Hand luggage in size s7. Hand luggage on s7 flights: what is allowed and what is not allowed

Aviation company S7 operates regular domestic and international flights in different directions. The company's fleet includes over 60 aircraft of modern models.

The carrier provides a range of services for passengers and develops the most optimal conditions for a comfortable and safe flight. Thousands of tourists fly on S7 planes every day.

To ensure increased safety during the flight, the company has established special requirements for the transportation of general baggage and hand luggage. You should familiarize yourself with these rules on the eve of your flight in order to avoid unforeseen problems that often arise when checking in luggage for uninformed passengers. We also recommend that you read.

Rules for baggage transportation in S7

The S7 aviation company has established standards for the weight and dimensions of luggage to be transported.

Free baggage transportation is provided for each passenger holding an S7 plane ticket, provided that the weight and dimensions of the cargo being transported correspond.

Standard carrier rules:

  • There is one piece of luggage space per passenger in the cargo compartment of the aircraft;
  • for personal belongings of business class passengers, two free places in the luggage compartment.

The S7 company operates an additional baggage allowance service, which allows passengers to purchase additional space for transporting personal belongings. The cost of the service depends on the parameters of excess baggage and the method of purchasing tickets.

If a passenger orders this service through, a discount of 20% is provided. A 10% discount is provided for passengers who order additional luggage space 5-30 hours before departure. Four hours before the departure of the flight, you can buy additional space in the cabin for luggage at full price, without a discount.

Allowed baggage size and weight

Passengers with economy and business basic tickets are entitled to free baggage transportation weighing up to 23 kg. The standard size is 203 cm in three dimensions.

Business class passengers have privileges. There are two places in the aircraft compartment for their luggage. The permissible weight of each bag is 32 kg. The dimensions of the transported cargo must not exceed 203 cm.

What can and cannot be carried in airplane luggage?

Before packing your bag for air travel, carefully study the prohibited items for transportation on an aircraft!

S7, like other global air carriers, prohibits the transportation of potentially dangerous items.

What cannot be transported on S7 aircraft:

  • explosive and flammable substances;
  • radioactive materials;
  • chemicals, poisons, toxic compounds;
  • lithium-ion batteries;
  • drugs;
  • ammunition and (without permits).

What can be checked into the luggage compartment of an airplane:

  • sports equipment;
  • fishing equipment;
  • household appliances;
  • in special cages;
  • non-perishable products in solid form, packaged in special containers;
  • liquids and alcohol in sealed containers with a total volume of up to 5 liters;
  • cigarettes (except electronic);
  • cosmetics and hygiene products;
  • weapons and ammunition with permits;
  • baby strollers and other accessories for babies;
  • wheelchair.

IN general luggage It is not recommended to pack jewelry, documents, money, expensive equipment and other valuable items. The carrier company is not responsible for the safety of the cargo, therefore, in case of its loss, compensation is not provided.

Other useful articles on the topic:

Rules for the carriage of hand luggage in S7

On S7 airlines, the carriage of personal belongings of passengers not included in the list of prohibited items is permitted. Items are transported in small bags and backpacks that meet established standards in weight and dimensions.

In addition to hand luggage, you are allowed to carry additional items in the aircraft cabin, the weight and dimensions of which do not add up to the parameters of general luggage.

What items can be transported in the cabin for free:

  • passenger's outerwear;
  • baby food for a child;
  • women's bags, compact backpacks, purses and briefcases, the size of which does not exceed 75 cm and weight - 5 kg;
  • bouquets of flowers;
  • newspapers, magazines;
  • crutches and other devices for moving a passenger with disabilities;
  • accessories for the child - a child car seat, a cradle (the dimensions of the device should not exceed 55x40x20 cm);
  • bags with purchases from Duty Free (maximum weight allowed - 3 kg).

Airplane hand luggage size

Economy class passengers are provided with one piece of luggage in the cabin. Allowable weight – 10 kg, size – 55x40x20 cm.

Business class passengers are entitled to two pieces of luggage in the cabin. Luggage weight – 15 kg, dimensions – 55x40x20 cm.

