The most brutal gangs of the criminal world. The most famous gangs of the USA The largest group in the world

The most dangerous gangs in the USA ( New York, Los Angeles)

Of course, there are many more dangerous gangs in the United States that deserve close attention, but we will focus on the five very best.

(slang for “gang of wandering ants”) or MS 13- is by far the most powerful and dangerous street gang operating in the United States, El Salvador, Mexico, Guatemala and a number of other Central American countries. In 2012, US authorities declared MS 13 the first ever international criminal organization.

Mara Salvatrucha formed in Los Angeles in the early 1980s, when hundreds of thousands of emigrants from Central American countries poured into the United States. Initially, the core of the gang was formed from citizens of El Salvador, and then people from Guatemala, Nicaragua and Honduras began to join it.

At first, it was one of the many street gangs that operated on the streets of Los Angeles and spent a significant part of their time in brutal wars with hostile groups, primarily with blacks. Then the Salvadoran smart boys were swept away by respectable guys from the Mexican mafia and proposed a criminal alliance - Surenos (Sureños). According to the agreement, the ants were tasked with supplying fighters for the dirty work that the Mexicans entrusted to them, and they, in turn, pledged to provide all support to the Salvadorans in street wars and in prisons. After this, the authority and power of Mara Salvatrucha grew by leaps and bounds.

Today in the United States there are about 10-12 thousand members of this gang, while the total number of Mara Salvatrucha in all of America reaches 70 thousand people. The geography of MS-13 in the USA is quite extensive, judge for yourself: California, Washington, Texas, New York, Maryland, Illinois, Florida, Virginia, Oregon, Michigan, Nevada, Utah, Georgia, Oklahoma and even. The Ants have their own branches in at least 40 American cities.

Tattoos: tattoos of a member of MS 13, often covering their owner from head to toe, can tell knowledgeable people about a lot - who he is and what he is, why and how long he was imprisoned, who he killed, etc.

Criminal activities: drug trafficking, control of prostitution (including children's), racketeering, protection of criminal and semi-criminal businesses, extortion, arms trafficking, murder, organizing the delivery of illegal immigrants to the States, various dirty work on behalf of the allied Mexican mafia.

Also known as Barrio 18 or M-18- a large street gang from Los Angeles, whose brigades, in addition to the “City of Angels,” operate in 120 American cities in 37 states. For decades now, the main enemies of the M-18 have been the Mara Salvatrucha and a number of African-American groups. The main ally is La Eme (Mexican mafia).

The gang appeared in the 60s of the last century in Los Angeles. Its backbone was made up of Mexicans and immigrants from Central America. Today, the 18th Street Gang is considered the largest gang in Los Angeles - in this city and surrounding areas alone there are about 10 thousand members of this group, and in total, according to some sources, up to 30 thousand people are loyal to it.

The main income of M-18 comes from street drug trafficking. Gang members are also involved in protecting businesses, illegal immigration, forgery of documents, extortion, underground gambling, kidnapping, murder, in general, everything that such gangs do.

The FBI began to take a closer look at the M-18 guys back in the 1990s, but they really only got their hands on them in the mid-2000s, when a series of large-scale raids were carried out against its members.

M-18’s main enemy is considered to be the famous Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13), with whom it continued to have a bloody showdown for many years, and this despite the fact that these two gangs have the same main ally - La Eme(Mexican Mafia).

One of the most famous and brutal prison gangs in the United States. Initially, having originated in 1964 as an ordinary racist group, over time AB transformed into a full-fledged criminal syndicate, where today money comes first and ideology comes only second.

The Aryan Brotherhood accounts for approximately 20% of all murders committed in federal prisons in the country. Despite the racist ideology, one of the gang's main allies is the Mexican mafia, for which the "Aryans" sometimes carry out contract killings. AB also has contacts with some Asian groups that deliver drugs to the United States, but it is believed that the “Aryans” will never have anything to do with blacks. By the way, the main enemy of AB is the black group “Black Guerrilla Family”.

Today, there are more than 10,000 people in the ranks of the Aryan Brotherhood. To join a gang, a white prisoner must kill another prisoner, preferably a black or Latino. Leaving the gang means death.

ABs are involved in drug trafficking, murders for hire and on racial grounds, racketeering, arms trafficking, etc. As mentioned above, it is impossible to leave the ranks of the gang - AB members released from prison must supply their brothers with money, drugs and other contraband.

Characteristic tattoos: abbreviations SS and AB, swastika, zig runes, 666.


Crips- one of the oldest criminal alliances in the United States. The Crips are made up of many African-American gangs, without any central control. The gang was founded in 1969 by teenagers Raymond Washington and Stanley Williams in Los Angeles. Today, there are up to 40 thousand fighters in the ranks of the “cripples”.

Another African-American group, bloods(z), has been considered the sworn enemies of the “cripples” for many years. In addition to the "bloody", crips are at odds with such well-known gangs as the Neighborhood Pirus, Mara Salvatrucha, the Nazis from the Aryan Brotherhood and Nazi Lowriders, as well as the Surenos. Often, gangs belonging to the crips alliance fight among themselves.

