Useful winter holidays. Joint leisure time for children and parents during the winter holidays

Haven't figured out how to spend the winter holidays? Visit Santa's residence, ski in the Carpathians, check out the surreal nature of the winter Baltic and swim in the warm baths of Budapest in the middle of winter - together with life:) we have compiled a selection of 10 exciting options. Not all of these places will allow you to go on a grand tour, but affordable tickets and favorable roaming offers will help you save money.


In summer it is still cold in Finland, so in order to fully experience the spirit of this country, it is better to go there in the appropriate season. Ski on the squeaky snow, go ice skating while freezing, warm up in the famous Finnish sauna, and if you're lucky, you can see northern lights. A special place to visit should be the residence of Santa Claus in Lapland. True, just at this time Santa has an influx of guests - on holidays they almost fly to the village on charters. The traditional Scandinavian high prices can be compensated for by cheap tickets - choose the best options from Airbaltic.

Vilnius - Helsinki| Air Baltic, €136 | Buy tickets



Germany is, of course, not only Berlin. And if you always regret your summer vacation to visit this country, use the winter holidays to go to one of the destinations where low-cost airlines invariably fly. - a small but progressive and meticulously thought out city, in which life is in full swing around the clock thanks to the student community, flea markets And cultural centers. In Vo you can plunge into the business atmosphere of a real financial capital, and in Cologne, on the contrary, you can feel the spirit of old Germany with its Gothic architecture, beer and chocolate. And if you don’t delay with tickets, you’ll still find yourself in one of the fabulous German castles.

Vilnius - Bremen | Ryanair, from €35 one way, from €50 return | Buy tickets

Vilnius - Frankfurt| Ryanair, from €33 one way, from €46 return | Buy tickets

Vilnius - Cologne| Ryanair, from €15 one way, from €30 return | Buy tickets

Roaming from life:) | from 2.9 rubles per package | Connect


Minsk-Vilnius | BZD, € 27 | Buy tickets

Roaming from life:) | from 2.9 rubles per package | Connect

Czech Republic

Many go to New Year, but wait a little and arrange a romantic trip with your “other half” on February 14 to wander together through the narrow ancient streets, drink hot wine or mead, climb one of the hills and look at all the details of the city through the clear winter air.

Warsaw -Prague| Flixbus €27 | Buy tickets

Roaming from life:) | from 2.9 rubles per package | Connect


IN - former capital The Roman, Byzantine, Latin and Ottoman empires - everyone should visit at least once in their life. The city, which arose at the intersection of European and Asian civilizations, preserves the memory of these great eras. To warm up and recover after long walks among mosques and palaces, go to a traditional Turkish bath - hammam - and a glass of freshly squeezed pomegranate juice will give you a boost of vigor and strength.

Kyiv-Istanbul| €137 | Buy tickets

Roaming from life:) | from 2.9 rubles per package | Connect


A combination of imperial severity and Balkan carelessness can be found in. Explore hilly, relaxed, cottage-style Buda and sleepless, shopping, pompous Pest, end the evening, and the next day go to - after all, where else to swim in winter?

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Go on a trip to New Year holidays I don't really like it. It’s winter, the weather is often cloudy, you never know whether frost will strike or, conversely, there will be a thaw. There are crowds of people everywhere trying to have fun in their free time. In addition, winter is a traditional time for any epidemics such as influenza or ARVI.

It can be very cold in winter. And very beautiful. In the photo: the Alexander Nevsky Church in Vologda, the thermometer dropped to -25 degrees

But you don’t have to choose your free time. And therefore a sacramental question arises: where to go for the New Year holidays, how to spend your free time interestingly? After all, just going to visit each other is tiring, labor-intensive for the hostess and generally harmful to health.

Based on my experience of traveling during the New Year holidays, in this article I will talk about some options for traveling during the winter holidays from Moscow and having an interesting time at home.

If you are going to traveling by car, then it is more convenient if the distance from your home (or the daily mileage of the car) does not exceed 500-600 km. This is explained by the fact that winter daylight hours are short, the road may not be in the best condition, freezing rain may fall or, conversely, everything will be covered with deep snow. This places an additional burden on the driver.