What is allowed and prohibited to be carried in hand luggage

It is recommended to take everything you need and valuable into the aircraft cabin. Parents traveling should take diapers, diapers, a couple of sets of clothes for changing, drinking water, wet wipes, toys for the baby, etc. in their hand luggage.

Adult passengers can take into the cabin everything that is not included.

  • documents;
  • and bank cards;
  • house and car keys;
  • valuable jewelry;
  • mobile phones, camera, tablet;
  • medicines.

What cannot be carried in hand luggage:

  • toxic and poisonous compounds;
  • radioactive materials;
  • flammable and explosive substances;
  • pyrotechnics;
  • mobile devices powered by lithium-ion batteries.

Cost of baggage transportation at S7

Passengers of S7 Airlines have the right to free transportation of personal luggage, the weight and dimensions of which do not exceed established standards.

If a passenger plans to carry several bags, which is not included in the fare of his ticket, he should purchase additional luggage space in advance.

The cost of an additional seat on S7 aircraft depends on the direction of the flight, as well as the weight and dimensions of excess baggage.

Tariffs for additional baggage:

  • in Russia – 2000-8000 rubles;
  • for EU countries – 50-140 euros;
  • to CIS countries - 35-140 euros;
  • to China – 520-2080 yuan.

Overweight luggage

For excess baggage, the passenger will have to pay an additional fee according to the current tariffs.

How much does excess baggage cost in S7:

  • Flights within Russia: for luggage weighing from 23 to 32 kg you need to pay an additional 2000 rubles. If the weight of the cargo reaches 50 kg – 4000 rubles.
  • In Europe: for luggage weighing 23-32 kg, a fee is charged - 50 euros, weight up to 50 kg - 100 euros.
  • For CIS countries: weight 23-32 kg – 35 euros, up to 50 kg – 70 euros.
  • Flights to China: weight 23-32 kg – 520 yuan, weight up to 50 kg – 1040 yuan.

Baggage is accepted at the airport near a special counter after the passenger has checked in for the flight. A tag is attached to the checked luggage, and the second part of this label is given to the passenger. It is required to claim your luggage at the point of arrival.

Carefully study the list of items permitted for transportation on S7 airline aircraft. This forethought will allow you to quickly go through pre-flight procedures without hassles or disputes with airline representatives.

When planning a flight, the first thing a passenger should become familiar with is the S7 Airlines baggage allowance. The success of boarding the plane and the presence of additional costs depend on knowledge of these rules. There are many cases where, due to ignorance of the basic requirements of the carrier, a passenger was forced to pay extra luggage or received a refusal from the carrier to provide services.

Carry-on baggage allowance at S7 Airlines

According to the airline's rules, each client has the opportunity to take on board a certain amount of things. But there are limits here that depend on the previously selected tariff.

Today's hand luggage allowance for S7 Airlines:

  • In Economy Flexible and Basic tariffs You are allowed to take up to 10 kg of things with you on the plane (1 piece). In this case, the dimensions of the cargo should not exceed established standards, namely 115 cm when summing up the data of 3 dimensions (55*40*20 cm).
  • Tariffs Business Basic and Flexible provide great opportunities for passengers. Here, baggage allowance on board S7 Airlines allows you to take up to 15 kg of cargo and occupy two seats. At the same time, the requirements for dimensions remain unchanged.

For flights to the UK or US, it is prohibited to carry any electronic devices in hand luggage.

Hand luggage can be checked in only at the airport. This is where the baggage allowance for business and economy class is checked. To undergo the mentioned procedures, you should contact a special or regular counter. You can bring on board things that you may need during the flight - a laptop, a baby stroller, a camera, a cane, an umbrella, a briefcase, a handbag and others.

S7 Airlines baggage allowance

If the cargo cannot be carried on board, it is transported in a special compartment and registered according to the standard procedure.

Checked baggage allowance at S7 Airlines:

  • For Economy Flexible and Basic tariffs There are weight restrictions up to 23 kg. In this case, the passenger is provided with only one piece of luggage space.
  • For Business Basic plan The permissible weight increases (up to 32 kg), and only one place is allocated for luggage.
  • For Business Flexible tariff The same weight restrictions apply. The difference lies in the possibility of occupying two places.

