The most mysterious places on planet earth. The most terrible and mystical places on planet earth Inexplicable places on earth

Planet Earth is unique in its nature.

There are many beautiful and enchanting places in the world that many people want to visit. But there are mysterious, unusual and mystical places.

While scientists are trying to unravel the mystery of their uniqueness, they arouse keen interest among tourists.

So, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the TOP 5 most mystical places on planet Earth.

5th place - Roopkund Lake, India

The glacial lake is located at an altitude of 5029 meters in the Himalayas. The alpine reservoir is called “skeleton lake” for the many skeletons and skulls on its shores.

Rumors about it have circulated since the late 19th century, but it is believed that it was discovered by a local forester in 1942. Many believed that these remains belonged to Japanese soldiers, but numerous examinations showed that the age of the remains was more than 800 years.

In 2004, an expedition of scientists found that human remains had been lying around since 850 AD. DNA analysis revealed that the bones are divided into two parts: those belonging to people of small stature and people of normal height.

The cause of their death was hail. It has been suggested that most likely these were pilgrims to the sacred site of Homkund.

4th place - Arkaim, Russia

In 1987, in the Chelyabinsk region, archaeologists discovered this mysterious city. Previously, it belonged to the ancient arches, which unexpectedly abandoned it and finally set it on fire.

Arkaim is well preserved and practically not destroyed. Inexplicable things are happening in this place.

There are legends that people are healed here and illnesses go away forever. The city consists of two circles with four entrances, according to the cardinal directions.

This place is popular among tourists. It is even possible to spend the night in a tent under open air on the territory of this mystical place.

3rd place - Loch Ness, Scotland

This place gained popularity after the appearance of a mysterious animal. The huge monster was first seen in the 20th century by a Mackay couple who had a hotel nearby.

Many eyewitnesses describe it as a huge dinosaur with an elongated neck.

An English pilot even made a film confirming its existence. Scientists have found a long cave at the bottom of this lake.

Scientists are still studying this lake, but for now a huge flow of tourists visits it every year.

2nd place - Heizhu Valley, China

Black Bamboo Dell is located in the southern region of China. The fame of this place lies in the fact that people die and disappear here repeatedly, and accidents occur.

In 1950, there was a plane crash here, although no faults had previously been discovered. One day, an expedition team disappeared in the valley.

The leader of the squad fell a little behind the rest of the participants and saw how a thick fog appeared around him. He was terribly scared and when the fog cleared he discovered that the rest of the group had disappeared.

It is believed that this anomalous zone is located on the border of the transition to a parallel world. It is worth noting that the evaporation of the roots of rotting plants, which are located in the hollow, can affect the psyche of people.

1st place - Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

The most dangerous and mystical zone on Earth. In the Devil's Triangle, planes, ships and people disappear without a trace.

The anomalous zone got its name because it looks like a triangle, where the vertices are Bermuda, Puerto Rico and southern cape Florida.

Vincent Gladdis dedicated an article to this place in 1964 and became the author of this phrase. Many films have been made and many books written about the Bermuda Triangle.

Skeptics argue that in this place there are no less cataclysms than in others. It is believed that the triangle is a transition to a parallel world.

But there are also scientific points of view on incidents in this anomalous zone, and several books have been written where the authors debunk myths about the dangerous zone.

In any case, while skeptics and scientists argue, this place rightfully takes first place in the ranking of the most mystical places on Earth.

There are many places in the world that both attract and frighten with their mystery.

People disappear there, things fly there, ghosts appear there.

Scientists still cannot really understand these phenomena, either explaining them as mass hallucinations or simply throwing up their hands. Below we will tell you about the 10 most mystical places on the planet.


This is a rather mysterious place. First of all, you need to be able to get here in the right way. According to beliefs, it is not enough to just buy a bus or train ticket to this mystical city. Another aspect is much more important here - will this place want to receive a guest? People come here not just attracted by an interest in antiquity. Quite strange and unusual things happen here. So, you can spend the night on the top of the mountain, where it is quite cold and windy. In this case, a thick sleeping bag will not be needed - the cold will not overcome you anyway. They say that all diseases that lie dormant in the body and sometimes make themselves felt come out in these places and never return to a person. People literally experience withdrawal symptoms after visiting Arkaim. The old life loses all meaning. Anyone who has been here begins to feel renewed, starting a lot from scratch. This ancient mystical city was found by Soviet archaeologists in 1987. It is located at the confluence of the Karaganka and Utyaganka rivers. This is in the Chelyabinsk region, south of Magnitogorsk. Among all the archaeological monuments of Russia, this is, without a doubt, the most mysterious. Once upon a time, the ancient Aryans built their fortress here. However, for some unknown reason, they left their home and left, finally burning it. This happened about 4 thousand years ago. But during this time the city practically did not collapse; another Aryan city, Sintashta, looks much worse. According to the plan, Arkaim looks like two rings of defensive structures, inscribed one into the other. There are two circles of dwellings here, central square and again a circular street in which the flooring was wooden, and there was even a storm drain. The four entrances to Arkaim were oriented to the cardinal points. There is no doubt that the city was built according to a clear plan. After all, all the circular lines here have a single center, where all the radial lines converge. In addition, the city also has a clear orientation by the stars. The fact is that it was not only built, but also lived taking into account astrological aspects. Arkaim is often compared to Stonehenge, but it would be more appropriate to compare it with the City of the Sun by Tommaso Campanella. This philosopher was fond of astrology and dreamed of creating a society that would live according to the laws of the Cosmos. The City of the Sun, which he invented, was to be built in the form of a ring, taking into account astrological calculations. The culture of the found city existed 38-40 centuries ago. This correlates with the theory of the settlement of the ancient Aryans on the planet. Legends of those times say that white race came to Europe from the continent of Arctida, which sank in the Arctic Ocean. Then the Aryans settled along the Volga and in the Urals, Northern Siberia. From there they moved to India and Persia. Thus, it is Russia that can be considered the cradle of two ancient world religions - Zoroastrianism and Hinduism. The Avesta and Vedas came to Iran and India from us. As proof of this, we can cite the Avestan traditions, according to which the prophet Zarathustra was born somewhere in the foothills of the Urals.

