Underwater waterfall in Mauritius: excursions. Optical illusion of an underwater waterfall, Mauritius (12 photos) Underwater waterfall Mauritius where is it located

In the Indian Ocean you can observe an unusual natural anomaly - the illusion of an underwater waterfall, located off the coast of the Le Morne Brabant peninsula in the southwest of Mauritius. Deceptive landscapes formed by coral reefs, sand and silt deposits, driven by strong underwater currents, seem like bizarre cascades, the vortex jets of which descend directly to the ocean floor. The landscape, which looks like graffiti painted by nature, is best viewed from a bird's eye view by going on a sightseeing tour by helicopter.

The Le Morne-Brabant peninsula, a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2008, is home to several hotels, including Les Pavillons, Dinarobin Hotel Golf & Spa, and the Indian Resort & Spa, which is located just a couple of hundred meters from the natural anomalies. In addition to beach holidays, the southwestern part of the island of Mauritius has excellent opportunities for active recreation. In particular, here you can go to caves, and if you have mountaineering skills, walk along rocky ledges.

How to get there

You can get to the Le Morne-Braban peninsula, located in the southwest of Mauritius, along highway 89, which runs along the picturesque coast of the island. The illusion of an underwater waterfall is located a few hundred meters from the coast - and the best way to observe the natural anomaly is from a bird's eye view, taking a sightseeing tour of the island by helicopter. Such trips are organized by the airline. The cost of the walk starts from 13,000 MUR (~$390.0) for a 15-minute tour for two. An hour-long journey will cost 34,000 MUR (~$1020.0). Each additional passenger will cost from 4000 MUR (~$120.0) to 13000 MUR (~$390.0), depending on the duration of the trip. The route is agreed upon with tourists, as is the place where it starts and ends. As a rule, such excursions begin and end at the helipad closest to the hotel where guests live. Flights departing from the island's international airport will cost a little less - from 10,000 MUR (~$300.0) for a 15-minute walk for two. You can find out more about helicopter tours in Mauritius on the official website www.airmauritius.com/helicopterrates.htm.


The illusion of an underwater waterfall is located in the Indian Ocean, near the Le Morne-Brabant peninsula, off the southwestern tip of the island.

Underwater waterfall in Mauritius

Is there a waterfall under the sea near the island of Mauritius

A photo of an underwater waterfall near Mauritius has gone around the Internet.

Everyone began to wonder whether such a waterfall exists under the sea off the island of Mauritius or whether it is a photoshop.

The underwater waterfall is not a photoshop, it's an illusion. As you know, Mauritius is surrounded by a coral reef. The relief formed by this reef, underwater currents, silt deposits, and sand moving under the influence of underwater currents create the illusion of an underwater waterfall in Mauritius. Also contributing to the illusion is the clarity of the water within the coral reef.

You can verify that the underwater waterfall is not photoshopped by opening a satellite map. You can zoom in to see this beautiful illusion near the southwestern tip of Mauritius in detail.

You won't be able to see such beauty while walking on the water. In order to see the underwater waterfall in Mauritius, you need to buy a helicopter ride. This expensive pleasure costs about $450 for 2 people for 15 minutes. On the Air Mauritus website you can see prices http://www.airmauritius.com/helicopterrates.htm

The underwater waterfall is located in Mauritius near Mount Le Morne, located on the Le Morne Brabant peninsula.

The phrase “underwater waterfall” sounds absurd. Something like “butter oil” or “transitional transition.” But this is not an empty tautology. Underwater waterfalls actually exist, and there is no other way to call them. This is a unique miracle of nature, worthy to be seen at least once in your life. The impression of what you see will remain for a long time. Our article is dedicated to this miracle of nature.

Waterfall underwater - what is it?

Despite the fact that man has already studied the planet inside and out, there are still many unique unexplored places left on it. This is exactly what underwater waterfalls are.

This is surprising for two reasons:

  • uneven;
  • uneven in density (due to different salt content and temperature differences in neighboring areas).

Everything happens something like this: when there are water zones of different densities nearby, and the bottom in this place is relief, denser flows “fall” down, and light flows rush up. And the effect of falling water is created.

The largest underwater waterfall

To date, scientists have identified 7 such places on the bottom of the world's oceans (but most likely there are many more). It is noteworthy that some underwater waterfalls are many times larger than their terrestrial “brothers”. The largest of them is located in the Atlantic Ocean between Iceland and Greenland (it was discovered, by the way, by the Russians). It is 350 times taller than the tallest land giant - the Venezuelan one (its height is 979 meters). The width of the Atlantic giant is 150 kilometers, and the water flow is 30 thousand cubic meters per second.

