The most interesting places on the planet. Places with the best climate for human life in the world The most comfortable place to live

Cannot select best place on Earth, because in every part of the world, in every country there is something to see, something to be imbued with. But every tourist and person who loves to travel and is looking for inspiration is obliged to visit the ten places that will be presented below. Photos will never be able to convey the unimaginable beauty that each of the listed places conceals.

Tenth place is occupied by unusual colored rocks, which are located in China, Gansu province. UNESCO World Heritage has listed this natural wonder under its protection, as the amazing rocks look like they were painted by Pablo Picasso. The rock formation, consisting of colored sandstones and conglomerates of the Mesozoic era, looks impressive, especially against the backdrop of the grayness of the large cities that are located near the province. Artists come here to gain inspiration, and ordinary people come to see this unusual phenomenon with their own eyes.

Ninth place is occupied by the horizontal twin waterfalls in Talbot Bay, Australia. The continent itself boasts a large number of places that truly seem to be natural wonders, untouched by man. But those who seek thrills and dote on extreme sports, you simply must visit these unusual waterfalls. Their horizontal flow is due to the fact that a huge stream of water rushes at high speed through the mountain range and gorges, creating a temporary waterfall. Daredevils will probably appreciate this dangerous journey along the seething streams of water and will be able to fully enjoy the beauty of this unusual phenomenon.

Eighth place in the TOP is occupied by one of the largest caves on the planet - Hang Son Dong, which is located in Vietnam. This miracle of nature is so magnificent that, even looking at the photo, you get the feeling of how small people are, because the height of the cave is 240 meters and the width is almost one kilometer. In such a huge area you can place an entire airport with several aircraft. But it is useless to describe this miracle of nature, because you need to see such a creation of nature yourself.

Volcano Erebus is on the seventh line of our hit parade. For humanity, volcanoes pose a danger, but this does not make them any less incredible and amazing. Many people risk their lives in order to take a couple of shots of active and dormant volcanoes on our planet. People are accustomed to volcanoes looking standard: a green base and a snow cap. But Erebus Volcano is an exception to all the rules, since it is a block of ice on the coldest continent on Earth - Antarctica. Yes, it is quite difficult to get to it, because expeditions to the South Pole are not carried out very often, but whenever possible it is worth visiting this miracle of nature. Ice caps peeking out from under mountain ranges release gas and even lava, which among eternal ice and the permafrost looks amazing even in the photo.

The sixth position is rightfully occupied by flower valleys in India. For the fair sex, plantations of various flowers listed in the Red Book will be the best gift. But the stronger sex will not be left without impressions, because the beauty of this heavenly place Planet Earth is fascinating. When you find yourself in a flower valley, you get the feeling that this place is completely untouched by man.

The most beautiful places on the planet: top five

The fifth position among the most unusual places is occupied by Plitvice Lakes that are in Croatia. The crystal clear water flowing along the green slopes is mesmerizing. The flowers of India are undoubtedly beautiful, but as it was once said: “You can look at three things: a working man, fire and water.” Anyone can get inspired, plunge into the clear water of lakes and simply see pristine nature with their own eyes. Blue waters will be comparable to lagoons Pacific Ocean by its beauty.

The fourth place rightfully belongs to the reed flute cave in China. It is Asia that has always attracted travelers because of its unusual structures and beauty that cannot be found in other parts of the world. China is full of mysteries, and the Reed Flute Cave is proof of this. Those who have been there claim spiritual cleansing and complete relaxation that cannot be found anywhere else on Earth.

Chocolate hills in the Philippines are ranked third in the TOP. They are named so not because of the cocoa beans, but because these hills resemble truffle candies. Those with a sweet tooth will absolutely appreciate such a “delicious” place. But in fact, the basis of the hills is one of the varieties of limestone, which in summer periods gives the hills that color.

The penultimate, second place in the hit parade of beautiful corners of our planet is occupied by Pink Lake, which is located in West Africa. This name of the reservoir was given for a reason: its color is bright pink at any time of the year. The salinity of the water in this lake is several times greater than in the Dead Sea, and among its inhabitants there is only one bacterium, which gives the reservoir such an unusual color. From a bird's eye view, the lake looks impressive, because it is surrounded by African jungles and a deep ocean.

