Beach holiday in February: where can you relax by the sea? Where to holiday abroad in February: choosing the best places Resorts where it’s warm in February.

Many people love it, and no wonder - for relatively little money the guest can travel to a country of ancient culture and exotic nature. Cost of tours to southern part Goa will be 650 USD, and to the north - about 950 USD. The difference in price is small, it all depends on preferences: the north is more suitable for party lovers, but the south is more suitable for people who come for comfort and peace.


Dominican Republic

Coast, tropics, sun - all this is the Dominican Republic. And February is the most suitable month for relaxing in Dominican resorts. You can come here with the whole family. Children are entertained by the entertainers, while adults discover the underwater world with diving and surfing lessons from experienced instructors. In February in the Dominican Republic it is sunny (+25...+35 °C), the sea is warm (+22...+27 °C), and despite all the fashionable resorts, prices for trips there remain affordable for the middle class.

Dominican Republic


The beaches of Mexico are rightfully considered the best in the world. And no wonder! The color of the water shimmers from turquoise near the shores to ultramarine on the horizon, and in combination with the lush greenery of the shores it looks very beautiful. It is very pleasant to walk on Mexican beaches barefoot - the sand here consists of crushed shell rock, even on the hottest afternoon it remains soft and cool. The air temperature in Mexico in February is +25...+36 °C, and the water warms up to +21...+24 °C.


An ecologically clean place with a rich historical heritage - that's what Cambodia is. Here you will not see smoking factory chimneys, traffic jams and crowds of people - only clean air, clear water and snow-white beaches. The weather in February is hot - +25...+35 °C, and the sea is warm and calm. Sometimes light rain is possible, but it will only freshen the air and bring with it a slight coolness.

Festivals and holidays in February

February is called the month of love all over the world - after all, on February 14 they celebrate St. Valentine's Day, the patron saint of all lovers. During the reign of Emperor Claudius, who was known to have a cruel temper, military men were not allowed to get engaged or marry. But no one could stop them from falling in love, and the soldiers, together with their lovers, found understanding with the priest Valentin, who secretly married them. When the emperor learned of such non-compliance with the law, he ordered Valentine to be arrested and imprisoned. And on February 14, the priest was beheaded. Much later he was canonized. To this day, the holiday of love is celebrated all over the world, and Valentine is considered the patron saint of lovers.

Brazilian carnival

The most popular and advertised carnival in the world. Every year more than 400 thousand tourists gather here. The spectacle is truly breathtaking: the city seems to be going crazy, there are songs everywhere, fiery samba, wine flowing like a river. Carnival masks allow you to behave as your heart desires, and no one will judge you for kissing among the crowd or dancing on the sidewalks.


In Cologne at the end of February, the Women's Day is where the real chaos is! Militant ladies cut off the ties of all the men they meet on the way to the city hall. The Venice Carnival starts at the end of February. Venice is besieged by tourists in all seasons, but many times more people come to this significant spectacle. The day before, a traditional beauty contest among Venetian girls is held. The opening of the carnival takes place in the main square of the city in front of St. Mark's Cathedral and includes a parade of carnival masks and costumes. The next day, at the same place exactly at noon, the traditional carnival dove is released into the sky: a mechanical bird will fly along a tight rope, signaling to the crowd that it’s time for the regatta - elegant gondoliers are waiting for spectators on the Grand Canal. Every day of the holiday is filled with spectacular events, fireworks, and costume performances.

Meanwhile in Belgium they celebrate Maslenitsa. The Belgian city of Binche hosts one of the most vibrant Maslenitsa carnivals in the world. On the first day there is a parade of carnival costumes, followed by youth and culinary days - you can try unusual and tasty dishes right on the streets of the city.

On the last day of the Maslenitsa carnival in Belgium, everyone dresses up as fairy-tale characters, and in this form the procession walks through the city while onlookers throw oranges at them.


And in Cuba they are smoking with all their might! It hosts an annual cigar festival at the end of February, attended by cigar retailers, consumers, manufacturers and collectors from around the world. Excursions to tobacco plantations, competitions, prizes, auctions - Cuban sophistication has long been recognized as the best on the planet.


Japan is also not far behind in terms of holidays. At the end of February, a grand flower show is held there - the Orchid Festival. The whole of Tokyo is filled with millions of orchids - a majestic and beautiful sight. The winner of the competition is paid a very significant cash prize, so participating in the festival is not only prestigious, but also profitable.

