San Tropez is the city of which country. Saint Tropez

Saint-Tropez is one of the most elite resorts not only in France, but throughout Europe. Previously, it was a fishing village, but today it attracts the attention of tourists from all over the world and offers the best conditions for recreation and entertainment. This article discusses the main features of the resorts of Saint-Tropez (France), as well as a list of those places that are definitely worth visiting once you get there. In addition, the location of the resort region, as well as its climatic features, is described.

General information

Saint-Tropez: where is it? This resort is located in France, in the Provence region, in the Alps. The shores of this holiday destination are washed by clear waters Mediterranean Sea, due to which it is also called the Cote d'Azur.

The resort in question is located on a relatively small area - just over 11 square meters. km, but this is quite enough to accommodate the best hotels, casinos, as well as entertainment complexes designed for tourists with different preferences. The population of this region is small - just over 5,000 people and its numbers are falling noticeably.


A very popular modern resort was previously an ordinary fishing village, which was founded in the 2nd century BC. e. founded by colonists from Greece. After the Battle of Actium, the power of the Roman Empire reigned on the territory of the created settlement.

Throughout its existence, this locality came under the jurisdiction of the county of Provence and the barony of Grimaud, but in 1470 its territory was granted the status of broad autonomy and became the capital of a small republic founded by the Genoese.

Until the beginning of the 19th century, this settlement existed as a town, more reminiscent of a fishing village. However, starting from this period, its territory began to attract rich people from different parts of Europe who wanted to relax in the wonderful Mediterranean climate, surrounded beautiful nature. During the world wars of the 20th century, the development of the resort in question was suspended, but in the 50s the situation changed radically - Saint-Tropez began to develop, and today it is one of the best and most prestigious holiday destinations.


Talking about climatic conditions prevailing in the resort in question, it should be noted that its entire territory is under the influence of the Mediterranean climate. Summer is hot, but the temperature remains at a fairly moderate level - about +25 degrees. If tourists are among the rainy weather lovers, then they should plan their trip for November or October. During the winter months there is almost no snow in the region - during this period the weather here is reminiscent of autumn.

When to go

St Tropez is a resort best visited from April to September. At the height of the holiday season, all restaurants, cafes, boutiques and entertainment venues open. It should be noted that prices for holidays in this region increase significantly with the onset of June, and their decline can only be observed with the arrival of September.

At this time, you can not only have an unforgettable beach holiday at the resort, but also visit international festivals: Harley Davidson (early May), Fight Night (in August), Rolex Cup (early July).

In the summer, the resort is bustling with life; there is entertainment for all tourists. If you want to spend time more calmly, it is best to go to the region in September, when the sea is still warm, but most vacationers have already left.

Where to stay

Santrope: what is this? Tourists who have been here say in their comments that it is real paradise for fans of upscale relaxation. In their reviews, they share the impressions they received while staying in the best hotels in the region. Many of them say that vacation spots provide not only luxurious conditions for a pleasant pastime, but also high-quality service.

What's the best area to stay in? Experienced tourists recommend giving preference to the regions of Lys, Pilon and Burgad - this is where the concentration of large number entertainment places, as well as many infrastructure facilities. Moreover, they are located in close proximity to the central part of the region. In these areas, you can easily rent an apartment if you book it in advance. At the height of the holiday period, its cost will be about 1,000 euros (75,000 rubles) per week of stay.

If you want to stay in a comfortable hotel room, you need to be prepared to pay from 100 euros (about 7,500 rubles) per day. In the reviews, tourists are among best places for relaxation, La Bastide d'Antoine, Kube Hotel Saint-Tropez, Domaine de l'Astragale, Hôtel La Tartane Saint Amour, and Toison D'or are most often included.


Where are they located in Saint-Tropez? best restaurants?

Judging by the comments of travelers, decent catering establishments at the resort should be looked for in the area coastline. In order to determine whether a restaurant is decent or bad, travelers recommend studying its menu: if it contains a large number of items, then most likely the dishes will not be of the best quality. If a restaurant specializes in preparing a certain group of dishes, this indicates the high skill of its chefs.

The average cost of lunch in high-class catering establishments (in Russian currency) is about 7,500 rubles (for one person). If we take into account lunch in an inexpensive cafe, the bill will be about 2,000 rubles.

Which establishments are considered the best within the resort in question? These most often include LeB, Club 55, SpoonatByblos, as well as a wonderful place where you can taste fish dishes - LeGirelier.


The resort in question is a real paradise for shopaholics. It is in local stores that you can see clothes and shoes from the latest collections of world-famous fashion houses, as well as other equally interesting products. For the most part, boutiques are concentrated in the Place de La Garonne area.

If you prefer locally made brands, you should definitely visit the Rondini brand store, which sells unique handmade sandals. The average cost of a pair of shoes from such a company is about 150 euros (10,000 rubles).

Original home decor can be bought at Les Senteurs Tropézienne. Among the most popular products offered by the store are home perfumes.

Representatives of the fair sex will undoubtedly be happy to visit the Titamàlà boutique, which offers exquisite handmade jewelry, as well as Espadrilles Tropéziennes or Be-store - shops with interesting wardrobe items, shoes and accessories for all occasions.

In the markets Russian tourists they prefer to buy rose wine and scented candles - such goods are not only unique, but also perfect as souvenirs.


