Claim for a refund for air tickets. Claim (demand) for a refund for a ticket Samples of claims for a refund to an airline

A claim for a refund for air tickets is written if the air carrier refuses to return the money during negotiations. The claim itself is used as evidence of the fact that the buyer used pre-trial settlement methods before going to court.

There are no clear requirements and rules for drawing up claims in the legislation, but this article will provide recommendations by following which you can competently draw up a procedural document.

When can I request a refund for an unused air ticket?

After changes were made to the Air Code of the Russian Federation in the summer of 2014, air tickets began to be sold in two types:

You can get your money back almost in full only when returning tickets, where there is a condition for their return, at least one day before the flight. If the ticket is returned later, the air carrier has the right to a penalty in the amount of 25% of the ticket price. But at the same time, the passenger can still return three quarters of the cost. But handing over even a return ticket after the end of the flight does not give the right to a refund.

Already from the name itself “ non-refundable ticket", it becomes clear that the passenger will not be able to get the money back. An exception may be cases where a passenger was forced to miss a flight due to the illness of a relative traveling with him or the death of a close relative. But these facts must be documented.

Filing a claim for a refund for air tickets

To correctly file a claim for a refund, you must refer to the norms of civil law. The protection of tourists' rights is also regulated by legislation in the field of consumer protection. A claim is a procedural document; it indicates the demands themselves and the grounds on which they are put forward. It will be better if the claim uses the laws that were violated by the air carrier.

You can also refer to the rules of transportation in the text, which are issued along with the air ticket. These rules should also mention the conditions for returning the ticket. But if the conditions stated by the air carrier contain provisions that directly contradict the law, then they are unlawful.

The complaint must indicate the period within which it must be considered and the address where the response should be sent.

Filing a claim

It is necessary to submit a claim in writing. Lately, correspondence has often been conducted by e-mail, but not all judges then accept printouts as evidence. The address to which all claims must be sent must be indicated on the air ticket. You need to understand that the air carrier is responsible for refunds. A ticket can be purchased from an agent; in most such cases, the claim is still sent to the air carrier.

If all the rules for returning an air ticket have been followed, but the money has not been returned, and oral negotiations do not produce any results, you need to file a claim. You can also complain to Rospotrebnadzor and the Federal Air Transport Agency. But the surest way to get your money back is to go to court.

Claim against the airline

Claim against the airline. According to the agreement concluded between the customer and the contractor, air tickets were booked for charter flights and blocks of seats on regular airline flights. However, when airport staff checked the air tickets, it turned out that one of the purchased tickets did not exist. When contacting the airline representative, they were informed that the ticket number had been assigned to another person. Thus, in fact, the customer was forced to purchase another set of three air tickets and make the flight using his own personal funds. The customer demands compensation for the losses he incurred.

Registration address:
Actual address:

According to Agreement No. ______________ dated _______________, concluded between me - __________________________ (customer) and Individual Entrepreneur ____________________________ (performer) (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement), Individual Entrepreneur __________________, at my request, booked air tickets for charter flights and blocks of seats for regular airline flights.
Pursuant to clause 2.3.1 of the Agreement, I was provided necessary documents and data allowing the performer to make a reservation.
Thus, individual entrepreneur _______________, based on the application I submitted, made the reservation and provision of air tickets for the following persons:

— _________________ (ticket No. ________________);
— _________________ (ticket No. ________________)
for flights _______________ _________ - _______/________ - _________, which is confirmed by Booking Sheet No. ____________ dated ____________, which, in accordance with clause 3.1 of the Agreement, is an integral part of the Agreement.
In order to fulfill the Agreement, I deposited funds in the amount of __________ (________________________) rubles into the cash register of the individual entrepreneur ____________ in the __________ year.
However, when traveling back from the airport in the city ______ (_______) to the city __________, when the airport staff checked the air tickets, it turned out that one of the tickets purchased in the name of my wife, _____________, did not exist.
When contacting the representative office of the airline "_____________", which was supposed to carry out the flight, we were informed that the ticket number belonging to my wife was assigned to another person.
Thus, in fact, I was forced to purchase another set of three air tickets and make the flight using my own personal funds.
According to clause 2.1.1. of the Agreement, the contractor undertakes to search for and book air tickets ordered by the Customer for charter flights and blocks of seats for regular airline flights in accordance with a completed written application or by e-mail or on the website, the details of which are indicated in the details.
In accordance with clause 4.2.1. Agreement, the Contractor bears full responsibility to the Customer for damage caused as a result of incorrect execution of transportation documents.
The individual entrepreneur ______________ did not provide me with information in advance about the cancellation of the reservation for the air ticket purchased in the name of _________________, and also did not take any other actions, in accordance with the Agreement, to prevent the situation that arose.
Consequently, as a result of the provision of individual entrepreneur _______________ services for booking and provision of air tickets of inadequate quality, I -________________ suffered significant property damage, which the individual entrepreneur ____________ is obliged to compensate in full.
In addition, please consider the following.
According to paragraph 1 of Art. 4 Laws Russian Federation“On the Protection of Consumer Rights” dated 02/07/1992 No. 2300-1 (hereinafter referred to as the Law), the seller (performer) is obliged to transfer to the consumer a product (perform work, provide a service), the quality of which corresponds to the contract.
In accordance with Art. 13 of the Law, for violation of consumer rights the Contractor bears responsibility provided for by law or contract (clause 1 of Article 13 of the Law).
Unless otherwise established by law, losses caused to the consumer are subject to compensation in the full amount in excess of the penalty (penalty) established by law or contract (clause 2 of article 13 of the Law).
In accordance with Art. 29 of the Law, the consumer, upon discovering deficiencies in the service provided, has the right, at his own discretion, to demand:
free elimination of deficiencies in the services provided;
a corresponding reduction in the price of the service provided;
reimbursement of expenses incurred by him to eliminate deficiencies in the service provided on his own or by third parties.
As a result of poor quality service, I was forced to purchase the necessary air tickets myself, paying their cost in the amount of ______________ (_________________________________) rubles.
Thus, the total amount of compensation for property damage caused to me as a result of improper provision of services under the IP Contract was: ______+ ___________ = _________________ (_____________________________________________) ruble.
In addition, I incurred losses in the form of legal fees in the amount of _____________________ (seventeen thousand five hundred) rubles, which are also subject to compensation in full.

