The most unusual islands. Interesting uninhabited islands Unusual island name

The islands are beautiful! And in this article you will get acquainted with some of the most interesting and unusual of them.

Socotra is an isolated island in the Indian Ocean that belongs to the country of Yemen. Located approximately 240 kilometers east of the Horn of Africa and 380 kilometers south of the Arabian Peninsula, the island is one of the most isolated land forms on continental origin (i.e. not volcanic).

The island has been described as "the most alien-looking place on earth", and due to its isolation and warm, dry climate, a third of its plant life is found nowhere else on earth.

North Sentinel Island

North Sentinel Island is an island in the archipelago Andaman Islands, belonging to India.

This island is notable for the indigenous people who live on it, the Sentinelese, who are one of the last remaining people untouched by modern civilization. The Sentinelese actively reject contact with other peoples, and in some cases have been openly hostile and aggressive towards outsiders.

After the Indian Ocean tsunami in 2004, Indian government helicopters flew over the island to observe the people, who responded by throwing spears and stones in an apparent attempt to drive off the car. In 2006, two Sentinelese fishermen died after their fishing boat drifted off the island and they became stranded on a coral reef.

There are beautiful islands with pristine nature in the most remote corners of the Earth. Some of them are extremely difficult to get to, but it's worth it.

Okunoshima (Japan) – land of rabbits

This cozy uninhabited island is washed by the waters of the Inland Sea of ​​Japan. Its main feature is the huge number of rabbits that literally filled a small piece of land. They say that at least seven hundred furry inhabitants currently live here, who are very fond of tourists and willingly contact them.

Once upon a time, Okunoshima was inhabited by several families of fishermen. At the end XIX century fortifications were erected on its territory, then a secret secret military base and a plant where chemical weapons were produced - dangerous poisonous gases. The laboratory functioned until 1945, carefully hiding its existence from the whole world.

As soon as World War II ended, the plant was closed, all equipment along with documents was burned, and people were evacuated. Only rabbits remained, previously used as experimental animals. Over the years, their population has increased significantly; the furry animals have literally occupied the entire island and are doing quite well here.

Cocos (Costa Rica) – the island of treasure hunters

Aldabra (Seychelles) – lost atoll

One of the most beautiful atolls in the Indian Ocean is almost impossible to get to because of its inaccessible rocky coast. Thanks to such an isolated position and the complete absence of human activity, the local nature has literally blossomed - the flora and fauna of the island is amazing.

Currently, the atoll has been declared a nature reserve of international importance; there are no tourists here, but sometimes scientists appear who conduct research and keep order on Aldabra. Such people live and feel great on this island rare species animals like black parrot, blue dove and flying fox.

The Brega Atoll resembles a colorful Persian carpet due to its vibrant vegetation and exotic flowers. About 130 species of beautiful tropical butterflies live here, this paradise favored by many migratory birds. A great place to relax and gain strength after a long day.

Enderbury Islands (New Zealand) - a deserted haven of penguins

This small piece of land belongs to the volcanic Auckland archipelago, spread out among the waters Pacific Ocean south of New Zealand. Relatively recently, scientists discovered on the island traces of an ancient Polynesian settlement that existed on these lands around the 13th-14th centuries.

Currently, the island is completely uninhabited, sometimes it is visited by scientists who study the local flora and fauna. Enderbury was discovered to the world relatively recently - in 1806, by an ordinary crew. This island is favored by yellow-eyed penguins, who feel very at ease on the inhospitable rocky shore.

In addition to them, New Zealand sea lions, Auckland twitters and wild rabbits also live here. It is known that previously victims of shipwrecks found forced shelter on the island, who then safely returned to the “mainland.”

Last edition of the material: July 2017

Many people believe that a holiday on the islands is a paradise holiday. And they are not wrong. Probably, heaven was in some such place, and not in heaven at all. Our list of the wonderful islands of the world, of course, is not exhaustive, since a lifetime would not be enough to describe all, all, all the beautiful and interesting places. We have made a selection of the most popular islands among tourists, which are definitely worth your attention.


