Presentation on the topic "Russian lakes". Presentation on the topic Lakes of Russia Presentation on the topic lake

Presentation on the topic "Lakes" on geography in powerpoint format. The presentation for schoolchildren talks about what a lake is, how lakes are formed and the most famous of them.

Fragments from the presentation

Lake- a closed body of water formed on the surface of the land in a natural depression.

Caspian sea-lake

The most big lake on Earth. In the past it was connected to the sea and was the sea. Because of its size and salinity it is called the sea.

Lake Baikal

The most deep lake on Earth. Its depth is 1620 m. Lake Baikal contains about 10% fresh water on Earth.

Passage of lake pits

  • Tectonic. The largest and deepest lakes are formed as a result of tectonic movements of the earth's crust. With the slow subsidence of large areas or in cracks in the earth's crust.
  • Glacial. Lakes formed as a result of glacier activity
  • Volcanic. Lakes occupying the craters of volcanoes.
  • Karst. Lakes are formed as a result of the washing away of easily soluble rocks by groundwater and the collapse of the upper layer. As a result of the failure of the upper layer, a lake basin is formed, which is filled with water.
  • Zaprudnoe. Lakes that appear when a river bed is blocked by a landslide.

There are lakes:

  • Sewage. Lakes from which rivers flow.
  • Drainless. Lakes from which rivers do not flow.

Dead Sea

The water of some lakes contains a lot of salts. The salinity of the Dead Sea lake is about 270‰. It is impossible to drown in this sea; there are almost no organisms in it.

Lake life

Small lakes become shallow and overgrown over time. The lake turns into a swamp. A swamp is a highly moist area of ​​the earth's surface.


Slides: 24 Words: 640 Sounds: 0 Effects: 109

Lakes. Purpose of the lesson: To form an idea of ​​the types of lake basins, drainless and drainage lakes. Develop the ability to determine geographical location and description of lakes according to a standard plan. Lake Tanganyika 17 million years. Lake Baikal. By size. Big Small. Sea eye. Baikal. According to the height of the location. Mountain plains. By salinity. Salty (drainless) (more than 35%0) Brackish (1 – 35%0) Fresh (wastewater) (less than 1%0). Sewage. Drainless. Baikal Ladoga Onega Ontario. Chad Balkhash Air Caspian. Origin of lake basins. Appearance Depth Steepness of slopes Coastal outlines. - Lake.ppt

Lake ecosystem

Slides: 16 Words: 428 Sounds: 0 Effects: 2

Lake ecosystem. What happens when a system collapses? What happens if a person interferes with the life of the lake? What kind of work do the inhabitants of the lake do? Invisible connections. Reasons for overgrowing the lake. Destructive, creative human activity. Methodological and didactic materials. Correspondence trip to the lakes of the Yaroslavl region. Living inhabitants of lakes. Herbarium of lake plants. Riddles about lake inhabitants. Didactic materials. Crossword. Plants of the lake. Sedge. Watercolor. White water lily. Yellow water lily. Air. Cattail reed. Riddles about lake inhabitants. Jugs and saucers Do not sink or break. - Lakes.ppt

Lakes of the world

Slides: 20 Words: 70 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Lakes of the world. Lake Ladoga. Lake in the mountains of Australia. mountain lake. Frozen lake. Lake in the crater of a volcano. Lake Alexandrina. Lake Baikal. Lake Lago Argentino. Lake Superior. Lake Ontario. Lake Michigan. Fishermen on Lake Kivu. Lake Taimyr. Lake Tanganika. Lake Titicaca. Lake Tahoe. Lake Eyre. Lake Onega. - Lakes of the world.ppt

"Lakes" 6th grade

Slides: 16 Words: 586 Sounds: 0 Effects: 58

Lakes. A lake is an enclosed body of water formed on the land surface. Classification of lakes. They are formed in places of subsidence and deflection of the earth's crust. Originated in craters extinct volcanoes. Formed as a result of the appearance of dams. They arose in areas exposed to ancient glaciation. In areas of distribution of soluble rocks. Oxbow lakes. They can be classified according to water inflow and outflow. Lakes can be classified according to the salinity of the water. The importance of lakes. The influence of lakes. Reservoirs have become a new type of lake. Answer the questions. - “Lakes” 6th grade.ppt

