Detailed map of Crimea with cities and towns in Russian. Map of Crimea Hiking routes around Crimea on the map

Crimea is a popular holiday destination in the summer, with thousands of people looking for a map of it. The site administration has prepared all sorts of map options for your reference. To say that the Crimean peninsula is unique is to say nothing. Crimea is Europe in miniature, all types of landscapes are collected here - high mountain ranges And deep canyons, beautiful azure beaches and endless steppes, quiet seashores, and noisy river waterfalls. Crimea is called the pearl of Europe and for good reason - it is a place of unique cultural and historical value, a true Mecca for all types of tourism. And the wonderful mild climate allows you to visit Crimea both in summer and in the cold season. It is impossible to get to know Crimea in one visit; you need to visit here again and again, each time discovering new places.

Detailed map of Crimea with villages and roads.

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Having a detailed map of Crimea it’s easy to find what you need locality or a recreation center, the diagram shows in detail highways with terrain reliefs.

Map of highways of Crimea.

On the driving map Crimean peninsula indicated kilometers between the main directions of Crimea: Alushta, Bakhchisarai, Belogorsk, Dzhankoy, Evpatoria, Kerch, Krasnoperekopsk, Saki, Sevastopol, Simferopol, Sudak, Chernomorskoye, Feodosia Yalta. With the help of this data, it will be easy to answer the question - how many kilometers are between the indicated cities?

Detailed tourist map of Crimea

Are you planning a vacation trip around Crimea? Then this card is best suited for movement. There is an alphabetical list of all settlements with a search by map squares.

The uniqueness of the Crimean peninsula partly lies in its unique climate. Although the peninsula is not large, its climate zones are very diverse. Surprisingly, with an area of ​​the peninsula of 27 thousand square kilometers, there are as many as three climatic macroregions. This is not counting the fact that there are up to 20 subregions here! The secret of this phenomenon is the combination of various relief formations, the fact that the peninsula is washed by two seas, the presence of bays, and also the fact that its borders are surrounded by high-altitude mountains. Basically, the climatic zones are divided into three main relief units of the peninsula - the steppe, mountain, and southern embankment zone.

A special feature of the region is the presence of areas where it is especially warm in winter. At the same time, it is phenomenal that if, for example, in Yalta and Melitopol in summer the temperature spread is only 1 degree, in winter the temperature difference can reach 11 degrees! This is precisely explained by the landscape; the Crimean mountains in this case protect Yalta from mainland winds. It is warmest, of course, on the southern coast of Crimea; here the mild weather is due to the proximity of the sea. The most severe in terms of cold are the Crimean Mountains, the peaks of which remain cold even in summer. The most warm place in Crimea is Miskhor. Average temperature in January it is +4.4 degrees, and the annual average is almost 14 degrees Celsius. Thus, Crimea remains an attractive holiday destination for tourists even in winter; people come here for the Christmas holidays or winter holidays. Map of Crimea regions:

You can also view maps of the peninsula's regions in detail:

Crimean mountains- silent giants keeping the secrets of history

The mountains divide the Crimean peninsula into two parts: the larger part is the steppe part, and the mountain part itself. The mountains stretch from the northeastern to the southwestern part of the peninsula, from Sevastopol to Feodosia, forming three parallel mountain ranges, which in turn are separated by beautiful green plains. The length of the mountains is almost 200 kilometers, the width is approximately 50 kilometers. The main ridge has the most greater height mountains, it includes such giants as Roman-Kosh, with a height of more than one and a half kilometers, Chatyrdok, whose height is 1525 meters (which is only 20 meters less than the height Roman-Kosh mountains), and Ai-Petri, whose height is 1231 meters. The southern slopes of the Main Ridge are steep, while the northern slopes are gentle.

The peaks of the Crimean mountains without forests form plateaus called “yayls”. From Turkic the word “yayl” is translated as “summer pasture”. Yailas combine the properties of mountains and plains; they are connected by narrow ridges with mountain passes. Since ancient times, routes from the Crimean steppe to South Bank.

Over the centuries, the Yailas were eroded by rainwater, the flows of which crisscrossed the mountains with numerous passages, forming beautiful caves, mines and wells.

