School encyclopedia. Cape Verde Islands: photos, videos, attractions, where the country of Cape Verde is located on the world map What term refers to the landscapes of the Cape Verde Islands

Cape Verde on a map of Africa
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Geographical location

Cape Verde is the only island state on the list of West African countries, located in the waters of the Atlantic on the Cape Verde Islands, 620 km west of Cape Almadi, the extreme point of the West African coast. The archipelago includes 10 large and 5 smaller islands; the largest of them are Santiago, Saitu Antan and Boavita. The islands of the archipelago are mountainous, some with volcanoes. Their total area is 4 thousand km².

The climate is tropical trade wind, with dry and hot months predominating. Seasonal temperatures are not subject to large fluctuations. So the temperature of the “warmest” month (September) is +26 °C, and the “coldest” month (January) is +22 °C. The duration of the rainy season is from August to October, but the amount of precipitation is small - its average annual norm does not exceed 300 mm.

Flora and fauna

The archipelago is quite scarce natural vegetation, and therefore artificial plantings predominate. Animals were also mainly brought by Europeans.

State structure

Cape Verde Map

The form of government is a presidential republic. The legislative branch is the unicameral National People's Assembly. Administratively, the country is divided into 17 municipalities. The monetary unit is the escudo. The capital of Cape Verde is the city of Praia (Praya).


The population is 536.5 thousand people, 70% of whom are mulattoes; in addition to them, representatives of the Niger-Congo peoples group (mainly Fulani) and immigrants from Europe live in Cape Verde.

Official state language is Portuguese, but the local population prefers to communicate in Fulani and Creole and local dialects of French and Spanish languages. By religion, most of the residents are Catholics, but local traditional beliefs are also widespread.


Cape Verde is an agricultural country. Priority export crops: cocoa beans, bananas, sugar cane. Fishing, seafood and salt production are developed. On the islands there are enterprises for the production of canned fish, plants for desalination of sea water.

Cape Verde Islands (now Cape Verde) remained uninhabited until the 15th century. In 1456, the Portuguese landed here and declared the archipelago to be the possession of the Portuguese crown. To mid-19th V. The islands served as a transshipment base for slave traders, from where live goods were sent to Europe and America. The country became free from colonial dependence only in 1975.


The main natural attractions of the country include, first of all, underwater world coastal areas. There are many underwater labyrinths and tunnels formed by countless coral reefs off the coast of the Cape Verde Islands.

Cape Verde photo

Contents of the article

CAPE VERDE(Republic of Cape Verde). Island state west coast Africa. The capital is Praia (125 thousand people, 2009). Territory – 4.033 thousand square meters. km. Administrative division: 17 municipal districts. Population – 523.568 thousand people. (2012). The official languages ​​are Portuguese and Creole (Criulo). Religion – Christianity and traditional African beliefs. The monetary unit is the Cape Verdean eshkudu. National holiday – July 5 – Independence Day (1975). Cape Verde has been a member of the UN since 1975, the Non-Aligned Movement, the Organization of African Unity (OAU) since 1975, the African Union (AU) since 2002, the Economic Community of States West Africa(ECOWAS), Community of Portuguese-speaking Countries (PALOP) since 1996.

The country is located on the Cape Verde archipelago in the Atlantic Ocean at a distance of approx. 455 km from Dakar (Senegal) – the westernmost point of the African continent. The archipelago is part of Macronesia (it also includes the Azores, Canary, Desert Islands and Madeira Island). Consists of 18 large and small islands (Boavista, Brava, Branco, Grande, Dos Passaros, Luis Carneiro, Mayo, Razo, Sal, Sao Vicente, Sao Nicolau, Santa Luzia, Santa Maria, Santo Antan, Santiago, Sapadu, Sima and Fogo). The largest island is Santiago (991 sq. km).


Islands of volcanic origin. The relief is predominantly mountainous. The plains are located on the islands of Boavista, Mayu and Sal. The coastline of the islands (1053 km) is rocky and very indented. The archipelago is located in one of the seismic zones of Africa, the most frequent earthquakes are on the island of Brava. The highest point of the archipelago is active volcano Fogo (2829 m), located on the island of the same name ( last eruption happened in 1995). There are two groups of islands - northern windward (Barlaventu) and southern leeward (Sotaventu). Minerals: basalt, volcanic tuff, limestone, kaolin, pumice, pozzolan and salt. On the islands of Brava and Santo Antan there are springs of medicinal mineral waters.

The climate is dry tropical (hot). The warmest period of the year is August-September, the coolest is January-February. The average annual air temperature is +22–26° C. The average annual precipitation is 100–300 mm, most of it falls in the mountains. Vegetation is sparse. The flora includes 450 native plant species and 150 introduced ones. Acacias, bombardeira, cypresses, pines and eucalyptus trees grow in the mountains, and almond, coconut and date palms grow in the valleys. There are baobabs, dragon trees and mangoes. Most green island archipelago - Brava, sometimes called the island of flowers. Deforestation has led to the virtual disappearance of rivers; their beds fill with water only during the rainy season. Sources of fresh water include wells, drilling rigs and desalination plants. Fauna - a diverse world of birds (egrets, wood grouse, kingfishers, waders, sea gulls, quails, parrots, falcons, flamingos, frigatebirds) and many species of lizards. Most animal species were introduced by settlers - livestock, cats, rabbits, rats, mice, monkeys and dogs. The world of butterflies and insects is diverse. The waters of the islands are rich in fish (barracuda, mullet, salmon, mackerel, sole, moray eel, herring, tuna). Lots of sharks, lobsters and shellfish. There are whales and sea turtles.


Population density – approx. 130 people per 1 sq. km. (2009).

The average annual population growth is 1.428%. The birth rate is 21.21 per 1000 people, the mortality rate is 6.28 per 1000 people.

Infant mortality is 26.02 per 1000 births. Average life expectancy is 71.8 years (67.78 years for men and 73.27 for women). (All figures are as of 2012).

