Paradise bushes. Ecologist Suren Ghazaryan talks about “Putin’s palace”, Tkachev’s dacha and the Olympic construction site “Secret Dacha” of the Minister of Agriculture

Environmentalist Viktor Chirikov, sentenced to fifteen days of arrest, is on a hunger strike in the special detention center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Tuapse. On August 27, Chirikov and his comrades were detained in Golubaya Bay near the governor’s dacha Krasnodar region Alexandra Tkacheva.

One of the participants in this action is a member of the Ecological Watch Council North Caucasus Suren Ghazaryan told RS about what worries Black Sea ecologists: the construction of Olympic facilities and luxurious mansions in natural reserves.

– This is not the first time you have held actions at Tkachev’s dacha in the village of Bzhid. Why did ecologists become interested in it?

– Because we saw that there were violations of the Forestry and Water Codes there. There is a continuous fence around a large area of ​​forest with an area of ​​about 10 hectares, and on the Black Sea coast it continues, there is a concrete wall. People can't get through. And behind the fence, two or three hectares of Pitsunda pines, which are listed in the Red Book, have been cut down. All this was done without the projects, public discussions, or environmental assessment required by law. And this is a challenge for society: the governor allows himself to actually commit a criminal offense - cutting down Red Book species.

– When did this construction begin?

– Back in 2005. But they began to intensively invade the forest fund and build walls at the end of 2009. At first the forest was fenced with barbed wire, then they began to build a permanent fence and walls on the shore.

– Does Tkachev himself live there?

- He happens there. They say he arrives by helicopter. Now 10 hectares have been captured, and according to an extract from the state land cadastre, Alexander Nikolaevich Tkachev owns 10 hectares. He has this plot of land on lease; he even indicated it in the declaration. And around this site, 10 hectares are simply illegally fenced off, such an estate.

– And you managed to get there?

– We swam on mattresses. They can’t fence off the entire sea. We swam for about an hour, and they couldn’t do anything with us. They were very angry, as eyewitnesses say.

And Viktor Chirikov tried to walk along the river, along the shore to the sea, but he was detained by police officers who are constantly on duty at this dacha. By law, there is a publicly accessible shoreline along the river. But the police and security guards of this dacha were waiting there. It's called "Alpha Neva". One of the guards ran up to Victor and hit him several times. After that, the police attacked Victor, knocked him down, handcuffed him and took him out. Then two more were detained. Everyone was taken to the village police station.

Less than a month ago, when Putin and Medvedev were vacationing in Sochi, the Olympia yacht, which belongs to Vladimir Putin, approached this palace. Someone visited the palace from this yacht

We arrived immediately; his wife and son were there, but they cordoned off the department and did not let anyone into the duty station. We had no way to talk to them. They were taken to Tuapse and tried on the same day; they gave 15 days to Chirikov and five days to two other people. That is, it was impossible to give them a lawyer or invite witnesses, the trial was closed. They were brought in, brought in and the court was closed. Two days later, the appeal court was held according to the same scenario, the lawyer was not allowed in, they told him that the trial would be tomorrow. He came in the morning and was told that the trial took place in the evening. That is, they made it so that neither the witnesses nor the lawyer could get to the trial. Now Victor will be in prison until September 10th. He went on a hunger strike.

– In February, you also tried to enter the territory of “Putin’s palace.” Then, after a statement by businessman Sergei Kolesnikov, Putin’s representatives disowned the building; it was allegedly resold. You were detained then in much the same way as Viktor Chirikov is now, and your personal belongings were taken away. Returned?

Photo from Suren Ghazaryan’s blog

- No, the things were not returned. It is simply impossible to find the ends where our statement ended up. Because the police say that they sent him to the investigative committee, the investigative committee says that they sent him to the military prosecutor's office, since FSO officers were involved there. And the military prosecutor’s office is a closed structure, which is not clear how to contact. As a result, the things were not returned to us, and in general there is no progress in this matter. And everything connected with this “palace” is tracked by people here. Less than a month ago, when Putin and Medvedev were vacationing in Sochi, the Olympia yacht, which belongs to Vladimir Putin, approached this palace. Someone visited the palace from this yacht, and then this same someone left the palace. We published this, but there were no refutations.

