Santa Cruz de Tenerife is the capital of Tenerife and sometimes the Canary Islands. Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Tenerife Island, Canary Islands Santa Cruz de Tenerife City Beach

Santa Cruz de Tenerife is the capital of the island to which our site is dedicated, as well as the province of the same name. In addition to Tenerife, it includes the islands of El Hierro, La Palma and La Gomera.

Once upon a time, not far from Santa Cruz, the Spanish history of the island began. In 1494, the conquistadors first landed in the town of Añasa, now located eight kilometers from the capital. However, in those days it was not safe to settle on the coast, so after the conquest the Spaniards built their first city in a sheltered valley. This is how San Cristobal de la Laguna was born. In the same place where Santa Cruz now lies, there was only a fishing village.

Later, an important port appeared here, which already in 1723 allowed Santa Cruz de Tenerife to receive capital status. Today it is the second largest port in Spain, where the most famous and largest ships. The population of Santa Cruz de Tenerife is more than 220 thousand inhabitants, which by Canarian standards gives the city the right to be considered very large.

Many large European cities today they represent an amazing synthesis of modernity and history. This is also the capital of Tenerife, the largest of the islands of the Canary archipelago. On the one hand, there are huge shopping centers, brands known throughout the world, the newest tram line... on the other, narrow old streets and small houses that keep the secrets of past centuries.

Attractions of Santa Cruz de Tenerife

Auditorio de Tenerife

One of the symbols of the capital, built by the notorious architect Santiago Calatrava. Inside there is a large concert hall, which hosts performances by both local groups and world stars.

Castillo de San Juan

The fort, now in the shadow of the huge Auditorio building, is one of the oldest landmarks in Santa Cruz. It was built on the coast in the mid-17th century to protect the port, famous at that time for the slave trade from Africa, from attacks from the sea. Named after John the Baptist. The fort's second name is Black Castle (Castillo Negro).
Every year at the end of July, a performance is held here that recreates the events of 1797, when the British attack led by the legendary Admiral Nelson was repulsed at the Battle of Santa Cruz. It was in this battle that he lost his arm.

Torres de Santa Cruz

Not far from the Auditorio you can see two skyscrapers - twin residential towers, built in 2004 and 2006. Their height is 120 meters. These are the tallest buildings in all of the Canary Islands and the tallest pair of twin towers in all of Spain. Interestingly, the fourth part is from total area buildings are located underground.

Carnival emblems on Constitution Avenue (Avenida de la Constitución)

For many years, in February–March, Tenerife hosts a carnival known throughout the world (it is considered second in scope after the Brazilian one). Each carnival has its own emblem. You can see the images created for the celebrations of past years on the Avenue of the Constitution (Avenida de la Constitución). You need to go from the old fort, towards the exit from the city. The emblems are built directly into the pedestrian path.

Mercado de Nuestra Señora de África

This curious building, recognizable by its arched vaults and pink clock tower, is located on San Sebastian Avenue. The most unusual thing about it, perhaps, is its purpose: Mercado de Nuestra Señora de Africa, despite all its architectural sophistication, is a two-story market built in 1943. Moreover, the market is active. You need to come before lunch, and best of all - in the morning: at this time you can buy the freshest vegetables and fruits, flowers, seafood (including oysters), cheeses, poultry, and spices. On Sundays, in the morning, there is a flea market, where they sell souvenirs and various original things.

Teatro Guimera

The attention of passers-by is primarily attracted by the bronze sculpture installed in front of the theater façade. The sculpture in the form of a huge female face is named Per Adriano (“For Adriano”). It was created in 1993 by the famous Polish sculptor Igor Mitoraj, whose “faces” adorn more than one world capital.

The theater itself is also noteworthy - it is the oldest in the Canary Islands. The building was built in 1849 in the classical Romanesque style, after which it was repeatedly completed and reconstructed. The theater has been named after Angel Guimera (the author of many famous plays, a native of Santa Cruz de Tenerife) since 1925. On this stage you can see not only dramatic, but also dance and musical performances.

Masonic Temple (Templo Masónico de Santa Cruz de Tenerife)

The building, located at the intersection of Calle San Lucas and Calle Viera y Clavijo, was built more than a hundred years ago by order of a local Masonic workshop. The temple has been under reconstruction for quite some time, so you can only explore it from the outside.

Ancient Egyptian symbols were used to decorate the temple: under the very roof there is an eye with rays emanating from it (“Radiant Delta”), figures of sphinxes are installed below, and an eagle spreads its wings above the entrance.

Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de la Concepción

Among the Catholic churches of the city, this one occupies a special place. Here, in the Church of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, there is a cross erected on the coast of Añas by the conquistadors who arrived here to conquer the island at the end of the 15th century. There was also a place for captured British flags, preserved from the Battle of Santa Cruz.

The chapel on this site was built already in 1498, literally two years after the final conquest of Tenerife - after all, in those days, conquests went hand in hand with Christian missionary work. It is no coincidence that the Church of the Immaculate Conception has the title “Mother Church” (Iglesia Matriz), emphasizing its importance in the spread of Catholicism in the Canaries. In addition, it was from this square that the city grew.

The current appearance of the building, the distinctive feature of which is the spire, is the result of reconstruction carried out after the fire of 1652 and completed only in the second half of the 18th century. This only five-nave church in the Canaries is also interesting for its interior - in particular, the altar.

Plaza de España

According to the architects' idea, the central square of the city and the entire island was turned into a kind of bowl with sea ​​water and a fountain in the middle. The original lighting also corresponds to this idea: light bulbs placed in garlands around the perimeter are made in the shape of water drops of different sizes.

The architectural dominant of the square is a huge obelisk (Monumento de los Caidos) in the shape of a cross, dedicated to the residents of Tenerife who died during the Spanish Civil War. At the top of the obelisk there is an observation deck, below there is a now empty underground chapel. Part of the composition is a group of sculptures.

Behind the obelisk is the Tenerife government building - the Cabildo Insular, an example of architecture from the 1930s. The main information center is located in the same monumental building with a clock. tourist office islands, where you can purchase a good map of the city with landmarks marked.

Plaza de España was built on the site where San Cristobal Castle once stood, protecting the city from pirates. Now the walls of the castle can only be seen underground, where galleries have been built specifically for this purpose - outwardly they look like angular dark buildings covered with plants. The exhibition is called Centro de Interpretación “Castillo de San Cristóbal”. Admission is free, Monday to Saturday from 10:00 to 18:00.

The continuation of the square is the green and shady Alley of the Duke of St. Helena (Alameda del Duque de Santa Elena). There is a marble fountain brought from Genoa in the year the alley was built.

Plaza de la Candelaria

Plaza de la Candelaria, located next to Plaza España, was founded much earlier - back in 1701. Previously, there was a source of drinking water here, and the name was appropriate - La Pila (literally - “pool, reservoir”). Subsequently, instead of a source, a monument dedicated to Santa Candelaria, patroness of the Canary Islands, was erected in the center of the square.

The obelisk "Triumph of Candelaria" symbolizes the appearance of the Virgin Mary to the indigenous population of the archipelago, the Guanches, and their conversion to Christianity. The composition consists of four Mensei (Guanche rulers) and the Virgin. Previously, they were complemented by four angels riding dolphins - symbols of the seasons. However, this part of the composition was damaged in 1825, after which it was removed.

Among the buildings located on the square, it is worth noting the Rodriguez Carta Palace (Palacio de los Rodriguez Carta), dating back to the 17th century. If you go inside, you can see a luxurious courtyard with verandas and stairs made of dark wood.

The pedestrian Calle del Castillo, which runs up from Candelaria Square, is home to many small shops. For tourists who want to spend time shopping, combining it with a walk through the city streets, this is the most suitable place. But do not forget that many shops close for siesta from one in the afternoon to half past four.

Duck Square (Plaza de los Patos)

This small but very green square is loved by the residents of Santa Cruz. The stone benches installed here are decorated with ceramic tiles with various patterns, and plaques stylized as advertisements from a previous era are attached to the center of the backs. Duck Square is called because of the fountain, in the center of which there is a stone duck.

Rambla de Santa Cruz

One of the largest and most beautiful streets in the capital of the island. Consisting of elegant buildings, numerous restaurants and cafes, it stretches in a semicircle through almost the entire city. Where the street reaches the coast and intersects with Avenida de Francisco la Roche, there is a huge monument to General Franco. The street itself was named after him for a long time (on many maps it is still designated as Rambla del General Franco).

The street is decorated with palm and laurel trees, as well as modern sculptures, making it a kind of arts boulevard. There are signs on the trees with the names of great artists: Warhol, Michelangelo, Vermeer and others. On Sundays there is a flea market here.

Park García Sanabria

García Sanabria Park, named after the mayor who approved its construction, is the most big city a park throughout the Canary archipelago, rightfully considered the “lungs” of the city of Santa Cruz. It was created in the 1920s and today has a rich collection of plants, mainly tropical and subtropical. Here you can also find a brief summary of the history of the island: on the backs of three benches, the landing of the conquistadors, the everyday life of the Guanches and their defeat at the Battle of Acentejo are depicted.

