For five countries of Southeast Asia. International tourism in Asian countries Asian countries for tourism

Despite the fact that the cold weather has set in in Asia, the “high season” has just begun, so we decided to consider the most interesting directions that will definitely surprise you!

1. Phuket, Thailand

Phuket is the most popular resort in Thailand. On the island, in addition to amazing beaches and hotels, there are Buddhist temples, observation decks, waterfalls, and gardens. Here you can find small coves to feel privacy or have a romantic evening, and club and bar streets filled with noise, music and dancing. The island is connected to the mainland by a bridge, allowing easy access to other provinces or the country's capital.

2. Boracay, Philippines

This small Philippine island is famous for having a top ten beach best beaches peace, - White Beach. A string of bars, massage parlors, souvenir shops and cafes stretches along it. Besides the people who love nightlife, Boracay attracts divers and kitesurfers, because here ideal conditions to observe underwater world, and near Bulabog beach there is always a steady wind, which is so necessary for kiting.

3. Hainan, China

On Hainan Island you can not only relax on the beach, but also explore many attractions. For example, extinct volcano Ma-An, whose crater has been turned into observation deck. Those who want to tickle their nerves should go to the Dongshan Safari Zoo, where bears, tigers and lions roam in natural conditions, and tourists can watch them from a jeep. In addition, Hainan Province is a major cultural center, hosting many different festivals throughout the year.

4. Langkawi, Malaysia

The Malaysian island of Langkawi is located in the middle of an archipelago consisting of 100 islands. Here everyone can feel like a pioneer, without going far from snow-white beaches and comfortable hotels. Mountains, caves, waterfalls and lakes coexist with resort infrastructure and many attractions, including those so beloved by tourists cable car and a sky bridge running right over the jungle.

5. Sri Lanka

Tea plantations, elephants, golden beaches with palm trees reaching down to the water, ancient temples and statues - all this is on a small island that is lost in Indian Ocean near the coast of India. Aromatherapy combined with Buddhist and Hindu teachings promote relaxation and spiritual enrichment. Lovers active recreation Water skiing, underwater fishing, surfing and kiting await you.

6. Phu Quoc, Vietnam

Phu Quoc is the pearl of Vietnam. Most of the island is a national park, which allows the flora and fauna to be preserved in their original form, and the presence good hotels and beach infrastructure do not allow one to forget about the benefits of civilization. In addition, Phu Quoc is famous as a diving center - the largest diving school in Vietnam operates here, and prices for equipment and instructor services are among the lowest in the world.

7. Maldives

Resorts Maldives- some of the most fashionable in all of Asia, because here the dream of a paradise vacation is realized. Blue Lagoons, white sandy beaches, clear blue skies, comfortable villas and tropical fruits - what else is needed for a carefree vacation? If you get tired of relaxing on the beach or in a hammock, you can go canoeing or catamarans, water skiing or yachts, snorkeling or diving.

8. Bali, Indonesia

Although the beaches in Bali are not the best in Southeast Asia, they are ideal for those who want to go surfing or kite surfing. The island also offers all the conditions for relaxation in numerous spa hotels in an atmosphere of peace and exoticism. This Indonesian resort is worth a visit to enjoy a combination of culture, religion, art and tropical nature.

9. Koh Samui, Thailand

Koh Samui is another Thai island besides Phuket that is loved by tourists. Accommodation for every taste, fine sand beaches, picturesque bays, Buddhist temples, low prices for goods and services - this is the recipe for the popularity of Samui. The highlight of the island is the opportunity to rent a bungalow right on the seashore.

It's no secret that beach holiday in Asian countries it is considered the best - the tourism industry has improved almost all “wild” and remote settlements and fishing villages, and prices here are much lower than in Europe or the Caribbean. We have compiled a list for you best resorts Asia.

One of the most popular Thai resorts among Russians is the island of Phuket. This southern province countries and most big island on its territory (its area is almost equal to the area of ​​Singapore).

Things to do

Phuket is suitable for both a beach holiday and an active pastime: there are excellent beaches, comfortable hotels, clubs, bars, discos, picturesque natural spots - waterfalls, bays, gardens and a lot of historical attractions.

The Karon Beach area is a favorite place for partygoers from all over the world, with a developed entertainment infrastructure. Kamala Beaches are a calm and secluded place, ideal for family vacation. The sea in Phuket is quite calm, big waves are rare here.