– Is the construction itself still ongoing?

- Finishing work is underway there. In June we went to the shore of this palace, swam demonstratively and saw that the elevator shaft there was being completed, and some kind of shore protection work was being carried out on the shore. I think it's almost finished.

– There is still a property on the coast known as the “patriarch’s dacha”, and, probably, quite a few such buildings belonging to people who would really not want anyone to know about this property of theirs. You even organized a “march along the stolen Black Sea.”

– It was an initiative of the Open Coast movement, but it ended in much the same way as most civil actions. After this march, people approached the gates of the “patriarch’s dacha” and then came to the beach and began to swim. The police arrived and arrested Kirill Goncharov from the youth party Yabloko and Sergei Menzheritsky, the leader of the Open Coast movement. They violated absolutely nothing, but they were written that they did not obey the legal requirements of the police officers. The authorities harshly suppress all these marches; they are afraid that their nests or estates will be taken away, or at least people will find out what is hidden behind these walls.

– Are there many such “nests”?

– About a dozen – that’s what we know.

– Tkachev’s dacha, “Putin’s palace” and “patriarch’s dacha.” What else?

– Patrushev’s dacha, Kazantsev’s dacha... We dealt only with those that were directly related to violations of environmental legislation. Where forests are cut down, valuable ecosystems suffer. We did not set political goals, our goal is to preserve the forest, preserve the sea. It all started with a campaign to fight Medvedev’s residence, which they wanted to build on Utrish right in the center of the reserve. Civil activists blocked this construction, and it has not yet begun, we are holding it back. An environmental post has now been organized there, people constantly live and watch. They have already started building a road there and cut down a lot of Red Book trees. And if they start building a residence there, it will be a disaster. Because this is the most valuable area of ​​the Bolshoi Utrish reserve, which was actually made a nature reserve, but this place was cut out for a residence. Near “Putin’s palace” about 6-7 hectares of Pitsunda pine have already been cut down, of which there is not much on the coast. And with their fence they closed one of the largest tracts of Pitsunda pine on the coast. That is, he is now inside the estate. And they can do whatever they want there, people can’t go there, let alone control it, it’s simply impossible to physically penetrate. They are building something there, cutting something down, and we know nothing about it.

– You have one more concern – Olympic construction in Sochi. Probably, in terms of the scale of violations, it surpassed any dachas?

The rush is growing, the deadline is approaching, they don’t have time. And now they simply don’t care about all environmental restrictions and build at random. Hundreds of hectares of forests have been cut down there. Moreover, forests are unique for Russia. This is our pain, and we can’t do anything about it, because this is Vladimir Putin’s personal project

– Yes, of course, this is incomparable in scale, and in general it is an environmental disaster. All our attempts to introduce this construction process into at least some civilized direction have failed. The rush is growing, the deadline is approaching, they don’t have time. And now they simply don’t care about all environmental restrictions and build at random. But this scale is incomparable to anything, there are no such precedents for such large-scale construction to be carried out in national park. Hundreds of hectares of forests have been cut down there. Moreover, forests are unique for Russia. This is our pain, and we can’t do anything about it, because this is Vladimir Putin’s personal project and no one can not only stop it, but even somehow correct it.

– What besides deforestation?

– Pollution of Mzymta. Complete destruction of ecosystems. Not only are the forests being cut down, but the landscape has simply been completely transformed. This is a unique valley, where there were virgin forests, clean water, and now they are laying a combined road Adler - Krasnaya Polyana. And there the landscape just changed, everything was in concrete, in construction waste. An unknown liquid flows out of these tunnels. Recently, the Mzymta was polluted with some kind of foam, which covered the river with a thick layer for 30 kilometers, it was carried out to the sea, and it covered the sea, several kilometers of the coast. It is clear that all the vacationers fled. Now geological problems associated with construction have begun. There are landslides everywhere. Somewhere they store soil, which also slides into national park. Somewhere, illegal buildings are starting to collapse. There is simply a large-scale catastrophe due to the fact that there was no single plan and all this is still being built without a single management. We are laying a time bomb, because the consequences will come later, in 5-10 years there will simply be a catastrophe after all this cutting down, these changes in the riverbed. It's hard to even imagine what will happen.