At the entrance to the park, which can be reached along Calle del Pilar, there is a large flower bed with a clock built into it, next to which guests of the capital like to take pictures. Citizens often make appointments here. Two grand staircases to the right and left of the clock lead to central fountain, where at the intersection of two alleys there are monuments to Mayor García Sanabria and Dr. Guigo, who once proposed building a park.

Las Teresitas Beach

Those who want to combine a “metropolitan” vacation with a beach vacation should go to the town of San Andres, located seven kilometers from Santa Cruz. It is here that the beautiful artificial beach of Las Teresitas is located, more than a kilometer long, surrounded by mountain ranges. It was developed back in the 1970s, when about four million bags of yellow sand were brought here from the Sahara Desert, and Canary palm trees were planted along the shore.

A stone dam built along the entire beach protects it from waves and allows the water to warm up. This is a serviced area: rental of sun loungers and umbrellas is organized, there is a shower, parking, restaurants and a medical center. Access is free, like all beaches in Spain.

Mirador de los Campitos

The Mirador de los Campitos viewpoint offers views of the residential area of ​​Santa Cruz de Tenerife, the port and the lower part of La Laguna. On a clear day you can see the island of Gran Canaria almost in detail; It is especially interesting to explore the surroundings with binoculars. To get to the observation deck, you need to take the Los Campitos Highway (Carretera de los Campitos).

View of Santa Cruz de Tenerife (online weather) via webcam

Plaza de España is the most important and largest square of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, located in the Canary Islands.

The square was erected in 1929 between Morsky Avenue and Sreteniya Square. The most important attraction of the square is the Monument to the Fallen, built after the Civil War according to the plans of García Escamez. The monument is a tower in the shape of a cross, at the top of which there is an observation deck. Under the monument there is an underground chapel, which is empty today.

Over time, the square was rebuilt according to the design of architects from Switzerland who won the competition. The result of the reconstruction of the square was a fountain with sea water installed in its center. At night, Piazza di Spagna is illuminated with many lights and garlands.


Taganana is a small, lovely mountain village located in the south-eastern part of Tenerife, Canary Islands. Its area is 1.5 hectares, on which there are several white houses and a small church made in the medieval style. Local residents mainly work in small fields or gardens. From here you can enjoy magnificent views of the ocean and mountains, you can take unique photos and breathe fresh air. A narrow serpentine road leads to the village, driving along which you will experience many extreme sensations.

Once you reach your destination, you will be pleasantly surprised by the many homemade fish restaurants where you can taste delicious Canarian cuisine - fried octopus, goat cheese, fresh fish and Canarian rosé wine, which has a unique taste and aroma. Not far from Taganana there are three natural wild beach: Playa de Beniggio, Playa de Almáciga and Playa de Roque, which are considered the most beautiful on the island of Tenerife. The special flavor of Taganan will give you a lot of unforgettable impressions that will be remembered for many years.

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La Arena Beach

La Arena beach is located in the center of the resort town of Puerto Santiago, comfortably located in the western part of the island of Tenerife. This area is reliably sheltered from the northern winds, so the local climate is stable and very mild. Throughout the year, the temperature varies by 5-6 degrees, reaching its peak in August. La Arena beach does not stand out with any special delights; it is not the best vacation spot for people who prefer extreme pastimes. There are no noisy discos or large crowds of people in the vicinity of the beach, so this place is suitable for those who want to relax and take a break from the noisy city.

La Arena Beach attracts tourists from all over the world every year due to its black sand, blue ocean and wonderful scenery. Almost every place here seems to be copied from a painting, which is why professional photographers often come here. Near the La Arena beach, two panoramic elevators were built that take everyone to the beautiful observation deck. Entrance to the beach is absolutely free, but you will have to pay to rent a sunbed or umbrella. A team of rescuers is on duty at La Arena 24 hours a day.

San Agustin Beach is a small city beach that is designed for a relaxing holiday. This is a cozy place for those who seek peace and tranquility. Usually on weekdays there are not many vacationers on the beach. On weekends, locals living nearby come here. San Agustin Beach is sandy. There are several showers on the beach. Entry is free. Next to the showers there is a small shop where you can rent umbrellas and sun loungers. The total length of the beach is six hundred and seventy meters.