Devil's Tower.

This place is located in the US state of Wyoming. In fact, it is not a tower at all, but a rock. It consists of stone pillars that seem to be made of bundles. The mountain has the correct shape. It was formed 200 million years ago. For a long time, it seemed to an outside observer that this mountain was of artificial origin. But man could not build it; therefore, it was created by the devil. In size, the Devil's Tower is 2.5 times larger than the Cheops pyramid! It is not surprising that the local population has always treated this place with trepidation and even fear. In addition, there were rumors that mysterious lights often appeared at the very top of the mountain. A variety of films are often filmed at Devil's Tower science fiction films. The most famous of them is Steven Spielberg's film Close Encounters of the Third Kind. People have only climbed to the top of the mountain twice. The first conqueror was a local resident in the 19th century, and the second was rock climber Jack Durrance in 1938. The plane cannot land there, and from the only area suitable for helicopters they are literally torn away by wind currents. Experienced parachutist George Hopkins intended to become the third conqueror of the summit. Although he was able to land successfully, the ropes that were thrown to him from above were damaged due to the impact on the sharp rocks. As a result, Hopkin became a real prisoner of the Devil's Rock. The news of this shook the whole country. Soon several dozen planes were circling over the Tower, dropping down free equipment and food supplies. However, most of the parcels were broken on rocks. Rats became another problem for the parachutist. It turned out that there were quite a lot of them on the top of a smooth rock, inaccessible from below. Every night the rodents became more aggressive and bolder. In the USA, a special committee was even created to save Hopkins. Experienced climber Ernst Field was called to help him along with his assistant. But after only 3 hours of climbing, the climbers were forced to abandon further rescue. Field said that this damn rock was simply too tough for them. This is how it turned out that professionals conquering eight-thousanders turned out to be powerless in front of a rock 390 meters high. Through the press, the same Jack Durrance was found. Within two days he was there and decided to conquer the peak along the only route known to him. The climbers, led by him, were able to reach the top and lower the unfortunate parachutist from there. Devil's Tower held him captive for a whole week.

White Gods.

In the northeast of the Moscow region there is a place called White Gods. It is located in a tract near the village of Vozdvizhenskoye, Sergiev Posad district. As soon as you delve deeper into the deep forest, a regular stone hemisphere appears. Its diameter is 6 meters and its height is 3 meters. This place was mentioned in his notes by the famous traveler and geographer Semenov-Tyan-Shansky. Legends say that there was a pagan altar here in the 12th-13th centuries. Its layout was somewhat reminiscent of the English Stonehenge. There, by the way, according to some sources, sacrifices were also made to the gods. In the pantheon of ancient gods, good was personified by Belbog. His idols were installed by the Magi on a hill, people prayed to him for protection from Chernobog - the personification of evil. The father of these two gods was Svantevit, the god of gods. Together they made up Triglav, or the triune deity. This was the image of the pagan system of the universe among the Slavs. Our ancient ancestors did not build their settlements just anywhere. A number of conditions had to be met for this to happen. Typically, the Slavs tried to build near river bends so that groundwater, ring structures and geological faults were present. This is evidenced by photographs from space, as well as an analysis of the location of old settlements, churches and monasteries, as well as stories that the mystical properties of nature are manifested in such places.


There are many mysterious and mystical substances in the Atlantic. One of them is Cape Hatteras. It is also called the Southern Cemetery of the Atlantic. The East Coast of the United States is generally quite dangerous for shipping. There are islands here called the Outer Banks or Virginia Dare Dunes. They constantly change their shape and size. This creates difficulties for navigation even in weather with excellent visibility. In addition, there are often storms, fogs and swells. The local "Southern Haze" current and "Gulf Stream soar" make navigation in these waters quite stressful and even deadly. Forecasters say that during a “normal” force 8 storm, the wave height here is as much as 13 meters. The Gulf Stream near the cape flows at a speed of about 70 kilometers per day. The two-metre Diamond Shoals are located 12 miles from the cape. There the famous current collides with the North Atlantic. This leads to the formation of a very surprising phenomenon, observed only in these places. During a storm, the waves collide with a roar, and sand, shells and sea foam fly up in fountains to a height of 30 meters. Few managed to see such a spectacle live and then get out of there. The Cape has many victims. One of the most famous is the American motor ship "Mormakkait". It sank here on October 7, 1954. Another famous case occurred with the lightship Diamond Shoals. It was tightly tied to the bottom with anchors, but strong storms tore it out every time. As a result, the lighthouse ended up being thrown over the dunes into Pamlico Sound. In 1942, it was finally shot from its cannons by a fascist submarine that unexpectedly surfaced here. In general, sandbanks during World War II became a favorite place for German submarines. There, submariners swam, sunbathed and even organized sporting events. And all this is under the very nose of the Americans. After resting, the Germans boarded their boats and continued the hunt for Allied transports. As a result, in this area from January 1942 to 1945, the following were sunk: 31 tankers, 42 transports, 2 passenger ships. The number of small ships is generally difficult to calculate. The Germans themselves lost only 3 submarines here, all in April-June 1942. Cape Terrible at that time became an ally of the Nazis. Those natural factors that hindered American ships only helped the submarines. True, shallow depths posed a danger for the Germans too.

Czech catacombs.

In the city of Jihlava, in Czech South Moravia, there are catacombs. These underground structures were created by man. This place has a mystical fame. The passages were dug here back in the Middle Ages. They say that in one of the corridors exactly at midnight they begin to hear the sounds of an organ. Ghosts were repeatedly encountered in the catacombs, and other supernatural phenomena occurred here. Scientists initially rejected all these mystical incidents as unscientific. However, over time, even they were forced to pay attention to the increasing evidence of something wrong happening underground. In 1996, a special archaeological expedition arrived in Jihlava. She made an interesting conclusion - the local catacombs hide secrets that science simply cannot unravel. Scientists have recorded that in the place referred to in legends, the sounds of an organ can actually be heard. Moreover, the underground passage is located at a depth of 10 meters, there is not a single room near it that could accommodate this musical instrument in principle. So there can be no talk of random errors. The eyewitnesses were examined by psychologists who said there were no signs of mass hallucination. But the main sensation told by archaeologists was the existence of a “luminous staircase.” It was discovered in one of the hitherto little-known underground passages. Even the old-timers didn’t know that it even existed. Samples of the material showed that there was no phosphorus in it. Witnesses say that the staircase does not stand out at first glance. However, over time, it begins to emit a mystical reddish-orange light. Even if you turn off the flashlight, the glow will still remain, and its intensity will not decrease.