70% of the population are Creoles (descendants of mixed marriages of Portuguese and Spanish settlers with Africans), 28% are Africans, 1% are Europeans. In addition to the Portuguese language, the Creole dialect Criulo (a mixture of Old Portuguese and African languages) is widespread. 53.3% of the population are residents of cities and towns (2000). The most populated island is Santiago.

More than 60% of the population lives in cities. Large cities: Mindelo (62.97 thousand people), Sao Filipe (6 thousand people) - 2000.

Purchasing power in 2002 was 1.4 thousand US dollars. In 2011, this figure was 2,078 thousand US dollars. (a fairly high level for African countries), however, approx. 30% of the population is classified as poor.

The process of population emigration continues. The Cape Verdean diaspora in Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, the USA and African countries (Angola, Gabon, Guinea-Bissau, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal and Mozambique) numbers 700 thousand people.


One of the most Catholic countries in Africa. Christianity, which spread here from the mid-17th century, is professed by approx. 92.5% of the population: 90% belong to the Roman Catholic Church, 2.5% are Protestants (mainly parishioners of the Church of Nazareth). 7.5% of residents adhere to traditional African beliefs, are members of religious sects (Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, etc.) or profess Islam.

State structure.

Parliamentary republic. The constitution adopted on September 25, 1992 is in force. The head of state and commander-in-chief of the armed forces is the president, elected in general elections for a 5-year term. Parliament is a unicameral National Assembly (72 seats), whose deputies are elected for 5 years.

Judicial system.

The basis is the Portuguese legal system.

Armed forces.

The armed forces (1200 people: 1000 people ground forces, aviation - 100 people, 100 people coast guard - 2001) were created on the basis of the People's Armed Revolutionary Forces of Guinea-Bissau and Cape Verde, formed in 1967. Military service is compulsory character. Internal order is ensured by police units (approx. 1 thousand people). Military spending in 2002 amounted to 1.6% of GDP.

State flag.

In 1992, new symbols were approved (flag, coat of arms and anthem). The flag is a panel of five horizontal stripes. The upper and lower ones are blue, between them there are two white and one red (in the center) stripes, on which ten yellow five-pointed stars are placed in a circle.

Foreign policy.

Foreign policy ties are developing most actively with Germany, Italy, China, Portugal, the USA, France, Japan and the Portuguese-speaking countries of Africa. Diplomatic relations between the USSR and Cape Verde were established on July 14, 1975. Cooperation in the field is active civil aviation. The Republic does not have its own representative office in the Russian Federation.


Since the early 1990s, tourism has become a priority industry. Privatization of state-owned enterprises is underway. Free trade zones have been created.

The republic is one of the world's largest consumers of foreign aid per capita - $270. 2/3 of assistance is provided by EU countries. The successful development of the tourism industry (a sixfold increase in the number of places in tourist complexes in 1991–2000 and the creation of 25 thousand new jobs) contributed to the reduction of unemployment. Its level in 2000 was 21%. In 2002, GDP growth was 4%, inflation was 3%.


The share of the agricultural sector in GDP is 11% (2001). Cultivable lands – 10% of the territory. They grow pineapples, bananas (considered to be among the best in quality in the world), legumes, cabbage, potatoes, cassava, corn, mangoes, coca nuts, sugar cane and tomatoes. Agricultural development is complicated by frequent droughts. Livestock - raising goats, cattle, sheep, donkeys and pigs. Fishing is poorly developed. Since 1990, ships from EU countries have been fishing for tuna in the waters of Cape Verde. In 2001, another three-year agreement was concluded, according to which tuna fishing quotas were increased to 7 thousand tons.


Poorly developed. Its share in GDP in 2001 was 17%. The main enterprises are fish canneries, a ship repair yard, a brewery, clothing and shoe factories, a building materials plant, factories for processing decorative stones and factories for assembling bicycles and motorcycles. Mining: salt and pozzolan mining (used for cement production).

Foreign trade.

The volume of imports significantly exceeds the volume of exports. Imports in 2002 – 220 million US dollars, exports – 30 million US dollars. The bulk of imports are food products, diesel fuel, machinery, transport and electrical equipment, and paper products. Main import partners: Portugal (49.1%), the Netherlands (7.2%), Germany (5.7%) - 2002. Fish, lobsters, salt, leather, shoes and clothing are exported. The main export partners are Portugal (38.5%), Great Britain (26.4%), France (23.1%) and the USA (8.2%) - 2002.


100% of electricity is generated at thermal power plants using diesel fuel, firewood and charcoal.


There is no railway connection. The length of roads is 1,100 km, including 858 km of asphalt roads (1999). Seaports: Mindelo, Praia and Tarrafal. Merchant Marine - 40 ships (2001). In 2002 there were 9 airports, including 2 international ones - on the island of Sal (opened in 1973) and in Praia (opened in 1999).

Finance and credit.

The currency is the Cape Verdean escudu (CVE), divided into 100 centavus. Well national currency in December 2002: 1 USD = 123.21 CVE.

Administrative device.

The country is divided into 17 municipal districts, consisting of zones.

Political parties.

Multi-party system. The most influential are: “African Party for the Independence of Cabo Verde”, PAICV (Partido Africano da Independência de Cabo Verde, PAICV). Created in 1956 as the African Party for the Independence of Guinea-Bissau and Cape Verde (PAIGC). It received its current name in 1981. The goal is to carry out democratic reforms and reduce poverty. In 1975–1991 - the only ruling party. Since 2001 he has been in power again. "Movement for Democracy", MPD (Movimento para a Democracia, MPD), leader - Agustinho Lopes. Created in 1990. It considers its task to be the formation of civil society and the active development of private entrepreneurship. Was in power from 1991-2001. "Party of Democratic Unity", PDE (Partido da Convergência Democràtica, PCD). Chairman – Eurico Monteiro. Founded in 1994. Occupies a centrist position.

The African Party for the Independence of Cape Verde and the Movement for Democracy have dominated the political life of the republic since its independence in 1975. After the announcement of a multi-party system in 1991, both managed to be in power for 10 years.

