The largest cargo ship in the world. The largest cargo ship in the world "Berge Stahl The largest ships in the world

Until today, I thought the most big ship or for example

As time goes by, technology develops. It so happened that container ships and supertankers gained the reputation of being the most large ships. But much less noticeable ships designed to perform technical and production work have long surpassed them in these parameters. And depending on the goals set, they become larger and larger.

The new record holder Pioneering Spirit, owned by a Swiss company, was launched - a giant construction and installation catamaran that has no analogues in modern shipbuilding.

Let's take a closer look at how and why this master of the waves, whose width exceeds the length of a football field, was built.

The Pioneer is a vessel of gigantic proportions. Reaching 124 meters in width and 382 in length, its parameters are equal to the famous Empire State Building, and its width exceeds the length of a football field. The carrying capacity is high even for ships of the same type - 48 thousand tons. The cost of the project is also a record high and amounts to almost $3 billion.

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Unlike oil tankers or container ships, crane ships specialize in transporting multi-ton cargo and take part in offshore construction. This vessel will be used to install oil and gas platforms.

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The customer of the world's largest crane vessel is Allseas, which is not going to stop there: the next ship they build will be 160 meters wide and 400 meters long. The new vessel will be put into operation no later than 2020. The construction of giants is carried out at shipyards in South Korea.

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Built in the docks of South Korea, the Pathfinder was sent to Rotterdam for final development and launching. From the Maasflakte 2 area, where a special dry dock has been built for the new ship, the giant offshore crane will travel to Cape Town and then on its first mission.

The catamaran is maintained by a team of 571 people, including sailors, engineers, specialists in lifting and installing offshore drilling platforms and support staff.

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The world's largest ship cost its owners Allseas Corporation $1.7 billion, and the project was designed by Finnish shipbuilders Deltamarin. The contract for the creation of a giant vessel by the Allseas Corporation was signed in June 2010, after which the development of design and technical documentation began and the laying of the huge ship in South Korea at the Daewoo Shipbuilding Marine Engineering shipyard began. In 2013, the world's largest ship, the Pieter Schelte, was launched.

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Thanks to the use of a catamaran-type hull, the dimensions of the newest vessel turned out to be impressive: maximum length 382 m, width 117 m. This design made it possible to place its own infrastructure on the deck of the floating city, as well as the ability to transport a small oil platform.

The vessel's power plant includes eight diesel engines with a capacity of 15,640 hp. and thirteen Rolls-Royse diesel generators with a total capacity of 97,000 hp.

It is noteworthy that the ship was originally named after Peter Schelte Heerem, a marine engineer, the father of the founder of Allseas, and, part-time, a Nazi criminal. During World War II, Pieter Schelte served in the Waffen-SS, and after the war ended, a Dutch court sentenced Heerem to three years in prison for war crimes. At the end of last year, the provocative name was changed, and the ship became the Pioneer.

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Most big ship in the world it is equipped with three deck cranes with a lifting capacity of 50 tons and one with a lifting capacity of 600 tons. The diameter of the pipes being laid ranges from 2 to 68 inches, and a special cargo compartment can accommodate pipes with a total weight of 27 thousand tons.

The world's largest ship is equipped modern system dynamic positioning and is designed for transportation, installation and commissioning of drilling platforms. The maximum carrying capacity of the world's widest vessel is 48 thousand tons. To do this, it was equipped with a unique 65-meter-high keel system, manufactured to special order in Italy.

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The owners have high hopes for the newest vessel, and are confident that it will break all records for depth and speed of pipe laying, for this it has all the necessary equipment. In particular, seven automatic welding stations and six stations for applying a protective layer to pipes will be installed along the entire length of the world’s largest ship. It is also already known that Allseas intends to order a second multifunctional vessel, which will be larger than its predecessor. The world's largest ship is scheduled to be put into operation in 2020, and its main purpose will be the installation and dismantling of the largest oil and gas platforms.

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When Noah was ordered to build the ark, he received all the necessary design data and technological instructions. Judging by the divine technical specifications, the ark was three hundred cubits long, fifty wide, and thirty high. Impressive, of course, but measuring the largest modern ship in the world with your elbows is a very tedious task. The length of the Prelude FLNG is 929 and a half Egyptian royal cubits.

