The southernmost airport in the world. Largest airports in the world

When it comes to the largest airports in the world, the question arises, by what parameters are the leaders of this list determined? If we consider the size of the terminal, the undisputed leader is air harbor Dubai.

The largest airport in the world

Located in United United Arab Emirates. The huge area makes it one of the largest in area (3.5 thousand hectares). The airport consists of three terminals, the third of which is the largest in the world.

Terminal 3 has a huge area (just over 1 million square meters) and consists of two buildings. It has everything, five star rooms, entertainment centers, fitness rooms, spas and much more, making it a paradise for a passenger. This terminal is intended for Emirates customers, and its zone A is only for servicing passengers of Airbus A380. You can move between airport buildings using free shuttles and metro.

Also on the territory of the airport there is a five-star hotel Dubai International, between terminals 1 and 3. By and large, on the territory of the air harbor there is everything that makes the stay of tourists as comfortable as possible.

The largest in area

IN Saudi Arabia truly impressive in its size. By comparison, it is larger than the neighboring kingdom of Bahrain and twice the size of the capital of Latvia, Riga.

The most interesting thing is that passenger traffic is very small for such a gigantic size. Only 4 million people pass through the airport every year.

The Royal Terminal only serves members of the royal family.

On the territory of King Fahd there is even a mosque that can accommodate up to 2 thousand people.

The main problem of the airport terminal is that it is extremely convenient location. Passengers prefer to use the nearest Bahrain Airport. Over time, availability is increasing, but the maximum capabilities of King Fahd have not yet been reached.

The largest in terms of passenger traffic

Congestion is one of the main criteria for air harbor leadership. Therefore, in this regard, the airport of the capital of Georgia, Atlanta, confidently takes first place.

Hartsfield-Jackson, that's what it's called, serves more than 90 million passengers a year. This is much more than the famous European Heathrow and Charles de Gaulle.

To understand the scale of traffic at this transport hub, you need to consider some information:

  • The airport employs 55,000 people;
  • Three aircraft can land at the same time;
  • 250 thousand passengers are served daily;
  • The area of ​​the airport is 2000 hectares.

Add this and quality service according to tourist reviews and you get one of the best air harbors in the world.

Top largest airports in the world

In addition to the above, there are other airports that occupy leading positions.

Capital, Beijing (PRC)

In terms of passenger traffic, this hub occupies a strong second place. More than 80 million people pass through here every year. The airport has been transformed three times to increase capacity and comfort.

Interesting fact. The cost of goods inside the terminals is the same as outside the terminal. You won't find this anywhere else.

Soon a new airport will be built in the capital of China, which claims to be the largest. The passenger flow it can accommodate is 130 million people. Great bid for victory!

O'Hare, Chicago (USA)

About 80 million people pass through this Illinois airport. It was designed for testing purposes and was later converted for civil aviation. There are 4 terminals on the O'Hare Airport grounds, and several more are planned. The load on the airport was quite serious, and the authorities decided to limit passenger traffic in order to reduce the number of canceled flights.

Heathrow, London (UK)

Beijing Capital is the busiest in Asia, while Heathrow is the leader in Europe. One of the main features is, of course, London's foggy weather. Flights are operated to 170 destinations around the world. The main one is London - New York. The infrastructure is very developed, there are shops, cafes, and recreation areas. The capital of Great Britain is connected to the airport by express train.

The airport's west-east orientation allows planes to take off directly over London.

Haneda, Tokyo (Japan)

The airport was created mainly for domestic traffic, but international flights have become an increasingly large part of it. This is what determines the rapid growth of the air harbor, which receives up to 70 million passengers a year.

Much attention is paid to people with disabilities and people with limited mobility, for whom all conditions for comfort and convenience have been created.

LAX, Los Angeles (USA)

Passenger traffic of 60 million people makes the airport largest city California, one of the leaders in the world. The terminals are arranged in a peculiar way in the form of a horseshoe or the American letter “U”. Shuttles connect airport terminals to the city. LAX is home to the headquarters of United Airlines.

Dallas Airport (USA)

Recognized as the best in the world for cargo transportation, however, its main specialization is passengers. About 60 million people pass through the airport every year. One of the few airports with seven runways.