Trade union associations.

National Union of Workers of Cape Verde - Trade Union Center (Uniăo Nacional dos Trabalhadores de Cabo Verde - Central Sindical, UNTC - CS). Created in 1978, 9 thousand members. Gene. Secretary – Julio Ascensau SILVA.


Children receive primary education (4 years of compulsory education and 2 years of optional education) from the age of 7. Secondary education takes place in two cycles of 3 years each. Higher school: pedagogical, economic and several technical universities created in 1994–1999. In 1999, the creation of a university began in Praia. Many Cape Verdeans receive higher education in Cuba, Portugal, Russia, USA and France. In 2003, 76.6% of the population was literate (85.8% of men and 69.2% of women).


The problem of tuberculosis is acute. Lack of fresh water (only 42% of the population has constant access to it) leads to outbreaks of intestinal infectious diseases. In 2000 per 1 thousand people. there were 0.38 doctors (in rural areas there is only 1 doctor per 10 thousand inhabitants). In 2001, 225 people died of AIDS, out of 775 people. HIV-infected people.

Press, radio broadcasting, television, Internet.

Published by: the government weekly newspaper "Orizonte" ("Horizon"), the weekly "Boletin Oficial da República de Cabo Verde" ("Official Bulletin of the Republic of Cape Verde") and "Boletin Informative" ( Boletim Informativo – “Newsletter”), the newspaper “Tribuna” (Tribuna), magazines “Raízes” (Roots) and “Unidade e Luta” (Unity and Struggle). Since 1988, the information agency “Informpress” (former name “Cabopress”) has been operating. Radio and television operate (since 1984). In 2002 there were 12 thousand Internet users.


Tourists are attracted sandy beaches the islands of Boavista, Mayu and Sal, as well as the picturesque mountain landscapes on the islands of Brava, Santo Antan, Santiago and Fogo. Favorable climatic conditions make it possible to receive tourists all year round. Both local entrepreneurs and foreign investors invest in the development of tourism (74% of all foreign investments were invested in 1998). The main foreign investors are Austria, Germany, Spain, Italy, Portugal and France. Hotel complexes are popular in the city of Tarrafal, on the islands of Boavista, Mayu, Sao Vicente and Santo Antan. In 1999, the first five-star hotel, Kriula, opened on the island of Sal. The number of tourists (Portuguese, Germans, Italians, Dutch, Americans, French, South Africans, etc.) increases annually: 20 thousand people. in 1993, 67 thousand people. in 1999. In 2000, the country was visited by 83.3 thousand people, and income from tourism amounted to 40.8 million US dollars. Attractions: Catholic cathedrals colonial times, the village of Cidade Velha (translated as “old city”, founded on the island of Santiago in the 15th century, listed as a UNESCO protected historical monument), the Belem Tower and maritime museum in Mindelo, ethnographic museum in Praia. When planning travel around the country, you should take into account holidays: January 20, May 1, July 5, November 1.


Traditional housing in rural areas is stone one- or two-room funku houses (built without the use of cement) with an earthen floor and obligatory shutters on the windows. The roof is gable, covered with straw or tiles. The architectural appearance of modern cities organically combines ancient mansions from colonial times and multi-story buildings and cottages with all everyday amenities, the construction of which began in the 1990s. Fashionable hotels and supermarkets made of glass and reinforced concrete structures have become a hallmark of the cities.

Fine arts and crafts.

Contemporary artists - B. Barros-Ghizzi, M. Queiroz, C. Lima, L. Lopes, J. Miranda, M. Fernandes, M. Figueira and C. Figueira. The works of the artist K. Lima are well known not only in Cape Verde and African countries, but also in Spain, Cuba, the Netherlands, Portugal, France, Switzerland and Latin American countries. Exhibitions of local artists and fairs of folk craftsmen are regularly organized in Praia. Pottery, weaving products from straw, making souvenirs (ashtrays, lamps, boxes) from wood and coconut shells, jewelry from ceramics, sea shells and fish teeth are developed.


It is considered one of the most developed among the literatures of Portuguese-speaking countries. Develops in Portuguese and Creole (Criulo) languages ​​since the beginning of the 20th century. The founders of literature in Portuguese are J. Barbosa, M. Lopes and B. Lopes. One of the first novels - Chiquinho B. Lopes (1947). E. Tavares is considered the founder of Creole literature in Cape Verde. In 1989, the Cape Verdean Writers' Union was created. The works of modern writers D. Almada, J. Varele, M. Veiga, A. Vieira, A. Gonçalves, V. Duarte, O. Osoriu, M. Fonseca are also published in Angola, Belgium, Brazil, Portugal, Russia and France.


The population is very musical. National music combines European, African and Latin American traditions. Musical styles: morna (short sad songs about the hardships of emigrants), coladeira (upbeat songs), funana (African melodies) and Brazilian samba. The six-string guitar and the ancient one-string simboa, made from coconut shells, are the most popular musical instruments. Mass carnival processions are common, with participants wearing fancy masks dancing to the accompaniment of drums, xylophones and trumpets. Singer Cesaria Evora has gained worldwide fame. Her tours were a great success in Moscow in 2000 and 2003. The names of such singers and musicians as Bana, R. Veloso, I. Lobo, L. Morais, T. Paris and Titina are known in Portuguese-speaking countries. Of the many musical groups, “Bulimundu” and “Tubaroish” are especially popular. Music festivals are held with the participation of performers from Angola, Brazil, Portugal and the USA.

Theater and cinema.

There is no professional theater. Amateur theater groups “Youth on the March”, “Canizade”, “Korda Caoberdi”, “Ramonda”, the troupe of the Portuguese Cultural Center, etc. have been created and are still operating. Tours of the group “Youth on the March” were successfully held in Belgium, the Netherlands, Portugal, France, African countries and Latin America. In 1995, the Mindelakt theater festival was held in Mindelo, which received international status in 1997. In the late 1980s, the development of national cinema began. The first film was a joint work of filmmakers from the Republic and the USSR - a documentary Songs of land and sea(1989). In 1999, a film festival was held on the island of Sal, where directors from Angola, Cape Verde, Portugal and Senegal presented their works.