Of course, the beaches of Saint-Tropez (you can see them in the photo in the article) are the best in the whole world. As the tourists themselves say, all areas intended for recreation on the seashore are clean and well-groomed. Moreover, they offer excellent views of the surrounding nature. Some resort beaches are classified as paid, but they are most often filled with tourists.

The best free beaches include sandy La Ponche, sand and pebble Les Graniers, and Les Canoubiers. At the entrance to the city there is another recreation area - La Bouillabaisse, which, according to tourists, is ideal for spending time with children. Each of the listed beaches is equipped with the infrastructure necessary for a decent holiday, and also offers sun loungers and umbrellas for rent.

As for paid beaches, the best of them are those that have club status: Tahiti, PlagedePampelonne, and Plage des Canebiers. If you want to sunbathe topless, you need to go towards the most remote point of the resort - the Plage des Salin beach. There is a peaceful atmosphere here.


It should be noted that the nightlife in Saint-Tropez is simply in full swing. Here you can find nightclubs and bars everywhere, designed mainly for tourists with a high level of income. At the height of the holiday period, clubs in Saint-Tropez are open every night until 5 am, and in September - only on weekends. Entrance to most of them is completely free, but the cost of drinks is quite high - from 20 euros (about 1,500 rubles). Almost all nightclubs have a dress code. According to tourists' reviews, the best nightclubs of the resort in question are Les Caves du Roy, Hôtel Byblos and Le VIP Room.

The region also has a long list of restaurants that turn into clubs after dark. Of these, the most popular are Les Caves du Roy, L’Opéra, Résidence du Port, and Quai Jean Jaurès.


Of course, most tourists are interested in the list of attractions that should definitely be visited when arriving in Saint-Tropez (France). Among the most interesting and popular of them is the Citadel - a place where you can plunge into the history of the former fishing town. The local port is also considered a rather interesting attraction, the territory of which is worth visiting as part of an excursion ordered from a special agency.

Fans of museums should definitely visit the exhibitions of Cinematography and the Gendarmerie, as well as the Butterfly House, which offers visitors very beautiful compositions.

Among the attractions of Saint-Tropez are several cathedrals, as well as unique architectural sites. Of these, the most interesting for travelers are the Church of the Assumption of the Mother of God, the mill de Paillas, and the chapel of St. Anna.

What to see in a day

Travelers who prefer to plan their route in advance can start their morning in Saint-Tropez with a visit to one of the local cafes, which are open mainly from 8 am. After coffee and aromatic pastries, you can go for a walk through the local streets and park alleys, of which there are many in the region. In the markets that are also located in the city, you can buy a couple of souvenirs for your family and friends. By the way, it is customary to bargain here.

After a little shopping, the tourist is recommended to visit local attractions. We should start, of course, with the Citadel and the chapel of St. Anna. After this, it is recommended to visit the port and study the fleet, as well as the history of the city. Here you can also take part in a boat tour "Celebrity Villas". You can end your day with a shopping trip and a walk in the park with Barbarak ice cream.

Cost of holiday

As you know, Saint-Tropez (France) is a rather expensive resort, upon arrival you will have to leave a considerable amount of money. As they say in traveler reviews, the largest part of the waste here is on accommodation and food. For all those who want to save significantly on their vacation, tourism experts recommend going here on vacation either in September or June, when all the opportunities for entertainment and a pleasant pastime are available, but vacation prices are low.

Those who want to save on housing can stay at a campsite. If you need to buy cheaper food products, you should go shopping at supermarkets located in Cogolan (the neighboring town).

As practice shows, the average cost of a tour to Saint-Tropez purchased from an operator is from 100,000 rubles (a week of vacation for two).

How to get there

The resort in question can be reached from the airport located in Nice. You can go by bus, which requires a couple of transfers during the trip. The cost of travel by this type of transport to the final point in terms of Russian currency is about 1000 rubles, children's ticket costs half as much.

Those people who have good financial resources can afford to get to Saint-Tropez by helicopter, rented car or taxi.

General information

If the older generation associated the commune with old-school comedies about gendarmes and the sultry blonde from the cult film by Roger Vadim, then for the modern traveler it has long become a city where you can “hunt” celebrities and spend a few extra thousand euros in style.

Saint-Tropez is not one of those resorts that impress with their splendor 365 days a year, so to truly get into the spirit of the Cote d'Azur, you need to go here at the height of the season. Already in September, the concentration of Instagram pathos and glamor on the local streets is decreasing, and the rows of snow-white yachts at the berths are steadily thinning.

Saint-Tropez, despite its tiny size, is a resort with a distinctly snobbish atmosphere. Moreover, of all the cities of the French Riviera, Saint-Tropez is considered the most party vacation spot - dozens of closed beach clubs and VIP discos are proof of this.

Even against the backdrop of the most expensive resorts On the Cote d'Azur, Saint-Tropez looks like a place where it's best not to show up without a premium credit card. In reality, all this is nothing more than a well-built image by the tourism business. Provencal cuisine, clear warm sea and cozy wild beaches - all this luxury is available to any guest of the French Riviera who can scrape together money for an overnight stay in a local hotel.

History of Saint-Tropez

The formal age of Saint-Tropez is estimated at thousands of years, but the place received its modern name in the 1st century BC. e. According to legend, Saint Thorpis (aka Tropis) gave it to the resort. Allegedly, the boat with the body of this righteous man washed up on the shores of a then unknown village, which local residents regarded as a symbol of chosenness and further prosperity. However, the “appearance of the saint” began to bear fruit only at the end of the 19th century - it was at this time that the neo-impressionist Paul Signac chose the seaside village for recreation, who brought several more representatives of French bohemia here.