– Does any of the local officials understand that all this is leading to disaster?

- Everyone understands. But political will is involved, and not the will of the president, but the chairman of the government. Because Medvedev says the right things. On June 28 there was a meeting of non-governmental organizations, Medvedev gave a number of instructions regarding Sochi. None of them have yet been implemented. It is clear that the Sochi project is Vladimir Putin’s project, and no one can correct it. We talked with officials of the Sochi administration. Even the mayor of the city, Pakhomov, understands everything. But, unfortunately, nothing depends on these people in this situation.

– Suren, you are engaged in dangerous investigations. Aren't you scared? Have you been threatened?

– They threatened, but so far I don’t feel any serious danger, although the family is a little afraid. We have the example of Zhenya Chirikova, who is courageously fighting against an equally corrupt project, and it’s a shame for me to complain against her background.

Tkachev's dacha has grown with new plots

Governor Tkachev's dacha was illegally expanded with new plots. Governor Tkachev grabbed another piece of territory - for “his dacha” - photo

A new black page has been written in the history of lawlessness happening at the facility built for the recreation of the Governor of the Krasnodar Territory Alexander Tkachev and his family in the Blue Bay (village of Bzhid, Tuapse district) - the so-called “Tkachev’s dacha”.

On July 22, 2014, activists of the Environmental Watch for the North Caucasus conducted another public environmental inspection near the dacha. This inspection revealed why another section of the forest fund and the Black Sea coastline was attached to it.

The fact of fencing a forest plot on the Black Sea coast with an area of ​​about one hectare with a new fence, which is not included in the territory leased by Agrocomplex CJSC or other organizations affiliated with the Kuban governor, was revealed by EcoWakhta activists in early May of this year. In response to requests from EWSC regarding this fact, officials of the Ministry natural resources Krasnodar Territory and the Department of Rosprirodnadzor for the Southern Federal District reported that there is supposedly no fence and that this territory is allegedly part of a forest plot previously leased by Agrocomplex CJSC. Another visit to Tkachev’s dacha, carried out in June 2014, showed that large-scale construction had begun on the captured site, during which the coastal waters of the Black Sea were being backfilled.

Tkachev's dacha
"Thorn" goes along the entire perimeter of the dacha

The rest of the area is covered with steelgrid - a metal network, supposedly to strengthen the slopes

At the time of the last inspection, the new construction at Tkachev’s dacha was already completed. The captured section of the coast, which until recently was an area of ​​undisturbed wilderness, has been turned into a stadium. A water park and a volleyball court were also built on it. On the side of Inal Bay, on the border of the occupied area, a concrete fence has grown, from which a jetty with a wooden fence installed on top extends into the sea. To completely protect this section of the coast from ordinary Russian citizens, a security booth with a guard on duty around the clock was also built on the fence line. At the same time, on the steep coastal slope adjacent to the booth, the initially installed fence was dismantled. Instead of a fence, the slope is completely covered with steelgrid - an “anti-erosion” metal mesh reinforced with rings of steel cables. It is impossible to walk along a slope covered with such a net. Steelgrid is installed on slopes where there may be rockfalls, but the forested slope above Tkachev’s dacha is not considered rockfall-hazardous. The net was installed not against rockfalls, but against people. At the same time, on the upper gentle part of the slope, closed from the eyes of the guards, in addition to the steel grid, a fence made of fence and barbed wire is still installed. The “know-how” of covering the slope with steelgrid was introduced for the obvious purpose - so that the control authorities have a formal basis for asserting that “there is no continuous fence around the site.”

Scrap metal dump from Tkachev's dacha

A landfill has been organized in front of the newly built concrete fence on the seashore metal structures thrown out from the territory of Tkachev’s dacha. And about a hundred meters from the new fence towards Inal Bay on the seaside slope, preparations have been made for the installation of another fence - metal bases for the posts are driven into the ground and concreted. So the seizure that took place in order to expand the territory of the dacha is obviously not the last.