Based on the above, -

1. In order to compensate for losses caused by failure to comply with the terms of Agreement No. _____________ dated ______________, concluded between me -________________ and individual entrepreneur________________, pay the expenses that I -_______________ made in order to restore the violated right in the amount of 103,481.00 (one hundred three thousand four hundred eighty-one) ruble.
2. Reimburse expenses for legal services in the amount of 17,500.00 (seventeen thousand five hundred) rubles.

In case of refusal or incomplete satisfaction of my demands, as well as lack of response to the claim, I will be forced to go to court with a claim for compensation for material and moral damage caused to me. In addition, I will contact Rospotrebnadzor of the Russian Federation and the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation with demands to take appropriate measures and eliminate violations of the legislation of the Russian Federation.
In this case, legal costs will be added to the amount of the lawsuit, including the costs of the services of a representative, whose help I will be forced to resort to.

Please send your response to the complaint to:

Claim (demand) for a refund for a ticket

A claim for a refund for a ticket is an official document that establishes the consumer’s demand to the store for a refund and justifies the need to satisfy such a demand.

We present our sample claim, which includes requirements for both a refund for a quality ticket and for a defective one. All you have to do is choose and return the money.

Here is our sample.

Claim for a refund for a ticket


To the store director:

residing(s) at the address:

“___”_______ _______ (specify date) by me, ___________________________________, in the store “_____________”, located at the address: _____________________________________________, I bought a ticket for _______ rubles. Additionally, delivery for the ticket was paid in the amount of ______ rubles.

In accordance with Article 25 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights,” a consumer has the right to exchange a non-food product of good quality for a similar product from the seller from whom this product was purchased, if the specified product does not fit in shape, dimensions, style, color, size or configurations

The consumer has the right to exchange non-food products of proper quality within fourteen days, not counting the day of purchase.

An exchange of a non-food product of proper quality is carried out if the specified product has not been used, its presentation, consumer properties, seals, factory labels are preserved, and there is also a sales receipt or cash receipt or other document confirming payment for the specified product.

?‍♀️ Take the test on the website and straightaway find out whether this product can be returned or not! ?

Moreover, if a similar product is not on sale on the day the consumer contacts the seller, the consumer has the right to refuse to execute the sales contract and demand a refund of the amount of money paid for the specified product.

Based on the above, in accordance with Article 25 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, taking into account that a similar ticket is not on sale, I ask: to make a refund for the ticket in the amount of ______________ rubles.

1. Copy of the warranty card.
2. Copies of sales and cash receipts.

If the ticket turns out to be of poor quality, then we insert this part, taking into account the features of return and exchange of certain categories of goods.

?‍♀️ Take the test on the website and straightaway find out whether this product can be returned or not! ?

In accordance with Article 18 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights,” the consumer, if defects are discovered in the product, if they were not specified by the seller, has the right to refuse to execute the sales contract and demand a refund of the amount paid for the product. In this case, the consumer also has the right to demand full compensation for losses caused to him as a result of the sale of goods of inadequate quality.

Considering that the shortcomings that the ticket contains arose due to circumstances for which the consumer is not responsible, I ask: to refund the money for the ticket in the amount of ______________ rubles, as well as the money for its delivery in the amount of ______________ rubles.

In case of refusal to satisfy my legal demands voluntarily, I will be forced to go to court to protect my rights and legitimate interests.

Please inform me of your decision in writing within the prescribed period.

1. Copies of sales and cash receipts.
2. A copy of the document confirming payment for delivery of goods.

Refund claim (sample)?

Claim for refund It is compiled according to the general rules of business correspondence and does not have any special features. If you are faced with the need to write a claim, but do not know how to do it, then we bring to your attention material in which we will not only tell you how to draw up such a document, but also provide sample request for refund.

Claim for refund. How to make a claim for a refund

As we mentioned above, such a claim is made in simple written form according to the general rules of business correspondence. Such rules include clarity and conciseness of presentation, adherence to a formal business style, and the absence of spelling and punctuation errors.

