Why is the pilot without a beard, how many wings does the plane have, is the crew a harem? (1 photo). Wing What is the wing of a passenger aircraft made of?

This, of course, is an unfortunate typo, and all those responsible have already been executed by hanging and given a suspended sentence of five years. A biplane has two wings, that is, load-bearing surfaces that are located one above the other. It was the biplane Flyer I (or 1903 Flyer), designed and built by the American Wright brothers (Wilbur, Orville Wright), that carried out the world's first officially recognized flight in the Kitty Hawk Valley on December 17, 1903. The famous “corn farmer” An-2 was also a biplane, which received its popular name, if anyone doesn’t know, because of its use in agricultural work during the period of mass sowing of fields with corn. It is also called a sesquiplane: this is the name of a biplane variant with the length of the upper wing console greater than the lower one.

By the way, about the wings. It's not just that "bi" means two things. There is a persistent philistine idea about the structure of an airplane. This is what we believe: modern airplanes, like birds, have two wings - left and right. And only a lazy poet/journalist does not compare an airplane with a bird. In fact, this aircraft has a left half-wing and a right half-wing, or, in technical terminology, a right and left wing console, which is divided by the fuselage, that is, the body of the aircraft. So it is correct to say the “wing span” of an aircraft, and not the “wing span”. Actually, poets also know this: “Under the wing of an airplane, the green sea of ​​the taiga is singing about something.” And those two small “wings” on the tail are not wings at all, but consoles of the horizontal tail unit, which serves to stabilize the flight.

So a biplane is an airplane with two wings, a triplane has three, and an airplane with one wing is called a monoplane. The latter became the case in the mid-1930s. main type of aircraft. In this case, monoplanes are divided into several types depending on the scheme of attachment of the wing to the fuselage:

Low wing - the wing passes through the lower half of the fuselage. These are many models of linear civil aircraft, for example: Airbus A320, Tu-154, Il-86, Il-96, Boeing 737.

Midplane - the wing passes through the middle part of its cross-section. This scheme is extremely rarely used on passenger and cargo aircraft, but is popular on fighters and attack aircraft. Typical examples of mid-wing aircraft are the Su-7 and MiG-21 fighters, the German HFB 320 Hansa Jet transport aircraft.

High wing - the wing passes through the upper half of its section, is located on it or even above it. For example, the most common military transport aircraft in the world, the Lockheed C-130 Hercules, the MiG-23 fighter, the largest aircraft in the world, the An-225 Mriya, and the military transport Il-76.

And there are also airplanes that are actually just one wing, which also plays the role of a reduced fuselage. The most striking example of the Flying Wing is the American Northrop B-2 Spirit strategic bomber, the most expensive aircraft in the world (and probably the most expensive in aviation history). Unfortunately, this aircraft does not have the most beautiful “biography” - it was used during the NATO operation in Yugoslavia in 1999, in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and in Libya.

And of course, this is far from the end of the types of modern aviation aircraft.

Without wings, of course, no plane can fly into the sky. But how many wings do you think an airplane has? If the answer is two, well, you're observant. But technically, alas, they are wrong.

Passenger aircraft are made on the basis of a monoplane. Translated from Greek, the word "monoplane" is translated as "single plane", and this indicates that the design of aircraft has just one wing. When assembling the structure, the wing is installed on both sides of the fuselage. It turns out that two planes, which are located on the left and right sides of the aircraft, are called the wing. Therefore, it would be more correct to say that any passenger aircraft has one wing.

However, there are other aircraft, the so-called biplanes. Such vehicles are equipped with two wings; an example is the well-known An-2, which is popularly called a “maize plant.” This and similar models are most often used for various agricultural work, for example, irrigating fields, and for transporting oversized cargo.

Wing purpose

In the design of air vehicles, every detail is important, but the most significant element is the wing. There are several examples:

  1. If an emergency occurs and the first engine fails, an experienced pilot will be able to fly on the second.
  2. If the second engine fails, there is still a high chance of landing.
  3. If the landing gear malfunctions, you can land the aircraft on the so-called belly, and if you follow safety precautions, you can even avoid the plane catching fire.

But without a wing, the main purpose of which is create the necessary lift, no kind air transport will not be able to fly or even rise from runway into the sky.

To ensure safe flights, aircraft designers pay special attention to the manufacture of the wing. But for passengers looking out the window, it often seems that the main element of the plane may simply break, since when moving it is very noticeable how it bends, and in different directions. Of course, there is really nothing to be afraid of, because the wing is designed so that it can easily withstand enormous loads.

When manufacturing a wing, aircraft designers carefully calculate everything in order to obtain an element with high lifting force, minimal resistance to air flow, and capable of supporting a multi-ton airliner at a huge altitude.