Near the beach there is a convenient parking lot for two hundred cars. There are several hotels and inns along the coastline of San Agustin Beach. A beautiful promenade has been built next to the beach. There are several shops, bars and cafes here. They offer visitors dishes made from seafood. Nearby there is a small market where you can buy food and necessary things.

Castillo de Paso Alto

In the near future, it is planned to create a museum of torture from the times of Francoism in the Paso Alto fortress.

Members of the Association for the Restoration of Historical Memory want to turn the castle, located on the coast of Tenerife, into a memorial, as well as restore the former appearance of the structure, as it was from the end of the 18th to the beginning of the 19th centuries.

The Paso Alto Fortress is considered one of the examples of the unique architecture of the Canary Islands. The castle walls withstood the siege of the island in 1657, when Robert Blake tried to capture Tenerife, and a century later, when Admiral Nelson tried to do the same. During the years of Francoism, the building was used as a prison building.

Castle of San Juan Bautista

The fortress of San Juan Bautista was named after John the Baptist and is one of the oldest and main attractions of Santa Cruz.

The castle was built in 1641 and also has a second name - the Black Castle. The powerful Fort San Juan Bautista is located in the very center of the city and attracts attention with parapets, loopholes for artillery pieces and a round tower. The structure played an important role in protecting the city from the invasions of invaders.

Every July, a reenactment of the Battle of Santa Cruz takes place on the grounds of the castle, during which Horatio Nelson, a British admiral, was defeated while attempting to capture the fortress.

Auditorio de Tenerife

The Auditorio de Tenerife is an incomparable piece of architecture, with avant-garde design and wild popularity. The construction was made exciting and eye-catching by the Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava. Such an unusual creation was released in 2003.

The interior decoration is as beautiful as the exterior: symphony and chamber halls. The stage of the first is 17 meters, the depth of the orchestra pit is 14, the effect of “surround sound”. An enviable set, I must say.

This very stage regularly hosts the best symphony orchestras and jazz, pop and rock musicians perform here. They also teach dancing and host a lot of musical events.

Market Municipal Nuestra Señora de Africa

The Municipal Nuestra Señora de Africa market is located in Santa Cruz, the capital of Tenerife. It is best to visit it in the early morning - it is at this time that you can find a huge selection of exotic products and the freshest fish. And on Sundays, next to the main pavilions, there is a flea market offering interesting goods.

The market is housed in a magnificent building built in oriental style; the central entrance is decorated with towers with spiers. The first floor of the market is occupied by butcher shops, among whose products jamon, chorizo ​​sausage, various varieties of ham and rabbit meat are especially popular.

In the lower, underground floor there are fish rows. The range of fish shops is amazing in its richness and variety. And the main advantage of the local market is the exceptional freshness and quality of the products. There is also an abundance of fruits and vegetables, most of which are grown in Tenerife. It is also worth visiting the stalls with all kinds of spices, which can also be purchased as a souvenir.

Port of Santa Cruz

The Port of Santa Cruz is the city's commercial, fishing, sports and passenger port, as well as the main one in the Canary Islands and the second most important in Spain. It is divided into four harbors and is located in Santa Cruz Bay.

The port was formed on the site of La Carniceria beach near the small bay of Blas Diaz, favored by fishermen. Previously, the port was used as a means of communication with the outside world and defense against pirates. Soon he became the main one on the island. In the 16th century, the San Cristobal Castle was built here - the first main fortress Tenerife, and in the 17th century two defensive bastions were erected.

Today, the port of Santa Cruz is the largest in Tenerife and the first fishing port in the Canary Islands. Every year up to 8,000 tons of fish are caught here. This port also has the largest passenger traffic among all the Canary Islands. This is the largest Spanish port in terms of the number of longboats, cruisers and other ships. It is the only one in the Canary Islands that maintains a permanent connection with the Iberian Peninsula.

Playa de las Teresitas beach

Playa de las Teresitas beach welcomes its guests with a light sea breeze and crystal clear water. The sand was specially brought here from the distant Sahara Desert, and in order to prevent waves from disturbing vacationers, a barrier pier was built along the entire beach. Despite the fact that the beach was created artificially, it gives the impression of a piece of land untouched by man. There are no ubiquitous hotels here - instead, the landscapes are decorated with mountain tops. Powerful palm trees are planted along the entire one and a half kilometer beach strip.

Playa de las Teresitas beach is the ideal place for a relaxing holiday. Just keep in mind that due to its popularity, the beach is always crowded, especially on weekends. But there is always something to do here - volleyball games or yoga or aerobics classes are regularly held on the beach.