How to get there

Direct by charter flight. Airplanes fly to Phuket from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Irkutsk, Vladivostok and other cities. You can get to the island on your own from the capital of Thailand - Bangkok.

Boracay, Philippines

A part of the coast of Boracay called White Beach, according to the ratings of world researchers, is among the top 10 best beaches in the world. Another undoubted advantage of this place is the almost zero crime rate.

Things to do

Here you can stay in a hotel remote from the coast or rent a bungalow right on the coast. The infrastructure includes cafes, bars, restaurants, disco clubs and souvenir shops. Divers enjoy going to Boracay - there are more than 10 diving centers on the island.

Windsurfers and kitesurfers also love to visit these places - they are attracted by the steady wind, especially at Bulabog Beach. Respectable businessmen can relax in a massage parlor or spa center or play golf.

Among the attractions include the underwater Dead Forest, an exhibition of shells in the local museum and mysterious caves bats.

How to get there

Boracay does not have its own airport and to get here you need to use a rather difficult route. One option is a flight from Moscow, Vladivostok or Yakutsk to Panay with a transfer in the Philippine capital of Manila. Ferries and boats run from Panay Island, neighboring Boracay. Please note that at night maritime transport does not function.

Hainan, China

The tropical island of Hanan is located in southern China. This is not only an excellent resort place, but also a major cultural center - various celebrations and festivals are held here all year round. The island also has a developed entertainment infrastructure - there are many nightclubs, discos and bars. There is even a special club for Russians. In addition, there is a famous Chinese medicine center here.

Things to do

The island offers tourists many attractions - the "Edge of the World" park, monkey island, butterfly gorge, Buddhist center, Ma'an volcano, safari zoo with free-roaming animals.

The local Oceanarium is worthy of special mention, where you can feed crocodiles, see long-lived sea turtles, admire a collection of exotic birds from all over the country, and even ride an ostrich.

Dadonghai Beach is one of the most popular resorts on the island. There are restaurants, shops, cafes, and a food market. Wide selection hotels for every taste: from hostels to five-star ones. Almost everywhere there are Russian-speaking staff.

Yalongwan local residents called “yaochi” - “ earthly paradise" There is a diving center and casino here. Catering points, clubs and shops are located mainly on hotel premises.

How to get there

Direct flight from Moscow to Sanya. Flight time is approximately 10 hours.

Langkawi, Malaysia

Langkawi - main island on the archipelago of the same name. In total there are 99 islands, 4 of which are inhabited.

Things to do

For active recreation, excursions to caves, waterfalls, lakes and mountain ranges, trips to sky bridges and cable cars. The resort's infrastructure includes restaurants, cafes, bars, spa centers and duty-free shopping centers. Both diving and snorkeling (swimming under the surface of the water) are widespread here. You can do fishing or go on a boat trip.

The beaches of the island are recognized as medicinal - in sea ​​water and the purest white sand contains a high percentage of minerals that have a beneficial effect on joints, bones and respiratory organs. The downside of this resort is that the tides are quite strong.

How to get there

Transit flight from Moscow to Langkawi with a transfer to Kuala Lumpur, Doha, Bangkok or Dubai. The flight will be at least 15 hours. Next - by ferry.

Phu Quoc, Vietnam

Phu Quoc is the ecological center of Vietnam. Most of the island is pristine wild forest, part of a national reserve.

Things to do

The largest diving school in the country, low prices rental equipment and magnificent seascapes attract huge streams of deep-sea diving enthusiasts. The infrastructure is not very developed, but there are cafes and volleyball courts on the beaches.

Entertainment options include a visit to a black pepper farm, a trip to a museum and a pearl plantation, and squid fishing.

How to get there

Direct flight “Moscow-Ho Chi Minh City” to Bangkok, Nha Trang and Hanoi. Next - take a domestic flight to Fukuoka. A connecting flight will take 20 hours or more.

Bali, Indonesia

The most popular resorts located in the southern part of the island. Most favorite place holiday for Russians - the resort of Kuta.

Things to do

Kuta - developed tourist area. There are many hotels of different sizes here, large shopping centers, spa centers, restaurants, clubs and cafes. The resort is located close to Ngurah airport. A well-groomed and clean (albeit crowded) beach with a flat sandy bottom, without sharp corals or dangerous rocks, is perfect for surfers. The sea also favors those who like to ride a board - there is a constant wind and strong waves.

The downside is the almost complete lack of attractions. You can visit a water park, a shell museum, or a local theater with exotic performances.