Colonial period.

The first information about the archipelago was contained in the diaries of the Arab traveler Idrisi (12th century) and in the encyclopedia of a certain Omari (14th century). Portuguese sailors landed on the island of Sal in 1446. The official date of discovery of the Cape Verde Islands by sailors from Portugal D. Gomes and D. Afonso, as well as travelers A. Cadamosto (from Venice) and A. Noli (from Genoa) is considered to be 1460. The first settlers appeared in 1462 on Santiago Island. In 1466, the massive settlement of the islands by Portuguese colonists, officials and exiles began. Later the Spaniards, French and Genoese arrived. In 1495 the islands were officially declared the possession of Portugal. From 1581 they belonged to Spain, but in 1640 they again became a Portuguese colony. In the 16th–19th centuries. were one of largest centers and a transit point for the slave trade. The economic development of the archipelago began with agriculture and cattle breeding, and later fishing began to develop. Slave labor was widely used. Until 1878, slavery existed on the islands. The archipelago and Portuguese Guinea were a single colony until 1879. After the end of the slave trade, the importance of the islands for the colonialists decreased, and many European settlers left. The authorities began to encourage an influx of new settlers, including contract workers from Angola, Cape Verde and Mozambique. For the first time, our compatriots set foot on the land of Cape Verde in 1853: the sailors of the frigate "Pallada", which, heading from St. Petersburg to Vladivostok, made a stop at the port of Praia. The life of the islanders of that period is described in the novel Frigate "Pallada" I.A. Goncharov, who took part in this campaign.

The period of colonial development was marked by numerous protests by the local population against the authorities. The anti-colonial struggle was led by the African Party of Independence and Union of the Peoples of Guinea and Cape Verde (PAI), created in 1956, renamed in 1960 as the African Party of Independence of Guinea-Bissau and Cape Verde (PAIGC). One of its founders, Amilcar Cabral, became the general secretary. In 1963 the party began an armed struggle. In 1973, A. Cabral was killed as a result of a terrorist attack. After the fall of the fascist regime in Portugal, a transitional government was formed in Praia. The PAIGC won the elections in June 1975. Aristides Pereira was elected president.

Period of independent development.

Independence was proclaimed on July 5, 1975. After the military coup in Guinea-Bissau, the party organization of the islands separated from PAIGC, and in January 1981 the African Party for the Independence of Cape Verde (PAICV) was created. A one-party regime was established. In March 1986, the Republic of Cape Verde was renamed the Republic of Cape Verde. In the late 1980s, the socio-political situation was complicated by economic difficulties and a wave of revelations of corruption in the upper echelons of power. After the abolition in 1990 of the constitutional article enshrining the PAIKV monopoly, the Movement for Democracy party (MPD), created in 1990, won the parliamentary elections on January 13, 1991. In February 1991, António Mascarenhas Monteiro was elected president (70% of the vote). The policy of the new government was aimed at democratic reforms, the development of national private capital, attracting foreign investment and developing relations with Portugal, Brazil and the Portuguese-speaking countries of Africa.

In the parliamentary elections in December 1995, the MPD retained the majority of seats in the National Assembly, and in February 1996 A. Monteiro was re-elected to a second term. The pegging of the Cape Verdean eccudu to the Portuguese currency (agreement 1998) facilitated trade with EU countries and Francophone Africa. The creation of a unified communication network of the islands in 1997 made it possible to create an offshore banking center. Population dissatisfaction with the government's insufficient attention to social problems led to the defeat of the MPD in the elections on January 14, 2001. PAIKV received 40 seats in parliament, the MPD - 30, the Democratic Alliance for Change (coalition of parties) - 2. The presidential elections were held in two rounds. The PAIKV candidate, Pedro Verona Pires, won the presidency with 50.01% of the votes. He was elected on February 25, 2001, and re-elected to this post in 2006. He resigned in 2011 without participating in the elections, since according to the Constitution, he served as head of state for a maximum term. The policy of the P. Pires government was aimed at privatization, poverty reduction and attracting foreign investment.

Cape Verde in the 21st century

In August 2011, Jorge Fonseca, a candidate from the opposition Movement for Democracy, defeated the ruling party candidate Manuel Inocencio Souza, a member of the ruling African Independence Party of Cape Verde, with 55% of the popular vote.

The new president is opposed by parliament - in February 2011, the African Party for the Independence of Cape Verde won the legislative elections.

Lyubov Prokopenko

The Republic of Cape Verde is located on the islands of the same name in the Atlantic Ocean. An archipelago of 10 large and 8 smaller islands is located 620 kilometers off the west coast of Africa. The distance between the islands is 100-150 kilometers. Conventionally, they are divided into 2 groups: “leeward” (Sotaventu) and “windward” (Barlaventu). The first includes the islands Sao Vicente, Santo Antau, Sao Nicolau, Sal, Boavista and a desert island Santa Lucia. The "windward" group of islands includes Brava, Fogo, Santiago And Mayu.

Translated from Portuguese, the name of the country means « cape green» . Previously, the country was called that in Russian - Cape Verde, unofficially this name still exists.

Cape Verde is a unique country in the sense that it has preserved pristine nature, which miraculously was not touched by the rapidly developing tourism infrastructure here. The main thing that travelers come here for is diving (Cape Verde is one of the world's top five most interesting places for diving), windsurfing and sport fishing. And of course, guests of the Cape Verde Islands will not leave indifferent the local carnivals and music festivals (by the way, it was this country that gave the world the inimitable Cesaria Evora). And the sincere hospitality of the Cape Verdians and the peaceful atmosphere of a paradise lost in the ocean will leave an indelible mark on the soul.