Coral Castle.

This complex includes huge statues and megaliths, whose total weight exceeds 1100 tons. They are folded here by hand, without the use of any machines. The castle is located in California. The complex has a square tower with two floors. She alone weighs 243 tons. There are also various buildings here, thick walls, and a spiral staircase leading to the underground pool. There is also a map of Florida made of stones, hewn stones, a table created in the shape of a heart, an accurate sundial, and stone Saturn and Mars. The moon, weighing 30 tons, points its horn directly to the North Star. As a result, many interesting objects were located on an area of ​​40 hectares. The author and creator of such an object was Edward Lidskalnins, a Latvian emigrant. Perhaps he was inspired to create the castle by his unrequited love for 16-year-old Agness Skaffs. The architect himself came to Florida in 1920. The mild climate of this place extended his life, because it was in danger due to progressive tuberculosis. Edward was a small man with a height of 152 centimeters and a weight of 45 kilograms. Although outwardly he seemed frail, he built his castle for 20 years alone. To do this, he dragged huge blocks of coral limestone here from the coast, and then created blocks from it. Moreover, he didn’t even have a jackhammer; the Latvian created all his tools from discarded car parts. It is quite difficult to understand now how the construction itself took place. It is unknown how Edward moved and lifted multi-ton blocks. The fact is that the builder was also very secretive, preferring to work at night. The gloomy Edward allowed guests into his places of work extremely reluctantly. As soon as an unwanted guest arrived here, the owner stood behind him and stood there silently until the visitor left. One day, an active lawyer from Louisiana decided to build a Villa next door. In response to this, Edward simply moved his entire creation 10 miles south. How he managed it remains a mystery. It is known that the builder hired a large truck for this purpose. Many witnesses saw the car. However, no one saw how Edward himself or the builder loaded anything there or unloaded it back. To astonished questions about how he managed to transport his castle, he answered: “I discovered the secret of the pyramid builders!” In 1952, Lidskalnin died unexpectedly, but not from tuberculosis, but from stomach cancer. After the death of the Latvian, parts of diaries were found that talk about the magnetism of the Earth and the control of the flow of cosmic energy. However, nothing was explained there. A few years after Edward's death, the American Engineering Society decided to conduct an experiment. To do this, they tried to move one of the stone blocks, which Edward never managed to install, with the most powerful bulldozer. The machine turned out to be unable to do this. As a result, the mystery of this entire structure and its movement remained unsolved.


Between the Syrdarya and Amudarya rivers in Central Asia there are a number of anomalous areas that have not yet been explored. Thus, in the central part of Kyzylkum, in its mountains, strange rock paintings were found. There you can clearly see people in spacesuits and something very reminiscent of spaceships. In addition, UFOs are often observed in these places. A famous incident occurred in November 1990. Then employees of the Zarafshan cooperative "Ldinka", driving at night along the Navoi-Zarafshan road, saw a long forty-meter cylindrical object in the sky. A strong, focused, clearly defined cone-shaped beam descended from it to the ground. An expedition of ufologists found in Zarafshan an interesting woman with supernatural powers. She stated that she is constantly in contact with representatives of an alien civilization. In the spring of 1990, she received information that an unearthly flying object was destroyed in low-Earth orbit, and its remains fell 30-40 kilometers from the city. Only six months passed and in September two local geologists, breaking down drilling profiles, stumbled upon spots of unknown origin. Their analysis showed that they cannot be of earthly origin. However, this information was immediately classified and was never officially confirmed by anyone.

Loch Ness.

This Scottish lake has long attracted all lovers of mysticism and mysteries. The reservoir is located in the north of Great Britain, in Scotland. The area of ​​Loch Ness is 56 km², its length is 37 kilometers. The maximum depth of the lake is 230 meters. The lake is part of the Caledonian Canal, which connects the western and east coast Scotland. The fame of this lake was brought by the mysterious large animal Nessie, who supposedly lives in it. Outwardly, it is very reminiscent of a fossil lizard. Scientists estimate that since the creation of the road on the lake shore in 1933, more than 4 thousand evidence of a monster emerging from the waters of the lake have been recorded. It was first seen in the 20th century by the Mackays, owners local hotel . However, there are not only documented stories of eyewitnesses, science also has dozens of, albeit unclear, photographs, there are underwater recordings and even recordings of echo sounders. One or more lizards with a long neck can be seen on them, in whole or in part. Proponents of the existence of the monster cite a film made in 1966 by British aviation employee Tim Dinsdale as proof of their theory. There you can see a huge animal swimming in the water. Military experts only confirmed that the object moving around Loch Ness cannot be an artificial model. This is a living creature moving at a speed of about 16 km/h. It is also believed that the lake area itself is a large anomalous zone. After all, UFOs were often observed here; the most famous evidence dates back to 1971, when alien “irons” flew here. Researchers do not leave the lake alone. So, in the summer of 1992, the entire Loch Ness was carefully scanned using sonar. The results were sensational. Dr. McAndrews' team stated that at least several unusually large living creatures were found under water. These could have been dinosaurs that somehow survived to this day. The lake was also photographed using laser equipment. Researchers said that the lizard living in the waters is unusually smart. Even a submarine was used to search for the monster. In 1969, the Pisiz apparatus, equipped with a sonar, descended under water. Later, the search was continued by the Viperfish boat, and since 1995, the Time Machine submarine also began to take part in the research. An important study was carried out in February 1997 by the military, led by Officer Edwards. They patrolled the water surface and used deep-sea sonars. A deep crevice was found at the bottom of the lake. It turned out that the cave is 9 meters wide, and its maximum depth can reach 250 meters! Researchers want to find out further whether this cave is part of an underwater tunnel connecting the lake with other bodies of water in the neighborhood. To find out, they are going to launch a whole batch of non-toxic dyes into the hole. Individual particles of it will then be searched for in other bodies of water. The lake can be reached from London by train, and from Inverness by bus or car. A whole extensive tourist infrastructure has been created around Loch Ness. There are many hotels and hotels here. You can even pitch a tent, but not on personal land. In summer, the lake warms up enough to swim in. But only Russian tourists dare to do this, local residents They are simply mistaken for crazy people.

