Natural complexes of the Far East presentation. Abstract on geography

Glyadenskaya main secondary school №11.


in geography

Subject: Kamchatka Peninsula.

Natural uniqueness of the Far East


Completed by: Tykvenko Marina.


Looked 2007

Kamchatka Peninsula. Kamchatka is a country of natural contrasts, extraordinary originality, and captivating beauty. Mountains, active and extinct volcanoes, vast valleys and lowlands, mountain and lowland rivers, cold and hot mineral springs– all this is on the peninsula.

This is one of the most remote corners of the country from the European center of Russia. About ⅔ of Kamchatka's area is occupied by mountains. This is an area of ​​young folded-volcanic mountains with tundra and forest vegetation. Two ridges stretch along the entire peninsula - Median And Oriental, shared Central Kamchatka depression with the Kamchatka River flowing through it. The ridges are topped with volcanic cones with snow caps and glaciers. From time to time, Kamchatka is shaken by volcanic eruptions. There are about 130 on the peninsula extinct volcanoes. One of the most active and highest volcanoes peace - Klyuchevsky, its height is 4750 m.

Active volcanic activity affects many other features of nature. Thus, as a result of eruptions, soils periodically receive additional portions of primary minerals, which ensures their high fertility.

The science of volcanology deals with the prediction of volcanic eruptions. Almost all large volcanoes Special stations have been created where, with the help of modern instruments, they monitor the temperature of rocks, conduct chemical analyzes of gases, and listen to the crater of the volcano. In a few days, it is possible to predict the beginning of increased volcanic activity and warn residents of surrounding towns and villages.

Volcanologists are people dangerous profession. Sometimes they have to work on channels of lava that has not yet cooled down, descend into the crater of a volcano, be under “fire” from hot stones, near red-hot lava with a temperature of about +1300 ° C.

The climate of Kamchatka is characterized by excess humidity throughout the year. The driest and warm place– Central Kamchatka depression.

The Kamchatka Peninsula occupies a subzone of coniferous and birch park forests. The specificity of this subzone is the predominance of small-leaved trees (stone and Japanese birches) over conifers and the widespread occurrence of tall grasses.

Stone birch has gray or reddish bark and a thick curly crown: the height of the trees usually does not exceed 10 m. Due to the curvature of the trunk, stone birch is little used in construction, but is used mainly for firewood and crafts. However, stone birch forests play an important water and soil protection role.

Common herbs include shelamaynik, basilisk, bear's flute and other umbelliferous herbs.

Mountain ranges covered with thickets of dwarf cedar and shrubby alder; even higher are mountain tundras, alpine meadows and the snow zone of Kamchatka glaciers.

The dwarf cedar forests are inhabited by a very large brown bear, Kamchatka sable, squirrel, chipmunk, lynx, Kamchatka nutcracker, etc. Reindeer live in the mountain tundras, and bighorn sheep graze in the alpine mountain meadows.

Historical information. The first information about Kamchatka was obtained from the “tales” (reports) of explorers. The honor of discovering Kamchatka belongs to Vladimir Atlasov, who made trips there in the years. Soon Kamchatka was included in Russia. He also drew up a drawing (map) of Kamchatka and gave a detailed description of it.

As a result of the First and Second Kamchatka expeditions under the leadership of the Russian navigator Vitus Bering, the division of Asia and North America, open Aleutian And Commander Islands, maps have been drawn up.

Natural uniqueness of the Far East. Valley of Geysers. Eastern Kamchatka is the only region in Russia with periodically gushing geysers.

The most active volcanoes are on the Eastern volcanic plateau, composed of lava covers, tuffs, ash and elevated to m. Numerous geysers are associated with these volcanoes. The Valley of Geysers is the biggest attraction of Kamchatka. Geysers were first discovered by an employee of the Kronotsky Nature Reserve in 1941, penetrating to the river, which later received the name Geysernaya(inflow r. Noisy). Here, in a deep canyon-like gorge, there are several groups of geysers. Among them “Firstborn”, “Giant”, “Triple”, “Fountain”, “Pearl”, “Double” and others - a total of 20 geysers, 10 large pulsating springs and more than 300 small, boiling and freely flowing springs. The largest geyser, “Giant”, operates in a very original way. Its eruption does not last long - two minutes, but thick steam continues to rise for another 10-15 minutes, covering the adjacent parts of the valley.

