Bosphorus Strait: description, features, interesting facts and location. SFW - jokes, humor, girls, accidents, cars, photos of celebrities and much more What strait divides Istanbul

Istanbul and the Bosphorus Bay are inseparable concepts. A long curved bay divides the European part of Istanbul into two parts and gives the city a special, unique identity.

Any schoolchild knows that the Bosphorus is a strait connecting two continents - Asia and Europe. On the shores of the Bosphorus Strait lie huge districts of the Turkish city of Istanbul. In addition, from geography we remember that the Bosphorus Strait connects Black and Aegean Sea. Needless to say about the importance of the Bosphorus Strait as a transport hub that united many states. The length of the strait exceeds thirty kilometers, the width constantly fluctuates from 700 meters to four kilometers. The depth of the navigable zone (or fairway) varies from 30 to 80 meters.

Istanbul is unthinkable without the Bosphorus, these geographical features today are inseparable. However, curious tourists are often interested in the history of the origin of the name of the strait. They say that Zeus fell madly in love with Io, who was the daughter of King Inachus. The revenge of the Thunderer's wife was cruel. The beautiful rival was turned into an ordinary cow, which managed to find refuge from the further terrible claims of Zeus’s wife only in the waters of the strait, which was nicknamed the cow ford.

To appreciate the magnificence of the Bosphorus, tourists definitely need to travel through its waters on a modern, safe steamship. Both short and long tours are offered. You can read about their features, cost and duration in a special article.

Bridges over the Bosphorus in Istanbul

The first successful attempt to connect the shores of the Bosphorus Strait was made in the 6th century AD. for crossing more than 70 thousand Persian soldiers along ladders laid securely on top

Several years ago, the construction of a third bridge in the north of Istanbul began (in connection with the construction of a third airport). It is appropriate to recall the completion of the Marmaray project, which ran across the Bosphorus, but along the bottom of the strait. Now it takes less than 20 minutes to travel by metro from the European to the Asian parts of Istanbul using Marmaray.

Bosphorus - transport line in Istanbul

The Bosphorus is a transport channel; the strait has international status, since it is crossed not only by many city ferries, but also by more than one hundred and fifty
different ships in one day. Among them you can find not only cruise ships, but also their tankers that transport oil or gas, as well as various cargoes. Often the waters of the Bosphorus in Istanbul are routes for submarines and a wide variety of surface warships, including heavy cruisers or aircraft carriers.

The Bosphorus in Istanbul threatens sailors with many dangers - high speed currents, strong fogs, sharp turns, dangerous storms. Therefore, large ships along the Bosphorus Strait in Istanbul are accompanied not only by tugboats, but also by a pilot from the guild of Turkish pilots.

The Bosphorus is a strait between the Black Sea and the Sea of ​​Marmara (then through the Dardanelles you can get to the Aegean Sea, which is part of the Mediterranean.

The Bosphorus is not just a strait. The Bosphorus divides the largest Turkish city of Istanbul (formerly Constantinople, where Ukrainian Cossacks went on campaigns) into 2 parts.

It is also believed that the Bosphorus separates Europe and Asia (which is why this article is in 2 sections at once). Thus, Istanbul is the only city on the planet that is located on 2 continents at once :)

The length of the Bosphorus Strait is about 30 km, the maximum width is 3700 m in the north of the strait, the minimum is 700 m. The depth of the Bosphorus fairway ranges from 33 to 80 m.

The banks of the Bosphorus are connected by only 2 bridges. The Bosphorus Bridge was built in 1973 and has a length of 1074 m. The second Sultan Mehmed Fatih Bridge (length 1090m) was built to the north, 5 km from the Bosphorus Bridge only in 1988.

Another 1275m long bridge will connect the Trans-European Highway and the Northern Marmara Expressway. The new bridge will have 8 lanes. The Marmaray railway bridge should be completed in 2013.

It is believed that the Bosphorus appeared only 5000-7500 years ago. Previously, the water level in the Black and Mediterranean Seas was lower, significantly lower, and they were not connected with each other.