In mid-February, guests of Japan may be lucky enough to attend an unusual show - the Nudity Festival, which has a thousand-year tradition and marks the beginning of a new lunar year. Naked Japanese, covered only with a loincloth, warm themselves with sake and participate in a lottery through which the Divine Man will be determined. After the winner is chosen, the real fuss begins - touching the Divine, according to legend, brings happiness, so everyone tries to touch the lucky one, and given that a lot of people gather for the festival, one can imagine what a lot comes out of this venture.

When going on vacation in February 2020, many are wondering where to go on vacation. Most often, tourists are interested in where they can spend time at sea with their children and relax abroad without obtaining a visa. We offer you several countries where you can have a great time.

Countries where you can relax in February 2020

Winter in Russia lasts quite a long time, which is why many people want to go on vacation at this time at sea, and at the same time visit abroad without a visa. In order for tourists to choose where to go in February 2020, we offer countries with a visa-free regime.

Amazing holiday in Vietnam

Many tourists choose Vietnam. The country will delight you not only with its warm climate, but also with its rich excursion program. At the end of winter in Vietnam you can enjoy the hot summer sun, as the air temperature is +32 degrees. The sea is also quite warm, the water temperature is +27. In the north of the country it is a little cooler, but there is no rain during this period of time.

The best resorts where tourists most often choose are Nha Trang, Saigon, Phu Quoc. If you like active holidays, then in Vietnam you can go diving, go on safari tours, visit large number excursion places.

You can go to Hanoi, walk around hiking trails, visit tea and coffee plantations.

It is interesting to see how the Vietnamese grow pearls.

If you go on vacation with children, you should think in advance about how you will entertain the kids. You should definitely visit the Vinpearl Land entertainment complex. There is everything to entertain children of all ages. If you choose Nha Trang as your holiday destination, you should definitely go to a specially equipped area - there are carousels, swings, and a sandbox.

For Catholic Cathedral There is big park attractions. Roller coasters are especially popular with children. If you want your child to not only relax, but also learn something interesting, then be sure to go to the Oceanarium, which even has a whale skeleton.

Let's go to Sri Lanka

If you are looking for a peaceful holiday, then it is best to go to Sri Lanka. The country is unique, has ancient history, there are many monuments here historical heritage. Sri Lanka has large black tea plantations, and you can try it here. You should definitely visit the Spice Garden, which is located in Kandy, you can go to the Horton Plateau, there is a cliff here that is commonly called the End of the World.

It is convenient to relax in Sri Lanka with children. So, if your child is of preschool age, then they will not be charged for hotel accommodation. The most the best resorts, where you can relax with a child are Argam Bay or Unawatuna.

Of course, it’s quite difficult for kids to sit still; they want to see something interesting other than the sea. Therefore, we suggest you visit the following places with your child:

  • Pinnawela elephant nursery. The nursery houses 50 adult elephants where they are cared for by professionals. You can not only take pictures with the animals, you can feed them. Therefore, do not forget to take bananas or something else tasty for the animal with you;
  • The turtle farm houses 8 species of turtles. The farm was created in order to preserve endangered species;
  • Take your child for a walk through the jungle. This is best done with a professional guide.


Malaysia - amazing country. If you decide to travel here, the maximum stay without a visa is 30 days. This destination is especially popular in winter.

In February it is quite warm here, and therefore it is comfortable to relax at sea. If the question arises about where to go abroad in winter 2020, then Malaysia is a country that is ready to provide you with a wonderful vacation.

Anyone who comes to the country for a vacation can spend their vacation on sandy beach swimming in the warm sea. You should definitely visit local attractions - the capital of Kuala Lumpur, Georgetown. There is also a casino here, the only one operating in the country. Therefore, if you are ready to leave a certain amount, you can go on vacation to the casino.

If you are vacationing with children, be sure to go to the huge Discovery Center. Older children will like it more here, as there is a hall where much attention is paid to the rules of safe movement, and they are also offered to pass a large number of tests.

Holidays in Thailand

It is quite warm in Thailand at this time, which is why, when choosing where to go on vacation abroad in February 2020, many tourists choose this country. In addition to the fact that you can relax here without a visa, you also have the opportunity to swim in the warm sea. The air temperature during the day rises to +32, and the water temperature stays at around +29 degrees.