Grove of grandiose fir (Kamchatka) on east coast Kamchatka is part of Kronotsky Nature Reserve. These are unusually slender beautiful trees, their height reaches 13 m, trunk diameter is 20 - 25 cm, the needles contain essential oils and smell pleasant. Botanists classify the grandiose fir as an ancient (pre-glacial) vegetation.

Lake Khanka – females are large in the Far East. Located at an altitude of 69 m above sea level. Its length is up to 95 km, width up to 65 km, area more than 4 thousand square meters. km, average depth is about 4 m. About 13 rivers flow into it. The lake is rich in fish. The lake is home to a relict lotus plant, a giant water lily whose leaves reach 2 m in diameter, and a water chestnut.

Lazovsky (Sudzukhinsky) Nature Reserve (area 116.5 thousand hectares) on the coast of the Sea of ​​Japan, in the cedar-deciduous forests of which tigers, lynxes, sables, bears, wild boars, sika deer and wapiti, pheasants and hazel grouse live. Part of the reserve is also small (about 30 hectares) Petrov Island, located 1 km from the shore of the bay Xiaohe. Petrov Island is an archaeological and natural landmark of Primorye. It was inhabited several centuries ago. In the relict yew grove, some trees reach 200-300 years old.

1. Tell us about the natural uniqueness of the Far East?

Valley of Geysers. Eastern Kamchatka is the only region in Russia with periodically gushing geysers. The most active volcanoes are on the Eastern volcanic plateau, elevated to 600-1000 m. Numerous geysers are associated with these volcanoes. The Valley of Geysers is the biggest attraction of Kamchatka. Among them are Firstborn, Giant, Triple, Fountain, Pearl, Double, etc. - a total of 20 geysers, 10 large pulsating springs and more than 300 small ones, boiling and freely flowing. The largest geyser, the Giant, operates in a very original way. Its eruption does not last long - two minutes, but thick steam continues to rise for another 10-15 minutes, covering the adjacent parts of the valley.

The grove of grandiose fir (Kamchatka) on the eastern coast of Kamchatka is part of the Kronotsky Nature Reserve. These are unusually slender and beautiful trees, their height reaches 13 m, trunk diameter is 20-25 cm, the needles contain essential oils and smell pleasant. Botanists classify the grandiose fir as an ancient (pre-glacial) vegetation.

Lake Khanka is the largest in the Far East. Located at an altitude of 69 m above sea level. Its length is up to 95 km, width up to 65 km, area more than 4 thousand km2, average depth about 4 m. 13 rivers flow into it. The lake is rich in fish. The lake is home to a relict lotus plant, a giant water lily, the leaves of which reach 2 m in diameter, and water chestnut.

Lazovsky (Sudzukhinsky) Nature Reserve (area 116.5 thousand hectares) on the coast of the Sea of ​​Japan, in the cedar-broad-leaved forests of which tigers, lynxes, sables, bears, wild boars, sika deer and wapiti, pheasants and hazel grouse live. Part of the reserve is the small (about 30 hectares) Petrov Island, located 1 km from the shore of Xiaohe Bay. Petrov Island is an archaeological and natural landmark of Primorye. It was inhabited several centuries ago. In the relict yew grove, some trees reach 200-300 years old.

2. Which natural unique places of the Far East are included in the list of the World Cultural and Cultural Heritage Sites? natural heritage? In the List of Seven Wonders of Russia? Why?

Volcanoes of Kamchatka, Central Sikhote-Alin, Wrangel Island, Lena Pillars. The Valley of Geysers is included in the List of Seven Wonders of Russia.

3. Which areas of the Far East are most attractive to tourists?

The first thing that attracts tourists to the Far East is its unique, almost virgin nature. For example, the Southern Kuril Islands are a chance to see many volcanoes at the same time, thermal springs, beautiful waterfalls. In the Primorsky Territory, bathing and beach tourism can develop in combination with such popular destinations, as ecological, cognitive, educational tourism. There is hardly another region that could boast such an abundance of animals and plants listed in the Red Book. There are several famous nature reserves in the region. For example, “Cedar Pad” is a real jungle that greets people with an abundance of rare birds, animals, and dense thickets of plants. The Khanka Nature Reserve is located on the shores of one of the largest freshwater lakes in Asia - Khanka. In the Lazovsky Nature Reserve you can see the Ussuri tiger, Himalayan bear and other rare animals in natural conditions. The Far Eastern Marine Reserve - the only one in Russia - is a whole underwater world, distinguished by its own life, its own laws.