This is an ideal place for rest and relaxation: people come here for the benefits of Ayurvedic medicine, bathing in healing springs with mineral water and local massage. However, beach holidays and the entertainment industry here are also at the same level. A rich and multicultural excursion program: from Jewish synagogues to Dutch churches.

How to get there

There are no direct flights to Kerala from Russia. The most common scheme is by international airline to any major Indian city, then transfer to domestic flight to one of the airports in Kerala - most often to Trivandrum. Flight from Russian capital will be at least 8 hours.

Vacation - what a wonderful word! Every working person looks forward to it with great impatience, planning in advance how to spend it in order to not only have a good rest, but also gain strength until the next one. There are many options for spending your holiday. Whatever you choose, be sure to go travel. This is the only way you will truly have a good rest, gain strength and new impressions. In addition, meeting new interesting people can encourage you to make global changes in your life.

If you want to go abroad and you are faced with the question of choosing a vacation spot, choose a vacation in Asia. This is a large number of places with their own flavor and culture.

Asia - the land of smiles

Located on the continent of Eurasia. The largest part of the world in terms of area and population, four times the area of ​​Europe. It was here that all the most ancient civilizations and all world religions arose. Asia includes 53 states. Natural features and geographical conditions contributed to the fact that the indigenous people are hardworking and patient.

Geographical features are very diverse. In Asia there are mountains: Tien Shan, Himalayas, Caucasus. The endless steppes of Mongolia, the jungles of India and Vietnam, the taiga in Siberia, there are also volcanic places. Asia, like no other country in the world, is exposed to monsoon winds. Therefore, the humidity level here constantly fluctuates: either a huge amount of precipitation or drought. Asia is washed by three oceans: the Arctic, Pacific and Indian. The border between it and Europe runs along the foot of the Ural Mountains.

But the most amazing thing is that people live here who love to smile and generously give their joy to visiting tourists.

Interesting facts about Asia

  • In Asia there are the remains of ancient civilizations.
  • Its area is larger than the area of ​​the Moon.
  • Asia is divided into 5 parts: Central, Eastern, Northern, Southwestern, Southeast Asia.
  • The climate here is very diverse: from equatorial to arctic.
  • More than half of the world's population lives in Asia.
  • The earliest human remains have been found here.
  • In one of the Asian countries - India, the population is the same as in Central, Northern and South America, taken together.
  • The highest mountains are located here.
  • The largest country in Asia by population is China.

10 reasons to vacation in Asian countries

  1. Getting to know unique monuments architecture.
  2. The most are located right here.
  3. Good opportunity to go scuba diving.
  4. If you decide to spend your holidays in Asia, you will be able to get acquainted with the places where the most famous religions appeared: Buddhism, Christianity, Islam.
  5. Try unusual Asian dishes.
  6. Purchase highly effective cosmetic and medicinal products at relatively inexpensive prices.
  7. Many Asian countries do not require a visa for holidays.
  8. Buy various souvenirs that you will not find in other countries of the world.
  9. Get acquainted with exotic nature.
  10. Visit the largest shopping centers and purchase goods at inexpensive prices.

Asian countries for holidays

Among the huge number of countries in this part of the world, there are some that are definitely worth visiting:

  • China. Ancient civilization full of mysteries and secrets. The Great Wall of China, the Imperial Palace, the Temple of the Jade Buddha, the Temple of Confucius and many other ancient attractions. China is one of the three most popular countries chosen by tourists planning tours to Asia. Many people come here not only to meet ancient history and traditions, but also in order to receive medical care. Modern medical advances and the knowledge of ancient healers, combined together, provide a powerful effect for the treatment of many diseases.
  • Japan. By traveling here, you can experience the rich Japanese culture. How were geishas trained and who were the samurai? The history of the country, its traditions, architectural monuments and an eventful holiday will make your stay in Japan unforgettable. If you don't like heat, then come here in the fall. Light coolness and a small amount of precipitation will allow you to comfortably walk around the Country rising sun and admire its sights. In addition, do not forget to try real Japanese cuisine: sushi, yakitori and, of course, the national drink of the Japanese - sake.
  • Vietnam. Here you can eat tasty and inexpensive food. You can purchase products from well-known world brands at manufacturer prices, since their factories and factories are built in Vietnam.
  • India. Many of us become acquainted with this country in our early youth, when watching Indian melodramas. Judging by the films, all manifestations of emotions are transmitted here through dance. The prices are a pleasant surprise. Food, souvenirs, equipment rental are much cheaper here than in Russia. One of the most popular holiday destinations in India is Goa. This territory, judging by the preserved drawings on the rocks, was inhabited about 30 thousand years ago. Large quantity ancient temples, diving centers for scuba diving, the sea in Asia, beautiful architectural monuments will make your vacation unforgettable. Don’t rush to conclusions if you see men holding hands in India; male friendship is just highly developed here and there is nothing reprehensible about it.

