The largest canyons on earth. The deepest canyon on earth The deepest gorge in the world

"An American tightrope walker crossed the Grand Canyon without a safety net."
Let him try to cross South Butovo without a safety net, rope or pole.

Majestic, alluring, mysterious Grand Canyon. To your possible surprise, despite such a strong name, it is far from the first in size in a series of the largest canyons in the world. so great that over the millennia of its existence, the Earth has been able to store sensations and pleasant surprises even for the most experienced lovers of its natural beauty.
Today Dekatop will gallop through the canyons, providing you with clear and compelling evidence that we still know how to excite your spoiled imagination. Still, we are talking about majestic height and depth created by Mother Nature herself. So, the 10 largest canyons, in ascending order.


This canyon impresses observers with its scope, namely: almost 2 kilometers deep and 82 kilometers long. This is the largest canyon in Europe, it is famous for its amazing nature, unique monuments and educational sightseeing tours including on rafts. I’m familiar with this canyon firsthand, so I’ll tell you something. A road passes through the canyon that connects the north and south of Montenegro; this 80 km section of the road is considered the most dangerous place in the Balkans, as my friend says, “Jedna greska i ti si gotov” (One mistake and you’re “ready”). The road goes from one side to the other of the canyon, sometimes so narrow that oncoming buses and trucks pass them in turn.
In the narrowest places, the mountains come so close on both sides that there is a feeling of being squeezed, given their height, little sunlight reaches the bottom of the canyon. When it rains, picturesque waterfalls flow down from the mountains, introducing another danger: rockfalls onto the road.
Once I had to spend the night in a canyon. In the middle of the night, the tunnels are closed for repairs, a detour is simply impractical in terms of time and distance, then cars line up and people go to bed. Pine trees miraculously grow on the walls of the canyon, complementing the unreal picture.


Unlike the Grand Canyon, the banks of the Blyde River, which formed it, are absolutely covered with greenery, just like in the song. And this canyon is also incredibly beautiful: rising to a height of 1000 meters, its walls drop steeply to the bottom of the river, opening up views of a 450-meter waterfall and the “Window of God” plateau.


His National Park is a chain of separate and connected canyons and gorges formed by six rivers. Many tourists have the opportunity to watch the canyon while traveling by train along railway"El Chepe", rising to a height of more than 2,400 meters.


The peculiarity of the Peruvian canyon is its “sharpness” - just like that, unexpectedly, it collapses more than three thousand meters down. This is the dictate of the whimsical fantasy of the Cotahuasi River, running between two majestic mountain ranges.


The depth of this canyon is 3,400 meters. It is located 180 kilometers from Arequipa, a Peruvian city, and was formed during the high seismic activity of the Sabancaya and Hualca volcanoes. Colca Canyon is considered an ideal place for rafting and mountain biking enthusiasts.


The unusual name of this canon is reinforced by its unique beauty: it is incredibly impressive to visualize, since it is 161 kilometers long. True, it is not as deep as its relatives, since it “dives” only 550 meters down.


This canyon was formed by the Colorado River, which over millions of years eroded the plateau of the same name. The length of the Great Miracle is 446 kilometers, the width, taking into account the level of the plateau, reaches 29 kilometers, and the depth is an impressive 1,800 meters.


The Kali River was named after the great Hindu goddess, as dark and mysterious as its waters. The exact depth of the Gorge is not yet known, since researchers of the canyon cannot come to a consensus on where its edge is located. But if you measure the canyon from the very peak, it could well become the deepest at an altitude of 6,800 meters.


This canyon differs from its peers not only in its stunning scale, but also in its considerable age. Its valley was formed millions of years ago. The length of the canyon is almost 450 kilometers, and the width is about 30.


A scientific expedition, which was organized by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, called this canyon the first in length and the greatest among the deep gorges of the world. Its length is 504,600 kilometers, and its greatest depth is 6,009 meters.