In all cases the norm free transportation baggage at S7 Airlines has a size limit of 203 cm. As in the case of hand luggage, three dimensions are summed up.

What else can you take on board?

In addition to basic luggage, the passenger is allowed to take with him a set ski equipment, as well as equipment, the total weight of which should not exceed 23 kg for economy class. The allowance for carrying such baggage on an airplane for business class is higher - up to 32 kg. In this case, skis and snowboards must be packed. If the weight exceeds the permissible limit, the cargo is classified as oversized.

Special conditions

It is worth noting that S7 Priority members can count on better conditions. Thus, for Silver Ruby status there is one additional place weighing up to 23 kg, Gold Sapphire has similar conditions, and for Platinum Emerald - also 1 place, but with a limit of up to 32 kg.

Special attention should be paid to the markings on the ticket. Thus, baggage allowance of 1 RS of S7 Airlines means a restriction for an economy class passenger, and 2 RS for a business class passenger. These symbols can be used to guide you regarding baggage requirements.

What are the rules regarding carrying liquids in hand luggage?

The carrier claims that containers up to 100 ml can be taken into the cabin, and the total volume of liquids should not exceed a liter. All drinks, as well as perfumes, fall under this rule. An exception is made only for baby food or medicines that a person cannot do without on board. For them, the standards for transporting liquids in S7 Airlines hand luggage are less severe.

What will be the violation of the rules?

If the S7 Airlines baggage allowance, as well as hand luggage, is violated, you will have to make an additional payment according to S7 Airlines tariffs. The payment amount is shown below. In the first case, for Russia (amounts are indicated in rubles), and in the second - for international flights to Europe (prices are indicated in euros). If you choose to fly

By weight, dimensions and number of things. They are introduced for a comfortable and safe flight for cabin passengers. Each company has its own requirements.

When transporting cargo in the cabin or in the luggage compartment three parameters are taken into account:

  • quantity: one piece corresponds to one bag or box;
  • size: for luggage compartment - 203 cm (sum of length, width, height, norm), for hand luggage - 55 x 40 x 20 cm.

Usually there are special stands at the check-in counters, on which the dimensions are checked.

Cost and different tariffs

Payments for transporting items are charged differently, and depends on the fare plan on flights.

What does paid cargo mean? Starting from December 1, 2015, the airline introduced a fee for weight up to 23 kg per segment in the amount of 2000 rubles. according to the Economy Basic tariff plan.

Other passengers are allowed to carry it free of charge if it meets the following requirements:

Free carry-on luggage is accepted into the cabin, based on the following restrictions:

How much does it cost to transport cargo on an airplane? The air carrier offers free transportation baby strollers, bassinets, car seats of all sizes, regardless of whether they will be in hand luggage (the cradle of a collapsible stroller) or in checked luggage.

But the offer is valid only if a child under two years of age is transported at the same time.

If there is no child (for example, if the stroller is being taken as a gift), children's vehicles are transported as regular cargo.

How much should I pay above the norm?

The surcharge is indicated in the table:

Luggage volume Surcharge
Economy BasicEconomy FlexibleBusiness basicBusiness is flexible
Domestic passenger transportation(currency - rubles)
2 places4000 2000 2000 0
3 places6000 4000 4000 2000
23–32 kg2000 2000 0 0
32–50 kg4000
From 203 cm2000
International passenger transportation (currency - euro)*
1st place25 0 0 0
2 places50–105 25–80 25–80 0
3 places75–185 50–160 50–160 25–80
23–32 kg25–80 0
32–50 kg50–160
From 203 cm25–80
Flight from Thailand (currency - Thai baht)
1st place1000 0 0 0
2 places3400 2400 2400 0
3 places5800 4800 4800 2400
23–32 kg2400 0
32–50 kg4800
From 203 cm2400
Flight from China People's Republic(currency - Chinese yuan)**
1st place180 0 0 0
2 places840 660 660 0
3 places1500 1320 1320 660
23–32 kg660 0
32–50 kg1320
From 203 cm660

*Depends on direction.

** Except for flights from the capital of China, Beijing, to Khabarovsk and Vladivostok.

Passengers ask about baggage check-in online. The company warns that this is done only at the airport, at counters - regular or for receiving cargo.