523,568 people

Population density

129.8 people/km²

Portuguese, Cape Verdean


Catholicism (up to 80% of the population), traditional beliefs

Form of government

presidential republic

Cape Verdean escudo

Time zone

International dialing code

Internet domain zone


Climate and weather

The Cape Verde archipelago is dominated by a subtropical dry climate. True, compared to the countries of continental Africa, which are located in the same climatic zone, Cape Verde is generally cooler and the temperature differences between day and night are less pronounced.

It is coolest in January - February. The average January temperature is +22 °C, but in the mountains it can be significantly lower.

The cold Canary Current also makes its own adjustments to the temperature regime. Its waters never warm higher +20 °C and therefore cool the air both over the ocean and over the islands. Only in July does the current shift north, giving way to the warm Guinea Current, due to which the temperature of coastal waters rises to +24…+28 degrees.

It should be noted that on weather conditions Northeast winds also have a great influence, delivering dry, cool air to the islands. From October to June, dry and hot “harmattan” winds blow from the Sahara from October to June for several hours a day, bringing with them heat and fine Saharan dust. It hangs in the air for a long time, forming "dusty fog".

But in August, the archipelago is blown by southern and southwestern winds, which bring rain. The air becomes clean and cool, although in the mountains it is drier than on the coast. During the day the air temperature can rise to +36 °C, and at night does not fall lower +18…+20 °C.

The best time to travel to Cape Verde is considered to be from August to October, when warm, pleasant weather guarantees a comfortable stay.

The Cape Verde archipelago is of volcanic origin, but today there is only one active volcano left - Fogo, which is the highest point of the country (2829 m). Mountainous terrain also characteristic of the islands of São Vicente, Santiago and São Nicolo.

Approximately 16% of Cape Verde's territory is the so-called "lunar landscape"(dry gravelly uplands), where the vegetation is not diverse. However, the flora of the islands of Santiago, Brava and Santo Antao pleases with a riot of tropical colors. Cypress, eucalyptus, pine and acacia trees grow in the mountains; evergreen bombardeira trees can be seen on the northern slopes of the mountains.

In the valleys of the islands grow baobabs, almonds, date and coconut trees, dragon tree and mango. In total, Cape Verde has about 450 species of native plants and about 150 imported from other countries.

The peculiarity of the fauna of Cape Verde is that before the arrival of European colonialists there were no mammals here. Monkeys, rabbits, rats, and many domestic animals were brought to the islands and took root well in local conditions. There are a lot of birds, reptiles, and insects in Cape Verde. The coastal waters are home to sea turtles, spiny lobsters, sharks and numerous species of fish.


The main attractions of Cape Verde are of natural origin: each island of the archipelago has its own charm. For example, Santo Antau is known for its picturesque mountain range and the Kova craters. Brava proudly bears the title of the Island of Flowers, and Fogo attracts travelers with an active volcano.

The largest island in Cape Verde is Santiago. The capital of the country is located here, in addition, the island is famous for its picturesque mountains, cliffs and canyons. Of the historical monuments here, the Portuguese fortress is interesting. St. Philip's in the city Cidade Velha (Old town). The monument is unique in that it is the first European building on the archipelago. The walls of the fortress are decorated with ship cannons raised from the ocean floor. Old center the city is included in the list world heritage UNESCO as "Europe's first colonial outpost in the tropics."

Fans of archaeological mysteries should visit the picturesque island Sao Nicolau. Here is the famous rock Rotcha Scribida, on which ancient writings are visible. No one has yet been able to decipher them. The most popular version is that they were left by people who visited the island before the Portuguese.


Traditional Cape Verdean cuisine is distinguished by an abundance of delicious seafood and fish dishes. The most popular types of fish are sawfish, tuna and sea bass. Also in the local restaurants you will definitely be offered octopus, lobster, barnacles and other seafood delicacies.

On the other hand, the cuisine of the Cape Verde Islands does not ignore meat and game dishes. Vegetables and herbs also play an important role on the Cape Verdean table. And for dessert they usually serve sweets made from tropical fruits.

It is unlikely that you will be able to spend a holiday in Cape Verde without trying the national dish cachupa. This masterpiece of stewing is included in the regular menu of Cape Verdeans, and in recent years, guests of the country have also appreciated it. In large cities, cachupa is, as a rule, a weekend dish, but the further you get from the capital, the more often it appears on the table. Cachupa is prepared, depending on the state of finances, according to "rich" or "poor" recipes The more ingredients, the richer the dish: fish, beef, chicken, pork, bacon, corn, beans, onions, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, olive oil, and so on. Each island has its own cachupa recipe.

The cost of dinner at a mid-level restaurant varies between $20-40. In general, there are many establishments of different price ranges on the islands. Almost every city has a buffet-type restaurant, where, having paid about $10 for entry, you can try as many local and European delicacies as you like.


There are no problems with accommodation for travelers to Cape Verde. There are so many hotels and apartments here that you can easily find excellent options at attractive prices.

The country's hotel fund is, first of all, resort complexes with excellent infrastructure: restaurants, cafes, swimming pools, golf courses, playgrounds. Many hotels operate according to the system all inclusive. Large hotels offer guests diving school services and dive equipment rental.

But be prepared for the fact that not all 4* and 5* hotels offer a level of service that objectively corresponds to the declared category. For example, high-speed Internet access often comes at an additional cost.

The most modern and comfortable hotels are located on the islands of Sal, Santiago, Sao Nicolau, Sao Vicente, Mayu. The island of Sal leads in the number of hotels.

There are also small family hotels at quite affordable prices, as well as hotels aimed at surfers and sports fishing enthusiasts. You can rent a modest apartment or an entire villa on the Atlantic coast: it all depends on the desire and wallet of the tourist. Mid-level apartments will cost $20-25 per person per day.

Entertainment and relaxation

Thrill-seekers will love the activities in Cape Verde. "Volcanic Snowboard"(snowboarding from the top of a volcano straight to the black sands) was invented on the island of Fogo, and it has already broken records of popularity among tourists.