“Lakes” geography 6th grade

Slides: 24 Words: 1013 Sounds: 0 Effects: 50

Lakes. Methodological support of the lesson. Mystery. Lakes. Every word means something. A lake is a collection of water in a natural depression on land. Types of lakes. Variety of lakes. Lake Baikal. The Caspian Sea is a lake. The Dead Sea is a lake. Origin of basins. Lake Ladoga. Lake Kronotskoe. Lake Sarez in the Pamirs. The most famous lakes in the world. Questions for independent work. Lake life. The meaning of lakes. Not only scientists are interested in lakes, they also inspire creative people. S. Yesenin. Independent work. Lake description plan. - “Lakes” geography 6th grade.pptx

Types of lakes

Slides: 35 Words: 253 Sounds: 0 Effects: 65

What is a lake? Lake basins. Water in the lake. The importance and protection of lakes. A lake is an accumulation of water in a natural depression on land. Largest lakes. Australia. North America. Eurasia. The largest lakes in Africa. Largest lakes South America. Conditions for the formation of lakes. Origin of basins. Types of basins. Tectonic in troughs. Caspian Sea-lake. Eastern coast of the Caspian Sea. Great American lakes. Ontario. Michigan. Tectonic in faults. Nyasa. Issyk-Kul. Titicaca. Zaprudnye. Sarez. Ritsa. Volcanic. Lake Kronotskoe. Lake in the crater of an ancient volcano. Failed (karst). -

Lesson prepared by: geography teacher MBOU secondary school No. 33

Krasnodar region

Krasnoarmeysky district

Doronina Elena Vladimirovna

Goals and objectives of the lesson:

  • Give an idea of ​​the location, features, and origin of lakes on the territory of our country;
  • Analyze the influence of relief and climate on the location and origin of lakes in Russia;
  • Continue training in working with sources of geographic information: maps, tables, etc.
  • Emphasize the role of lakes in human life.

1 option

1. The main river with all its tributaries is:

A) river system;

B) river regime;

B) river basin.

2. The excess of the source over the mouth is:

A) river slope;

B) the fall of the river.

3. The place where the river originates is called:

A) source;

B) mouth.

4. Sudden rise in water level in the river:

A) flood;

B) flood;

B) flood.

Option 2

1. Rivers predominate in our country:

A) with the spring flood;

B) with summer flood;

B) with a flood regime.

2. A mountain river is a river

A) Ural;

B) Pechora;

B) Terek.

3.The river regime is most influenced by:

A) relief,

B) climate;

B) vegetation.

A) Lena;

B) Volga;

B) Yenisei;

D) Cupid.

5. The volume of water that flows in a river bed in a year is called:

A) solid waste;

B) annual flow;

B) water consumption.

6. The lowest water level in the river is:

A) flood;

B) low water;

B) flood.

7.Most of the rivers in Russia are fed by:

A) rain;

B) snow;

B) glacial;

D) mixed.

8. Depends on the climate:

A) river regime;

B) flow speed;

B) direction of flow.

5.The reasons for the flood are:

A) spring melting of snow;

B) summer melting of snowfields in the mountains;

B) rainfall.

6. Floods most often occur on rivers that flow

A) from north to south;

B) from south to north.

7. If the slope of the river is 20 cm per 1 km, then the river has:

A) calm current;

B) rapid current;

C) rapids and waterfalls.

8.The greater the fall of the river, the

A) higher speed of river flow;

B) greater annual flow;

B) larger area of ​​the river basin .


















Lakes are fresh and salty. Lakes can be drained or drainless.

Sewage lakes are usually fresh, since the rivers flowing from the lake also carry salt.

Endorheic lakes are salty, rivers flow into them, but not a single river flows out.

Salts accumulate in such a lake .

The lakes vary in origin.

The deepest lakes have tectonic origin (in faults, cracks in the earth's crust).