Moleb triangle.

Between the Sverdlovsk and Perm regions on the banks of the Sylva there is a geoanomalous zone. This triangle is located opposite the village of Molebki. Opened this strange place geologist from Perm Emil Bachurin. In the winter of 1983, he found an unusual round footprint in the snow with a diameter of 62 meters. Returning here in the fall of the following year, he saw a hemisphere glowing blue in the forest. Further study of this place showed that there is a strong dowsing anomaly. Large black figures, luminous balls and other bodies were observed in the triangle. At the same time, these objects demonstrated reasonable behavior. They lined up in clear geometric shapes, watched the people exploring them, and flew away when people approached them. In September 1999, the next expedition of the Cosmopoisk group came here. They repeatedly heard strange sounds here. The researchers mention that they heard a running engine. It felt like a car was about to roll out of the forest into the clearing, but it never appeared. And no traces of her were found later. The Moleb triangle is generally quite famous among tourists and ufologists. In the early 90s, so many curious people began to come here that it became simply impossible to do any research here. It has become increasingly mentioned in the press that the Perm anomalous zone has ceased to exist under the massive impact of people. That is why interest in the mysterious triangle has noticeably decreased recently.


This unusual place is located in Mexico. In Chawinda, according to the beliefs of local residents, there is the “intersection of worlds.” Therefore, no one is surprised that anomalous and mystical incidents occur more often in this area than in other places. In the 1990s, a sensational incident occurred here. Eyewitnesses say it was a moonlit, cloudless night. You didn't even need a flashlight to see what was going on around you. The treasure hunters suddenly heard a horseman approaching them. He was in national costume. The horseman told the frightened Mexicans that he saw them from the top of a distant mountain and rode here in 5 minutes. It was physically impossible! The treasure hunters dropped their tools and fled in panic. When they came to their senses, they naturally doubted what they had seen. The Mexicans soon began searching again. But it turned out that this was just the beginning! Their new cars began to break down, and within just one day they turned into old wrecks. No repair could stop this process. One of the cars was even no longer visible to other drivers on the road. Once she was even rammed by a truck, whose driver watched in amazement as he crashed into an “invisible” car. Such mystical troubles continued until the Mexicans, who had previously believed in nothing, were forced to promise themselves that they would abandon the search for this treasure.

On our planet, along with modern, technologically and industrially developed megacities, there are many places created by ancient masters or nature itself.

Each such attraction has its own legend and, naturally, is silent about a lot of things. Mysterious places raise a huge number of questions among scientists, confusing them with anomalous phenomena and the unknown.

1. Devils Tower, USA

The so-called Devil's Tower is actually a natural rock of amazingly regular shape and consists of columns with sharp corners. This is true mysterious place, which, according to research, is more than 200 million years old, is located in the USA, in the territory of the modern state of Wyoming.

In size, the Devil's Tower is several times larger than the Cheops Pyramid and from the outside resembles a man-made structure. Thanks to its unrealistic size and unnaturally correct configuration, the rock has become the object of attention of many scientists, and local residents claim that Satan himself built it.

2. Cahokia Mounds, USA

Cahokia or Cahokia is an abandoned Indian city, the ruins of which are located near Illinois, USA. This place is reminiscent of how ancient civilizations lived, and its complex structure proves that this area was inhabited by a highly developed people 1500 years ago. Ancient city It is striking in its scale; a network of terraces and 30-meter earthen mounds, as well as a huge solar calendar, have been preserved on its territory.

It is still unknown why a society of almost 40 thousand people left their settlement, and which Indian tribes are direct descendants of the Cahokians. Despite this, the Cahokia mounds are a favorite place for many tourists who come here in the hope of unraveling the mystery of the ancient city.

3. Chawinda, Mexico

This mystical place, according to Aboriginal beliefs, is the center of intersection of the real and other worlds. That is why incredible things happen here that are difficult for modern people to understand.

Chawinda is of interest to many treasure hunters, because according to legend, this area hides unprecedented wealth. Unfortunately, no one has yet managed to find the treasure. Would-be treasure hunters often attribute their failures to otherworldly forces.

4. Newgrange, Ireland

Newgrange is the oldest building on the territory of modern Ireland, it is already about 5 thousand years old. It is believed that this long corridor with a transverse room is a grave, but scientists have not yet been able to determine for whom.

It is still unknown how ancient people were able to build such a perfect structure, which for five thousand years was not only lucky enough to survive, maintaining its primitive appearance, but also to remain completely waterproof.

5. Pyramids of Yonaguni, Japan

Mysterious underwater pyramids near the western Japanese island of Yonaguni are causing a lot of controversy among modern archaeologists and surveyors. The main question is whether the structures are a natural phenomenon, or whether they were created by the hand of an ancient man.

In the course of numerous studies, it was possible to establish that the age of the Yonaguni pyramids is more than 10 thousand years. Therefore, if the Yonagun monuments created mysterious civilizations unknown to us, then the history of mankind should be rewritten.

Mysterious civilization. Underwater cities of Yonaguni

6. Geoglyphs of Nazca, Peru

The Nazca geoglyphs in Peru are one of the most mysterious places on the planet. They were discovered in the middle of the last century and are still actively discussed by scientists who cannot say unambiguously what the ancient people wanted to express with these giant drawings of animals and for what purpose were they used?