You can't come to this country and not go diving. There are many places in Cape Verde where diving guarantees unforgettable emotions: reefs, rocks, grottoes with octopuses, crabs and other marine life, as well as sunken ships always delight adventure lovers. The best dive sites are concentrated around the islands of Sal, Santiago and Boavishita. The optimal time for diving is considered to be from April to November; at other times, some areas are inaccessible for diving. Even if you have never been diving, there are a lot of diving centers on the islands, where beginners are also prepared for diving.

The second most popular type of active recreation is windsurfing. The constant Atlantic breeze in the Cape Verde Islands guarantees windsurfing all year round. The island is most popular among surfers, as there are several surf clubs catering to both beginners and professionals.

In the mountains of Santo Antau island ideal conditions for tracking and flying with a hang glider. Hiking and cycling trips can be organized in the valleys.

But if active recreation not to your liking, in Cape Verde you can have a great time on the beach. The beaches here are amazing: huge, clean and uncrowded. Sun loungers are available for free.

It’s worth visiting the colorful festivals here. One of the most colorful - February Carnival, which takes place in Praia and Mindelo.


Cape Verde cannot be called a shopaholic's dream, but travelers will certainly enjoy souvenirs made by local craftsmen: clay figurines, African masks, products made from tortoiseshell, coconut or ox horn. Paintings with Cape Verdean motifs are very popular, as are figurines of people and animals made of bone or wood - they are sold everywhere. If you bargain well, you can reduce the price by one and a half to two times.

Local open markets are attractive because, in addition to souvenirs and handicrafts, you can buy fresh fish and seafood there. And, of course, tourists are attracted there by the local flavor, unique only to these islands.

Generally, shops in Cape Verde are open from 08:00 to 18:00, and supermarkets are open until 21:00. On Sunday, almost everywhere is a day off; some stores can be open until 13:00.


The main transport in Cape Verde for moving from island to island is airplanes. Local airline Transportes Aereos de Cabo Verde o operates flights 1-2 times a day to each island. Airfare prices range from $40 to $80 one way. If you plan to fly around the islands a lot, it is reasonable to purchase an Air Pass for $380 for 10 flights, valid for 22 days.

In addition to planes, boats and ferries operate between neighboring islands.

But on land, the cheapest way to travel is by minibus (aluguer): the fare is approximately $1.3. However, be prepared for the fact that the minibuses do not have a clear schedule.

Catching a taxi on the islands is also not a problem. True, the fare will be much higher: $10-12 for a half-hour trip. You can rent a taxi for the whole day, and the price in this case will be negotiable.

Many travelers rent cars. For example, Suzuki Jimny will cost about $70 per day. If you need a larger car (pickup or SUV), get ready to shell out $90-$120.

In general, the roads in Cape Verde are in good condition, but you should not drive if you are not used to mountain roads (which are common on most islands).


The Internet can be used in all major hotels and business centers in large cities. There are also internet cafes. Paid Cabocom Wi-Fi is also available everywhere (about $20 for 250 MB or $30 for 500 MB).

Cellular communication is provided by a local operator Cabo Verde Telecom, the range adopted in the country GSM 900. Russian tourists can use Thuraya satellite communications (subscribers of MTS and "Megophone"). Of course, you can buy a SIM card on the spot, although its cost is not very attractive - about $30. Calling from pay phones is not very convenient, if only because there are very few of them: they are only available in post offices and airports.


Cape Verde is a completely safe country for tourists. The government of the archipelago pays special attention to ensuring order, as the country seeks to attract more and more tourists. The main offenses are observed in the capital of Cape Verde, Praia, and on the island of Sao Vicente. The most popular tourist areas (Boavista Island, Sal Island) are calm and safe. In general, travelers should take the usual precautions: do not leave expensive items unattended, do not walk at night in questionable areas, and watch your pockets and bags in crowded places.

The sanitary situation in Cape Verde should also not cause concern. There are no typical African diseases here, and vaccination is not required for entry. However, you need to know that, as in many tropical countries, in the Republic of Cape Verde there is a certain risk of contracting viral and infectious diseases: unusual climatic conditions and nutrition can weaken the body and make it more vulnerable. Be alert and practice good personal hygiene.

Tap water is not suitable for drinking without prior sanitation - it should be boiled. But the best option would be drinking water plastic bottles.

Business climate

The Cape Verde archipelago offers excellent business opportunities. This is especially true in areas such as transport, import of goods and fishing. A positive aspect is the opportunity to obtain citizenship of the country by investing about $30,000 in the development of your company. Citizenship of Cape Verde gives the right to visa-free entry into West African countries and makes it very easy to obtain a Portuguese visa, which opens the door to EU countries.

Registering a company in Cape Verde is easy. The process takes a little over three weeks. First you need to choose a name and reserve it in the Commercial Register ( Conservatoria do Registro de Firmas e Similares). The investor must provide the registrar with several options for the name of his company along with a detailed description of its objectives. The registration fee is approximately $8. After this, the founder deposits the authorized capital into the bank account, and the company is registered in the commercial register. You will need to pay a registration fee (about $120) and a Chamber of Commerce fee ($12). After registration, the owner receives a municipal license, as well as a license for the type of activity of the enterprise. True, if the company’s activities are not related to the import or export of goods, you will not need the latter. Obtaining licenses is the longest process in starting a business (about eight working days). In addition, you will have to pay the fee again - this time around $370. You can not waste time while a license is issued and register your employees with the Department of Social Protection of the Population, take out insurance against industrial accidents, and register with the Labor Inspectorate. At this point, in essence, the stage of opening a company is completed, and you can calmly go about your business.

Real estate

Real estate in Cape Verde is becoming increasingly attractive among foreign investors. There are several reasons for this: the country’s rapidly developing economy, the boom in the construction of modern comfortable housing, the development of the tourism sector, and, of course, the government’s policy aimed at promoting investment from abroad. Other important advantages are the absence of mineral resources on the archipelago (the land will not be taken away later to develop gold deposits or drill an oil well), low crime rates and laws that do not discriminate between Cape Verdean citizens and foreigners. As they say, maximum advantages with minimum disadvantages.