You should also pay attention to additional information about payment:

How is “non-standard” transported?

There is a concept of oversized and heavy luggage. Then the dimensions exceed a total of 203 cm, and the weight is over 32 kilograms. In such cases, an individual company decision is necessary.

Refusal may follow if there is not enough space in the cargo compartment or the type of aircraft does not allow the carriage of such cargo.

If you need to take such luggage or need to reserve three standard seats , before the flight, send a corresponding request to the company through its website or call the help desk to make sure there are available seats.

"Additional norm"

Additional payment for the cost of baggage s7 is carried out when purchasing an air ticket through the website, at the airport, S7 Airlines Contact Center, and after purchase travel document- at the company's ticket offices or at the Contact Center.

As part of the “Additional baggage allowance” service, you are allowed to carry 5–15 kilograms in excess of the baggage allowance. The company allows you to use this service once.

The service is not available on flights:

  • from Moscow to Irkutsk, Chita, Ulan-ude, Yakutsk (and from Yakutsk);
  • from Beijing to Yekaterinburg, Omsk, Yakutsk;
  • from Novosibirsk to Vladivostok and back, from Urumqi to Novosibirsk.

If the weight of the additional cargo is less than the paid one, money is not returned to the passenger.

How much does luggage cost in s7? If there were more things, then at the airport you can pay the difference or get a full refund, minus a return fee (in accordance with the airline’s tariffs).

In some cases, the passenger may be refunded for baggage. s7 if he refused the flight or the flight was cancelled.

Transportation of animals

Often you need to take animals in containers on the road. Suggestions about free transportation do not apply to them.

Containers with pets are paid for as excess baggage, no matter how much luggage the passenger has.

Typically, containers with animals are placed in the luggage compartment if the total weight exceeds 8 kg and the total dimensions do not exceed 115 cm.

All registration procedures take place at the airport, It's impossible to do this online.

What else is taken into account?

To avoid any misunderstandings, you should pay attention to points that may affect the cost of baggage transportation.

The rules apply along the entire route if the flight is carried out on S7 Airlines flights.

How to pay for luggage in s7? Airplane baggage fees are valid one way, unless other conditions are provided for in the contract.

If a passenger has used a code-share service or a transfer that also involves partner companies, then free baggage transportation is carried out through the International Air Transport Association IATA.

Then the single “dominant” carrier rule applies. Information is clarified at the S7 Airlines contact center.

A passenger who is planning a flight on an airplane from Siberia Airlines should know what the rules are for carrying baggage and hand luggage on an S7 airplane in 2016. After all, the airline took this issue very seriously, so it specifically spelled out the basic requirements, as did other carriers. It would be useful to know in advance all these subtleties that an airplane passenger must take into account when transporting luggage. Knowing how much baggage costs on an S7 plane in 2016, you can easily plan how many things you can take.

Passengers air transport can take with them the necessary things, which are divided into two categories regarding size and weight:

  1. Hand luggage.
  2. Baggage.

When boarding the plane, luggage is not taken into the cabin, so the passenger does not have access to his belongings until the end of the flight. The S7 carry-on baggage will be close to the passenger, but you are only allowed to carry a certain bag size and permitted weight. The transportation rules state the following:

  1. For economy class, 1 seat per seat is allowed. special shelf, if the flight is carried out by 1 passenger.
  2. In business class cabins you can use 2 pieces or more weight of hand luggage than in economy class.
  3. If a flight is planned by two family members, then hand luggage is divided into two parts, that is, on one seat must accommodate both the passenger himself and his luggage carried in the cabin.

The average size of hand luggage allowed for carriage in the cabin by almost all air companies must correspond to the following dimensions:

  • height – 53-55 cm;
  • length – 35-40 cm;
  • thickness – 15-20 cm.

The sum of the dimensions of hand luggage on an S7 plane can be approximately 110-115 centimeters.

There are compartments above the seats for carrying hand luggage

Hand baggage weight

To find out exactly what weight of hand luggage is allowed to be carried in the cabin, you should visit the official website of the carrier company, since each company has special requirements for this item.
Usually you are allowed to take necessary things into the salon, the weight of which does not exceed 10 kilograms. And luggage, which is checked into a separate compartment of the aircraft, can weigh 20-23 kg. It should be remembered that if hand luggage carries more weight than allowed by the airline, passengers will have to pay extra for each extra kilogram. To prevent such a situation, you should clearly choose exactly those things that may be needed during the flight.