Criminal activities: murder, drug trafficking, robbery, theft, car theft, document forgery, arms trafficking, extortion.

Gang paraphernalia: Blue color, blue bandanas, British Knights sneakers, specific tattoos, gangster graffiti. It has its own slang.

Initiation: A Crips candidate must commit a crime in front of one of the gang members. The girls are accepted after having sexual intercourse with several older “cripples.”

Bloods/bloodz (bloody)

Bloods/bloodz (bloody)- an alliance of African-American street gangs formed in South Los Angeles. A distinctive feature of the gang is wearing red clothing, which is supposed to symbolize blood. The “bloody” alliance primarily consists of African-American groups (sets), although it also includes Latinos and white fighters. The ranks of bloods number about 15-20 thousand fighters.

The Bloods were formed in 1972 in famed South Central Los Angeles. The main reason that some street gangs had to urgently organize an alliance was another, no less famous group, the Crips (cripples), whose power and appetites grew by leaps and bounds. All the gangs that were attacked by the “cripples” received an offer to join a new union, and thereby become much more competitive in relation to the crips. For decades now, Bloods and Crips have been irreconcilable enemies of each other.

Criminal activities: drug trafficking, robberies, murders, extortion.

However, it is impossible to understand this outside the context of the situation on the streets of American cities. So what is this context?

Recruiters come to schools

Volunteers from the North American office of the Stringer Bureau of International Investigation ( believe that a wave of street crime is sweeping American cities. They only need to leave their homes to find themselves in the thick of gang violence.

Street fighting

15-year-old killed in shooting in Oregon. Two people are wounded and a third is shot in the face in the Bronx. Five wounded in shooting in Colorado Springs. Five were shot during the showdown in St. Joseph. Six wounded and one dead after shooting in Yakima. Thirteen people were injured in a shooting in Chicago, including a 3-year-old child and two teenagers.

All these are daily reports from the American police, classified under the strange heading gang-related, which literally means “associated with gangs.” This is how politically correct American cops bashfully call gang violence, which has become the main scourge in recent years. major cities USA.

Although it’s too late to be ashamed, it’s time to ring all the bells - back in 2005, the FBI recognized street gangs, along with terrorism, as the main threat to US national security. Of course, just according to official data from the feds, there are more than 33 thousand gangs operating in the country, and the total number of their members exceeds 1.4 million people!

And don’t be deceived, the FBI did not include all American prisoners in this list (there are even more of them in the United States - 2.2 million people), we mean only active members of gangster groups, mostly young men. In other words, as many fighters have been mobilized into American gangs as are serving in the entire US Army! Gangs account for 48% of violent crime in the country, and in some regions this figure reaches 90%.

Activities are expanding

“The situation is worst on the outskirts,” says Joshua Washington, was a member of the AVLN gang for 7 years and recently paroled. - It’s generally better not to go into someone else’s area of ​​municipal high-rise buildings. It’s different in the suburbs - richer communities hire private security, then gangs don’t get in there.”

Cities mainly affected are in California and the Great Lakes region. These are the most densely populated areas of the United States, and the consequences economic crisis most noticeable here.

“The sharp increase in street crime was one of these consequences,” says Michael Snyder, journalist and author of The Beginning of the End. - According to the same Federal Bureau of Investigation, in the spring of 2009 the number of gangs was estimated at 1 million people. That is, during the post-crisis years it increased by 40%! Where it is impossible to earn money legally, people are forced to commit crimes in order to survive.”

An unexpected consequence for the authorities of the sharp growth of criminal groups was a significant expansion of the scope of their activities. In addition to traditional racketeering and street trade in drugs and weapons, youth gangs have seized new criminal niches - transportation of illegal migrants, human trafficking, protection of prostitution. But what is even more frightening: they began to master high-tech, so-called “white-collar” crimes - counterfeiting, credit fraud, theft of personal data.

Tattoos on the bodies of young people indicate membership in one gang or another. Photo p

Cool job

Most gang members are men 18-25 years old. And bandit recruiters begin recruiting among schoolchildren. According to the report “Combating Youth Violence,” prepared for the US Congress, schools rank fourth among “recruiting centers” for criminal gangs. One in five American schoolchildren receives an offer to join a gang.

“It’s enough to offer a colored boy to deliver a package to the right address and promise 100 dollars for it,” Joshua Washington shares his experience. - The next day he comes to get the money. And when you get a hundred, it’s almost impossible to refuse another offer. People quickly get used to free money.”

This is what the gangs take advantage of. The most common age of newly converted group members is 10-12 years old. Moreover, cases have become more frequent when gang recruiters “carry out work” among first-graders (and in the USA they go to school from the age of 5-6).

“Gangs are worse than terrorists,” he says indignantly psychologist Mary Jo Rapini. - They take advantage of children's naivety and low self-esteem. Children consider themselves small, defenseless, unable to do anything, and joining a gang gives them a sense of self-worth, care and security.”