All these facts indicate that the level of lawlessness happening under the cover of the governor of Kuban in Blue Bay is simply off the charts. As well as the level of contempt for respecting the rights of citizens to unhindered access to the shores of the Black Sea and forest lands, which are public property. All this became possible thanks to the cover-up and inaction of various control bodies, whose duty is to combat such violations of the law and the rights of citizens. However, times of impunity for crimes committed by “ powerful of the world this" will end sooner or later. And Tkachev, sooner or later, will have to answer for the seizure of public lands, and for illegally built fences, and for the influence on the judicial authorities, as a result of which Ecological Watch activists Evgeniy Vitishko and Suren Ghazaryan were unjustly convicted “for damaging the fence.” One of whom is currently serving time in a colony, and the other was forced to go abroad.

[“Environmental watch in the North Caucasus”, 07/28/2014, “Censorship on the Kuban.Ru forum: the topic of land seizure at Tkachev’s dacha was blocked 4 hours after its appearance”: Today another incident occurred on the popular Kuban forum Kuban.Ru an act of censorship regarding a topic affecting the Governor of the Krasnodar Territory Alexander Tkachev - the topic “Tkachev’s Dacha.” Continuation” was blocked, in which there was a discussion on the issue of the next seizure of land on the Black Sea coast on summer residence Head of Kuban in Blue Bay. Also, the coordinator of the Environmental Watch for the North Caucasus, Andrei Rudomakha, who started this discussion, was banned from the forum.

The Kuban.Ru forum ceased to exist several years ago as an independent information resource and is currently controlled by the administration of the Krasnodar region through the Limited Liability Company “Special Advertising Technologies” (ORT LLC). - Insert]

“Because of the inscriptions, the fence, 104 m long and 2.5 m wide, has lost its aesthetic qualities and can no longer be used as a fence with a light gray color on the front side and khaki color on the back side.”

Original of this material
© Gazeta.Ru, 06.20.2012, Photo: via, gazaryan-suren

The court upheld the integrity of the fence

Svetlana Bocharova, Olga Kuzmenkova, Sergei Smirnov

Krasnodar Yabloko members Suren Gaziaryan and Evgeny Vitishko were convicted in the case of damaging the fence of an elite mansion, allegedly belonging to the governor of the Krasnodar Territory Alexander Tkachev. For signs like “This is our forest,” both will not be able to leave their homes at night for three years. The authorities warned the activists before the Olympics, the lawyer interprets the verdict.

Lyubov Chizhova

[…] Immediately after the verdict was pronounced, Suren Ghazaryan told RS that, in his opinion, the verdict came to the court “from above”:

It took the judge 20 minutes to read the verdict. She could have done this yesterday, since it is obvious that he was ready yesterday. How do I rate it? Under the current conditions, I end up in slavery, although I was not deprived of my freedom. The way the trial went is simply a mockery of justice. We had no way to defend ourselves. We were simply thrown into court, the trial went on and on, and then one - half an hour later the court debates, and by the evening, please, it was all over.

- In your opinion, who refused to put pressure on the court?

Obviously, Governor Tkachev himself. Because they specifically emphasize there, even in the verdict, that our actions were caused by hooligan motives - allegedly, while in the forest, we challenged public morality, generally accepted moral standards, and wrote bad inscriptions.

- How can the sentence passed on you affect your future environmental activities?

A suspended sentence means that if, for example, I am detained even on an administrative matter, then the term can turn into a real one. And I'll go to jail.

The lawyer of Suren Ghazaryan and Evgeny Vetishko, Marina Dubrovina, said that the defense intends to appeal the verdict passed by the Tuapse court.

Suren Ghazaryan and Yevgeny Vetishko were accused of “causing significant damage to property for hooligan reasons.” Under this article they faced up to five years in prison. In November last year, environmentalists, as part of an environmental inspection in the Tuapse region, dismantled one of the sections of the fence around the recreation center of Agrocomplex CJSC. They claimed that behind the JSC sign was hiding another residence of the Governor of the Krasnodar Territory, Alexander Tkachev. The fencing of this territory, which belongs to the State Forest Fund, is, according to environmentalists, illegal. During the construction of the governor's dacha, dozens of Red Book trees were cut down. Environmentalists wrote the slogan “This is our forest” on the fence.