Charles de Gaulle, Paris (France)

The airport boasts an area of ​​3.2 hectares, as well as grass on which rabbits can often be seen. Traffic capacity is 60 million people, which puts it next to airport terminals in Tokyo and Los Angeles. Many films and videos were filmed in this famous place. However, negative events such as luggage thefts have slightly tarnished its reputation.

Denver (USA)

The largest in area in America and one of the most unusual due to its design. The air harbor is a little over 20 years old, but many diverse and rather implausible legends are associated with it. Passenger traffic – 47 million people per year.

Hong Kong

It is the most expensive and most beautiful in the world. Everything here is done for the convenience of passengers and their comfort. Tourists can travel around the terminals using shuttles. Despite its size, it is impossible to get lost here - numerous signs and services help.

Domodedovo (Russia)

The largest airport in the Russian Federation is Domodedovo. Built in 1963, it still occupies a leading position. Passenger traffic is 20 million people per year.

Airports are a vital part of air travel. The further the development of aircraft manufacturing goes, the more technologically advanced the terminals become and transform runways. The area of ​​the territories will steadily increase in proportion to passenger traffic.

The comfort of terminals, their capabilities and infrastructure are also increasing.

Even within the same continent, a long overland journey can take a lot of effort and nerves from passengers, so everything more people prefer to travel long distances by plane. Sometimes there are situations when an aircraft is delayed and then passengers can only wait for their flight within the walls of the airport terminal. At this stage, it is easiest to assess the comfort of a person’s stay at the airport, the opportunity to relax, have a snack and contact family. A truly well-maintained airport is characterized by a favorable location, excellent service and the ability to fly to anywhere in the world. Such features are characteristic of a large and convenient airport terminal; in our rating, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the top 10 largest airports in Europe by passenger traffic at the end of 2018.

10. Sheremetyevo Airport named after A.S. Pushkin, Moscow, Russia

The volume of passenger traffic at the end of 2018 amounted to 45.9 million people. The airport has broken all conceivable records for the growth rate of this indicator, which was certainly facilitated by the FIFA World Cup held in the country in the summer of 2018. This is one of the capital's four airports and the largest in Russia. Located in the northwest of the city in the Khimki district. Opened on August 11, 1959.

9. Gatwick Airport, London, UK

The volume of passenger traffic per year is 46.1 million people. The name "Gatwick" was first mentioned in the 13th century and is translated from English. language as "goat farm". Gatwick Airport is classified as a civilian airport and is considered the second largest airport located in the capital of Great Britain. Gatwick is also the busiest of all airports with just one runway. The air harbor is located in West Sussex, Crawley, just 5 km north of the city centre, 46 km from London and 40 km from Brighton. It receives and sends flights to two hundred destinations, with about 265 thousand landings and takeoffs per year. Serves charter companies that are not permitted to land at Heathrow. Over the past 30 years, the most important routes have been flights between the USA and the UK, due to the existence of a special agreement between the two countries. For companies such as Virgin Atlantic, EasyJet and British Airways, the airport is their base.

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8. Munich Airport, Germany

The volume of passenger traffic per year is 46.3 million people. International airport bears the name of Franz Josef Strauss, who was the Prime Minister of the state of Bavaria, has three 4 km runways (concrete), one helicopter, and is a civilian type. Location: Erding and Freising districts, Erdinger Moos area. Construction of the airport terminal began after another München-Riem airport could no longer cope with passenger traffic. The airport opened its doors in May 1992 and today is the second largest in the country in terms of the number of travelers it carries. For the famous airline Lufthansa, Flughafen München “Franz Josef Strauß” is the base. The area of ​​the airport is 15.5 km2, flights are accepted and departed around the clock. The building houses two terminals: the first is designated A, B, C, D and E and is capable of receiving 25 million people per year. The most frequent flights from Munich Airport are to the UK, France, Spain, the Netherlands and Turkey.

7. El Prat International Airport, Barcelona, ​​Spain

The volume of passenger traffic per year is 50.1 million people. The airport has international status and is the largest transport hub in all of Catalonia. The location of the air harbor is ten kilometers southwest of Barcelona. Until 2012 the most popular route there was a route from El Prat to Madrid-Barajas airport, but the high-speed railway between the two cities significantly reduced passenger traffic in this direction. Since 2009, an additional terminal with an area of ​​5.5 thousand m2 was opened in the airport terminal building. There are three runways (one concrete, two asphalt), their length varies from 2540 m to 3352 m. The sky pier is central for airlines such as Iberia Airlines, Spanair and Air Europa, passenger and cargo flights are accepted around the clock. You can get to the airport easier in the following ways: by car, by railway, by metro or bus.