Country: Portugal

This is an entire archipelago with extremely beautiful nature: endemic birds chirping in dense forests, rocks on which sea waves crash... And all this borders on stunningly cozy European buildings and European tourist services.


Country: Spain

This is one of the most environmentally friendly clean resorts Mediterranean Sea. In addition, it is always very affordable. The mild maritime climate allows you to relax here all year round. Mallorca's history and beautiful architecture intertwined with interesting forests for tourists, and the coast offers breathtaking views and excellent beaches.

Location: Atlantic Ocean
Country: Spain

The Canary archipelago is a place where the maximum number of attractions is concentrated in relatively small spaces. And what kind! The symbol of the archipelago is the Teide volcano with its eternally snow-capped peak, which looks almost the same in both winter and summer. And what about the Maspalomas dunes, which border the ocean! And tourists also love the Canaries because they are islands of eternal spring: it is never too cold or hot here.

Cape Verde
Location: Atlantic Ocean
Country: Cape Verde

Experienced tourists believe that the good thing about the Cape Verde Islands is that the tourism industry here has not yet been put into operation, and therefore the attitude towards tourists is very reverent. In addition, these islands are somewhat reminiscent of the Canary Islands. Here you can visit uninhabited islands, and see black dunes and volcanic craters, on the slopes of which grapes are grown.

Location: Indian Ocean
Country: Tanzania

Zanzibar is a real African island exotic, complete peace and unity with nature in the middle of snow-white sandy beaches, as if created from powdered sugar, snorkeling to coral reefs, a trip to giant tame turtles, flying dogs and baobab trees.

Location: Indian Ocean
Country: Republic of Madagascar

When talking about traveling to Madagascar, it is worth mentioning the exceptionally exotic nature. This piece of land once broke away from a huge continent - and as a result, evolution took its own path here. Local animals are completely different from others; they are mostly endemic. Also the tourist hallmark of the island are the giant baobab trees, shrouded in the fog typical of these places. A truly spectacle for true travel connoisseurs.

Location: Indian Ocean
Country: Maldives

The Maldives is luxurious bliss, complete relaxation, music playing everywhere and no alcohol. All this condition is complemented by houses for tourists, unusually standing in the crystal clear turquoise waters of the ocean.

Sri Lanka
Location: Indian Ocean
Country: Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka (old name - Ceylon)

It is here that you can go on a river safari among huge mangroves with snakes hanging from them, and also climb Adam's Peak, a huge sacred mountain. And be sure to try for yourself what real Ayurvedic practices are.

Location: Gulf of Thailand
Country: Thailand

This is an island for those who love the bliss and exoticism of Southeast Asia. Here you can ride elephants, see Buddhist temples, swim in the shallow waters of the Gulf of Thailand, bask on the hot sand, watch snake shows and taste delicious exotic food.

Location: Indian Ocean
Country: Thailand

Phuket is a resort for the wealthy. Here along coastline numerous bungalows lined up. And the symbol of this island are huge rocks growing directly from the ocean waters. All the same exotics that Koh Samui offers are also available here.

Ko Chang
Location: Gulf of Thailand
Country: Thailand

Koh Chang (Elephant Island) is located off the coast of Thailand and is one of its most accessible islands for travelers - both in price and in terms of transport. On Ko Chang you will see stunningly beautiful sunsets, and you will also be able to climb mountains covered with dense jungle. In addition, there is an absolutely stunning elephant nursery, where you can ride elephants among banana thickets, and also order a swim with baby elephants in the sea.

Location: Gulf of Thailand
Country: Thailand

In terms of accessibility, it is even easier than Koh Chang; the island offers quite budget holiday. It is very small, but there are secluded places here, which is why Samet was chosen by Europeans. Hotels offer accommodation mainly in bungalows located right on the beach.

Location: Indian Ocean, Bali Sea, Pacific Ocean
Country: Indonesia

Bali is very exotic place, saturated with humid fogs, stormy sea waters, Buddhist symbolism with elements of animism. Bali also has very tasty cuisine and interesting traditions. A true traveler should visit Bali at least once in his life.

Location: South China Sea and other seas
Country: Malaysia, Indonesia

The highlight of Borneo is its virginity and endemic plants and animals. So, for example, here you will meet proboscis monkeys or see a corpse lily in the jungle, which emits a terrible smell, but is very beautiful, and you can also get acquainted with predatory flowers that can slam their “mouths” shut.

Komodo Islands
Location: Indian Ocean
Country: Indonesia

The symbol of the Komodo Islands is the monitor lizard, which is one of the most ancient animals on Earth. They look very touching, but don’t put your finger in their mouth - the monitor lizard is very predatory, and is not averse to feasting on even a person.

Location: Mediterranean Sea
Country: Tunisia

The island of Djerba is one of the most expensive resorts Tunisia, but Tunisia itself is inexpensive, so you won’t spend too much money on Djerba. There is a lagoon here where pink flamingos live: when there are a lot of them, the spectacle is simply amazing.

Location: Pacific Ocean
Country: Republic of Fiji

Fiji is famous for the fact that here you will explore tropical rainforests, swim in the clearest waters of the ocean, watch the life of geckos and iguanas, and plunge into the unique ethnic flavor of this island forgotten by our people.

Bora Bora
Location: Pacific Ocean
Country: French Polynesia

If we talk about the most beautiful sea and beach holidays, it is simply impossible not to remember Bora Bora. Here is one of the most interesting underwater worlds on the Planet that are accessible to snorkelers. Walking in the thickets of orchids and ferns, swimming in grottoes and lagoons, exploring stingrays - all this will give you the island of Bora Bora.

Dominican Republic

Country: Dominican Republic

Palm trees bent over secluded beaches, the clearest Caribbean Sea, the colonial capital of Santo Domingo, luxurious Punta Cana and Puerto Plata. Over the past years Dominican Republic, thanks to its mild warm climate, rich cultural and historical heritage and excellent hotel infrastructure, is gradually gaining the title of a world famous tourist center.

Location: Pacific Ocean
Country: Republic of Vanuatu

The islands of Vanuatu are pristine places in the volcanic mountains, where local tribes live who know no civilization. If you want something truly unusual, then this is the place for you. It is after such a trip that you can brag about your trip even among experienced travelers!

Location: Pacific Ocean
Country: USA

If you really want to give yourself the greatest joy in life - rest in the present heavenly place, where the beach, tropics and sea allow you to forget from the daily hustle and bustle, then you should definitely go to Hawaii. The entire chain of islands is made up of volcanoes. This is Diamond Head on the island of Oahu, fire-breathing Kilauea in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park ( Big Island Hawaii), where you may see hot lava for the first time in your life. The island of Maui is famous for the beauty of the inactive crater of the Haleakala volcano.

Location: Atlantic Ocean
Country: Bahamas

George Washington called them the Islands of Eternal June. And if you tell someone that you are going to the Bahamas, you will definitely see an envious reaction, because this vacation is not for everyone, but only for the elite. For those who truly appreciate natural attractions and believe in mysticism. What is the Bimini Road worth? American soothsayer Edgar Cayce called it the lost Atlantis. And after that, 700 meters of neatly laid out limestone blocks, which are called the Bimini Road, were discovered in the sea, off the coast of Paradise Point in North Bimini. Obviously, this is not a natural, but a man-made monument. But who built it?

Marieta Island
Location: Pacific Ocean
Country: Mexico

The highlight of Marieta Island is its unusual beach, which is called hidden. It is located inside a huge rock cavity into which sea water is poured.

Location: Indian Ocean
Country: Republic of Seychelles

Seychelles is a resort for the very rich. In addition to first-class recreation, the islands also offer an opportunity to meet Seychelles turtles, explore the famous sloping rocks falling into the ocean, and be sure to buy the world-famous huge coconuts.