In March 2012, Ghazaryan and his lawyer Viktor Dutlov, while inspecting the so-called “governor’s dacha” near Tuapse to prepare for the trial, were detained by local private security officers. Suren Ghazaryan was beaten, his personal belongings were taken from him and he was sentenced to 10 days of administrative arrest.

The head of the Russian branch of Greenpeace in Russia, Ivan Blokov, extremely negatively evaluates the guilty verdict against Suren Ghazaryan and Evgeny Vetishko and recalls that environmentalists were punished for their professional activities.

In my opinion, this court decision is an indicator of how crookedly our judicial and legal system works, related to both environmental protection and the real rights of people. What happened to Suren Ghazaryan is a theater of the absurd. A man was convicted of making inscriptions on a legally non-existent object. That is, instead of protecting environment, to fight unauthorized construction, the court condemns the person who caused minimal damage to the unauthorized construction. At the same time, the system that protects those in power works well, believes the head of the Russian branch of Greenpeace, Ivan Blokov.

Activist of the Ecological Watch for the North Caucasus Olga Noskovets is confident that the sentence imposed on Suren Gazaryan and Evgeniy Vetishko will not prevent Krasnodar environmentalists from continuing to fight against illegal development of the Black Sea coast. The so-called dacha of Alexander Tkachev will also not go unnoticed by environmentalists.

She reminds us that the so-called dacha of Alexander Tkachev has already been practically built. It is located on a vast territory of the agricultural complex, which ecologists call family business Tkachev, and is a cultural and recreational complex consisting of several cottages. Environmentalists visited there quite recently - everything is picturesque Blue Bay is practically inaccessible, a huge concrete fence emerges from the rock into the sea; it blocks access not only to the sea, but also to the forest. All this outrages environmentalists, who remind us that, by law, both the sea and the forest in Russia are still public places.

Olga Noskovets says that this problem worries not only a handful of ecologists, but many residents of the Krasnodar Territory, based on whose complaint Gazaryan and Vetishko in March carried out an inspection of what they believed was an illegally built facility. And such facilities, fenced with fences, are now being actively built by Russian officials of various ranks along the entire Black Sea coast. Original of this material
© gazaryan-suren, 06/21/2012

Expert on Tkachev's dacha: cattle should be inside the fence, not outside

At yesterday's trial in the case of damage to the fence around Tkachev's residence, we were able to interrogate only one witness for the defense - the director of the Federal State Institution "Forest Protection Center of the Krasnodar Territory", Candidate of Biological Sciences Valery Ivanovich Shchurov.

Question: Valery Ivanovich, the lease agreement with which you previously became acquainted was announced here. Clause 3.5 states that “the tenant has no right to prevent citizens from accessing the leased forest plot. The plot can be fenced only in cases provided for by the Forest Code Russian Federation" Are there such cases in the Dzhubga forestry, are there areas there to which citizens have limited access?

Shchurov's answer: As far as I understand, the lease agreement for this site was concluded for recreational purposes. In that case, the answer to this question is no.

But if this area were provided for agricultural use and would involve grazing cattle, then it should be fenced so that this cattle would not scatter and feed in those forests where it is not allowed to feed.

There is only one clear indication of the construction of a fence in modern forest legislation - grazing. Moreover, the cattle should be inside the fence, and not outside, so that they do not wander off. There are some types of breeds that cannot be kept without a shepherd or without a fence. It is specifically written about them in the Forest Code - these are goats, based on their biological characteristics, that they actually cause harm.

Judge Galina Avdzhi (interrupts): Thank you…

Alexander Tkachev recognized the residence as a recreation center for Agrocomplex workers

Original of this material
© "Sochi 24", 01/23/2012, Governor Tkachev: a case of so-called lies, Illustrations: via "Sochi 24"

On January 13, the head of the administration of the Krasnodar region, Alexander Tkachev, held a meeting with “Kuban bloggers.”

During the meeting, the governor finally admitted that he had something to do with his residence on the Black Sea, which he had previously denied belonging to. [...]