Book hotels It's better to do it in advance. Especially if you are going to watch not very big popular tourist cities, such as, for example, Suzdal, Vladimir, Kostroma, Veliky Novgorod or Vologda. Already at the beginning of November, according to Booking, hotels in these cities were 85-95% booked, only a very large amount remained available expensive rooms, where the price tag reaches 100 thousand or more in 4-5 days, or apartments, that is, apartments (not everyone likes to stay in them).

In small non-tourist towns there are available hotel rooms. So, there were still free places in both hotels, and in general we were almost the only guests.

When searching for hotels, don't limit yourself to one booking system. It may happen that, for example, Booking will not show any suitable options, but Hotellook, RoomGuru, or agoda They will offer very interesting options. In addition to hotels, you can also book apartments, for example, through.

During the New Year holidays the weather is very unpredictable. There may be a thaw, and a day later it could be 20 degrees below zero. In addition, the weather is often cloudy. Therefore, it is worth developing a route so as to visit museums, estates and other places where there is an opportunity to warm up. If the weather permits, you can go on an excursion, for example, order or.

If you traveling with children, then the program should definitely include visits to places interesting to children. Not all kids like art galleries or estates. Tired and bored, they begin to be capricious, which can cause dissatisfaction in other people.

Travel options for the New Year holidays in Russia

There are plenty of options on how to spend the New Year holidays interestingly and usefully. Here are some examples:

Trips to other cities of Russia

If you live in Moscow and are going on a trip by car, then these could be cities such as Tver, Torzhok, Uglich, Myshkin, Kaluga, etc. We should not forget about St. Petersburg and its Palace suburbs, ancient cities Leningrad region, for example, Vyborg, or.

In winter in St. Petersburg it can be quite chilly and damp. But this is fully compensated by the beauty of the city and the wealth of its museums and interesting excursions.

Special New Year's excursions in St. Petersburg

If you are traveling with children, then you can go to Veliky Ustyug to visit Santa Claus. At the same time, hotel booking issues should be taken care of in advance.

In 2015, my friend and I traveled along a very beautiful route - -. We stopped in each city for a day. We went to museums and saw the sights. They also “preened their feathers” by devoting time to beauty salons. We came back from the trip with a lot of impressions and noticeably prettier. Although we were unlucky with the weather: there was a thaw in Yaroslavl, and bitter frost in Vologda.

During the day the weather in Yaroslavl was grey, warm. But in the evenings the city was transformed

Recreation centers outside the city

A good option is to stay at recreation centers outside the city. You can choose from large sports and recreation complexes or boarding houses, as well as small private houses. Here you can ski or skate, take a walk, and if the complex has a swimming pool, then swim in it.

If you like cross-country skiing, then pay attention to Demino, which is not far from Rybinsk. There are magnificent trails here that are illuminated in dark time days. Ski rental is available.

Professional athletes and members of the national team train in Demino. But non-professional skiers can also use the slopes.

A few years ago, my friends and I went to a recreation center on. We rented a small wooden house with several rooms. During the day they walked, skied, drove around the surrounding area, and spent the evenings talking, dancing and fooling around. Not far from Seliger are beautiful lakes, where there are recreation centers.

In winter, the source of the Volga looks especially fabulous

Russian North and Karelia

One of the great options winter holiday- this is the Russian North and Karelia. The weather here is usually quite mild at this time. You can stay at a recreation center or rent a cottage not far from, or a small forest lake. Entertainment options include skiing, dog sledding, and snowmobiling. Fishing lovers will also not be bored.

During the winter holidays of 2018, we made a fabulous trip along the route Vologda - Vytegra - Cherepovets - Rybinsk, and visited Lake Onega. In the summer of 2018 we visited the shores Lake Ladoga and fell in love with those places. We stayed at the recreation center under, which is open all year round and which I can confidently recommend.

However, you should keep in mind that the journey there may take several days, so plan your route in advance, taking into account unforeseen situations on the road (if you are traveling by car).

To the south, to the sea!

