavilions, statues and palaces, should keep the path to Amlapura.

In this area there are 2 water palaces of the Balinese raja: an ancient one with a royal tomb, a view of the mountains and the ocean - and its โ€œyounger brotherโ€ with numerous fountains, a pond with golden carps and hot springs

If these palaces are not enough, then look at Pura Lempuyang in the neighborhood, I wrote a little about her in an article about

And, if you need extraordinary views, and at the same time you want active physical activity, there is an amazing trail from which you can see not only Agung, but also other mountain-hills, and the ocean with beaches in Chandidas.

If you get tired of White Sand Beach, then you can go to Tulamben, where you can go, and not so far is the port town of Padang Bai with diving schools and 3 stunning beaches -

From Padang Bai you can sail to the neighboring islands of Nusa Penida and Nusa Lembogan, which we did the other day)) I will tell you more about them.

The beaches described above are marked on the map below, use it to your health, if you liked this article or have already found it useful, do not forget to like it ๐Ÿ™‚

View Bali Beaches in a larger map

Also see the general map of Bali here.

Explore hotels in Chandidas

We send the aromas of the sea breeze, stay with us!

I dedicate this article to our favorite beach and cafe. Unfortunately, we don't have many photos of this beach. For some reason, here we were more relaxing than exploring. It must be the atmosphere. White Sand Beach is the only beach we visited several times :) And the Bali sea always pleased us with small waves that allowed us to swim. The sand on the beach is mostly white, but sometimes black is also shown - volcanic.

There are several cafes that constantly come up with different ways to lure tourists: either a free dessert, or a mask with a snorkel, or a discount, or a sunbed. We, obeying intuition, chose the Virgin Cafe and did not lose.

Virgin Cafe
Here they give free sunbeds, delicious food, reasonable prices and a dessert as a gift :))) The cost of our dishes: 60,000 rupees ($ 5) for Mahi-Mahi fish fillet ( or golden mackerel, which can reach 2 meters in length!!!), and 70,000 rupees ($6) for White Snapper fish ( snapper), which is also called "sea bass". There is also a Red Snapper and you can also order it in this cafe. Grilled fish is prepared and served with 4 types of sauces, french fries (or rice) and vegetables (string beans and carrots). Mahi-Mazi was drier than Snapper. But both fish are very tasty. Fresh prices - 12,000 rupees ($1).
While the main course is cooking, roasted peanuts are brought in. At the end, we were served a dessert gift: fruits and bananas fried in batter. Great place - highly recommend :)

When the weather permits and there are no waves, White Sand Beach will show the beautiful underwater world. Especially if you swim to this island:

Visitors to White Sand Beach are not afraid of even the rain:

Kids play in the water
Entrance to the beach is paid - 3000 rupees per person. Parking - 2000 rupees.

Vespa mopeds
The next time, the road was completely dug up so that it was impossible to pass, not to pass, and the package was moved to another place. Here is such a fight with "hares". But for the third time, we figured out where to put the moped in order to bypass the parking lot, so the struggle was unsuccessful :))

White Sand Beach (or Virgin beach) on the map:
