The most famous fountains of Nizhny Novgorod. Summer is coming! The central fountain on Minin Square opened the season  Bolshaya Pokrovskaya Street

The fountain on Minin has always been a landmark of Nizhny Novgorod. But once upon a time it served not only an aesthetic function, but also a practical one - it was part of the city's first water supply system.

Residents of the upper suburb (upper part of the city) have always suffered from a lack of water. In winter and spring they took water from city reservoirs. Of the ponds - Pokrovsky, Sarki, Cherny, Mironositsky, not one of them exists anymore. And from the rivers - Pochaina, Chernaya, Kovalikha, all of them are driven into underground pipes.

But in the summer, the reservoirs dried up and became polluted by cesspool drains, slops and garbage. People began to carry water from the Volga. The richer ones ride on horses, and the poor ones use buckets.

And fires - how often do we witness that, despite all possible police efforts for a person, a fire spreads due to lack of water. Looking through the chronicles of Nizhny Novgorod, we notice that from the middle of the fourteenth century it was subjected to terrible misfortunes from fire up to twenty times; Often an entire half of the city burned down, sometimes more - and the main reason for this was always the lack of water, wrote the Provincial Gazette in 1846.

Things moved forward under the Governor-General, Prince Mikhail Alexandrovich Urusov. He found funding, and the project was developed by hydraulic engineer Andrei Ivanovich Delvig. Equipment for the water supply system - unique for Russia - was made at the Vyksa Shepelev plant.

The plumbing worked like this. Water from 18 springs of the Volga slope - it was tested by the medical board - flowed through wooden pipes into a brick pool at the intersection of the Kazan and Georgievsky congresses. There was also a water-lifting station here - a beautiful building in the Gothic style, in which two water-lifting steam engines were placed.

The water pipeline was laid through the entire central part of the city. Through four cast-iron pipes laid through the Alexander Garden, steam engines delivered water to the first water supply - to the Martynovskaya hospital (at the intersection of present-day Minin and Semashko streets). Next, the conduit delivered water along Zhukovskaya Street (now Minin) to the fountain - this was the main water intake. Then the water went to the Kremlin, to the governor’s house, along Alekseevskaya and Dvoryanskaya streets and along Bolshaya Pokrovka to the Lykov congress, where a reservoir was built.

Skeptics said: “There is no such water supply anywhere in Europe, how can it be in Nizhny Novgorod?” But on October 1, 1847, the fountain was inaugurated. The water supply provided 40 thousand buckets of water per day.

By the way, then the fountain was located near the current stop public transport- between the cafe and the Kremlin wall. But in 1930, the churches - Alekseevsky and Blagoveshchensky - were demolished, the square was “reformatted”, and the fountain was moved to its current location.

It was restored in the 1990s. The historical appearance was preserved, even this year it was repainted in its original color, but the “filling” was completely changed: an underground part was built and modern pumping equipment was installed.

In 2007, the fountain was decorated with lighting. The software synchronizes the water supply, music and lighting and creates the effect of a “dancing” fountain. The music and light show lasts from 8 pm to 1 am.

Fountains have long given a special atmosphere to any city. Wandering through the ornate streets in the summer heat, there is nothing more wonderful than sitting next to a fountain sizzling with cool water in the company of a creamy ice cream. Unfortunately, in Nizhny Novgorod such an opportunity does not arise often: most of the city’s sources have not been working for a long time, and the budget does not provide funds for their repair.

Fountain on Minin Square

The fountain, on Minin and Pozharsky Square, is deservedly considered the main one in Nizhny Novgorod. It opened under the Tsar - back in 1847 - and initially functioned as a source of water.

Most recently, the fountain was restored and returned to its historical color - black. The outlandish patterned stucco molding and classical musical accompaniment, which comes from speakers hidden in the shade of the trees, have remained unchanged.

By the way, please note: from eight o’clock in the evening until one in the morning, thanks to the installed lighting, the fountain plays with different colors of the rainbow.

Fountain on Markina Square

The fountain on Markin Square in front of the River Station was built in 1977. Its project was carried out by the Soviet architect Boris Nelyubin.

In 2007, the city site was reconstructed and decorated with multi-colored lighting. Then the municipal budget allocated 6 million rubles for the improvement of the fountain on Markin Square.