Behind the Main Ridge is the Inner Ridge. She is significantly lower highest point the inner ridge is Mount Kubalich, its height is less than 750 meters. The inner ridge extends from the Mekenzi Mountains to Mount Agarmysh. The length of this ridge is 125 kilometers.

The third row of the Crimean mountains is called the Northern Ridge. This mountain range is the lowest, its height reaches only 340 meters. This ridge is also called the foothills. The southern slopes of the northern ridge are steep, while the northern ones are gentle, gradually turning into plains. The Crimean Mountains are an excellent place for mountain tourism, hiking, and rock climbing. Well-established infrastructure allows you to organize a comprehensive, complete vacation that is good for your health.

Maps of Crimean cities over 10,000 population.


Crimean steppes- fertile fields and mud volcanoes. If mountains are located on only 20 percent of the territory of the peninsula, then the steppe occupies about 70 percent of the entire territory of Crimea. The Crimean steppe is the southern edge of the East European Plain. It is almost completely located at the same level, only slightly lowering in the north. On Kerch Peninsula The steppe is divided by the Parpach ridge, here the southwestern part is flat and the northeastern part is hilly. This area contains the famous mud hills and coastal lake basins. There are unique mud volcanoes here (these volcanoes are not related to real volcanoes, because they spew cold mud instead of hot lava).

Plain part The Crimean steppe consists of southern chernozems, unusually fertile, so more than half of the territory is occupied by arable land, the rest is forest and pasture, and only less than 5% of the steppe is occupied by vineyards and garden plots.

The basis of green tourism- Crimean forests. It is naive to believe that Crimea is an arid, bare steppe. Almost 350 thousand hectares of the peninsula are occupied by forests. Mostly oak trees grow on the mountain slopes; here they make up about 65% of all trees (while pine trees make up less than 15%). The legendary juniper and evergreen small-fruited strawberry grow on the South Coast. Here you can find pistachios, Pontian broom, cistus, pyracantha, bush jasmine, and many other plants that are difficult to find on the mainland of Ukraine.

Diversity of water resources of Crimea. There are more than one and a half thousand rivers and drainages on the Crimean peninsula. The total length of water flows is almost 6 thousand kilometers. At the same time, it should be noted that most of them are small streams that dry up in summer. It is surprising that there are only 257 rivers on the peninsula that are more than 5 kilometers long.

The main rivers of the peninsula are divided into the following groups:

  1. Rivers of the northern slope of the Crimean mountains. Here is the famous Salgir, the longest Crimean river, its length is 232 kilometers. The remaining rivers of the northern slope are much shorter, for example, Wet Indol - only 27 kilometers, Churuksu - 33 kilometers.
  2. Rivers of the northwestern slope. The Alma River is the longest here, its length is 84 kilometers. Other rivers (Chernaya, Belbek, Kacha, Western Bulganok) are a little shorter.
  3. Rivers of the Southern Coast of Crimea. There are mainly small water flows here, for example, the length of the Uchan-Su River is only 8.4 kilometers, Demerdzhi - 14, and Derekoyka - 12 kilometers.

An amazing fact: the rivers of the northwestern slopes are located almost parallel, and half of their path are mountain streams. Rivers northern slopes, which flow across the plain, flow into Sivash. On the South Coast, the short rivulets are entirely mountain streams; they all flow into the Black Sea. The Uchan-Su River is unique here; along its short path it forms four beautiful waterfalls.

The reason for the poor development of river waters on the peninsula is that the main source of rivers is rain. Rainwater feeds the rivers of Crimea by almost 50 percent, while groundwater give rivers only 30 percent of their water potential. The rest is snow melting. Crimea's groundwater potential barely exceeds a billion cubic meters; for comparison, Ukraine supplies three times as much water to the peninsula annually. 20 reservoirs and more than a hundred ponds help control groundwater. The North Crimean Canal from Ukraine supplies Crimea with 3.5 billion cubic meters of water, this is the main water source for agriculture. If it were not for this water source, the arid Crimean steppe could not be fertile. (for comparison, in 1937 there were 35 thousand hectares of irrigated land, and in 1994 there were more than 10 times more - 400 thousand).

