The old name of the commandant's tower of the Kremlin. Kremlin towers: names and their heights

The Moscow Kremlin is an invaluable architectural ensemble dating back to the 15th-19th centuries. In its shape it resembles an irregular triangle. The southern side of the ensemble faces the Moscow River. The fortress is surrounded by a brick wall with 20 towers of different architecture. Today we will briefly introduce you to the features of each of them.

Beklemishevskaya Tower

The construction of this structure dates back to 1487 - 1488. Its author was the architect from Italy Mark Fryazin. The tower is round in plan. Its name comes from the courtyard of the boyar Beklemishev, which adjoined it. Its height is 46.7 m. However, this is not the tallest structure.

Konstantino-Eleninskaya Tower

Appeared in the Kremlin in 1490. It was built by Italian architect Pietro Solari. Its name originates from the Church of Saints Helen and Constantine, located nearby. The height of the structure is slightly less than 37 m.

Nabatnaya Tower

The Kremlin towers were built at different times. For example, Nabatnaya appeared in the fortress in 1495. It was named after the Spassky alarm bells located in it, which were part of the Kremlin’s fire-fighting system. It rises 38 meters.

Tsarskaya Tower

The towers of the Moscow Kremlin differ not only in architectural style, but also in size. For example, the Tsar's Tower has quite modest dimensions. It was installed directly on the wall. This happened in the 1680s. She is almost two centuries younger than her “sisters”. Previously, in its place there was a small tower made of wood. According to legend, Ivan the Terrible himself, the Russian Tsar, watched Red Square from there. This is where its name came from. Height - 16.7 m.

Spasskaya Tower of the Moscow Kremlin

This is one of the most famous buildings in the Kremlin. First of all, because it refers to the towers overlooking Red Square.

The Kremlin's Spasskaya Tower has a gate of the same name, and the famous clock, the Moscow Astronomical Clock, is installed in its tent.

This is a grandiose structure with a height of more than 71 m. The Spasskaya Tower of the Moscow Kremlin appeared in the Kremlin during the reign of Ivan III (1491). The author of the project was the architect Pietro Solari.

Initially, a much smaller tower was erected than what we see today. This is explained by the fact that in 1625, Christopher Galovey, an architect from England, in collaboration with the Russian architect Bazhen Ogurtsov, completed a large multi-tiered top above the tower. It was made in the Gothic style with some mannerist elements. The tower ends with a stone tent. Fairy-tale figurines are an original design element. They were covered with clothes sewn specially for this purpose.

At the end of the 17th century, the Kremlin's Spasskaya Tower was decorated with the first double-headed eagle - the coat of arms of the Russian state. Much later, symbols of the state appeared on the Trinity, Nikolskaya, and Borovitskaya towers.

At all times, the tower gate was the central one of all the Kremlin gates. Moreover, they were revered as saints. It was forbidden to ride through them, and men passing through them were required to remove their hats. Anyone who did not comply with the holy rule was obliged to make 50 bows to the ground.

The Spassky Gate became the main entrance to the Kremlin territory. Troops went to battle through them. Ambassadors of foreign countries were also met here.

All Kremlin religious processions passed through these gates. Starting with Mikhail Fedorovich, all Russian tsars and emperors necessarily passed through them before their coronation.

There is a legend that when the “invincible” Napoleon drove through the famous gates in devastated Moscow, a gust of wind tore off his famous cocked hat.

During the retreat, the French decided to burn the Spasskaya Tower, but the Don Cossacks arrived in time and were able to put out the already lit wicks.

There were chapels on both sides of the gate. On the left is Smolenskaya, on the right is Spasskaya. They were built of stone in 1802. In 1812, they were both destroyed and restored according to a completely new design. At the end of October 1868, two new tented chapels were solemnly consecrated. In 1925, both of them were demolished.

Kremlin chimes

Another attraction for which the Spasskaya Tower is famous is the chimes that have decorated the tower since the 16th century. However, it should be noted that they are constantly changing. A completely new watch was made in 1625 by the English mechanic and watchmaker Christopher Galovey. They performed musical melodies, measured day and night time, which was indicated by numbers and letters. At that time, there were no hands on the dial.

Tsar Peter I (1705) issued a decree on the reconstruction of the Spassky Clock. They were remade in the German style. A dial appeared, which was divided into 12 sectors.