The most popular attractions in Santa Cruz de Tenerife with descriptions and photographs for every taste. Choose the best places to visit famous places in Santa Cruz de Tenerife on our website.

The capital of the archipelago (Canary Islands), Santa Cruz de Tenerife, is located in the northeast and is tightly surrounded by the Anaga mountain system.

History of the capital Tenerife

The city of Santa Cruz de Tenerife was founded in the 15th century on the site where the first Spaniards landed. These were far from tourists, and pursued very specific goals. The Empire needed to expand its own territories. A wooden cross was erected at the landing site of the Spaniards; this became a historical place and a starting point in the growth of the future capital of the Canary Islands. Years passed and Santa Cruz turned from a small port town into a modern metropolis, with many narrow streets in the old center, large squares and green park areas. And of course with gorgeous beaches and developed tourist infrastructure.

The most port city on the island

The conquistadors also noted the favorable geopolitical position of the future capital of the island; in their times, Santa Cruz de Tenerife became the most important port. Moreover, in our time it is considered the third largest and most important port in Spain. It is an important logistics hub in transcontinental trade routes, connecting Europe with Africa and the Americas. Every day in the port of Santa Cruz you can see ships flying the flags of the most different countries peace. Small tourist ferries, as well as giant ocean liners, also stop here.

Attractions Santa Cruz de Tenerife

Of course, the capital of Tenerife does not live up to the title of metropolis: the entire city can easily be walked on foot. Let's take a walk through the very center of the city and learn about the main attractions of Santa Cruz de Tenerife. All of them are concentrated mainly near the Plaza de España. The central place in the Plaza de España is occupied by a memorial in memory of the bloody Civil War of 36-39 of the last century. Not far from the square is the Church of St. Francis, built in the 17th century. Another attraction of Santa Cruz de Tenerife is worth paying attention to the Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de la Concepción church, dating back to the 16th century. Inside it is kept the same wooden cross erected by the first Spanish settlers, and this is not only a symbol of the capital, but also of the entire Canary Islands. Walking to Plaza Candelaria, you will reach the main pedestrian street of the capital - Calle Castillo. Tourist and shopping life is in full swing here with shops, restaurants and cafes. The city's central market is located nearby: Mercado de Nuestra Señora de Africa. Here you can buy fresh products for dinner or try ready-made dishes. Despite the fact that it is far from the east, local sellers are not averse to bargaining.

Museums of the capital Tenerife

If you have a free minute, be sure to stop by the Museum of Archeology and Anthropology. Here is a unique collection of household items from the Guanches, the indigenous population of the Canary Islands. These include mummies found in the caves of the island, farming tools, weapons, household items, household utensils, jewelry and much more. From Guanche weapons, let's move on to more recent times and look at the collection presented at the Military Museum of Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Armor, weapons from the times of the conquistadors and more modern types of weapons. The museum’s exposition also houses a truly unique specimen: according to legend, this is where the cannon is located, the shot from which tore off the hand of the famous Admiral Nelson. Whoever comes to the Canary Islands with a sword will be left without an arm. Let's move from weapons to the world of art and go to the Museum of Fine Arts and the Museum of Nature. Each of them has something to see and give an impression of the cultural life of the island, as well as flora and fauna.

Modern symbols of the city

Of course, this is a little strange, but this makes the building of the Auditorio Tenerife opera house, built in 2003, even more mysterious and attractive. The Canary Twin Towers look interesting, rising to a height of more than 100 meters. Timeless in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, another symbol is the most... big park throughout the archipelago - García Sanabria. Its area is more than 67 thousand square meters. m. True, it must be said that the capital of Tenerife is itself a very green city. Trees grow on every street in the city.

Carnaval de Tenerife

Once a year, in February or March, the capital Tenerife hosts a carnival, which is considered one of the largest and most colorful in Europe. Residents of all islands and Europeans come to Santa Cruz especially for the holiday, not just to witness the action, but also to take an active part in it. At first glance, it seems that the carnival is a fun and simple pastime, but in fact, preparation for it takes many months. The holiday begins with the selection of the carnival queen, followed by a traditional horse parade, and therefore the wildest fun begins. The Tenerife Carnival is even called little Rio for the similarity of colors and atmosphere. But it is worth saying that the Brazilian carnival, the Canary Carnival, is still inferior in scale.