Of course, speaking about water resources, one cannot fail to mention estuary lakes, valuable healing sources of salt water. In total, there are more than 50 such lakes on the territory of Crimea, their total area exceeds 5 thousand square kilometers. Here salts are obtained and healing mud. The most famous such lake is Saki, but you can also visit Sasyk, Donuzlav, Bakal, Krasnoe or Lake Aktash.

Bottom line: In Crimea you can find absolutely everything on maps, and even more. Holidays for treatment purposes, winter and summer holidays, extreme tourism, hiking and cycling, wine tourism, rock climbing - here you can find a vacation for every taste and budget. The unique climate and atmosphere of these places will make you come here again and again.

Crimea is an amazing peninsula, which contains a large number of architectural and natural monuments. Almost the entire territory of Crimea is of particular interest for tourists, travelers, and vacationers. After all, here are the most beautiful natural places- mountains, rivers, forests, meadows and beaches - everything you need for active recreation, relaxation and inspiration.

Below we present you photos of maps of Crimea: physical card Crimea, a road map, a map for tourists, a map of attractions and a table of distances between the main settlements of the Crimea peninsula.

Physical map of the Crimean Peninsula

The physical map of Crimea displays the relief of Crimea - the plains of the steppes, the heights of the Crimean mountains and the depths of the Black and Azov seas. In addition, the map shows cities and towns, main roads, lakes, rivers and bays...

Crimea road map

If you plan to travel around Crimea by car or train, you will find the car map interesting and useful - and railways with the designation of settlements. It marks both expressways and roads between populated areas.

In order to view the map of Crimea in full size, please click on its image.

Tourist or folk map of Crimea

On the map of the Crimean peninsula for tourists, all the main tourism points are indicated, such as camping sites, parking lots, tourist centers, yacht clubs, centers of hiking, underwater, cruise, horse and bicycle tourism, as well as much more...

In order to view the map of Crimea in full size, please click on its image.

Detailed map of Crimea attractions

For recreation and relaxation in Crimea, there are a great many places that are definitely worth visiting to see the beauty of nature and man-made buildings. The presented maps show the sights of Crimea in sufficient detail. Plan your trips to the most beautiful places in Crimea!

In order to view the map of Crimea in full size, please click on its image.

and another three-dimensional map with interesting places:

Distances between cities of Crimea

The Crimean Peninsula is relatively small in area and from one city to another by car or public transport can be reached in a few hours. Below are the distances between the main settlements of Crimea, which for convenience are displayed in the form of a summary table - the distance between the points you need is at the intersection of vertical and horizontal.

I would like to tell you about several tourist routes in Crimea at once, but so far we have only completed two. Therefore, the information will only be about them and about those points that should be taken into account when preparing for the trip. I hope those who are going for the first time may find this post useful. Experienced hikers are unlikely to find anything interesting for themselves, especially since I don’t pretend to be anything, I prefer to go on easy hikes and am not an avid hiker. If you have any questions, ask.

Below are 4 pictures in fairly good resolution. They are in GIF format. Full image via links.

Route through the mountains to the sea

The only mistake was that we got lost in one place and spent the night on the Sualtan River, although we should have walked further. There were clearly no paths there, but it was our own fault that we wanted to take a shortcut. It's better not to do this without GPS.

Path length: About 60 km, day trips - as you please. We walked it slowly in 7 days, you can walk it in 4-5.

Route thread: Tankovoe – Mangup (spring) – t/s Istoki (spring) – lane. Bechku - t/s Ai-Dimitriya (spring) - t/s Tea House - t/s Silver Streams (spring) - t/s Grand Canyon(river) - t/s B (river) - t/s Bash-Dere (river) - Ai-Petri - by minibus to Yalta.

Map of the tourist route in Crimea

Route through Tyrke Yaylu and Karabi Yaylu

In the summer of 2012, we went hiking in the mountains of Crimea in the same way. This time he ran along Black Sea coast and we periodically saw the sea in the open. In the end, of course, we still went to the sea, so it can be called the same way - through the mountains to the sea. Moreover, we literally reached the sea on foot and without transport. But the last 5 km is just a flat dirt road that is not of much interest, well, maybe except for the fact that there are grape plantations everywhere.