The Bosphorus is a very important strait because... provides access for ships from Ukrainian, Russian, Transcaucasian and Eastern European ports to the Mediterranean Sea, and from there to the Atlantic and Indian Oceans.

The Bosphorus plays a particularly important role in the export of Russian and Caspian oil.

Although a considerable number of dry cargo ships travel through it from America or Asia to the ports of the Black Sea.

is the only city in the world located in Europe and Asia, which are separated by the Bosphorus.
Bosphorus- a strait connecting Mramornoe and Black Sea. Its length is 32 km.
In the narrowest area Bosphorus Two fortresses were built, separated by only 560 meters.

This is what Orhan Pamuk writes about the Bosphorus in his book “Istanbul. City of Memories":
“The Bosphorus is the soul of Istanbul, the city draws strength from it. Meanwhile, earlier the townspeople did not really value the Bosphorus - for them it was just a picturesque strait used for the passage of ships, and in the last two hundred years its coast has also become a place for the construction of summer palaces and mansions.
For the time being, only Greek fishing villages were located on the banks of the Bosphorus; but starting from the 18th century, yawls began to be built here for representatives of the highest circles of the Ottoman Empire.”

Both banks Bosphorus connected by two suspension bridges. First bridge – Bosphorus Bridge 1030 meters long, built in 1973

Bosphorus. Istanbul. Türkiye.

By Bosphorus There are several routes. One of the most interesting is from Eminonu Marina to Anadolu Kavagi.
The journey takes about 1.5 – 2 hours.

On the European coast you can see luxurious buildings in the Baroque style - these are Dolmabahce Palace, built under Sultan Abdulmecid in 1856. The magnificent palace was built during difficult times for the Ottoman Empire, but foreign lenders helped with the investment.

Ataturk Bridge. Bosphorus.

The Ataturk Bridge was built in 1970, its length is 1560 meters, width 33 meters, height above sea level 64 meters. The bridge is for transport only and is closed to pedestrians.

Ortakoy Mosque (XIX century) in neo-Baroque style. Bosphorus. Istanbul.

At the base of the bridge is Ortakoy district, where you can feel the rural atmosphere. The area is home to numerous cafes and bars, bustling with nightlife. On Sunday there is a big market in Ortakoy.

The second bridge across the Bosphorus, the Sultan Mehmed Faith Bridge, is 1070 meters long and was built in 1973.

Sultan Mehmed Faith Bridge.

Rumeli Hisar. Bosphorus.

Rumel Fortress was built in 1452 by Sultans Mehmed the Conqueror at the narrowest point of the Bosphorus opposite the Anadoluhisar fortress, built by Mehmed's grandfather. The fortress was built in just 90 days. These days, the fortress hosts theatrical performances.

Anadoluhisar was built in 1395.

Once upon a time there were fishing villages on the banks of the Bosphorus. But after the Ottomans conquered Constantinople, castles and villas began to grow on the coast. In the second half of the 17th century, it became prestigious in Istanbul to have summer residences (yalas) along the Bosphorus. Yaly (or yali, in Turkish yali) comes from the Greek “yalos”, i.e. sea ​​coast.
There are more than 600 mansions on the Bosphorus, of which about 300 are historical.

Bosphorus. Istanbul. Türkiye.

The picturesque red-brick villa is Sadullah Pasha's yaly. It is often called a haunted house. In the 19th century, Sadullah Pasha lived here with his beloved wife Nejibe. In 1877, Sadullah Pasha was appointed ambassador to Berlin, and in 1883 to Vienna, where a few years later he committed suicide. Nejibe, having learned about her husband’s death, did not believe the news and began to wait for him, wearing a pink dress. The devoted woman waited for her husband until death, which took her at the age of 80.

The Minik Serce mansion (in the photo there is a small red house) belongs to the famous Turkish singer Sezen Aksu. Translated from Turkish, the name means “tiny sparrow” and reflects the size of the building.

Bosphorus. Istanbul. Türkiye.

Bosphorus. Istanbul. Türkiye.