[, 01/13/2012, “Alexander Tkachev met with bloggers and told them about his “residence” on the coast, the renewal of power and what will happen in Kuban after the Olympics”:
– Yes, I have a “residence” - in Inal Bay. It may not be the most iconic place, of course - there is an overhanging rock and several dry trees. They started building it in the late 90s. And then it took a long time to complete it. 70 percent is property "Agrocomplex" where I worked, - said Tkachev. – And there is not a penny of budget funds there! Now employees of the enterprise, which employs more than 10 thousand people, rest in that “residence”. - Insert]

“During our close observation of Tkachev’s residence, we did not notice happy machine operators, milkmaids or agronomists swimming in the sea there,” Suren Ghazaryan, a member of the Environmental Watch for the North Caucasus, comments on the governor’s statement. - We came across only policemen, private security guards and people silently swarming in the ground. Perhaps the latter were employees of Agrocomplex CJSC undergoing occupational therapy.”

Moreover, the ecologist received extracts from Rosreestr, which indicate that there are no Agrocomplex lands on the territory of the residence.

Land plots are owned by lease: Alexander Nikolaevich Tkachev himself, his probable relative Sergei Ivanovich Storozhenko, as well as Elena Vladimirovna Krivneva, born in 1975. There are no fences between the Tkachev and Storozhenko sections; they have a common swimming pool.

Finally, the beach, valued by Rosreestr at 1 ruble, is rented by Otdykh LLC, whose founders are the same Storozhenko and Krivneva. More than 5 hectares of forest fund and part of the coast were seized illegally.

Rossrest also reports that over the past year, to Tkachev’s plot of 10 acres (cadastral number 23:33:0102001:18), which he indicated in the declaration for 2010 and which is located in the center of the residence, a plot of about a hectare was added (number 23 :33:0102001:72).

“Tkachev received it in April 2011. Until this time, the site belonged to public lands, that is, it was ownerless, although a large boathouse and many other premises had been built there several years ago. Probably no one paid the rent to the state,” says Ghazaryan.

Now this site is leased from the governor. Information about this should appear in the declaration for 2011.

[gazaryan-suren, 04/06/2012, “30 pieces of silver for Governor Tkachev”: Alexander Nikolaevich declared information about the personal lease of two plots located behind this fence. This is plot 23:33:0102001:18 with an area of ​​999 square meters. meters, which was in his declaration for 2010 and Photo report: Alexander Tkachev’s dacha on the Black Sea coast

A. Tkachev confirmed the existence of the “residence”. According to him, it is located in Inal Bay and is now a recreation center for workers of the agricultural enterprise Agrokompleks.

“Even if it’s not the most iconic place, of course - there is an overhanging rock, a few dry trees. They started building it in the late 90s. And then it took a long time to complete it. 70% is the property of the Agrocomplex, where I worked,” - said A. Tkachev, whose words were quoted by the press service of the regional administration.

Environmentalist Viktor Chirikov, sentenced to fifteen days of arrest, is on a hunger strike in the special detention center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Tuapse. On August 27, Chirikov and his comrades were detained in Golubaya Bay near the dacha of the governor of the Krasnodar Territory, Alexander Tkachev.

– This is not the first time you have held actions at Tkachev’s dacha in the village of Bzhid. Why did ecologists become interested in it?

– Because we saw that there were violations of the Forestry and Water Codes there. There is a continuous fence around a large area of ​​forest with an area of ​​about 10 hectares, and on the Black Sea coast it continues, there is a concrete wall. People can't get through. And behind the fence, two or three hectares of Pitsunda pines, which are listed in the Red Book, have been cut down. All this was done without the projects, public discussions, or environmental assessment required by law. And this is a challenge for society: the governor allows himself to actually commit a criminal offense - cutting down Red Book species.

– When did this construction begin?

– Back in 2005. But they began to intensively invade the forest fund and build walls at the end of 2009. At first the forest was fenced with barbed wire, then they began to build a permanent fence and walls on the shore.

– Does Tkachev himself live there?

- He happens there. They say he arrives by helicopter. Now 10 hectares have been captured, and according to an extract from the state land cadastre, Alexander Nikolaevich Tkachev owns 10 hectares. He has this plot of land on lease; he even indicated it in the declaration. And around this site, 10 hectares are simply illegally fenced off, such an estate.

– And you managed to get there?

