Strait of Tirant Red Sea on the map. Boat trip and excursion to Tiran Island

Tiran Island (Egypt) - description, history, location. Exact address, phone, website. Tourist reviews, photos and videos.

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At the mouth of the Gulf of Aqaba between Egypt and Saudi Arabia lies the uninhabited island of Tiran. Just half a century ago, it represented an absolute mystery to researchers, but in a short period it turned into one of the most popular tourist attractions in Egypt.

The name of the island of Tiran goes back to an ancient Bedouin legend. One day, the Arab princess Sanafir fell in love with a man named Tyrant. Her father found out about the forbidden love and became terribly angry. The lovers were separated and settled on different islands of the Red Sea. Then the brave Tyrant decided to swim to Sanafir and threw himself into the sea. But the feat was not destined to happen: Tyrant died surrounded by predatory sharks. And Sanafir is still waiting for her lover. If you listen closely, you can hear her voice coming with the wind. And still in the Gulf of Aqaba there are two islands - Sanafir and Tiran.

The coast of the island is part of national reserve Ras Mohammed is the most picturesque place Red Sea.

From afar, Tiran Island resembles rocky mountain, emerging from under heavy sea ​​waters. It is practically devoid of vegetation and sources of drinking water, and is bordered along the perimeter by an impenetrable reef barrier. Off the coast of Tiran, the wreckage of sunken ships - "Lara" and "Luila" - while away the century, complementing its wild and inaccessible image. Landing on the island is prohibited and extremely dangerous. There is evidence that parts of the island have remained mined since the Israeli-Egyptian conflict. However, the island is not so uninhabited: on its lands there is a base of UN peacekeepers with an observation mission.

Meanwhile, excursions to Tiran Island remain the most attractive tourist destination Sharm el-Sheikh. The coast of the island is part of the Ras Mohammed National Nature Reserve, the most picturesque place in the Red Sea. The island is home to thousands of turtles and migratory birds. But its main beauty lies in the depths of the sea: the coral reefs of Tiran Island are among the ten best places in the world for scuba diving.

There are four coral reefs in the Strait of Tiran. All of them bear the names of the English explorers who first depicted them on the map: Jackson, Gordon, Woodhouse and Thomas. With the exception of Gordon Reef, they are underwater cliffs, entirely covered with colorful corals. Crystal clear water, a rich underwater world and bizarre polyps together form a truly fabulous picture.

In addition to colorful fish, shells, sponges and other marine life, in the reefs of Tiran Island you can also find larger representatives of the marine kingdom. When the sea is calm, underwater life in all its diversity is visible through its transparent layers. In some places on the reef you can see huge fish, turtles and dolphins.

In the waters of Tirana

Excursions to Tiran Island depart from the port of Naama Bay in Sharm el-Sheikh. The average duration of a boat trip is five to six hours. Excursions are carried out on small boats accompanied by experienced guides and instructors. During the excursion the boat makes several scheduled stops. Everyone is given masks, snorkels and fins for scuba diving. And to extend your dive time, you can use scuba gear. The basic cost of the excursion is 30 - 45 USD, with scuba diving - 50 - 55 USD. The price includes drinks and lunch on the boat.

Prices on the page are as of November 2018.

At the mouth of the Gulf of Aqaba, there is an uninhabited island with a frightening name - Tiran. Until 2010, tourists were prohibited from landing on the island, as there was a UN military base there. During the war with Israel (1973) it was donated to Egypt by the king Saudi Arabia.

History of Tiran Island

The history of the island is quite boring. 15 centuries ago, the principality of Iotav was located on the island. Its inhabitants had a strong fleet and were engaged in maritime trade. After the principality became part of Byzantine Empire, they repeatedly took part in campaigns of conquest. But after the invasion of the Arabs in the 7th century, all mention of Jotav was lost. The name of this island can only be found in those stories that talk about the Bedouins who stopped there until the 20th century.

It's surprising that an island without a single source fresh water, was once inhabited. It's hard to imagine what it was like many centuries ago. The only thing we can say with certainty is that the underwater world surrounding these shores was as beautiful as it is today.

Tiran and Sharm el-Sheikh islands on the map of Egypt:

Boat trip and excursion to Tiran Island

Cost: $20
The richest aquatic fauna, many colorful fish and rare corals are available for observation even by the most inexperienced divers. You can visit these places within the framework, using boats and yachts of various classes. If you're lucky, your ship will sail accompanied by a cheerful escort - a pod of dolphins; such a spectacle will not leave anyone indifferent.
underwater world off the coast of the island of Tiran is so rich that even the most experienced divers consider this place one of the best for scuba diving not only in the waters of Egypt, but throughout Africa.