Chinese is celebrated in Thailand in February New Year, which perfectly combines Buddhist services and festive processions.

A flower festival is also held at this time, attracting the attention of tourists and local residents. Be sure to visit Bangkok as well as the Elephant Village. It will be especially interesting for children, as they have the opportunity to feed the animals.


When choosing a place to go on vacation in February 2020, one cannot help but remember Maldives. Here you can have a great time at sea, and the country is ready to receive Russian tourists without a visa. In addition, you can go here at any time of the year. During the period of time we are interested in, the air temperature rises to +30 degrees, and the water temperature - up to +26.

February is the dry season in the Maldives, so rain is very rare here.

Often those who want to spend time come here honeymoon after the wedding. Imagine: sea, sun, beach - and the two of you. Many people dream about this, so when choosing a holiday destination, the Maldives is exactly what you need.

One popular activity for children is a dolphin cruise. 4 species of dolphins live in coastal areas, so children will find it interesting.

We're going to the Philippines

The Philippines is a country that is ready to welcome its tourists all year round, and no visa is required to visit. The country is ready to welcome you in February 2020, here luxurious beaches, warm sea and comfortable air temperature. Plus, winter is considered the dry season, so you don't have to worry about whether it's going to rain or not before heading to the beach.

It's not just the nature that is beautiful in the Philippines. There is a large assortment of souvenirs that you can bring with you. You should definitely visit the local restaurants, which offer a wide range of delicious dishes.

There are a large number of active volcanoes, which are definitely worth a look. When vacationing with children, you can visit zoos and aquariums, of which there are a large number on the islands, so keep these islands in mind when choosing where to go on vacation.

The world of antiquity in Egypt

Egypt is a surprisingly attractive place for tourists. The country is ready to provide visa-free holidays to its tourists and give them impressions of the warm sea. Therefore, if you choose where to go on vacation in February 2020, then Egypt is one of the places where you can have a great time. Resorts located throughout the country offer you to enjoy the Red and Mediterranean Seas.

Tourists can even choose a 5-star hotel, while the cost of their vacation will be minimal. Once you arrive here, you can create your own vacation program, including the places to visit that are most interesting to you and your family.

In winter, Egypt is not very hot, the temperature stays at +25, but at night it is quite cold, as the temperature drops to +16.

The sea, of course, is not very warm, but on the territory of each hotel there are swimming pools that are quite comfortable for both adults and children.

The disadvantage of holidaying in Egypt at this time of year is the high probability of winds, so the beach day is quite short.

How to choose the right country for your holiday

Before you decide to travel to one country, you should definitely choose a vacation spot where you will be comfortable.

  • choosing a holiday destination is an important point that should be paid attention to. First you need to decide whether you are traveling with children or only adults. If you are traveling with children, it is better to opt for resorts where there is a large selection entertainment programs offered to children of different ages;
  • pay attention to financial capabilities. You should not choose a country where you cannot pay for the holiday conditions.

Relax with pleasure, bring with you a lot of positive emotions.


  1. A seaside holiday abroad in winter is an excellent choice.
  2. Go on vacation to a country where you have not been before.
  3. Book your trip in advance and you will get a discount.

February. The winter melancholy is already drawing in, and you look out the window with the hope of seeing a ray of sunshine. Who would have thought that February is a time of carnivals and fun in warm countries. Therefore, if you are already tired of kneading snow on the street and hiding from the cold at home, take a vacation and go to sunny Rio de Janeiro, Venice or Cologne. There are so many countries in the world where you can go on vacation in February. Fans of extreme sports and winter sports will be able to thoroughly enjoy the trails on ski resorts Russia and European countries. Exotic countries and islands in the oceans attract with their beaches and warm sun. There are countries where a trip will not only recharge your body with energy, but will also allow you to broaden your horizons and enjoy the culture of their people.