Until the mid-20th century, the shape of an airplane wing was trapezoidal. However, this execution was replaced swept, as soon as jet engines came into use. The swept wing helps the aircraft develop maximum speed, and when turning it improves the aerodynamics of the aircraft.

Airliner engines can be installed both on the wing and under it on a special pylon. The wing houses the landing gear and other necessary components.

What elements does an airplane wing consist of?

The design includes the following main components:

  1. Flaps. They are used during takeoff and landing, when the speed must be reduced, but the lift must not completely disappear, and the landing gear must withstand rapid contact with the ground.
  2. Spoilers are also necessary to reduce speed. They act as an “air brake”, which is also capable of reducing the lift of the aircraft. All components are activated by pilots from the cockpit using the wing's mechanical control system.
  3. Rudder-aileron, which is similar in design to a ship's steering wheel. Ailerons help pilots tilt aircraft in the desired direction.
  4. Aeronautical lights, also located on the wing of the aircraft, help to monitor the flight path of aircraft both from the ground and from on board another aircraft. The lights have different colors: red on the left side, green on the right. Some aircraft are equipped with white lights, which are clearly visible at night.

In addition to the above elements, the wings of some aircraft have winglets, for example, on the A-319. They reduce induction resistance, which allows for more economical fuel consumption. In addition, winglets help increase the so-called aspect ratio of the wing without changing the wing span. And the presence of a winglet on the glider helps to increase the flight range.

Maybe this is funny, but most often I am asked about relationships in the crew: is the crew a family? Love triangle? Or a harem?

Of course, there are instructions, official etiquette, but if you consider that for each flight a unique crew of several thousand employees is formed, and you are the center of their attention, love affairs often arise here!

As a rule, the relationship that has arisen ends at the end of the flight, but there are exceptions. And by agreement with the airline management, it is possible to fly with your loved one in the same crew for a long time.

And, of course, I was no exception and during one of the flights I met a flight attendant who changed my life.

By the way, did you know that a Boeing windshield costs as much as an elite BMW?

I often see pregnant women who are well past their due date boarding an airplane. In a good way, they should refuse to fly. But if you really need to fly, you should visit a gynecologist and therapist for consultation.

I’ll tell you what to do for pregnant women if your water breaks during a flight and your contractions become more frequent. First, you need to tell the flight attendant about this. She will tell the commander about the situation. The commander will request permission for an emergency landing; as a rule, there are no problems with this and the plane will land at the nearest airport, unless, of course, the flight is over the ocean. At the airport, the woman in labor will be met by health workers with everything she needs.

In any case, the flight attendants will try to find a doctor among the passengers, and if there are none, they will deliver the baby themselves. Flight attendants undergo training regularly. A child born on board must undergo a thorough medical examination upon arrival.

An interesting question: if a child is born on an airplane, what citizenship will he receive? One of three citizenships :)

The country to which the aircraft belongs.

The country in which the birth took place.

Countries where the plane landed.

Everything lies in the established legislation of each country.

Some airlines offer "free flights for life" for a child born on board.

Probably 90% of passengers think that after the plane has gained altitude, the pilot relaxes in his seat and sleeps. Yes, modern systems aircraft controls allow you to fly without the participation of a pilot from a height of 300 meters and almost until automatic landing on the runway.

However, the pilot is strictly forbidden to sleep; it is necessary to constantly monitor the route and parameters of the aircraft, watch weather reports, and negotiate with dispatchers.

It's by the rules, but do you always follow the rules? High mileage and long flights tire pilots, and then they fall asleep right at the controls. But there’s nothing wrong with that; why then are two pilots needed?

This occurs rarely and only during seven or more hour flights. The pilots ask the senior conductor to come into the cockpit - then one sleeps in the chair, moving it away from the controls, and the other, in order not to fall asleep, communicates with the senior.

To summarize: one pilot must always be on call to receive flight information.

In the parking lot before takeoff, I always have time to drink coffee/tea, depending on the time of day. On a flight, the choice always consists of three hot dishes (meat/chicken/fish). But, you probably don’t know that the commander and co-pilot are prohibited from choosing the same dish!

If I choose chicken today, my colleague will choose meat/fish. This is done in order to avoid poisoning from the same products.

If the flight is up to 5 o'clock, then we eat once. If more, then two. And yes, we eat at the helm. We have special tables where the flight attendant brings meals.

Today we celebrated our son's birthday, and I asked those present what they fear most about flying. It turned out that the majority would not like to be in a situation where the plane has to go around!

There are several reasons preceding this decision (to go to the second round). Firstly, the runway is occupied by a foreign object that is preventing the aircraft from landing. For example, some animal wandered into the strip (I personally have never had this happen in my experience).

Secondly (the most common reason), the previous landing plane did not have time to clear the runway.