Sunken ship on Tiran Island
Coastal waters are the last refuge for several ships. The fact is that they came across reefs, which became the reason for their flooding.
Approaching the island of Tiran, the remains of wrecked ships piled above the water rise before your eyes "Lara" and "Lullia".
Today these are the frames of what was once destroyed by time, wind and water. large ships. In the past, Lara was a huge ship. In the early 80s, he struck Jackson Reef, located near Tiran Island. There were rumors that the ship was deliberately run aground in order to obtain insurance. However, this version has not been officially confirmed. In the mid-90s, the dismantled ship was partially lowered to the bottom.

Diving on Tiran Island

The underwater world near Tiran Island is a breathtaking sight. In the crystal water, among the corals, turtles, dolphins and incredible fish of various shapes and colors swim peacefully. Algae, shells and sponges are vibrant components of the seabed.
For beginners, an underwater odyssey is doubly enjoyable - an exciting first acquaintance with marine life and adrenaline from the very beginning of the dive. Instructors conduct discussions about the rules of behavior under water, since the waters of the Red Sea are home to many poisonous creatures, contact with which can become very dangerous.

Underwater excursions, conducted near the Lara wreck, are more suitable for technical diving. Without proper training, it is extremely risky to undertake any underwater excursions. The diving depth of these places ranges from 25 to 60 meters.
A mysterious and enchanting picture opens under the water. In the elements of the ship's wreck overgrown with algae, it is difficult to recognize the creation of human hands. The depths of the sea that captivated the remains of the ship turned them into simple coral islands. Diving into the waters of the bay near the island, it is very difficult not to succumb to the charm of the coral reefs and the amazing diversity of the fauna of these places. On the north side of Jackson Reef, in calm weather, you can observe hammerhead life. For diving enthusiasts, diving in this section of the “Red Sea” will bring a lot of pleasure. Contact with the aura of mystery hidden by the waters of the bay for many years will leave an indelible impression in your memory.

Tiran Island, Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt: photos and videos

The photos below will help, at least partially, to recreate a beautiful picture of the area.
The videos presented in the gallery will “tell” as much as possible about the beauty of these places.

Tiran Island attracts many tourists every year and is a kind of calling card of Egypt. The island is located between Egypt and Saudi Arabia, at the mouth of the Gulf of Aqaba. Tyrant is located next to the popular resort town Sharm el-Sheikh and territorially belongs to the Republic of Egypt.

In 6 tbsp. n. e. it was here that the independent Jewish principality of Jotvat (Iotav) was located. This Jewish principality had at its disposal a solid fleet, as well as established economic relations with Egypt, Arabia and Ethiopia. Afterwards the principality became part of the Byzantine Empire.

The island played a historic role at the start of the 1955 conflict, when Egypt banned Israeli ships from passing through the Straits of Tiran. On the island itself and several neighboring ones there were military bases controlling the strait. Also founded naval base in the city of Sharm el-Sheikh.

Today, the only inhabitants of Tirana are soldiers from the UN military base. The magnificent nature of the sea plume between the island of Tiran and the Sinai Peninsula is represented by the most beautiful coral reefs called Woodhouse, Thomas, Jackson and Gordon, named after the British officers who devoted a lot of time to studying them. It is these reefs that attract tourists from all over the world who come here to go diving.

The underwater world of the island is famous for its extraordinary beauty and today is considered one of the most interesting in Egypt. There are many fish in the waters of Tiran Island. Excursions are constantly organized here, one of them is called “Pirate Yacht”.

Egypt – amazing country, and if you are planning to visit it, then you should not limit yourself to relaxation and entertainment on site. One of the popular attractions for tourists is a trip to Tiran Island. This island is part of the Ras Mohammed National Reserve and has several features that make it worth taking a boat trip there. Firstly, no one lives on it - the island is completely uninhabited. Secondly, nature has created excellent conditions for diving near Tirana. And thirdly, they will tell you a beautiful legend about Tyrant.

General information

Tiran Island is located in the Gulf of Aqaba near the crowded resort of Sharm el-Sheikh. It is the location of the island that has made it so popular among guests of Egypt. Tyrant is located between two countries - Egypt and Saudi Arabia, and is actually the property of the latter. True, in the late 60s of the twentieth century, Egypt entered into a long-term lease agreement for the island. There were even plans to build a bridge through it connecting Asia with Africa, but the project was never implemented due to strained relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel, through whose territory this bridge would pass.

In the west of the island of Tiran there is a military base owned by the UN. It was built to monitor compliance with the peace treaty between Egypt and Israel. The excursion to Tiran Island does not include walking along it, since this border zone includes areas of beaches that were once mined. Apart from the military, Tiran Island is home to large quantity sea ​​turtles and migratory birds.