Floating liquefaction plant

The title of the largest floating object is a transferable thing, the purpose of such structures can be very different, and it is unclear when experts will see a reasonable limit.

The hull for the Prelude FLNG floating plant was built at a South Korean shipyard for Shell. Its purpose will be to extract it from the ocean floor into a liquefied state and pump it to special gas tankers. As of mid-2015, this is the largest ship in the world. According to the plan, in 2017 this monster should stand somewhere off the coast of Australia and extract blue fuel from the depths with might and main. It can store as much of it as an average metropolis needs for a year.

The length of this ship is 488 m, width - 74 m, 260 thousand tons of steel were used for construction - this is more than for the twin towers of a shopping center in New York, and its displacement is equal to six aircraft carriers. Prelude FLNG could be a real prelude to the emergence of a whole flotilla of such vessels, because experts talk about the significant advantages of this method of gas production - economic and environmental.

Dockwise Vanguard

In January 2012, a Concordia-class cruise ship hit coastal rocks off the Italian island of Giglio, suffered a hole, capsized and sank. More than 30 people died. Among the passenger ships, it was the largest ship in the world to suffer such a disaster. When it was necessary to “clean up the garbage,” that is, transport it further away, one of the largest and most unusual ships in the world came to the rescue.

Dockwise Vanguard is the largest vessel in the world, designed to transport particularly large and heavy cargo. It belongs to the semi-submersible type. To place the cargo on the huge deck (overall dimensions of the vessel: length - 275 m, width - 79 m), special ballast tanks are filled with sea water, and the ship is submerged to the required depth. The cargo is towed and held above the ship, which, when floating, takes the weight on board. The cargo is rigidly fixed, and the ship follows the desired route at a speed of about 12 knots. The spectacle of a hard-working ship transporting huge oil platforms thousands of miles away will impress anyone. Therefore, transporting the Concordia vessel to Genoa, where it was scrapped, is a “seed” for Dockwise Vanguard.

Container ship

The more containers that can be loaded onto deck and delivered across seas and oceans as quickly as possible, the more profitable such transportation will be. Therefore, such ships occupy first places among ships in terms of size and power of propulsion systems.

For 2015, the championship is held by CSCL Globe, built in South Korea and owned by a carrier from China. Its length is 400 m, width is 58.6 m, and its load capacity is 184,605 ​​tons.

In order to ensure an amazing speed of 16 knots for such a colossus, the world's largest internal combustion engine with a power of 77,200 horsepower and the height of a five-story building was manufactured for the vessel. It is planned to produce several such container ships. And these will be the largest ships in the world, capable of transporting at one time the number of containers in which the property of residents of a small town can be hidden.


Among the ships, which, because of their purpose, are supposed to amaze with their size, there have always been dry cargo ships and ore carriers - bulk carriers, that is, loaded in bulk. To fill the largest ore-carrying ships in the world, 12,000 huge ones are needed - that's about 400 tons.

The 362-meter length and 65-meter width make the Vale Brasil type ore carriers a very noticeable object even in the Atlantic and Pacific expanses. Moreover, Brazilian ore suppliers are faced with the task of increasing the profitability of their products when delivering them by sea, and they have already ordered a whole flotilla of bulk carriers of this series from the shipyards of Southeast Asia, and soon the Atlantic expanses will be crowded...

Oasis of the Seas

Today, the infamous Titanic can truly impress with its size only in a movie made by a great director. It is five times smaller than the world's largest passenger ship, the Finnish-built, American-flagged Oasis of the Seas.

Not all ports can accept this ship; some it cannot enter without causing or receiving serious damage. Hull length - 360 m, greatest width- 61 m, height from the water surface to the top of the pipe - like a 25-story building. "Oasis on the Ocean" is the largest cruise ship in the world, designed to accommodate 6,400 passengers unforgettable experience. For this, the ship has everything: the world's largest cruise casino, a water park, a theater where shows are shown without interruption, surfing pools, a golf course, and sports grounds. For lovers and those who love solitude, a park has been planted with real trees and shrubs, where you can calmly find a place to stay alone or relax alone.