Thirdly, there is a strong crosswind, the pilot simply does not get into the landing zone. The most important thing is not to hesitate and quickly gain altitude. Any passenger who has been in such a situation will now understand why the plane sharply lifts its nose when approaching the second circle.

In general, this is a normal situation for a pilot; every pilot practices it until he turns blue in the face in the simulator, so there is absolutely nothing to be afraid of.

Why is a pilot not allowed to have a beard? My answer is: it’s all banal and simple - growths on the face, including hair growths, are prohibited due to the fact that if it is necessary to use an oxygen mask, it may not fit tightly to the face, which means this situation can endanger the lives of passengers.

Many people think that an airplane has two wings - this opinion is wrong! The wings are not attached to the sides of the fuselage, passenger airliners one wing is the so-called monoplane.

In simple terms: a single wing penetrates the fuselage and continues on the other side. The familiar “corn makers” have two wings.

Why does the wing not seem as strong or rigid? If the wing were rigid, it would break under the load, because it is affected by the lifting force, the weight of the engines, and the oncoming air flow.

The lower part of the wing is made of a softer material, since it stretches more during flight, and the upper part is made of a harder one.

After a flight, flight attendants often convey to me words of gratitude from passengers for boarding. You're welcome!

I already wrote that the door to the cockpit is armored. And practically nothing is heard between the cockpit and the cabin. So, during takeoff/landing, for the first 15/20 minutes my partner and I are completely immersed in the work process.

I know that passengers applaud gratefully after takeoff and after landing, but, unfortunately, let me dispel the myth - we hear absolutely nothing in the cockpit! All the applause and cheers go to the flight attendants!

When I fly as a passenger, I have an idea and see how everything happens in the cabin. This irritates some people, but personally I am fine with this.

28.01.2019 , 21:00 17710

How do most people answer the simple question “How many wings does an airplane have?” Most likely the answer will be number two. Actually this is not true. First, let's look at the purpose and structure of the wings.

Wing purpose

Various problems may arise during the flight. emergency situations. An experienced pilot will be able to land the plane if one of the engines fails or the landing gear breaks down. However, airplane wings are one of the most important structural elements, without which flight becomes impossible.

Therefore, the safety of air travel is primarily related to the condition of the wings of a transport vessel. Their main purpose is to provide aerodynamic lift. The wing design can easily carry enormous loads.

The following functions of this element of the aircraft are also important:

  • Keeping the aircraft at altitude;
  • The engines are located on or under the wing;
  • The landing gear and other structures for taking off and landing the aircraft are also located in the wing;
IN different models Aircraft design provides for a special shape of the wings.

What does a passenger plane wing consist of?

An airplane wing is conventionally divided into three parts: the right and left half-planes (consoles) and the center wing. Each element has its own purpose. The complex set of all parts included in the overall structure is called mechanization. It includes:
  • Flaps are deflectable surfaces at the rear of the wing. They can be seen from the porthole window. Extended flaps reduce speed and increase aerodynamic drag. Their main function is to facilitate the takeoff and landing of the aircraft.
  • The slats are installed at the front of the wing. They are also deflecting surfaces, their job is to prevent a large "angle attack" from occurring.
  • Flaperons can replace flaps. Typically used on lightweight or radio-controlled models.
  • Spoilers. Their main task is to increase aerodynamic drag and reduce lift.
  • The winglet allows you to reduce drag and increase lift. Its use allows you to reduce fuel consumption several times and reduce the take-off run.

How many wings does an airplane have?

A typical passenger aircraft has only one wing, which is mounted on both sides of the fuselage. Of course, we are talking about modern aircraft models. When the first airplanes were created, there were no super-strong materials yet, and there was also a lack of knowledge, so they were made with two wings.

All passenger aircraft are monoplanes (translated from Greek, “monoplane” means “single plane”). This means that their design includes only one wing. It creates two planes, to the right and left of the fuselage.

Monoplanes quickly gained popularity in passenger transportation as they are more fuel efficient. In addition, “shaking” and other unpleasant sensations of flight are tolerated by passengers on board monoplanes much more easily.

There are also airplane models called biplanes. This type of transport was used during the First and Second World Wars. Biplanes have two wings. The most famous example of this model is the “corner” (An-2). Now they are also used, but mainly in small aviation, V agriculture(irrigation of fields, fire fighting, freight transportation).

The most common wing shape on airplanes is swept. They have such important advantages as increased lifting force and high speeds.