As already mentioned, the island of Tiran in the Red Sea is uninhabited. Not so long ago, only residents of Egypt and Saudi Arabia knew about it, but the development of tourism in the second half of the twentieth century marked the beginning of the popularity of the island. The amazing beauty of this place attracts tourists along with its rich underwater fauna and landscapes, which are ideal for diving and snorkeling.

Between the Sinai Strait and Tiran Island there are four coral reefs. About half a century ago, several British officers explored this area and mapped the coral reefs. Each of them was named after the officer's surname - Thomas, Woodhouse, Gordon and Jackson.

Legend of the Island

The history of the origin of Tiran Island can be learned from an ancient Bedouin legend. In ancient times, there lived an Arab princess named Sanafir. She fell madly in love with a young man whose name was Tyrant, and her love was mutual. The girl's father, having learned about this, was very angry. He decided to separate the loving couple and send them to islands located on opposite sides of the Red Sea.

Cut off from his beloved by the vast ocean, the Tyrant was not afraid and decided to swim to the princess. He threw himself into the sea and swam, but a school of sharks did not allow the young man to carry out his plans, carrying him into the depths of the sea.

According to legend, even today the voice of Princess Sanafir can be heard in the silence, waiting and still calling for her lover. So the two islands were named Tiran and Sanafir.

Excursions to Tiran Island

In order to go to Tiran Island, you need to get to one of the areas of Sharm el-Sheikh - Naama Bay. From this seaport and all journeys begin. You can book a trip through your tour operator at the hotel, as well as at any travel agency in Sharm el-Sheikh. The price of the excursion includes transfer to the port, travel to the island and back.

The pristine beauty of the Red Sea around Tiran Island has made it one of the most visited sites in Egypt. According to reviews, every tourist wants to visit there, but the island especially attracts those who cannot imagine their vacation without extreme entertainment.

The number of dives depends on the type of excursion chosen. Usually tourists make three dives. You will be offered to dive in different places so that you can appreciate the diversity of the underwater world.

In some areas of the Tiran Island waters, the sea has a strong current, so the professional instructors who will accompany you have developed a safe route for stopping pleasure yachts.

The sea in the Gulf of Aqaba is transparent, and in the early morning the water is almost motionless. This allows guests, while on a yacht, to have a good look at the seabed and its amazing inhabitants - large turtles, dolphins, and colorful fish. In addition to them, you can see algae, corals, sponges, shells and gorgonians. A photo taken during the excursion will forever preserve the memory of this stunning place.

Tiran Island, as part national park, has a unique eco- and biosystem. To continue to preserve it in its original form, strict environmental protection rules have been developed.

Secrets of the underwater world

The underwater kingdom of the Red Sea near the island of Tiran amazes with its magnificence, but also poses some dangers. All people coming on excursions receive clear safety instructions. This is necessary in order to know how to act in an unexpected situation - the fact is that in the sea you can find many poisonous inhabitants. Don't neglect this important information and listen carefully to the instructor.

In addition to the diversity of marine fauna, you can enjoy the mysterious view of sunken ships that have been resting on the bottom of the bay for a very long time - they are covered with corals and overgrown with shells. They say that there is even a sunken ship there that belongs to our country.

What's nearby

Near the island there is a resort area of ​​the city of Sharm el-Sheikh, which has become fashionable tourist center thanks to their climatic conditions and location. The name of the city, translated from Arabic, means “Sheikh Bay” or, as the guides say, “Sheikh Coast”.

The resort has an excellent infrastructure, including everything necessary for a comfortable and prestigious holiday. Numerous hotels provide many services, and the service is at a very decent level. Modern international airport Sharm el-Sheikh is also magnificent.

The city is equipped with modern tracks and railways, which can be used to get to other parts of Egypt. Medical services are well developed, which is important when staying in a foreign country.

Here you will find a lot of different entertainment. You can visit dozens shopping centers, shops and souvenir shops, where an unforgettable shopping experience awaits you. Restaurants and bars offer dishes national cuisine- This is mainly seafood food. For lovers nightlife You will definitely enjoy the fashionable discos.

Agreement on maritime delimitation with Saudi Arabia. According to this document, the kingdom receives two islands in the Red Sea - Tiran and Sanafir.

This uninhabited islands, located in the Strait of Tiran between Saudi Arabia and Egypt (40 km from the Egyptian resort of Sharm el-Sheikh). The strait is of strategic importance as it is the only exit from the Gulf of Aqaba to the Red Sea.

The area of ​​Tiran Island is 80 square meters. km, Sanafir Island - 33 sq. km. According to one of the Bedouin legends, they are named after two lovers - princess Sanafir and a simple young man Tiran, who were separated and settled on these islands.