This route is also good because there is minimal probability of meeting foresters, since these places are not very popular.

Route thread: With. Perevalnoye (river Kurlyuk Su) - t/s Kurlyuk Bash - t/s Vostochny Suat - t/s Ai Alexiy - t/s Chigenitra - Rybachye.

Path length: About 35 km, day treks are optional, but it’s easier to navigate to tourist sites (t/s), because there are springs there. Although they meet on their own a couple of times. We completed it in 5 days with a radial exit, but it is realistic to complete it in 2-3 days.

Map of the tourist route Kurluk Su - Tyrke - Karabi - Rybachye

What to consider when going hiking in Crimea

There are many more moments, but this is what is ours personal experience. First, read, I described all the methods.

  • Officially, before hiking in Crimea, you need to register with the KSS (Control and Rescue Service), providing them with the route and pay for all overnight stays, as well as transitions between them, if required. You can find out which parking lots and crossings are paid on the laziness website. In fact, it is not necessary to register, and you don’t have to pay either.
  • It also makes sense to find out what the fire hazard situation is in the region before going. Firstly, you will not be registered if you want to do this, and secondly, in areas marked red you can run into foresters and get a fine. And from a purely human point of view, it is better to refrain from visiting the Crimean forests at this time.
  • Please note that there is a divorce in Crimea large number“Ostap Benders” who may try to scam you out of money. Therefore, in the link above, read exactly where and what you have to pay for.
  • To reduce the risk of getting caught out of money, it is best to go through places of possible payment either early in the morning or in the evening. It’s also better to leave your overnight stay early in the morning to avoid unnecessary questions. For example, you can’t officially spend the night on Mangup-Kala, so it’s better not to interfere with those who take tourists there in UAZs.
  • Officially, overnight stays can only be made at tourist sites (there is a list), in fact - almost everywhere. And if anyone asks, say that you spent the night at such-and-such. If they demand money, you can pay for one day, saying that it is the last. But it’s still better not to spend the night on the territory of the reserve outside of tourist sites.
  • Tourist sites (t/s) are trampled clearings with fire pits. What I mean is that, as a rule, there are no shops, accommodation or other services there. The exception is parking near the highways, or near forest rangers' houses, where something edible can be found. There is often a spring in the parking lots.
  • Do not even think about lighting a fire on the territory of the reserve outside of tourist sites, not only because of the large fine, but also because of the frequent fires in Crimea. The most best option- use a gas burner. And during the fire season it is better to do without a fire at all.
  • There are few rivers in Crimea and they often dry up. In addition, hiking trails rarely go along them, and therefore it is necessary to have a sufficient supply of water until the next spring. And also plan your hiking route so that it ends at a tourist site where there is a spring.
  • In order to go to hiking It is enough to have a map of the area on a scale of 1 cm - 500 m with tourist routes of Crimea and a compass. If possible, you can also take a GPS. It is necessary to take into account that the map of Crimea is made on the basis military card 30 years ago, some dirt roads may no longer exist, so it's best to plan your route along hiking trails, which are highlighted in color on the map, and not on dirt roads.
  • If you forgot something for a hike (list of things for a hike), then there is a good tourist store Vertical (Lenina Blvd., 14/2) next to the railway station in Simferopol. There you can buy a mountain atlas of the Crimea, gas cylinders, and basically any equipment. It literally takes 5 minutes to walk.
  • Regular buses in Crimea are quite inexpensive and run quite often, so you can use them in the main directions. And in those directions where trolleybuses run (Yalta-Simferopol, Alushta-Simferopol), it is better to travel by them, they are often air-conditioned and at the same time even cheaper than buses.

P.S. Have a good trip to the mountains along any routes in Crimea! And please, if possible, take your trash with you!

There are many options for maps of Crimea. This section presents how topographical so and tourist maps of Crimea. This section presents detailed map Crimea for motorists.

Speaking of features maps of Crimea, you involuntarily recall the analogy about the peninsula as a world in miniature. In fact, the map of Crimea is also a kind of miniature reflection of everything that is on the peninsula. For a person going on vacation to Crimea, a map is a very useful thing. And it doesn’t matter how you arrive in this blessed land. But if you are driving, then you simply cannot do without a map. Actually, for those traveling on any type personal transport, and for those who prefer hiking, the map will also not be superfluous.