At the beginning of the 20th century, rumors about the excellent climate of Saint-Tropez reached Parisian fashion designers. As a result, between the 20s and 30s, designer Elsa Schiaparelli and the unforgettable Coco Chanel managed to sunbathe on local beaches. And yet, only the cinema of the 50s managed to promote Saint-Tropez to the level of a major resort. After the winding streets of the city were illuminated in “And God Created Woman” and “The Gendarme of Saint-Tropez”, a modest tourist stream in this part of the Cote d'Azur was transformed into an inexhaustible seething stream. In fact, thanks to the money of the creative elite, as well as numerous travel bloggers, today’s Saint-Tropez exists, having abruptly changed the status of an authentic Provençal village to the proud title of “pearl of the Cote d’Azur” and built up an infrastructure that is serious for a tiny city (the population of the commune is about 5,000 people).

Climate and weather

Saint-Tropez is a classic Mediterranean resort with a high season lasting from May to September. Summer here is not hot - the thermometer rarely goes above +25 °C, which does not prevent the sun from warming the water in the sea to +24 °C.

An autumn holiday in Saint-Tropez has its advantages: the beaches and clubs no longer have the crowd that is typical for the July-August peak, and therefore the traffic flow on the approaches to the commune noticeably thins out. Anti-bonuses attached to the autumn tour are rainy weather and a slight cold snap. Average temperature air temperature for October-November is +18...+21 °С.

Winter in the beloved city of Paul Signac is mild and snowless - during the day from +11 to +13 °C. But since winter Saint-Tropez cannot do without precipitation at all, get ready for such an unpleasant phenomenon as January-February rain.

Sights of Saint-Tropez

Saint-Tropez is a resort dedicated to simple (not to be confused with cheap) pleasures, so there are few truly cultural and historical attractions here. In addition, over the past decades the city has changed considerably, which picky travelers were quick to point out. Thus, Saint-Tropez was accused of losing its originality and Provençal flavor, which were praised by filmmakers of the 20th century. In addition, local establishments are often reproached for excessive unbridledness, which does not fit with the emphatically aristocratic appearance of the Cote d'Azur.

Nevertheless, the number of people wishing to relax in one of the most expensive cities of the French Riviera is not decreasing. The business elite and Hollywood elite come here to hide from the annoying eyes of the paparazzi and compare yachts. Travel bloggers want to pose in front of other people’s yachts and Maseratis, and then post photo evidence on their Instagram profile. The middle class wants to feel the atmosphere of the notorious “Dolce Vita”, feel nostalgic about retro cinema and have fun in chic clubs.

As for the cultural program, in Saint-Tropez you can wander around the old part of the city, where every house is a little legend. The top local must-see also includes the building of the 16th century chapel Notre-Dame de l’Annonciade, in whose halls there is a gallery of post-impressionists who lived and worked in the vicinity of the commune. Continuing the theme of old churches, it is pleasant to sit in the shadow of the walls of the Chapelle Sainte-Anne or gaze at the interior decoration of the main sanctuary of the resort - the Church of the Assumption of the Mother of God (Eglise Notre-Dame de l'Assomption).

You can take funny selfies against the backdrop of the Saint-Tropez citadel, which in the 16th century helped the city’s defenders turn away the Spanish conquerors. By the way, there is a maritime museum attached to the fortress, where you can find out more about the history of the resort. The ancient cemetery of Cimetiere Marin offers enchanting views and an atmosphere of eternal peace. Monumental marble tombstones, under which entire dynasties of local sailors rest, seem to float above the surface of the sea, symbolizing the transience of earthly life.

For more positive pleasures, check out the Butterfly House (La Maison des Papillons). Fans of French cinema are strongly recommended to stop by Place Blanqui, where the gendarmerie building is hidden (yes, the same one from the comedies with de Funes). Now it houses a museum, the exhibitions of which not only highlight the life of movie peace officers, but also show the personal belongings of the magnificent Bebe (Brigitte Bardot). There are several galleries in the city contemporary art, in which you can see surreal and sometimes striking exhibits with their ambiguity. Among the non-trivial city objects, it is also worth highlighting the “Spiral” fountain, created in 2007 by sculptor Jean-Yves Lechevalier.

Note: to move between resort locations, vehicles are not needed. Saint-Tropez with all its attractions can be easily explored on foot, and due to the compactness of the commune, the excursion will not be exhausting and tiring. The only thing is to take care of comfortable flat shoes. The streets of the city have steep slopes, and the Mediterranean paving stones underfoot are destructive for heels and wedges.

You can gawk at world celebrities, and, if a lucky coincidence of circumstances, capture the gaping star on your smartphone camera, in the port of Saint-Tropez. Snow-white yachts moored at the piers, creative elite strolling along the embankment, street artists with their canvases, which in 9 out of 10 cases depict the beloved Saint-Tropez or the “main blonde of France” - this whole vanity fair is considered perhaps the main resort attraction and worthy of the most detailed inspection.

Excursions, entertainment, holidays

If the most glamorous of the French Riviera resorts has been explored far and wide, start expanding your horizons in the neighboring communes. For example, in Ramatuelle, the tourist fraternity has at its disposal winding medieval streets, the remains of ancient fortifications and the tomb of Gerard Philip. The same medieval ruins, including castles, chapels and a Romanesque cathedral, can be found in Grimaud. You can have a real blast in Sainte-Maxime, whose beaches will compete well with the much-hyped Pampelonne.