However, experts also see primarily macroeconomic reasons for the intensification of gangs in schools. If in 2000 more than half of American teenagers had a job and, accordingly, could earn pocket money, then in 2011 this figure decreased to 29.6%. In addition, educational optimization was carried out in many states - due to funding cuts, some schools in cities were closed, and students were transferred to neighboring institutions. The gangs could only take advantage of the natural confrontation between the new guys and the old-timers.

How did the FBI respond to this? We have prepared a brochure for teachers that allows them to recognize gang symbols in the drawings with which students decorate their notebooks and backpacks...

Special features

Retrogrades from the FBI, out of habit, divide gangs into street, prison and motorized. What does it mean?

■ The division into street and prison is very arbitrary - the only difference is on which side of the prison fence the gang was initially organized, and in the vast majority of cases they operate on both sides.

■ Motorized Gangs, or OMGs, are Hollywood's glorified hairy bikers from the Hells Angels, Pagans and Bandidos. Until the early 90s, they really played a noticeable role in the criminal world, but back in the 80s they began to be actively pushed aside by Latin Americans, who today unconditionally settled in the criminal Olympus of the United States.

However, there are groups that do not fit into this classification.

■ Largest group West Coast- The 18th Street Gang (or M18) - appeared in Los Angeles in the 60s, and today has 65 thousand active members in 120 cities and 37 states. Distinctive features of gang members are tattoos or stripes on clothes with different spellings of the number 18: XVIII, 9+9, 666, etc.

■ The Latin Kings gang was formed by Puerto Ricans in Chicago even earlier - in the 40s. Today, 42 thousand of its members operate in 160 cities and 31 states. At the same time, the gang is considered the most disciplined and organized, and its ideology is based on the so-called “Kingism,” which the group members consider their religion. Distinctive marks are tattoos with a three- or five-pronged crown.

■ The largest and most brutal Latin American gang, Mara Salvatrucha, or MS-13, was founded in the 80s by immigrants from El Salvador who poured into the United States. For the sake of intimidation, its members cover their entire body and even their face with tattoos, and their trademark is killing with a machete (a long, wide knife with a blade thickness of only 3 mm). In total, the gang has about 70 thousand members, not only in the USA, but also in Latin American countries.

Showdown or war?

Criminal groups take control of the streets and do their “job” often better than the state.

“For residents of ethnic neighborhoods, gang control is even preferable,” says psychologist Mary Jo Rapini. - Gang members speak the same language with them, act according to the usual “laws”, create a feeling of security, and, if necessary, provide work. The problem is that teenagers who grew up in such an environment see only one path for social growth - joining a gang.”

However, in a gang, as in any hierarchical system, “achievements” are needed to move up the “career ladder.” And they are most often committed on territory controlled by a rival group. Hence the incessant skirmishes, thousands of wounded and hundreds of dead.

“Most of all, this resembles a war of clans,” says MATT LITTLE, Sergeant, Chicago Organized Crime Unit, past Iraq and Afghanistan. - The boys are running through the streets and firing indiscriminately in all directions. Those over 30 are no longer visible on the streets - they either lead or are in prison. The level of cruelty is such that only a few survive to this age.”

Join the army for professionalism

According to experts, the police simply do not have enough funds to adequately respond to rampant crime.

No money - no police

“If the number of gangs in Chicago over the past two years has increased from 500 to 600, then during the same time police funding has decreased by $67 million, which led to a reduction in personnel by 1,300 people,” Michael Snyder pours out numbers. - And this despite the fact that in a city of three million, according to various sources, from 70 thousand to 100 thousand people are in gangs, and in the unit for combating criminal groups there are only 200 policemen.

That is, for one cop there are up to 500 bandits. It's no surprise that Chicago ranks among the world's highest murder rates. It is ahead of even Mexico City and Sao Paulo in this indicator.”

In neighboring Detroit, the situation is even worse. The bankrupt “capital of the auto industry” is so short of money that in January of this year the mayor decided to completely liquidate the unit for combating organized crime. If 10 years ago there were 5 thousand police officers in the city, now there are half as many.

Due to budget cuts, most sites are closed 16 hours a day. Less than 10% of crimes are investigated. The result is consistent - last year the number of murders in the city increased by 13%. It is not surprising when the unemployment rate exceeded 18%. Detroit ranks second in the country for violent crime and consistently tops Forbes' list of the most miserable cities in the United States.

The situation is no better in the richest state in the country - California. The local leader in violent crime, Oakland, fired a quarter of its police officers due to budget cuts, leading to a 43% increase in thefts last year.

Neighboring cities are selling off police equipment and helicopters, and Los Angeles doesn't have enough money to house prisoners. As a result, criminals who have served 40% of their sentence will be released from prison. Moreover, the program includes rapists and murderers.

On the gang-infested streets, few people live past 30. Photo p Courtesy of Stringer Bureau of International Studies

Bulk shipments

Gangs perceive their fighters as a good employer - their employees: they care about the level of professionalism of gang members.