In the most general terms money back claim has the following structure:

  1. First of all, you need to indicate the name of the organization to which you are sending it, as well as the full name of the official to whom the claim is addressed (director, boss).
  2. Below please indicate your full name, residential address and contact phone number.
  3. Then - the place of drawing up the claim (city) and the date of drawing up the document.
  4. In the center is the name of the document (“Claim”).
  5. In its main part, it is necessary to report the factual circumstances of the case (for example, when and under what circumstances the product was purchased for which you want to return the money, the reason why you are asking for the money back).
  6. Specify the deadline for responding to the complaint. Legislatively, this is provided only for state and municipal bodies (organizations), as well as for private individuals whose activities are subject to the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” dated 02/07/1992 No. 2300-1. In the first case, the period is 30 days, and in the second - 10. In addition, you must indicate in what form you want to receive a response (written or by electronic means).
  7. List of documents attached to the claim. They can be very different - starting from a sales receipt and ending with an expert’s conclusion or an inspection report.
  8. Finally, the personal signature of the applicant or his representative is affixed. In the second case, a copy of the power of attorney should also be attached to the claim.

The nuances of filing a claim for a refund

It is important to note that the claim must be drawn up in 2 copies, and on the second of them (which will remain with you), the seller’s authorized person (the official who accepted the claim) must put the date of acceptance, his personal signature, its transcript and indicate his position.

From the day following the day the claim was filed, you can count 10 days allotted for a response. If the seller does not send it and does not take actual actions to resolve the conflict that has arisen, feel free to contact the consumer rights protection department, Rospotrebnadzor or the court for help. At the same time, applying to one of these authorities does not deprive you of the right to simultaneously apply to another, that is, you can apply to all of these institutions at once.

It should also be said that when going to court, it is necessary to comply with the rules of civil procedure: the rules for drawing up a statement of claim, the rules for filing it with the courts. The plaintiff’s responsibilities also include sending copies of documents and the claim to the defendant and paying the state fee.

If you do not want to draw up and submit such documents yourself, you can use the help of a qualified lawyer, and recover the costs associated with paying for his services from the defendant along with legal costs.

For clarity, we present below sample request for refund. If necessary, you can use it, adapting it to a specific situation.

Sample request for refund

To the head of Romashka LLC

Omsk, st. Lenina, 15

from Ivanov Peter Vladimirovich

Omsk, st. Leningradskaya, 5, apt. 13

On May 29, 2015, I purchased a pair of shoes (men's black leather shoes) from your store. On May 31, 2015, after putting on the above shoes and getting to work, I discovered that the fittings on the shoes were torn off, and there were also scuffs and paint defects.

In this regard, I believe that the pair of shoes sold by your organization is a low-quality product, and on the basis of Art. 18 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, I ask you to return the redemption price paid for the goods in the amount of 2000 (two thousand) rubles.

The response to this claim, as well as actual actions to satisfy my legal demands for the return of funds paid for low-quality goods, in accordance with Art. 22 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, I ask you to implement it before June 11, 2015.

If I do not receive a response from you and do not return the money I paid for a low-quality pair of shoes, I will be forced to contact the Consumer Rights Protection Department and the court.

Signature: (personal signature) Ivanov P.V.

  1. Copy of sales receipt No. 1 dated May 29, 2015 - 1 copy. for 1 l.

Subject: Claim to the airline for a refund

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Claim to the airline for a refund

I ask lawyers to help.
You need to write a claim to the airline to get the money back for the unused air ticket. I want to write it myself. Do I need to refer to any articles and laws, in accordance with which I ask for a refund or not? If necessary, which ones? What percentage can I demand for late payments, for each day?

If anyone has the text of a completed complaint, I would be very grateful.

Or give up on trying to write it yourself and go to law. office, what would they do there?

Thank you all in advance for your answers. If there are any

On December XX, 2009, through the website, I booked a ticket for flight XXX XX-XX, departure XX.12.2009 at XX:XX from Domodedovo airport. Unfortunately, on Friday, December XX, 2009, I did not have time to register. No marks on the printout electronic ticket It was not possible to do this either at the ticket office or at the airline representative office on the 2nd floor of the airport terminal (the office was already closed at 16:50).

I ask you to return the money for the unused air ticket in accordance with the rules adopted by your airline. The confirmation email for your flight ticket is shown below. Also, as an attachment, I am sending a file in pdf format from the visa debit card scanned from the front side, issued by XXX Bank, with which the air ticket was paid for. (The card expires today, December XX, 2009, but it has been reissued, new map should stay with the same number)

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  • Purchasing travel tickets for all types of transport via the Internet due to its accessibility is becoming increasingly popular. This can be done on the official websites of the carriers themselves or numerous intermediaries.

    There is no point in disputing all the conveniences associated with buying train tickets online. This is both a significant time saving and an opportunity to navigate a large selection of proposed routes, carriages of varying comfort levels and choose the necessary tickets without leaving home.

    Procedure for returning and exchanging Russian Railways tickets purchased online

    If you cancel your trip, return your e-ticket purchased online using the same method.