Topographical, interactive map Crimea from Google:

Topographical, interactive map of Crimea from Yandex:

You can download all maps to your computer and view them in maximum size! To do this, you just need to save the desired map by left-clicking on it (save image as...).

The most detailed tourist map of Crimea with all the attractions.
It reflects all the originality of the nature of the Crimean peninsula. All the variety of natural gifts, contained in a relatively small area, will appear to the eyes of tourists. All that remains is to choose:

  • grottos and caves
  • waterfalls and gorges
  • monasteries and fortresses
  • museums, palaces and gardens

Everything that Crimea is rich in is available for visiting. Crimea generously gives everyone the perfect holiday.
Another detailed tourist map of Crimea with all the attractions:

General tourist map of Crimea with attractions:

Detailed map of Crimea for motorists:

Download a tourist map of the mountain-forest zone of Crimea

Recommended for travelers and lovers of hiking in the Crimean Mountains install the application on your smartphone, where to download a map of Crimea. By turning on geolocation on your smartphone, you will always know your location in Crimea. This map shows not only roads, houses and attractions, but also numerous hiking trails.

Crimea is large tourist center Black Sea. The territory of the peninsula is divided between two administrative entities: the republic of the same name and the Sevastopol City Council.

Relatively recently, a map of Russia with Crimea appeared - this peninsula became part of our country in March 2014.

Detailed map of Crimea with cities and towns

Detailed map of Crimea with all roads and routes

The capital of the republic is Simferopol. She has rich ethnic composition: Russians, Tatars, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Azerbaijanis, Armenians, Uzbeks and other nationalities live in it.

An ethnographic map of Crimea with villages makes it possible to establish how nationalities are distributed among regions and settlements, and an economic map - what types of economic activities do representatives of different ethnic groups primarily engage in.

There are many resorts of various types on the peninsula, located both on the coast and at some distance from it. As a rule, they are tied to populated areas, and a map of Crimea with cities is perfect for getting to vacation spots.

To view maps in full size, open the desired map. Then right-click on the image and select "Open in new tab"

How to open a full-size map

1. Open the desired card

2. Right-click on the image

3. Select “Open in new tab”

Resort cities of Crimea on the map (Tourist map of Crimea)


Yalta is large resort town on the South Bank. The city is the center of a large agglomeration - Greater Yalta, which, as the detailed map of Crimea suggests, includes villages Alupka, Livadia, Oreanda, Massandra.

Yalta has the best climatic conditions for treating patients with diseases of the nervous and respiratory systems. The local ecosystem is unique, since it was formed under the influence of both mountainous and coastal climates - any map of Crimea with cities in Russian will help you verify the unique geographical location settlement.

Within the city there are many historical and architectural attractions. Among the latter, “ Swallow's Nest"- a building on a steep cliff above the sea, resembling medieval castle. Also, the map of Russian Crimea will be useful when searching for other memorable places, including the Livadia, Vorontsov and Massandra palace complexes.

Outside the city there are waterfalls Wuchang-Su, mountains Ayu-Dag And Ai-Petri, lake Karagol, Cape Nature Reserve Martyan. The developed transport infrastructure allows you to get to any of these attractions, good map Crimea will necessarily contain a detailed description of access routes.


Sevastopol is a large seaport, location Black Sea Fleet. A studied map of Crimea with villages will make it possible to better navigate the surroundings of the city - it is surrounded by mountain range, which may seem interesting to connoisseurs of outdoor activities.

There are many agencies in Sevastopol that are ready to organize diving and windsurfing, horseback riding, trips along the coast on motor boats and sailing yachts. In the latter case, when traveling to Crimea, you will definitely need a coast map.


Simferopol is located far from the coast, but when traveling to the South Coast it is almost impossible to pass this city. Administrative map The Russian Crimea designates it as the center of the republic. Considering the rich history of Simferopol, there are many monuments of the past in the city and near it - the Scythian Naples, house Vorontsova, estate Sabers. To get acquainted with all the sights, you will need a detailed map of Crimea with villages, indicating all interesting places.