Naturally, people are sorry to leave such power unclaimed, and humanity is already making plans for it, little by little developing projects for underwater hydroelectric power stations. In the meantime, underwater waterfalls have no industrial value. We can only admire them, admiring their beauty.

The most beautiful underwater waterfall, Mauritius island

One of the most magnificent sights on the planet is the waterfall, which is located near the Le Morne Brabant peninsula. This is on the territory of the state of Mauritius. In fact, the local underwater waterfall is just an illusion. The visual effect of falling water is created by a combination of sand, silt, coral deposits, the strongest current in this place and the refraction of light.

The brilliant magician that is our nature has created such a miracle that it is difficult to take your eyes off. It's hard to describe it in words. Even in photographs, the landscape looks quite mesmerizing, and what can we say about seeing it in person!

How can you see it?

True, you can only see the underwater waterfall of Mauritius from above (by the way, it can be seen even from space). But if you are not an astronaut, but an ordinary tourist, you will have to get into a helicopter, soar into the sky over the Indian Ocean and find yourself in a parallel reality with a fantastic world spread out below, under a thin layer of water.

The ocean shelves in these places are several million years old, but the bottom rose relatively recently. Nearby there were areas with different water depths (from eight to several hundred meters). This was the reason for the birth of a delightful and stunning natural phenomenon.

Thanks to its treasure, the underwater waterfall, the Le Morne Braban peninsula is included in the UNESCO list. In fact, there are not many tourist attractions on this peninsula. The main one is this underwater waterfall. Mauritius is a popular holiday destination. If you are planning a trip there, be sure to visit the Le Morne Braban peninsula and admire the natural wonder.

In the northeast of the island. "Mauritius", which is located in Indian ocean, you can see the unimaginable, which most travelers perceive as abnormal.

Corals moved by underwater currents produce the appearance of a waterfall that flows from within the sea. This perfect a space for fans of an unusual recess under the sea. A giant coral outgrowth near the island is the longest reef in the world.

A waterfall in the ocean is a grandiose product of the water world, which was constructed over many years. This unusual phenomenon is visible from above the fluttering birds, why visiting islands in the ocean India– be sure to go on an amazing super tour of the island on a cornfield.

The price tag for a visit for two is high, for 15 minutes you need to pay almost 400 dollars, for a large 1 hour - one thousand one hundred dollars. You, for whom such entertainment is too expensive, can use cards Google. Even from a satellite you can easily see the stunning manifestation of the Planet.

Not far from an unusual underwater waterfall, a semi-island Le Morne Brabant, hostels of world-famous companies are located here. Half Island has been included in the UNESCO Heritage Book since 2008. The stunning beauty of nature, created by layers, coral reefs and aquatic species, will not leave anyone impassive.

Mauritius is an island state in the Indian Ocean, located 2000 km from the southeastern coast of the African continent. One of the most beautiful islands on our planet contains an amazing attraction in its vastness - the illusion of an underwater waterfall, which from a bird's eye view has an incredibly spectacular view. An impressive natural anomaly, appearing to an aerial observer as a gigantic waterfall, is located off the coast of the Le Morne Brabant peninsula, in the southwestern part of the island state of Mauritius.

An incredible optical illusion off the coast of the peninsula occurs due to the movement of silt deposits and sand under the influence of powerful underwater currents. The crystal clear ocean waters, in turn, allow you to thoroughly enjoy the opening picture, simulating a powerful underwater phenomenon. Bizarre cascades and vortex flows of the “sand waterfall” seem to move to the very bottom of the ocean.

The natural anomaly is located not far from the coast and is best viewed from the air, taking a tour of the island by helicopter. These tours are organized by Air Mauritius. The cost of helicopter tours, depending on their duration, ranges from $300 to $1,500. Those who cannot yet make such a grand flight have the opportunity to get acquainted with the unique attractions of Mauritius using the Google Maps service.

The Le Morne-Braban peninsula, a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2008, has several hotels - Dinarobin Hotel Golf & Spa, Les Pavillons and Indian Resort & Spa, the latter of which is located a couple of hundred meters from the “fake” underwater waterfall .

You can get to the natural phenomenon, which lies in the southwestern tip of the island state of Mauritius, along Highway 89, which runs along the picturesque coastline of the island.