Over the past two years alone, the FBI has recorded 53 cases of mass gangs sending their members into... the active army. There they study combat tactics, modern views weapons and equipment. It’s scary to even imagine what will happen on the streets when professionally trained killers pour in. Although it seems that Washington has already thought through this development of events. The National Security Strategy adopted in 2006 in the event of large-scale disasters allowed for the partial transfer of functions of local authorities to the military.

Two years later, it became clear that the US authorities are preparing not only for natural disasters - in the Modernization Strategy armed forces The list of threats to national security was supplemented by the threat posed by organizations with radical anti-government ideology.

In 2010, the Pentagon conducted exercises that tested the actions of the armed forces to suppress civil unrest in the event of an economic collapse. And on May 13, 2013, with amendments to Federal Regulation 32, the US military received formal authority “to temporarily assume large-scale riot control responsibilities under extraordinary circumstances.” True, if the government puts up army units and heavy equipment against 1.4 million armed bandits, then this will no longer be suppression of unrest, but a real civil war.

Materials prepared by Stringer Bureau of International Investigations

The article is dedicated to the most brutal gangs in the world and our “real boys” who for some reason are sure that they are as tough as Stalin’s balls! Bosota, you thought it couldn’t be worse than you, but here you go - master international experience, unite and arm yourself. Otherwise, it’s just a shame for my fellow countrymen against the backdrop of such beauties as:

1. Varrio Los Aztecas The Aztecs are the largest Latin group. Born in the 60s of the 20th century, in the largest emigration centers of the United States. The core of the gang comes from Puerto Rico and Mexico. Kodla got herself a flag, on which are the flags of these countries.

At first, the dark-skinned handsome men in bandanas boasted of their Indian origins, and the boys also had tattoos with pagan patterns, although they didn’t want to sell drugs. They drove inexpensive cars, probably to blend in with the crowd. Although we pumped up our cars ourselves, it turned out elegantly. It also jumped.

Like our gopota, they will hang shiny shit on the nine, neon lighting and that’s it, I’m the most authoritative authority in authority. And inside it is also UG as before. After the appearance of crack and other affordable drugs in the eighties, the Aztecs joined the friendly family of drug dealers and began to attract other Latin Americans to work.

Over time, they begin to call themselves the all-powerful Aztec nation, or simply a nation. Only these Aztecs speak for some reason Spanish. There are suggestions that the gang operates in 33 countries, with about 100,000 members. Moreover, they don’t have any SuperBoss Aztec. Everything depends on the idea!

Video confession of several members of the Varrio Los Aztecas Gang

MS-13 or Salvatruchio. The same immigrants from Latin America, the guys never tire of being amazed by American reality. It turns out there is still work to be done here. Of course, it’s easier to create a gang, in general, another victim of the unrealized American dream. They love tattoos all over their bodies. They are considered the most cruel scumbags in terms of their propensity for violence.

Even initiation into the Mara Salvatrucha gang was called the “jump inside” - this is when a crowd of future buddies beat the candidate all over his body for 13 seconds. They also have their own sign language.

They deal with everything illegal that you can think of, so to speak, general professionals! The assholes even cooperate with Al-Qaeda: they transport weapons across the border there or bring some martyr into the country.

Mara Salvatrucha means "Salvadoran wandering ants". One of the most famous criminal situations associated with this gang is the massacre on a bus (28 people were killed). People were slaughtered with cold steel like pigs.

3. Blacks.
3.1. Bloods (wear red paraphernalia, meaning blood).

The Bloods were created in the early 70s, in Los Angeles, black slackers assembled a caudle of small gangs to compete with the Crips (more about them below). Just like the call of genes, tribe does not get along with tribe on the same field. In short, since the enemies wear blue, these ones decided to wear red.

Why not green, it would be like the flag of Chechnya (black and green). Well, they chose. The army of fornications consists of 40,000 from 274 gangs. The police believed that they were in demand. It seems that Snoop Dogg also came from the Reds, but this rap prostitute was not listed anywhere.

Handshake Bloods

3.2. Crips

Same blacks from Elay, only blue. The main difference from the Reds is the number, there are about 80,000 of them. Probably they just started work earlier. These scumbags have been fighting each other for forty years for influence in their neighborhoods and part of the most illegal business. Drugs, weapons, other little things, their interests are not particularly intricate.

They join a gang at the age of 8. In principle, I went to first class. The weapons there are like mud, so the blacks kill blacks and policemen as if in a counter-strike while they themselves are alive. All this, of course, is not fun, which is what rappers all over the world sing about and films are made about. And many more books will be written. In general, white capitalists exploit the opposition of blacks to each other to their advantage.

Crips handshake.

4. Cosa Nostra

“Cosa Nostra” has assimilated into politics and business so much that half of Pindos’ presidents come from families that have become style icons, just like in the movie “The Godfather.”

Cosa Nostra - "Our Business"! Those Italians who steal on the streets are ordinary criminals, and the mafia, this is a part of society that no one has been fighting for a long time, they simply accepted them into the ranks of law-abiding Americans (they would try not to accept them), unlike Italy, where over the past twenty years everyone The mafia bosses were transplanted, except for the prime minister of the country itself.