In 1770 they were replaced by an English clock, which was discovered in the Chamber of Facets. At first they sang the simple song “Dear Augustine,” which belongs to German folklore.

The chimes that we know were made by the Budenop brothers (1851-1852). They were installed on the eighth and tenth tiers of the tower. The chimes were sounded by the “March of the Preobrazhensky Regiment” at 6 and 12 o’clock. At 3 and 9 o’clock they sang the hymn “How Glorious is Our Lord” by D. Bortnyansky. These melodies sounded over Red Square until 1917. At first, the idea arose to set the Russian anthem on the playing shaft of the chimes, but Nicholas I did not allow this.

In early November 1917, the clock was damaged during the Bolshevik assault. They were hit by a shell, which broke one of the arrows and disrupted the rotation mechanism. The clock stood still for almost a year. In September 1918, V.I. Lenin issued a decree according to which the clock was restored by master Nikolai Behrens.

The chimes began to “sing” “Internationale” at 12 o’clock, and “You have fallen a victim...” at 24 o’clock. In 1938, the chimes fell silent for a long time. They only fought to mark the hours and quarters.

58 years later (in 1996), during the ceremonial inauguration of the First Russian President B. N. Yeltsin, Russians heard the “Patriotic Song” performed by the chimes, and every quarter of an hour - the melody of the “Glory” choir.

The last restoration of the chimes took place in 1999. The numbers and hands are gilded. The appearance of the upper tiers of the tower was completely restored. At the end of the year the chimes were finally set. Now they perform the Russian national anthem, which was officially approved in 2000.

The chimes have quite impressive dimensions - a diameter of 6.12 m. They “look” on four sides. Roman numerals are 0.72 m high, the hour hand is 2.97 m long, and the minute hand is 3.27 m. Previously, the watch was wound manually, but after 1937 three electric motors were used for this.

Senate Tower

The towers of the Moscow Kremlin are not all equally popular and famous. For example, the Senate - it was erected in 1491 by Pietro Solari. It was named much later (1787), when the Senate Palace was built on the territory of the Kremlin. Its height is 34.3 meters.

Nikolskaya Tower

This design is also the work of Pietro Solari. The tower was built at the same time as its Senate “sister” (in 1491). She was named after the icon of St. N. the Wonderworker, which was located above the gate. The tower is crowned with a red star. The huge structure rises 70.4 m.

Arsenal Tower (corner)

The Kremlin towers, located at the corners of the fortress, are more massive. Arsenalnaya was built by Pietro Solari (1492). This is one of the most powerful towers. The name appeared at the beginning of the 18th century, when the Arsenal building was built on the territory of the Kremlin. The round tower has a well inside. The height of the structure is 60.2 meters.

Arsenal Tower (medium)

The second tower, named after the Arsenal, was built in 1495. Its height is 38.9 m.

Trinity Tower

This tower was considered second in importance after Spasskaya. Built by the Italian Aloisio da Milano in 1495. It was renamed several times, but in the end the name Troitskaya stuck (after the name of the courtyard in the Kremlin). Today this is the main entrance for everyone who wants to visit the Kremlin. The building is crowned with a red star. It should be noted that the Kremlin towers differ in size. The height of the tower exceeds 80 meters. There are structures that are more than twice as low as it is.

Kutafya Tower of the Kremlin

It was built in 1516. The author of the project is an architect from Italy Aleviz Fryazin. This is a low tower, surrounded by a deep moat and the Neglinnaya River. It had only one gate, which at the slightest danger was closed tightly by a drawbridge. It was a serious obstacle for enemies.

In the 17th century, with the help of dams, the water level in Neglinnaya was raised high. It began to surround the tower on all sides. At first, its height above ground level was 18 meters.

Why does the Kremlin's Kutafya Tower have such a name? There are two versions. One of them is from the word “kut” (corner, shelter) or from the word “kutafya”, which means a clumsy, plump woman.

The Kutafya Tower never had a top covering. In 1685, it received an openwork “crown” with spectacular white stone details.

Its height is 13.5 meters.

Commandant Tower

The tower received this name in the 19th century, when the official residence of the commandant of Moscow began to be located in the nearby Poteshny Palace. But the tower was built much earlier, in 1495. Its height is 41.25 m.

Weapon Tower

It must be said that at the end of the 15th century many Kremlin towers appeared. So the Armory was built in the Kremlin in 1495. It was named much later (1851), when the Armory Chamber was built nearby. The height of the building is 38.9 m.