As the ferry passes Kanlıca, they serve the yoghurts for which the place is famous. Be sure to try this fermented milk product, generously sprinkled with powdered sugar on top!
The end point of the journey is Andolu Kava- a small fishing village on the Asian coast, on which there is a whole bunch of fish restaurants and restaurants. All restaurants purchase fish from local fishermen, so it is very fresh.

Bosphorus. Istanbul. Türkiye.

You can also walk to the top of the hill, where the ruins of a Byzantine fortress are located.

Bosphorus. Istanbul. Türkiye.

The ruins are not that interesting, but the view from here is magnificent!

Bosphorus Strait on the world map.

Bosphorus Strait(“Istanbul Strait”) is a strait between Europe and Asia Minor, connecting the Black Sea with the Sea of ​​Marmara. On both sides of the strait stands the Turkish city of Istanbul. The strait provides access to the Mediterranean Sea and the seas of most of Russia, Ukraine, Transcaucasia and southeastern Europe.

Istanbul… Ancient capital three powerful empires - Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman. A city that separates and at the same time unites Western and Eastern civilization and uniquely conveys the refined oriental flavor and the culture of modern Europe.

Istanbul, a metropolis of 15 million inhabitants, dates back to the 7th century BC. And even in that distant time, when it was still called Byzantium, the city was major port and a center of maritime trade. This was facilitated by its strategically good location.

The magnificent city of Istanbul is located on the border of two continents, so the Bosphorus can rightly be called the heart of the city. The amazingly beautiful Bosphorus Strait enchants with its waters and contrasting shores. Next to fishing villages and modern skyscrapers, there are majestic palaces that perfectly reflect the fate of the city - a symbol of the interweaving of luxury and poverty, antiquity and modernity.

Bosphorus Strait It extends 30 kilometers in length, its maximum width is 3700 meters, its minimum is 700 meters, and the depth of the strait reaches 80 meters.

The mirror waters of the Bosphorus, betraying the charm of the old city, cannot be compared with anything, they are in all possible shades of green, turquoise and blue. All the greatness and squalor of Constantinople is reflected in the sparkling surface of this strait. Summer residences and graceful palaces, which are scattered haphazardly along the banks, peacefully coexist with ramshackle villages inhabited by fishermen. Only occasionally the impression created by ancient buildings is destroyed by the steely shine of modern skyscrapers.

Map of the Bosphorus Strait in Russian

Sasha Mitrakhovich 21.10.2015 15:39

The Bosphorus is surrounded by many legends that have their own versions of the origin of the name of the strait. One of the most common is that the strait got its name thanks to the beautiful Io, which Zeus turned into a white cow. The unfortunate girl jumped into the water, which has since been called the “cow ford” or the Bosphorus.

The name of the Bosphorus Strait comes from two Greek words: “bull” and “passage” - “cow ford”, and the strait itself is closely connected with ancient Greek myths, one of which says that:

Zeus fell in love with Io, the priestess of Hera, who was the daughter of King Inachus. For this, the wife of the loving Zeus turned Io into a cow and sent a terrible hornet at her, from which Io tried in vain to escape. What helped her out was that she hid in the waters of the Bosphorus, which after that got its name - “cow ford”.

Sasha Mitrakhovich 22.10.2015 21:02

The Bosphorus Strait on the world map is located in the territory of modern Turkey and separates Europe and Asia, and Istanbul is located on both sides.

The Bosphorus Strait is a 30-kilometer winding crack connecting the Black Sea with and further, through, with the Mediterranean, has a depth of 30 to 80 meters, and its maximum width does not exceed 4 kilometers.

Bosphorus Strait on the World Map:

Sasha Mitrakhovich 22.10.2015 21:11

The banks of the Bosphorus are connected by the Bosphorus Bridge, which is more than 1,000 meters long, and the Sultan Mehmed Fatih Bridge, which is 1,090 meters long. It is also planned to build a third road bridge with a length of 1,275 meters.