5. Aryan Brotherhood (AB)

Aryan Brotherhood. A product of the system, in the 60s US prisons became mixed, that is, before that they tried to keep criminals of different nations separately. It just so happens that there are always more blacks in prison. Once every 15. So the whites began to fight for themselves.

Aryan Brotherhood

You can only join a gang through murder or an act of violence in front of witnesses. Blood came, blood went. At the same time, cop informers are impossible in the ranks of the gang, because if you are inside the Aryan Brotherhood, then you yourself killed!

Charles Manson, that bastard, maniac and communist, was not accepted into the ranks of the Aryan Brotherhood because he killed a pregnant woman. The guys from the Aryan Brotherhood deal in contract killings and drugs. The leaders, as a rule, serve life sentences, so it is not possible to intimidate them. The principle of “small but brave”, “every Aryan is not afraid of death, and his death must be avenged by other brothers.” With their number among US prisoners being 0.1%, they commit 20% of the murders! The gang tattoos themselves with swastikas, 666!

The number of members is about 125,000. It is also fashionable to wear a drooping mustache. Works closely with bikers. Some branches call each other bloodlines. Moreover, membership in the gang is for life, the only way out is through death.

Aryan Brotherhood, they don't give a fuck about what you decide.

6. Yakuza.

What would it be like without them? The patsiks have been around for three hundred years. The name comes from the Japanese card game oycho-kabu. Yakuza is the name of the cards in the worst combination, i.e. Only a person with great playing skill can win with such cards.

In general, the yakuza as a custom in Japan, until the mid-twentieth century, they were not fought at all and politicians used them in their disputes. Number of people: 80,000 people. And now there are official Yakuza offices in the country, where people come to solve problems, any kind! That is, they do not complain to the housing office about a flooded neighbor, but to the yakuza.

However, you can’t live on mediation alone, capitalism has arrived in the country, and gangsters have begun to engage in business; stock exchange scams and hacker attacks are their destiny. Of course, drugs and murder too. In recent years, laws have been passed to combat this phenomenon. On their basis, anti-yakuza centers were created, where anyone who had a problem with the yakuza could come.

Many of us still remember the times of racketeering in the post-Soviet space, and for those who have forgotten, we present criminal gangs, the number of members of which totals more than a million people.

This gang, which numbers about 70 thousand people, is located in the United States and even the FBI considers them the loudest and most violent group in the States. These guys are engaged in selling drugs, weapons, trafficking in people, and also commit murders to order, rob and kidnap people. The “company” is doing very well. During their activities, they managed to kill the son of the President of Honduras. You can see just how cruel these bastards are in this cute picture.

In second place in the ranking is a gang from Los Angeles - the Crips, consisting of blacks. One of the most numerous, the number of members is about 30 thousand people. They are doing the same thing as the previous ones: drug trafficking, weapons, robbery and murder. The group is in an eternal war with its analogues in activity, Bloods, and because of this enmity they try not to use the letter b. Outwardly, they try to dress in clothes that are predominantly blue. Associated to varying degrees with this group are such American hip-hop stars as Afroman, Coolio, Ice T, Snoop Dogg and Exibit.

The next crowd of thugs from Kenya numbers about half a million non-humans who are engaged in murder, robbery, robbery, etc. In their language, mungiki means many. Being a gang of thugs, this did not prevent their brothers from getting into big politics and having a huge impact on the situation in the country. The group is hostile to other ethnic groups, and usually does not speak for a long time, the head is off the shoulders and everything, as evidenced by their “trademark” in the form of a severed human head.

The gang was created back in 1960 in the Rampart area of ​​Los Angeles. This group is usually described as the most violent in the country. 18th Street has grown rapidly over the past few years. Gang members can be easily identified by their tattoos, a common symbol of which is the number 18, which they often write in Roman numerals XVIII. They mark their territory by painting graffiti on the walls and fences of the city.
Although the 18th Street Gang has influence primarily in a few cities in Southern California, members of the gang have increasingly spread across the country, now consisting of smaller gangs that use the same number 18 to denote their group affiliation. The 18th Street Gang is primarily composed of immigrants from Mexico and El Salvador, but also includes members from other ethnic groups: Asians, blacks, natives and whites.
The group is very well organized, better than other similar monsters, mainly due to cooperation with Mexican and Colombian drug lords.

Eternal enemies of the Crips gang, these comrades appeared in the early 1970s based on the fact that the Crips at that time were pressing other sub-gangs with their egos, as a result of which the confrontation between the Bloods and the Crips reached its climax in the period from 1982 to 1984. This was mainly due to the fact that in those years drugs in the United States were very widespread and popular, and a bloody war arose between groups over markets. As a result, many Bloods "branches" had to relocate to nearby cities and push drugs there. The number of gentlemen of fortune from this composition is about 30,000 people.

