Make a map of important travels and geographical discoveries. Why should we travel

A1. The area of ​​Africa with the islands is equal to one million square meters. km.:

A) 54 B) 9 C) 30 D) 18

A) Nile B) Congo C) Amazon D) Cupid

A3. The relief of Africa is dominated by:

A) lowlands (0 - 200m) B) high mountains (from 2500m)

C) high plains (200 - 1000m) D) depressions (below sea level)

A4. In the Congo Basin, on both sides of the equator, there is a natural zone:

A) deserts B) equatorial forests

C) savanna D) taiga

A5. In the Sahara desert live:

A) Pygmies B) Bushmen

C) Berbers D) Russians

A6. The driest continent:

A) Africa B) Australia C) Madagascar D) Antarctica

A) Kosciuszko (2230m) B) Kilimanjaro (5895m)

C) Fujiyama (3776m) D) Elbrus (5033m)

A) Amazon B) Volga

C) Murray D) Congo

A9. The most primitive mammals live in Australia:

A) echidna and platypus B) zebra and elephant

C) parrots and kangaroos D) koalas and emu

A10. The capital of Australia:

A) Sydney B) Melbourne C) Canberra D) Cairo

IN 1. Specify the capitals of the states of Africa:

A. Egypt 1. Algeria

B. Algiers 2. Cairo

V. Nigeria 3. Addis - Ababa

D. Ethiopia 4. Abuja

Put your answer in a table.


IN 2. Specify match:

A. Madagascar 1. river

B. Congo 2. island

W. Tasmania 3. lake

D. Air - North

C1. Why is Australia the driest continent?

C2. Describe the natural areas of Africa.

rivers do not freeze and are full of water all year round: what type of climate?

rivers do not freeze, full-flowing in winter, very shallow in summer: what type of climate?
rivers do not freeze, they often dry up in summer: what type of climate?
rivers do not freeze, warm winters, rain floods and floods in the summer season: what type of climate?
rivers may partially freeze, winters are cool to cold, rain floods and floods in the summer season: what type of climate?
rivers freeze in winter, flood in spring, become shallow in summer: what type of climate?

Why do people travel? Is it really just to take a break from work for 2 weeks, spend the money accumulated over six months and create the illusion that “they can afford it”?

You've been going for a long time. But work-home-family-responsibilities-loans and other excuses do not allow you to even exhale to understand what changes you need. You continue to run at the usual crazy pace of life, without doing anything.


Think, look at your life from a different angle, decide what you lack now and what prevents you from living in harmony with yourself. Does not work? Then here's a working tip for you: get out of the house and go a little further than the usual route home-work-shop-home.

Leaving the familiar environment even for short term, turn your life into a journey full of uncertainty, and you will be able to know yourself from the most unexpected sides.

Why travel when home is good

Are you afraid of the unknown? This is fine. Fear of the new is an ordinary phenomenon in the life of every person. But weigh all the benefits of travel and your fear - are they on the same scale? Let's see what travel teaches us and whether it is worth it to actively look for excuses, protecting your fears.

What travel can teach

1. You will get off the couch.

Thinking about the upcoming voyage, we begin to worry about the difficulties that lie in wait for tourists. We are worried that we will not find a place to sleep, we will not be able to communicate with the inhabitants of another country in our broken English. What does travel teach? The fact that all of the above fears are in vain. Gather your courage, focus on your goal and hit the road. It is a mistake to think that travel is either a round-the-world trip where you burn all your bridges or a package vacation that limits you to an all-inclusive package. How much do you know about the surroundings of your city? About the life of the inhabitants of neighboring villages? Surely, there are many interesting things near you. Start discovering the world small.

2. Travel changes the worldview.

The first thing he learns after visiting different states is that exotic places not as dangerous as it seems. In any city you can feel comfortable. This rule also applies to wildlife: following basic safety rules, you are guaranteed to avoid trouble. Moreover, in a metropolis, a person is more likely to die (for example, getting hit by a car) than in a desert or forest.

