Tax free issuing points. What is TAX FREE? Which stores offer tax free refunds for purchases?

Shopping abroad attracts many Russians, and the opportunity to return tax free makes this process as profitable as possible. Not everyone knows that it is possible to reimburse part of the funds spent on a purchase. This is only possible if the relevant documentation is completed correctly.

Tax free means “no fees”. The essence of the procedure is that the VAT amount is refunded on a purchase that was made in another country. This rule applies only to foreign buyers. That is, Russians who travel abroad have the opportunity to reimburse a certain percentage of their foreign purchases.

The number of countries that charge VAT is 130 and only 50 of them are ready to reimburse tax free in the amount of 7 to 22%. The key condition is purchasing goods in stores that have the appropriate mark.

The offer for foreign tourists is very tempting, but not everyone knows the conditions and features of issuing tax free refund checks. For this reason, difficulties and misunderstandings arise.

The tax refund process looks like this:

  1. The tourist buys in a store marked with a special sign for a certain amount. The amount is different for each country.
  2. In the store he receives a specially issued check.
  3. When leaving the country within a certain time frame, a receipt is provided at customs and the goods are shown. A stamp is affixed.
  4. Payment of the tax amount occurs at the checkpoint in a special institution. In addition, it can be returned through the bank; tax free refunds are possible on the card.
  5. Check expiration dates different countries is different, you should be careful at this point.

Tax free systems

Tax refunds occur through chain stores that are owned by private individuals. Each chain includes several partner stores and offices in different countries. Of course, companies charge a certain percentage for such activities. It is worth considering the main systems, more specifically:

  • Global Blue or Global Tax Free. 36 countries, 29 European, are connected to this system. The system was founded in 1980 in Sweden.
  • Premier Tax Free. Coverage - 20 countries, 15 in Europe and 5 from other parts of the world. Founded in Ireland in 1985.
  • Tax Free Worldwide. Unites 8 European countries; they recently merged with the previous operator.
  • Innova Tax Free includes 5 countries.
Country Required minimum purchase amount Period for which the stamp was placed, months. Validity period of checks
Austria 75 euros 3 3 years
Argentina 70 pesos 6 6 months
Belgium 125 euros 3 3 years
United Kingdom 30 pounds 3 No limit
Hungary 48 thousand forints 3 150 days
Germany 25 euros 3 3 months
Denmark 300 CZK 3 No restrictions
Iceland 90 euros 3 3 months
Italy 155 euros 3 3 months
Spain 90 euros 3 5 years
Cyprus 50 euros 3 1 year
Latvia 30 lats 3 1 year
Lebanon 150 thousand pounds 3 No restrictions
Lithuania 200 litas 3 No restrictions
Luxembourg 74 euros 3 3 years
Morocco 2 thousand dirhams 3 3 months
Netherlands 50 euros 3 No restrictions
Norway 315 CZK 1 1 year
Poland 300 zlotys 3 4 months
Portugal 60 euros 3 5 months
Singapore 100 dollars 2 2 months
Slovakia 175 euros 3 5 months
Slovenia 50 euros 3 6 months
Türkiye 120 lire 3 3 months
Czech Republic 2000 CZK 3 5 months
Estonia 40 euros 3 1 year
Finland 40 euros 3 5 months
France 175 euros 3 6 months
Croatia 740 kn 3 6 months
Sweden 200 CZK 3 1 year
Switzerland 300 francs 1 4 years
South Korea 30 thousand won 3 3 months

Exceeding the deadline for leaving the country where the goods were purchased is a violation of the rules for receiving tax free, just like the insufficient purchase amount, you can increase the purchase limit. That is, you should not count on a tax refund.

Errors in design

The Tax Free rules are standardized, but there are certain points that you should pay attention to and not lose sight of. The most common mistakes tourists encounter when registering:

  • Inattention. After purchasing a product, the tourist forgets to fill out the form and have it certified in the store or destroys the corresponding document. Even if you have a receipt and have purchased goods for the required amount, you should not expect a refund without a form filled out in the store.
  • Providing a purchase. Customs have every right to request a product for which tax is refunded, this is done in most countries. Tax free refunds are not possible if the product is out of stock. There is often a requirement that goods be transported across the border in sealed form, as they were purchased in a store. You cannot check it in with your luggage until customs clearance has passed.
  • Failure to meet deadlines. To begin with, all tax free checks have their own expiration date; they differ for different countries, and before applying for a refund, you should clarify how long it is valid. The second point is that there is always a queue at the return point and they work according to a certain schedule, so it is important to plan your trip correctly. If you get to the checkpoint when the operator’s office is closed, you can get a tax refund, but you’ll have to wait a couple of months at best.