Unfortunately, it is no longer possible to ask the creators, but scientists offer 2 main versions: some, leaning towards the cosmic theory of the origin of geoglyphs, believe that they are landmarks for alien ships, others claim that they are giant lunar calendars. In any case, the Nazca rock paintings are proof of the existence on the territory of modern Peru of an ancient and mysterious civilization that lived here long before the famous Incas and was distinguished by a high level of development.

7. Black Bamboo Hollow, China

Black Bamboo Hollow or Heizhu is perhaps the most terrible place on Earth. Local residents have nicknamed it the Valley of Death, and they do not even want to get close to it at any cost. Just the memory of the ravine fills them with great horror.

They say that children and pets disappear here without a trace, and there is a lot of documentary evidence of this. Scientists have been interested in the hollow of black bamboo for decades, who managed to prove that the valley in Chinese province Sichuan is an anomalous area with a harsh climate and sharply changing weather conditions, which together provokes soil subsidence, which, according to scientists, is the reason for the loss of people.

8. Giant's Causeway, Ireland

The Giant's Causeway, or the Giant's Causeway Northern Ireland– an amazing coastal area, formed many centuries ago as a result of a volcanic eruption. It consists of approximately 40 thousand basalt columns that look like giant steps.

A natural landmark is one of the objects world heritage UNESCO. This place deserves admiration, which is why more than one thousand tourists from all over the world visit it every year.

9. Goseck Circle, Germany

The Goseck Circle is an ancient Neolithic structure in the German district of Burgenlandkreis. The circle was accidentally discovered in the early 90s of the last century while surveying the area from an airplane.

The original appearance of the building was restored only after complete reconstruction. Scientists have little doubt that the Goseck Circle was used for astronomical observations and calendaring. This proves that our ancestors also studied cosmic bodies, their movements and kept track of time.

10. Moai monuments on Easter Island

Easter Island is famous throughout the world for the giant Moai statues located throughout its territory. Each such megalithic figure is a large monument created by the masters of an ancient civilization in the crater of the local volcano Rano Raraku.

In total, about 1,000 remains of such man-made monuments were discovered on the island. Most have already gone under water.

Today, the vast majority of the statues are once again placed on platforms facing the ocean, from where they continue to greet visitors to the island and remind of the former power of the ancient people who inhabited these spaces.

Easter Island - Moai Message

11. Georgia Tablets, USA

The Georgia Tablets are 20-ton polished granite slabs with inscriptions in eight of the world's most famous languages. The inscriptions represent commandments for future generations on how to rebuild civilization after a global cataclysm. The monument was erected in 1979, the customer is listed in the documents under the name Robert C. Christian.

The height of the monumental structure is just over six meters, and the slabs are oriented towards the four sides of the world and have holes. In one of them you can see the North Star at any time of the year, in the second - the Sun during the solstice and equinox. Several years ago, the monument was vandalized and was damaged by paint, which has not yet been removed.

12. Rishat (Eye of the Sahara). Mauritania

On the territory of modern Mauritania, the largest desert in the world hides an amazing natural phenomenon of the Proterozoic period, whose name is Richat or the Eye of the Sahara.

This object has incredible huge size(up to 50 kilometers in diameter), so it can be seen even from space. The structure consists of several ellipsoidal rings formed by sedimentary rocks and sandstones about 500 million years ago.

13. “Gateway to Hell” – Darvaza crater in Turkmenistan

In the Turkmen Karakum desert there is the Darvaza gas crater, which in appearance resembles a gate to hell. This fire pit, about 60 meters in diameter and up to 20 meters deep, is the result of excavations carried out here during the Soviet Union.

During such geological research, a group of scientists discovered an underground cavern with natural gas, which almost led to the death of a huge number of people. Therefore, the management decided to set fire to the gas so that it would not threaten local residents. But the fire, which was supposed to burn for no more than 5 days, is still burning, bringing fear to everyone who approaches it.

Brave people are ready to take selfies at the Gates of Hell

14. Arkaim, Russia

Arkaim is an ancient settlement, reminiscent of ancient civilizations, which was discovered several decades ago in the vicinity of Chelyabinsk. It is believed that this landmark of Russia is the birthplace of the ancient Aryans, who gave rise to European, Persian and Indian civilizations.

Arkaim is not only unique architectural monument with a thousand-year history, but also a place of concentration of healing energy flows that can save a person from any disease.

15. Stonehenge, England

English Stonehenge is a real place of pilgrimage for tourists from all over the world. It attracts with its mystery, legends and mystical beginnings. Stonehenge represents megalithic structure up to one hundred meters in diameter, which is located on Salisbury Plain. Territory of mysteries. Stonehenge

16. Loch Ness, Scotland

Loch Ness in Scotland is one of the deepest lakes on the European continent. It hides many mysteries. Eyewitnesses claim that a prehistoric animal named Nessie lives in the lake, which in appearance resembles a plesiosaur (a type of dinosaur that went extinct about 65 million years ago).

To date, scientists have not been able to obtain evidence of the existence of the Loch Ness monster, but photographs of it taken by Nessie hunters periodically appear in the press.

Is this a photo montage or not? Experts are engaged in clarifying such issues.

17. Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

Mystery Bermuda Triangle- this is the mystery of human lives tragically cut short under unclear circumstances. It is located in the northwest Atlantic Ocean, between Miami, Bermuda and Puerto Rico.

Modern history There are about a hundred mystical disappearances of people, planes and even ships in this anomalous zone. Here, equipment periodically fails, aircraft simply disappear from radar in clear, calm weather, and ships go off course. At the same time, it is not possible to find any evidence of the crash of the latter: no wreckage, no sunken parts of the ships.

18. Egyptian pyramids, Giza Valley, Egypt

One of the 7 wonders of the world, the Egyptian pyramids are majestic and mysterious structures with a thousand-year history. Currently, this is one of the main attractions in the world, which millions of tourists want to see. The mystery of the construction of the pyramids, as well as their history, purpose and durability, is the subject of debate among more than a dozen scientists.

There have always been discussions around the existence of pyramids, based both on real facts and on myths and legends. One thing is for sure, the pyramids in Giza are proof of the greatness and power of the pharaonic empire, which lasted for hundreds of years and left a significant imprint on the entire history of mankind.