    Perform all actions to return tickets on the website in your personal account. Select the required tickets in your orders and change its status to “refund”. Then wait for the money to arrive on the bank card from which payments were made to purchase the ticket. Please keep in mind that depending on when tickets are returned, a certain amount of money will be withheld.

    More detailed descriptions of operations for returning tickets via the Internet:

  • Log in to your personal account on the Russian Railways website;
  • Find "My Orders";
  • Select the ticket to be returned and request its status;
  • Click on the appropriate button to issue a ticket refund;
  • Look at the amount that will be refunded when returning the ticket;
  • If you agree with it, click “yes”;
  • If everything is done correctly, a message will appear indicating that the ticket refund operation has been completed;
  • Print a return coupon if necessary. Save it until the money for the returned ticket is credited to your card;
  • Log out of your personal account.
  • Russian Railways rules for the return of tickets purchased electronically

    The procedure for returning tickets is determined by Russian Railways. Basic principles to keep in mind when returning unused tickets:

  • the sooner you return your ticket, the less money you paid for the ticket;
  • money for tickets will be returned in the same way as payment for them was made.
  • When purchasing them in cash at the cash desk, you will receive the amount due immediately. If we are talking about electronic tickets, they will be sent to the card from which the payment was made.

    If a passenger is unable to use an electronic ticket, it can be canceled until the boarding pass for the train has been issued. You can return your train ticket at any time without restrictions.

    How are tickets returned for trains heading to foreign cities?

    Tickets with electronic registration must be returned to the ticket office at least one hour before the train departs from the station where its route begins, but no later than six hours from the place where the passenger was supposed to leave.

    You must hand over your electronic ticket no less than 6 hours before the train departs, unless electronic registration has been completed.

    Within what time frame can I return a product of good quality?

    How to write a claim for the return of goods of proper quality, read here.

    The passenger can return the ticket in the usual manner if:

  • he didn't pass electronic registration;
  • registration was completed, but the passenger did not board the train;
  • if registration is made less than an hour before the train departs.
  • Refunds for unused tickets are made in compliance with the claims procedure if the passenger is late for the train. For all claims against Russian Railways, including those regarding refundable tickets, a six-month period has been established. Don't miss it. One month is given to consider the claim and make a decision. After the electronic return of the ticket, the passenger is notified of the refund.

    You can return a ticket using a claim in the following cases:

  • By bank transfer;
  • If there is less than one hour left before the train departs;
  • If a passenger is late for the train (the ticket must be returned within 12 hours);
  • If the delay is due to valid reasons and there is documentary evidence of this.
  • The procedure for returning tickets is subject to the law regulating the procedure for protecting consumer rights. After all, passengers are consumers of services provided by Russian Railways.

    Terms and conditions for returning train tickets purchased online

    If you need to return your e-ticket to the ticket office, do not expect to receive the full amount you paid for its purchase. The amount of money refunded depends on the time the ticket was returned. When purchasing a train ticket, the passenger pays the cost of transportation by rail and the price of the passenger seat itself.

    If you return your ticket long before the train departs (eight hours or more), expect almost the entire amount you spent to be credited to your card (minus a small fee).

    If the time period from the moment the ticket is returned to the departure of the train is from 2 to 8 hours, then half of the cost of the reserved seat will be withheld by the carrier.

    The passenger completely loses the right to receive the cost of a reserved seat if the train departs less than 2 hours from the moment he handed over the ticket.

    The money returned by the carrier will be credited to the client’s account within 7 to 30 days, depending on the bank whose card the passenger owns. If there is a delay in receiving the amount, please submit a written complaint to the bank.

    Drawing up a claim containing demands for the return of a purchased railway ticket

    Usually the ticket is returned according to the standard procedure and in an expedited manner. If a passenger has completed electronic registration, but decides not to go anywhere, and there is less than an hour left before the train departs, then he will have to hand over the tickets to the ticket office and file a claim.

    Usually, in the territories of stations there are special ticket offices that accept travel tickets. If you don’t have one, contact any free cash office, where they will help you file a claim. Refunds are made upon presentation of the passport with which the ticket was purchased.

    How to return an electronic train ticket?

    Many passengers are accustomed to the traditional way of purchasing plane, train and bus tickets. But time does not stand still and online shopping is becoming increasingly popular.

    You can purchase travel documents directly on the websites of passenger transportation companies, as well as on other websites.

    You don't have to put in a lot of effort to buy an e-ticket. It will not be difficult to go to the site and make the necessary purchase. In this case, the ticket will be at the disposal of passengers thanks to several simple manipulations. But there is no need to visit ticket offices at train stations or airports.

    When planning a train trip, you no longer need to stand in line at the ticket office, as was the case in the past; you can do everything at home, sitting at your computer.

    How can I return a railway ticket if it was purchased online?

    If you purchased your ticket online, follow the same procedure for the refund. Go to the desired website, open your personal account and submit a ticket cancellation. The funds will be transferred to your card, current account or e-wallet.

    When, due to certain circumstances, the trip cannot take place, the passenger has the right to return the ticket and receive the funds spent on the purchase of the ticket back (Order of the Ministry of Transport No. 473). The method of receiving money back is the same as the purchase method.