And the leader, closing the TOP 10, is the Uyuni salt marsh in Bolivia. It would seem that what could be unusual in salt deposits? Absolutely right - nothing. But only as long as during the rainy season these amazing places doesn't flood. The salt marsh turns into a mirror surface in which the whole world is reflected. At this time, Uyuni attracts tourists who take extraordinary pictures.

(average: 4,23 out of 5)

The reputable analytical company Economist Intelligence Unit has published a rating best cities in the world to live for 2011. Two were included in the rating Russian cities: St. Petersburg took 68th place, and Moscow - 70th.

The company's experts assessed the quality of life in 140 cities in different countries based on 30 parameters, including safety, healthcare, social stability, education, infrastructure development, availability of goods and services, the state of the environment and the diversity of cultural life.

According to tradition, we will start from the last, 10th place. So…

10th place. Auckland, New Zealand, 95.7 points

In 10th place is Auckland. This largest city New Zealand with a population of about 1.3 million people, accounting for a quarter of the country's total population.

Today Auckland is the economic and cultural center of New Zealand. The city is not rich in historical sights, but with its picturesque beauty Auckland strikes many hearts of those who come here for the first time.

high-rise tower Sky Tower(Sky Tower) 328 meters high - tallest structure in the Southern Hemisphere:

Auckland is surrounded by three sea bays, and there are 48 extinct volcanoes within the city limits.

Night Auckland:

Panorama of Auckland from the Sky Tower (clickable 2500 x 651 px):

9th place. Adelaide, Australia, 95.9 points

9th place belongs to the capital and itself big city state of South Australia fifth largest city in the country with a population of more than 1.1 million people - to the city Adelaide.

It is named after the queen - the wife of the King of Great Britain and Hanover, William IV, who sat on the throne from 1830 to 1837.

The city is located on the ocean. The central part of Adelaide is multi-storey, with several modern skyscrapers, and is small, while the rest of the city is one or two storey in nature. Perfect cleanliness, neatness and impeccable finishing of buildings are the hallmark of Adelaide.

Victoria Fountain:

Tourists are attracted here to Adelaide by Australia's third largest Kangaroo Island, a wildlife sanctuary with a colony of sea lions and an excellent coastline for fishing.

Kangaroo Island:

The average income per worker in Adelaide does not differ from that of the country, however, the standard of living and property costs here are significantly lower than in other major Australian cities.

8th place. Perth, Australia, 95.9 points

Perth is the largest city and capital of the state of Western Australia with a population of about 1,200,000 people, located on the shores of the Indian Ocean.

The city is considered one of the main economic centers of Australia. Gold, diamonds and nickel are mined here. It is here that the world's largest open deposits of gold and nickel are located in the Kalgoorlie region, as well as the world's largest diamond-bearing area, the Kimberley, which is the main competitor of the South African and Yakut diamond deposits.

Modern skyscrapers are a characteristic feature of the Perth cityscape:

Perth is called "The Pearl of Australia". Ancient buildings, a convenient pedestrian area in the center of Perth, and beautiful views of the river make Perth very attractive to tourists.

(clickable 1575 x 656 px):

One of the attractions is Wolf Creek Meteor Crater:

Many are attracted by Perth's mild and even Mediterranean climate, magnificent beaches, restaurants, bars and nightclubs.

7th place. Sydney, Australia, 96.1 points

Australia's largest city to the south east coast- Sydney. It is twice the size of another giant city - New York, and the main problem for all travelers is how to manage to see as much as possible.

The number of parks and green oases makes Sydney unlike other major cities on the planet: next to the skyscrapers in the City - 34 hectares of territory Royal Botanic Gardens:

In the summer, all life in Sydney moves from the City to the beaches: there are more than 20 city beaches and a dozen harbours. The most famous beach is Bondi - favorite place surfers in Sydney.

(clickable 2000 x 792 px):

In the evening, Sydney is incredibly beautiful: on the waterfront, the lights of skyscrapers pierce the water of the harbor. One of Sydney's most recognizable buildings - Sydney Opera House:

Another main attraction of Sydney is the Harbor Bridge. It is the city's largest bridge and one of the largest steel arch bridges in the world. (clickable 2500 x 911 px):

Aerial view of Sydney, Harbor Bridge and Sydney Opera House:

6th place. Helsinki, Finland, 96.2 points

Helsinki is the capital and largest city of Finland with a population of 578 thousand people.