In order to adequately serve passengers and the largest ship in the world, the number of crew has been increased to 2165 people. It seems that there will be something for everyone on such an ark.

Floating City Freedom Ship

Unlike all previous ships already sailing the seas, the “Ship Freedom” is still just an idea, although the company involved in this project has already announced its full readiness to begin construction. The ship-floating city will be able to accommodate 50 thousand permanent residents and about 30 thousand guests. It is intended to create an infrastructure similar to that required for small town, with all the facilities for proper work and rest. Residential and work areas, schools, stadiums, and swimming pools will be located on numerous decks. Park areas with real green spaces will make it comfortable for all residents to constantly stay off land.

Once construction is completed, it will definitely be the largest ship in the world. Photos in which you can see the expected appearance of the future ark are stunning in the scope of the plan. On upper level it is planned to locate an airfield capable of receiving serious airliners. To power the floating city, a whole network of solar and wind power plants will be built.

The design length is 1370 m, the total number of levels is 25. There is no suitable harbor on the planet for such a boat, so the Freedom will be constantly sailing around the world.

Our Blue Planet

According to one version of the origin of life on Earth, all living things came out of water. Considering how many people cannot imagine life without the sea, either in business or on vacation, we can assume that the top largest sea ​​vessels will be constantly updated.

People are very curious by nature; they want to know what innovations and miracles an ordinary person has created in some area of ​​life. The tallest ship in the world is a mesmerizing sight and is rightfully considered the charm of the seas. What is it like and why does it fascinate vacationers?

Description of the tallest ship

"Allure of the Seas" considered the tallest ship on Earth, its height is 72 meters (measured from the keel to the top of the chimney). Other dimensions besides height:

  • 362 meters – length;
  • 66 meters – width;
  • 255 thousand tons - displacement.

The ship was built in 2010 in the country of Finland. The owner company is located in South Korea. He was the most big liner in all respects, until the ship of the same type “Harmony of the Seas” appeared. But the height of “Harmony of the Seas” is lower and equal to 70 meters. Therefore, the highest liner remains “Allure of the Seas”.

From 2010 to the present day, the ship has been in operation. The crew is 2100 people. The number of passengers on the liner varies from 5400 to 6400. The average price of Oasis class liners is $500-800 million.

History of the ship

In March 2007, the American shipping company signed a contract for the construction of the 2nd Oasis class liner with a Finnish shipbuilding company. A lot has changed compared to the previous ship of this class:

  • lifeboats and life jackets were moved towards the stern;
  • several times more cutoffs were installed in order to prevent damage to the vessel during a storm;
  • improved cabins;
  • built a lot entertainment centers, clubs, bars and other complexes.

The ship was christened in 2010. His 1st flight was completely free. The amazing Fiona from the cartoon “Shrek” became the godmother of the ship. The ceremony took place in the theater on board the ship, where about three and a half thousand people gathered.

The ship boasts seventeen decks and 2.7 thousand cabins. This is a city in the middle of the ocean. The ship has everything you need for an ideal holiday at the highest level: from boutiques, cafeterias, theaters, multifunctional swimming pools, and solariums, to VIP cabins with a total area of ​​50-150 square meters.

Numerous entertainments

Relaxing on a ship of this class is the dream of every second inhabitant of the planet. Visitors can soak up the shade under real exotic trees. On board you can ride a huge carousel, swim in the pool and jacuzzi, visit water park with attractions, try your luck at the casino, go on a cool shopping spree in branded boutiques and shopping centers, wear the best things and spend the evening in expensive restaurants or minibars.

For those who want to actively relax, other entertainment will be offered:

  • ice rink;
  • places to play basketball and volleyball;
  • an entertaining golf course;
  • bowling alleys;
  • surfing in specialized pools;
  • impressive climbing walls;
  • fitness centers and spas.

Only at the "Charm of the Seas" there is a huge water amphitheater with beautiful fountains, towers and high springboards for diving. One of the many attractions was the indoor theater.

A modern club for connoisseurs of jazz music and humor is also on board. It’s impossible to get used to the fun on a ship, since there is a lot of it: ice shows, circuses, themed performances, theatrical performances.