Currently, the fountain is working, but it again needs reconstruction: chips on the tiles and rust greatly spoil the appearance of the structure. In February of this year, the administration of the Nizhny Novgorod region announced that by the summer. For these purposes, an amount of 2.6 million rubles was provided. However, in response to a request from a correspondent for the news agency “In the City of N,” the city administration called the question of reconstructing the facility inappropriate:

"Due to the fact that in Nizhny Novgorod region An autonomous non-profit organization “Institute for Urban Environment Development” was created, the approach to the improvement of public spaces has changed. Now the institute’s specialists will provide expert support and assistance in determining the vector of development of public spaces together with citizens, administration and business. One of these spaces will be Markin Square, where it is planned to carry out comprehensive landscaping.”

Alley of Memory and Glory on Rokossovsky Street

One of the main fountains of the Sovetsky district is located on the memorial alley along Rokossovsky Street. Unfortunately, now its architecture is in a deplorable state, and the water in the fountain has turned green and smells like a swamp. Despite this, the Alley of Memory and Glory is a favorite place for walking local residents. The townspeople repeatedly appealed to the administration with a request to repair the fountain, but the structure was never put in order.

Fountain in Avtozavodsky Park

The Central Park of Culture and Leisure of the Avtozavodsky District is a typical and, at the same time, unique object, built in the era of Stalinist architecture of 1930–50. Main fountain in Avtozavodsky Park is the largest in Nizhny Novgorod.

The Avtozavodsky fountain can rightfully be called the pride of the park and a point of attraction for residents of the area and the entire city. On weekends, children always frolic here, and photo sessions of newlyweds are held.

Fountain in the Fantastica shopping center

Shopping centers are an integral part of the life of Nizhny Novgorod residents. On days when bad weather is raging outside, most city residents will prefer a family shopping trip to walking.

Some large shopping centers - TSUM, RIO, Sormovo Zorya - have their own fountains. Perhaps the most beloved and famous of them is the fountain in the Fantastica shopping center. Here you can relax with a cup of coffee to the sounds of hissing water and live music at any time of the year.

Unfortunately, many fountains in Nizhny Novgorod are now in extremely poor condition, but the authorities are not trying to reconstruct them due to a lack of funding.

Fountains near the Youth Theater and "Jupiter"

The condition of the fountains near the Theater for Young Spectators and concert hall"Jupiter" is extremely unsatisfactory. The buildings have long been covered in graffiti, their structures have turned black, and thickets of weeds are creeping through the tiles.

Will abandoned fountains be reconstructed in Nizhny Novgorod? at the moment unknown. One thing is clear: such objects significantly spoil the appearance of the city and create a negative impression on everyone who comes to the city.

By the way, according to the Department of Improvement and Road Facilities of the Nizhny Novgorod Administration, there are currently only ten municipal fountains operating in the city, which are located in the following places:

  • - Avtozavodsky district - square No. 1 on Ilyich Avenue;
  • - Kanavinsky district - a park on Chkalova Street, a park near the Lenin Palace of Culture, a Kanavinsky park (Moskovskoe highway, 17a);
  • - Leninsky district - Lenin Avenue, 36 (near the Zarechnaya hotel);
  • - Moskovsky district - Liukin square (Moskovskoe highway, 177);
  • - Nizhny Novgorod district - Black Pond square;
  • - Sovetsky district - Beketov street (gymnasium square No. 53):
  • - Sormovsky district - a park on Burevestnik Square and a park on Rybakova Street.

The square from which tourist acquaintance with Nizhny Novgorod usually begins is called Minin and Pozharsky Square. This area has a very peculiar curved shape, which was the result of combining several areas. Its total length more than 500 meters from the Dmitrievskaya Tower of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin to its St. George Tower.

  • Description and history

    Today it is main city square, the venue for all special events and celebrations, during which vehicular traffic stops along it. And the rest of the time it is an active city highway.

    The historical development of the square began almost immediately after the construction of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin. In the 16th century this square, located on the territory of the settlement, was called Verkhneposadskaya or Verkhnebazarnaya. This was the main one shopping area cities.

    Verkhne-Bazarnaya Square in the 19th century

    Gradually, its entire territory was built up with houses, churches and utility buildings. This is where it was located customs hut. In the 17th century, after the construction of the Annunciation Cathedral on the square, it became Blagoveshchenskaya.

    Blagoveshchenskaya Square with the cathedral of the same name in the 19th century

    With the beginning of the general planned development of Nizhny at the end of the 18th century and for fire safety purposes, numerous chaotic wooden buildings were dismantled. Formed according to the new urban plan, the shape of the square was trapezoidal, thereby securing the already established branches of outgoing streets. Since then, only stone structures.