For those who did not sail to Saint-Tropez on their own yacht, excursion organizers offer an alternative - mini-cruises on a rented ship to the nearest islands (with or without a guide), as well as boat trips to nearby bays. You should also join nightlife city, especially since the owners of resort clubs and taverns masterfully adapted to the most incredible desires of the clientele.

Among the mastodons of the local entertainment business, it is worth highlighting the clubs “Les caves du Roy” (expensive cocktails, strict face control and an almost one hundred percent chance of encountering some “face from the cover”) and “VIP Room” (an atmosphere of unbridled fun for those who doesn't count money). If you need to lower the degree of pathos, which is off the charts in the above-mentioned establishments, have a blast at Le Pigeonnier, which is preferred by indigenous clubbers.

And, of course, what would Saint-Tropez be without holidays! Starting in September, the resort falls under the influence of the festival and exhibition bustle, which lasts almost all autumn. The festive season opens with the Gold Cup water polo competition, passing the baton to the sailing regatta. The Paradis Porsche parade starts around mid-October, attracting crowds of the car brand's most devoted fans.

Beaches of Saint-Tropez

Good news: unlike Cannes, the beaches of Saint-Tropez have sand. Not very good news: on the coastline within the city there are rocky and pebble areas, so you will have to spend money on slippers. If we talk about the party scene, then in Saint-Tropez it reaches its peak precisely on the beaches and in the adjacent bars - sometimes too pretentious, sometimes openly bohemian. These are the places where you are most likely to stumble upon a star who has been on a spree or an oligarch from the Forbes list who has just parked his own yacht at the marina pier.

The most glossy and showy beach of the resort is still Pampelonne - an almost five-kilometer line, which is filled with entertainment establishments of all stripes, including the much-hyped Le Club 55. Formally, Pampelonne belongs to the neighboring commune of Ramatuelle, but tourists have long labeled it as a landmark of Saint-Tropez. So if you came to the resort to watch the sunsets, models walking around in symbolic swimsuits and dancing on the bar counters, you are in the north side of Pampelonne. By the way, the beach is divided into five sections, some of which belong to VIP clubs and hotels with paid entrance. At the same time, there are also plenty of places for adherents of economical recreation and wild areas.

Life hack for vacationers: it’s better to pay for a sunbed and umbrella in Pampelonne. There is practically no natural shade on the beach, and during the season you can get sunburned to the level of a Papuan. In addition, if you come on vacation by car, keep in mind that most beach parking lots are paid.

As for swimming places within the city, there are surprisingly few of them. For example, if you have an overdose of glamor and cocktails, it is better to go to Granier Beach (the bay is located right behind the citadel). The infrastructure on it is more modest than Pampelonov’s, instead of soft sand under your feet there are pebbles, but there is much less noise and unbridled fun here. While strolling through the old town, stop by Ponch, in the fishermen's quarter. This is a miniature hybrid of a tiny rocky beach and the embankment, along which travelers with DSLRs at the ready are busily scurrying about.

You can also observe the ultramarine sea surface and get a powerful dose of ultraviolet radiation at Kanebier (the landmark is the villa of the “greatest blonde of all time,” the unforgettable B.B.). The advantages of the beach are that its territory has a “border” of Mediterranean pine trees; therefore, vacationers have the opportunity to lie in the shade and save on renting an umbrella. By the way, local residents prefer to relax on Kanebye. If the pebbles under your feet have become annoying, but you don’t want to leave the resort, Bouillabaisse Beach will help out - about 500 meters of the softest sand right behind the port, at the exit from Saint-Tropez.

Advice for vacationers: when swimming off the coast of Saint-Tropez, it’s easy to get “kissed” by a jellyfish, so don’t show off your prowess and don’t swim behind the buoys.

Where to stay

At the height of the season, housing prices in Saint-Tropez skyrocket, so you can afford to spend the night in a not-so-promoted “four” only if you are willing to pay 20,000 - 30,000 rubles for it. A more acceptable alternative is hotels without stars or modest (if such a word is generally applicable to hotels on the French Riviera) - “kopeck piece”. A double room with one bed in such places will cost around 8,000 - 13,000 rubles, which is considered a fairly modest option for the high season.


At the resort, the priority is Provencal and Mediterranean cuisine. If you haven’t yet had time to appreciate the extraordinary taste of bouillabaisse, the exquisite piquancy of mesclun salad and the delicate aftertaste of olive-anchovy tapenade paste, do it in Saint-Tropez. The famous ratatouille can also be considered a local classic of the genre. On the Cote d'Azur, the original recipe was adapted to suit their own tastes, which is why the dish is found on the menus of resort taverns under the code name “Tian a la Provençal”. Peach crumble, meat stew Dob Provençal and omelette with truffles are also a must-try.

In Saint-Tropez there are many establishments with local cuisine, as well as Asian cafes, so if, along with gastronomic pleasure, you want to get an extraordinary design and presentation of a dish, welcome to “La Vague d"Or”, whose chef has been awarded three Michelin stars. At “Le Bikini” and at “Restaurant Le G” envie" menu is simpler, although they also sell the main culinary cards of Provence. In addition, portions in small restaurants are usually not generous like a resort, but the service is at the highest level. For fans of Italian delicacies, it would be wiser to book a table at La Part Des Anges or Clandestino Saint Tropez, while those who miss Thai tom yum should settle down at My Thai or Le Jardin.