Popular resorts in Asia

  1. Bali island in Indonesia. Best vacation in Asia for parents with children and newlyweds. Swimming with dolphins, windsurfing and a variety of slides in water parks are just a few of the attractions here.
  2. India, Goa. Just to find out what the air of freedom is like, you should choose this place to relax.
  3. Sri Lanka. Here you can not only have a good rest, but also buy something popular back in the Soviet Union. ceylon tea. Travelers around the world are impressed by coral clusters and tea plantations.
  4. Maldives. Are you depressed or frustrated with life? Get here immediately. Take a minimum of things with you, you don’t even need shoes here. Walks along the shore, aromatic treatments and much more will bring back your lost peace and enjoyment of life.
  5. This resort is compared to the popular Brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro, where life is an eternal carnival.
  • Dead Sea in Israel. One of the saltiest bodies of water in the world. If a fish accidentally falls into this sea, it immediately dies from the high concentration of salt.
  • Fujiyama in Japan. The height of this volcano is 3776 meters. It last erupted in 1707. To date, activity has been weak.
  • The Great Wall of China. It passes through the whole of Northern China, its length is about 9,000 thousand meters.
  • Taj Mahal in India. It is protected by UNESCO and is one of the monuments admired all over the world. It is visited daily by tens of thousands of tourists choosing Asian countries for their holidays.
  • Raja Ampat Islands in Indonesia. The most beautiful islands for scuba diving. A large number of different fish and corals.
  • Temple complex in Cambodia. Its area is about 400 square kilometers. The complex includes about 2,000 temples and buildings, which from a height are very similar to the starry sky.
  • Borneo Island. Here are the largest caves in the world and a tree that bears unusual name"walking". Its roots grow from the middle of the trunk and are able to move underground in search of water. Thanks to the unusual type of algae that grows near the shore, you can see the "red" tide.
  • Wat Pho Temple in Bangkok, Thailand. This is where Thai massage appeared. The library, which houses ancient manuscripts, will attract the interest of tourists.
  • Nha Trang, Vietnam. The longest cable car is located here. Its length is about 4,000 thousand meters.
  • in Malaysia. About 15,000 thousand people can fit here at the same time. When the sun comes through the windows of the mosque, the room is painted in blue light.

The most exotic countries in Asia

  • Malaysia. It's always summer here. You will be able to see the rarest plants and animals that cannot be found in any country in the world. Ancient temples, places of worship, exotic nature, a huge number of unusual sights. Just look at the names: Snake Temple, Bird Park, Orchid Garden, Butterfly Park and many others.
  • Indonesia. This country includes five large islands, including Bali, beloved by many tourists. One of the islands is shaped like a starfish. Huge coral walls will amaze diving enthusiasts. Buddhist temples and volcanic lakes, mountain rivers and singing caves. On one of the islands, an ancient tribe has survived, which lives according to its own laws and hunts animals with homemade weapons. Here children are buried in a hollow tree, and caves are cut down for adults.
  • Philippines. When choosing tours to Asia, pay attention to this country. If there is heaven on earth, then it is undoubtedly here. The sand of the beaches is white as snow and the vast ocean expanse is turquoise. underground river And active volcanoes. Here you can have a wedding in best traditions Filipino people.

What you need to do before traveling to Asian countries

  • Get acquainted with the traditions and features of the place you are traveling to.
  • When planning a vacation in Asia, do not forget to take with you a first aid kit consisting of the most necessary medications: painkillers, antipyretics, antihistamines, antidiarrheals and antivirals.
  • Get all the necessary vaccinations.
  • Take a certain amount of cash with you.
  • Take a credit card, preferably several, preferably each with the same amount of money.
  • In tropical countries of Asia, the sun sets very early, so it is advisable to take a flashlight with you.
  • Purchase insurance for medical care while on vacation.
  • Take an English-Russian dictionary for your trip, in many Asian countries locals speak English, and many tourists too.

For European people, Asia is a fabulous and mysterious side of the world. People come here for impressions, for new knowledge, for answers to unsolvable riddles. And also to warm sea or the ocean, for exotic entertainment and culinary delights.