    There is another way to issue a refusal. Follow the link provided in the email that arrives after purchasing your ticket. Issue a waiver. You can receive confirmation of refusal in two ways: via the Internet (email) or in the form of an SMS message.

    The number of rejected tickets does not matter, that is, you can refuse one or several travel documents.

    In addition to canceling via the Internet, you can do this directly at the station at the railway ticket office. Refunds will be made in one of the following ways: by transferring money to a bank card (when making a purchase using a card) or in cash (if the ticket was purchased through a terminal).

    To make a return, you need a passport and a purchase code (a set of 14 digits).

    Pay attention! The passenger has the right to return the ticket no later than one hour before the departure of the train. It is during this period that electronic travel documents are registered.

    You can refuse a ticket through a claim procedure after the train has departed. It is no longer possible to return a ticket 12 hours after the train departs.

    The procedure for returning an electronic ticket through the railway ticket office

    It is not always possible to return a ticket in the same way it was purchased. Therefore, contact the ticket office at the railway station. Present a printed e-ticket and passport (or other document used for purchase).

    You should not send any of your friends or acquaintances to the station. They will not be able to exchange your ticket for money.

    The return procedure is possible only with your personal participation.

    Important! When you want to return a ticket, but cannot do it in person, issue a power of attorney for your representative from a notary, and specify all his powers in the document.

    If you are returning someone else's ticket, it is impossible to do this without a power of attorney.

    Procedure for returning a travel document in electronic form to Russian Railways

    If the trip was canceled for any reason, it can be rescheduled to another date. But what to do with the ticket, because certain funds were spent on it.

    To return money for an electronic ticket of Russian Railways, contact the ticket return office or go to the official website of Russian Railways. When making a return through the cashier, present your passport or other document proving your identity. In addition, provide information about the fourteen-digit code of your ticket.

    Important! The electronic ticket can be printed, but be careful, as soon as you complete this procedure, the reservation from the document will be removed. That is, if you do this one hour before the train departs, you can only end up at the ticket office.

    To return a train ticket, you can use two methods:

  • Regular return:
  • no electronic registration;
  • registration has been completed and the train departs to its destination in at least one hour;
  • There is registration, but we didn’t catch the train.
    • Return according to the claim procedure:
    • being late for a train by 12 hours or more;
    • you did not take the train due to illness. No more than 5 days have passed since departure. In this case, documentary evidence of the reason for being late is required;
    • the travel document was returned an hour before the departure of the train;
    • delivery of a document purchased by bank transfer.
    • How to return an electronic railway ticket to the box office?

      Read here what are the conditions for returning train tickets in Russia.

      If in your situation you are using a claim return, prepare the following documents:

    • return application;
    • passport (photocopy);
    • ticket (original regular travel document);
    • original supporting document;
    • documentary evidence of the reason for being late for the train;
    • a way to return spent funds.
    • The money will be transferred to your current account or card (when choosing this method of returning funds, do not forget to indicate your current account, bank details, etc.).

      You can also use postal mail, but in this case money will be charged for taxes and fees.

      A claim refund is possible within six months from the date of departure of the train for which the ticket was purchased.

      The administration that accepted the application and documents from the client can spend up to one month reviewing the issue.

      Pay attention! For a refund of a ticket for one seat a fee of 162 rubles (VAT 18%) will be charged.

      Returning electronic tickets via the Internet requires filling out a special refusal form. When filling out such a document, enter information about the order number, as well as the contact phone number that was specified when ordering the travel document.

      By filing a refund online, you can receive all the funds spent on purchasing the ticket. But this situation is only possible if you have not yet issued boarding pass, we didn’t receive the document in hand and there was time left before the train departed.

      If tickets for international trains are refunded via the Internet, the procedure must be carried out at least 6 hours before the departure of the train.

      What is the return period for e-tickets?

      An electronic train ticket can be returned until it has been exchanged for a boarding pass. Receipt of the document usually takes place at self-service terminals or ticket offices.

      In this case, several more conditions must be met:

    • the ticket was purchased for a trip within the country or to the CIS countries. In this case, the ticket can be returned at any time convenient time and timing;
    • A ticket has been purchased for an international train. In this case, hand over ticket You can do this no later than one hour before the train departs from the initial station, and no later than 6 hours before the train departs from your station.
    • How are refunds made?

      When returning tickets for trains operating within the country, you will be refunded a certain amount of money:

    • if the ticket is returned 8 hours before the train departure, you will receive the full cost of the ticket and reserved seat;
    • if you return your ticket less than 8 hours before the train’s departure, but no later than 2 hours, you will be given 50% of the cost of your reserved seat;
    • a return less than 2 hours in advance will result in an amount equal to the cost of the ticket.
    • When returning a ticket for a train heading to neighboring countries, the following payments are provided:

    • refund 24 hours before departure of the train - the full cost of the ticket and reserved seat;
    • returning a ticket less than 24 hours in advance and no less than 6 hours in advance – the possibility of receiving the cost of the ticket plus 50% of the cost of a reserved seat;
    • return less than 6 hours before the start - receiving an amount equal to the cost of the ticket.
    • If you return tickets to non-CIS countries no later than 6 hours before the departure of the train, you will be refunded the cost of the ticket and reserved seat.