Location: Indian Ocean
Country: Republic of Mauritius

Mauritius is a civilized exotic and the best hotels in the Indian Ocean. These are magnificent beaches framed by palm trees. This is a glamorous holiday for the elite. If you are in Mauritius, you don't need to prove anything to anyone. The very fact of your being there speaks for itself.

Location: Caribbean
Country: Republic of Cuba

This island state with incredible beautiful scenery, beaches and attractions! However, of course, tourists are interested in the special culture of this country, which seems to be stuck in the last century, as well as the world-famous Cuban cigars, Cuban dances and Cuban rum.

Location: Caribbean
Country: Jamaica

Few tourists know, but Jamaica is famous for its nudist and swing hotels. Jamaica also gave the world such a direction of music and art, as well as a philosophy of life, like reggae. Jamaica is literally imbued with the spirit of regularity and freedom. It is also famous for its brilliant carnivals and other fun holidays.

Location: Mediterranean Sea
Country: Republic of Malta

Malta is one of the very beautiful archipelagos and at the same time financially accessible to the majority of tourists. This is an island offering European service, an island with a rich history. Beach holiday It’s good here, and among the excursions it’s preferable to go on foot, as the places are very beautiful.

Location: Mediterranean Sea
Country: Republic of Cyprus

Cyprus is a wonderful island of sea and sun. Cyprus is the birthplace of Aphrodite. Cyprus is a tasty morsel that has changed hands throughout its history, remaining on the periphery of various empires. Cyprus is a place where you can fall in love at first sight...

Location: Mediterranean Sea
Country: Italy

E That Italian island offers tourists a mild climate, interesting story and amazingly delicious Mediterranean cuisine. Here you will plunge into blue sea ​​waters, go shipwreck diving, visit Neptune's Cave and taste excellent Muscat wine.

Location: Mediterranean Sea
Country: Greece

Crete is rightfully considered one of paradise islands peace. Beautiful landscapes and ancient history, and rich cultural traditions. In addition, Crete is located at a relatively short distance from us, which means that in terms of money it is much more affordable than other paradise places.

Easter Island
Location: Pacific Ocean
Country: Chile

The symbol of Easter Island are the statues that settled here hundreds of years ago and were created by people from a vanished civilization. We don’t know why this civilization died out. But Easter Island is still imbued with its spirit. And the tourist will find here, in addition to the historical part of the trip, many purely physical pleasures, such as taking a natural bath among the stones with warm water from a natural spring - with a view of the ocean in front of your eyes and a glass of champagne in your hand.

Galapagos Islands
Location: Pacific Ocean
Country: Ecuador

The Galapagos Islands are the pinnacle of a traveler's dreams. They are located very far away, so once you are here, you can say with confidence that you have seen the end of the world. And at the end of the world, at the same time, people live a rather measured life, sharing islands with fur seals, which are the goal of absolutely all tourists arriving here.

How many islands are there in the world? Large and not so large, from rich in diverse flora and fauna to rocks covered only with algae, abandoned and those where civilization is rapidly developing. We offer you a selection of the most unusual, interesting and sometimes even creepy areas of land surrounded by water.

1. Palm Trees, Dubai

It's no surprise that these stunning man-made islands are located in Dubai, a city whose generosity even included an indoor ski slope and a 160-story skyscraper. One of the Palms, Jumeirah, commissioned by Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashed Al Maktoum, has 16 branches, each 1 km long, surrounded by a circular barrier 11 km long. The length of the main part of the island is 5 km, and total area- 31 km².

Palm Jumeirah is just one of four projects artificial islands, developed in Dubai: the Palm Jebel Ali is almost ready, the area is more than twice as large as the Palm Jumeirah, but the largest of the Palm Islands will be the Palm Deira, the construction of which began in 2004. And the fourth project, called “The World”, is a group of 300 islands located in the shape of continents, but, unfortunately, due to the financial crisis of 2008, Dubai froze construction and questioned the feasibility of this project.

2. Island of the Dolls, Mexico

Anyone who has seen at least one of the Chucky doll movies will agree: dolls can be very creepy. Especially when they hang on trees, covered with cobwebs and insects crawling out of empty eye sockets - this is exactly the sight that awaits you if you come to the Island of the Dolls, located in one of the districts of the Federal District of Mexico City.