Borovitskaya Tower

As a rule, Kremlin towers received their name from their location or in honor of a structure located nearby. The Borovitskaya Tower appeared on the Kremlin map in 1490. It was created by Pietro Solari. They named it in honor of Borovitsky Hill. It was on its slope that the tower was built. Today it is the main passage for government and presidential motorcades. The tower is crowned with a red ruby ​​star. Its height is 54 meters.

Vodovzvodnaya Tower

This structure was erected by the Italian architect Antonio Gilardi in 1488. The tower was round in shape, there was a well inside it, and a secret passage was dug in it, which led to the Moscow River. It got its name from the water pump installed in it in 1633, which supplied water to the Kremlin gardens. The beautiful structure is crowned with a ruby ​​star. The height of the tower is 61.25 m.

Annunciation Tower

In our article we published a photo of the Kremlin. Its towers are all very different in style, shape, and size. At the same time, they miraculously create a very harmonious ensemble. Look at the Annunciation Tower. It was built at the end of the 15th century (1488), but it still amazes Kremlin guests with its splendor. It received its name in honor of the icon of the Annunciation, located in the tower. Its height is 32.45 m.

Taynitskaya Tower

The structure was built in 1485. This is not the tallest tower - Tainitskaya. Previously, it was a travel pass, but later the gates were blocked. It was named after the secret well located in it and the secret passage that led to the Moscow River. The Taynitskaya Tower rises 38.4 meters above the Kremlin.

Nameless towers

Two not very tall towers. Both were built in the 80s of the 15th century. Their height is 34.15 and 30.2 meters, respectively.

Petrovskaya Tower

Another structure was named in honor of the nearby church of Metropolitan Peter and the courtyard of the Ugreshsky Monastery. The Petrovskaya Tower has a height of 27.15 meters.

Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin

This is another attraction dear to the heart of every Russian. Thousands of tourists from different parts of the Earth come every year to see the Nizhny Novgorod miracle.

The length of the Kremlin is about 2 kilometers, its height is from 18 to 30 meters. When the towers of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin were built, there were 13 of them. Only 12 have survived to this day. At the beginning of 2010, restoration and reconstruction of the lost Zachatievskaya tower began.

Each of the 12 structures has its own history, which, as a rule, is reflected in their names - Borisoglebskaya, Georgievskaya, Belaya, Zachatievskaya, Ivanovskaya, Northern, Chasovaya, Tainitskaya, Koromyslova, Kladovaya, Dmitrievskaya, Porokhovaya, Nikolskaya.

The exit to the open wall of the Kremlin for walking is located in the Pantry Tower. Over its long history, the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin has gone through many rebuildings and reconstructions. It is a most valuable monument of history, architecture and culture of Russia. The Kremlin towers attract the interest of researchers and scientists from all over the world.

The Moscow Kremlin has 20 towers and they are all different,
No 2 are alike.
Each tower has its own name and its own history.
And probably many people don’t know the names of all the towers.

Most of the towers are made in a single architectural style, given to them in the 2nd half of the 17th century.
The Nikolskaya Tower, which at the beginning of the 19th century was rebuilt in the Gothic style, stands out from the general ensemble.

Beklemishevskaya (Moskvoretskaya)

The tower is located in the southeastern corner of the Kremlin.
It was built by Italian architect Marco Fryazin
in 1487-1488.
The courtyard of boyar Beklemishev adjoined the tower,
for which it received its name.
Beklemishev's courtyard with the tower under Vasily III
served as a prison for disgraced boyars.
The current name - "Moskvoretskaya" - is taken from the nearby Moskvoretsky Bridge.
The tower was located at the junction of the Moscow River with a moat, so when the enemy attacked, it was the first to take the blow.
The architectural design of the tower is also connected with this:
the tall cylinder is placed on a beveled white stone plinth
and is separated from it by a semicircular ridge.
The surface of the cylinder is cut through by narrow, sparsely spaced windows.
The tower is completed by a machicolli with a battle platform, which was higher than the adjacent walls.
There was a rumor cache in the basement of the tower
to prevent undermining.
In 1680, the tower was decorated with an octagon carrying a tall narrow tent with 2 rows of rumors, which softened its severity.
In 1707, expecting a possible Swedish offensive,
Peter I ordered to build bastions at its foot and
expand the loopholes to install more powerful weapons.
During Napoleon's invasion, the tower was damaged and then repaired.
In 1917, the top of the tower was damaged during shelling,
which was restored by 1920.
In 1949, during restoration, they were in their previous form
loopholes have been restored.
This is one of the few Kremlin towers
which was not radically rebuilt.
Tower height 62.2 m.