What things should you not have with you in the cabin?

Carrying baggage on an S7 aircraft must comply with the rules. That is, there are permitted and prohibited items for transportation on board. It is prohibited to take with liquid substances:

  • plain water and carbonated drinks;
  • liquid food;
  • eau de toilette and perfume;
  • liquid that is in a can.

You can have small amounts of water with you, up to about 1 liter per person. If passengers need to carry a certain item with them, which is in a sealed package, then it must be opened and poured into a regular container. There should be no more than 1 liter of such substance.

Please remember that each airline has its own baggage requirements. To accurately determine this issue, it is recommended to visit the official websites of carrier companies before flying.

If a flight is necessary for a sick person who always needs to have a certain amount of liquid or medicine on hand, then he must present a certificate to airline employees about his own health.

It is also prohibited to take home-made food into the salon. Passengers can only bring on board the aircraft what they purchased after passing mandatory controls in special waiting areas.

Other Important Requirements

Passengers are not allowed to transport products of animal origin in the cabin: skins and furs, elephant tusks and much more. You should not bring dairy or meat products with you. The exception is infant formula and meals prescribed to passengers by doctors.

Items containing lithium batteries may not be carried in carry-on or checked luggage. If passengers really need to transfer such luggage, then they need to be checked in separately. That is, indicate in the declaration that especially dangerous cargo is being transported in accordance with the procedure for transporting cargo by the company.

You cannot take on board firearms, as well as children's toys made in their analogue, and various types of ammunition. All types of explosives and flammable substances are prohibited. Cutting and sharp objects, including manicure scissors, are also prohibited. Such products must be in luggage, and passengers will have access to them after the air transport lands.

Allowed list

Passengers can carry the following items in hand luggage:

  • all types of documents, mobile devices, tablets and laptops. These things must be in the cabin to avoid an unpleasant situation when collecting luggage;
  • medications and injections. But as mentioned earlier, before boarding, a person who needs a constant supply of medications, for example, a diabetic, must show the employees a certificate of health. If medications are carried for preventive purposes, it is better to leave them in luggage;
  • baby formula if you need to feed your baby along the way;
  • drinking water no more than one liter per person. The liquid must be poured into plastic bottle and placed in a special bag with a zipper for secure fixation;
  • disabled or injured people are allowed to take crutches into the salon if the person cannot move without them;
  • electronic cigarettes, which must be packaged like the liquid, that is, in a plastic bag with a zipper.

Pay attention! Although electronic cigarettes can be taken on board, smoking them during the flight is strictly prohibited.

Baggage transportation costs

When purchasing air tickets, the cost of luggage is also taken into account. That is, the passenger will not pay anything extra for luggage if the weight and dimensions of the luggage comply with transportation standards. If the luggage weighs more, you will have to pay extra for exceeding the permissible size.
How much does luggage cost on an S 7 plane in 2016 if its weight is exceeded, the carrier’s company employees will say. This takes into account the weight and dimensions of both luggage and hand luggage. Carrying luggage on an airplane in S7, if you approach the issue in advance, is a simple and hassle-free matter.

Hand luggage is the cargo or version of baggage that a passenger takes and carries with him on board the airliner. Accordingly, when they talk about hand luggage, they mean a small handbag or bag with things acceptable for transportation. Airlines have a standard list of options for filling such cargo and an indication of its size. But at the same time, based on these recommendations, each carrier can independently determine the carry-on baggage allowance. For example, many are interested in S7 hand luggage. After all, this company is one of largest air carriers in the country. Therefore, it is worth studying what the size and weight of hand luggage should be on S7 planes in 2018, so that later at check-in or during security you do not get problems with baggage not being allowed in.