The city's streets curve around the bays, bridges connect the islands, and ferries communicate with remote islands. Helsinki is permeated with the smell of the sea, and the ports are constantly noisy from arriving and departing ships.

Helsinki is the center of business, education, culture and science in Finland. Greater Helsinki is home to 8 universities and 6 technology parks.

View of the city center. One of the attractions of Helsinki is the Cathedral:

70% of foreign companies operating in Finland are located in this city.

Built on peninsulas and islands of the Baltic coastline, Helsinki is a maritime city.

5th place. Calgary, Canada, 96.6 points

Calgary is the largest city in the province of Alberta in Canada, in the foothills and prairies area, approximately 80 km east of the Canadian watershed Rocky Mountains.

The city is one of the sunniest in Canada- The sun shines there on average 2400 hours a year.

Calgary is located in the transition zone between the foothills of the Canadian Rockies and the Canadian Prairies, so its topography is quite hilly. The elevation of downtown Calgary is approximately 1048 m above sea level.

Life in Calgary, one way or another, revolves around oil production. Its deposits were discovered at the beginning of the 20th century. Despite this, this city is considered by many organizations one of the cleanest in the world.

Olympic Plaza. In the distance you can see a famous landmark - the Calgary Tower, 91 m high. It is designed in such a way that, swaying slightly in the wind, even with very strong gusts it maintains its stability:

Downtown Calgary, 2010 (clickable 2000 x 561 px):

4th place. Toronto, Canada, 97.2 points

Toronto is Canada's largest city and the capital of the province of Ontario. The city received its current name in 1834.

Toronto is Canada's most diverse city, with about 49% of its residents being immigrants. View of the city from a helicopter, November 2010:

Toronto is also home to longest street in the world- Young Street, listed in the Guinness Book of Records and having a length of 1896 km. Here is located largest zoo in the world. The area of ​​the zoo is 283 hectares. Here, in conditions close to their natural habitat, about 5,000 different animals are kept.

View from above of Toronto from the other side:

"CN tower" - world's tallest TV tower, built back in 1976. Its height with the spire is 553 meters, and at an altitude of 446 meters there is a closed observation deck.

It is difficult to find a point here where the TV tower is not visible:

The Toronto Islands are a great place for relaxation and picnics. They love to come out here local residents and tourists. View of the city from the island:

The main attraction of the Toronto area is Niagara Falls. It is located between lakes Ontario and Erie on the border with the United States, 140 km from Toronto:

This is how Toronto looks like in the near future (clickable, 1700 x 802):

3rd place. Melbourne, Australia, 97.5 points

Melbourne is Australia's second largest city with a population of about 3.8 million and the capital of the state of Victoria. The city is considered one of the main commercial, industrial and cultural centers of Australia. It is also often called sports and cultural capital countries.

Melbourne is rightfully considered the most picturesque city in Australia. There is exquisite Victorian architecture and wonderful nature here.

Connoisseurs of Victorian architecture should take a stroll along Swanston Street. It is the main street of the city:

Anyone who wants to see the whole of Melbourne at once should go up to the observation deck of the Rialto Tower. This is a skyscraper whose height is 253 meters.

View from the Rialto Tower (clickable, 2000 x 548 px):

One of the attractions is the Victoria Arts Centre:

Yarra River, Melbourne:

2nd place. Vienna, Austria, 97.9 points

Vienna - capital of Austria, located in the eastern part of the country. The population of Vienna including its suburbs is about 2.3 million.

This is one of the most charming cities in Europe, located on the banks of the Danube.

Vienna is worldwide famous center music, thanks to a long line of famous musicians who lived and worked in this city: Mozart, Beethoven, Haydn, Schubert.

There is also luxurious palaces, and majestic squares, picturesque streets and numerous public gardens. One of the most recognizable buildings in the city is the Town Hall:

The Hofburg is the winter residence of the Austrian Habsburgs and the main seat of the imperial court in Vienna. Currently - official residence President of Austria. In total there are 2600 halls and rooms:

Located not far from the capital Vienna Woods - mountain range in Austria. This is wonderful natural area recreation - a whole forest area with its own towns and hotels, resorts and thermal springs:

1st place. Vancouver, Canada, 98.0 points

So, we got to 1st place. According to the analytical company Economist Intelligence Unit, the best city on earth to live is Vancouver.

Vancouver is located on west coast Canada, on the shore picturesque bay, at the foot of the Pacific coast ridge of the North American Cordillera.