Hunters of truly Provençal gastronomic delights will be interested in strolling through the local food market, which sets up its stalls three days a week on Place des Lyses. Fragrant cheeses, the freshest seafood, fruits almost bursting with juiciness and spicy sausages - all this deliciousness is in abundance here. As for prices, in Saint-Tropez, as in any city on the Cote d'Azur, they are not very attractive. At the height of the season, a modest set lunch without alcohol in a mid-range tavern will cost 20-25 euros (about 1500-1900 rubles). In Michelin-starred restaurants you can “eat” for 250-300 euros (about 19,000 - 20,000 rubles), although, by the standards of Saint-Tropez, this is far from the limit.


The assortment of local boutiques and shops hints that on the French Riviera it is customary to part with money easily and without regret. However, Saint-Tropez is not an oriental bazaar with loud-mouthed sellers, so planning shopping excursions for the purpose of “just looking” here is easy and pleasant. Start your shopping tour with central square cities where, in addition to the food market, rare book dealers periodically set up tents. If you need a handbag from the first Chanel collections or an antique porcelain bauble - welcome!

Good to know: you shouldn’t expect big discounts from Saint-Tropez, although in the last week of October the city is a little feverish with the annual La Grande Braderie sale, when prices for branded items drop by almost half.

The vast majority of boutiques and showrooms in Saint-Tropez are located in the central part of the resort or along the embankments and are interspersed with stylish cafes where you can take a pleasant time out and wash down a successful purchase with a cup of coffee. If you haven’t had time to stock up on sunglasses and a trendy swimsuit, drop by the Chanel pop-up store or, as the owners themselves like to call it, an ephemeral boutique whose collections consist of 90% beachwear and paraphernalia.

The stronger half of humanity is strongly recommended to visit Maison Blanc Bleu, mentioned in every second guide to the resort. An option for hardened aesthetes is the jewelry stands of the Gas Andre salon, where the abundance of precious metals and stones will blind your eyes. There is no shame in hanging out in the showroom windows of world couturiers from Louis Vuitton to Dolce&Gabbana, and also trying on a pair of leather sandals from the Italian brand Les Tropeziennes.

Among modest souvenirs, trinkets with gendarmerie symbols are a must-see. No desire to shell out for jewelry and haute couture clothes? Stock up on refrigerator magnets or iPhone cases featuring Louis de Funes as the unforgettable gendarme from Saint-Tropez!

7 things to do in Saint-Tropez

  • Make your way to one of the elite topless sectors of Pampelonne beach to estimate the size by eye “ natural resources» Hollywood celebrities and world models (it’s not a fact that they will be allowed in, but it’s worth a try).
  • Wander around the piers of the marina and marvel at the imagination of yacht owners who give their properties such extraordinary names. At the same time, you can Google who owns the ship to know which celebrities are vacationing at the resort with you.
  • Try the famous “La tarte tropezienne” in local cafes, the authentic recipe of which French chefs hide from the rest of the world’s confectioners.
  • Go to the embankment of the city port and find in the tourist flow an actor dressed as a gendarme from the comedies with Louis de Funes (he is definitely here somewhere).
  • Buy a pair of tropical sandals, which even fashion gurus don’t hesitate to wear on the Cote d’Azur.
  • Wander around Brigitte Bardot's villa and appreciate the assortment of the boutique opened by the main French blonde in Saint-Tropez.
  • Find 10 differences between Paul Signac's painting “Place des Lices” and the main city square.

How to get there

Saint-Tropez, from the point of view of fans of public transport, is not the most convenient resort. The railway lines do not reach here due to the terrain, and the number of buses taxiing to the abode of glamorous party-goers is very small. Nevertheless, getting to Saint-Tropez without having your own yacht or sports car is quite possible.

The easiest and most expensive way is to rent a taxi in Nice. The distance between the cities is just under 100 km. A more wallet-friendly option is buses from Saint-Raphael (you will first have to get to the city by rail from Nice) and Toulon (the city is connected by an intensive rail connection with Marseille). By the way, keep in mind that at the height of the season, traveling by car turns into a protracted and not very pleasant marathon due to the gigantic traffic jams that are the norm in this part of the Cote d'Azur.

An alternative to taxis and buses are mini-ferries from Saint-Raphael, Grimaud and Sainte-Maxime, or high-speed boats from Nice calling at Cannes, Antibes, Saint-Raphael and Sainte-Maxime. However, you will have to get acquainted with the water transport schedule in advance. During the high season, ferries between the communes scurry around almost every hour. By autumn, their flow slows down and pauses between routes become increasingly longer, sometimes stretching for a week.

The easiest way to get to Saint-Tropez is by car, although mountain roads, popularly nicknamed “mother-in-law’s tongues,” await you.

Where is the best place to stay in Saint-Tropez?

Sights of Saint-Tropez: what is worth seeing?

In addition to the magnificent promenade, port and various beaches (including top-less), there are several attractions that are definitely worth a visit.

Those who come to Saint-Tropez in mid-September will be able to see the luxurious Porsche parade (Paradis Posrches), in which more than 300 cars of this brand come from all over Europe.