There are many museums and galleries, several theaters and philharmonic societies in Simferopol. As the map of Crimea in Russian suggests, near the city there is the Su-Uchkhan waterfall and the adjacent Kizil-Koba cave, which is an ancient karst system no less than 21 kilometers long. Any map of Crimea in Russian will help you navigate the route to this interesting geographical feature.


Moving along the mountain highway from Simferopol to the south, you can get to Alushta - the second most popular resort on the Crimean coast of the Black Sea after Yalta. As the map of Crimea with cities indicates, the length of the health and tourism complex of Alushta is about 90 kilometers - this is Big Alushta, located between Partenit and the village of Privetnoye.

Sometimes a detailed map of Crimea with villages, depending on the publisher, may depict this zone as a continuous urban development. Alushta is located in a valley surrounded by the mountain peaks of Demerdzhi, Eklizi-Burun and Roman-Kosh.

If travelers have a map of Crimea with houses at their disposal, they can explore the historical sights of Alushta, including the house-museums of writers Ivan Shmelev and Sergei Sergeev-Tsensky. Outside the city there is also the Museum of Nature of the Crimean Reserve along with an arboretum. There are many attractions and entertainment complexes within walking distance from the shore. A detailed map of Crimea will help you navigate the beach areas, indicating the main recreation areas.


The city of Evpatoria is located in the western part of the peninsula, among many salt lakes. This - ideal conditions for the activities of balneological hospitals. In addition to the Evpatoria waters, local mud has a healing effect. It’s not for nothing that the map of Crimea with resorts marks Evpatoria as a major health center on the Black Sea coast.

Quantity sunny days in the city more than in Yalta. Swimming season in Evpatoria it starts early, since the shallow Kalamitsky Gulf warms up quickly. Although the hydrological map of Crimea contains information about its temperature, it is better to rely on forecasts from weather forecasters.

In summer, the Evpatoria coast is characterized by breezes that provide cool air with warm water.

To travel in the vicinity of the city, you will need a map of Crimea with villages, since the resorts of Zaozernoye, Novofedorovka and Nikolaevka are located near Yevpatoria. The city is also located in close proximity to the Evpatoria group of lakes, including the Sivash and Moinaki reservoirs. There is a water park on the Evpatoria beach.


The city of Alupka is located in the place where the Main mountain range of the Crimean Mountains comes closest to sea ​​coast. To get here along the winding serpentines, you need a detailed map of Crimea with cities, produced in 2015. The streets in the city are confusing; many neighborhoods have the characteristics of mountain settlements. The length of Alupka along the coast is 4.5 kilometers, and the Ai-Petri peak rises above the city.

Alupka is an integral part of the agglomeration Big Yalta. A map of Crimea with cities in Russian will help you navigate among the local villages, and it is advisable that it describes in detail the southern coast of the peninsula. In addition to resorts, Alupka attracts tourists Vorontsov Palace- an architectural monument from the times of the Russian Empire.


The settlement of Livadia is another part of Greater Yalta. The village was once used as a summer imperial residence, and in memory of those times, the Livadia Palace has been preserved, today open to tourists. When searching for it, a map of Crimea with cities is useless; it is better to use a detailed map of the southern coast of the peninsula.

Travelers are also interested in Livadia Park, famous for its diversity of plants and shrubs, as well as its unusual landscape. This park is the oldest on the coast. To get to know the surroundings of Livadia in more detail, vacationers can use the services of one of the many agencies that organize excursions - however, if you have a detailed map of Crimea with villages, you can go on a walk on your own.


The village of Oreanda, along with Alupka and Livadia, is a district of Greater Yalta. Its distinctive feature is its natural landscapes. Fans of active recreation can visit Krestovaya Mountain, located near the village, and walk along the Tsar’s Trail - in the latter case, a coast map is required when traveling to Crimea.

Oreanda is famous for its Golden Beach, which is considered the best in Big Yalta. This beach is a natural stretch of coastline strewn with polished pebbles, but not every map of Crimea with villages contains information about its location. The local sea air is suitable for treating people with respiratory diseases.