– We swam on mattresses. They can’t fence off the entire sea. We swam for about an hour, and they couldn’t do anything with us. They were very angry, as eyewitnesses say.

Wiki: ru:Tkachev's Dacha

This is a description of the landmark Tkachev's Dacha 75.6 km south of Krasnodar, Krasnodar Krai (Russia). As well as photos, reviews and a map of the surrounding area. Find out the history, coordinates, where it is and how to get there. Check out other places on our interactive map, get more detailed information. Get to know the world better.

Does the head of the Ministry of Agriculture have a “secret residence” and assets associated with the “Tsapkov gang”?

"Secret dacha" of the Minister of Agriculture?

As is known, officials are prohibited from directly controlling business assets, as well as using various services of commercial organizations. It seems that the Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, Alexander Tkachev, neglected the norms of Russian legislation and “chosen” real estate in the Vyselkovsky district of Kuban near the village of Pervomaisky, where, according to rumors, one of the alleged personal residences of Alexander Tkachev is located.

There is no need to confuse the “ministerial lands” in the Vyselkovsky district with the notorious Tkachev dacha, located on the Black Sea coast in the Blue Bay (the village of Bzhid, Dzhubga urban settlement, Tuapse district of the Krasnodar Territory).

According to Rosreestr, land plots behind the fence of the residence in the village of Bzhid, Tuapse region, Alexander Tkachev himself owns (sections 23:33:0102001:18 and 23:33:0102001:72), his probable relative Sergei Storozhenko (sections 23:33:0102001:19 and 23:33: 0102001:75), as well as Elena Krivneva, born in 1975 (section 23:33:0102001:17). There are no fences between the Tkachev and Storozhenko areas; they have a common swimming pool. The beach is rented by Otdykh LLC. The fence blocks the beach, the indicated territories, as well as an additional 5.4 hectares of forest fund from the passage of citizens.

Non-random coincidence

Unlike Tkachev’s dacha in Blue Bay, his probable holdings in the Vyselkovsky district extend over an area of ​​about 500 hectares. Basically, we are talking about hunting grounds.

There are a number of specific coincidences between Tkachev’s supposed residence in the Vyselkovsky district and his dacha in Blue Bay. Firstly, “Tkachev’s dacha” in the Tuapse district is officially called the recreation center of Agrokompleks OJSC, and Tkachev’s alleged property in the Vyselkovsky district is also officially called.

After the Tsapkovs were imprisoned, the Sever Kuban group of companies that belonged to them (40,000 hectares of land) was transferred to Agrocomplex in the summer of 2014. Formally, Sever Kuban owed loans to Rosselkhozbank, and Agrocomplex paid off the debts, taking the debtor’s assets for itself.

It is interesting that, while still the governor of the Krasnodar Territory, Tkachev allocated more than 160 million rubles from the regional budget to Sergei Tsapok’s company (Artex-Agro). It is worth noting that Tsapok did not have time to testify against influential Krasnodar officials, as he died under very strange circumstances, and Tkachev himself was removed from the leadership of the region in 2015 and transferred to the Ministry of Agriculture.

Mysterious shareholders

Corporation "Agrocomplex named after. N.I. Tkachev, which is named after the late father of the Russian Minister of Agriculture Alexander Tkachev, is considered the financial stronghold of the “Tkachev clan”, but it never discloses its shareholders.

But information about the founders of Agrocomplex is known. 29% of them are nine Kuban agricultural enterprises, including Niva CJSC (the minister’s niece Anastasia Tkacheva bought land within the borders of this CJSC - editor’s note). The remaining 66% is described as “other,” but Tkachev’s son-in-law Roman Batalov is listed first on the list of the board of directors. The wife of the head of the Vyselkovsky district, Nina Firstkova, is also on this list.

Alexander Tkachev, head of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation

In 2015, Agrocomplex bought Kuban Bacon LLC. Before this, this enterprise almost entirely belonged to the daughter of Alexander Tkachev, Tatyana Batalova. At the end of 2015, the Tkachev Corporation became the largest milk producer in Russia.