Such lakes are oblong: narrow and long. The deepest lake in the world, Baikal, has this origin. (1637 m).

Glacial-tectonic lakes origin (were deepened under the weight of the glacier) are located in the north-west of the Russian Plain.

The largest of them are Ladoga, Onega, and Imandra.

Moraine lakes occupy depressions between moraine basins, which were formed as a result of ancient glaciation.

Such a lake is Lake Seliger on the Valdai Hills.

Nilova Hermitage on Lake Seliger.

Volcanic lakes are located in the craters of volcanoes on Kuril Islands, on the Kamchatka Peninsula.

  • When a volcano erupts, such a lake boils away.
  • When a volcano erupts, such a lake boils away.
  • When a volcano erupts, such a lake boils away.
  • When a volcano erupts, such a lake boils away.


Oxbow lakes common in river valleys.

The first stage of oxbow lake development is the formation of a river bend

The second stage is separation from the main river bed.

  • In river valleys there are small OLD LAKES - these are old river beds that have the outline of a horseshoe - because. these are former river bends.

  • If there is a distribution of water-soluble rocks, for example, limestones, gypsum, dolomites, then in such areas KARST lakes . As a rule, they have a round shape .

Karst lakes

Karst lakes are formed in surface sinkholes and wells associated with the dissolution of rocks by natural waters.

  • In areas with permafrost, THERMO KARST lakes . In summer, the permafrost thaws, the soils subside, and shallow basins filled with melt water form. .

1) Geological structure(faults, basins) Proximity of groundwater " width="640"

Why are there a lot of lakes in some areas, while in others there are almost none? What are the conditions for the formation of lakes?






(TO 1)







Human is the force that creates artificial reservoirs - ponds and larger ones - reservoirs.

The largest reservoirs were built on the Volga -



Artificial reservoirs are created - ponds and reservoirs in areas of insufficient moisture or poor surface water.

Karelia and the entire North-West of Russia are usually called the “Lake Region”. There are about 200 thousand bodies of water here total area more than 50 thousand km

Lakes influence the components of nature




cooling and

humidifying the air


raising the level


In the salty

the lakes are coming




into the swamps

The waves are destroying

shores, and on

the day goes by





"Water hunger" of the planet

Man takes from rivers, lakes and groundwater huge amount of fresh water. This can only be explained by insane wastefulness!

However, wasteful consumption of fresh water is not the main and not the most dangerous source of “water hunger” on Earth.

The main danger is widespread pollution of river and lake waters.

As a result, there are already about 1 / 3 of our planet's population lacks clean water. The lack of clean water is becoming one of the most important factors limiting the progressive development of mankind.

What type of lakes are:

Why is the distribution of lakes on Russian territory extremely uneven?

  • Ladoga
  • Baikal
  • Onega


This lake is more than 30 million years old. years. It is the deepest and most transparent in the world. The lake is home to 1,800 species of animals and plants – ¾ of which are endemic, i.e. found only here.


  • This lake is the largest freshwater body of water in Europe. More than 30 rivers flow into it, and only the Neva flows out. The lake has a glorious history: during the Great Patriotic War, the Road of Life passed along its ice - the country's only connection with besieged Leningrad.


  • This lake-sea is the largest in the world. It is filled with brackish water and is inhabited by many animals of marine origin.

  • What is a lake?
  • What are the reasons for the uneven distribution of lakes on the territory of Russia?
  • Does the number of lakes change as you move south?
  • How do lakes change their topography?
  • The most “lake region” of Russia?


  • In terms of the number and diversity of lakes, Russia ranks among the first in the world.
  • Baikal is the deepest lake in the world; The largest lake in area is the Caspian Sea-lake.
  • Lakes are sources of fresh water, food products, raw materials; shipping routes, wonderful holiday destinations.
  • Lakes change the topography and influence the climate.

We got acquainted with the types of origin and location of lakes on the territory of Russia.

We analyzed the influence of relief and climate on the location and origin of lakes in Russia.

We examined the role of lakes as a source of clean water in human life.