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6. Barajas Airport, Madrid, Spain

The volume of passenger traffic per year is 57.9 million people. The airport is named after Adolfo Suarez, who was the first prime minister after the proclamation of democracy in the country. The air hub is located 14 km from the center of Madrid, which can be reached by metro, train or bus. The airport terminal building is equipped with four terminals, one of which has an area of ​​more than 760 thousand km2. Bright green buses, designated T1, T2, T3 and T4, circulate between the terminals. The air harbor has four asphalt runways, the length of which ranges from 3,620 m to 4,470 m. For Iberia Airlines, Barajas is central. Aeropuerto Adolfo Suárez, Madrid-Barajas also hosts such giants as Aeroflot, Air Europa, Aeroméxico, US Airways, Air France, United Airlines, American Airlines, Emirates, Ukraine International Airlines and Lufthansa. In 2008, a plane crashed at the airport. Canary Islands. During the unsuccessful landing, 154 of the 172 people on board were killed.

5. Ataturk International Airport, Istanbul, Türkiye

The volume of passenger traffic per year is 68 million people. İstanbul Atatürk Havalimanı is located 24 kilometers from the center of Istanbul, on the coast of the Sea of ​​Marmara, opened in 1912. In 1980, the airport was named after the first President of the Republic of Turkey - Mustafa Kemal Atturk. In terms of the number of passengers served, the airport ranks third in Europe, but in the near future it is planned to begin construction of new air gates, after which Ataturk Airport is planned to be closed. The owner of the air facility is the Turkish company TAV Airports, which has invested more than $600 million in the airport terminal infrastructure over 20 years. For airline Turkish Airlines, which has national status, Ataturk Airport is the hub and main one. Nearby is another heavenly harbor, named after Sabiha Gechken.

4. Frankfurt am Main Airport, Germany

The volume of passenger traffic per year is 69.5 million people, the second name of the airport is Rhine-Main. It is considered the largest in Germany and ranks fourth in Europe in terms of the number of people transported, and first in cargo transportation. Flughafen Frankfurt am Main became the first facility of this type to automatically sort luggage. Today the air hub has four runways, one asphalt and three concrete, the length of the runways is from 2800 to 4000 meters. The terminal building houses two terminals for ordinary passengers and one terminal increased comfort for VIPs and those flying business class. There is a high-speed monorail and a shuttle bus running from one terminal to the other, with free travel. You can get to the city by taxi (service cost about 40 euros), by electric train or bus. The airport is a hub for airlines such as Lufthansa Cargo, Lufthansa CityLine, Lufthansa, Condor and AeroLogic.

3. Schiphol Airport, Amsterdam, Netherlands

The volume of passenger traffic per year is 71 million people. Schiphol is the country's main airport and is located 17 km and a 20-minute drive from the Dutch capital. Schiphol opened in 1916, English The name of the air harbor sounds like Amsterdam Airport Schiphol. In terms of the number of passengers transported, the airport is the fifth in Europe, and in terms of cargo transportation - the third, after the Paris and Frankfurt am Main airports. Schiphol has five runways for large aircraft and one for small aircraft. The airport reconstruction project included a proposal to build a seventh runway. The entire terminal building is one large terminal, which is divided into several huge waiting and admission halls. For airlines such as Delta Air Lines, Transavia, Martinair and KLM, the airport is their base. Over the course of its existence, Amsterdam's Sky Pier has won more than 120 prizes and been voted the best airport in the world 7 times.

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2. Charles de Gaulle Airport, Paris, France

The volume of passenger traffic per year is 72.2 million people. The second name of the airport is “Roissy - Charles de Gaulle”, it is located 25 km from the French capital. The opening date of the airport was March 8, 1974. Today, Aéroport de Paris-Charles-de-Gaulle receives and dispatches 450 thousand flights annually. In terms of passenger traffic, Paris airport is 2nd in Europe and 8th in the world, in terms of cargo traffic - 2nd in Europe and 12th in the world. Air gates are considered native and main for the national airlines Air France, where its headquarters are located. It also houses the hub of other major airlines - XL Airways France, FedEx Express and Delta Air Lines and low-cost carriers Vueling and easyJet. The management and operating company is Aéroports de Paris. The easiest way to get from the airport to Paris is by rail, the cost of such a trip is 10 euros, other options are bus or car. Near the airport there are 30 hotels of various categories, from five-star to budget.