    During the Soviet period, it received a very unoriginal name - Soviet - The square changed its appearance again. The Annunciation Cathedral was destroyed. The double-headed eagle disappeared from the Dmitrievskaya Tower, and the red banner of the victorious class now fluttered there.

    Over time it has developed modern-antique architectural ensemble which consists of the Kremlin wall with the Dmitrievskaya, Porokhovaya and Georgievskaya towers, Palace of Labor, Monument to V. Chkalov and Monument to K. Minin, TK "Alekseevsky Rows", buildings of Pedagogical and Medical Universities, residential buildings and other buildings.

    A number of central streets begin from this square, the most famous of which is Bolshaya Pokrovskaya- now pedestrian.

    Pedestrian Bolshaya Pokrovskaya

    Sights of the square

    Monument to K. Minin

    The monument to K. Minin is located in a small park opposite Dmitrievskaya Tower(across the road).

    The fate of this bronze monument is very interesting. The townspeople have long wanted to immortalize their heroic fellow countrymen Minin and Pozharsky in stone. Only in 1913, on the eve of the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the House of Romanov, the installation of the monument began - a temporary model was erected on a granite pedestal.

    They didn’t have time to install a permanent monument - the First World War . After the revolution, the new government disposed of the monument in its own way - the granite of the pedestal was used for creative construction, but the monument simply disappeared.

    At the height of the Great Patriotic War, in order to raise patriotism, pages of the heroic national past began to be remembered. In particular, we remembered about People's Nizhny Novgorod militia and about the civic consciousness of citizen K. Minin.

    In the city of Gorky (as Nizhny Novgorod was then called), it was decided to erect a monument to the illustrious citizen. Concrete monument to K. Minin(sculptor A. Kolobov) appeared on the square in 1943. just in time for November holidays, and the square has since been called Minin and Pozharsky Square.

    In 1985, that concrete monument, in need of repair, was dismantled, restored and sent to the patriot’s homeland - Balakhna. And in the summer 1989 took this place sculpture by master O. Komov.

    The great patriot of Russia and a native of Nizhny Novgorod still stands today with his hand raised high, calling on his fellow citizens to defend their Fatherland.

    Monument to V. Chkalov

    On Minin and Pozharsky Square there is another monument dedicated to a native of Nizhny Novgorod - the Monument to the legendary pilot V. Chkalov (author I.A. Mendelevich), installed in 1940 near St. George's Tower Kremlin, on the very edge of the Volga hill.

    V. Chkalov is known throughout the world for the first thing he accomplished non-stop by flight from the Land of Soviets to America.

    The monument to V. Chkalov closes the Minin and Pozharsky Square

    The location of the monument was not chosen by chance; it was here that I often walked Chkalov with my friend Mendelevich, dreaming of erecting a monument to M. Gorky on this high slope. But... This place went to the most famous pilot. Look at him - it’s as if he’s preparing for another flight, with his eyes fixed on the sky.

    V. Chkalov's gaze is directed to the Nizhny Novgorod sky

    Carved on a labradorite pedestal routes heroic pilot Northern Hemisphere map. Near the monument there is observation deck, from which one can see the Nizhny Novgorod Spit and the river distances of the Volga and Oka.

    From the monument to the Volga itself you can go down the Chkalov Staircase, which is shaped like a figure eight (infinity sign) and consists of 560 steps. The Chkalov Staircase is perhaps the most grandiose building in Nizhny Novgorod and is considered longest stairs in our country. It connects two embankments: Verkhne-Volzhskaya And Nizhne-Volzhskaya, where Nizhny Novgorod residents and city guests love to walk.

    The Chkalov staircase descends to the Nizhne-Volzhskaya embankment

    True, this staircase was originally called Stalingrad, for its construction has begun in 1943 in honor of the victory of Soviet troops at Stalingrad. German prisoners also “helped” build this most monumental building of the century. Construction was completed after the war - in 1949

    Palace of Labor

    One of the main architectural attractions of the square is Palace of Labor, which looks out onto the square from Pokrovka ( Bolshaya Pokrovskaya, 1).

    The history of the creation of this beautiful structure is quite remarkable. In the mid-19th century, when the area was actively built up with stone houses, a three-story beautiful light and graceful building was built here - the former apartment building famous Nizhny Novgorod merchant P. Bugrova. Built it architect N. Uzhumedsky-Gritsevich.