It is the 3rd largest city in Canada with a population of 2,433,000 people and the largest population center in the province of British Columbia.

Vancouver from an altitude of 500 meters:

Night Vancouver:

One of the most picturesque cities in the country is surrounded by dense pine forest, snow-capped mountains and fjords.

There are 20 bridges across the city’s numerous rivers, 3 of which are drawbridges.

This is one of the most beautiful ocean cities in the world. There are spacious beaches, lush parks, and magnificent architecture of buildings. Tourists from all over the world are attracted here by comfortable hotels, many museums, shops, restaurants and sports facilities.

Millions of tourists annually visit the most interesting places in the world. What could be more tempting than taking a photo against the backdrop of the unusual Chinese Danxia rocks, seeing with your own eyes the Gates of Hell located in Turkmenistan, enjoying the cherry blossoms in the Japanese Hitachi Park, or strolling along the streets of the abandoned town of Pripyat near Chernobyl?

10 most incredible corners of our planet:

  1. City of Machu Picchu.
  2. Flower fields in Holland.
  3. Danxia Geopark.
  4. Valley of the Moon in Argentina.
  5. Wulingyuan Mountains.
  6. Gates of Hell in the Karakum Desert.
  7. Bobsleigh track in Sarajevo.
  8. Ghost town Pripyat.
  9. Abandoned ship Airfield.

Man-made wonders of the planet

In 1911, US archaeologist Hiram Bingham, while in Peru, accidentally discovered the ruins of a fortress city hidden in the Andes. Machu Picchu.

It is believed that the town was founded in the middle of the 15th century and for some time served as the residence of the ruler of the Inca Empire, Pachacutec, and after his death it became a place where the children of the nobility were educated. Tourists are attracted by the unique architecture of Machu Picchu.

Located at an altitude of more than 2 km above sea level, ancient city attracts travelers with unusual buildings built from polished rectangular stones. In total, about 200 buildings have been preserved, including several temples dedicated to the sun god Inti. Modern scientists were amazed by the scale of the buildings, because in order to build them, it was necessary to have the broadest knowledge in the field of engineering, geology, astronomy and other sciences, which humanity did not possess in those days. How the ancient Incas created the city remains a big mystery. Some researchers even seriously suggest that aliens took part in the construction of Machu Picchu.

Flower fields in Holland

The Netherlands is known in every corner of the planet not only for its Red Light District or the Marijuana Museum, but also for its picturesque tulip fields.

The fashion for growing these flowers dates back to the distant 16th century. It was then that the botanist Carl Clusius first planted several tulip bulbs in the Leiden Botanical Garden.

The strange flowers quickly caught the fancy of the local population, and soon any noble Dutchman considered it an honor to grow them at home. Today, tulips of all varieties and the most incredible shades grow on endless plantations located on the North Sea coast, as well as near Amsterdam, The Hague, Leiden, Enkhuizen and Delft. You can admire the incredibly beautiful flower fields in the Netherlands from mid-April to the end of the first ten days of May.

The most unusual gardens are located in Japan. To see this, just visit National Park Hitachi, spread over as much as 120 hectares in the city of Hitatinaka on the island of Honshu.

Previously, in its place was military base USA, but since 1973, Japanese authorities decided to plant vast territories with luxurious flowers, shrubs and trees. Work to improve the park took 18 years, and in 1991 it was opened to the public for the first time. At different times of the year, sakura, kohia, tulips, lilies and other plants bloom on huge plantations, turning Hitachi into a place of indescribable beauty.

Unusual creations of nature

In the Chinese province of Gansu, near the city of Zhangye, the unique Danxia Geopark is located. It became famous throughout the world thanks to its unusual colored rocks.

An inexperienced tourist may think that a person had a hand in their creation, but this is not so. The cliffs of Zhangye Danxia are natural object, they were formed over 24 million years from deposits of red sandstone and other mineral rocks. Their unusual shapes, colors and patterns are the result of numerous weather disasters.. Today there is not a single landscape formation on the planet that even remotely resembles Danxia, ​​so the geopark is very popular among lovers of unusual experiences.

Contrary to expectations, the Valley of the Moon is not located on a natural satellite of the Earth, but in the northwestern part of Argentina. Ischigualasto Provincial Park received this name because of its alien appearance.