1. Heathrow Airport, London, UK

The volume of passenger traffic per year is 80.1 million people. The airport began its operations in 1929 and today is the second busiest airport in the world, handling about 480 thousand takeoffs and landings per year. The air hub is located 24 km from the British capital, includes five terminals for passengers and one for cargo, serves 90 airlines, and is a hub for Virgin Atlantic Airways and British Airways. Amazing fact: The location of the runway strictly from west to east makes it necessary for aircraft to take off and land directly over London. Another nuance - London Heathrow Airport is famous for its constant fog and low location of the LUM - only 25 meters. There are only two runways, both asphalt, the length of the first is 3902 m, the second - 3660 m. During the period of operation at the airport, 5 aircraft crashed, the total number of victims was 213 people.

An airport is that treasured place where every day thousands of people leave some countries and arrive in the territories of other states. Turmoil, noise, rush, exclamations, anticipation, happiness from meeting and sadness of separation - all these moments fill the huge halls, making us worry, rejoice and look forward to a comfortable flight.

Which one is the best big airport in the world? If you feel dizzy from being in the territories small airports, then when you visit Atlanta or Tokyo, you will be very surprised at how large the premises or areas for waiting for a flight can be. Of course, Moscow airports are quite large, which makes them not only spacious, but also comfortable. However, foreign sites surprise with their scale and the number of people who are in these territories every day. We offer you a small rating, after reading which you can easily answer the question of where is the largest airport in the world.

Airport in Tokyo Haneda

The first participant in the “Largest Airport in the World” rating is Haneda (Tokyo). The airport is quite modern, new and very beautiful. The presence of the required number of different services - terminals, cafes, duty-free areas, etc. - makes the premises convenient for tourists and travelers who are forced to wait for their flight for more than three to four hours. At the airport there is a spacious hotel (387 rooms) offering its services around the clock.

In addition, here you will find a designated area for shopping and children's entertainment, where you can keep the children occupied for a while. There is no time here, and especially nowhere to be bored, while waiting for the plane. Everyone will find and do what they like.

Airport in England London Heathrow

A huge airport that quite rightly claims to be the “Largest Airport in the World”. Heathrow is famous for its shopping line and has also won the Business Traveler Awards for Best Location.

Here you will find five terminals for passengers and one for cargo. Tourists speak of Heathrow as a cozy, spacious and comfortable airport, which is always clean, tidy and ready to accommodate a sufficient number of people. Based on statistics, Heathrow annually serves about 67,000,000 citizens of various countries.

A special feature of this airport is the presence of unusual rooms where believers can say a prayer and be “alone with God.” This kind of care pleases and makes sure that the British are happy to welcome foreign guests of any race and religion.

Airport in Chicago O"Hare

One of the leaders in our rating of “The Largest Airport in the World” is a site built in Chicago. More than 67,000,000 people are served in this territory annually. About ten years ago, this airport occupied the top line in terms of maximum passenger traffic, as it made about 2,663 takeoffs and landings daily. Frequent flight delays have become the main reason for restricting departures and landings in the area. It would seem that this moment should have solved the problem of the huge number of passengers. However, the airport is no less popular, but flight delays or cancellations are quite normal, so always be on the lookout if you decide to depart from this site.

Airport in Beijing Beijing Capital

A huge duty-free area is always ready to offer its services to tourists. In addition, the airport has an excellent shopping area and a chain of restaurants where you can spend time while waiting for your flight. Beijing International Airport is noted as one of the most technologically advanced. Most processes are automated, which makes the service as comfortable and efficient as possible.

Atlanta Hartsfield-Jackson Airport

The largest airport by area welcomes about 89,000,000 people annually. In order to properly serve such a number of passengers, about 55 thousand employees work on the site.

Many tourists note the correct and convenient organization of the premises. This airport has 196 exits, but it is almost impossible to get confused and go the wrong way. Terminal lettering clearly guides passengers.