Any map of Crimea depicts Massandra as an eastern suburb of Yalta. Famous wines are produced here: many of the mountain slopes near Massandra are devoted to vineyards. In the village there is a winemaking plant of the same name, which owns a rich collection of wines.

In addition to winemaking, Massandra is famous for the palace of Alexander III, as well as the Massandra Park. The 2015 map of Crimea with cities does not miss these sights in print, unlike earlier versions, where relatively little attention was paid to the coast in the Massandra area.


Bakhchisaray, like Simferopol, is a “continental” resort. Despite the lack of beaches, about half a million tourists visit the city every year. They are mainly attracted by the medieval atmosphere of the city. In addition, as the Russian map of Crimea tells us, Bakhchisarai has an advantageous geographical location, and is located at an important transport junction between Sevastopol and Simferopol. A high-quality map of Crimea online makes it possible to thoroughly study the route connecting these centers.

The main attraction of Bakhchisarai is the Khan's palace. In the vicinity of the city you can see " cave cities", as well as magnificent natural attractions: the settlement is located between the Inner and Outer ridges of the Crimean Mountains, and the 2015 map of Crimea will definitely come in handy when traveling through this difficult terrain.


Kerch is the most eastern city peninsula, its “sea gate” for those traveling by ferry. The city is interesting because it is a port of both the Black and Azov Seas, and the waters of Sivash are also located in close proximity to it. A map of Crimea with resorts will help you decide on the choice of a suitable beach: both seas, as well as the lake, have different hydrological regimes, so the recreation conditions on their coasts differ.

As the detailed topographic map of Crimea allows you to see, in the vicinity of the city it prevails steppe landscape. Those who wish, in addition to the beaches, can visit the Melek-Chesme mound - an ancient well-preserved burial site, today converted into a museum.

Old Crimea

This city is located in the east of the peninsula in a place where the steppe, mountains and sea touch. To get here, a map of Crimea in Russian will help: the town is remote from the main tourist routes. However, the settlement has a developed resort infrastructure, and is suitable for those who want to spend their vacation in solitude, away from noisy places where travelers gather.

There are several galleries and museums in Old Crimea, including the house-museum of Konstantin Paustovsky, as well as the ethnographic museum of the Crimean Tatars. Those who have a 2015 map of Crimea at their disposal can easily navigate the city and its surroundings.

View the nature of Crimea on the map

A detailed map of Crimea in Russian allows you to see that according to the type of landscapes, the peninsula is divided into two zones: the first, steppe, occupies two thirds of its territory, and the second, mountain– remaining space.

The steppe extends from the northern outskirts of the peninsula to its central part, smoothly turns into hills, and then is replaced by mountainous terrain. A topographic map of Crimea with cities suggests that there are areas in the mountains that are not inhabited by humans.

The nature of the vegetation cover directly depends on the features of the relief. So, grass grows in the steppes, but there are no forests. And vice versa: in mountainous areas trees predominate, especially with a developed root system, which are firmly attached to the rocks. Taking this into account, satellite map Crimea is divided into two parts: in the north and center it is light green, sometimes with a red or brown tint, and in the south it is dark. Relict vegetation is common on the South Coast.

Climate and weather of Crimea

The peninsula is located in three climatic macroregions; there are also twenty microregions on its territory. Macroregions due to relief: climate map Crimea's detailed map generally corresponds to the topographic map. First macroregionsteppe– located in the northern and eastern parts of the peninsula, secondfoothill and mountain– in the center and closer to the south, and thirdSouth Bank– near the very edge of the Black Sea.

Appreciate diversity weather conditions A map of Crimea with wind symbols will help: “home” winds near the coast are rare, they blow much more often in the steppe. Throughout the entire peninsula, air flows from the east and northeast predominate, with the only exception being Feodosia, which is open to western winds.

As for precipitation, the 2018 map of Crimea suggests that in the steppe part of the region there is an insufficient level of moisture. The most precipitation on the peninsula falls on the northern spurs of the Crimean Mountains - more than 1000 mm annually.


Although the map of Russia with Crimea appeared relatively recently, travelers to the republic can use guidebooks published over the past several years. The information provided in the directories is not outdated, especially when it comes to resorts, transport infrastructure, climatic zones.