Holidays in February in Brazil will be especially interesting. Since most of the country is in the southern hemisphere, its seasons are opposite to ours. Therefore, February in Brazil is the height of summer, and the average air temperature is +24-28° C with its variations depending on the local topography and distance from the equator. Brazil is perfect for a seaside holiday in February, although in the south of the country at this time it can be too hot and uncomfortable due to high humidity. It is worth remembering that the Atlantic Ocean is quite cool at this time. If beach holiday for some reason it won’t work, don’t despair, because Carnival takes place in Brazil in February. This is the most popular holiday in the country, known throughout the world and attracting tens of thousands of tourists. Few things can compare in terms of color and vibrancy with the carnival in Brazil. Of course, prices for tours to Brazil in February are much higher than in any other month, and hotel rooms should be booked six months in advance. Noisy Rio de Janeiro, mysterious Amazon, National Park Iguazu - there is a lot to see in Brazil! And if you also find yourself in these fabulous places in February, when there is no sun in Russia, the effect is truly stunning.

Amazing United Resorts United Arab Emirates They hospitably welcome tourists from cold countries escaping winter. Abu Dhabi and Ajman, Dubai and Khorfakkan, Nazer and Sharjah - all resorts have high-quality service and offer a wonderful holiday at sea in February. The climate in the UAE is subtropical and arid. In February the weather is warm and sunny, with an average temperature of around +26° C, but at night it can be quite chilly, temperatures can drop to 12-15° C on the coast, and in the desert and highlands even below 5° C. During the winter months Holidays in the UAE are more comfortable, since in the summer months in some areas the air temperature can reach 45° C. The water temperature in the Persian Gulf is about +22-24° C in the southern part and +16° C in the northern part. So if you are planning to spend your vacation on the beach, then it is better to choose a more southern resorts. If your plans are not limited to warm sand and gentle sea, then you can go on a desert safari, watch camel racing or go on a tour of Dubai.

If an exotic holiday is more attractive to you, then in February you can go to Costa Rica. February is the dry season, so the weather is perfect for a beach holiday. The air temperature on the coast is about +30°C, but in the coldest central areas it can drop to 0°C. The water temperature off the coast of Costa Rica in February is about +24°C, naturally varying depending on what kind of water it is. - Pacific Ocean or Caribbean Sea. This small country, with an area of ​​just under 52 thousand km², ranks first among countries Latin America in terms of level and quality of life, as well as 5th place in the world in terms of the environmental performance index. Therefore, in addition to a delightful holiday on the pristine beaches, you can get acquainted with the amazingly rich wildlife.

Unusual and exotic holiday Colombia promises in February. Unfortunately, tourism in Colombia is not widespread due to the negative image created by the drug cartels, as well as the unstable situation within the country. However, now security measures are being tightened, but few travelers decide to spend their holidays here. In Colombia there is no division of months into summer and winter, and temperature fluctuations throughout the year do not exceed 2° C. In February the weather is dry and warm, with an average daily temperature of +15° C. If you are interested in a beach holiday, then the most best beaches with white sand, ample opportunities for water sports and beautiful underwater world, are located in the resort of Santa Marta. However, a holiday in Colombia is more of an extreme holiday and, when going there, you should not leave the territory of your resort, and also carefully read the safety rules before your trip.

The islands offer excellent opportunities for seaside holidays in February Caribbean. For example, Puerto Rico, located east of Dominican Republic, as well as the adjacent islands of St. John and St. Thomas. The high season on the islands lasts from mid-December to mid-April. February is the coolest and most pleasant month of the year for relaxation. Average temperature sea ​​about +26° C. If you want to go to the sea in February and have chosen Puerto Rico, then it is better to book tours and air tickets 2-3 months in advance, since Virgin Islands They are ideal for a February holiday and are popular among residents of the USA, Canada and Latin America. The neighboring island of Saint John is protected by the state from development and industrial development, so there is surprisingly rich nature here, untouched by human hands. The sea near Saint John is always pleasant for swimming; in February the water temperature is about +26°, and the coral reefs off the coast of the island are simply amazing. St. Thomas is also famous for its beaches with the purest white sand and gentle sea.

Also among the Caribbean islands it is worth noting the famous Bahamas and the island of Haiti. February is the “high season” on the islands, because these are truly heavenly places attract travelers from all over the world, both beach lovers and those interested in nature and the underwater world. In the Bahamas in February, the air is dry and cool, and the temperature rises to +25-26°C during the day and +18-20°C at night. In Haiti, you can see exotic plants, as well as eat mangoes, oranges and avocados straight from the trees.

Peru, a country in South America, washed from the west by the waters of the Pacific Ocean. The coast has a tropical desert climate. February is one of the hottest months of the year with an air temperature of about +28° C. Also in the winter months there is the least rainfall and the most large number hours of sunshine per day. In addition to a delightful beach holiday, Peru is replete with historical and natural attractions, which will diversify your vacation and make it the most interesting and memorable.