November 12, 2012, 10:03 pm

Canyons are some of the most dramatic landscapes on the planet. They boast fantastic landscapes and incredible sizes. Most of them are formed by the erosion of rock by fast river flows over millions of years. Every continent is home to many of these amazing natural formations. Below are some of the most beautiful canyons in the world. Antelope Canyon, USA. This is an amazing creation of nature, representing bizarre sandy rocks with giant crevices, illuminated by a delightful magical light. Over the course of several centuries, water and wind carved depressions of several hundred meters in the red sandstone. Every few years, during heavy rains, each canyon, usually dry during the year, is flooded with water. It was rainwater, slowly flowing down and carrying grains of sand with it, that over many years formed these graceful relief lines inside the rocks. The canyon got its name thanks to the red-red walls that resemble the skin of an antelope. The best time to visit is in spring and autumn: March - April and October - November. At this time, the sun's rays penetrate to the very bottom and the canyons look as if a bright light is burning inside a dark palace. In winter, the lighting in the canyons is quite weak - it is quite gloomy inside, with deep shadows and flat topography. Blyde River Canyon, South Africa. This unusual canyon, which forms part of the line separating the great plateau South Africa from the Lowveld plain in the east, is one of the most beautiful places in Africa. The escarpment, about 1000 m high, drops steeply to the bottom of the Blyde River canyon. The ancient granite domes of the Drakensberg Mountains in South Africa's Transvaal, separated by chasms, rise like giants above the winding valleys of the Blyde River canyon. This is the third largest canyon in the world. The Blyde River Canyon looks huge from any angle. observation platforms you haven’t looked at this twenty-six kilometer gorge. Lush hills covered with subtropical greenery, sharp bends of the river, impressive potholes and varied fauna The canyon is very picturesque.
Charyn Canyon, Kazakhstan.
The Charyn River flows 200 km east of Almaty. It originates in the foothills of the Trans-Ili Alatau and flows into the Ili. During her life, Charyn carved such a deep and picturesque canyon into the ground, which in its uniqueness can only be compared with the Grand Canyon of Colorado. The Charyn Canyon is an abyss more than 200 meters deep. The banks of the river are impregnable rock walls. Then the rocks give way to sedimentary rocks, from which nature has created fabulous sculptures. Grandiose colonnades of red and reddish-brown rocks contrast with the pointed blue-black pyramids. A kingdom of mountains with formations of sand castles, valleys and rocky gorges against the backdrop of a bright blue azure sky.
Charyn Canyon is a unique monument nature, preserved from the Paleogene era. Its age is more than 30 million years. Such natural landscapes have been preserved in only a few places in the world.
Colca Canyon, Peru.
This is the deepest canyon in the world, its depth from the bottom to mountain peaks reaches 3400 m. It is twice as large as the Grand Canyon in America and, unlike it, is suitable for life and agriculture.
This canyon was formed by the flow of the river of the same name, and along the entire path to it you can see numerous andenes - agricultural stepped terraces. King's Canyon, Australia. Ancient sandstone walls and giant rocky cliffs are the main feature of Australia's Royal Canyon. The delightful Royal Canyon is located in the Red Center of Australia, 323 kilometers from Alice Springs. The height of its walls in some places reaches 300 meters, and the total length exceeds two kilometers. Once sacred to the Aboriginal people, the land of King's Canyon is now one of Australia's top attractions. Canyon of the Tara River, Montenegro This is the longest canyon in Montenegro. Its length is 82 km and its depth is 1300 m. The Tara River Canyon is the deepest canyon in Europe. Flowing through the territory of the national park, the river forms many waterfalls and cascades, which are known as The Montenegrian Colorado. The canyon has rocky and pebble terraces, sandy beaches, high cliffs and more than 80 large caves. Unfortunately, there are plans to flood the Tara River gorge and build a hydroelectric power station on the river. So far, the efforts of advocates to preserve the gorge remain in vain. Chulyshman Canyon, Russia
The Chulyshman Canyon, a nominee for the “7 Wonders of Russia” competition, is located in the Ulagansky district in the high mountain zone of the eastern part of the Altai Republic. The beautiful Chulyshman River flows here. The Chulyshman Valley is amazingly picturesque. The decoration of the Chulyshman River are numerous waterfalls. The uniqueness of the Chulyshman Canyon as a landscape-geographical area is that it bears traces of the ancient glaciation of Altai, as well as secondary landforms of aeolian origin - stone mushrooms, pyramids, pillars. Copper Canyon, Mexico. According to ancient legend, the canyons of the Sierra Tarahumara were formed during the creation of the world, when the stones were not yet frozen and pliable. Barranca del Cobre is a group of canyons located in 6 different locations in the Sierra Tarahumara in the northwestern Mexican state of Chihuahua. The Copper Canyon system is larger and deeper than the Grand Canyon in the United States. Its area covers 60,000 km². The canyon has gained worldwide fame not only thanks to its incomparable landscapes, but also to the railway along which you can ride on the comfortable Chepe train. The compartment windows offer magnificent views of mountains and high waterfalls, as well as picturesque villages. Verdon Gorge, France
The Verdon Gorge in southeastern France is considered by many to be the most beautiful canyon in Europe. The gorge is 25 kilometers long and rises 700 meters from the Verdon River, which flows along its bottom.
The river itself, whose name comes from its bright emerald color, is the most attractive part of the gorge. Glen Canyon, USA.
It doesn't matter how much you've heard about him or how many photographs you've seen. Glen Canyon, and in particular the place called Horseshoe Bend, will make you admire the beauty of these landscapes again and again.