The origin of this creepy place is as bizarre as a Tim Burton or M. Night Shyamalan script: a man named Don Julio came to the island after tragic death his whole family, and one day he heard nearby the screams of a girl drowning in a nearby canal - he pulled her out of the water, but, despite desperate attempts to help, the girl died. From then on, Don Julio heard her voice every night and, in order to protect himself from the spirit, he began to hang dolls on trees - this is how he became a local landmark, and people themselves began to bring him dolls to add to his “collection.” Don Julio died in 2005 at the age of 86, and at that time his macabre “collection” of dolls and doll parts numbered thousands of items.

3. Socotra, Yemen

High in the Indian Ocean off the coasts of Yemen and Somalia, Yemen's Socotra Island is as unusual as its surroundings. The climate on the island is very arid, and the unique flora and fauna are the result of its isolation, which arose as a result of separation from the mainland 250 million years ago.

If not for its location in one of the world's most unstable regions, the 3,625 km² island, nicknamed the "Galapagos of the East", would be an ideal destination for eco-tourists from all corners of the planet. However, until neighboring countries become friendlier to foreigners, Socotra's 44,000 inhabitants will be forced to live in isolation.

4. Fort Boyard, France

What could be more unusual than a 200-year-old fortress that resembles a floating bathtub in which a popular TV show is filmed? We are talking about Fort Boyard, located near west coast France.

The construction of the fortress was conceived as part of the build-up of France's military potential in the 60s of the 16th century during the reign of Louis XIV, but work continued until 1809, periodically stopping due to attacks by the British: in order to build the foundation, workers had to lay on the sandy bottom of shallow water 75 thousand m 3 of stones.

Almost 30 years later, by order of Louis Philippe, the fortress began to be rebuilt - the construction was completed only in 1857: the final version of the island fortress was an oval 32 m wide and 20 m high, which could accommodate 250 soldiers and 74 guns.

When the builders laid the last brick, Fort Boyard had already lost its military significance due to the progress of weapons technology, and since then the fortress was used only as a military prison, and later as a backdrop in films and television shows, most recently the adventure game show of the same name was filmed here .

5. Floating islands of Lake Titicaca, Peru

These are not islands, in the geographical sense, but one of the most interesting attractions of Peru: the local Uru tribe, living on a chain of about 60 floating islands near largest city on Lake Titicaca Puno, calls them Islas Flotantes (actually, “Floating Islands”).

In fact, the islands are mats woven from totora reeds, the size of which reaches half a football field: the thickness of the mats is from three to four meters, they are connected to each other and to the bottom of the lake by long ropes.

It is not entirely clear when or why the Uru tribe settled on the lake, but anthropologists believe that in the pre-Columbian period they migrated from the shores of the Amazon and from what is now called southern Peru. Due to wars with neighboring tribes and failure to find land on which they could settle, the Uru decided to build floating cities right on the cold waters of the lake, where they remained isolated for many centuries. The tribe's reputation as a "savage and primitive" protected them from invasion by the Incas and Spaniards; I must say that the local Aymara tribe living on the shores of the lake still considers them savages.

6. Madagascar

Madagascar is the fourth largest island on Earth, this poor country is a former French colony that experienced a devastating coup in 2009, and one of the most wonderful places on our planet. Since its separation from Africa (165 million years ago), its plants and animals have evolved independently of their continental relatives, resulting in a remarkable species distribution: approximately 90% of the island's flora and fauna are found nowhere else.

Before the coup, thousands of eco-tourists came to Madagascar to see its extraordinary beauty, but unfortunately, political turmoil and the poverty of the local people have caused significant damage to Madagascar's wildlife due to illegal deforestation: colorful chameleons, fluffy lemurs and the prized mahogany tree popular on the international black market. Defenders natural resources They hope that when life in the country stabilizes, it will be possible to protect national parks from poachers and loggers.