The downside of buying real estate in Cape Verde, to be very picky, is the presence of taxes and fees when completing the transaction. But they are quite democratic: 3% of the cost of a house or apartment is the real estate tax and approximately the same amount will have to be paid as

notary fee.

As for housing prices, they may seem fantastically low, especially when compared with Moscow. It is now quite possible to purchase a one-bedroom apartment 150 meters from the sea for $90,000-100,000, and this will be modern housing as part of a condominium with excellent infrastructure. Prices for small villas with sea views start from $70,000-80,000. However, analysts predict that this situation in the Cape Verde Islands real estate market will not last long, and investors who want to get the maximum benefit from their investments should hurry up.

If you plan to dive in Cape Verde, remember that you will need insurance to cover the risks of diving, insurance to cover the risks of repatriation in the event of death, and a medical certificate that gives permission to dive.

In expensive restaurants, it is customary to leave a tip of 10% of the bill. In small establishments, tips are usually left at the discretion of the client, but are sometimes included in the bill as a separate item.

As for customs regulations, any currency can be imported and exported without restrictions, and there is no need to fill out a declaration. The import of weapons is prohibited unless there is a special permit. You can import no more than 5 kg of fresh vegetables and fruits duty free.

Visa information

Tourists from Russia need a visa to enter Cape Verde. It can be issued either at the honorary consulate of Cape Verde in Moscow or at the island’s airport Sal upon arrival.

Depending on the purpose of the visit and length of stay, there are several types of visas to enter Cape Verde: short-term (type C), transit (type A and B) and national (type D). Most often, travelers require visas of the first type, which, in turn, are tourist, guest and business. You can apply for both a single and multiple entry visa.

If you decide to apply for a visa at the Cape Verdean consulate in Moscow, you will need the following documents:

  • a completed and signed application form;
  • a foreign passport with a validity of at least three months;
  • 1 color photograph 3.5 x 4.5 cm;
  • hotel reservation (original or copy);
  • air tickets (copy or printout of electronic tickets);
  • copies of completed pages of all-Russian and foreign passports.

If you are traveling on a business trip or visiting, you will also need an invitation from a company or individual.

As a rule, visas are issued within 3 working days. You can get a visa in 1 working day, but you will have to pay double the consular fee. By the way, it is equal to $59.16 for a single-entry individual visa and is paid in Russian rubles at the rate current on the day of payment. Obviously, it is much more convenient to obtain a visa at the airport Sal- in any case, when it comes to a one-time tourist visa: less list of documents and visa fee. The immigration officer will only need to present your passport and return tickets and pay 25 € for the visa. The only advantage of obtaining a visa at the consulate in advance is that the traveler does not have to prove to border guards at intermediate airports his right to enter the country (there are no direct flights from Russia to Cape Verde).

The Republic of Cape Verde is located in the Cape Verde archipelago, approximately 500 km west of Dakar. It consists of 18 islands. Highest point is the Fogo volcano, its height is 2829 meters. Length coastline is 965 kilometers. The total area of ​​the state is 4033 square kilometers.


Praia is the capital of Cape Verde, the most populous city in the country, its economic and cultural center. On its territory there is main port, through which all exports pass to neighboring countries. However, Praia is also the largest resort with great recreational opportunities.


The country is home to several ethnic groups. The majority are mulattoes, about 28% of general population occupied by Africans, 1% by Europeans.


Portuguese is considered the official language; Creole and West African are also in great demand. In large cities and resorts, some hotel employees and employees of public places, particularly banks, speak English, at an average level.


About 90% of the population are Catholics, approximately 3% are Protestants, the rest of the population professes traditional ancient African beliefs.

Regions and resorts

Mostly people come here on vacation, for sea adventures. However, some cities and resorts offer interesting excursion opportunities.

Santiago is the largest island, famous for its natural landscapes and mild climate.

Sal is another popular island from which all tourist routes begin. Main feature places - international airport and windsurfing center located in the town of Santa Maria. Thanks to its equipment and professional approach, the center is one of the 5 best places in the world.

Sao Vicente - located on this island largest city Mindelo. People come here for excursions to the preserved colonial buildings, and of course for the nightlife.

Santo Antan is the greenest corner of the entire archipelago. Here you can book numerous excursions to natural places. Hiking tourism thrives here mainly. beach holiday and hang gliding.

Boavista is an island of beaches and dunes. Walking around the area, you can enjoy the true beauty of the desert, oases, and have a great time on the beaches.

Sao Nicolau is a small island, it is famous for the presence of the famous rock on which ancient writings have been preserved.

Santa Lucia - the length of the island is 13 kilometers, with a width of 5 kilometers, today it is the only desert island throughout the archipelago. People come here for a secluded holiday, as well as for diving.

Time difference

Kaliningrad: — 3 hours

Moscow: — 4 hours

Samara: — 5 hours

Ekaterinburg: — 6 hours

Omsk: — 7 hours

Krasnoyarsk: — 8 hours

Irkutsk: — 9 hours

Yakutsk: — 10 hours

Vladivostok: - 11 o'clock

Magadan: — 12 hours

Kamchatka: — 13 hours


The country has a tropical climate. Best time for holidays this is the period between June and October. At this time of year, the air temperature reaches an average of + 32 degrees, with water levels of + 26 degrees.

Visa and customs

For stay in the country of Cape Verbe for citizens Russian Federation visa required. You can obtain it by contacting the country's consulate, which is located in Moscow. To do this, you will need to collect the necessary package of documents. It consists of a valid passport, a completed application form, and color photographs. In addition, you will be asked to present a hotel reservation or an invitation from relatives or friends, as well as round-trip tickets.

A tourist visa is issued for a period of six months. Documents are checked within 3 working days.

There is a second option, in which case you will receive a visa upon arrival at the airport. To do this, you need to collect the necessary package of documents, as for a regular visa, and obtain special permission from the consulate.


You can import and export currency in unlimited quantities without declaration. It is allowed to import 400 cigarettes and 2 liters of alcoholic beverages without paying duty. In addition, the import and export of food and general consumption goods for personal use is allowed. The list of prohibited items is standard; it is not allowed to transport narcotic drugs, weapons, psychotropic drugs, etc.