The pages of the official resource provide all the information about the schedule, departure/arrival, ticket booking, etc.

Airport in Dubai "Al Maktoum"

In 2013, a new airport built on the territory of Jabel Ali began to actively receive passengers. The aviation industry in Dubai, like many other industries, is developing very actively, using modern technologies. Al Maktoum International Airport is owned by the local government. Today, the airport cannot boast a full range of services for the most convenient and comfortable location of passengers, however, tourists note the convenient location of the terminals and the high-quality service of airport employees.

Airport in Saudi Arabia (Dammam) KFIA

The area of ​​this airport is 780 square meters. This site is rightly called one of the largest in the world. However, the number of travelers who visited this airport is not so large - about five million. The fact is that KFIA is not located in convenient location. Initially, the site was used for transporting military personnel. Since 1999, the territory has been used as an international site. The absence of a huge flow of people makes the atmosphere calm and peaceful. Excellent service and convenient locations of shops, cafes and restaurants allow you to wait for your flight in comfortable conditions.

If we take Moscow airports into account, it is worth noting Domodedovo, since it is the largest among domestic airports. Since 1963, the airport has been offering its services to passengers, gradually improving its service and the number of carriers. Today, Domodedovo cooperates with 80 air carriers (Russian and foreign partners).

Air travel is unthinkable without air hubs. After all, here passengers wait for the desired plane, undergo pre-flight control, and check in their luggage. The world's largest airports offer developed infrastructure and high-class service to airline customers. However, which air harbor is rightfully considered the largest? Let's look at this issue in more detail.

To fully solve the problem, let’s find out what parameters determine the status of the country’s air gates. Today, various world associations, including International organization airports, conduct research and compile ratings, focusing on the dimensions of takeoff and landing complexes, the level of passenger traffic and cargo turnover of air hubs. In addition, individual continents can boast of giants in the aviation industry - there are lists of the largest takeoff and landing complexes in Asia, and the largest airport in Europe and America is known.

First, let's talk about the size of aircraft hubs. Here the pompous air harbor of Saudi Arabia - King Fahad Airport - is named the world leader. This airport is located within the city of Dammam and covers an area of ​​780 km². There are several halls for travelers, including a separate Royal Terminal, parking for 4,000 cars, and a mosque that can accommodate 2,000 believers. The only drawback here is the small number of passengers - the harbor does not function at half its potential. The reason for this was the inconvenient location and long-term use of the site as a military airfield.

The area of ​​the Denver airport, which is located in the USA, is 140 km². Such dimensions make it possible to call the takeoff and landing complex the first largest on the American continent. In addition, the hub is considered the largest airport in America.

If we consider the classification of air terminals by size, the Paris Charles de Gaulle air hub received the title of leader of Europe. The area of ​​this giant is 32.38 km², which brought the air harbor to the first place in Europe. As for the largest airport terminal itself big country world - Russia - here the championship remains with the capital. The area of ​​the airport reaches 380,809 m². Of course, the size of the takeoff and landing complex will not be able to compete with the world giants, but the dimensions of the hub are not the main criterion for leadership.

Demand indicators

Today, the largest airports in the world have received such an honorable title because of the number of passengers who pass through air gates every year in all corners of the world. This criterion determines how much the airport terminal is in demand by travelers and is able to provide people with the necessary services. Here in the top leaders are not the most huge complexes, and the most visited. Let's study the 10 largest airports in the world, which are rightfully called the best.

World leader

The first stage here is occupied by the Hartsfield-Jackson air terminal, which is located 11 kilometers from Atlanta in the USA. The runway complex annually handles 96,179,000 passengers and is constantly increasing this figure. One hundred airliners land at the airport every hour, and the number of employees here is 55,000 people. Moreover, 70% of the flights that the airport receives are domestic flights.

In addition, the airport occupies a considerable area. The territory of the complex covers 2,000 hectares and includes developed infrastructure. Here passengers have access to shops, exchange offices, cafes, hotels and children's areas. In a word, Atlanta's air gates have deservedly been awarded the status of a leader passenger transportation, and Hartsfield-Jackson Airport is the largest airport in the world.