If we turn to real, and not imaginary history, we can find out that the first to build a bridge across the strait was the Persian king Darius, who transported an army of seven hundred thousand across the Bosporus on a temporary bridge, which consisted of rafts thrown from ship to ship. As grandiose an undertaking as he accomplished in engineering terms, the campaign to the Scythian possessions itself was a mediocre failure. Without accepting a single battle, Darius lost his entire incredibly huge army.

There are two bridges across the Bosphorus. The first of them is called Bosphorus. Since its completion in 1973, almost 200,000 cars pass through it every day from one continent to another. It is Istanbul's most famous landmark. The total length of this suspension bridge is 1560 meters.

The second bridge bears the name of Sultan Mehmed the Conqueror, it is also called the “Second Bosphorus Bridge”. The bridge was built near the Rumeli-Hisary fortress for the 535th anniversary of the conquest of Constantinople by Sultan Mehmed Fatih, its length is slightly less - 1510 meters, it was completed in 1988. At the time when it began to be built, many said that the bridge could spoil the silhouette of the city and all the beauty of the Bosphorus. But, despite this, the bridge, built in one of the most beautiful cities world, among the great historical monuments, along with its mosques and palaces, was able to harmoniously fit into the windings of the surrounding hills.

Third Bosphorus Bridge(Sultan Selim the Terrible Bridge), the construction of which began in 2013, will cross the Bosphorus in its northern part, at the exit to the Black Sea. The bridge will combine two railway lines and eight car lanes at one level. Construction of the bridge is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2015.

Monstrously huge, during the day they look like graceful thin threads stretched from one shore to another, and at night they shine under the starry sky with lights of all the colors of the rainbow.

Today's residents of Turkey are proud of their bridges across the strait.

Sasha Mitrakhovich 22.10.2015 21:13

Marmaray Tunnel under Bosphorus Strait. In the fall of 2013, a railway tunnel was opened along the bottom of the Bosphorus, connecting the two continents. Only four minutes on it - and the strait is crossed. And from the final station to the final station on the Marmaray line it takes 18 minutes, then you can change to the metro.

A tunnel was built to reduce the load on existing bridges across the Bosphorus and to reduce atmospheric gas pollution. During construction, engineers took special care of the safety of passengers; all possible measures were taken to ensure that the Marmaray tunnel was not damaged by tremors in this earthquake-prone area.

Sasha Mitrakhovich 22.10.2015 21:15

Beautiful panoramas do not cause satiety. On the shores of the strait there is a mixture of past and present, luxury and poverty: marble palaces adjacent to the ruins of stone fortresses, modern hotels stand next to wooden yali.

Since the end of the 17th century, during the Ottoman Empire, pashas, ​​viziers and simply wealthy families built houses, mansions and palaces along the coast, where previously there was only a scattering of fishing villages. Then the architectural brainchild of the Bosphorus arose - the seaside mansion - yali. Translated from Turkish it means “house by the water”.

Usually it was a wooden house of several floors, standing at the very edge of the water. This tradition has survived to this day. Many ancient yawls that have survived to this day, after restoration, became restaurants, expensive boutique hotels and homes of the city elite.

Sasha Mitrakhovich 22.10.2015 21:19

There are many convenient bays in the strait. The most beautiful of which is. This bay, with its shape, resembled a horn, which is why in ancient times it was called “Horned Bay”. The shores of this bay are as winding as the shores of the Bosphorus, so the bay forms a convenient anchorage for large and small ships. There are no rivers at the mouth of this harbor, so the waters have always been clean and transparent.

In addition, the Golden Horn is reliably protected from the winds. Winter here begins no earlier than December, and snow on the Bosphorus is very rare. Autumn is quite long and is best time to visit the strait.

Sasha Mitrakhovich 22.10.2015 21:20

The most common theory (the "Black Sea Flood Theory") states that the Bosporus Strait was formed around 5600 BC. as a result of the melting of large masses of ice and snow at the end of the last ice age, due to a sharp rise in water levels by 140 meters.

The level of the Black and Mediterranean Seas was then 120 m below the level of the World Ocean and there was no communication between the seas.