Passengers will be able to enjoy: Studio B (which hosts culinary demonstrations), an ice skating rink, nightclubs with catchy club music, beauty salons, modern tattoo parlors, photographs taken by a professional photographer, a central park, children's clubs, souvenir shops, an area for children and teenagers, chapel.

Restaurants and cafeterias

It is impossible to be completely indifferent to the ship’s multifaceted menu. Japanese, traditional cuisine, pizzerias, Italian gourmet dishes - this is an incomplete list of what will make breakfast, lunch and dinner not boring and very appetizing.

The cost of some restaurants and cafes on the "Charm of the Seas" is included in the price of the cruise. Main Dining Room is the main restaurant complex, located on three floors. Windjammer Cafe – chic buffet. For vegetarians and lovers of light breakfast and lunch, there is the Solarium Bar café.

For an additional fee, you can visit alternative restaurants, where exceptional gourmet cuisine is served with a glass of delicate wine.

Fine dining restaurants on board the ship

150 Central Park is a place where you can try six to eight courses, accompanied by wine.

Italian gourmet cuisine can be enjoyed at Giovanni’s Table.

Chops Grille is a restaurant that serves the most delicious steaks.

You can enjoy the most delicate sushi and traditional Japanese cuisine at Izumi.

You can have a tasty and interesting snack in the elevator bar called Rising Tide Bar. This is an elevator bar that rides between three decks to lively music.

On the liner, every passenger will be able to find something for themselves. People of any income can spend time here and feel like they are in paradise.

For children and teenagers

The ship has playgrounds for young people and kindergartens for children. Specialized attractions are located in all corners of the ship for children of all age categories.

Teenagers can spend personal time:

  • in a special area for gymnastic tricks and other entertainment;
  • visit the Ocean of Adventures theater;
  • learn a lot of new things in the “Laboratory of Sciences”;
  • in lessons on creating wonderful jewelry, albums and other hand-made crafts.

Many people like to travel with their families and small children are not a hindrance. The ship has several programs that will make your vacation enjoyable and unforgettable. Qualified teachers and counselors will work with the kids. Children are divided into 7 groups:

>6-18 month old children will attend a group called Aquababies. Thanks to this program, the child will develop different skills and abilities and will be able to quickly adapt to a new environment.

Children aged 18-36 months will be sent to the Aquababies group. The program will help your child explore the outside world through educational games and techniques.

Girls and boys from 3 to 5 years old need to study in the Aquanauts group. The program is designed for music lessons, children's role-playing games, masquerades and carnivals.

From 6 to 8 years old, young inventors will attend the Explorers group. The program is aimed at developing talents, holding various competitions and tournaments.

9-11 year old children will become Sailors. Evening film screenings, karaoke, and a fabulous ball with sweets, ice cream and pizza await them.

Children from 12 to 14 years old will be included in the Navigators group. This is a program where children play most of the time in the pool and living room under the supervision of responsible leaders.

Teenagers from 15 to 17 years old will join the Teenagers group. Boys and girls will have lunch with peers, play interactive games, have themed evenings, and have fun at the disco. Moreover, parents are not allowed to attend dances, and teenagers may distance themselves a little from parental care.

Incidents on the liner

Many tourists and passengers are interested in whether there were any unpleasant incidents that you need to know about in advance before purchasing a cruise ticket. There was only one incident: in 2012, a small fire started in the engine room, which was immediately eliminated. The ship's automated fire-fighting system dealt with the flames. No one was injured due to the fire, and the ship continued along its intended route.

Anyone who decides to visit the “Charm of the Seas” deck will never forget such beauty and variety of shops, restaurants, and places to relax. The ship is like a separate republic, surrounded by seas and oceans, there are no problems or worries. This is peace and reconnection with yourself.

Modern giant ships can be compared by various indicators: deadweight, width, height, number of passengers. But let's still look at the LONGEST ship on the planet.

The largest ship on the planet and the largest floating structure ever created by man is the Prelude FLING. It is equal in length to the famous Western Wall in Israel. It could accommodate five full-size football fields or 175 Olympic-size swimming pools.

However, its purpose is different: it is the world's first floating factory for the extraction and liquefaction of natural gas.