Answers (2)

    Valley of Geysers. Eastern Kamchatka is the only region in Russia with periodically gushing geysers. The most active volcanoes are on the Eastern volcanic plateau, elevated to 600-1000 m. Numerous geysers are associated with these volcanoes. The Valley of Geysers is the biggest attraction of Kamchatka. Among them are Firstborn, Giant, Triple, Fountain, Pearl, Double, etc. - a total of 20 geysers, 10 large pulsating springs and more than 300 small ones, boiling and freely flowing. The largest geyser, the Giant, operates in a very original way. Its eruption does not last long - two minutes, but thick steam continues to rise for another 10-15 minutes, covering the adjacent parts of the valley.

    The grove of grandiose fir (Kamchatka) on the eastern coast of Kamchatka is part of the Kronotsky Nature Reserve. These are unusually slender and beautiful trees, their height reaches 13 m, trunk diameter is 20-25 cm, the needles contain essential oils and smell pleasant. Botanists classify the grandiose fir as an ancient (pre-glacial) vegetation.

    Lake Khanka is the largest in the Far East. Located at an altitude of 69 m above sea level. Its length is up to 95 km, width up to 65 km, area more than 4 thousand km2, average depth about 4 m. 13 rivers flow into it. The lake is rich in fish. The lake is home to a relict lotus plant, a giant water lily, the leaves of which reach 2 m in diameter, and water chestnut.

    Lazovsky (Sudzukhinsky) Nature Reserve (area 116.5 thousand hectares) on the coast of the Sea of ​​Japan, in the cedar-broad-leaved forests of which tigers, lynxes, sables, bears, wild boars, sika deer and wapiti, pheasants and hazel grouse live. Part of the reserve is the small (about 30 hectares) Petrov Island, located 1 km from the shore of Xiaohe Bay. Petrov Island is an archaeological and natural landmark of Primorye. It was inhabited several centuries ago. In the relict yew grove, some trees reach 200-300 years old.

    The Kamchatka Peninsula is one of the unique places in the world. There is a rich plant and fauna, special climatic conditions, and many more natural uniques. One of them is the Valley of Geysers. In the geothermal reserve, on an area of ​​about 4 km2, there are approximately two hundred fountains of boiling water, above which clouds of steam rise. All this happens against the backdrop of trees and lush grasses. The Valley of Geysers is one of the most visited places in Kamchatka. A unique place on the peninsula there is considered a grandiose fir grove, which is part of the Kronotsky Nature Reserve. The tree belongs to pre-glacial, very ancient vegetation. The diameter of the fir trunk is about 25 cm, it grows up to 13 m in height. The needles smell very pleasant and contain essential oils. Unique is a place that is not found anywhere else in the world, and that’s exactly what Lake Khanka is. In the Far East it ranks first in size. The lake is unique in that 13 rivers flow into it. There is a lot of fish in Khanka, and also the giant water lily, lotus, and water chestnut grow here. The Lazovsky Nature Reserve is interesting for its wildlife. Sika deer, hazel grouse, tigers, sables, red deer, lynxes, wild boars, and pheasants live here. Also on the territory of the reserve is Petrov Island, which is a natural and archaeological attraction of Primorye.

The article talks about unique natural objects that are located in this area. Contains information about the relief, flora and fauna of the region. Gives detailed physical and geographical characteristics of the most remote but rich region of Russia.

Far East of Russia

The Far East is usually called the territory of Russia, which is located off the Pacific coast. Its area is 6215.9 thousand km. sq.

If by the Far East we mean the Far Eastern Federal District, then its capital is Khabarovsk, and the capital of the Primorsky Territory is Vladivostok. This question often causes confusion.

This territory includes located directly in Pacific Ocean natural area, which belongs to the Kuril archipelago.

Rice. 1. Far East on the map.

The territory consists of the following parts:

TOP 3 articleswho are reading along with this

  • mainland;
  • peninsular;
  • island

Except Kuril Islands The territory includes the Kamchatka Peninsula, Sakhalin Island, the Commander Islands and other isolated islands that are located near the eastern borders of Russia.

In Kamchatka there is one of the remarkable unique sites of the Far East - the Valley of Geysers.

Rice. 2. Valley of Geysers.