3. You will constantly expand your horizons.

What is travel for? To know the world and get acquainted with the culture of other peoples. Do not worry about the friendliness of people: the natives always treat travelers with courtesy and try to help them. If you are not from the category of Tagil fans, do not spoil their heritage and do not sneer at the culture of the country in which you are a guest, then traveling will definitely bring you new acquaintances and faith in people. Many people will gladly provide you with accommodation, show you the way, tell you about the interesting sights of their country.

4. You don't have to be a millionaire to see the world.

Travel more and you will realize that you do not need to spend millions for this. Big money is needed only for those who dream of a sea cruise to exotic islands. Although, if you make friends with the locals, these expenses can be easily avoided. Organizing travel yourself, you only need to have a small amount of cash to buy food, pay for transport and hotel rooms or places in hostels. Living in the latter, by the way, despite its cheapness, can give you a huge amount of experience and impressions.

What kind of travel should I do if I have a modest budget?

Rest on a grand scale, which the Russian soul requires, in fact turns out to be completely superfluous: without wasting money, you will spend your time much more interesting than buying and ordering whatever you want. And the main trophy will be the emotions and discoveries that you make for yourself. A two-day backpacking trip into the woods will do more than you can't get from a two-week vacation in a five-star all-inclusive hotel.

5. Things are just things.

Beginner tourists consider it their duty to take on the road 10 suitcases with outfits for all occasions and full equipment in case of the end of the world. But over time, travel teaches that an abundance of luggage only gets in the way. A person on the road (as in life) needs a minimum of clothes, two pairs of shoes, hygiene products, money and documents.

You can’t decide which of the two T-shirts to take with you, and in the end you put both in your backpack. Why are you willing to make your life difficult? Learn to make a choice, starting with such trifles.

When you start traveling, you will realize that you absolutely do not need most of the things you have, and you can safely get rid of them, freeing up space in the closet. The same applies to unnecessary emotions, unnecessary worries, uninteresting people and habitual obligations - by getting rid of such “trash”, you will make room for a new one.

6. Find out how a tourist differs from a traveler.

Travelers and tourists are not the same thing. The former communicate with local residents, get acquainted with traditions, make new acquaintances, change their worldview and improve their lives. The second timidly glance at everything that happens from the windows of the bus. Tourists are "bred" by locals for money, and they share food and shelter with travelers. Traveling changes people and teaches them to be simpler and not be afraid to learn new things, teach them to be open with others and appreciate every person who appears in life.

7. Travel is not a vacation.

You have probably heard more than once how travel changes many people, making them stronger and more resilient. And you yourself actively travel to Cyprus and Turkey, but you don’t notice any changes ... And this is not because hiking in the mountains or tundra with a heavy backpack is a workout for the body. Not because in the most harmless resort town you can be left without money or get into a difficult situation. It's just that when traveling, you don't set a goal to “lie down” under a palm tree, relieving stress from work or family. You are changing the very way of life from the usual to an improved version of it. Travel can be physically hard, but it can be mind-numbing. Therefore, they are not looking for physical relief, they give much more than relaxed muscles.

8. You are your best friend and travel companion.

Can't find fellow travelers to go on the road with a fun company? This is only to your advantage. There is no better way to understand yourself, the world, and cultivate fortitude than solo travel. Traveling alone is an experience like no other. Relying only on your own strength, you will begin to believe in yourself more and learn to make responsible decisions on your own. This will make it easier for you to connect with new people, try new things, and take on unfamiliar roles because you won't have to look back at anyone or be afraid of anyone's judgment.

The heroine of Reese Witherspoon in the movie “Wild” went on a similar journey after the upheavals in her life: overcoming the difficulties of the route on a solo trip, she was able to save herself from mental suffering. If you can’t deal with, perhaps a solo trip - what will help you now?

9. The world is small.

Long journeys have changed the minds of millions of people that our planet is vast. It only seems like that when you watch other countries on TV. In reality, it is possible that you will meet your acquaintances when you leave for Cambodia, India or Kamchatka. Or, in a quiet, remote corner of the world, meet someone from your hometown.

Travel more and don't be afraid to talk to people, look for . Perhaps one of the billions of people who will change your life will meet you where you did not suspect.

10. The joy of returning.

No matter how good it is on the way, returning home is a joyful moment for every person. Arriving in your hometown, you will be glad to meet your relatives, work colleagues. And the changes that will happen to you on the journey will certainly affect your life. And if you want to change your life now, try to start at least with a short trip to an unfamiliar place.