Land Baron

There is an opinion in the expert community that the “Agrocomplex named after. N.I. Tkachev" allowed recent acquisitions of farms. And along with the farms, Tkachev’s “agro-structure” also “grabbed” a colossal amount of land (for example, huge pastures for walking livestock, fields for sowing, etc.).

The land fund of the “Tkachev” company is expanding literally “by leaps and bounds.” Only with the purchase of five crop and livestock farms of Wimm-Bill-Dann (part of the PepsiCo group), Agrocomplex acquired 30 thousand hectares of land.

But, having purchased the assets of Valinor at the beginning of 2015, Agrocomplex became the largest landowner in Europe. The land bank of this company has grown from 80,000 hectares to almost 500,000 hectares in 14 years. Not weak, right?

Son-in-law's companies

The minister’s son-in-law Roman Batalov is considered Alexander Tkachev’s “right hand” in matters of control over the family business. It is worth noting that in the family of Roman and Tatyana Batalov, the “locomotive of business” is the husband, whom Tkachev provided patronage even at the time when he was the governor of the Krasnodar Territory.

Mr. Batalov is the founder of Krasnodar LLC Intercomplex, whose daughter is OJSC Gallery Krasnodar.

In 2008, Tkachev’s son-in-law created and headed Kuban Development Group LLC, which owns the following companies: Adlerinvest LLC, Adlerinzhiniring LLC, Adelerproektstroy LLC, Alionstroy LLC, Anapa Building LLC, Anapa Stroy LLC Invest", LLC "Adlerinveststroy", LLC "AlionInvest", LLC "Build-Invest", LLC "BUILDING-MARKET", LLC "BolivarStroy", LLC "Gelendzhik Building", LLC "GELENDZHIK RESOURCE", LLC "Gelendzhikglavstroy", LLC "Gelendzhikinzhiniring", LLC "Black Sea Lands", LLC "Zemlya-Kuban", LLC "Zemlyastroy", LLC "Investkurort", LLC "Invest-parity", LLC "InvestYugProekt", LLC "Infrastructure of the South of Kuban", etc. (a complete list of companies controlled by Alexander Tkachev’s son-in-law is available at the link).

Roman Batalov, Tkachev's nephew

One of the co-owners of Kuban Development Group LLC is Kubanskaya OJSC finance company" It was established by Krayinvestbank OJSC, with which Alexander Tkachev himself was affiliated for several years of his governorship. Rumor has it that even now, through proxies, he can control part of the shares of Krayinvestbank.

Previously, the Accounts Chamber established the fact that one of Tkachev’s deputies, by order of the governor, repaid loans from Krayinvestbank at a budget expense.


In addition to the Batalovs, Tkachev seems to have “involved” his other relatives in the business. For example, the niece of Alexander Tkachev (daughter of Alexei Tkachev) is a co-owner of two pipe factories - Southern Pipe Plant LLC (YUTZ) and Pipe Insulation Plant LLC (ZIT). In both factories, Anastasia Tkacheva owns 10% shares. But this 10% accounts for part of the multimillion-dollar income from the activities of these enterprises.

Thus, YuTZ's revenue, for example, in 2008 amounted to 182 million rubles, and net profit - 21 million rubles. But ZIT’s revenue in the same year was 618.9 million rubles. with a net profit of 7.7 million rubles.

Anastasia Tkacheva, niece of the minister

Thus, 10% of these multi-million dollar sums formally went to young Anastasia Tkacheva. But can this young girl manage these shares on her own? Moreover, the first mentions of assets belonging to Anastasia were published in the press back in 2010, when Tkacheva was only 22 years old.

Most likely, she owns these shares in the interests of the ex-governor himself, who, apparently, actually receives millions from YuTZ and ZIT. Anastasia Tkacheva also owns 30% in the large developer Masterstroy LLC. She also owns a company that invested 3 billion rubles. in the poultry complex - "Yugptitseprom". Here Tkacheva owns 22.5%, and the projected annual revenue is 4 billion rubles.

By the way, the fact that all these assets are located in the Krasnodar Territory is especially important. It is obvious that Minister Tkachev’s relatives are engaged in business in his interests, and the head of the Ministry of Agriculture himself can personally control many commercial structures. According to experts, if investigators check Tkachev’s connection with business, he will lose his ministerial post.