There is practically no flora and fauna in the valley. Its attraction is the unusual geological formations, similar to polished skittles with a diameter of up to 70 cm. Scientists today are unable to explain their origin. The area gained particular interest among tourists after NASA employees tested their Mars rovers there.

Located in the Hunan province of China, the Wulingyuan Mountains are covered in greenery with 3,000 peaks and cliffs, some of which reach heights of up to 800 m.

Between them there are gorges with picturesque lakes, streams and waterfalls. Few people know, but it was the Wulingyuan Mountains that inspired the authors of the film “Avatar” to create fabulous landscapes that would amaze viewers.

Underground road to hell

Listing unusual places world, it is worth mentioning the Gates of Hell, located in the Karakum desert (Turkmenistan). The attraction with such an impressive name is a gas crater, the depth of which reaches 20 m and a diameter of 60 m.

It was formed in 1971 after unsuccessful searches for underground gas. While drilling a well, Soviet geologists came across a void filled with natural gas, into which the earth and equipment located on its surface had fallen. To prevent the gas from leaving the crater and poisoning people living in nearby settlements, it was decided to set it on fire.

Mineral seekers hoped that it would go out within a few days, but they were greatly mistaken. More than 40 years have passed since the formation of the crater, and natural gas burns in it without ceasing. From the outside, this spectacle has a mystical appearance.

Forgotten corners of the world

The most beautiful abandoned places in the world have always attracted the attention of travelers. Once in Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina), tourists should head to the long-forgotten bobsleigh track.

A modern track that meets international standards was built on the eve of the 1984 Winter Olympic Games; its length was more than 1.5 km. The track was used after the end of the Olympics until the outbreak of the civil war in Yugoslavia in 1991. Military operations in this Balkan country ended long ago, but interest in bobsleigh among the local population has subsided. The track, where the best athletes on the planet competed for prizes, has been abandoned for more than two decades and is of interest only to travelers.

The small town of Pripyat in northern Ukraine can be called, without exaggeration, the most interesting settlement in the post-Soviet space. Founded in 1970 as a city of nuclear workers, it ceased to exist 16 years later. The reason for this was the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant located 3 km from it. After the explosion at the power unit, the entire population of Pripyat was evacuated. The city turned into an exclusion zone, and people began to call it a ghost.

Today in Pripyat everything looks the same as it did at the time of the tragedy. Once in the city, it’s as if you’re transported back 3 decades. The walls of buildings are decorated with communist slogans, schools and kindergartens are waiting for pupils, and apartments are waiting for their owners. But the city is different from others settlements the fact that no one is going to return to it. Its streets are filled with piercing silence, and the only people there are tourists and tour guides.

Travelers looking for the most beautiful abandoned places in the world should head to Australia. On this distant continent in Homebush Bay the remains of the steam ship Airfield have rested for many years.

The British ship was launched in 1911 and carried ammunition and coal during World War II. Now the Airfield is considered the most famous abandoned ship on the planet. Real thickets of mango trees grew on its deck, which is why it was popularly called the “Floating Forest”. The ship looks especially spectacular in the sunset.

Our planet is so beautiful and multifaceted that it is difficult to single out the most beautiful places on Earth. The thought of the magnificent natural wonders that you want to visit makes your head spin. Therefore, the selection includes 25 places that are definitely worth seeing and enjoying the wonderful spectacle.

Beautiful nature is the best masterpiece, which cannot be compared with the creation of mankind. Everyone can find beauty in any country and locality. But there are places in the world that take your breath away when you see them. Here they are:

Jasper National Park (Canada)

The largest national park is located in the province of Alberta. It was here that the oldest glacier in the world was formed - Athabasca, located on 200 km². In the park there are relict spruce trees that are more than 700 years old. Nearby is the Malin Canyon with caves famous for rock paintings. The lakes and rivers of the park have crystal clear water and are protected by UNESCO.

Molokai Island (Hawaii)

The island of Molokai is Hawaii in the distant past: untouched nature, wild landscapes, rocks, reefs, beaches and no civilization. One of the interesting places on the island is Kalaupapa Park. Lepers were once exiled here, so the sand dunes are dotted with graves. The north of the island is famous for the Pali coast, which is surrounded by huge cliffs. The road to the city of Hana passes through the Halawa Valley, offering tourists beautiful sights: rivers, beaches and bays.