    The building became a decoration not only of the square, but of the entire Nizhny Novgorod. The ground floor housed retail shops, and P. Bugrov temporarily gave the upper floors to the acting troupe first city theater, which at that moment does not have its own angle.

    Subsequently A. Bugrov - son owner - sold this one house of A. Turchaninov, who was the provincial leader of the nobility. However, after the death of the new owner, the building returned theater group. And now already grandson The first Bugrov - Nikolai - buys the building, sponsoring the construction of another theater building on Bolshaya Pokrovskaya Street (it’s not good to drive artists out onto the street).

    Having moved the actors to the new theater building, the owner donates the vacated building City Duma! Such generous entrepreneurs were in the 19th century. But N. Bugrov does not just donate the building, but with the proviso that there will never be theater troupes, drinking alcoholic beverages, etc. excesses. While the City Duma was thinking about what to do with the gift, how to use it more rationally, something happened fire and the wonderful apartment building burned to the ground. It happened at the very end 19th century.

    It was built very quickly, already at the beginning of the 20th century new building (architect V. Zeidler) with modern elements and artistically decorated interiors. The most interesting thing is that more than 70% of the funds for the construction of a new house were allocated by the same N.Bugrov! And all this with the good memory of my grandfather. Nizhny Novgorod residents have not forgotten N. Bugrov; a monument to him was erected on Lyadov Square near the former Widow's House, built by him.

    After construction was completed, representatives of the City Duma finally moved into the newly rebuilt building. In the main meeting room, right up to 1972, the famous patriotic painting hung “Minin’s Appeal”, artist K. Makovsky.

    During the Soviet years, trade union organizations lived in this architectural landmark, which is why the modern name of the mansion appeared - the Palace of Labor. Works here now regional court.


    The fountain operating on the square is also a fairly well-known city landmark. Its appearance is associated with the development of the water supply system in Nizhny Novgorod! In 1847 was in the mountainous part of Nizhny for the first time water supply was installed. From this period, the creation of a centralized water supply for this urban part began. At the same time, he appeared on the square fountain.

    The first city fountain

    And although it repeatedly changed its location, was reconstructed, equipped with modern equipment and evening lighting, it never ceased to serve as a local landmark and decoration of the square.

    Fountain today

    Museum of A.S. Pushkin

    One of the buildings on Minin and Pozharsky Square, namely Gymnasium No. 1, is the custodian Museum of A.S. Pushkin.

    In the 30s of the 19th century this building belonged to Hotel "Deulin Rooms". The building itself was then 2 floors lower. Pushkin stayed there for only 2 days during his trip to the sites of the Pugachev uprising in September 1833.

    The A. Pushkin Museum awaits visitors

    But, nevertheless, the love and respect for the great Russian poet was so great that even such a short visit to the city gave rise to the creation of a museum.

    The architectural composition of Minin and Pozharsky Square is harmonious and flexible. But it is impossible to tell about all its buildings at once, although they undoubtedly have their own interesting historical past. In former buildings Theological Seminary(opposite the Powder Tower) and Provincial gymnasium(opposite the Dmitrievskaya Tower) the educational departments of the current Pedagogical University.

    And in the building of the former Shipping Company "Volga", built at the beginning of the 20th century, trains future doctors. There are other beautiful and interesting buildings here.

    Medical Academy in an ancient building of the 19th century

    A walk along Minin and Pozharsky Square will be pleasant in all respects, day or evening, and at any time of the year.

    Tourist routes from the square

    To get to know and feel the city better, you need to walk around it walk, especially since it’s popular walking routes in such historical city plenty. Therefore, armed with comfortable shoes and a good mood, let’s begin walking tours By historical center Nizhny Novgorod from Minin and Pozharsky Square.

    Bolshaya Pokrovskaya street

    You should definitely take a walk along the pedestrian Bolshaya Pokrovskaya a street on which, in addition to buildings of centuries-old architecture, there are many cafe And souvenir shops, as well as amazing Nizhny Novgorod sculptural images, which it is simply impossible to pass by indifferently.

    This street appeared on the city map in the Middle Ages as the road to Moscow. Since the end of the 18th century, it has been built up with stone buildings of nobles, princes and high dignitaries and has become the main city thoroughfare.

    Among the architectural sights of Bolshaya Pokrovskaya, pay attention to the following architecturally outstanding buildings. House number 1 – Palace of Labor(architect V.P. Zeidler) – the former Bugrov Apartment House (also known as the House of the former State Duma). We have already mentioned it above.