Several of my friends almost every year during the New Year holidays travel by car to the south - to Black Sea coast Caucasus or Crimea. At this time it is not as cold there as in Central Russia. Good options rest - Anapa, Lazarevskoye, Adler, Zheleznovodsk, Kislovodsk, Evpatoria, Yalta, Sudak, Sevastopol.

Once upon a time in winter I traveled to Egypt and Tunisia several times. It was such a delight to be in the warmth, swim in the sea, ride along interesting places. Unfortunately, these countries are not the safest right now.

Abroad to Scandinavia

You can, on the contrary, go to northern countries, for example, to Sweden and fully enjoy the fabulous winter weather. Renting a cottage in Finland is sometimes cheaper than in Russia. Several of my friends vacationed in Finland and were very pleased with the trip. And their children were delighted with the trip to Lapland, the homeland of Santa Claus.

Abroad to ski resorts or just for a walk

European ski resorts are famous all over the world. You can go to Andorra, Austria, Italy, Slovakia, Serbia, Sweden and other countries. Besides, European cities during Christmas and New Year they turn into a real fairy tale. , For example.

One of the most beautiful places in Andorra is Ordino. There are beautiful ski slopes nearby in the mountains

If you are staying at home for the New Year holidays

It also happens that you cannot go anywhere for the New Year holidays. No problem! Holidays at home can be made no less interesting and unforgettable. Many museums in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities will operate free of charge.

Pay attention to the service Frendi(Groupon) - here you can purchase tickets for various events with a 50-90% discount.

To the dacha to yourself or to friends

New Year's holidays are a traditional time for meetings with relatives or friends. And if a city apartment can be crowded, and the hostess has an additional burden in the form of cooking, setting the table, washing dishes, etc., then relaxing with friends at the dacha is more informal.

In winter, the village is a real fairy tale!

Walking in the forest

Winter is a great time for walks in the park or in a country forest. Great if you ski. And if you master horse riding, you can get unforgettable experience for life.

The winter forest looks completely different from the back of a horse

The winter forest is very beautiful. Look how extraordinary nature is at this time of year:

Blue sky, white trees - what could be more beautiful!

Day trips to other cities

You can arrange one-day trips to other cities. At this time, all cities are beautifully decorated, you can find a lot of entertainment: ice skating on skating rinks, visiting museums, just walking around beautiful places, weather permitting. You don't have to choose large city. Small towns at this time they often seem especially cozy and fabulous. You can also see the estates. For example, here are some ideas for the Moscow region. You can use our selection.

Bell tower of the Transfiguration Cathedral and Krestovaya Street in Rybinsk

Thus, there are many ways to spend the New Year holidays interestingly and productively. The main thing is to plan everything in advance so as not to remember at the last moment.

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Every year, for thousands of families, the question arises of how to spend the New Year holidays without getting bored and not get tired. Many people stay at home and that's it holidays watch television programs. However, the long-awaited winter holidays come once a year, and it’s better not to miss the opportunity to spend them fun and beneficial for the whole family.

We have compiled a special calendar of New Year's fun. By looking into it, you can choose activities for each day of the 2016 holidays 😉

January 1

So, let's wake up...

January 1 is a day that begins well after noon. Even if you don't wake up until lunchtime, it's still worth planning a program. Going with the whole family to an evening movie screening or an interesting winter play is the most suitable activity for the first day of the year.The highlight of the evening will be the walk home through the city illuminated with festive lights.

New Year's trees, Christmas trees, street garlands, Santa Clauses - the atmosphere of the holiday is all over - an excellent opportunity to warm up after a long feast.

January 2

On the second day, you can arrange outdoor entertainment. Go ice skating or visit a town with ice slides and see an exhibition of ice sculptures. Entrance to such events is not limited, you just need to overcome your laziness and leave the house. But, as practice shows, even adults will find it difficult to tear themselves away from the fun descents on ice sleds!

New Year is a great time to remember your childhood and fool around, turn into a child for a while, and allow yourself to have a lot of fun! Evening animation and ice in colorful lights are a great place for a happy family photo shoot.