Beach capital

Located east of the capital, where the most popular and big beach this area of ​​the island. Tourists from Europe and island residents come here to bask in the sun and laze on the white sand. By the way, the sand here is real - from the Sahara Desert. In 1973, it was brought here in incredible quantities.
In the capital's suburbs there are several diving clubs, and the dives are intended for both beginners and seasoned divers. The underwater landscape is very beautiful and rich: coral reefs, underwater caves and even a real sunken ship. But it’s better not to go there; local underwater inhabitants have been living there for a long time: sharks, stingrays and barracudas.

In the vicinity of the capital

The capital of the Canary Islands is also the starting point for a variety of tourist routes. From here the journey starts for everyone who wants to conquer the highest point of Anaga - mountain range, at the foot of which is the village of San Andres. North of Santa Cruz de Tenerife is the first capital of the island - the town of La Laguna, which, although it has lost the official status of the capital, is secretly the cultural capital. If you drive a decent distance from the capital, you should pay attention to

The capital of the island of Tenerife is the city of Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Translated from Spanish, Santa Cruz literally means “holy cross”; the city received its name in honor of the silver holy cross of the Spanish conquistadors installed on the coast.

By Canarian standards, Santa Cruz is a very large city, with more than 200 thousand people living in it. Crowded and noisy, it is unattractive from a tourist point of view, but you are still obliged to stay there for at least a few days and see a lot of interesting things.

Fans of the Brazilian carnival should visit the capital in February. At this time, the main holiday of the year takes place on the island, namely. Thousands of people take to the streets to celebrate the carnival every year for a week and the same number of people come to take part in this extravagant costume show.

As any capital should, the capital of the island of Tenerife has a lot of attractions. The largest is García Sanabria Park. This is a real open-air botanical garden and a favorite vacation spot for local residents, and admission to the park is absolutely free.

And at the “African market” you can buy all kinds of fresh vegetables, fruits and other products, but you can only visit it in the first half of the day.

Playa de las Teresitas is located a few kilometers from the city. The beach is famous for its white sand, which was brought from the Sahara Desert, palm trees and mountains that hang over the beach.

The city is well developed transport system: modern public transport, there are bus stops literally at every step; there is also a tram line, along which you can get to the city of La Laguna, which is located next door; and you can take a taxi.

Large and a huge number of small shops that can satisfy even the most demanding customers can be seen mainly in the center of the capital. Souvenirs made by local artisans can be bought on the square. There are also several open markets where you can try and buy fresh fruits and vegetables.

Although Santa Cruz de Tenerife is not resort town, any traveler can have a great time here!

In addition to the fact that the city of Santa Cruz de Tenerife has the status of one of the two capitals of the Canary Islands, it is the capital of all Tenerife Islands and the Spanish province of the same name. In common parlance the city is simply called Santa Cruz (Holy Cross), and the prefix "de Tenerife" it just distinguishes it from other cities with the same name, of which there are many in the world.

Santa Cruz de Tenerife is a very modern and cheerful city that boasts many magnificent squares, cozy parks and beautiful houses. Everyone who comes to this sunny city is literally immediately imbued with the festive atmosphere. The streets of the city are filled with numerous bazaars, shops and hotels, and its residents are smiling and hospitable. However, Santa Cruz truly blooms and comes to life in February, when the famous Tenerife carnivals take place here, and the city itself is filled with flowers, light and music. In addition, near the capital there is the famous Playa de las Teresitas beach with white sands, which attracts tourists here. Surprisingly, but true: the sand was brought here straight from the Sahara!

Province of Santa Cruz de Tenerife


221,600 people (2005)

Population density

1471.6 people/km 2

Time zone

UTC+1 in summer

Postal code

International dialing code

Climate and weather

Because Tenerife island Located at the same latitude as the Sahara Desert, the weather here is always warm and comfortable. In winter the average air temperature is +19...+21 °C, and in the summer - +25..+27 °C. There is practically no precipitation on the island. The water temperature remains stable all year round and fluctuates around +21°C.

A trip to Santa Cruz de Tenerife can be planned for literally any month: the tourist and beach season here lasts throughout the year.


Santa Cruz de Tenerife lies on the northeast coast Tenerife Islands- himself big island Canary archipelago. The city is located on the gentle slope of a small mountain, and is surrounded by steep cliffs mountain range Anaga.

There are two beaches in the immediate vicinity of Santa Cruz de Tenerife: Las Teresitas with light yellow sand and Taganan with black volcanic sand. From the city you can very quickly get to the famous National Park Teide, where an active volcano rises (the third largest in the world).