Who can't return tax free?

The Tax Free registration procedure is standardized, and there are rules that cannot be violated. Citizens of Russia cannot issue a VAT refund in the following cases:

  1. Those who have a residence permit in any EU country.
  2. Having a work permit in the country where the purchase was made.
  3. Stays in the country for 6 months.

Choosing the right products

You can buy anything abroad, but not all products will be refunded. Almost all stores have data on how much Tax Free you can return as a percentage. Returns apply to industrial products. These include: clothing and shoes, jewelry, household goods, office supplies, watches, accessories, electrical equipment.

You will not be able to get a tax refund if you buy:

  • I eat in supermarkets.
  • Books.
  • Cars, water transport.
  • Precious metals in bullion.
  • Precious stones.
  • Products for professional activities.
  • Any purchases via the Internet.
  • , tobacco, weapons.

Also does not apply to services, hotel accommodation, meals in restaurants.

The product must be kept in the condition in which it was purchased. Sometimes you need the store to package it in special packaging.

Making a purchase

Before you sign up for tax free, you need to make a purchase in a store that is part of one of the presented networks. They are indicated by a corresponding mark. To check whether there is a store or a certain product in it, you can visit the website of the corresponding system. After purchasing for the required amount, you must inform the seller of your intention to issue an appropriate discount.

The conditions for providing tax free require informing the seller before payment that a discount will be issued. To confirm that you have the right to do so, you must provide foreign passport. Only after this will the corresponding check be issued.

Large stores are given the opportunity to make a tax refund at the point of purchase, but they must:

  1. Present a passport of another country, an air ticket.
  2. Get a refund.
  3. When exporting goods, you must obtain a stamp on the receipt.
  4. Send the check by mail.

If this procedure is not completed, the funds will be debited from the bank card. If you don't have it, then your next trip abroad will be a problem.

Issuing a check

It is important to know how to fill out tax free correctly; only in this case is a VAT refund possible. The check must contain the following information:

  • Total purchase price.
  • VAT amount to be refunded.

These items are filled out by the seller. The buyer enters the following information:

  1. Foreign passport number.
  2. Residence address in Russia.
  3. If you want to receive money on the card, indicate its number.

You should get an information card from the store that shows the tax free return table. It indicates points for issuing VAT refunds at airports and other checkpoints in the country.

After issuing a check, it is important to check the accuracy of the data entered, especially in the personal data and passport data fields.

Receiving money

The right to a VAT refund, issued in accordance with the rules, is possible only after exporting it outside the country of purchase. The affixing of the passage stamp gives the right to return. Interestingly, when purchasing a product in any EU country, you must obtain a stamp when leaving the territory of the European Union, and not the territory of the country where the product was purchased.

Before returning the tax free, it is useful to know the amount you can expect. You should not think that the entire amount of VAT will be refunded. Part of this percentage goes towards commission and administrative costs. Sometimes the costs amount to up to 50% of the amount possible for return.

Check Cashing Options

The timing of the return of tax free depends on the method of exactly how the check will be cashed. Each option has its own characteristics that are best known.


The problem that inexperienced tourists face is that they hand over goods for which a Tax Free check has been issued as luggage. Most often, it is required to be provided for inspection and monitoring the integrity of the packaging. Before going home, it is useful to contact the help desk or visit it in person and find out where customs control is located and stamps are placed on checks. Before heading to the pick-up window, check that the receipt is filled out correctly.

Having arrived at the airport, you need to get in line at the customs window and present at the checkpoint:

  1. Check tax free.
  2. Cashier's check.
  3. Passport.
  4. The product itself is in store tags, in packaging.

VAT is collected at the operator's payment point, most often one of the cash desks. It is better to take the return in local currency, otherwise you will have to pay a conversion fee.

Bank card, mail

If you couldn’t get to the point of issue, and there are no return offices in your city of residence, then the only option is to order a transfer to a card or via bank transfer. To do this, enter the account details into the Tax Free check, which contains a stamp from the customs authority. All documents are packed in an envelope and dropped into the appropriate mailbox on site. You can also send a letter, don’t forget to put an international stamp on the envelope.

Before you receive tax free in this way, you need to remember that this option is the longest. The period from registration to receipt of money is 2-4 months. At the same time, it is considered the most reliable.