January 3

Who's going where, and we're going to the circus! In ten days you can try to embrace the immensity and visit all the desired places of entertainment. But do not forget to take into account the fact that it is better to take care of tickets in advance.

For a leisurely walk with kids, it is better to go to the local zoo. Looking at little animals, feeding and petting them is a fun and educational activity. You can also personally see the symbol of 2016 - the monkey - and study its habits.

January 4

From the beginning of the year, the most profitable sales will start in stores. This is just the right excuse to have a shopping day. True, this pastime is more suitable for mothers, so fathers and children can be sent to frolic on the rides at the nearest entertainment center.

If you’re going to buy, do it on a grand scale and in a great mood, so it’s best to go to the New Year’s fair. There is always an atmosphere of celebration, laughter and fun here. An excellent place to choose Christmas gifts and souvenirs: handicraft items from craftswomen, nice souvenirs and useful little things for the home for every taste and color.

January 5

After physically active, noisy days, we recommend going to visit friends and not just like that, but organizing a party with competitions and prizes. You can arrange a fun obstacle course, breaking a New Year's piñata and exchanging gifts. For those who like to exercise their brains, we offer quiet games of Scrabble or the popular Mafia.

In between games, brew spiced coffee and mulled wine, non-alcoholic or wine-based. In a friendly atmosphere at the stove, it’s better to do magic with a group, things will be more fun, and resourceful guys will suggest tastier recipes. To avoid spending a lot of time cooking, buy snacks in advance: small cookies, nuts, winter fruits.

January 6

Christmas Eve is the time for Christmas fortune-telling and Christmas gingerbread. Therefore, it’s time to go to family cooking classes at a restaurant. Making Christmas cookies together is bread and spectacle all in one. And for those who like to tickle their nerves on the eve of Christmas time, they will go to a haunted quest room to complete tasks and search for treasure.

As we remember from Gogol’s “The Night Before Christmas,” in Rus' it was customary to sing carols on Christmas Eve. Follow this custom for a fun evening with your neighbors. Team up with several families, put on carnival masks, take a button accordion (what if luck smiles on you and someone has this musical instrument) and walk under the windows of nearby houses. You will sing well and loudly, good treats await you!

January 7

Real Christmas is the time to visit a cultural institution. Take a trip into the world of traditions, antiquity and everyday life by visiting a museum or a Christmas exhibition. During the winter holidays, museum workers prepare entire programs with competitions and prizes. So the excursion can turn into an exciting game of treasure hunting and solving ancient mysteries. In the evening, go listen to the Christmas bells or attend a festive performance.

According to good tradition, for dinner, gather the whole family around a set Christmas table, even if you do not belong to any denomination. In the culture of our country, the holiday of the Nativity of Christ has a long history. Prepare delicious treats, light candles and send warm wishes to each other.

January 8

Consultation for parents of preschool educational institutions on a winter theme. Fun during the winter holidays for children and parents

Alimova Lyudmila Vyacheslavovna
Description: This article is for informational purposes and is recommended for parents, and will also be useful for educators, methodologists, and additional education teachers.
Purpose: material for a moving folder in kindergarten.
Target: develop productive activities, physical activity, moral and aesthetic education, strengthen the health of preschoolers during the winter holidays.
1. To form an idea of ​​the traditions and customs associated with folk winter holidays and festivities.
2. Improve health through winter games and outdoor activities.

3. Improve skills and abilities in working with snow (modeling, drawing).

Joint leisure time for children and parents during the winter holidays

December. The most magical time of pre-holiday bustle and preparation for the New Year is approaching. For children, this is a time of gifts from Santa Claus and winter fun. Children love winter very much for its unique opportunity to enjoy and gain unforgettable experiences from active outdoor activities. Little fidgets love to go downhill, ski, skate, and snow scooter. With great pleasure they sculpt a snowman and make snow forts. And this is fair, because one of the diverse factors influencing the health and development of a preschool child is physical activity.
Every child wants his closest people – his parents – to share his joy. But often mothers and fathers do not know how to diversify the winter holidays of their children, as if they were not children themselves. And everything is extremely simple. Even the most ordinary walk can turn into happy holiday, thanks to games and creativity in the snow.
Winter holidays- this is a unique opportunity to spend joint leisure time for children and parents, actively use time for health benefits, plunging into the magic of winter fun. So what are they, fun?