Mount Roraima (Venezuela)

Beautiful mountains are located in Venezuela. It was under the impression of Mount Roraima that he created the novel “ The Lost World» Arthur Conan Doyle. Indeed, the existence of the mountain was considered an invention of the Indians who lived in these parts. After all, Roraima is lost in the Amazon jungle, and its flat peak, 2810 meters high, is often hidden by thick fog. On the slopes of the mountains there are rare species plants and animals - this area was isolated from the outside world for a long time.

Canyonlands National Park (USA)

The most unusual and beautiful canyons are located in Canyonlands Park. The main attraction is the high-mountain plateau “Island in the Sky”. At an altitude of 1828 meters, a beautiful panorama of the park opens up, where wild paths and majestic arches are visible. One of these is the Mesa Arch, which is magnificent at sunrise. In the lowest part of the park is the Needles area - these are massive sandstone spiers where climbers like to hone their skills.

Faroe Islands (Denmark)

The most beautiful places in the world are located in the Norwegian Sea - Faroe Islands. Officially, the lands belong to Denmark, but have autonomous governance. The number of inhabitants is 50,000 people. The most popular archipelago among tourists is Mycines. This wilderness is famous deep gorges and the residence of puffin birds. At the very top there is a lighthouse with a beautiful view. The neighboring island of Vágar is famous for the hanging lake Sorvágsvatn. It is located on the edge of a platform 100 meters high above the ocean.

Engadin Valley (Switzerland)

No matter what corner of the valley a tourist goes to, he will find pristine nature and incredible landscapes everywhere. The area is divided into two parts - Upper and Lower Engadine. On the territory of Verkhny there are high-mountain resort lakes: Sils, Silvaplana and St. Moritz. The Lower Engadin is rich in vegetation and limestone rocks. Here glaciers border on vast valleys covered with pine and larch trees.

Plitvice Lakes (Croatia)

Most big park in Croatia is famous for the location of 16 lakes with turquoise water. The territory is divided into elevated and lowland parts, so the lakes cascade over one another, forming networks of large and small waterfalls. The upper part of the park is overgrown with dense forests where wild animals live. The lower part is not so rich in vegetation, but no less beautiful. Every year new waterfalls appear in Plitvice.

Chocolate Hills (Philippines)

The chocolate hills have become the hallmark of the island of Bohol. 1268 limestone hills of regular cone shape grew on the plateau. Because of the brown grass, the hills are nicknamed Chocolate, because their peaks contrast sharply with the green of the forests. Scientists believe that the hills arose due to volcanic activity or are the bottom of an ancient ocean. The territory is part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Temple complex Angkor Wat (Cambodia)

The powerful and majestic Angkor Wat (Temple City) was lost in the jungles of Cambodia until it was discovered by the French explorer Henri Muot in 1861. It is difficult to imagine that the Khmers were able to erect huge buildings, which included pavilions, temples, tombs, and pyramids. The heart of this place is huge complex temples of Angkor Wat. It is interesting that all stone blocks are subject to artistic processing. They depict the faces of the gods, the walls are dotted with patterns and bas-reliefs of dancing people.

Santorini Island (Greece)

Santorini consists of five islands in the Aegean Sea. Most popular resort located on the island of Thira (Fira). This is where photographs are taken with a panorama of snow-white houses with blue roofs and shutters. The island of Oia is no less popular. People come here to see the best sunsets. Other islands have small villages and beaches with a variety of sand: white, black and red. In Santorini you can see the excavations of the city of Akrotiri, as well as ancient Fira with buildings from the Doric era.

Li River (China)

The Li River, which originates in the Maoer Mountains and flows along the populated areas of the Chinese district, opens up beautiful places. Reflected in clean and clear water high peaks rocks and lush vegetation that surrounds the river. Fishing villages are located on the banks, and in the rocks there are mysterious caves. From the reed that grows on the banks of the River Li, they make musical instruments. For tourists, ships are supervised here, allowing you to see all the abundance of nature.

Bagan (Myanmar)

Myanmar is Thailand's neighbor, but much less explored by tourists. Here is the city of Bagan, which is rich architectural monuments. The eclectic Asian-style buildings were once part of the cultural center of Myanmar (Burma). Now only echoes of former greatness remain Buddhist temples and palaces spread over 16 square miles. Bagan was to enter world heritage UNESCO, but this did not happen due to the fault of local authorities. They restored ancient temples, ignoring the original style and materials of the buildings.