Before sending original documents, they must be photographed or scanned.

Return specifics in some countries

Tax free laws are more or less standard, but there are still some differences. Among them:

  • A stamp equivalent to a customs stamp can be affixed at the embassy or consulate of the country in which the purchase was made. But you will have to pay for this - from 20 euros.
  • When visiting Poland and buying in system stores there, you can only count on a cash refund.
  • In Norway, the stamp is affixed at tax free offices, and not at customs. You can also make returns for food products here.
  • There is no VAT in the USA, so it is impossible to issue a refund.
  • When purchasing a wool product in Iceland, you do not need to print a receipt.
  • When leaving Slovenia, you must put 2 stamps: on the application issued in the store and on the receipt.


Procedure return Tax Free is beneficial for tourists, although there are many points that can be missed and thus not receive a refund. Although there are rules, often the return system tries to refuse a refund for the smallest error in the documents.

Video: how to return Tax Free

The price of most products includes value added tax (VAT). In Russia it is 18% and goes to state income. There is also VAT abroad, but you are not required to pay it because you are not a local taxpayer. VAT is automatically charged on every purchase. You can get your taxes paid back. This system is called "tax free" ( tax free). There are more than 10 tax free operating companies in the world. We will talk about how this system works, using the example of the largest of them - Global blue.

Where and how much can I return?

Tax free can be returned for purchases in approximately 50 countries around the world. Typically, stores of all major international brands refund taxes. At the checkout of such stores there is a sticker with the words “Tax Free”, and at the entrance to the store - “VAT refund”. If there is no sticker, ask the seller about this option.

Only those who have made a purchase for a certain amount, which varies in each country, can receive a tax refund. Here is a list of popular countries:


Minimum purchase price

How much will they return?

United Kingdom

30 pounds


25 euros

Products and books - 7%, the rest - 19%


50 euros

17% or 24% (depending on the city)


400 shekels


90.16 euros


154.95 euros

Products - 4–10%, clothing and other goods - 22%


50 euros

Products - 6%, other goods - 21%


2000 baht


100 Turkish lira

8% or 18% (depending on goods)


40 euros

4%, 10% or 14% (depending on goods)


175.01 euro

For some goods - 2.1%, food and books - 5.5%, medicines - 10%, other goods - 20%

When paying for goods, you will be asked for a foreign passport, the details of which will be recorded on a special form. Keep it along with the check and envelope (they will give you that too).

To calculate the refund amount you can use .

How to get tax free?

Money can be returned in 4 ways:

1. At the airport

Arrive at the airport no later than three hours before departure. If you arrive two hours in advance, there is a risk of not having time to do everything.

Do not put purchased items in your luggage; first go to customs. There you must have your receipts and receipts from stores stamped. You may be asked to show your purchases. Only after this can you put your suitcases in your luggage. However, in some countries (for example, Italy) you can get a stamp only after checking in for your flight. Therefore, at Fiumicino airport there are 2 customs offices - before passport control and after. Keep this in mind and take purchased items in your hand luggage.

If you want to get cash, then after going through passport control you need to find a Cash refund or Tax refund office. There you give a check and a receipt - in exchange they will give you money.

It may turn out that the office will be closed, then you need to fill out a form to transfer money to your bank account. The application, checks and receipt must be packed in the envelope that was given to you in the store (it already has all the necessary stamps and address) and placed in the mailbox near the office.Before sending documents, the operator of the tax free system, Global blue, advises making a copy of them and writing down the individual number (DOC ID) of each Tax Free form. This number can be used to track return on the company website.

The money will be transferred within 10–30 days.

2. In the city

There are also return points in cities. You can find their addresses . The algorithm of actions is the same as at the airport: show documents and purchase and receive money. In this case, when leaving the country, you must get a stamp at customs and send the documents by mail. If the documents are not received within 21 days from the minute of purchase, then from your credit card(which will be asked during the refund process) a fine will be written off.

3. At the border (if you are traveling by train or car)

You need to get a customs stamp when leaving the country (if you are in Europe, then at the border of the last country). At the departure point or at the train station there may also be a Cash refund or Tax refund point, where cash tax refunds are issued. If you do not find these items, then simply put a stamp at customs. You will get your taxes back after returning home.

4. In Russia

If you did not have time to receive cash or fill out an application for a refund to the card, then after returning to Russia you can send an envelope with a check and receipt to the address indicated on the envelope or check tax free . There you need to provide your bank card details to transfer money. You can also contact Banca Intesa, which handles refunds. tax free.