Asia begins just beyond the Bosphorus. Türkiye is a well-known country for mass tourists. Unfortunately, few people perceive the countries of Central Asia as a vacation option. From distant countries Thailand is best known, but Cambodia or Vietnam are rarely considered as the final destination of a flight to the sea.

One of the biggest attractions of traveling to Asia is the prices for food and accommodation. They are extremely attractive and can inspire tourists with the most modest budgets. Despite the long and expensive flight. In return, traveling to Asia gives the tourist the opportunity to save on housing and food so much that the high cost of the flight will not seem so hopeless.

How to make your visit to an Asian country informal, exclusive and inexpensive? Which countries give chances to tourists with a small wallet? What can you see, where can you visit? We have dedicated this article to the answers to these important questions.

Türkiye: an all-inclusive country

Tourists love Turkish resorts for their low cost of living, inexpensive food and fun entertainment. The abundance of ancient ruins, the secular nature of the state (all Muslim attractions are available to tourists), sandy beaches and the opportunity to relax on an all-inclusive basis are the main attractions for mass tourists. It is impossible not to add that hotel and restaurant staff speak Russian, which makes resort life easier for our travelers.

The Hagia Sophia Museum is a symbol of the “golden age” of Byzantium, located in the historical center of Istanbul.

Traveling independently to Turkish resorts involves many hassles. But as a result, the tourist pays more than the average tour offered by tour operators costs - 200 euros/week. This is how much it costs to travel alone, meals are only breakfast, accommodation in a 3* hotel, out of season.

An independent flight to Antalya and back will cost the same two hundred euros (the cheapest is with PEGASUS). Accommodation in a modest hotel - from 13 euros/day (91 euros/week) for double room with breakfast.

Lunch in a modest restaurant will not cost more than 6-7 euros per person. If you feed yourself (many hotels have kitchens), then the daily cost of food will not be more than 5-6 euros. In this case, it is better to make purchases at bazaars, and buy only dairy products and semi-finished products in supermarkets.

Excursions to any place of interest to tourists can be purchased at tourist kiosks (in no case from street vendors!). A one-day tour to Ephesus or Didim with lunch included will cost about fifty euros per person.

Uzbekistan: Star of the East

Well known from Soviet times the country today is perhaps the most developed and tourist-friendly power in the Central Asian region. If the capital - Tashkent - is not very interesting for travelers, then Khiva, Bukhara and Samarkand can satisfy the taste of the most sophisticated traveler, not to mention the novice tourist. Ancient mosques, mausoleums, palaces of emirs, vast bazaars, delicious cuisine and a warm climate - what else does a traveler need?

Registan Square in Samarkand.

If you eat in numerous national street restaurants or coffee shops, then lunch will cost you no more than 4-5 euros. Fees for visiting attractions and museums are so low that in a week you will hardly spend more than 5 euros, visiting two or three establishments daily.

The police in Uzbekistan are very strict, tourists here feel protected and protected. It’s worth adding that all the stories about the incredible hospitality of the Uzbeks are true! You will certainly make many friends.

The climate here is hot, especially in summer. Therefore, it is better to choose spring or autumn for a visit, when the temperature does not break records and you can not only get a good tan, but also enjoy admiring the mosques, medieval quarters, abundant bazaars and green gardens.

Flight from Moscow to Samarkand and back - 400 euros (UTair is the cheapest). Accommodation - from 21 euros/day (for two people in guest house close to historical center), breakfast - 3 euros.

India: the birthplace of Buddha

One of the most exotic and rich in cultural monuments countries of the world. It is interesting here both in big cities and in small towns. People often come here just to live and observe the lives of people who neglect earthly goods. On the other hand, many tourists are shocked by their visit to this country, the worldview of Indians and Europeans is so different.

Bengal tiger in one of the national parks of India.

The attractions of India are so numerous and varied that it is difficult to choose the ten or twenty most outstanding. Hindu temples, Buddhist monasteries, ancient palaces and fortresses, the sacred Ganges and national parks with rhinoceroses and tigers - it’s hard to list everything.

India will be of interest to lovers of antiquity, admirers of natural beauty, seekers of the meaning of life and those who prefer a serene pastime on the beach. To save on transport, it is best to rent a scooter for the duration of your visit; it costs 50 euros/week. The vast majority of attractions are free. But to museums and cultural centers, entrance tickets can cost up to 10 euros.