This is the only area in Russia with periodically gushing geysers.

Maritime communications are developed here and therefore there are many ports located in the Far East.

However, the presence of a large number of ports also gives rise to problems associated with illegal fishing.

The length of the region from northeast to southwest is quite large and equal to 4.5 thousand kilometers.

The northern regions of the territories are located beyond the Arctic Circle, and there is almost always snow here.

Almost all seas washing the coast are not completely cleared of ice even in summer.

The lands of this region are dominated by permafrost. Here, for the most part, tundra reigns.

In the southern part of the region, conditions are slightly milder.

The climate of the Far East is strongly influenced by its close proximity to the Pacific Ocean.

The region is localized at the junction of two massive lithospheric plates. The southern Far Eastern region is characterized by a predominance of low and medium-altitude mountain ranges.

Only 1/4 of the territory of the Far East is covered by plains.

Natural resources

TO geographical features include, first of all, the unique economic and geographical position of the territory. They are characterized by alienation from the main and most populated areas of the country.

The next factor is natural potential. The Far East is considered one of the richest regions of Russia.

Here you can get:

  • diamonds - 98%;
  • tin - 80%;
  • boron raw materials - 90%;
  • gold - 50%.

The location of the Far East on the border of a majestic continent and the largest ocean on the globe had a significant impact on the characteristics of the region’s natural-territorial complexes, as well as on their location.

In addition to the anthropogenic factor, the environmental problems of the region also include the problem of wastewater.

The inland waters of the Far East suffer extremely from this - the region is recognized as a fish treasure of Russia. And this is not surprising, since it is enough to imagine what seas the territory of the Far East is washed by. The list is quite impressive:

  • Laptev Sea;
  • East Siberian Sea;
  • Chukchi Sea;
  • Bering Sea;
  • Sea of ​​Okhotsk;
  • Sea of ​​Japan.

The landscape of the area began its formation in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic eras. Then folded zones and intermountain depressions appeared.

In the past, the highest parts of the mountains were dominated by glaciers. This is evidenced by the preserved small relief-forming forms.

The highest altitude of the Kuril Mountains is 2339 m. Alaid Volcano.

Rice. 3. Alaid Volcano.

Powerful (up to 10 magnitude) earthquakes often occur here. They are also the cause of the tsunami.

The Far Eastern nature reserves are among the largest in Russia. The nature in these parts is quite harsh. This is explained by the fact that the mainland in the north and northeast is adjacent to the waters of the Arctic basin.

In the tundra you can often find arctic fox, polar bear or reindeer. Squirrels, lynxes, wolverines and brown bears are common in the taiga. During the warm period, the tundra is flooded large number migratory birds. In the taiga, birds are represented by hazel grouse, wood grouse, woodpeckers, nuthatches and thrushes. In the mountainous areas, the animals that live mainly are snow leopards and musk deer.

What have we learned?

We found out what features and specific features the territory has. We learned which environmental problems are the most pressing. We found out which seas wash the shores of the Far Eastern region.

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  • Glyadensky basic secondary school No. 11.


    in geography

    Subject: Kamchatka Peninsula.

    Natural uniqueness of the Far East


    Completed by: Tykvenko Marina.

    Checked by: Tykvenko N.V.

    Looked 2007

    Kamchatka Peninsula. Kamchatka is a country of natural contrasts, extraordinary originality, and captivating beauty. Mountains, active and extinct volcanoes, vast valleys and lowlands, mountain and lowland rivers, cold and hot mineral springs - all this is on the peninsula.

    This is one of the most remote corners of the country from the European center of Russia. About ⅔ of Kamchatka's area is occupied by mountains. This is an area of ​​young folded-volcanic mountains with tundra and forest vegetation. Two ridges stretch along the entire peninsula - Median And Oriental, shared Central Kamchatka depression with the Kamchatka River flowing through it. The ridges are topped with volcanic cones with snow caps and glaciers. From time to time, Kamchatka is shaken by volcanic eruptions. There are about 130 extinct volcanoes on the peninsula. One of the most active and highest volcanoes in the world - Klyuchevsky, its height is 4750 m.

    Active volcanic activity affects many other features of nature. Thus, as a result of eruptions, soils periodically receive additional portions of primary minerals, which ensures their high fertility.