Important Details

  • You can't get tax free for services, for example: payment for a hotel, car rental, restaurant bills, etc. Also, goods purchased in other countries of the world via the Internet are not eligible for return.
  • Purchased goods must be packaged. If you use the item, a refund may be refused.
  • A commission may be charged for issuing a tax free service - a fixed amount or a percentage of the refund. Also, an additional 3-5% may be written off if money is transferred from one currency to another.
  • Right to tax free only non-citizens of the state have. If you have a residence permit or pay taxes in this state, you cannot qualify for a refund.
  • If you forgot to stamp a check tax free , it can be placed at the country's consulate. However, this requires approval from the company that issued the check and may incur a fee (for example, $20).

When shopping in Europe, you often see a blue Tax Free sticker. Those who go abroad for the first time usually do not attach any importance to this sticker, although with the help of this system you can return up to a quarter of the cost of purchases. In this article we will talk about the return system and the benefits of using it.

What is Tax Free?

Tax Free is a specially designed system that allows you to return value added tax, which you, as a taxpayer of another tax zone, are not required to pay.

When a tourist or businessman bought certain goods and decided to take them outside the country where the purchase was made, he has the right to return a percentage of the amount that is allocated for VAT. This system has mutually beneficial aspects for both parties, namely:

  • for a tourist/businessman there is a chance to really save money;
  • For the country where the goods were purchased, it is advantageous to stimulate exports, as a result of which demand and trade turnover increase.

In most European countries, VAT is 20%. If the amount on the price tag is 100 €, then you should understand that the real cost of the product is 83.5 € and another 16.7 € is added to the price due to value added tax (83.5 x 20%= 16.7 €). It is this tax (16.7 €) that you can return if the check amount exceeds the minimum, which is different for each country.

So, with this tax refund system, you can get an additional discount of around 10-20% on all your overseas purchases.

Minimum amounts

Each member country of the system sets its own limits for the minimum amount that a tourist must spend in order to be able to return part of the funds. As for the most ideal tariffs, it is profitable to buy in Germany, since the minimum amount to use the system is 25 €. Switzerland is the most unprofitable in this regard - you need to spend 400 €.

Below you will find a list of countries that have a tax refund system, the tax rate and the minimum purchase amount for a refund.

EU countries:

  • Belgium (21%., 125 €)
  • Bulgaria (20%, 200 lev)
  • Cyprus (19%, 50 €)
  • Denmark (25%, 300 kroner)
  • Germany (19%, 25 €)
  • UK (20%, £30)
  • Estonia (20%, 38 €)
  • Finland (24%, 40 €)
  • France (20%, 175 €)
  • Greece (23%, 120 €)
  • Hungary (27%, 5000 forints)
  • Ireland (23%, no minimum)
  • Italy (22%, 155 €)
  • Latvia (21%, 44 €)
  • Lithuania (21%, 58 €)
  • Luxembourg (15%, 74 €)
  • Malta (18%, 55 €)
  • Holland (21%, 50 €)
  • Austria (20%, 75 €)
  • Poland (23%, 200 zloty)
  • Portugal (23%, 60 €)
  • Romania (24%, 250 lei)
  • Slovakia (20%, 175 €)
  • Slovenia (20%, 50 €)
  • Spain (21%, 90 €)
  • Czech Republic (21%, 2000 CZK)
  • Sweden (25%, 200 CZK)
  • Croatia (25%, 500 kn)

Other countries:

  • Indonesia (10%, $440)
  • Japan (10%, 5000 yen)
  • Korea (10%, 30,000 won)
  • Malaysia (6%, 5000 rupees)
  • Singapore (7%, SGD 100)
  • Switzerland (8%, CHF 300)
  • Taiwan (5%, NT$3,000)
  • Thailand (7%, 5000 baht)
  • Türkiye (8-18%, 100 liras)

How to return Tax free

The refund procedure consists of 2 or 3 stages:

Check and receipt

For example, we went to a store that works with the Tax Free system and bought goods for 150 €. We approach the seller and ask for a special check. It indicates purchases, cost, VAT and the amount not included in the treasury of a particular state.

After being told that you need to apply for tax free, the seller must issue a special receipt in your name (you will need to show your passport). You will need to provide your details and sign.