Sri Lanka, India, Thailand, Cyprus, Maldives and Seychelles also provide their resorts for residents of northern countries trying to brighten up the long and tiring winter.

Excursion tourism is most popular in the autumn and spring months, but you can also visit in February interesting cities, acquiring their own special charm in the winter months. Carnival in Brazil allows you to expand the boundaries of your vacation from a beach holiday to a very educational and exciting one. Popular sightseeing tours to Greece in February, because at this time the weather is optimal for traveling and visiting attractions. The tour to Italy in February will be unforgettable. In addition to excursions, you can do a lot of shopping here - February in Italy is the season of crazy discounts and sales. A trip to the southern states of the USA or Mexico in February will be interesting. The weather may be too cool for a beach holiday, but ideal for travel and excursion tourism. In Mexico, in addition to modern attractions, it is worth visiting traces of the cultures of ancient peoples - Mayans, Aztecs, Zapotecs, etc. Mexico is replete with eco-parks and unusual islands near its shores, and the cities of this country are so diverse and original that during your trip to Mexico it will seem that you have visited not one, but several different countries.

In any case, wherever you go on your vacation in February, it will be an exciting journey that will colorfully diversify the winter and invigorate you to achieve further goals!

When a blizzard is blowing outside the window, and spring is still far away, we begin to dream of the hot sun and warm sea. And those of us who got a vacation in the last month of winter are wondering where to relax at sea in February. In this material we will talk about the most popular tourist destinations and share the secrets of experienced travelers.

Exotic Thailand

Our guide to the countries where you can and even should go on holiday at sea in February starts with Thailand. Here at this time it is always warm and sunny, and there is practically no rain. The air temperature here stays within +30...+33 °C, and the water warms up to +29 °C. In addition to beach holidays, the country will offer a lot of entertainment: from diving and surfing to shopping and hanging out at fiery parties. In addition, there are many places in Thailand where it will be interesting to go on an excursion. These include:

But keep in mind that it is better to purchase excursions outside the hotel. Then you will pay three times less for them.

If you go on vacation in February with children, then choose Phuket, Krabi province or Koh Samui. The beaches here are clean. But for entertainment lovers, it is better to go to Pattaya or Koh Phangan. It's always noisy and fun here. In addition, trips here are cheaper.

The cost of a week-long tour to Thailand starts from 60 thousand rubles. If you are planning to travel to the country for long rest, then it is better to pay for the trip yourself. An air ticket from Moscow will cost 20 thousand rubles, and for accommodation in a 2-3* hotel you will pay from 700 to 2 thousand rubles, depending on your proximity to the coast.

Blessed Sri Lanka

Our guide will continue warm countries, where to go to the sea in February, the blessed island in Indian Ocean. At the end of winter, the driest time comes here, and the air temperature reaches +32 °C, and the water +28 °C. Therefore, there is no better place for a beach holiday.

Sri Lanka will bring you a lot of impressions. After all, there are a lot of natural attractions that are definitely worth visiting. Where to go in February and what to visit on the island?

  • Kumana National Park.
  • St. Clair Falls.
  • Botanical Garden in Parardenia.
  • The ruins of the palace fortification complex on the Lion's Rock plateau.
  • Elephant orphanage in Pinnawala.

Each of these picturesque corners will make a lasting impression. But keep in mind that before going to the jungle you must take anti-malaria medications.

Traveling to an exotic island cannot be called budget. And for a week-long tour for two with accommodation in a three-star hotel without meals, you will pay at least 90 thousand rubles.

To visit the country you need to apply for a visa. You can do this on the online website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Sri Lanka or at the airport.

Canary Islands

The Spanish island of Tenerife is a favorite winter holiday destination for Europeans. In February, temperatures here are low, and it is unlikely that you will be able to swim in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. After all, the water temperature reaches +19 °C. However, you can get an even tan. In addition, at the end of winter, tours here are relatively inexpensive. Therefore, the Canary Islands will be the best place where it will be pleasant and interesting to relax in February.