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The vessel belongs to the Dutch-British oil and gas company Shell, was built in South Korea by Samsung Heavy Industries, and will operate off the coast of Australia, extracting gas from the ocean floor - the first drilling is planned for 2017. In the strict sense of the word, this is not exactly a ship: the Prelude will not be able to sail under its own power, and will have to be towed to the workplace (the information is controversial; there is different information on the Internet). But this monster is unsinkable and indestructible: it was created specifically for service in the “cyclone zone” in the open ocean and is capable of withstanding a hurricane of even the fifth, highest category. The planned service life is 25 years.

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The ship is designed to transport natural gas, process it into liquefied natural gas (LNG), and finally transfer it directly to transport ships. The ship will displace more than 600,000 tons (namely 661,400 tons), and it is planned that the ship will annually transport up to 3.6 million tons (3.9 million tons) of LNG per year. Prelude's total capacity is over 430 million liters, equivalent to approximately 175 Olympic swimming pools.

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Prelude FLNG will be located approximately 475 km northeast of Broome, Western Australia, for approximately 25 years. Working season in this region lasts from late November to April, but the new giant ship will be able to operate all year round, in all weather conditions.

The mooring system allows the platform to slowly turn in the wind so as to reduce the impact of the powerful natural elements.

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The giant platform will go to natural gas production sites by 2017. However, the glory of Prelude FLNG may soon fade, as company representatives said that at the moment are developing an even larger ship. "We're developing a huge platform," Bruce Stinson, Shell's general manager, said last week. "It's going to be another floating giant," he noted.

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Shipbuilding began to develop in ancient times. From century to century, only the shape and size of the ships changed. But now the most big ships in the world they never cease to amaze people in modern ports.

Immigrants from the Scandinavian peninsula, the Vikings, almost always roamed the seas. Their descendants are still considered leaders in shipbuilding.

Norway, tanker Knock Nevis, length 458 meters

The Norwegian tanker Knock Nevis has a length of 458.45 meters, a width of 69 meters, and a loaded draft of 24.61 meters. Its dimensions allow it to be called the largest water vessel in the world. Its deadweight is 564,763 tons (4.1 million barrels of oil), and maximum speed The speed that the tanker can develop is 13 knots, the braking distance is 10.2 kilometers. It was built in 1979 in Yokosuka, Japan, by order of a shipowner from Greece. The next owner decided to enlarge the vessel. As a result, it was cut and extended, and additional sections were added to the body.

Initially, the tanker operated between the United States and the Middle East. But in 1986, it began to be used as a floating terminal for reloading and storing oil during the Iraq-Iran war. In 1988, Knock Nevis was heavily damaged after being attacked by Iraqi aircraft.

Knock Nevis on video

After the war, the ship found shelter in Brunei and flew the Norwegian flag. After repairs, the tanker changed its name twice: Happy Giant and Jahre Viking.

After the passage of a law in Europe and the United States banning the use of single-walled tankers (the Knock Nevis is only 3.5 centimeters thick), the vessel was rebuilt into a “floating storage unit.” And then they returned his original name. Now the tanker has washed up on the Indian coast and is awaiting disposal.

Denmark, container ship Emma Maersk, length 396.8 meters

The Danish container ship Emma Maersk has a length of 396.84 meters and a beam of 63.1 meters. Now the ship is called the world's largest container ship (it can transport up to 11 thousand containers at a time). Emma Maersk was built in 2006; the owner of the shipbuilding company, Arnold Maersk, named it in honor of his deceased wife. Later, seven more similar ships were built.

Emma Maersk can reach speeds of up to 31 knots. And about 170 thousand nautical miles (7.5 distances around the planet) travel per year, shuttling between Europe and Far East through the Suez Canal (the Panama Canal is closed for such a large ship).

Emma Maersk on the waters

A 20-krona coin was dedicated to the container ship in Denmark.

Bahamas, cruise ship Oasisoftheseas, length 360 m

First Oasis cruise ship sails Bahamas. At the time of construction it became the largest passenger airliner in the world. It was replaced only by a ship of this class, Allure of the Seas, which is 5 centimeters larger. Oasisoftheseas weighs 45 thousand tons, consists of 48 thousand parts, its length is 360 meters (by the way, the famous Titanic was 269 meters long, 53 meters high), maximum speed is 24 knots.