According to the rules, you do not have the right to use the purchased goods until they are exported from the country. To do this, the seller can seal your product with special tape. In this form you must show the goods to customs. Not all countries take this point seriously, but it can be an official reason to reject your application. Remember this.

It is also worth remembering that you cannot total checks. You can get a tax refund on each check, but its value must be greater than the minimum value for a refund.

Customs stamp

After you have purchased the goods and received the issued receipt, we go to register at the airport, seaport or other place where there is customs control. There you need to approach customs officers with a request to issue a tax refund. A wet stamp is placed on a receipt made in a store.


You can usually receive a refund of the commission at the same airport, seaport and other places where there are points for accepting commission refund checks. You need to take into account the fact that in some places checks are processed after passport control, but most often before it, so that you do not need to carry your purchases as hand luggage. It is imperative to ask customs service consultants how the procedure for receiving cash. A tourist can choose a currency convenient for himself. You should also remember that commissions are deducted upon payment.

If you have a late flight and the “Tax Free” option no longer works, you need to ask the customs officer to put an exit stamp on your check (show the receipt and say “tax free”). Upon arrival in your country, you will need to find an office of one of the companies involved in the return within 3 months (that’s how long the check is valid) and provide them with the check, a copy of the passport and visa during which the purchase was made. Within a few business days, the funds minus the commission will be transferred to your bank account.

Through tax free, a certain part of the cost of the product is reimbursed. The reimbursement algorithm is the same in all states that are participants in the Tax Free system. The difference lies only in the interest rate, the validity period of the check document and the cost of acquisition, which provides grounds for receiving this type of compensation.

Table of contents:

The concept of "Tax Free"

Tax Free is a refund of indirect tax included in the price of a product or service and paid directly by the buyer in a situation where the purchase was made outside the home state. This is by no means a promotion or discount, contrary to popular belief. The basis of this procedure is pragmatic calculation.

States are interested in their products being actively exported. Without burdening foreigners with paying taxes, the state thereby stimulates citizens to make new acquisitions. This allows local production to grow without increasing the volume of surplus in the domestic market.

How to get Tax Free: return conditions

To return part of the amount from a product purchased in a foreign country, you need to prove the following:

  • the buyer does not have citizenship of the country in which the purchase took place, as well as refugee status, the right to officially reside and work in this country;
  • the period of stay in the country where the goods were purchased should not exceed three months;
  • the amount for which the entire purchase was made, i.e. the lower limit of its cost, which makes it possible to count on receiving Tax Free, is established by countries based on individual legislation.

Please note

Most states do not tax food, tobacco, alcohol, jewelry, cars, or printed materials. Returns are not provided for purchases of designated types of products.

The system providing for this VAT compensationTax Free Shopping, used in the European Union, as well as in 20 other countries of the world, in particular:

  • Belarus,
  • Britain,
  • Turkey,
  • South Korea,
  • in a number of other countries, to which Russia Not included.

Tax Free does not apply to purchases from online stores.

Stages of obtaining Tax Free

In order to be sure that when purchasing a product you can receive part of the money back for it, you need to pay attention to the following: those stores that are partners of the system have a special inscription on the door.

The algorithm for registering and receiving tax free in this case is as follows.

First stage. At the time of payment for the purchase, the seller must issue a special receipt confirming the right to Tax Free. Inside the paper, the full name of the buyer, the state and city in which the particular citizen lives are written in Latin letters, the date of purchase and its total cost are indicated.

Please note

For this procedure, the buyer must provide his or her passport.

Sometimes sellers only fill out the date and amount fields. In such conditions, the remaining items have to be filled out by the buyer himself in accordance with the data of his passport.

Purchased products must be kept in the same condition in which they were purchased until the buyer receives a refund. This applies to tags, labels, packaging, seals and other things.

Second stage. The tax refund procedure begins before returning to your home state, at the place of departure.

Important fact

This process may take a long time. NIt is strongly recommended to arrive at the departure point in advance.

Having arrived at the place (airport or train station), you need to go through the customs point. If the purchase is in hand luggage, you need to go through the customs point before registration. If in luggage - after check-in, because It is more convenient to check in your luggage at the customs point.

The customs officer checks the purchase and its integrity, also looks at the receipt issued to the buyer, and compares the data in the receipt with the information in the international passport. Afterwards, he puts a stamp on the Tax Free receipt.

Third stage. You can receive your due funds as follows:

Please note

Before closing the envelope, the payment instrument number must be indicated on the receipt. If this procedure is completed correctly, the money will arrive on the card within 8 weeks.