There are many places in our world that both attract and frighten with their mystery. People disappear there, ghosts appear, animals behave strangely. Scientists voice various theories, but none of them claims to be one hundred percent reliable.

1. Headless Valley, Canada

This place got its creepy name because of a series of tragic incidents. At the end of the 19th century, gold was discovered here, and fortune hunters flocked to the valley. In 1898, a group of 6 gold miners disappeared without a trace. 7 years later, two MacLeod brothers and their friend Robert Vere disappeared in the same valley. After 3 years, 9 headless corpses were accidentally discovered.
Mysterious disappearances of people continue in the valley to this day.

The local residents themselves are sure that all the deaths are the work of soskvachi. Creatures similar to hairy giant men were often seen here, and even more often their traces were found.
In fact, most likely, this is the work of a gang of thugs operating in the valley, who are hunting for gold miners and their prey. However, the police do not confirm this guess.

2. Valley of Falling Birds, India

In the last days of summer in Indian state In Assam, unusual phenomena are occurring in the Jatinga mountain valley. At night, closer to midnight, flocks of birds fly here in an almost unconscious state.
The birds circle low - local residents even knock them down with sticks and then cook them over a fire. Many birds fall to the ground and do not even try to escape from the hands of the person who lifts them.

The inhabitants of the valley are sure that the gods are rewarding them for their righteous life by sending them easy prey.
Scientists have established that the hypnotic behavior of birds (the absence of the instinct of self-preservation and the body’s reactions to external stimuli) is formed only with the obligatory combination of such factors as the new moon, wind and dark time days.
Based on this, we can voice a hypothesis about the presence in this area of ​​a short-term geomagnetic anomaly, which, with the coincidence of all the listed natural factors, has such an unusual effect on the birds living in the area.

3. Death Valley, USA

Contrary to popular legends, this place is not associated with the disappearance of people and the death of livestock - the valley received its name during the California Gold Rush. Here you can observe unusual crawling stones - many have seen them, but they were recorded on camera only 2 years ago.
The tracks trailing behind multi-kilogram boulders reach several tens of meters.

Scientists led by paleobiologist Richard Norris reported that they had solved the mystery of moving stones in Death Valley.
According to them, the movement of stones is influenced by daily temperature changes in winter, coastal wind, the nature of the soil at the bottom of a nearby lake and even climate change. In their opinion, due to general warming, such movements have become less frequent.

4. Drossolides, Greece

Near the castle of Franca Castello on the Greek island of Crete, many locals and tourists have encountered an amazing chronomirage (an event from the past) called “drossolides”, which means “droplets of moisture”.
According to them, in the early summer morning, strange outlines of warriors appear over the sea, shrouded in fog, and sometimes the sound of battle can be clearly heard. After some time, the chronomirage disappears near the castle walls. At this place in mid-19th century, a fierce battle took place between the Turks and Greeks. Everyone who observed this mystical phenomenon claims that the phantoms of these very warriors appear near the castle.

Researcher Andrei Perepelitsyn believes that elementary particles with sufficiently high energies, moving in air saturated with water vapor, leave a trail of water droplets. They may be able to ionize the air and "reveal" into misty images before the dew falls. And the rest is a matter of human imagination.
Perhaps chronomirages cause magnetic storms or geomagnetic disturbances in some small area of ​​the area. To find out, further research is needed taking into account the possible influence of these factors.

5. Lake Dead, Kazakhstan

This small lake in the Taldykurgan region of Kazakhstan seems completely ordinary from the outside, but even in the hottest summer it remains terribly cold. There is absolutely no life in the lake: there are no fish, not even aquatic insects.
And people drown in the lake all the time. Another frightening fact is that the drowned people of the Dead Lake do not float to the surface, but, on the contrary, sink to the bottom and stand there straight as candles. Even professional divers with equipment cannot stay in the water of this lake for more than 5 minutes. For some inexplicable reason, they suddenly begin to choke, although their tanks are still full of air.

According to one version, mystical rumors are associated with the phenomenon of hypersolarization of water and the purple bacteria living there that produce hydrogen sulfide. Even in small doses, it actively affects the human psyche.
There is also an assumption that at the bottom of the lake there is a crevice from which toxic gas is released, which kills all living things. However, there are no plans to conduct separate scientific studies of the Dead Lake in Kazakhstan yet.

6. Heizhu Black Bamboo Hollow, China

Hundreds of people enter these bamboo jungles every year and stay there forever. Moreover, everyone disappears completely without a trace - no traces, no bodies, no personal belongings. Documented cases of missing people here date back to the middle of the last century.
In 1950, for an unknown reason, a plane crashed here. Interestingly, there were no technical malfunctions on board, the crew did not send distress signals or report any oddities. The plane, along with all the people, simply disappeared.

Of course, local residents talk about portals to parallel worlds and time paradoxes that transport people from the ravine to some other reality.
But scientists from the Chinese Academy of Sciences identified a structure of geological rocks in this place that was completely unique in its characteristics, and also recorded the release of deadly toxic fumes, which turned out to be a product of the rotting of certain tree species, of which there is an abundance here. The researchers also noted a difficult local climate with unexpectedly and sharply changing weather, and strong geomagnetic radiation.

7. Pluckley Village, England

Residents of the English village of Pluckley claim the existence of as many as 12 ghosts in their village. The Plaklians say that all the ghosts once lived in this village, but died or died long ago.

Skeptics are sure that the village population is simply flattered by the attention of tourists who constantly come to look at the ghosts.
However, when a group of researchers arrived in the village in 2011, something inexplicable happened. Pluckley was swarmed with flies in near-zero temperatures at the start of winter. The researchers had to return with nothing.

8. Palmyra Island, Pacific Ocean

The ship of the American captain Edmund Fanning in 1798 crashed off the coast of Palmyra - a small uninhabited atoll with an area of ​​only 12 square meters. km. Many who tried to swim to the island drowned or were eaten by sharks. 10 people were saved, and after 2 months only three remained alive on the island. Survivors claimed that the island killed the others.
During World War II, Palmyra was used by US Air Force aircraft for landing. However, everyone who was on the island at different times said that it aroused fear, depression, anger and hatred in them. Some suddenly took their own lives without any apparent reason, others, on the contrary, suddenly went crazy and killed their friends and colleagues. Almost everyone says that it was scary all the time on the island.