      Important! When refunding tickets purchased for international trains, you will be charged 10 euros per seat.

      What is the procedure for returning an e-ticket abroad?

      If you need to return a ticket in another country, contact the refund office, which is located at every railway station in our country and abroad.

      Give the cashier a printed ticket (Russian Railways form) and your passport. After reviewing your documents, the cashier is obliged to give you/return a form that will indicate that the ticket has been returned.

      Upon returning to Russia within six months, take this form and passport to the railway ticket office, where, based on the mark made abroad, the funds spent will be returned to you.

      During what time does the buyer have the right to return a purchased railway ticket?

      When returning an electronic ticket to the box office, you should understand that the amount of money you can receive depends on several factors. First of all, we are talking about return times.

      It was already mentioned earlier that the cost of a ticket consists of the price of transportation and the cost of a reserved seat (preserving a separate seat for the passenger on the train).

      If you return your ticket earlier than 8 hours before the train departs, you can expect to receive the full cost of the document minus commission fees.

      Returning your ticket between eight and two hours before the departure of the train guarantees that you will receive the full cost of transportation and 50% of your reserved seat.

      When you return your ticket 2 hours before departure or less, you will receive the fare amount minus the reserved seat.

      How to properly file a claim in this situation?

      When the return of an electronic travel document is carried out via the Internet, the claim is not made in writing.

      Situations often arise when clients hand over tickets in a claim manner.

      This happens when a passenger requested a refund an hour before the train departed, and electronic registration was carried out.

      In this case, make a request for a refund in writing. Submit the document to the refund office, which is located at the railway station.

      If you are unable to get to the returns counter, contact any cash desk. They are required to help you file a claim.

      Important! The return procedure requires the passenger to have a passport and ticket code (14 digits indicated on the travel document).

      Basic rules and conditions for returning Russian Railways tickets to the box office

      There are situations in life when purchased railway travel documents (tickets) have to take it.

      There are many reasons, due to which tickets are returned to the box office.

      Most often, passengers unexpectedly change their plans and postpone the trip to another date, less often, the trip is impossible due to illness, and sometimes passengers are simply late for the train.

      Money spent You can return a travel document you no longer need!

      Let's figure out how to do this.

      About the cost

      But first of all, we need to clarify some “railway” terms.

      Ticket price– this is the price of your transportation itself, which is written down in the first line (roughly speaking, the cost of the fact that the train is, in principle, moving in the direction you need).

      Cost of a reserved seat is the payment for the occupied sleeping place, it is indicated in the travel document near the cost of the ticket.

      Where to do it?

      On some railway stations(stations) exist special return desks– they should be contacted first.

      If in your case there is no refund desk, then any cash register long distance should help you return the ticket (the place of purchase does not matter in this case!).

      If you planned to follow the routes international traffic(another name is far abroad), then the travel document can only be returned at international ticket offices.

      In case lateness passenger on the train, return is carried out only at the station from which the departure is indicated on the ticket.

      What documents are needed?

    • Directly ticket.
    • Document, with which this travel document was purchased (the details indicated on the tickets and in the document must match).
    • If you are going to return another person's ticket In addition to the above you will need:
    • passport the passenger for whom the ticket was issued (not a photocopy!);
    • power of attorney to return a travel document;
    • power of attorney to receive funds;
    • power of attorney to receive a ticket (needed if the ticket is electronic and has not yet been received on a form).
    • Any passenger has the right to return the ticket(s) of another passenger(for example, a family member), under one condition - if his own ticket is returned with the same route and train number, the same departure date and upon presentation of the family member’s passport (for example, the father of the family can return travel documents for the entire family).

      Receiving money

      In the matter of returning train tickets, you need to act promptly, since the refunded amount directly depends on time which is left before the train departs.

      Let’s make a reservation right away about what to get back full amount In most cases, unfortunately, it won’t work for travel.

    1. > 8 hours before train departure – full cost minus will be refunded return fee.
    2. > 8 hours, but did not find the answer to your question? Find out how to solve exactly your problem - call right now (it's fast and free):

    How to return train tickets and get money? What to do if the company refuses to do this.

    Sometimes plans for a trip collapse already at the preparatory stage for the trip. And the first question that arises for a person who has purchased train tickets is related to the possibility of a refund of the money paid for travel documents.
    In the article I will talk about what grounds for the return of train tickets are provided for in the law, how to return the money paid for them and within what time frame.

    ○ What does the law say?

    Regulatory acts that will help you find the necessary answers to questions that arise with the return of tickets:

  • Transportation Rules No. 473, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, is the main document describing the grounds and procedure for the return of passenger and baggage railway tickets.
  • Rules for the provision of services in the field of railway transportation No. 111.
  • Railway transport regulations.
  • The Consumer Rights Protection Law is an act designed to regulate relations in the field of railway transportation between carriers and passengers.
  • As stated in the above acts, passengers have the right to return unused tickets. The amount due for refund will be calculated depending on the time remaining before the train departs.

    Basic return principles:

  • The money is returned in the same way as it was transferred for the ticket.
  • The refund amount depends on how much time is left before the transport is sent.
  • There is a fee for returns.
  • ○ In what cases can train tickets be returned?