7. Alcatraz, USA

Few islands in the United States are as notorious as Alcatraz, a small rock in the middle of San Francisco Bay with an outpost located on it. Spanish California explorer Lieutenant Juan Manuel de Ayala first discovered the island in 1775 and gave it the name Isla de Los Alcatraces (Island of the Pelicans) due to the huge number of seabirds that nested on the island. The strong rock stood untouched until 1853, when the United States Army built a fortress here to defend San Francisco Bay, which was also sometimes used as a prison. Then, in 1934, the Army turned it over to the Federal Bureau of Prisons, which turned the fortress into one of the most famous correctional facilities in the history of the country: Alcatraz was visited by many brutal murderers and famous criminals, including Al Capone and Mickey Cohen, and In 1963, the prison on the island ceased to exist.

The incident that secured Alcatraz's place in American culture was the capture of the island by the Indians, who did not leave it from November 20, 1969 to June 11, 1971. This was the third and final action of political activists who declared their rights to the island and demanded solutions to the problems of the indigenous population of America. The last of the protesters were forcibly removed from the island in 1971, but their efforts played a key role in ending the United States policy aimed at assimilating Indians into American society.

8. Hashima, Japan

Hashima Island, located approximately 15 km southwest of Nagasaki, can be considered extraordinary without even visiting it: previously declared the most densely populated area in the world, with a population density of 5,259 people per km2, this mining island in the East The Chinese Sea is now completely abandoned.

The Japanese began to develop Hashima when coal deposits were discovered in the rocks of the island: the Fukahori family built the first mine, which was then, in 1887, sold to the Mitsubishi Corporation for 100 thousand yen. By 1959, Hashima's population had peaked, but the island's decline began in the 1960s as oil replaced coal as Japan's main energy resource, but coal mines on the island existed until April 20, 1974.

Although the island has since been uninhabited and Mitsubishi has scaled back its program, the empty buildings remain a silent testament to the island's former heyday.

9. Poveglia, Italy

The island of Poveglia is believed to be one of the most haunted places on Earth, and knowing its history, it's easy to see why. Located in the southern part of the Venetian Lagoon between Venice and the Lido Island, Poveglia began to be populated as early as 421 by people fleeing invaders from the mainland, and in 1348 the inhabitants left the island to escape the Bubonic Plague raging in Venice.

Like other little ones uninhabited islands, Poveglia was used to isolate victims of the disease, many of whom were burned there on huge bonfires after death. The island’s dark past covered the island in legends and hostility among the townspeople, which Napoleon skillfully took advantage of at the beginning of the 19th century by hiding gunpowder and weapons on the island.

Poveglia has become even more creepy place, when, at the end of the 19th century, it became a refuge for mentally ill people: legend says that one of the doctors of the hospital in the 30s of the 20th century performed strange experiments on patients, which resulted in his jumping from the bell tower at the hospital. The last institution located in the old building of the island hospital was a private sanatorium, but it also closed in 1975 - since then people have left the island, but there are rumors that sometimes you can still hear the ringing of the bell tower, although there has been no bell for several decades years.

10. Easter Island

Giant stone statues up to three stories high could not have carved themselves out of stone or come to the island from somewhere. How was it that the natives of Easter Island, whose tools were stones, corals and bones, were able to accomplish such a grandiose task? This question has occupied the world since the Dutch traveler Jacob Roggeveen landed on the island on Easter Day, April 5, 1772.

The 16th century was the time of the island’s greatest prosperity; it was around then that monumental structures were erected that made it famous throughout the world. The ancient builders called these statues "moai", and their stone pedestals were called "ahu": they are carved from stones quarried from the Rano Raraku volcanic crater on the eastern side of the island, on average each statue reaches 4 m in height and weighs about 14 -ti t.

In total, there are 887 moai on Easter Island, of which 397 remained in the crater, 92 fell during transportation from the quarry, and only 288 statues successfully reached their ahu. There are many assumptions about how ancient stonemasons delivered moai to their destination: on sleighs, rolling on logs, or even with the help of aliens, but the exact transportation technique is still unknown.