    Almost opposite the Drama Theater, at the intersection with Piskunova Street, there is a very beautiful building - a former apartment building Kudryashova and Chesnokova(building 10) built in the mid-19th century.

    The building of the oldest city Nizhny Novgorod is also beautiful Drama Theater named after. M. Gorky(house 13), near which he sits on a bench E. Evstigneev. It is no coincidence that the bronze monument to this wonderful actor was installed here - after all, he began his career in this theater.

    The building looks impressive too District Court(house 17). Also on Bolshaya Pokrovskaya there is a former House of the Noble Assembly(house 18) and many, many other pompous and bright former apartment buildings and administrative institutions of the 19th and early 20th centuries, giving the street a ceremonial and solemn appearance. There are a lot of apartment buildings and private estates on Bolshaya Pokrovskaya, so don’t pass by the information memorial plaques.

    The decoration of the street is something similar to medieval castle former building State Bank(house 26).

    You can walk on Bolshaya Pokrovskaya all day, there are also interesting museums, And entertainment centers, and cute cafe. It is especially pleasant to walk along this street in the evening, when it is filled with amateur singers and dancers, around whom groups of fans form. All these crowds of people create a festive and cheerful atmosphere that you really don’t want to leave.

    Evening exercise along Bolshaya Pokrovskaya

    B. Pokrovskaya Street ends M. Gorky Square, where in the park there is a monument to the writer by V. Mukhina.

    Verkhne-Volzhskaya embankment

    Visit Nizhny Novgorod and not visit it Verkhne-Volzhskaya embankment would be a very big omission. This embankment, running along the upper edge of the Nizhny Novgorod hill, parallel Nizhne-Volzhskaya, also starts from the eastern outskirts of Minin and Pozharsky Square, and more specifically from the Monument to V. Chkalov.

    Nizhny Novgorod residents owe the appearance of this beautiful promenade embankment, which offers beautiful views of the Volga Nicholas the First, who ordered the construction of a walking boulevard here.

    This small street also has its own attractions. These include mansion of D. Sirotkin(beginning of the 20th century), the largest shipowner in the city. Now this beautiful restored building houses one of the buildings City Art Museum(house 3), where paintings by Western European artists of the 15-20 centuries are exhibited.

    And very close, in house No. 7, there is another wonderful mansion, which is also a must-visit - this is the Rukavishnikov Estate, a building at the end of 19th century. The future Symbolist poet of the Silver Age was born in this richest city mansion. I.S.Rukavishnikov. The building is now owned Nizhny Novgorod Historical and Architectural Museum of the Reserve and is open to the public.

    In addition to viewing the interior of the building itself, here you can see exhibitions and local history displays held in the mansion.

    Interesting for visual inspection Railway workers' house(house 10) is a striking example of Soviet construction from the late 30s. Construction post-constructivism, containing elements of Russian classicism and the Renaissance in its design, represents the architectural vertical of the street.

    The 11th house is curious neoclassical style. At the beginning of the 20th century it was the mansion of the family of a large shipowner Kamensky. During the Soviet period, there was both an institute of chemistry and the Znanie society. And during the renovation in 1973, when dismantling the dilapidated oak staircase, workers found the treasure of the former owners. The family values ​​that make up this treasure are today stored in the storerooms of the Nizhny Novgorod Museum of Local Lore and are partially exhibited at the Rukavishnikov Estate.

    But in the building occupied today Nizhny Novgorod Technical University(house 16), from the mid-19th century until the 1917 revolution was located Mariinsky Institute of Noble Maidens. This Verkhne-Volzhskaya embankment is so interesting.

    Others depart from the elongated Minin and Pozharsky Square ancient streets - Varvarskaya, Ulyanova, Minina. At each of them, among modern buildings, unique architectural sights and the amazing aura of Nizhny Novgorod have been preserved, which is simply impossible to get enough of.

    And if you go down from the square along the Chkalov Stairs, you can walk along Nizhne-Volzhskaya Embankment, which is a fairly long and pleasant walking area.

  • Popular per person!

    Fountain on Minin and Pozharsky Square- this is the central and most famous fountain of Nizhny Novgorod.