It is impossible to measure the value of what travel gives a person. Traveling has many benefits for everyone. We understand in the article.

What does traveling really give a person?

I am constantly asked - why do I travel? Why travel at all? Why do I want to leave home so much? Why spend money on travel when you can buy a car or something of equal value? Do I miss anything or anyone? Am I feeling lonely? What travel gives a person?

There are a lot of reasons to travel - a passion for travel, a love of culture, a desire to just leave it all behind, a desire to forget, or a need for new acquaintances. Travel is becoming a way for people to cope with different situations, experience new experiences, find themselves. That's why people love to travel.

For each person, travel has a certain charm. Saint Augustine is famous for his quote: "The world is a book, and he who does not travel reads only one page." This quote, and another one about no regrets by Mark Twain, I keep in my head all the time.

In the book of the world, every page is different. Everything is new, everything is changing. Whether you're going to see the pyramids or experience a new culture, whether you want to escape or learn something, whether you're going for a month or a year, we all travel because we're looking for change. We are looking for something new, a change in everyday affairs or impressions of another culture, change - that's what traveling gives a person.

Why do people travel?

People have been traveling more lately and here's why - in today's world of 9 to 5 employment, mortgages, loans and standing bills, our days are becoming like an eternal race, almost indistinguishable from each other and very boring. Under the weight of such a life, a person often forgets what is really important for him, and what he would like from life. We become hostages, sandwiched between the road to work and back, and the need to take the children to the section that we forget what the sky looks like and how to breathe in general.

When people ask me why I want to travel so much, I talk about how I live at home and can plan my life months in advance. Ask why? Because every day is the same - traffic jams, work, gym, sleep, repeat. At a time when every moment of the journey promises a new beginning. No day is like the previous one. You cannot plan in advance what will happen to you today, because it is simply impossible. No traffic jams, no errands, no business meetings. Just you and your whim. Travel gives freedom. That's why people travel.

Over the past few years, my life has changed constantly. Places, cultures, cities, countries are all different from each other. Not a single day was like the previous one. In fact, every day is so different from the others that sometimes it seems to me that I have already lived 3 lives instead of one, my days are so busy. Your life will seem longer to you - that's why travel is needed.

People may have many reasons to travel, but everyone is looking for some kind of change. We want to see the world, to see something different, something changeable. Travel brings change to a person's life and adds spice to it. Exciting, completely different and full of adventure - that's what travel gives. Your day will not be subject to working hours, only to the dictates of your heart.

In an ocean of freedom, without a compass to point us in the right direction, without anything that compels us to do anything, we all float forward.

We want something different from our everyday life, something that would challenge us. We always strive for something new, different, different from what we already have (whatever one may say, this is a seasoning for our life), this is an integral part of any person. No one jumps up in the morning with joy and gratitude that he is sitting in a stuffy office for 8 hours today. No. We only talk about how we can get out of this. Break through the walls of everyday life and experience something different. That's why you need to travel.

Man is always looking for something new, something never seen before - the next page in the book of the world, even if it is temporary. This makes traveling so interesting, intriguing and desirable for all of us. It calls us to go towards new places and impressions. Allows us to take a break from office routine and touch the mysterious chaos. Shows us new places, people and cultures. Travel always gives us new experiences - not necessarily outside, but inside us.

This is the benefit of travel for a person.

I live my life as a traveler and don't know what's ahead of me, but I can only read one sign that says "Changes Ahead" - and I can't help but smile. Looking back at other travelers, I see that they are smiling too. We smile together, knowing that a new experience is waiting for us just around the corner - an unexpected adventure, a rewarding experience, a daring challenge, a true friend or the love of a lifetime.

I have a small anniversary today - exactly two years of non-stop travel. By this date, I have prepared a short article, the main thoughts of which have formed a list. A list of wonderful moments from travel will be experienced by every person who only decides to do this: to leave everything and everyone and leave to get to know yourself and, as a result, see how the peoples of other countries of the world live and get high from the unreal beauty of natural wonders around. If each person steps over internal questions, in the style of: “How will I be without my family and friends?”, “But what about my work in the office?” (“But what about my pension?” a question from the same opera), “How will I save up for an apartment / car?” and another endless list of questions, it will open up an amazing world called travel.