What and where to eat in Saint-Tropez

After spiritual food, it doesn’t hurt to refresh yourself and look into numerous restaurants and cafes. In Saint-Tropez, Provençal cuisine and seafood prepared in various ways. For example, tapenade (latapenade) - a thick mixture of crushed anchovies, olives and capers, which is spread on toast or served as an accompaniment to soup, or the many variations of foie gras, as well as various sheep's and goat's milk cheeses. For dessert, you can try the Tarte Tropezienne cake or the Calen de Saint Tropez cake made with honey, mint and almonds.

Restaurants and cafes in Saint-Tropez that we can recommend:

· L'Auberge des Maures. Address: 8, rue Boutin. The approximate cost of lunch is €65.

· L'Oliver/Le Bristo. Address: La Bastide de Saint-Tropez, Route des Carles. The approximate cost of lunch is €30-90.

· Le sporting. Address: Boulevard Vasserot, Place des Lices. The approximate cost of lunch is €20-30.

Shopping in Saint-Tropez: what to bring?

Well, for shopping lovers there are many boutiques and shops with products from famous designers. Prices here are not the cheapest in Europe, but only in Saint-Tropez can you buy the famous Tropeziennes sandals, which, in particular, are sold in the specialty store Les Tropeziennes.

And also, not a single fashionista will pass by the worldwide popular Brigitte Bardot boutique (Le Brigitte Bardot), where you can buy things with the initials V.V. To remember the city, of course, you can buy traditional postcards or souvenirs, but a much more interesting reminder of Saint-Tropez will be bracelets from Valerie, with the name of the city originally written on them. A good gift for men would be smoking pipes, cigars, and Dupont lighters produced by a local factory. And, of course, don’t forget to bring French perfume, cheeses and chocolate from your trip.

Saint-Tropez is one of the most popular modern sea ​​resorts Europe, the pearl of the Cote d'Azur and the entire south of France. The city is located 76 kilometers from Cannes and is a favorite vacation spot among celebrities around the world. The popularity of this small settlement, whose population is about 6,000 people, came at the end of the 19th century, when local landscapes captivated the talented artist Paul Signac, and became the main theme in his canvases. In this city, he invented a completely new technique of drawing with dots - pointillism. Later, in search of inspiration, his colleagues began to flock here: Chris van Dongen, Pierre Bonnard, Henri Matisse. The magnificent works of these modernists served as an excellent advertisement for the entire European aristocracy, which moved here from Nice and Cannes.

The tiny picturesque bay became even more famous in the middle of the 20th century thanks to the film “And God Created Woman”, shot here, in which the inimitable Brigitte Bardot played the main role. The main worldwide popularity came to the resort after the release of the first comedy films with Louis de Funes about a gendarme from Saint-Tropez. The city became recognizable and tourists from all over the world flocked here. Today, the main focus of the settlement is tourism, so the tourism infrastructure here is well-functioning and offers luxury holiday and impeccable service.

  • Area: 11 km²;
  • Time zone: UTC+1, summer UTC+2;
  • Population: 4,500.

Climatic features

The resort is located in a mild Mediterranean climate, with fairly warm winters and cool summers. Average temperatures in January are +10⁰C, and in July the thermometer rises to +25⁰C. The greatest amount of precipitation occurs from December to February. In autumn and spring the weather is pleasantly warm. As a rule, water in the coastal zone warms up to air temperature.

Transport accessibility

The city has its own airport, serving only charter flights. The nearest international air port is in Nice, 100 kilometers from Saint-Tropez. You can get to the resort by rented car, by train - go to San Rafael, and then transfer to a bus going to Saint-Tropez, or by speed boat that runs regularly during the summer season. There is no railway connection to the resort. There is no public transport in the city itself.

Selection favorable air tickets through Aviadiscounter (searches like Aviasales + a selection of airline promotions and sales).

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Historical background

Archaeologists date the first settlements in this area to the 2nd century BC. Scientists' findings indicate that there was a Greek colony in this area. From the 1st to the 10th centuries AD, the settlement was subjected to repeated destruction by the Arabs who settled in this part of Europe. From the middle of the 11th century, power over the city passed to the monks from Saint-Victor, who restored it and returned it to full life. However, the internecine wars of the princes of Provence devastated the city until the 15th century. By the beginning of the 16th century, the Genoese architect Pornazo de Garezzo erected powerful fortress walls that surrounded and protected Saint-Tropez on all sides. Since that time, the settlement received the status of an independent republic and began to establish trade relations with Africa and countries East Asia. Until the 19th century, the city was inhabited by merchants, fishermen and shipowners. After the “discovery” of Saint-Tropez by artists and aristocrats, luxurious mansions, villas, hotels, brand stores and many entertainment venues began to appear here.


First of all, Saint-Tropez is, although small, but famous resort coast of the Mediterranean Sea, and its main attraction is its luxurious beaches with well-developed infrastructure. The largest beach in the city is Pompelonne, which has 6 kilometers of sandy shore, with dozens of small, well-equipped private beaches. For a complete, quality holiday, guests are offered water sports: windsurfing, yachting and water skiing. For those who have poor command of a boat or sailboat, experienced instructors will always help. In addition, on the coast there is a huge number of all kinds of restaurants, bars and fashionable clubs that organize night parties under open air. However, along with these popular and glamorous holiday destinations, Saint-Tropez also has secluded coves with wild beaches, where you can hide away from prying eyes and fully enjoy warm sea, soft golden sand and luxurious surrounding nature.

All city beaches have rescue and medical stations, parking lots, showers, toilets, changing cabins, umbrellas and mats or sun loungers. The official opening of the beaches takes place annually on June 15, and closing on September 15.