The horseshoe meander is just another creation of the mighty Colorado River, but something makes this particular place captivating.

Waimea Canyon, Hawaii.
Also known as the Grand Canyon Pacific Ocean, Waimea Canyon stretches 16 kilometers in length in the west of the island of Kauai. Its width reaches one and a half kilometers, and its depth in places exceeds 1000 meters. The canyon was formed more than a thousand years ago as a result of rains, severe floods and the overflow of the river of the same name, which left fabulous evidence of the creative forces of nature.
Numerous hiking trails pass over the gorge, allowing you to admire its view, as well as at the bottom of the canyon among dense jungle, red rocks and tropical vegetation.

Yarlung Tsangpo Grand Canyon, Tibet, China.
The Yarlung Tsangpo Grand Canyon is 240 kilometers long, an incredible work of the mighty Yarlung River. The latest Chinese studies, conducted at the end of the last century, claim that the average depth of the gorge is five thousand meters, and in fact deep place reaches 6009 meters. Therefore, Yarlung Tsangpo is considered by many to be the deepest canyon in the world.

Grand Canyon, USA. There are many wonders in the world, everyone can say, but it is safe to say that the Grand Canyon and its landscape are incomparable. The canyon is believed to be at least 10 million years old. It is in the Grand Canyon, more than anywhere else, that one can trace what has happened to our planet over the time since which the canyon has existed. This is the most amazing place, which is still growing.

Canyons are one of the most amazing and attractive creations of nature. For millions of years, turbulent river streams flowed across the surface of the planet, neutralizing all obstacles in their path and gradually eroding deep valleys. Over time, the stormy streams of water dried up, and in their place only deep gorges remained. TravelAsk will tell you about the largest of these gorges.

Deepest in the solar system

There are canyons not only on our planet, but also on neighboring ones. Thus, scientists have discovered the largest canyon in the solar system on one of Pluto’s moons, Charon. Its length is about 700 kilometers and its depth reaches 9 kilometers.

The deepest on Earth

Well, now let's take a break from space. High in the Himalayas, in Northern India, near the sacred Mount Kailash, there is the deepest canyon on the planet - Yarlung Tsangpo. Its average depth is 4,876 meters, and its maximum is 6,009 meters. But it is not only the depth that is impressive here, but also the length: the length of the canyon is more than 500 kilometers. The landscapes are breathtaking.

The last time researchers visited these places was in 1994, it was then that the canyon was recognized as the deepest in the world.

The Brahmaputra River, which is also called the “Everest of rivers,” flows through the canyon. And it was not by chance that this name was given to it: river rafting is extreme, and there have been fatal cases (including among researchers). But the river still attracts daredevils on kayaks.

On the southern slope of the canyon is the most high peak Eastern Himalayas - Namchabarwa, its height is 7,782 meters.

And below, the Brahmaputra still runs, which from the height of the peak looks like a thin, barely perceptible thread, lost among the mighty mountains.

The canyon is surrounded by tall mountains (Tibet is Tibet), some of them with snow-capped peaks, so it is popular among climbers.

The Yarlung Tsangpo ecosystem is unique: depending on the altitude, the climate here varies from arctic to subtropical. There are many endemics here, both among plants and among the animal world: for example, the takin lives in these mountains.

Who else is in the top three?