The Aryan Brotherhood originates from San Quentin prison back in 1967. The gang was originally founded to provide protection for whites from black and Spanish groups, mainly the Mexican mafia. Some gang members joined AB from the Blue Birds gangster gang, organized in the 50s. Their activities are based on the sale of drugs, weapons, contract killings, racketeering and other rubbish. The number of members reaches 15 thousand people. Although the gang was created in California, it spread throughout the country's prisons. At different times, the basic idea of ​​the gang has changed, but basically these are Nazi ideals based on racism.
In order to separate the young from the founders of the gang and the well-deserved, so to speak, leaders, the new members of the gang received tattoos all over their faces and throughout their bodies. Some subsequently removed the tattoos from their bodies.

This group was created in 1993 in San Paolo. The organization is a prison one and operates in the prison spaces of Taubata. These men, in addition to childish amusements such as kidnappings, murders, arms and drug trafficking, have a real idea: they are for easing the conditions in prisons. Despite the fact that they are in custody, connections with the outside world help them conduct their activities and spread their influence beyond the prison. The number is about 6 thousand people, plus many like-minded people who support them, as evidenced by the organization of mass synchronized escapes and riots in prisons throughout the country.

The Wah Ching, also known in slang as "Dub C," is a large three-way organization that originated in San Francisco's Chinatown in the 1960s. The name literally translates to “Chinese youth.” The group consisted mainly of immigrants from Hong Kong, later united with Americans from San Francisco and Los Angeles and is now a single clan.
Wah Ching is an organized gang, which since the early 60s was just a street gang of bandits, over time grew into a criminal organization that includes about 70 thousand members of different ages and nationalities. Now Wah Ching includes many Vietnamese and Chinese. They are still doing the same things: robbery, contract killings, violence, arms trafficking, drug trafficking, prostitution, etc.

Street gang founded in the late sixties in Chicago. Many believe that in the early seventies the Crips group emerged from it. The thing is that The Black Gangster Disciple also wore blue things, just like the Crips, but they have nothing in common with them, except, of course, their activities, namely trafficking in people, weapons, bananas, sorry, joke, what kind of bananas, drugs and te de and te pe.
In the mid-seventies, the gang split into three after the death of their leader King David in 1974, and parts of the gang now refer to themselves as the Black Gangsters, Gangster Disciples, and Black Disciples. Most notable are the Black Disciples, who became notorious for executing one of their members, an 11-year-old boy nicknamed Yummy. At one time, in the 90s, when the gang began to earn more than $100,000,000, the US government, to put it mildly, saw the light and decided to let the kids go a little.

Their number reaches 35 thousand; the gang has settled in Nigeria, in Lagos. It began its existence as just a gang of street children and grew into a huge criminal group involved in illegal drug trafficking, murder and other dirt. The Lagos government tried to stop their activities using “human” methods, but due to the deplorable economic situation in the country and unemployment, such guys will only bloom and develop their vigorous activity.

I suggest you look at the faces of the most famous leaders of criminal gangs in the world, because it is precisely these people who are said to be better never to meet in person in your life. Although all these criminal authorities are very different in appearance, they all head the largest criminal organizations in different parts of our planet.

One of the bosses of the Mara 18 organized crime group, Marlon Martinez, is on trial in Guatemala, where he is accused of murder. March 30, 2011

Mara 18 is the largest Latino gang in Los Angeles. It appeared in the 1960s among immigrants from Mexico and still maintains ties with the drug cartels of this country. The group consists of up to 90 thousand people operating in the United States, Mexico and Central America.

The 'Ndrangheta was formed in the poorest province of Italy, Calabria. It is considered one of the most successful Italian organized crime groups. According to some reports, the 'Ndrangheta's revenues amount to up to three percent of the country's GDP.

One of the leaders of the Marseille mafia, 75-year-old Jacques Imbert, after being released from prison on April 8, 2005.

Imber was part of the Three Ducks gang, which was especially influential in the 1950s and 60s. In 1977, an attempt was made on his life, which formed the basis of the film “22 Bullets: Immortal.”

The alleged leader of the Slavic criminal groups in Moscow, Alexey Petrov, nicknamed Lenya the Kricky. September 19, 2011

According to unofficial data, Petrov was elected leader of the Slavic groups in Moscow in 2009 after the murder of Vyacheslav Ivankov, also known as Yaponchik.

One of the alleged leaders of the Tambov organized crime group, Yuri Salikov, is being taken to court spanish city Palma de Mallorca. June 14, 2008

The Tambov organized crime group appeared in St. Petersburg in the late 1980s and in the next decade actually controlled the criminal life of the city. Its creator is considered to be businessman Vladimir Barsukov (Kumarin), who is serving a 15-year prison sentence for extortion.

One of the alleged leaders of the Tambov organized crime group, Gennady Petrov, is being taken to court in the Spanish city of Palma de Mallorca. June 14, 2008

Petrov, like several other Russian citizens, were detained by Spanish authorities during Operation Troika. They are considered the organizers of an operation to launder criminal money from the Tambov organized crime group. Petrov calls himself a businessman. He has lived in Spain since the early 1990s. In 2012, Petrov left for Russia and refused to return to Spain.

Bonanno family boss from New York, Vincent "Handsome Vinny" Basiano.