Despite the venerable age of the city, it cannot be said that there are many buildings of historical interest. The main one is Fort Castillo Negro, which in the past played an important role in the defense of the city. Nowadays, every year a costume performance is held here in honor of the repulsed attack of Admiral Nelson. It is worth noting that the building of the old fort is literally lost in the background concert hallAuditorio de Tenerife, made in modern Spanish style. It was opened not so long ago (2003), but has already become a symbol of the city.

Of particular interest is the magnificent Plaza de España, which is the heart of the capital. In the very center of the square is monument to the fallen in the Spanish Civil War. In addition, the government building is located here Tenerife, Museum of Archeology And anthropology And Palace Map(XVII century). Two baroque temples deserve special mention: Church of St. Francis And Church of Iglesia La Conception, within the walls of which is stored Holy Cross conquistadors, who gave the city its name.

If Plaza de Espany I'm considered the heart of the city then Garcia Sanabria Park we can safely call it light. First of all, it is notable for being the largest urban park in the Canary Islands.

There are a lot of museums in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, the most famous of which is Museum of Nature and Man and where you can see Guanche mummies. Also worth noting Art gallery,Natural History Museum, Museum military history and Municipal Museum of Painting and Sculpture.

The surrounding areas of the city also deserve attention. Be sure to visit ancient capital islands - La Laguna city. You can also go to the foothills Anaga or to Teide volcano, which is located in the park of the same name. In addition, near Santa Cruz de Tenerife there are Laura Park parrot park And Botanical Garden García-Sanabri and with an artificial iceberg, penguins and a huge dolphinarium.


The city will appeal to even the most discerning gourmets, as it is simply replete with all kinds of restaurants, cafes, snack bars and bars. Of course, the most common establishments here are those offering local national cuisine. One of its main "highlights" is Papas Arrugadas- high-mountain potatoes, boiled in their jackets. It is usually served as a side dish for meat and fish or as an independent dish with red or green mojo sauce, which is prepared with olive oil.

A variety of seafood dishes (fish, squid, crabs, lobsters, shrimp, etc.) are also very popular here. Moreover, in some establishments in the aquarium you can personally choose your future lunch and watch it being prepared. Meat treats are also common on the islands, for example, puchero canario(beef stew) or Ropa Vieja(a dish of chicken, beef, potatoes and peas). Also worth a try favados(pork and beans) and rabbit stew conejo al salmorejo. As in Spain, it is popular here paella with seafood, chicken or meat. Also, lungs came here from the continent tapas: cheese, jamon, ham, olives, etc.

Selection of desserts in local cuisine just huge. Most common flan(pudding), fried bananas with rum and caramel and bienmesable(sweetness made from grated almonds and honey). Well, all these dishes are washed down with excellent coffee in various variations.

Among alcoholic beverages, strong wine deserves special attention "Malvasia" and local beer, as well as white and dark rum.


Most hotels in Santa Cruz de Tenerife meet all European standards and are located close to popular restaurants, bars and shops. Most of the hotels belong to the 4* category and can boast a high level of comfort, for example, Hotel Escuela Santa Cruz (from $100). However, the city also has many 3* and 5* establishments, as well as apartments.

For thrifty tourists Santa Cruz de Tenerife is ready to offer budget options accommodation: Hotel Plaza(from 46 $), Hotel Pelinor(from 43 $), Hotel Horizonte(from $39), etc. There are also establishments that operate on the principle "all inclusive".

Entertainment and relaxation

First of all, Santa Cruz de Tenerife is the capital of the famous February carnival, which attracts a huge number of tourists. Moreover, this bright and colorful event is recognized as the second most popular carnival in the world (after the Brazilian one). In addition to the carnival, Santa Cruz de Tenerife hosts a huge number of other interesting holidays and festivals, for example, Baile de magos (Dance of the Magi),Holy Week and Easter, Feast of Our Lady of Candelara and many others.

It is worth saying that Santa Cruz de Tenerife is one of the largest and most popular cities in the Canary archipelago, so there is no shortage of entertainment here. For lovers of a noisy holiday, nightclubs, bars, casinos and all kinds of entertainment venues are open here. Vacationers with the whole family can visit city parks, cinemas and playgrounds. As for sports, all tourists have access to horse riding, tennis, cycling and hiking. tourist routes. The location of Santa Cruz allows easy and quick access to the main natural attractions of the island (Teide volcano, Anaga mountains, etc.).

However, one of the most popular holiday destinations is Taganan and Las Teresitas beaches, which are located near the city. Tourists go there to sunbathe, go yachting or water skiing, play beach volleyball, surf and other water sports. Not far from the city there are several diving centers that will be appreciated by both beginners and experienced divers.