    Reasons for returning train tickets:

    • If the train is delayed or cancelled, the passenger can get a full refund for the trip or reissue the travel document for a more convenient flight.
    • Stopping the train - money is returned for the untraveled distance.
    • If a passenger refuses to travel before the transport departs, the money will not be returned in full.
    • Being late for transport within 12 hours after its departure or other good reasons for not using the ticket.
    • If a passenger is removed from the train due to illness, the money will be returned for the untraveled distance.
    • ✔ Which tickets can be returned?

      Regardless of the travel distance, you can return:

    • Electronic tickets – through the website or the railway ticket office.
    • Paper tickets - through any railway ticket office if you have an ID card and the ticket itself.
    • Suburban transport subscriptions are returned to the ticket office (the passenger writes a written application to refuse the travel document).

    When ordering several tickets, you are allowed to return all or only part of them. The only exception is “luxury” seats on long-distance trains - if you purchased 2 tickets in one compartment, you cannot return one of them. Also, sometimes there are temporary restrictions on returns on railway transport. You can find out about them on the official page of JSC Russian Railways or private carriers.

    ○ Is it possible to return e-tickets before receiving paper versions?

    Electronic tickets are returned through the online page of JSC Russian Railways or through the website where the ticket was ordered. To do this, you need to open your profile, go to the “My orders” section, select required document and click the “Make a return” button.

    The money is returned to your bank card within 7-30 days. Please note that a fee is always charged for returning tickets at the passenger's initiative.

    ○ How are funds paid for tickets?

    If the passenger returns the ticket to the railway ticket office, the money is refunded on the spot. This rule applies only to those who purchased a ticket with cash.

    As for payment via a terminal or via a card over the Internet, paragraph 83 of Rule No. 473 says:

    “Refunds for an unused travel document (ticket), issued by bank transfer (or in cash for organized groups of passengers) or using a payment card, are made to the bank account of the legal entity or individual who paid for the travel document (ticket).”

    Thus, it will also not be possible to return a large amount of money paid for the travel of a group of people through the ticket office. The repayment period is set by the bank. This is 7-30 days.

    Money usually takes longer to return to an e-wallet - from 10 days to 2 months.

    During the claim refund procedure, you can wait a very long time for money - up to 210 days, this is due to the fact that six months are allotted for consideration of the claim, plus a month for the bank to transfer funds.

    Money for a subscription travel card will be returned within 10 days from the date of filing an application for its return.

    ○ Is it possible to return a ticket after the train has departed?

    Yes. To do this, you need to contact the return office located at your place of departure. You can substantiate your requirements with the provisions of clause 87 of Rules No. 473:

    “The passenger has the right to receive the cost of the ticket without the cost of a reserved seat, a service fee (if available) and other payments (except for the fee for reserving seats on long-distance trains):

  • When returning an unused travel document (ticket) for a long-distance train to the ticket office of the passenger boarding station if the passenger is late for the train within 12 hours from the moment of its departure.
  • When returning an unused travel document (ticket) to the ticket office of the passenger boarding station due to illness or accident within 5 days from the departure of the train for which the travel document (ticket) was purchased.”
  • Thus, after the departure of the railway transport, you can return the money, although not in full. The term “reserved seat” mentioned in the article refers to the fee for using the carriage and amounts to 30-60% of the ticket price. In case of non-use of a ticket due to illness or other unforeseen circumstances, it is necessary to provide documentary evidence of this fact. For example, a doctor's certificate.

    ○ Return before train departure.

    The simplest option is to return the ticket in a timely manner long before the trip. This way you can save more money on returns.

    Let's consider in what period tickets should be returned and how much money can be returned.

    ✔ On Russian routes.

    You can return the full cost of the ticket (except for the refund fee):

    “When returning an unused travel document (ticket) to the ticket office no later than 8 hours before the train’s departure.
    When returning to the carrier an unused travel document (ticket) purchased for travel as part of an organized group of passengers, no later than 7 days before the train’s departure” (clause 85 of Rules No. 473).

    You can get a refund for purchasing a ticket (except for half the price of a reserved seat and a commission fee):

    “When returning an unused travel document (ticket) to the ticket office less than 8 hours, but no later than 2 hours before the train’s departure.
    When returning to the carrier an unused travel document (ticket) purchased for travel as part of an organized group of passengers, less than 7 days, but no later than 3 days before the train’s departure” (clause 86 of Rules No. 473).

    You can get a refund for purchasing a ticket (except for the full price of a reserved seat and a refund fee):

    “When returning an unused travel document (ticket) to the ticket office less than 2 hours before train departure.
    When returning to the carrier an unused travel document (ticket) purchased for travel as part of an organized group of passengers, less than 3 days before the train’s departure” (clause 87 of Rules No. 473).

    ✔ Near abroad.

    You can also return tickets to the CIS countries, the Baltic states and Abkhazia before the train departs.

    The full cost of the travel document can be returned if you contact the ticket office one day before the transport departs from the passenger station. If there are 6 to 24 hours left before departure, you can return the money paid minus half the cost of the reserved seat. If there are less than 6 hours left, you can only refund the price for the ticket itself and additional services(tea, bed).