What to see

Besides the excellent beach holiday, in the city you can see several interesting historical monuments and museums. The art museum houses a rich collection of paintings painted in the 20th century by contemporary avant-garde artists.

In an ancient fortress of the 16th century, well preserved to this day, is located Maritime Museum, which details the history of the city. The exhibits here include models of ships, rich collections of weapons and amphoras, and paintings by marine painters. From the top of the fortress, located on a hill, there are beautiful views not only of the whole of Saint-Tropez, but also of the majestic snow-white peaks of the Alps.

The visiting card of the city is the Old Port. Almost completely destroyed during the Second World War, today it has been restored and appears before guests and residents of the city in all its glory. This picturesque tourist site is surrounded by chic cafes and expensive yachts near the marina. And of course, as in any seaside resort, in Saint-Tropez you cannot ignore the embankment, which offers stunning views of the endless sea and where you can easily take a photo of some vacationing celebrity.

One of the largest collections of butterflies in all of Europe is located in this city of the Cote d'Azur. The unique museum “House of Butterflies” has about 20,000 various exhibits of these flying insects. A collection of 4,500 butterflies, assembled by the museum's founder, Dani Larting, son of the famous photographer Jacques Henry Larting, still adorns the hall's stands to this day. Many insects, including the most rare species, Lepidoptera, classified as endangered, flutter in specially equipped greenhouses. The museum is located in a large mansion that once belonged to Madeleine “Bibi”, the first wife of Jacques Henry Larting. The museum also has a huge ant colony, tirelessly building anthills, and a large family of tarantula spiders living in a separate terrarium. The bravest visitors can establish contact with insects - hold them in their hands and stroke them. The halls are especially beautiful and exotic South America, Africa and Oceania. A visit to the museum will be interesting not only for children, but also for adults. The Butterfly House opens its doors to visitors from April to October.

In the summer, the city has a wonderful amusement park with many attractions that delight children, and three times a week a large market opens on the main square of Saint-Tropez, walking through which you can find almost everything: from homemade sausages, cheeses and seafood, to souvenirs and the most beautiful bouquets of flowers.

And of course, Saint-Tropez is a paradise for shopping lovers, who will definitely not be indifferent to the presence of large malls, brand stores and boutiques offering the latest fashionable designer clothes for sale. A selection of luxurious and elegant outfits presented in shopping centers Saint-Tropez amazes even sophisticated shopaholics. Every year, on the last Sunday of October, a massive sale begins in the city and you can buy a high-quality branded item for less than half the price.

If you are bored with beaches and a relaxing holiday, then you can go exploring interesting places located in the outskirts of the city. The small town of Cogolen is a popular center for handicrafts. Here you can clearly see the simple life of ordinary people living in the south of France, appreciate their talents and skills, and also purchase original handmade products.

Another popular tourist spot a few kilometers from the resort is Port Grimaud, which is a large marina in the Gulf of Saint-Tropez, accommodating more than a thousand yachts. Many compare the port with Venice - numerous bridges, canals, motor yachts and the villas are reminiscent of this romantic city. This coincidence is not at all accidental - Grimaud was built in the 60s of the 20th century by the architect Francois Spori, according to whose designs the port should resemble Venice in miniature. Anyone can organize boat trip accompanied by experienced guides and sailors.

Saint-Maxime - small resort, located near Saint-Tropez. Less glamorous and pretentious, it is also famous for its luxurious sandy beaches and magnificent incendiary parties and discos. The city is famous for the Museum of Photography and Mechanical Music, which displays an excellent collection of ancient musical mechanisms. There is also an amusement park for children and adults called Aqualand.

Saint-Tropez regularly hosts various festivals, holidays and carnivals, celebrated with great scope and pomp. In general, every day in this city is a real holiday, like a fairy tale. A holiday in Saint-Tropez will leave a lot of positive emotions and vivid impressions in your memory for a long time.

Services for tourists that will allow you to save or get more for the same money:

  • Insurance: the journey begins with choosing a profitable insurance company, and.

Mediterranean Sea, popular among filmmakers and musicians, and then among foreign tourists who appreciated the Provençal style.

The Mediterranean climate is conducive to relaxation: the average annual temperature is +15.6 degrees; maximum – +27.3 in August, minimum – +6 in December. The amount of sunshine is one of the highest in France, the sunniest month being August. IN winter time Strong winds blow - Levan and Sirocco.

The history of the settlement dates back to the time of the Phoenician development of the Mediterranean lands. Then the Romans came there. Most likely, the settlement was named Eraclea after a small Roman temple dedicated to Hercules.

According to legend, the city received its modern name from a high-ranking officer at the court of Nero - Caius Silvius Torpetius. He was baptized by Saint Paul and after that fell out of favor with Emperor Nero, on whose orders Torpetius was beheaded in one of the squares of Pisa. The body was thrown into an old boat, where they also placed a rooster and a dog. The boat was launched along the Arno River, it went out to sea and, having traveled enormous distances, landed in May 68 on the shore of Eraclea. Christians later destroyed the pagan temple and gave the city the name of the legendary saint.

In the 9th century, after the fall of the Roman Empire, the region fell into the hands of pirates and corsairs. Their robberies lasted almost a century.

From 890 to 972, the Saint-Tropez peninsula was an Arab-Muslim colony. In 976, Guillaume I, Count of Provence, Lord of Grimaud, expels the Muslims.