In second place is the Kali Gandaki Gorge in Nepal, but its height is still debated. If the depth were measured from the highest peaks on either side and down to the river, it would be the deepest canyon in the world (approximately 6,800 meters). Therefore, while this fact is unclear, let Kali-Gandaki be in second place.

The third place is occupied, perhaps, by the most famous canyon― Grand Canyon. Its depth is about 1800 meters, and it stretches for 445 kilometers.

Grand Canyon or Great Canyon is largest gorge in the world. It is located in the US state of Arizona, on the picturesque Cororado Plateau. Today the canyon is part of the Grand Canyon National Park, as well as the Hualapai, Havasupai and Navajo Indian reservations.

The Grand Canyon is located in north-central Arizona, on the Colorado River. It stretches from Marble Gorge to the Grand Wash Cliffs. Its length is 446 km, its width is 16 km, and its depth is at least 1800 km.

History of the discovery of Grand Canyon

The largest gorge in the world is a huge geological landmark. Scientists believe that the Anasazi Indians, who inhabited these lands more than 1000 years ago, were the first to discover it. The massive gorge was also visited by conquistadors from Spain. However, the gloomy canyon did not evoke positive emotions in them, so for many years only Indians lived near it.

The term “canyon” was also coined by the Spaniards. Translated, this word means “chimney.” History has preserved the names of people who tried to convert local Indians to Christianity. For example, Father Garces was such a missionary. In 1776 he arrived at the Grand Canyon, among the Havasupai tribe. He failed to persuade the Indians to his faith, but he was the first to mark the river that flowed nearby. Garces named it “Colorado,” which means “colored” in Spanish.

Features of the largest gorge in the world

The Grand Canyon looks very impressive. This is an incredibly huge chasm, cut by the turbulent streams of the Colorado. The river continues to gradually deepen the gorge. Every day it washes out tons of gravel and clay from there, carrying them away with its strong current. During floods, water even carries away large rocks.

The largest gorge in the world is a product of the powerful waters of Colorado. The river penetrated deeper and deeper into the ground, creating a canyon. Millions of years passed before it became what we see today. A very interesting fact is that in this place the earth’s crust gradually rose. Over 5 million years, its rise was 1200 m. Thus, the plateau rose, and the river flow crashed into it, washing away soft limestones, shales and sandstones.

At the moment, granites, the most ancient rocks, have already appeared at the bottom of the Grand Canyon. Their destruction is very slow. The waters of the Colorado River rush through the canyon at a speed of about 20 km per hour. They take with them huge masses of clay and sand. Therefore, the water in the river is completely opaque. The destructive effect of the flow is enhanced by sand and stones. Over time, even very strong granite wears out from such exposure.

Grand Canyon is a spectacular place

The boundless space of the largest gorge in the world does not look like a hole in the earth's crust. It is full of piles of cliffs of the most bizarre shapes. Under the influence of wind, water and landslides the walls Grand Canyon took the shape of huge towers, pyramids and fortress walls. This is an incredibly majestic and beautiful sight.

The powerful walls of the canyon are covered with multi-colored stripes due to layers of different rocks. The color of the gorge looks different depending on the time of day and season. Condors, hawks, eagles and other birds soar over the abyss. Agaves, cacti and yuccas grow on the slopes of the largest gorge in the world. In its upper part you can see fir and pine trees.

Is it possible to get to the bottom of the gorge?

You can go down to the Grand Canyon if you are brave enough. To get from the edge of the gorge to the river bank, you will need to walk about 11 km. The descent will take several hours. Going back up is much more difficult. There are warning signs throughout the canyon that it is not recommended to descend and ascend on the same day. This is due to changes in temperature and pressure. There are very noticeable temperature changes there. If the temperature at the top is 15 degrees, then at the bottom it rises to 40 degrees.

If you look at the canyon from above, it looks dry and gloomy. It is characterized by stepped slopes. This type is due to the dry climate. There is practically no rain here, which could erode the top layer of rocks. The slopes of the huge gorge clearly show the geological development of the planet. The oldest rocks are about 1.7 billion years old! Today the largest gorge in the world is considered a National Park. More than 100 million tourists visited it. Since 1979, it has been considered a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.

When people talk about canyons, they remember the Grand Canyon... and that’s it :). However, the unusual relief and picturesque landscape make the canyons an excellent place for active recreation. Often they you we you exactly the mountains mi rivers ami , which means that lovers of hiking and trekking will find something to do. And, of course, there is somewhere to swim;).