    The science of volcanology deals with the prediction of volcanic eruptions. Almost all large volcanoes have special stations where, with the help of modern instruments, they monitor the temperature of rocks, conduct chemical analyzes of gases, and listen to the crater of the volcano. In a few days, it is possible to predict the beginning of increased volcanic activity and warn residents of surrounding towns and villages.

    Volcanologists are people in a dangerous profession. Sometimes they have to work on channels of lava that has not yet cooled down, descend into the crater of a volcano, be under the “fire” of hot stones, near red-hot lava with a temperature of about +1300 o C.

    The climate of Kamchatka is characterized by excess humidity throughout the year. The driest and warmest place is the Central Kamchatka depression.

    The Kamchatka Peninsula occupies a subzone of coniferous and birch park forests. The specificity of this subzone is the predominance of small-leaved trees (stone and Japanese birches) over conifers and the widespread occurrence of tall grasses.

    Stone birch has gray or reddish bark and a thick curly crown: the height of the trees usually does not exceed 10 m. Due to the curvature of the trunk, stone birch is little used in construction, but is used mainly for firewood and crafts. However, stone birch forests play an important water and soil protection role.

    Common herbs include shelamaynik, basilisk, bear's flute and other umbelliferous herbs.

    The mountain ranges are covered with thickets of dwarf cedar and shrubby alder; even higher are mountain tundras, alpine meadows and the snow zone of Kamchatka glaciers.

    The dwarf cedar forests are home to very large brown bears, Kamchatka sables, squirrels, chipmunks, lynx, Kamchatka nutcrackers, etc. Reindeer live in the mountain tundras, and bighorn sheep graze in the alpine mountain meadows.

    Historical information. The first information about Kamchatka was obtained from the “tales” (reports) of explorers. The honor of discovering Kamchatka belongs to Vladimir Atlasov, who made trips there in 1697-1699. Soon Kamchatka was included in Russia. He also drew up a drawing (map) of Kamchatka and gave a detailed description of it.

    As a result of the First and Second Kamchatka expeditions under the leadership of the Russian navigator Vitus Bering, the separation of Asia and North America was confirmed, Aleutian And Commander Islands, maps have been drawn up.

    Natural uniqueness of the Far East. Valley of Geysers. Eastern Kamchatka is the only region in Russia with periodically gushing geysers.

    The most active volcanoes are on the Eastern volcanic plateau, composed of lava covers, tuffs, ash and elevated to 600-1000 m. Numerous geysers are associated with these volcanoes. The Valley of Geysers is the biggest attraction of Kamchatka. Geysers were first discovered by an employee of the Kronotsky Nature Reserve G.I. Ustinova in 1941, penetrating to the river, which later received the name Geysernaya(inflow r. Noisy). Here, in a deep canyon-like gorge, there are several groups of geysers. Among them “Firstborn”, “Giant”, “Triple”, “Fountain”, “Pearl”, “Double” and others - a total of 20 geysers, 10 large pulsating springs and more than 300 small, boiling and freely flowing springs. The largest geyser, “Giant”, operates in a very original way. Its eruption does not last long - two minutes, but thick steam continues to rise for another 10-15 minutes, covering the adjacent parts of the valley.

    Grove of grandiose fir (Kamchatka) on the eastern coast of Kamchatka is part of Kronotsky Nature Reserve. These are unusually slender beautiful trees, their height reaches 13 m, trunk diameter is 20 - 25 cm, the needles contain essential oils and smell pleasant. Botanists classify the grandiose fir as an ancient (pre-glacial) vegetation.

    Lake Khanka – females are large in the Far East. Located at an altitude of 69 m above sea level. Its length is up to 95 km, width up to 65 km, area more than 4 thousand square meters. km, average depth is about 4 m. About 13 rivers flow into it. The lake is rich in fish. The lake is home to a relict lotus plant, a giant water lily whose leaves reach 2 m in diameter, and a water chestnut.

    Lazovsky (Sudzukhinsky) Nature Reserve (area 116.5 thousand hectares) on the coast of the Sea of ​​Japan, in the cedar-deciduous forests of which tigers, lynxes, sables, bears, wild boars, sika deer and wapiti, pheasants and hazel grouse live. Part of the reserve is also small (about 30 hectares) Petrov Island, located 1 km from the shore of the bay Xiaohe. Petrov Island is an archaeological and natural landmark of Primorye. It was inhabited several centuries ago. In the relict yew grove, some trees reach 200-300 years old.