Some speculate about the existence of a certain religious sect on the island. Scientist Mershan Marin believes that there is some unknown creature hostile to humans on the atoll. Many support this idea and try to prove that the island itself is alive. Having lured him into a trap with his beauty, he kills his unwary guests. And there are also exotic versions, for example that there is a gate to another dimension on the atoll.
Be that as it may, there are few people who would like to visit Palmyra, especially after 1986, when an American radioactive waste dump appeared on the island.

9. Overton Bridge, Scotland

In 1951, a certain dog, for no apparent reason, jumped off this 15-meter bridge. It seemed like just an accident. But by 1955, there were already more than 50 such suicide dogs. Moreover, it is noteworthy that all the dogs always chose the same place for jumping - between the last two spans on the right side of the bridge.
Until now, on average, 1 dog per month jumps from this bridge. Surprisingly, some animals that managed to survive this suicide attempt recovered and went to jump on the bridge again.

Animal behavior expert David Sexton found that the ground just under where the dogs fell was simply filled with traces of mice and minks. The urine of males of these animals has a very strong effect on dogs and cats. A further experiment only confirmed the ethologist’s theory. He spread the scent of animals living under the bridge and observed the behavior of ordinary dogs. As a result, only 2 out of 30 dogs - with short muzzles and small noses - remained calm. The rest mindlessly ran to the source of the smell, practically not looking around, as if under a spell.

10. Aokigahara Forest, Japan

Translated from Japanese, the name of this place sounds like “plain of blue trees.” But most often it is called the “suicide forest.” They say that in the Middle Ages, local poor people, driven to despair by lack of food, brought their elderly relatives here and left them to die in this forest. Since then, restless souls have been wandering through the forest, lying in wait for lonely travelers, wanting to take revenge on them for all their suffering.
Until now, from 70 to 100 bodies of people who have decided to commit suicide are found in the forest every year. Many come to this forest specifically to commit suicide, but there are rumors that the forest itself “persuades” some to do so. As if someone who turned off the paved hiking trails aside, immediately overcome by severe melancholy and depression. So strong that the poor fellow immediately commits suicide.

So far, the only fact known for certain is that at the foot of Mount Fuji in the “suicide forest” the compass does not work. There is a strong magnetic anomaly there, which, apparently, has a colossal effect on humans.
Just before the entrance to the Aokigahara territory there is a sign with approximately the following content: “Your life is the most priceless gift that you received from your parents. Think about your family. Don’t suffer alone, call us on 0555-22-0110.”

The world around us is full of picturesque corners, amazing with beauty, purity, and uniqueness. In addition to familiar territories, there are many mysterious areas on Earth with fantastic landscapes. The article will introduce the reader to the most incredible places on the planet.

The geological monument Manpupuner is located in the Komi Republic and consists of 7 stone giants, 30 - 42 m high. Mansi “boobs” are formed due to weathering and washing out of rocks. The plain has an atypical position. In June, on the southern side there is flowering of plants, and on the northern side there is snow that does not melt until August.

In ancient times, shamans performed rituals near the pillars and believed that spirits lived on the plateau. According to visitors, the sculptures convey a calm energy. To preserve the reserve, the number of visits has been reduced to 4 times a month.

The underground cavity of New Zealand was found in 1887 by an English explorer. The cave complex also includes: Gardner's Rath, Ruakuri, Aranui. Features of the attraction are limestone deposits and fireflies.

The bluish-green glow is emitted by insects. Scientists have suggested that the bugs glow when they are hungry, luring prey into a trap. When tiny creatures get scared loud sounds and careless movements, complete darkness sets in.

The Mexican curiosity was accidentally discovered in 2002 by miner brothers while studying a drained passage in the shaft of a silver-lead mine. The 300-meter deepening contains crystalline growths of selenite. The layers are razor-sharp, some resembling shark mouths and candles, the largest of which weighs 55 tons.

Liquid is pumped out of the cave to avoid flooding. The elevated temperature of +58 °C makes it difficult to do other work. The Nike project protects the object from negative factors; data is quickly recorded, because crystals are destroyed in air.

The popular American valley consists of upper gorge and the lower spiral. The appearance of smooth, orange-red walls was influenced by water and wind. The area belongs to the Navajo tribe, so there is a fee for guide services. It is not safe to visit during the rainy season, and a flash flood in 1997 resulted in the death of 11 tourists. The last flood happened in 2006, then the park was closed for 5 months.


The location was used for filming the video clip for Britney Spears “I’m Not a Girl, Not Yet a Woman.”

On the Japanese island of Kyushu lies hot spring, nicknamed "demonic". There are 9 of these in the city of Beppu, but only 7 are open to tourists. The frightening scarlet color of the reservoir is due to the high iron content. In addition, boiling water is released every 35 - 40 minutes. Swimming is not allowed here; those interested are offered special medicinal baths.


Some aborigines like to tell a legend that sinners are boiled in a pond.

The "Eye of the Sahara" is located in the southwestern part of the desert. It is assumed that relief formation began in the Proterozoic and ended in the early Paleozoic. The structure with a diameter of 50 km is complemented by concentric circles, visible even from space. The reason for this silhouette is still unknown; the “culprit” was considered to be an impacting meteorite. Modern geologists admit the effects of erosion.

The lake benefits space exploration by being a suitable tool for testing and calibrating instruments on satellites. The extraction of salt has not stopped to this day; there are 10 billion deposits. City residents build hotels using salt blocks, where travelers find lodging for the night.

Canada's endorheic reservoir contains an abnormal concentration of minerals. The composition includes: magnesium, sodium, titanium, silver sulfates. In summer, evaporation occurs, and spots of green and blue shades are visible at the top. If the temperature rises to 43° C, 365 water accumulations appear on the surface.