    History of the fountain

    The fountain on Minin Square (then Blagoveshchenskaya) began operating on October 1, 1847. Initially, the fountain was used as a source of water, since the city had problems with water supply and residents took water from ponds that were not very clean at that time: Sarka, Cherny, Mironositsky, Pokrovskiye and the Pochayna, Chernaya, Kovalikha rivers. In the summer, these reservoirs dried up completely or turned into sewage pits, so they had to take water from the Volga. Also, the lack of water led to frequent fires, or rather problems in extinguishing them.

    The fountain project was developed by hydraulic engineer A.I. Delvig. According to his plan, the water of 18 springs was collected through wooden pipes into a brick pool at the junction of the Kazan and Georgievsky congresses, where a water-lifting station with two steam engines was built. Through four cast-iron pipes, water from the water-lifting station rose to the Martynovskaya hospital, and then went to the first water tank at the intersection of Zhukovskaya (now Minin) and Martynovskaya (now Semashko) streets. After this, the water flowed along Zhukovskaya Street to the fountain on Blagoveshchenskaya Square, which was the main place of water collection. The fountain was manufactured at the Vyksa Shepelev plant.

    In total, the hydraulic complex provided the supply of 40,000 buckets of water per day.

    Initially, the fountain was located in the area of ​​​​the modern bus stop between the former cafe "Olen" and Kremlin wall, and in 1930 it was moved to its current location.

    In 1990, the fountain underwent reconstruction, and a modern water pipeline was built that meets modern requirements.

    In 2007, the fountain was equipped with illumination, operating from 8 pm to 1 am.

    After reconstruction in 2017, the fountain is musical and “performs” classical pieces of music. The fountain's sound is provided by a computer with special software that synchronizes the operation of the fountain's jets with musical works.

    Nizhny Novgorod, aka Gorky, aka, with a light youth hand - NiNo or NN. The city, which has earned the title of the Volga capital, is truly original - a little provincial and at the same time rapidly developing, having retained its historical appearance, it is, at the same time, quickly acquiring modern architecture.

    If we talk about the sights of Nizhny Novgorod, then there are quite a lot of them: over the 8 centuries of existence, no one has ever set foot on the land of the Dyatlov Mountains, who has left their mark on Nizhny Novgorod history.

    Nizhny Novgorod is the birthplace of outstanding people in the fields of literature, art, and science. And almost every eminent citizen has a monument erected here. As a last resort - a memorial plaque. Monuments to the most famous Nizhny Novgorod residents - Minin and Pozharsky, Gorky and Chkalov - were installed in the very heart of Nizhny Novgorod.

    The most famous Nizhny Novgorod landmark, the Kremlin, also stands here. Recently, negotiations have been underway to include it in the List of Objects World Heritage UNESCO in Russia.

    Immediately outside the walls of the Kremlin there is Rozhdestvenskaya Street on one side, and the Chkalov Stairs on the other. Walking along these stairs is a reason not only to marvel at the power of engineering, but also to test your endurance. The staircase has no less than 560 steps! This is the longest staircase in Russia.

    Numerous churches and cathedrals occupy a special place among the city's attractions. Some are monumental and strict (Old Fair Cathedral, Alexander Nevsky New Fair Cathedral), others are small and intricate (Stroganov Church and Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist in Torg).

    But all are incredibly beautiful, with a rich centuries-old history. The Nizhny Novgorod monasteries - Annunciation and Pechersky - are especially famous.

    As for the museums of Nizhny Novgorod, their number is not very large, but all of them, without a doubt, deserve attention. Moreover, some of them are unique and exist in Russia in the singular - for example, the Dobrolyubov Museum.

    The most famous, of course, is the recently restored and therefore amazingly beautiful local history museum- Rukavishnikov estate. What is of great value here is not so much the expositions as the building itself, which amazes with its beauty and combination of styles.

    Almost all the most interesting museums are located close to each other: Art Museum, Russian Museum of Photography, museum-apartment of A.M. Gorky.

    But still, the main attraction remains the natural beauty and landscapes of Nizhny Novgorod, opening from the Verkhnevolzhskaya embankment. The Nizhny Novgorod Volga Escarpment is a place that UNESCO experts plan to include as a World Heritage Site.

    The beauty of Nizhny Novgorod nature can be appreciated not only on the Verkhne-Volzhskaya embankment, but also in one of the city parks: Avtozavodsky Park, Kulibin Park, Pushkin Park, Switzerland Park.

    So, in Pushkin Park you can walk along a unique birch alley, and in Switzerland Park you can enjoy the beauty of the river expanses and ride one of the many attractions.