You can eat at street stalls (if your stomach is healthy and you can easily tolerate spices) - a huge portion of a vegetarian dish of rice and vegetables is less than 1 euro. If you prefer European cuisine, moderately spicy, then lunch in a restaurant will cost from 7 euros per person.

A visa to India for tourists costs 60 US dollars. You can apply for it on the Internet.

Flight from Moscow to Mumbai and back outside the season (April-September) - 415 euros (Turkish Airlines).

Accommodation in India is very cheap, but if you want to live in a room without bugs, but with air conditioning, you will have to pay from 10 euros per night (a double room in 2-3* city hotels).

Vietnam: a small country with big opportunities

Vietnam is not often discussed thrifty tourists as a holiday option. Completely in vain! Holidays in this picturesque and hospitable country are cheaper than in the vaunted Thailand.

Russians can spend two weeks in Vietnam every year without a visa. The country offers tourists not only perfectly clean beaches and a warm, clear sea, but also many unexpected cultural and historical monuments, unique cuisine, good-natured and smiling local people. And in Vietnam there are unusually low prices for food and overnight stay in a hotel or guest house.

Flight from Moscow to Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh City and back - from 424 euros (offer from Emirates).

Double room in a modest, but clean and modern hotel - from 8 euros/day.

Ha Long Bay, Hoi An, Mui Ne, Nha Trang - the names of the most attractive resort places Vietnam has little to say to the budget tourist. There are extraordinary things hiding behind them beautiful places, cozy restaurants, comfortable hotels, original festivals, green parks and Buddhist pagodas.

Long Son Pagoda (Nha Trang).

Eating in street cafes and snack bars, you can easily spend 6-8 euros per day. Lunch at an expensive restaurant - 12-15 euros. Fruits in the country of victorious socialism are so cheap that many tourists switch to a fruit diet and spend no more than three to four euros a day on food. Transport costs can be easily minimized by renting a bicycle - 30 euros/week.

Visiting attractions in organized groups, accompanied by a guide - from 35 euros per day trip including meals. Country tour (5 days) - 180-220 euros.

There is almost no street crime in Vietnam. The level of security here is very high and the police are very efficient.

Entrance to a beach party or nightclub- from 2 euros.

Similar prices, entertainment and attractions in Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos. But air tickets to these countries will cost no less than 500 euros. In Sri Lanka, Nepal, and even in China, a budget tourist will also feel confident and carefree.

Each of these countries has a lot of exotic entertainment, inexpensive accommodation and delicious food. The main thing is to visit these countries not during the high tourist season, and book tickets and hotels no later than six months in advance.

If you want to enjoy more variety, then tourism in Asia will definitely interest you. It's really full of wonders and unusual places. From Mongolia to India, from Israel to the Philippines, vast territories stretch, scorching the sun for tourists and local residents.

What is interesting about tourism in Asia?

Many committing tourism in asia, only here will they learn that philosophy, writing and the wheel were invented in the East. It was in the east that religions were born and peoples experienced very different periods of life. Bloodthirsty hordes of nomads, the birth of great civilizations, primitive cruelty and pearls of creativity, the birth of religions and multimillion-dollar wars, fertility and devastation. Today, popular destinations here include: Israel, UAE, Thailand, India, Maldives, Turkey, Oman, Vietnam, South Korea and other countries.

Before heading to the East, we recommend that you have a guidebook. In Russia, for example, there is Ural reference book, thanks to which you can easily familiarize yourself with the geography of the area. Asia is very diverse in terms of culture and way of life, although it has common values. Most people prefer a slow-paced lifestyle, so purchase a map or guide so you can navigate your route without rushing on the spot. It is also best to ensure that you have a guide who can tell you interesting facts about the life of the country.

Why visit Asia?

First of all, it is worth noting that the climate in Asia is very diverse, ranging from harsh winters to deserts with unbearable heat. Do you want the sea? Then welcome to Israel or the Persian Gulf in the UAE. If you are not good at geography, you probably didn’t know that the famous Everest is located in the eastern part of the continent. And Irkutsk is the center of Asia and bears the proud name “navel”. The East also became famous for its spirituality and religion. It is difficult to find people in European countries who would have this attitude towards religion. But unfortunately, this often served as a reason for wars.

Recently, tourism and the economy have been actively developing in Asia. A striking example of this is India and China. Thanks to this, modern infrastructure, hotels are being built here and tourist centers. Tours to Turkey have been in incredible demand for a couple of decades, as they offer cheap holiday, bright sun and lots of entertainment.