Question of belonging

Egypt's sovereignty over the islands was first established in the London Convention of 1840, signed after Egyptian ruler Muhammad Ali rebelled against the Ottoman Empire. The war took place in two stages - 1831-1833 and 1839-1841; by 1840, all of Syria was under the control of Muhammad Ali, and a demand was put forward for the independence of Egypt.

The weakness of the central government of the Ottoman Empire forced Great Britain, Russia, France, Austria and Prussia to intervene in the war on the side of the Ottomans, who facilitated the conclusion of a peace treaty. Under its terms, the territory of Egypt, as well as the islands of Tiran and Sanafir, came under the control of Muhammad Ali, and the Arabian Peninsula was returned under the protectorate of the Turkish Sultan.

In 1906, the islands were recognized as Egyptian territory under a British-Turkish agreement, which regulated Egypt's transition to British protectorate. However, in the 1930s. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), which emerged as a single state, put forward claims to the islands, declaring that they were part of the Hejaz, a territory in the west of the Arabian Peninsula, which became part of the kingdom.

In 1956, during the Suez Crisis (as a result of Egypt's nationalization of the Suez Canal, France, England and Israel opposed Cairo), the islands were temporarily occupied by the Israeli military. They were returned to Egypt in November 1956 after the withdrawal of Israeli troops from Egyptian territory.

After the Six-Day War of 1967, Tiran and Sanafir again came under Israeli control and were returned to Cairo's jurisdiction only in 1982. A year later, the islands became part of Egypt's Ras Mohammed National Nature Reserve.

In 2010, amid discussions of joint investment projects in the Sinai Peninsula, Egypt and Saudi Arabia began negotiations on the delimitation of territorial waters and the status of the islands. Since then, more than 10 rounds of negotiations have taken place. In December 2015, members of the Egyptian technical commission stated that the islands were within Saudi territorial waters and fell under the jurisdiction of Riyadh.

2016 agreement

On April 8, 2016, in Cairo, King Salman of Saudi Arabia without Abdulaziz Al Saud and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi signed a delimitation agreement maritime border between states. In accordance with it, Egypt recognized the sovereignty of Saudi Arabia over the islands of Tiran and Sanafir.

At the same time, Saudi Arabia guaranteed freedom of navigation in the Strait of Tiran, as provided for in the 1979 peace treaty between Egypt and Israel. The Saudi Cabinet approved the deal on May 2, 2016.

In addition, in April 2016, an agreement was signed on the construction of a 50-kilometer bridge across the Red Sea, which will connect the Egyptian resort of Sharm el-Sheikh, the island of Tiran and Ras el-Sheikh Hamid (territory in northern Saudi Arabia). The signing of this document became part of the plan for the development of the Sinai Peninsula, for the implementation of which Saudi Arabia allocated $1.7 billion. According to media reports, the reason for the transfer of the islands was promises of large Saudi investments in the Egyptian economy.

Criticism and protests in Egypt

The decision to abandon the islands in favor of Saudi Arabia caused a wave of indignation in Egypt - many regarded the authorities’ actions as an act of “selling” Cairo’s national territory, which infringes on the country’s sovereignty. On April 15 and 25, 2016, mass protests took place in Cairo against the transfer of the islands (according to some experts, the construction of the bridge will damage both the ecology of the Red Sea and the tourism industry of Egypt).

The police used tear gas against the demonstrators. More than 150 participants in unauthorized rallies were sentenced (from 2 to 5 years in prison and fines). Subsequently, most of the cases were sent for review and many of the accused were acquitted.

In May 2016, a group of local lawyers filed a lawsuit against the transfer of the islands to the Cairo administrative court.

On June 21, 2016, the court invalidated the deal between Egypt and Saudi Arabia, saying that it contradicted the 1906 agreement, violated several state regulations and could not be submitted to parliament in accordance with the Egyptian constitution.

On November 8, 2016, Egypt's High Administrative Court rejected the government's appeal, upholding the verdict declaring the agreement invalid, effectively nullifying it.

Recognition of the contract as legal

On April 2, 2017, the Cairo Urgent Court recognized the legitimacy of the treaty between Egypt and Saudi Arabia. The previous decision of the Egyptian High Administrative Court to annul the document was called invalid.

On June 13, 2017, the Committee on Constitutional and Legislative Affairs of the Egyptian Parliament approved by a majority vote the transfer of the islands of Tiran and Sanafir to Saudi Arabia, which made it possible to put this issue to a vote of deputies. On June 14, 2017, the Egyptian parliament approved the transfer of the islands. The islands came under Saudi jurisdiction after the 2016 agreement was signed by the Egyptian President.