The Bonanno family is one of the five Italian-American Mafia families that control the New York City underworld. The remaining families are the Gambino, Genovese, Colombo and Lucchese clans. Basiano has been serving a life sentence for murder since 2011.

Gigante was boss of the Genovese clan from 1981 until his death in 2005. In the early 1990s, he was considered America's most powerful gangster. To avoid trial, Gigante feigned insanity and often walked around New York in a robe and slippers, muttering something inarticulate to himself. In 1997, he was sentenced to 12 years in prison and died in custody.

Retired yakuza boss Shinji Ishihara opens up about his criminal past to reporters. April 5, 2006

Ishihara served in one of the largest gangster syndicates in the world, the Yamaguchi-gumi, which has several tens of thousands of members. The group's headquarters are located in Kobe. Unlike many other organized crime groups, members of the yakuza are allowed to “retire,” as Ishihara did after serving his next term.

Funeral of the leader of the Taiwanese group "Bamboo Union" Chen Chili, nicknamed the Duck King, in Taipei. October 18, 2007

The Bamboo Union, or Zhuliangban in Chinese, is the largest organized crime group in Taiwan. It belongs to the triads, as Chinese criminal groups or secret societies are called. The Bamboo Union maintains close ties with the nationalists of the Kuomintang party and shares their political platform.

The leader of the Hong Kong branch of the 14K group in Macau, Wan Quokkoi, nicknamed Broken Tooth, is being taken to court on November 23, 1999

14K is considered the largest triad in Hong Kong and in the world. It has about 20 thousand members and also operates in Europe and North America. 14K controls the supply of heroin and opium from Southeast Asia. The group is known for its clear management hierarchy and brutality.

The grave of Aslan Usoyan, better known as Ded Hasan, at the Khovanskoye cemetery in Moscow. January 20, 2013

Usoyan is believed to have headed ethnic Caucasian criminal groups operating in Russia. At the same time, it is known about conflicts between his clan and other gangs led by immigrants from Transcaucasia. Usoyan was shot dead in Moscow by an unknown sniper on January 16, 2013.

The leader of the Taiwanese triad was forced to flee his home island when the authorities decided to limit the influence of criminal groups. Chen Chili moved to Cambodia and even became an adviser to the government. He lived in a huge villa on the outskirts of Phnom Penh, where large caches of weapons were discovered.

Cosa Nostra is one of the most famous groups of the Italian mafia. She appeared at the end of the 19th century and is considered the inventor of racketeering. Cosa Nostra does not have a rigid structure. The group consists of numerous clans that control their territory.

Abroad, Kalashov is often called a representative of the Russian mafia, although sometimes also a Georgian crime boss. He began his criminal activities back in the Soviet Union. He is considered a supporter of the late leader of the Caucasian clans, Aslan Usoyan. Since 2010, Kalashov has been serving a prison sentence in Spain, which has already agreed to extradite him to Georgia, where he was sentenced to 18 years in prison.

One of the leaders of the Italian group "Ndrangheta" Pasquale Condello after his arrest. February 19, 2008

Condello was on the run for about twenty years. All this time he lived in his hometown of Reggio Calabria. During his criminal career, he managed to earn at least $57 million. In any case, the real estate he owns is valued at that amount. Condello is accused of murdering the head of Italy's national railway company.

Sinaloa drug cartel member Juan Miguel Allier Beltran at a press conference at police headquarters in Tijuana. January 20, 2011

American intelligence agencies consider Sinaloa the most powerful drug cartel in the world. It comes from the state of the same name on the Pacific coast of Mexico. During the 1990s - 2000s, Sinaloa supplied more than 200 tons of cocaine to the United States. The cartel also produces significant quantities of opiates and marijuana.

Salvatore Miceli, who was in charge of the international drug trade in the Sicilian mafia, at Caracas airport before being extradited to Italy. June 30, 2009

Miceli was considered a kind of foreign minister in Cosa Nostra. He was responsible for the supply of cocaine, heroin and other drugs produced in other regions of the world, primarily in Latin America, to Europe.

One of the leaders of the Tijuana cartel, Gilberto Higuera Guerrero, in Mexico City before extradition to the United States. January 20, 2007

The Tijuana drug cartel from the Mexican state of Baja California ranks third in drug trafficking in the United States. He is a principal competitor of the Sinaloa cartel. In the mid-2000s, a significant number of Tijuana leaders were arrested and handed over to American authorities.

Joseph "Giuseppe" Bonanno is the founder of the eponymous crime family in New York. 1960s

Bonanno is considered one of the main prototypes of Vito Corleone, the main character of the crime saga “The Godfather”. Bonanno never spent long periods behind bars during his tumultuous career. He died in 2002 at age 97 in Tucson, Arizona, from heart failure.

The leader of the Corleone clan from the Sicilian city of the same name, Gaetano Riina, after his arrest in Palermo on July 1, 2011

The Corleone clan, which gave the name to the character of the famous film trilogy, has long been the main family of Cosa Nostra. Its leaders bear the title of "boss of bosses." The town of Corleone with a population of 12 thousand people is located in the hills south of Palermo at an altitude of about 600 meters above sea level.