Snow masterpieces

An adult perceives snow as precipitation that makes it difficult to move along the road, but children love snow for its many accumulations of beautiful, different snowflakes. Moreover, snow for children is a material for creativity. Snowmen, towers, fortresses, caves of unprecedented size, all such masterpieces can be seen in every yard during the winter holidays.

Painting on snow with aerosol paints is no less exciting. The snow-white background and soft texture help create amazing New Year's drawings.

The most favorite game of all girls and boys in winter is “Snowballs”. And for good reason! During this game, motor activity, eye, and finger motor skills develop, and loud laughter evokes a positive emotional mood.

Skates and skis

Everyone knows the benefits of active recreation. A large selection of skates will not leave either children or parents indifferent, and skating will bring a lot of pleasure. To avoid injury, you must use protective equipment: helmet, knee pads, elbow pads.
According to experts, ice skating promotes the development of the musculoskeletal system, strengthens the back muscles, develops correct posture, and also prevents flat feet.
Skiing is a useful and exciting activity. Smooth breathing will enrich your lungs with oxygen, and the landscapes of the winter park will leave a pleasant impression.

Snow slide

Children are delighted with sliding down a steep snowy mountain. Go to the nearest slides so that with a healthy glow and unhealthy shortness of breath, you can ride with your child on a sled, ice skate, just standing on your feet. The feeling is incomparable.
The rapid downward movement overwhelms the child with feelings and emotions. Well, if mom and dad get caught in the trailer, there is no limit to joy!

Helping animals and birds

During the winter holidays, you can make a birdhouse or feeder, hang it in the park or in the yard, filled with seeds for birds or nuts for squirrels. Watching how tits peck grains from a homemade feeder or how a squirrel carries nuts into a hollow is a fascinating sight for children. At the same time, the child develops a sense of love, care and responsibility for our little brothers.

Walking with the whole family

It is necessary for both adults and children to walk and breathe fresh air in any weather, because nature has no bad weather. But when the air temperature reaches 15 degrees below zero, it is recommended to reduce the walking time to avoid frostbite. It is important to choose the right clothes and shoes; movement should not be constrained so as not to experience discomfort.
Walks can be organized in the courtyard of the house with benefit, for example, clearing the paths of snow. Leisure time in the park today is filled with a program of entertainment: sleds, skis, skates, winter bicycles, ice figures, hot delicacies.
Having gone out of town with the whole family, you can enjoy the beauty of winter landscapes, vast expanses of snow-covered fields and trees. Russian winter is the splendor of nature! And all this can be captured on a camera, or home sketches can be made from memory. At the same time, the child will not only have a pleasant time, but also acquire artistic and aesthetic skills. By discussing such walks, the child will receive an unforgettable experience and enrich his vocabulary.

Don't justify your boring leisure time with unpleasant cold weather. You should show a little desire and activity, and the winter holidays for a child can turn into a small planet of entertaining hobbies, interesting leisure and emotional pleasure. In his memory, this will become the warmest and most pleasant memory associated with spending time together with his parents.

Go skiing and snowboarding, celebrate New Year with guys from different parts of the world or forget about the cold and go to sunny Californiaall this along with learning and practicing the language!

StudyLab experts told, what foreign schools and camps are offering this winterfor those who want to plan their vacation in advance and have time to book a place. In the selectionEnglish, German and French language programs for children from 7 to 17 years old.

Intensive English in England

Short-term language programs in Newbury and Sherbourne

When:January 6 - 26, 2019 (7-13 years old); December 16January 26 (ages 13-17).
Where:Newbury, England; Sherborne, England
Student age: 7-13 (Sherborne), 13-17 (Newbury)

Winter to holidays in England are ideal for those who want to improve their English level in just 1-2 weeks. Sherbourne School offers t intensive language practice for children 7-13 years old, and Newbury- For teenagers 13-17 years old.