N The main thing is that you don’t have to go to America to enjoy these benefits. There are canyons in Europe and Asia! Today we'll talk about those European which are easy to reach.

Tara Canyon

Dinaric Alps

Montenegro is famous for many beautiful places.This time she gets the palmCanyon of the Tara River - the largest in Europe. The length of this miracle of nature is 82 km , in some places the height of the walls reaches more 1 3 00 meters! Tara is only 500m behind Colorado,and its canyon is considered the deepest in Europe.

All around - beautiful emerald mountains, cool gorges and waterfalls. The entire area is partDurmitor National Park and included in the list World Heritage UNESCO. Around the canyon rise the mountains Lyubyshnya, Zlatni Bor, Synyaevina and the famous Durmitor.

Click on the photo!

The Djurdzhevich arch bridge was built across the river. The height above the water is 160 m - this is the highest road bridge in the country and throughout Europe.

This one has interesting history of the bridge:

It was designed by Miyat Troyanovich, the chief engineer was Isaac Russo. Construction has ended in 1937. One of the engineers, Lazar Yanukovych, during World War II deliberately blew up the bridge so that it could later be rebuilt, for which he was executed by the occupation authorities.A Dzhurdzhevich - just a farmer whose house stood nearby, and now his name is immortalized :). The bridge survived the Second world war, was restored in 1946 and it's still there traces of bullets remained.

Tara is the dream of lovers of rafting, rafting and canyoning. If you like active recreation on the water, be sure to visit Montenegro - you won’t regret it.

Vikos Canyon

Pindus Mountains, Greece

AND graceful and beautiful - to match the country he represents,it soars 1.6 km (1600m) into the sky, and the width in some places does not exceed several meters. Technically, Vikos is not a canyon, but a gorge.The difference is determined by the ratio of depth and width. Thus, it is considered the deepest gorge in the world and is even listed in the Guinness Book of Records. Bottom line: in Montenegro there is the deepest European canyon, and in Greece there is a gorge :).

Rich nature Vikos-Aoos Park, the crystal waters of the Vodojmati River and the warm Balkan climate fill trails life, light and harmony.A distinctive feature of this area, which, by the way, is called Zagorochoria, is the stone arched bridges. Beautiful, openwork, they are recognized as the most beautiful in the Balkans. You go to It seems as if a muse or a nymph is about to run out of the forest... And could ancient civilization have arisen in less beautiful conditions? The villages of this mountain hinterland are also charismatic: cobbled streets, stone houses overlooking rocky massifs... There are many rock monasteries along the trails.

By the way, Vikos is just a few hours drive from Thessaloniki (read “from the sea”), which makes it a great addition to the beach th vacation . Perhaps for friends or family, hiking in Vikos will be a good introduction to active recreation;).

We have a hike around Vikos - join us)

Ordesa River Canyon

Catalan Pyrenees, Spain

The pearl of Spain, proud Catalonia, stores priceless treasures of nature, and among them is the unique canyon of the Ordesa River. Of all the “Europeans”, in the shape and outline of the walls, he is most reminiscent of “Big Brother”. The height in different places varies from400 to 1000 meters. And the peaks that surround Ordesa reach 3000m! If Tara amazes with its rich greenery, then here there are exactly those rocky cliffs that you imagine when you think about a canyon. Ancient rocks are corroded by time and rain, the mountains around bristle with sharp peaks... The mouth of the river is overgrown with deciduous forest, in which wild animals and tourists roam. By the way, there are more of the latter :)

Ordesa is located in national park Ordesa y Monte Perdido. Monte Perdido (3355m) is the third highest peak in the Pyrenees and you can climb it (or at least closer to it) from canyon a . Settlements There is a separate attraction in the park. After all, they are essentially real medieval castles! And even against the backdrop of the mountains...

Walking routes from Torla or Oto (the most famous castles) lead along the river through picturesque forests between the walls of the gorge and take off into panoramic alpine meadows, from which the highest snowy peaks of the Pyrenees are already visible. Cool, right? ;)

Canyons of Europe- an excellent holiday decoration, addition to active recreation and simply amazing views!

By the way, these are the ones you can go with us :) Sign up for hikes - we will be glad to discover the world with you!