    ✔ Far ​​abroad.

    You can only return an electronic ticket through the carrier’s official website. You can request a refund at least 6 hours before the vehicle leaves the passenger station.

    ○ Where to go if the cashier does not accept a return ticket?

    If the cashier refuses to accept the travel document and return the money paid, you should file a claim with the carrier. It is allowed to be drawn up within six months from the date of departure of the transport.

    If the carrier recognizes the grounds for refusing to return tickets as legal, this decision can be challenged in court. You can also file a complaint with the prosecutor's office.

    ✔ How to write a claim?

    The application is written to the head of the carrier. Forms for such claims can be requested at ticket offices.

    The claim must indicate:

  • Your passport details, including your address.
  • Contact information.
  • Request for a refund.
  • Reason for returning the ticket.
  • Refund method.
  • Date and signature are added. The claim is accompanied by a ticket and supporting document issued at the ticket office. Usually, the ticket office also gives you the address of the carrier’s representative office where the documents should be sent.

    ○ Return fee

    For each ticket, if returned, a fee of 192 rubles will be charged. 70 kopecks (if the trip was planned in Russia or to neighboring countries).

    For returning tickets to distant countries, charged 10 euros per ticket (according to the bank rate on the day of return).

    In addition, payment system commissions and service fees for online purchase travel documents.

    ✔ Because of the queue in front of the ticket office, I did not have time to return my train ticket and now it is not accepted. While I was waiting, the cashier was constantly going somewhere and accepting 1-2 people every 30-40 minutes. Can I prove that it is the cashier's fault and get my money back?

    Yes. You need to write a claim to the carrier. You have six months to do this from the date of departure of the transport. Contact the cashier again and ask where the complaint should be sent. In your complaint, describe your problem in as much detail as possible and state your request for a refund.
    You can also contact the carrier’s online reception desk. Typically, in such situations, an internal investigation is promptly carried out. You will be informed about the results.

    ✔ I bought an electronic ticket, but due to family circumstances I had to return it. The money has not yet arrived in the account, although more than a month has passed. What to do?

    First of all, contact the bank with a claim. Usually the problem is related to the transfer of money by the financial institution. If the carrier has not transferred the funds to the bank, please contact the carrier’s online reception with your problem.

    Specialist Olga Skudanova will talk about the rules for returning train tickets.

    A claim for a refund for a ticket is an official document that establishes the consumer’s demand to the store for a refund and justifies the need to satisfy such a demand.

    We present our sample claim, which includes requirements for both a refund for a quality ticket and for a defective one; all you have to do is choose and return the money.

    • get it under consumer rights - this will save time and become more legally literate;
    • find out and

    here is our sample.

    Claim for a refund for a ticket

    The relevance of the article was checked by our lawyers as of 01/16/2020

    to the store director:

    residing(s) at the address:

    "___"_______ _______ (specify date) by me, ___________________________________, in the store "_____________", located at the address: _____________________________________________, a ticket was purchased for _______ rubles. Additionally, delivery for the ticket was paid in the amount of ______ rubles.

    If the ticket is of high quality, then we insert this part. Take into account.

    In accordance with Article 18 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights,” the Consumer, if defects are discovered in the product, if they were not specified by the seller, has the right to refuse to execute the sales contract and demand a refund of the amount paid for the product. In this case, the consumer also has the right to demand full compensation for losses caused to him as a result of the sale of goods of inadequate quality.

    Considering that the shortcomings that the ticket contains arose due to circumstances for which the consumer is not responsible, I ask: Refund the money for the ticket in the amount of ______________ rubles, as well as the money for its delivery in the amount of ______________ rubles.

    In case of refusal to satisfy my legal demands voluntarily, I will be forced to go to court to protect my rights and legitimate interests.

    Please inform me of your decision in writing within the prescribed period.

    1. Copies of sales and cash receipts.
    2. A copy of the document confirming payment for delivery of goods.

    Based on the above and in accordance with Articles 103, 105, 108 of the RF CC, 779 of the RF Civil Code, I DEMAND: 1. Refund the cost of the air ticket in the amount of rubles.2. Compensate me for moral damages in the amount of rubles3. Reimburse me for legal expenses in the amount of rubles, in accordance with Art. 15 Civil Code of the Russian Federation. In case of failure to transfer funds within 7 days from the receipt of this application to Continent Airlines, complaints will be sent to the prosecutor's office of the city, Rospotrebnadzor, and a statement of claim for the recovery of funds, interest for the use of other people's funds, moral damage, payment for the representative's services will be sent to court.

    RF VC - Termination, at the initiative of an aircraft passenger, of the agreement for air carriage of a passenger. An aircraft passenger has the right to cancel a flight by notifying the carrier no later than twenty-four hours before departure of the aircraft, unless a grace period has been established by the air transportation rules established by the carrier, and to receive back the amount paid for air transportation.
    AIR CODE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION" dated March 19, 1997 N 60-FZ). Based on the above and guided by Art. 16 and 32 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” I demand that within 10 calendar days the full cost of the air ticket issued in my name in the amount of rubles be returned.