On Canary Islands you will be able to:

  • Visit the National Park and climb the Teide volcano - highest point Spain.
  • Ride the slides at the Siam water park through an aquarium with sharks.
  • Go to mysterious pyramid Guimar.
  • See the famous thousand-year-old dragon tree.
  • See dolphins and whales from the Los Gigantes cliffs.

If you are going to the Canaries for less than two weeks, then it is more profitable to take ready-made tour. Trips with accommodation in two- or three-star hotels with full board cost from 80 thousand rubles. Tours without meals are cheaper.

If you are going on a long vacation, it is better to rent an apartment on the spot, at a price of 40 thousand rubles for 30 days. Meals for two will cost you approximately the same amount, and for the flight you will have to pay 15 thousand in both directions. In any case, you need a Schengen visa to visit the country.

Unique Cambodia

Are you thinking about where to go to the seaside in February at the lowest prices? Then Cambodia will be the best solution for you. Tours to this exotic country, located on the shores of the South China Sea, are relatively inexpensive. At the same time, Cambodia will delight you with endless clean beaches, warm sea and lots of entertainment. At the end of winter, the air here warms up to +33 °C, and the water temperature reaches +28 °C.

Cambodia has a lot of things to do. Here you can go paragliding, diving or motorcycle racing. If you are interested historical places, then be sure to visit such attractions as:

  1. Temple Emerald Buddha.
  2. Silver Pagoda.
  3. Royal Palace.
  4. Wat Phno Monastery.
  5. Angkor Wat Temple.

You can admire the beauty of wildlife in the national parks of Kirirom, Virachey, Ream and Tonle Sap Lake. In general, there is entertainment for every taste.

For a 7-day trip to this exotic region you will pay approximately 55 thousand rubles. The price of the tour includes flights, accommodation in a three-star hotel and breakfast. If you go on your own, then it will cost you 45-50 thousand rubles. But in any case, before you go to the country, apply for a visa on the website of the Cambodian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


The list of places where it is good and comfortable to relax by the sea in February will continue in the Indian state of Goa, washed by the Arabian Sea. This paradise will delight you with endless beaches surrounded coconut trees and fruit trees. At the end of winter, the weather here is really warm, and the air temperature reaches +32… +34 °C. Swimming in the sea is especially pleasant. After all, the water warms up to +28 °C.

But a beach holiday is not the only entertainment this region offers you. Here you can:

  • Take part in a two-week music festival, held annually at the beginning of the month.
  • Go to the jungle and visit the habitats of monkeys and elephants.
  • Look at exotic insects in the butterfly park.
  • Visit the Cotigao and Bandla nature reserves.
  • Go into the jungle and see the abandoned city of Hampi.
  • See famous waterfall Dudhsagar in national park Mollem.

Another reason why Goa is considered the best place to go on holiday in February is the traditional three-day carnival. It is held at the end of the month before Lent.

Prices for holidays in this blessed region are varied, and some places are available only to wealthy tourists. However, you can find tours to Goa at low cost. And a seven-day trip with accommodation in a three-star hotel and meals will cost you 45 thousand rubles for two.

Stunning Vietnam

This asian country will be the best choice when deciding where to go to the seaside in February. At this time, summer weather reigns here, and the air temperature reaches +23... +24 °C. The water is warm and pleasant to swim in. In addition to a beach holiday, Vietnam will offer a lot of entertainment in February:

  • Fishing for exotic fish. You should not purchase fishing equipment from special agencies. After all, it will cost a considerable amount. Better contact the locals. For a nominal fee they will provide everything you need and show you best places for fishing.
  • Trip to Ha Long Bay. This bay with three thousand islands, grottoes, cliffs and caves is under the protection of UNESCO for its unique beauty.
  • Excursion to the Cu Chi tunnels. This underground labyrinth served as a refuge for guerrillas during the Vietnam-American War.
  • Trip to cultural attractions and temples.

You can also go diving or surfing. In general, it won’t be boring in any case.

For a week-long trip and accommodation in a two-star hotel (in terms of comfort, such a hotel is equal to a Turkish four-star hotel) you will pay approximately 70 thousand rubles. This price also includes flights, transfer to the hotel and meals of your choice.

Beautiful Cuba

Don't know where to go on vacation in February? Blessed Liberty Island will be the best choice for you. In winter there is a high beach season, which affects the cost of the trip. However, the cost of travel is justified. After all, Cuba will greet you with the purest snow-white coastline and warm waters of the Caribbean Sea. The air temperature at this time fluctuates between +26… +28 °C, and the water temperature remains stable at +25 °C.