The size of S7 hand luggage is specified in the air carrier's rules, which are published on the company's official portal. For free baggage transportation, which includes hand luggage, the following rules apply:

  1. Number of seats (the airline operates on the basis of the number of seats, not kilograms): for 1 seat - 1 bag
  2. Luggage weight – on average, hand luggage now weighs 10 kg
  3. Luggage size in three dimensions (length-height-width): 55 by 40 by 20 cm

As for dividing luggage bags by number of pieces, this is a new service for Russians. It means that you can carry no more than the permissible number of bags on board, even if they do not reach the permitted weight. So, for example, splitting 10 kg into 2 bags if you are given only 1 piece of hand luggage will not work. The second package can be sent as luggage.

Divide by class of service

If we look at the size tables in detail, the size of hand luggage on the S7 plane in 2018 looks like this:

  • For Economy Basic, 10 kg of weight with a size no larger than 55x40x20 cm is allowed.
  • For Economy Flexible, it is allowed to carry a weight of 10 kg with a size not exceeding 55x40x20 cm
  • For Business Basic you can carry a weight of up to 15 kg, a size not exceeding that in other tariffs (here you are allowed to have 2 pieces of luggage)
  • For Business Flexible, the same conditions apply as for Business Basic (the same with the number of pieces of luggage)

The dimensions of hand luggage on S7 aircraft in 2018 are important. After all, it is intended for transportation only on shelves designed for laying out bags in the aircraft cabin. Each of these is designed for the luggage of all passengers in half a row at once. Therefore, if the requirements for hand luggage, be it S7 (C7) or Aeroflot, or any other company, are not met, passengers will simply have nowhere to put their things. And this is already a threat on board and the creation of a nervous environment.

Filling hand luggage

The size of carry-on luggage on S7 planes means that the overhead bin bag will accommodate a variety of items. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the list of permitted and prohibited items for transportation. After all, this directly determines whether you will be allowed on the plane.

The items allowed for transportation are as follows:

  • Mobile phone
  • Camera
  • Laptop
  • Tablet
  • Camcorder
  • Outerwear
  • Lady's bag and men's briefcase
  • Cane

People with disabilities are allowed to take crutches and even a wheelchair onto the plane, but only if these items can fit compactly in the overhead bin or under the seat.

Passengers with children are allowed to check in strollers, baby food, a cradle and a car seat as hand luggage. True, this is only possible if the flight is made with a child.

The size of hand luggage on an S7 aircraft must be such as not to cause inconvenience to other passengers. If there are any doubts about the comfort of any items, for example, the same strollers, for other passengers, they are checked for compliance with the dimensions and weighed.

Prohibited carry-on items

Be sure to study the list of prohibited substances. These include:

  • Weapons and explosives
  • Radioactive items
  • Toxic substances and various poisons
  • Gaseous and flammable substances
  • Oxidizing liquids and corrosive substances

It is also important to understand that the air carrier can independently determine the list of what cannot be carried on board.

Liquid restrictions

When packing hand luggage for S7 flights in accordance with baggage standards, it is important to consider the restrictions on the carriage of liquids in it. Thus, you can take no more than 1 liter of various liquid items into the aircraft cabin. Moreover, each of them must be packaged in bottles no larger than 100 ml. This applies to perfumes, toothpaste, and other similar options.

Are animals included in carry-on luggage?

Animals are often transported in the cabin of an airliner. True, when it comes to small pets, which are also housed in special cages. However, they are not considered carry-on baggage and require an additional charge as excess baggage. To register them for transportation, you need to arrive at the port in advance - 3 hours before the plane departs, because You still need to undergo veterinary control.

Cost of hand luggage

In general, on S7 planes, hand luggage whose dimensions match the declared ones is carried free of charge. But many people are interested in whether they can simply take it and pay extra if there is an advantage, for example. This question arises by analogy with regular luggage, for which you can always pay extra for extra kilos.

Experts answer that this approach is unacceptable for hand luggage, and all this for the same reason limited capacity luggage racks on an airplane. After all, if someone is allowed to pay extra for excess weight or large dimensions, this means that someone else will no longer be able to place their bag. Carrying such things under the seat is not allowed.

This means that everything that exceeds the dimensions established by the rules must be packed in the luggage compartment or in a suitcase. You can check whether your hand luggage meets the established requirements directly at the airport - there are special restrictors in which you can place your bag and make sure it complies with the established standards.