In just a matter of days, a powerful stream made its way from the Mediterranean Sea to the Black Sea, which at that time was a freshwater lake.

This is indicated, in particular, by the bottom topography, as well as the change in aquatic plants and sedimentary rocks from freshwater to saltwater at approximately the time indicated above. Recent archaeological research has uncovered submerged cities on the underwater slopes of Turkey's Black Sea coast.

Most likely, it was the formation of the Bosphorus that became the reason for the emergence of the myth of the Flood and Noah's Ark. By the way, Mount Ararat is located relatively nearby, in Eastern Anatolia.

Another reason for the appearance of the strait could be an earthquake.

Sasha Mitrakhovich 22.10.2015 21:23

To fully experience the Bosphorus Strait, you need to take a fascinating walk along the strait on board any tourist boat in the Karakoy quarter. A walk along the Bosphorus Strait is an indescribable pleasure. The whole of Istanbul with its inherent grandeur and pathos will appear before your eyes. Finding yourself on board a pleasure boat in the evening, you can try to look into the very soul of the “miracle of miracles” - the ancient Greek name for Constantinople.



The length of the strait is about 30 km. The maximum width of the strait is 3700 m (in the north), the minimum is 700 meters. The depth of the fairway is from 33 to 80 m.



According to one of the most widespread legends, the strait got its name thanks to the daughter of the ancient Argive king - the beautiful beloved of Zeus named Io was turned by him into a white cow to avoid the wrath of his wife Hera. Unhappy Io chose the water route to salvation, diving into the blue of the strait, which has since been called the “cow ford” or Bosphorus.


The Bosphorus is one of the most important straits, as it provides access to the Mediterranean Sea and the world's oceans in large parts of Russia, Ukraine, the countries of Transcaucasia and southeastern Europe. In addition to agricultural and industrial products, oil from Russia and the Caspian region plays a large role in exports through the Bosphorus.

The Bosphorus Strait occupies a special place among the famous most difficult straits in the world due to the intense traffic of transit ships, ferry crossings, small ships, currents of up to 6 knots and sudden weather changes in the autumn-winter period. Many shipping companies recommend that captains use pilots for transit passage of the Bosphorus Strait. Transit speed in the strait should be no more than 10 knots. For passage through the straits, a lighthouse fee is charged in the amount of about one thousand dollars, depending on the class of the vessel.

The solution to the problem of the passage and congestion of the strait is proposed in the form of the construction of a shipping canal to the west of Istanbul with a length of 50 to 100 km.


The banks of the strait are connected by three bridges and two tunnels (from north to south):


As part of the only passage between the Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea The Bosphorus is of great importance in trade and military affairs. Its control was the goal of a number of conflicts, notably the Russo-Turkish War (1877–1878) and the Allied attacks on the Dardanelles during the 1915 Battle of Gallipoli during the First World War.

Ancient Greek, Persian, Roman and Byzantine eras (before 1453)

The Greek city-state of Athens in the 5th century BC. BC, dependent on grain imports from Scythia, maintained allied relations with cities that controlled the straits, such as Byzantium.

During its heyday between the 16th and 18th centuries, the Ottoman Empire used the strategic importance of the Bosphorus to expand its regional ambitions and establish control over the entire Black Sea, which they considered the "Ottoman lake".

Subsequently, several international treaties regulated the passage of ships in these waters. According to the Treaty of Günkar Iskelesi of July 8, 1833, the Bosporus and Dardanelles straits were to be closed at the request of Russia for sea ​​vessels other powers. Under the terms of the London Convention of the Straits, concluded on 13 July 1841 between Russia, the United Kingdom, France, Austria and Prussia, the "ancient rule" of the Ottoman Empire was restored by closing the Turkish Straits to all warships except those of the Sultan's allies in time of war.

Turkish Republican era (1923–present)

At the beginning of the 21st century, the Turkish straits became especially important for the oil industry. Russian oil is exported by tankers primarily to Western Europe and the United States through the Bosporus and Dardanelles straits. In 2011, Türkiye planned a 50 km canal through Silivri as a second waterway.

See also


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