Second stage

According to the results of 2014, the world “silver” went to the Beijing capital hub. This air harbor received 86,128,000 people from different parts of the globe, overtaking the leader in 2009 - London's main airport, Heathrow. Moreover, the air hub has retained second place for several years. They are based here, and the advantageous location makes the airstrip complex a convenient hub for flights across Asia and transcontinental flights.

Beijing's three air gate terminals are capable of increasing passenger traffic to 90,000,000 people. Moreover, the largest sector T3 occupies an area of ​​1,000 m² and receives flights from other countries. The airport's runway is designed for aircraft of all sizes and allows the Airbus A380 to land. Moreover, the local administration is constantly modernizing the airport terminal and improving the quality of customer service.

Third line

An honorable third place in the ranking went to the largest air hub in Europe - London Heathrow. 73,408,000 airline customers passed through England's main air gates. This hub cooperates with 90 airlines and 170 airports in the world. There are 5 passenger and one cargo terminals here. Moreover, 46% of passengers should international flights in long-distance destinations, 43% of people fly to EU countries, and 11% of tourists move within the country.

Note that the airport terminal is designed to serve only 45,000,000 people. Exceeding the maximum limit by almost twice makes it necessary to reconstruct this transport hub and becomes the reason for the refusal of the hub administration to cooperate with new airlines. However, such problems did not affect the comfort of customers. Transport links and services are well developed here, but the only drawback is possible departure delays due to overload.

Fourth rating point

The next place went to Tokyo's Haneda complex. 72,827,000 travelers visited here during the year, and the airport terminal is constantly increasing passenger traffic. This air hub took second place among airports in Asia, behind only the Chinese Shoud. Moreover, more than half of the flights served by the takeoff and landing complex are domestic.

There are three passenger terminals that function smoothly. In addition, local authorities recently opened a VIP sector with a runway from which private jets depart. The airport is connected to the capital of Japan by rail, where passengers can take a monorail to get to the main districts of Tokyo.

Fifth place on the list

This chart position was occupied by another US airport - Los Angeles International Airport. The passenger traffic of this runway complex amounted to 70,663,000 people, which allowed the air harbor to bypass Dubai Airport. By the way, at the end of 2015, the airport terminal has already served 74,936,256 passengers. The air hub ranks second in terms of passenger traffic in America.

Los Angeles Airport amazes with its passenger traffic and size

There are nine terminals here through which shuttles operate. In addition, for passengers there are pedestrian galleries and an underground tunnel connecting nearby sectors of the hub. On the territory of the Los Angeles air gate there is also a cargo terminal with an area of ​​190,000 m² and a platform for helicopter take-off.

Sixth position

Today, Dubai's air harbor is capable of handling 80,000,000 tourists per year. However, passenger traffic here in 2014 amounted to only 70,476,000 people. This indicator determined the sixth place in the list of world giants in the aviation sector. The airport administration is modernizing this hub and creating the most comfortable conditions for tourists who fly here.

The airport near the city of Dubai took an honorable 7th place in the world ranking

The airport boasts four passenger terminals and one cargo terminal. In addition, there are 3 concourses and a VIP sector. The complex has a duty-free shopping area with an area of ​​15,500 m², a medical center, rooms for children and believers. There are excellent transport links to the city. Travelers go to Dubai by taxi, regular bus services, and use two metro lines.

Seventh level of rating

Passenger traffic at the O'Hare international air hub, which operates in Chicago, fell slightly short of the 70,000,000 tourist mark. At the end of 2014, the airport served 69,999,000 travelers. Until 2005, this runway complex was considered America's main air hub, but today its place is taken by the Atlanta transport hub.

Until 2005, the Chicago airport was the main air hub of the United States, but today it is ranked only 7th

The Chicago air gates are equipped with modern equipment, and the administration of the complex offers customers the highest class service. It should be noted that this airport has repeatedly won the status of the best US air hub based on reviews from passengers and aviation experts. Now there are 4 sectors and 9 halls for travelers, and the management company plans to modernize and expand the terminal’s resources.

Eighth line of the list

The Parisian giant Charles de Gaulle successfully combines the title of the largest transport hub in Europe and eighth place in the world ranking in terms of passenger traffic. Throughout 2014, the hub received 63,814,000 passengers and provided 450,000 aircraft landings and departures. The world famous carrier Air France, popular low-cost airlines Vueling and Easy Jet are based here. There are 30 hotels located right here, and the general infrastructure of the airport is admired by most travelers.