Yosemite National Park (USA)

Who hasn't heard of the grove of giant sequoias? These relict trees grow in national park Yosemite. The age of some sequoias reaches 1900–2400 years, and their height is 87 meters. In the center of the reserve lies the Yosemite Valley, formed by glaciers. This is where the monolithic rock El Capitan is located. The park is home to Horsetail, Bridlevale, Nevada and Vernal falls.

Bamboo forest (Japan)

One of the most amazing attractions is located in the western part of the city of Kyoto in Japan. Anyone looking for harmony and enlightenment should visit the 16 km² bamboo grove. Walking along the shady alleys, everyone will enjoy the enchanting sound that bamboos make when the wind blows. Along the sides of the narrow paths, thick bamboo stems reach up to a height of up to 40 m. The thickness of some stems reaches 35 cm.

Pamukkale (Türkiye)

Pamukkale or ‘cotton castle’ is thermal resort in the Turkish province of Denizli. Legend has it that Queen Cleopatra found her beauty and youth here. Seventeen terraced ponds made of travertine from afar resemble snow-white icebergs. The terraces are filled with crystal clear water, rich in magnesium, calcium and hydrocarbons. However, swimming on the slopes is prohibited. The area is included in the UNESCO heritage list; security guards monitor its safety and cleanliness.

Navagio Bay (Greece)

The bay, hidden from prying eyes, is located in the north-west of the island of Zakynthos. The pristine white sand beach can only be accessed from the sea. Greece is a gigantic museum under open air, and even the small Navagio Bay has a landmark - a beached ship. The transport once belonged to smugglers, but those, noticed by border guards, abandoned the ship and sailed away on a boat.

Provence (France)

The French province of Provence is associated with endless lavender fields. It’s not for nothing that the local landscapes inspired Van Gogh, Gauguin, and Renoir. Picturesque mountain villages here give way to fashionable resorts on Cote d'Azur. One of these is the city of Nice. The high plateau of Valensole is covered with lavender thickets, which are broken up by the small villages of Sisteron, Manosque, Castellane. A beautiful panorama of the sea opens from the Verdon Gorge.

Victoria Falls (South Africa)

Another UNESCO heritage site is the Zambezi River. This is the magnificent Victoria Falls or, as the local tribe called it, Thundering Smoke. The mist from the spray above the waterfall is visible at a distance of 64 km, because the water falls into the gorge from a height of 120 m. The width of Victoria reaches 1800 m, which makes the waterfall one of the most majestic in the world.

Antelope Canyon (USA)

In the state of Arizona there is a mysterious and bizarre place created by nature - Antelope Canyon. Thanks to the red-red color of the walls, which is so similar to the skin of an antelope, the canyon got its name. When sunlight enters the canyon, the walls in the gorge light up with a special light, creating interesting shapes and shadows. These giant depressions in the sandstone are created by wind and water, they stretch for several kilometers. Therefore, Antelope Canyon is divided into Upper and Lower. The Upper part is easier to get to, but the Lower canyon is less accessible, since you have to go down into the gorge.

Valley of the Ten Peaks (Canada)

Alberta is home to Banff National Park, which includes the Valley of the Ten Peaks. Valley of ten mountain peaks discovered by researchers in 1894. At the foot of the mountains lies Moraine Lake. Due to mineral deposits, the water in the lake is an unusual blue color. The reservoir was formed due to the melting of glaciers. There is a high probability of encountering a bear here, so tourists are not recommended to deviate from the established routes.

Multnomah Falls (USA)

The second highest waterfall in America is located in Oregon. Multnomah Falls is divided into two tiers: the upper one is 165 m high and the lower one is 21 m high. To get a good look at the beauty of this place, Italian masons built the Benson Bridge between the tiers. You can also appreciate the beauty from a bird's eye view if you climb the rock along a steep path. Legend has it that Multnomah Falls was created by the wishes of a princess who was looking for a secluded place to bathe.

Freycinet National Park (Australia)

The park is located on the east coast of Tasmania. Named after the French navigator Louis de Freycinet. Coastline The islands are dotted with secluded coves and clean beaches with white sand and crystal blue water. People come here to swim in unusual waters, go diving and see the rich underwater world. The inland part of Freycinet is famous for wildlife that can only be found in Australia. These are possums, echidnas, wombats, kangaroo rats and Tasmanian devils.