The leader of the branch of the organized crime group “Mara Salvatrucha” in the Salvadoran city of Quezaltepeque, nicknamed El Diabolico, and the leaders of the local branch of the organized crime group “Mara 18” announce a truce in the prison of the same city. January 31, 2013

Mara Salvatrucha, or MS-13, is one of the most violent Latin American groups. It was formed in Los Angeles among Salvadoran emigrants who fled the civil war, operates in California and Central America and, according to various sources, has from 50 to 80 thousand fighters. A distinctive feature of the members of the Mara Salvatrucha are numerous tattoos, often covering the entire body.

Police escort Indian crime lord Rajendra Nikalje, nicknamed "Little Rajan" (Chhota Rajan), to the Bangkok Criminal Court after an attempt on his life. September 28, 2000.

Rajendra Nikalje was originally a member of the group of crime boss Dawood Ibrahim, which the media calls D-Company. The gang operated in Mumbai, but then spread its influence throughout South Asia. After a quarrel with his boss, Nikalje collaborated with Indian intelligence agencies to weaken Ibrahim in exchange for information about plans to assassinate him. The Ibrahim and Nikalje gangs, like other Indian criminals, launder money by investing it in the production of films in Bollywood.

Former leader of the Tijuana drug cartel Benjamin Arellano Felix.

Felix was arrested in March 2002 in Mexico and extradited to the United States. In April 2012, he was sentenced to 25 years in prison for extortion and money laundering. After serving his sentence, he is expected to be returned to Mexico, where he faces another 22 years in prison.

Abu Salem initially collaborated with the Mumbai group D-Company, but then began to act independently. He is accused of numerous murders and participation in terrorist attacks. In 2007, Abu Salem was extradited to India by Portugal. Subsequently, Lisbon reconsidered this decision, but Delhi refused to return Abu Salem to Europe. He has not yet been sentenced.

Colluccio belongs to an influential mafia clan. His brother Giuseppe was one of the leaders of the 'Ndrangheta in Toronto, Canada, and was involved in the supply of cocaine to Europe. Salvatore was wanted for four years. He was found in a bunker equipped with an electric generator and supplied with significant supplies of water and food for self-sufficient living.

The Gambino clan was once the most powerful of the five mafia families of New York. Both infighting and FBI scrutiny contributed to its gradual decline. The last major operation against the family, which led to the arrest of several capos, took place in 2011, when a network of forced prostitution of women from Eastern Europe was uncovered.

Vyacheslav Ivankov, nicknamed Yaponchik, leaves the Moscow City Court building after the jury found him not involved in the murder of two Turkish citizens. July 19, 2005

Ivankov, until his death in 2009, was considered the leader of the Slavic criminal groups in Moscow. In 1997, he was convicted in the United States for extortion, and after serving his sentence in 2005, he returned to Russia. In July 2009, he was seriously wounded in an assassination attempt and died a few months later from complications caused by the wound.

One of the leaders of the Tijuana drug cartel, Eduardo Arellano Felix, is in custody in Mexico City. October 26, 2008

After the arrest of the three Arellano Felix brothers, that is, Eduardo, Javier and Benjamin, as well as the death of Ramon in a shootout with the police, the cartel was led by the youngest of the brothers, Luis, nicknamed the Engineer. Mexican authorities promise to pay $2.5 million for help in his capture.

A graduate of the journalism department of Moscow State University, Lerner served 11 years in the Soviet Union for financial fraud in student construction brigades. In 1998, he was convicted of stealing money from Russian banks. Since 2006 he has been in an Israeli prison for creating financial pyramid and theft of depositors' money.

Former Gambino family underboss Salvatore "Sammy the Bull" Gravano takes the oath of office in his corruption trial in professional boxing. April 1, 1993

In 1991, Gravano became the highest-ranking member of the mafia to break his vow of omerta silence and cooperate with the authorities. Based on his testimony, Gambino clan boss John Gotti was sentenced to life in prison. In 1995, Gravano, who moved to Arizona, refused to participate in the witness protection program. He published an autobiography and then went into drug trafficking, for which he was sentenced to 20 years in prison. He has been serving his sentence since 2002.

Former Bonanno family boss Joseph Massino.

Massino became the first boss of five New York families to make a plea deal. In 2004, he was sentenced to death based on the testimony of his comrades, including his deputy Salvatore Vitale. In 2011, Massino, in order to earn the right to life, in turn, acted as a witness in the case of his successor Vincent Basiano.

The boss of the largest yakuza syndicate "Yamaguchi-gumi" Kenichi Shinoda after serving a six-year prison sentence for illegal possession of a pistol. April 9, 2011

Shinoda holds the title of kumicho, or supreme "godfather", of the largest group of the Japanese mafia. He is the sixth boss of the Yamaguchi-gumi since its founding in 1915. The Synod is characterized by an outwardly democratic leadership style. In particular, he prefers to move on public transport, and not in a limousine with a personal driver.