How to get there

There are no direct flights from Russia to Cape Verde. The best option is a flight from Moscow to Lisbon. From there you will need to change trains all the way to Sal. In addition, convenient connecting flights are offered by airlines that fly through Madrid, Paris, and Frankfurt. The approximate flight time excluding transfers is 9 hours.


Praia Island

Sao Vicente Island


Boavista Island

Sal island

During the excursion you will be able to visit interesting architectural places, as well as a large number of natural sites.


A cheap and popular form of public transport is the minibus. It does not have a clear schedule; it departs only after it is completely filled with passengers.


If desired, you can use a taxi service. The price should be agreed upon in advance. A taxi can be ordered for one trip or for the whole day.

Intercity transport

Local airlines fly between the two large islands of Sal and Santiago. You can get to other resorts by ferry or boat.

Car rental in Cape Verde

Tourists are allowed to rent a car; to do this, they need to have an international driver's license, a new Russian license, and a credit card. In this case, the driver must be over 21 years old and have at least 1 year of driving experience.


The main cellular operator is Cabo Verde Telecom. It operates on the basis of the GSM 900 standard. Russian subscribers of MTS and Megafon can use Thuraya satellite communications.

You can buy a SIM card at any office or at the airport.


Things are bad with the Internet; Russian operators do not have GPRS roaming. Network access only works in large hotels, hotels, and business centers.


The official currency is the Cape Verdean escudo. Currency exchange offices operate at the airport and in hotels. However, banks offer more favorable exchange conditions. They are open from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 17:00, some of them are open on Saturdays until 12:00. You should not change the entire amount, since a reverse exchange service is not provided here.

WITH credit cards Only large hotels, restaurants and shops are open.

How much money to take with you

Each tourist decides how much money to take with him independently, based on his habits and preferences. We offer a price table for the most popular expense items, based on 2017 data.

How to avoid problems

Cape Verde is a relatively safe country; all tourist regions enjoy a calm environment. However, there are several rules that should be followed to avoid disturbing your peaceful rest.

Do not drink tap water; it is advisable to buy water in plastic bottles. In addition, do not use ice, as it may also contain pathogens.

Use dairy products with caution.

Rinse fruits and vegetables with boiled water.

Major cities

Praia is the capital of Cape Verde

Mindelo is the second largest city in the country.


After an exciting holiday in Cape Verde, you can buy interesting souvenirs for family and friends. Various products of local craftsmen are very popular. These include clay figurines, straw baskets, and ceramic products.


The national cuisine of Cape Verde is simple, there are no frills or delicacies in it, but this is precisely the highlight. Here you can taste simple but delicious dishes. Seafood is very popular. In restaurants you can order lobster, tuna, sawfish, sea bass, or taste barnacles and octopus. The national food is “cachupa”; in addition, the inhabitants of each island prepare it in their own way.

Entertainment and attractions

Fogo is the most popular island of the archipelago

Sal is the most sunny island. Thanks to the amazing climate, you can relax here throughout the year.

Palmeira is one of the interesting ports of the island of Sal. On its territory there are many underwater caves and reefs, so this place is appreciated among diving enthusiasts.

Verde Santa Maria is a resort town located on the island of Sal.

Praia is the capital of the state, here you can visit interesting architectural complexes from the colonial period.

Sal Rei - invites tourists to plunge into the atmosphere of African exoticism.

Mindelo - best beaches and luxurious nightlife.

Holidays and Events

February - Ash Wednesday (first day of Lent for Catholics)

March-April – Good Friday

The Republic of Cape Verde was formerly known as Cape Verde.

The island group of Cape Verde is dry, hilly and windy, and the color of the moon. The most beautiful thing about these landscapes are the hills. Some of the islands, on the contrary, are very picturesque - excellent places for hiking, and their shores - for diving and jumping into the water. Life, especially at night, is always vibrant here, and at the same time you can find many cozy corners where it is so nice to be completely alone, alone with wild nature.

Map of the Cape Verde Islands. The islands are located in the Atlantic Ocean at a distance of 620 km from the coast of West Africa.

Geographic coordinates: 15°05′14″ N. w. 23°37′56″ W d.

See also where Cape Verde is located at interactive map world:

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The islands are inhabited by people of various nationalities. Most of the people here are from Africa, Portuguese and Latin Americans. The culture of the islands has also been influenced by many different cultures. Now, when there is probably not a corner left on Earth that is not covered by international tourism, here, surprisingly, nature has been preserved almost untouched by man.

After just a 20-minute drive from the airport, you find yourself in the small tourist town of Santa Maria, with all the delights and pleasures of resort life, with constant holidays and entertainment events. There are magnificent beaches nearby, very suitable for a wide range of water sports. There is both complete calm and high waves here. And another plus is that the beaches are never crowded.

A few kilometers from the city is Punta Preta, a gathering place for desperate surfers. For surf lovers, riding a wave here is a great pleasure. There are also usually few people here.

Video: surfing the waves near Punta Preta. Josh Angulo windsurf & surf in Ponta Preta (Cabo Verde). The most interesting thing begins from the second minute.

Sal is already a destination for more experienced wave riders, but less suitable for beginners than Punta Preta. But real athletes will undoubtedly like it here.

A relaxed and friendly atmosphere, hospitable locals will make your holiday in Santa Maria truly unforgettable.

Transport links between the islands of the archipelago are carried out by plane. Flights connect all inhabited islands. Sea ferries and boats ply between the nearby islands. Shuttle minibuses operate on several islands. Taxis can be hired for an hour or for the whole day. There are no traffic lights or traffic jams on the islands.

Hotels in Cape Verde are modern, some of them four-star. The hotels have discos, swimming pools, and rental of motorcycles, bicycles and cars. There are still quite a few tourists on the streets and beaches; the beaches are not littered and very clean. It’s just a pity that this will not always be the case - Cape Verde is striving to become a fashionable and visited resort.