The Canary Islands are considered one of the best places for shopping, and Santa Cruz de Tenerife has firmly established its status as a shopping paradise. This is explained by the fact that the Canaries are duty free zone, where the cost of all goods is an order of magnitude lower than in the EU countries.

The main shopping places in the city are Plaza La Candelaria and pedestrian street Calle de Castillo. It is there that there are many different shops, fashion boutiques and small shops where you can buy perfumes, cosmetics, clothes, shoes, jewelry and souvenirs at a profit. Also worth a look are the Pargue Bulevar shopping center and Calle de Pilar, which offer luxury items from the most famous designers. In addition, in the suburbs of Santa Cruz de Tenerife there are two huge shopping centers that boast many stores of famous world and European brands (H&M, Mango, Zara, C&A etc.).

More colorful and interesting place is indoor Mercado de Nuestra Señora de Africa market, which looks like a huge courtyard with many shopping arcades. Mostly vegetables, fruits, flowers and spices are sold there, but their choice and variety are truly colossal.

Souvenir shops can be found on almost every street and offer both ordinary souvenirs (magnets, toys, postcards) and original products: knives with carved bone handles, embroidery "roseta" ceramics, intricate wood carvings and semi-precious stone jewelry. In addition, since Tenerife is an island of volcanic origin, goods made from pieces of solidified lava are highly valued here - bracelets, rings, decorative dishes, boxes, etc. It is also worth paying attention to local wine and palm honey, which, however, is not cheap.


On the island where Santa Cruz de Tenerife is located, there are two large international airportLos Rodeos (North Tenerife) and Reina Sofia (South Tenerife). Each of them is connected with the city by bus. The island can be reached from many European ports, for example from Cadiz (Spain). Also, the main highways pass through Santa Cruz de Tenerife, so from here you can easily get to any locality on the island.

Public transport in the city includes bus routes and a tram line to La Laguna. The cost of a ticket for one trip is about $1.5, and for a round trip it is $2.75. Tickets can be purchased from machines at stops and from drivers.

An alternative to buses are taxis (white, with a blue stripe on the front door). They work only by meters: from $2.5 per landing and approximately $0.65 per 1 km of travel.

If you have an international driver's license, you can drive around the city and throughout the island in a rented car. In Santa Cruz de Tenerife there are large number car rental companies whose identifying mark is the Rent a Car sign. Rental conditions are standard: you will need a foreign passport, an international driver’s license, and in some cases a deposit.


There are no problems with communication in the city: international calls can be made from telephone booths that operate on small euro coins, from bars and travel agencies. In addition, you can always call from your hotel room, but in this case you will have to overpay.

Mobile communications in the city have uniform coverage and good quality. Roaming is available to all tourists who have activated this service in advance.

Internet access is available in most hotels and numerous internet cafes. Many public areas have free Wi-Fi hotspots.


Santa Cruz de Tenerife is a calm and prosperous city with a fairly high standard of living. There is virtually no crime here, and local residents are law-abiding and friendly. Moreover, there are no specific places in the city that tourists should not visit. However, despite this, in public places you should not neglect basic measures for the safety of property.

Separately, it is worth mentioning people who offer lottery tickets or excursions to "cheap shopping places". It is recommended to simply ignore them.

Business climate

The city's economy is based on the service sector, trade, tourism, imports and exports. Industry is rather poorly developed, with the exception of the chemical industry (oil refinery plant).

Thanks to the availability seaport and the presence of the main administrative and financial institutions, the business life of the city is very lively. The most promising industries for business here are construction, trade and public catering.

Real estate

Of course, the recent crisis has affected property values ​​in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, but much less than in mainland Spain. At the same time, prices for all objects here remain lower than on the continent. Thus, at the moment the average cost of housing in the capital fluctuates around $2,300 per 1 m2. Moreover, all residential real estate can be rented all year round. The most popular here are small studios and apartments in residential complexes.

Commercial real estate in the capital is also a profitable and reasonable investment. Catering establishments are especially popular here. For example, a small restaurant can be purchased for $200,000. Hotel prices start at $1.3 million, but they are sold extremely rarely.

Near many hotels and in other places in the city you can see retail outlets selling consumer electronics at very attractive prices, which are most often sold by Indians. However, you should not immediately make a “profitable” purchase. Upon closer examination, you can easily notice that the product range is already outdated, and the warranty for them is not valid in all countries. If necessary, it is recommended to visit a specialized store, where the prices are slightly higher, but the quality of the goods is much better.