Since 1436, Count René I has been trying to increase the population in Provence and invites the residents of Genoa: 60 families come to Saint-Tropez. The inhabitants of the settlement remained free and exempt from taxes until the time of Louis XIV. They resist the raids of the Turks and Spaniards.

Saint-Tropez is becoming a famous resort

At the beginning of the 20th century, Saint-Tropez was a fishing village. In 1887, Guy de Maupassant came here on his yacht for treatment for syphilis. The artist Paul Signac discovers this small port from his yacht Olympia in 1892. Fascinated by the place, he buys a house here, where he lives and paints, and numerous artist friends come there.

The proximity attracts famous artists, such as Colet in the 20s. And in 1956, the film “And God Created Woman” was filmed here, and then many others.

What to do in Saint-Tropez

  • See the famous port of Saint-Tropez

Countless yachts, one more beautiful and more expensive than the other. There are cafes around the port, including the Café Sénéquier confectionery, which has been featured in several feature films and in photographs of celebrities. In 2013, it was decorated by designers in a vintage style: antique-worn wooden floors, benches covered with light beige linen, wooden tables and leather chairs, sea lanterns, large mirrors with patina.

  • Visit the beach

There are three beaches within the city. But the most famous and magnificent plage de Pampelonne - with light sand and clear azure water - is a little further away, 5 km from the city. Along this beach you will find a large number of discos, private beaches, and water sports equipment.

  • Explore the old city neighborhoods

The old quarter of Saint-Tropez is called La Ponche. Fish and seafood restaurants are concentrated here. You will be surrounded by ocher houses and cobblestone streets.

  • See the citadel

The citadel of Saint-Tropez is historical monument. It was built by townspeople for defense against pirates, corsairs, and Turks. From the height of the citadel there are good views of the city and the sea. Admission is paid.

  • Go to a museum

The l'Annonciade Museum is located near the port and tourist office in the building of a former chapel. Now there is a gallery with works by Matisse and Signac, as well as other artists who worked in the city. It is considered one of the best galleries in France with a collection of neo-impressionist paintings.

  • Go to the market

The market at Place des Lices takes place every Tuesday and Saturday. And on days when there is no market, you will see a game of petanque in the square.

  • Walk along the coastal path

A 12.5 km trail runs along the peninsula from the city to Tahiti Beach. It will take about 3.5 hours one way to master it.

  • Visit the church of Notre-Dame de L'Asomption ( Notre Dame de l'Assomption)

The church was built in 1784 in the Italian Baroque style. inside you can see statues from the early 19th century. and a bust of the city's patron saint, Saint Tropez.

  • Be present at Bravada

If you are lucky enough to be in Saint-Tropez on May 16-18 (the day of the city's patron saint) or June 15 (the day of the victory of the townspeople over the Spaniards), then you will be able to see the folk festivals, called here bravados. The townspeople dress in the costumes of former times and parade through the streets, led by a bust of Saint Tropez.

  • Visit Port Grimaud

Port Grimaud is a small town on the seashore 7 km from Saint-Tropez. It is often called the “Venice of the south of France”. The city is simply built on picturesque canals. This is a real postcard city. Fans of spectacular photos will definitely like it. Don't forget to go to the local beach and try Italian ice cream.

There are regular services to Port Grimaud from Saint-Tropez boats The journey takes about 20-30 minutes, the cost is 7 euros (4 euros for a child ticket from 4 to 12 years); 12.30 euros return (7 euros for children).

You can also get from Saint-Tropez to Grimaud by buses No. 7601, 7701 (3 euros one way, information on buses below).

  • Travel to Ramatuelle

You can also visit another very attractive place - the village of Ramatuelle, which is located south of Saint-Tropez. It is located on a slight hill, and therefore the views from there will be stunning!

You can get to Ramatuelle from Saint-Tropez by bus (see below).

  • Have fun in the park

Very close to Saint-Tropez, in the town of Gassin, there is the Azur Park amusement park.

How to get to Saint-Tropez

By plane

Nearest international airports located in Nice and Marseille.

From Nice Airport by public transport you will first need to take a bus (Varlib 3003 NICE AEROPORT - SAINT-RAPHAEL) to Saint-Raphaël (15 euros), then from there by bus (Varlib 7601 SAINT-RAPHAEL - SAINTE-MAXIME - SAINT-TROPEZ) already to Saint-Tropez (3 euros).

From Marseille airport in summer (22.06 - 27.08) on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, Mondays bus to Saint-Tropez - No. 36, The cost of a one-way ticket is 25 euros.

By taxi

You can always use the taxi ordering service through the Russian-language Kiwitaxi website:

By train

The nearest train station is in the city of Saint-Raphaël. It can be reached by train from Paris, Nice, Marseille and other French cities.

Near the Saint-Raphael train station there is a bus station from which bus number 7601 departs for Saint-Tropez.

By bus

Bus from Saint-Raphael No. 7601 . There are several flights daily ( see bus schedule Saint-Raphael - Saint-Tropez) (3 euros).

Other buses from Saint-Tropez:

No. 7601 Saint Tropez – Saint Raphael

No. 7701 Saint Tropez – Cogolin – La Garde Freinet

7703 Saint Tropez - Ramatuelle

No. 7704 Saint Tropez – Cogolin – La Môle

7705 Saint Tropez – Ramatuelle(Plages de Pampelonne)

No. 7801 Saint Tropez – Le Lavandou – Toulon (along the coast)

No. 7802 Saint Tropez – La Môle – Toulon (through the forest)