The program for children includes 21 hours of English per week, workshops and a project new works . Every week students join groups and prepare projects on a variety of topics: from the life of insects to the theater of Shakespeare's time, and on Wednesdays they go on excursions (to London, Oxford, Reading) to consolidate the learned vocabulary and get acquainted with the life, architecture, history and traditions of Great Britain.

For teenagers, the program is built around skills that will be useful at university. Debates, research, public speaking, preparation for IELTS - all this will help high school students communicate more confidently in English and adapt to British system training. At the same time, there will be time for relaxation: studies are supplemented by clubs of interests (photography, cooking, gardening, singing, fashion) and sports sections (football, basketball, badminton, table tennis, swimming, gym, kickboxing and aerobics).

Themed holidays at Bell St. Albans

When: January 6 – February 16, 2019
Where:St Albans, England
Duration: 1-6 weeks
Student age: 11-17 years old

Combine language learning, rest and getting to know England The winter program at Bell St. will help. Albans, a classical school with a beautiful Victorian building. Every week students are waiting new topic, project and study tour.

You can choose a week with a theme you like and come to its start, or you can stay for the entire course period. English lessons are held every day for 3 hours, and sports activities (archery, football, fitness or traditional British games) are held 4 times a week.

European holidays: active holidays and languages

Snowboarding and skiing in Switzerland

When: December 16, 2018 – February 16, 2019
Where:Verbier, Switzerland
Student age: 7-18 years
Duration: 1-2 weeks

Do you want to get into a real snow fairy tale? Welcome to Camp Les Elfes! Here children and teenagers will be able not only to effectively improve their English, but also learn alpine skiing from scratch and whether snowboard.

The program is scheduled minute by minute: in the morning - breakfast and skiing lessons with a professional English-speaking instructor, then lunch with a view of the Alps and back to snowboarding. And in the evening - games, discos or get-togethers with the guys from different countries, hot chocolate and marshmallows.

French and skiing with Ceran school

When: December 29, 2018 – January 5, 2019
Where:Sivieuse, Switzerland
Student age: 9-17 years old

This time, the Ceran school awaits students in a cozy town two hours from Geneva, next to the famous ski resort"Four Valleys" Celebrate the New Year in a new way, ride a alpine skiing and improve knowledge French- all this is possible here in one vacation.

The school week lasts from Monday to Friday - every day students attend 6 French lessons and 3 hours skiing. Training will improve pronunciation and listening comprehension, learn read and write, and use language in real life life situations. Classes pass in mini groups of 3-4 people.

And on December 31, the school is preparing a magical New Year’s party for students with a DJ and treats.

German with Humboldt-Institut

Course start dates: December 23, 30, 2018, January 6, 2019
Duration: from 2 weeks
Where:Lindenberg, Germany
Student age: 13-17 years old

One of the best language centers in Germany, Humboldt-Institut, is located in picturesque place at the foot of the Alps. From here students can go on excursions to the romantic resort town on the island of Lindau, Meersburg, Lake Constance, Munich, Stuttgart, as well to the Austrian city of Bregenz.

The school's winter program provides an excellent opportunity to immerse yourself in learning German language and play your favorite sport.

Every week - 30 hours of German in the classroom, ski and snowboard lessons and amazing excursions. Entertainment includes an indoor swimming pool, sauna, mini golf and discos. Children who are passionate about creativity will also find something to their liking - the school has Arts & Crafts rooms.

Return to summer on the US Sunshine Coast

Winter Camp in San Diego CISL, California

Start dates:January 6, 13, 20, 2019
Where:San Diego, California
Student age: 13-17 years old
Duration: 2-4 weeks

Just imagine: in Moscow everyone is making snowmen and wrapping themselves in down jackets, and you are windsurfing, rollerblading and traveling around America, studying its language and culture.

The winter camp program in San Diego includes 20 hours of English per week, accommodation with an American family, exciting trips and daily entertainment. If desired, students can visit Los Angeles, Hollywood, Disneyland, Las Vegas and see the Grand Canyon. But the main goal of such an adventure is to improve your speaking skills and immerse yourself in the language environment.

Eckerd College ELS, Florida