Here are my 12 reasons why people need to travel!

1. Travel teaches you something you never knew.

First of all, this is geography :) If they asked me 2 years ago which city is the capital, or, I would have to shyly go to Google. But now I know even more, due to the constant dreaming and planning to see this or that country. Secondly, it is the culture and traditions of the peoples of the world. Imagine people who look at life in a completely different way, who have strange and sometimes terrifying traditions and a completely different religion. All this inspires and awakens in you curiosity in relation to everything that you see and feel.

Traveling is always exploration!

2. Learn to be tolerant

Useful thing in society. If you are tolerant, it means that you are educated and generally a normal person. Going on a trip, count on the fact that people in another country will be different: different skin color and eye shape, traditions and religion, outlook on life and way of life. Therefore, you must always respect the state of affairs that is different from yours and understand that you are not at home. In another country, you are a guest and must take into account their peculiarities.

Traveling is what makes us better!

3. Learn to be independent

On a journey, you never depend on anyone, completely surrender to yourself and rely only on yourself. Therefore, it is, first of all, self-knowledge and disclosure of one's abilities and capabilities.

Traveling is independent!

4. Traveling is fun and always a great adventure.

If you are going abroad not on a hot ticket to some all hotel for a week, and you do everything yourself, up to drawing up an entertainment program, then adventures will definitely find you. Checked more than once, especially when you suddenly deviate from the plan of your program, choose a different route from your usual one, or, at worst, decide to go to some crowded cafe on the outskirts of the city. Life just has to provide something like that! Traveling is always fun! Either you are bargaining at the local market for some trifle and, then, snatching this very trifle for mere pennies, you feel like a hero and smile from ear to ear all day. Or you went to a restaurant to taste khinkali, and there a Georgian ensemble sings to the fullest - and your mood has improved! Or boys play football in the yard near the house, who, as soon as they see you, run up to say hello and shake hands. Or when you meet a lot of different pets on your way in the mountains, you immediately run to cuddle and stroke them (I'm not talking about a million photos on your phone).

Travel is fun!

5. Good language practice

In my case, English. Every person should know at least elementary things on English language so that you can explain yourself at least at the level of a first grader. But since at home language learning takes place in a passive form, then on a journey without active practice, nowhere. If you communicate every day among native speakers, or at least those who are the same as you, but when communicating in your native languages ​​you do not understand each other, then awkwardness and embarrassment gradually disappear, the level of the language improves and there are fewer misunderstandings with other people. Better than sitting at home and knowing the language only in theory.

6. See what you can or cannot live without

One of the meanings of life is to find for yourself what only you need and determine your comfort zone. Being far away from your own country, you begin to understand the true value of things, for example, you rethink communication with family and friends, the need for universal approval. And you forget about everyday things, such as the presence of a microwave oven, TV, hot water.

Travel is a choice!

7. Explore your abilities outside of your comfort zone

Leaving far from home, you understand that your soft bed with a pillow will no longer please you, the always clean bathroom will be replaced by the one that has already let hundreds of people through it, and in the kitchen everything will not be the way you want. But it's always nice to expand your comfort zone, to understand that you could survive everywhere and with minimal waste of nerve cells.

8. Understand what you would like from life and find inspiration

If it seems to you that life has lost its meaning and there is no strength to do anything - plan a trip! Even if for a week. This will already give time to be distracted by thoughts, relax and be inspired by new achievements and projects.

Travel is inspiration!

9. Make new acquaintances

Probably the most pleasant thing about traveling is meeting new people and interesting personalities. Through getting to know the local people, you can learn more about the country, city, traditions and religion. Since they are local, neither Wikipedia nor any other blog will tell about this. They will show you places where you can dine without compromising your health, they will show you where you can buy fruits/vegetables, so that they are tasty and inexpensive! They will show how they spend their leisure time and how they have fun and advise better than any guide what to see in the city.