The Okanagan Indian people use Kliluk mud for ailments. During the First World War, local minerals were selected for the manufacture of ammunition. Spotted Lake water is not suitable for drinking, swimming and fish do not live in it.

The natural ice labyrinth, which arose 100 million years ago, belongs to Austria. Its length is 42 km, depth 407 m. The discoverer is the Austrian von Posselt-Kzorich, who walked 200 m of the path. The dungeon is visited by 150 thousand guests every year, and people are given carbide lamps on excursions. In winter, the entrance is closed to prevent avalanches.

"Horse Tail" - Pride national park State of California. The waterfall is characterized a unique phenomenon, taking place in February. The rays of the setting sun are reflected in the falling stream and Horstail looks on fire for two minutes. Tourists feel as if hot lava is flowing out of the rock.


In the past, hotel workers threw hot coals off the cliff to simulate a burning effect, until security banned such an action.

Glowing Beach

Vaadhoo Island has a stunning stretch of coastline. At night, blue lights light up on it, but there is no mystical overtone to what is happening. Phytoplankton living in the ocean are stressed by the presence of people and crashing waves, resulting in a neon glow.

Colored rocks are a landscape formation in the Chinese province of Gansu. Appeared after weathering, shifting of the earth's crust and mineral deposits. The growth of the mountains has not completely ended; over the course of every 10 thousand years, the slopes increase by 0.9 m. Travel through the protected area is allowed only as part of a bus trip. In 2010, the geopark was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List.

A mysterious area of ​​taiga was spotted near the village of Karamyshevo in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Researchers thought that the anomalous zone originated from the fall of the Tunguska meteorite. But there were no clear answers. The charred lawn was periodically covered with animal corpses. Eyewitnesses who accidentally came to the “Glade of Death” spoke of hallucinations and a feeling of insane fear.

Shilin is a placer of vertical limestone occupying the space of the Chinese outback of Yunnan. Previously, there was a sea and sedimentary rocks here. The exact age of the boulders is not known; scientists put the figure at 270 million years. Asians annually hold a torchlight festival in the “thicket” with the performance of rituals.


Some stone pillars have received interesting names, for example, “a wife waiting for her husband”, “a rhinoceros”, “a camel with three humps”.

Belongs to the territory of the state of Yemen, from the Sanskrit language it means “happiness”. Scientists believe that Socotra separated from the African mainland 6 million years ago and remained isolated. The mountainous terrain and arid climate have been preserved rare species animals and plants. Among them are: sunbird, cucumber and dragon tree, desert rose. Once here, you can be transported to the prehistoric era, only without dinosaurs.

The Danes called the junction of two bodies of water the end of the world. Different composition, salinity and density prevent mixing, which was once proven by the French researcher Jacques Yves Cousteau. The merging effect is created by waves running into each other.

The Table Mountains belong to the region of Venezuela. The natural monument was formed after the plateau fractured, then rocks 2 km high appeared. Each of the mountains stands isolated; ancient examples of flora on them have survived. An expedition carried out in the 60s revealed relict remains of animals. After scientists found a strange laboratory, they assumed that it belonged to an alien.

A landmark of the Hawaiian Islands that gained popularity after the film “Jurassic Park.” The wettest part of the world receives 11,680 mm of precipitation annually. Water flows from the slopes extinct volcano Waialeale, forming streams called the “Weeping Wall”. Difficult terrain is not for hiking, they fly here by helicopter.

The volcano of the Ethiopian Danakil Hollow is the lowest on the globe. The local landscape is colorful, as geysers wash away manganese, potassium, and iron salts. The last time a mountain with a crater erupted was in 1926. A lake with a purple-yellow color formed nearby. Despite the amazing landscape, the air is radioactive, with harmful fumes.

The hydraulic structure was built in the state of California, despite the dissatisfaction of residents. The design of the spillway resembles a giant funnel, allowing 1,370 m3 of liquid to pass through per second. During the rainy season, Lake Berryessa experiences a huge sinkhole. Swimming near the hole is prohibited; special fences have been installed for protection.

In Antarctica there is a glacier along which a scarlet stream flows. The original phenomenon was discovered by Australian geologist Taylor. The red substance is highly salty water with microorganisms accumulated under a block of ice. Once on the surface, the moisture is saturated with oxygen and looks like human blood.

The sandstone ridge extends across the Colorado highlands. 200 million years ago there was a desert with dunes, which later became rocks. The mountain structure has been ground by precipitation and is distinguished by expressive patterns. The thin white stripes on the outside are calcite.

The symbol of the American Yellowstone Park is 49 m deep and looks like an eye. Hunters were the first to notice the “boiling lake” in 1839. Its temperature is 70°C, its length is 50 meters. The color changes from orange-red to green, caused by minerals and thermophilic bacteria.

Thermal spring State of Nevada was created by people during the construction of a well. In the 60s, liquid came to the surface and salts dissolved. Algae, cyanide, and calcium carbonate give the geyser its colorful shades.

The geyser consists of:

  • Three fountains of hot water, shooting up 1.5 m;
  • Elevations formed with the help of solid minerals;
  • Horizontal and slightly inclined platforms.

From Turkish it means "Cotton Castle". The water cascades flowing down are saturated with magnesium and bicarbonate. Over the centuries, terraced baths have been formed, the likes of which have no analogues anywhere. Medicinal properties Swimming pools reduce tension, improve the condition of the gastrointestinal tract, heart, and cleanse the skin.

Sagano Grove, with an area of ​​1600 hectares, belongs to the Japanese city of Kyoto. The protected area was created by the monk and gardener Soseki. Shoots of the “Moso” species reach 20 meters in height in a month. The alley is characterized by the sound that arises from the contact of the wind with the bamboo stems. Nearby, residents sell souvenirs, including dishes and baskets.

It is part of the Arctic Ocean archipelago. Spherical stones are scattered across the area, as if growing out of the ground. According to one theory, the boulders were washed with water into their characteristic shape. The second says that the stone roundness was created by an extraterrestrial civilization. And the Swiss writer Erich Däniken even suggested that the cobblestones were balls with which the gods played.

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