In addition to a beach holiday, this piece of paradise will offer you a lot of entertainment. Here you can do the following:

  • Sink to the bottom of the sea and admire the beauty of the coral reef.
  • Go sailing, paralasing, kiting.
  • Go on a tour of the cities and museums of the republic, and visit tobacco plantations and a nature reserve located in the Salata swamps.
  • Fish and catch a blue marlin or a predatory wahoo.

Another reason why Cuba will be the best holiday destination, where you should definitely go on holiday in February, is the traditional winter carnival taking place at this time in Havana. Magnificent processions, performances and fiery dances will impress and win your heart.

For a trip for two, lasting 12 days, you will pay from 120 thousand rubles. The price of the tour includes flights, accommodation in a 3* hotel and breakfast.

Hot Mexico

Don’t know where to go to the seaside in February to make your vacation memorable for a long time? Then sunny Mexico will be the best choice for you. At the end of winter, the heat here is thirty degrees, and the ocean waters warm up to +27 °C. Therefore, you are guaranteed a lot of pleasure from swimming and an even tan.

In addition to traditional beach holidays, Mexico will offer a lot interesting entertainment. Here you can do the following:

  • Go to the Mexican Carnival, traditionally held at the end of winter.
  • Explore the ancient Mayan city of Chichen Itza.
  • Visit the Pyramids of the Moon and the Sun in ancient city Teotihuacan.
  • Drive around railway through the Copper Canyon, which is larger than even the Grand Canyon in the United States.

Where to stay in Mexico? If you want to get to know the culture and history of the country better, then choose the Riviera Maya. This place contains a lot of attractions. If you love active recreation and want to go windsurfing, diving or water skiing or yachting, then Acapulco will be the best choice. Those who want to enjoy a relaxing holiday should go to the resorts of Cancun.

Beautiful Philippines

Where to go to the sea in February? Choose the Philippines and you won't go wrong. Here, at the end of winter, there is a dry season, and the air temperature reaches +31 ˚С, but there is no suffocating heat. After all, refreshing breezes blow from the sea. In addition, the water warms up to +27 °C. Therefore, here you can enjoy your beach holiday to the fullest.

But the country is popular among tourists not only because of its snow-white coastline and warm sea. After all, there are many attractions here. What to see in the Philippines:

  • The historic city of Vigan.
  • underground river Puerto Princesa.
  • Chocolate Hills.
  • Volcanoes Mayon and Taal.
  • Marine Park Tubbataha Reef.
  • Taoist temple in Cebu.

In addition, in February, the colorful Panagbenga festival takes place here with national dances and costumes, which translated means “flowering season.” And this name fully reflects reality. After all, at the end of winter, a lot of exotic flowers bloom here, which are the main decorations of the festival.

The Philippines is a country where you won’t be able to relax at sea in February at low prices. After all, this time is considered the height of the tourist season, so the cost of tours is quite high. And for a week-long trip for two with accommodation and meals in a three-star hotel, you will pay at least 100-110 thousand rubles.

Faraway Malaysia: Langkawi

Still wondering where to relax by the sea in February? Then think about the beaches of Langkawi island in Malaysia. This blessed land will greet you with a clean and well-groomed coastline and mild weather. In addition, there are a lot of exotic places where you can live in a bungalow and feel like an owner desert island. But keep in mind that from November to February there are a lot of poisonous jellyfish in the sea, but they live far from the shore. Therefore, try not to swim far into the sea.

You won't find it in Langkawi public transport or historical attractions, noisy night discos or bars. However, there is plenty to do here. On the island you can:

  • Go into the jungle and ride elephants.
  • Hire a boat and visit the nearby wild islands.
  • Drive around cable car and see the famous suspension bridge.
  • Visit the Eastern Village and buy goods and souvenirs at duty-free prices.
  • Relax in Palau Payar Marine Park.

In general, the island of Langkawi will be the best place for a quiet family vacation. For a seven-day trip you will pay approximately 100 thousand rubles for two.


February is the dry season in the Maldives, and during this time holidays here are simply magnificent. So don't count on low prices and cheap accommodation. The air temperature reaches +31 °C, and the sea warms up to +25 °C. The weather is dry and windless. But towards the end of the month comes “furabaduruva” - the time of increased wind.