Keukenhof (Netherlands)

Situated between Amsterdam and The Hague royal park flowers Keukenhof. More than 7 million bulbous plants grow on 32 hectares of land, including tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, and crocuses. Streams and canals gurgle between the flowerbeds; there are also lakes and waterfalls on the territory. There are bridges across the reservoirs for easy viewing of the area. To enjoy the abundance of flowers, you should visit the park from the end of March to the end of May.

Alentejo (Portugal)

The largest region of Portugal is also the most sparsely populated. Alentejo has magnificent natural landscapes, plains of vineyards and groves of olive trees, mountain ranges And sandy beaches. The central city of the region, Evora, is famous for its medieval churches and temples. IN neighboring city Elvas you can see the castles and cathedral Nossa Senora Assuncao.

Geirangerfjord (Norway)

Norway's incredibly picturesque fjord is included in world heritage UNESCO. The place is often visited by tourists as the road to Geiranger is rich observation decks, from which there is a magnificent view. The Seven Sisters, Groom and Bridal Veil waterfalls fall from the steep cliffs of the fjord. The unique landscape was formed during the last ice age. One of the roads leading into the region is called the Troll Staircase. From the narrow mountain serpentine the view of the waterfalls opens up and will take your breath away.

Every tourist must visit the most beautiful places in the world. Every person has their own understanding of beauty, especially in their native places, where sunsets and sunrises are the most beautiful. But there are places on the planet created by nature itself that are definitely worth seeing.

Every year, the well-known consulting company Mercer calculates an index that shows the level of quality of life in different cities. This index allows multinational companies to properly allocate labor resources. The indicator depends on many factors, including living conditions, political, economic and social environment, media, medicine, level of education, recreational facilities, environment, etc. Below are the most best cities, that is, those in which the lives of citizens are at a high level. However, such giants as London and New York were not included in this list.

23. Montreal

One of five Canadian cities that are included in this ranking. It is a major economic, financial and technological center.

22. Perth

Australia has one of the highest standard of living markers in the world. This city has excellent places to study and relax, as well as a very low unemployment rate.

21. Brussels

The political center of Europe is one of the safest and clean places in the world. There are many museums, national parks and high-end restaurants here.

20. Stockholm

The capital is considered one of the best places to live in the world due to the optimal balance of employment, living standards, safety and environmental conditions.

19. Luxembourg

This small European country is one of the richest and safest in the world.

18. Hamburg, Germany

The main port of northern Germany. Now it is also a large industrial and telecommunications center.

17. Ottawa

Ottawa is considered the most cultural city in the country. There's a lot here educational institutions, cultural organizations, and very low unemployment.

16. Melbourne, Australia

One of the world's best places for education, research and development. A bonus is the vibrant tourism and excellent entertainment industry.

15. Toronto, Canada

The financial capital of Canada and home to five of Canada's largest banks.

14. Bern, Switzerland

The second safest city in the world. Has a well-developed traditional industry and agriculture, as well as low unemployment.

13. Berlin

The German capital offers many opportunities for a high standard of living, including safety, employment and a variety of leisure and entertainment options.

12. Wellington

The capital of a country with beautiful weather conditions. It is also the political and economic center of New Zealand.

11. Amsterdam

One of the largest European financial centers with a high standard of living. This is where modern life and traditional options for recreation and entertainment intersect.

10. Sydney

The economic and financial center of the entire continent. The bonus is the wonderful environment, pleasant climate and high level of culture.

9. Copenhagen

Copenhagen was recently named one of the most livable cities in the world. The place was originally a Danish fishing village that grew into a city with a high level of cultural development.

8. Geneva, Switzerland

A global diplomatic hub and home to the world's richest people. The place is extremely safe and its population is highly educated.

7. Frankfurt

A place where numerous world-class fairs and exhibitions are held.

6. Dusseldorf

This German city in the western part of the country is famous for its fashion industry and various events in the field of art.

5. Vancouver

One of Canada's most populous and ethnically diverse cities. Half of the population does not speak English as their first language.

4. Munich, Germany

One of the best places to live in the world with high safety and quality of life.

3. Auckland

The city is located on two large harbors of New Zealand and is in the top of the list of places with a balanced economy, excellent environment and a high level of personal safety.

2. Zurich, Switzerland

The city is known as an economic and cultural center countries; it is present in many international rankings.

1. Vienna, Austria