How many wings does an airplane have and why? and got the best answer

Answer from Oleg Demidov[guru]
One of the most traditional amateur misconceptions is that most modern aircraft have two wings.
Comparing an airplane with a bird is incorrect (and I’m generally silent about comparing Dima!), which is why it appears more in fiction than in technical literature.
Modern aircraft in the overwhelming majority have one wing (we are not talking about any symmetry), but the wing is already divided by the fuselage into right and left CONSOLE. And here it doesn’t matter whether the fuselage separates the wing or not (and the same “Frame”, which is the FW-189, has not 3 wings, but no less than ONE).
Airplanes with one wing are monoplanes. Below is a typical representative of MONOplanes:

Airplanes with 2 wings are biplanes. Here:

With 3 wings - these are TRIplanes.

Aviation is not limited to this; there are many variations, such as an integral triplane, tandem wing arrangement, multi-tiered structures, etc.
What Comrade Seryoga called 2 small wings on the tail generally called horizontal tail and serves to balance and control the aircraft.
And the question of why one or another wing arrangement was used must be answered based on the specific aircraft and the tasks that it solves. After all, what is good for a “heavenly slow-moving aircraft” may be unacceptable for other aircraft.
P.S. The question is not very stupid (I state this as an aircraft designer) and suggests that its author does not follow everyday stereotypes, but thinks about the essence of the phenomenon.
P.S.S. By the way, you can determine the professional suitability of the author of an aviation reference book by looking at whether he writes “wing span” or “wing span.” If you get the 2nd option, then it is better not to waste money on stupid and illiterate literature full of unreliable information.
Source: Aviation education and design activities in the aviation bureau

Reply from You'll get by[guru]
In fact, there is only one wing; it simply passes through the fusely, or the fuselage is located on the wing itself or under it.
Previously, they did it with a bunch of wings because at low speed it made it possible to obtain greater lifting force, but because of this, a lot of air resistance was obtained. When the engines began to be made more powerful, it turned out that the aircraft only needed one bearing plane. Therefore there is only one wing.

Reply from Leonid[guru]
Just an addition: there are also planes with THREE wings - the German “frame” (high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft) remembered by everyone from films about the war. Well, that is, it’s still a monoplane, just two fuselages.
As the aircraft designers themselves said, at high speeds (600 km/h and more) wings are not needed at all - the aerodynamic properties of the fuselage itself would be enough. Wings are needed for takeoff and landing when speed is low. So exactly two is just a compromise number.

Reply from Mage[guru]
Find any book on aerodynamics on the internet. It describes in a simple and accessible form why two and not three. I can only say that more than two wings are ineffective...

Reply from Yergey Romanovsky[active]
As a power unit, there is one wing, and the fuselage divides it into right and left parts. There are monoplanes and biplanes.

Reply from Http://adhd-kids.narod.ru/articles/stop_teasing_intro.html[newbie]
2 because the bird also

Reply from Dixit[active]
If relative to the fuselage, on the right and left, then the monoplane has one each, and the biplane has a pair (there are several more schemes with an increase in the number). Because if it’s on one side, it won’t be able to fly (well, it’s like in the rhyme about a fly).

Reply from Yoeryoga.[guru]
four. two large ones on the fuselage, two small ones on the tail - for better stability

Reply from Andrey Ilyukhin[newbie]
U conventional aircraft one wing. It consists of a center section (an element connecting to the fuselage) and two wing consoles: left and right. This is 100 pounds and without a doubt!

Reply from Yergey Maltsev[newbie]
The aircraft has one wing with a center section and consoles.

Reply from Dfg dfgdfg[active]
An airplane has ONE wing, and what is called “Wings” is the plumage.

Reply from Andy estroff[guru]
Well, there are even pictures here, to be sure. An airplane can have one, two, or three wings, depending on the purpose, shape and size, and the number of wings is different. The aircraft are named accordingly: monoplane, biplane, triplane.
Almost all modern civil aviation aircraft are monoplanes with the wing located above the fuselage, under, and in the center, so sometimes some people say that there are two wings. And what’s on the tail is the tail unit, not wings; allways have wings...

Reply from Olga Khovanskaya[guru]
(sobs sobbing, smearing mascara) Oh, two male-ah-ah, oh decadent-oh-oh-oh-oh !! !
In general, the wings are not the main thing. If Stealth's wings are removed, he, the pest, will still fly, because he is supported by electronics alone.
Two wings are the required decent aerodynamic minimum. As they say, poor thing, but simple.

Reply from Dmitry[guru]
Why do you have two arms, two legs, two ears, two eyes, two breasts, two nostrils? That's why airplanes have it!

Reply from Elena Sukhorukova[newbie]
strictly speaking, a monoplane has one of two halves; the fuselage needs to be attached somewhere, logically in the middle, for balance.

Reply from Alexander Kazachenok[guru]
A biplane has 2 wings located at different levels, a triplane has 3 located at different levels, and a monoplane has 1 wing divided into two parts by the cabin. Why, basically, two wings are the necessary minimum to provide lifting force and have less air resistance and allow solving problems of accommodating the pilot, engine, etc.