Allure of the Seas was built by a Finnish shipyard commissioned by an American shipping company. The contract for the construction of the first vessel was signed at the beginning of 2006. Initially, the project was called Project Genesis; the modern name became known only in 2008.

The ship was laid down on June 19, 2007, a little over a year later the construction dock was flooded, but additional equipment did not stop. Tests began in June 2009 in the Baltic and ended a couple of weeks later. In October 2009, Allure of the Seas set sail for its home port in Fort Lauderdale. While traveling along the Baltic Sea, he had difficulty crossing the Great Belt Bridge (passage is allowed for ships up to 65 meters). To do this, we had to retract the exhaust pipes and increase the speed to the maximum in order to increase the stern draft while moving. As a result, there was still about half a meter left from the ship to the bridge.

The cruise ship was christened on November 30, 2009 at its home port, and it departed on its first voyage on December 5. At the same time, the cruise announced calls at the ports of Sint Maarten, the Bahamas and St. Thomas. Only they could accept such a large ship.

A real seaside hotel

By the way, on such a huge ship you can live like on land. There is ice skating rink, casino, theater, nightclub, disco, jazz club, carousel pools, water park, shops and boutiques, restaurants and bars, sports clubs with basketball and volleyball courts and even a golf course. And that's not all. Passengers can relax in the shade of trees (there are about 12 thousand of them).

Great Britain, liner Queen Mary 2, length 345 meters

One of the world's largest passenger ships was put into operation in early 2004. It was launched in France at the Saint-Nazaire shipyards. Queen Mary 2 is 76 meters longer than the Titanic.

The liner was named after Queen Mary, which, at one time, was named after the wife of King George V of Britain, Mary of Teck.

The Queen Mary was built at the Chantiers de l’Atlantique shipyard in Saint-Nazéren. The Ile de France, Normandie and France were assembled there.

The liner set off on its first voyage on January 10, 2007 from the American Fort Lauderdale and finished there 81 days later. This trip is recorded in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest passenger ship around the world. There were almost half a thousand people on board; some paid an additional $100,000 to their ticket for the round-the-world trip.

Interestingly, while passing through New York, passengers on the upper deck can look the Statue of Liberty straight in the eyes.

On board this ship there is everything you need for an idle life. 1310 cabins, 4 swimming pools, the largest library at sea (800 thousand books), a helicopter pad, an Internet cafe, 6 restaurants, 12 galleys, laundries, a tennis court, a mini golf course, the only planetarium at sea, a theater, 2 cinemas, and Also shopping mall, casino, sports club and even a ballroom.

USA, aircraft carrier USS Enterprise (CVN-65), length 342 meters

This is the first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier. It was laid down at the end of 1957 and put into operation in 1961.

The largest warship in the world is 342.3 meters long. Nuclear fuel from one load is enough for 13 years of operation, and during this time the aircraft carrier is capable of traveling about 1 million miles.

The final cost of the aircraft carrier reached $451 million. And precisely because of this high price serial construction never began, although initially it was planned to assemble 5 more Enterprise brothers.

At the beginning of 1962, the aircraft carrier made its maiden voyage. It was then commanded by Vincent DePauw.

The first “Baptism of Fire” occurred during the Cuban Missile Crisis. The ship became part of the US Second Fleet and participated in the naval blockade of Cuba. Then he served for several years in the Mediterranean Sea. In 1964, Enterprise made trip around the world consisting of three nuclear-powered ships.

In 1965, the ship became part of the Seventh Fleet and sailed to Southeast Asia. It became the first ship with a nuclear control system to take part in combat operations (the Vietnam War). The aircraft carrier set a record - exactly 165 combat sorties per day.

On January 14, 1969, one of the rockets self-launched on board. It hit the fuel tank, which spilled, followed by explosions of aerial bombs and random scattering of missiles. As a result, 27 people were killed, 343 were injured, and 15 aircraft were destroyed. Damage was estimated at $6.4 million. In the early 1980s, Enterprise experienced the removal of the SCANFAR radar and a major reactor overhaul. The aircraft carrier was decommissioned on December 1, 2012.
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