10. Try the cuisine of different countries of the world

It is unlikely that you will be able to try real Adjarian khachapuri, Georgian khinkali, Dal Bat rice, Thai Tom Yam soup and Vietnamese spring rolls at home. People even came up with a new branch in travel - gastronomic tours. Simply put, when you go abroad just eat and drink :)

Traveling is always delicious!

11. Ability to help people

Volunteering is not such a new direction in tourism anymore. People go to poor countries to help both physically and financially. It's not for me to tell you that a person receives extraordinary satisfaction from helping others. For example, in, after the largest earthquake in history in 2015, a lot of buildings, both ordinary residential buildings and cultural heritage sites, were destroyed. Without tourism and volunteers, the city would have been restored for a very long time. The owner of the house in Nepal, from whom we rented an apartment, is engaged in a large project to rebuild from scratch the only school high in the mountains that was completely destroyed by an earthquake. He actively seeks sponsors and collects cash for the restoration of the Yangrima school. To make the construction go faster, you can help at this link.

12. Creating new pleasant memories that you will never forget

And finally, these are memories. Probably the most expensive thing we can have. We ourselves are the creators of moments: both pleasant and not so. But anyway, later it will be cool to remember and in some places understand how you have changed. The main thing is not to forget to live here and now, enjoy life and not look for any reasons to travel. Just open

The correct idea of ​​the Earth and its form did not develop among different peoples immediately and not at the same time. People's ideas about the Earth were influenced by the nature around them. So, the inhabitants of Babylon represented the Earth in the form of a mountain, on the western slope of which Babylon is located. The ancient inhabitants of India represented the Earth in the form of a half ball, based on elephants, which, in turn, stand on a huge turtle. The ancient Greeks believed that the Earth had the shape of a convex disk, which was washed by the Ocean River from all sides. A copper firmament spreads over the Earth, along which the Sun moves, rising and plunging daily into the waters of the Ocean.

With the development of technology and shipbuilding, people began to make ever longer journeys. And gradually began to accumulate evidence of the sphericity of the Earth.

The development of navigation and long-distance travel not only made people think about, they gave a huge amount of information about the newly discovered territories. This information had to be recorded in some way, transmitted from one person to another. So the first images of the area appeared, which began to improve and subsequently turned into.

Ancient Greeks were outstanding travelers. The historian Herodotus traveled through Asia Minor, the Balkans, and also through the southern regions of the East European Plain - the lands of the legendary Scythians. He compiled descriptions of nature, collected interesting, sometimes semi-fantastic information about the peoples who lived in the north and northeast. Another traveler from Ancient was the astronomer Pytheas. He explored the north of Europe, reached Britain, and was the first to establish the relationship between geographic latitude and the length of day and night. (Trace the route of Herodotus and Pytheas on the map.)

But the real time of geography has become (XV-XVII centuries). It was preceded by an amazing journey. In 1271, together with his father and uncle, he went on a long trading journey. Their path ran through, then along the Tigris River valley to the Persian Gulf, then through the deserts and mountains of Central Asia to China. There, for 17 years, the Polo family was engaged in trade, and then sailed back. The path ran through the islands, around, past Ceylon. In total, the Polo family traveled for 22 years.

The stories of travelers about distant countries, their wealth and luxury prompted Europeans to look for a convenient sea route to the countries of the East. The expedition set off in search of a route around Africa to. This expedition continued for more than two years, and a new sea route from Europe to India was opened.

Following this, the idea was born to sail from Europe to India not to the east around Africa, but to the west and reach India from the other side. managed to convince the Spanish kings to equip the expedition, and in 1492 three ships set sail. Columbus reached the islands of Central America, but the fact that this is a new part of the world, and not Asia, was learned much later.

Made the first trip around the world. In 1519, his flotilla of five ships left. Only one ship returned in 1522. Magellan himself died.
Russian travelers and contributed to the discovery of the last unknown mainland -. In 1820, the ships under their command came very close to the shores of the ice continent.

Nowadays, all land areas are sufficiently explored and described. Now the attention of scientists has rushed to the upper depths of the Earth and the Ocean. Probe balloons are launched for research, space satellites transmit signals about the processes taking place on Earth, super-deep wells are drilled, special devices are lowered to the bottom of the World Ocean. Results geographically; research is used in all spheres of human life.