In addition to a wonderful beach holiday, the picturesque islands will offer you a lot of entertainment. Here tourists will be able to:

There is a misconception that holidays in the Maldives are prohibitively expensive. And for the most part this is true, and these places are only available to wealthy clients. Nevertheless, you can relax in the Maldives in February and for a modest amount. We are talking about the Maafushi resort, located on the Kaafu Atoll.

This small island is considered one of the best for budget holiday. And the price of accommodation here varies from $20 to $150 per day, depending on the hotel. The rest of the Maldives in February will cost you a serious amount of 250 thousand for two.

There are many beautiful places where you can relax at sea in February and get an even tan, as well as a lot of pleasant experiences. So don’t be upset if your vacation falls at the end of winter and start packing your bags. After all, exotic coasts will gladly welcome you into their warm embrace.


Nothing is impossible. This is exactly what those who are used to relaxing under the hot sun in frosty and snowy February say. Yes, there are many places in the world where a holiday in the last month of winter will be unforgettable and will be spent under the sun and in the warm sea. Do you know where to have an inexpensive holiday abroad in February 2020 and have a beach holiday when there are snowstorms in our country? If not yet, then we will tell you. An article has already been written for you, which describes all the pros and cons of a holiday in February in a particular country. So, let's get started.

Thailand – best month for relaxation!
In February, relaxing on the beaches of Thailand is the best idea. This month has wonderful weather and warm seas.

On average, the air temperature warms up to +31 degrees. The sea water is gorgeous and is +28 degrees. The sun shines 10-12 hours a day, the nights are short and warm, up to +25 degrees Celsius.
Also in February, the country's hotels and beaches begin to slowly empty. Tourists fly home, and it becomes calmer and more comfortable here. There are no large crowds of tourists, no need to take a place on the beach in the morning. And once the tourists fly away, the hotels immediately reduce the cost of accommodation and food!

Another big plus of a holiday in Thailand in February is the flight! Compared to other countries, flying here is much less, and you won’t even notice how you land and go on vacation!
Note to tourists!
- Do you need a visa for a holiday in Thailand? – everything about a visa: how to get it, how to extend it, how to relax without a visa, and what the fines are for not leaving the country on time.
- When is the best time to vacation in Thailand: what time of year and where? – weather in Thailand by month, discount calendar and other information on prices and water temperature.
Watch and study!

Jamaica - exotic, summer and unforgettable vacation!
Warm sea, sun and relaxation day and night - all this is Jamaica!

For some reason, tourists from our country don’t really fly here. They prefer to vacation in neighboring Cuba or nearby Haiti. And this is very in vain! Anyone who has visited Jamaica at least once has fallen in love with it once and for all!
When you get to the local beaches, you immediately forget about everything in the world. When you get to the beach, you immediately understand that your whole life is meaningless if you don’t see such beauty!
There are gorgeous sunrises and unique sunsets here. Locals They live a calm, unhurried life. They don't have any worries, they just enjoy what they have.

Jamaica is a gorgeous place for lovers. You can rent a house or villa on the Caribbean coast and enjoy nature, the ocean and yourself.
People come here with children, because the local beaches are sandy and clean. But the entrance to the water is shallow, and the depth is very far away. Plus at this time of year there are no waves or wind. This means the children are completely safe.
There are also almost no factories in Jamaica, so the air here is clean and you can enjoy it to the fullest.

Goa is the cheapest destination.
If you are looking budget option holidays in February, then Goa is just for you.

Holidays here are very cheap and unique. Many hotels are located in the forest, which is very cool. You can fall asleep and wake up to the rustling of palm leaves.
The air temperature in February is an ideal +29 degrees. The sea will also welcome you with its warmth up to +27 degrees. The winds don't blow, the rains are completely forgotten until summer.
Goa attracts tourists with its natural beauty. Local beaches almost untouched by people and look the way nature made them. There are bars and cafes on the beaches where you can sit and have a cooling drink.
An undoubted advantage of a holiday in Goa is that obtaining a visa is very easy. You don't even need to visit the country's embassy. Just go to their official website and apply there.

And so, now you know where you can fly inexpensively to the seaside in February. Our choices are: Thailand, Jamaica and Goa. What should you choose? We recommend changing your direction every year. After all, life is too short, and you need to have time to visit everywhere!