Paris Charles de Gaulle is the largest airport in Europe in terms of area and 8th in the world ranking in terms of passenger traffic.

Ninth point

Denver Airport covers an area of ​​7,315 hectares, being the second largest complex in America. However, the terminal administration makes the most of such an impressive size. The aviation hub received 63,554,000 tourists and took ninth place among the largest takeoff and landing complexes in the world.

The most mysterious and mystical US airport in Denver also occupies 9th place in the top 10 air hubs in the world

Now there are five terminals that serve international, and domestic flights. However, technical capabilities and area make it possible to increase this hub to 13 sectors. True, now the airport terminal administration has no plans to expand existing resources. A convenient route between the terminals has been thought out and communication has been established high-speed trains to the nearest settlements.

Final position

The top 10 major global air hubs are completed by the Hong Kong Kai Tak airstrip and landing complex. According to the results of 2014, the airport's passenger traffic amounted to 63,122,000 people. Such figures are impressive, but it is appropriate to remember here that Kaitak is the main airport East Asia. Accordingly, the flow of travelers who fly in this direction increases every year.

We took a quick look at the world's busiest aviation hubs. Of course, these indicators change every year, as countries increase passenger flows at their main air hubs, increasing the prestige of the state on the world stage.

If we consider the area occupied, the largest airport in the world is Saudi Arabia's King Fahad Airport.
Atlanta's air hub has become the world leader in passenger traffic
China's Capital Airport wins world silver over London's Heathrow
Heathrow is the world famous largest airport in Europe
Tokyo Haneda Airport is the second largest passenger service in Asia and 4th in the world ranking

As far as progress has come, it used to take days and sometimes weeks to reach your beloved grandmother; Now the clock is counting down to hours and minutes. And all thanks to airplanes and a developed network of air communications. Air travel has become increasingly popular in recent years, with annual passenger traffic reaching tens of millions of people at some airports. This rating presents the 10 largest airports in terms of the number of passengers carried.

1st place. Hutsfield-Jackson Atlanta Airport. USA

Atlanta Airport is located just 11 km from the city and serves the most large number flights in the world.
A significant part of transportation is carried out within the country, since in America it is often much cheaper to get to your destination by air than by land.

The annual passenger traffic of Hutsfield-Jackson is 90 million people.

2nd place. O'Hare Airport, Chicago. USA

The airport is located 27 km northwest of Chicago, and until 2005. he occupied a leading position in the number of takeoffs and landings.

Currently, 80 million people pass through the airport annually.

3rd place. Heathrow Airport, London

World famous Heathrow is Europe's busiest airport. And this despite the fact that it is not very well located, at an altitude of only 25 meters above sea level, which is why the runways often disappear into the famous London fog.

70 million passengers use the services of this airport annually.

4th place. Haneda International Airport, Tokyo. Japan

Tokyo Airport (another name is Haneda) is recognized as the largest in terms of passenger traffic in Asia.

It was created for domestic flights, but in recent years the number of international flights has increased sharply.
Today the airport serves a little less than 70 million people.

5th place. Los Angeles International Airport. USA

Los Angeles International Airport is the largest airport in the City of Angels.

It has 9 terminals, through which 60 million people pass annually.

6th place. Dallas International Airport. USA

The second name of the airport is Fort Worth, as it is located in the middle between the two cities.

It is considered the largest airport in Texas and serves 60 million people a year.

7th place. Charles de Gaulle International Airport, Paris. France

It is considered the most convenient docking point in Europe. Two railway stations were built on its territory, connecting the airport with any city in France.

The annual passenger flow is 60 million people.

8th place. Frankfurt am Main Airport. Germany

Frankfurt Airport, also called Rhine-Main Airport, is the largest in Germany, serving 52 million people a year.

It stands out because in addition to two large terminals, it also has one small one for VIPs.

9th place. Hong Kong International Airport. China

The Chinese themselves call this airport Chek Lap Kok. It is located 34 km. from Hong Kong, and its services are used annually by 48 million people.

It has repeatedly received the title of best airport in the world.

10th place. Denver International Airport. USA

Denver airport is the largest in area in the USA (140 km2), and the second in the world, after the airport in Dubai.

However, in terms of passenger traffic it ranks only 10th, serving 47 million people a year.