Konstantino-Eleninskaya (Timofeevskaya)

The tower owes its name to the Church of Constantine and Helena, which stood here in ancient times, in the Kremlin.
The tower was built in 1490 by an Italian architect
Pietro Antonio Solari and used for the passage
population and troops to the Kremlin.
Previously, when the Kremlin was white stone,
another tower stood in this place.
It was through it that Dmitry Donskoy and his army left
on the Kulikovo field.
The new tower was built for the reason
that the Kremlin had no natural barriers on its part.
It was equipped with a drawbridge, a powerful diversion gate and travel gates, which later, in the 18th - early 19th centuries.
were dismantled.
The height of the tower is 36.8 m.


The tower got its name from the large bell - the alarm,
hanging over her.
Once upon a time there were guards on duty here all the time.
From above, they vigilantly watched to see if the enemy army was approaching the city.
And if danger was approaching, the watchmen had to warn everyone and ring the alarm bell.
Because of him, the tower was named Nabatnaya,
but now there is no bell in the tower.
One day at the end of the 18th century, at the sound of the Alarm Bell
A riot began in Moscow.
And when order was restored in the city, the bell was punished for divulging bad news - they were deprived of their tongue.
This was common practice in those days.
Since then, the Alarm Bell fell silent and remained idle for a long time until it was removed to the museum.
The height of the Alarm Tower is 38 m.

Tsar's Tower.

It is not at all like other Kremlin towers.
There are 4 columns right on the wall, and on them there is a peaked roof.
There are no powerful walls or narrow loopholes, but she doesn’t need them.
Because they were built 2 centuries later than the other towers
and not at all for defense.
Previously, at this place there was a small wooden tower, from which, according to legend, he watched Red Square
1st Russian Tsar Ivan the Terrible.
Later, the smallest tower of the Kremlin was built here
and they called her Tsarskaya.
Its height is 16.7 m.

Spasskaya (Frolovskaya)

The tower was built in 1491 by Pietro Antonio Solari.
This name comes from the 17th century, when an icon of the Savior was hung over the gates of this tower.
Erected on the spot
where in ancient times the main gates of the Kremlin were located.
It, like Nikolskaya, was built to protect the northeastern part of the Kremlin, which had no natural water barriers.
Passage gates of the Spasskaya Tower, at that time still Frolovskaya,
were popularly considered “saints.”
No one rode through them on horseback or passed through
with his head covered.
Through these gates passed the regiments setting out on a campaign,
Kings and ambassadors were met here.
In the 17th century, the coat of arms of Russia was installed on the tower - a 2-headed eagle,
a little later, coats of arms were placed on other high towers of the Kremlin - Nikolskaya, Troitskaya and Borovitskaya.
In 1658, the Kremlin towers were renamed.
Frolovskaya turned into Spasskaya.
It was named so in honor of the icon of the Savior of Smolensk, located above the passage gates of the tower from Red Square,
and in honor of the icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands, located
above the gate from the Kremlin.
In 1851-52 a clock was installed on the Spasskaya Tower,
which we still see today are the Kremlin chimes.
Chimes are large clocks that have
musical mechanism.
At the Kremlin chimes the music is played by bells, there are 11 of them.
1 is large, it marks the hours, and 10 is smaller, their melodic chime is heard every 15 minutes.
There is a special device in the chimes, it sets the hammer in motion, it hits the surface of the bells and the Kremlin chimes sound.
The Kremlin chimes mechanism occupies 3 floors.
Previously, chimes were wound manually, but now they do it using electricity.
The Spasskaya Tower occupies 10 floors.
Its height with the star is 71 m


The tower was built in 1491 by Pietro Antonio Solari, rises behind the Mausoleum of V.I. Lenin and is named after the Senate,
whose green dome rises above the fortress wall.
The Senate Tower is one of the oldest in the Kremlin.
Built in 1491 in the center of the north-eastern part of the Kremlin wall, it performed only defensive functions - it protected the Kremlin from Red Square.
Tower height - 34.3 m


The tower is located at the beginning of Red Square.
In ancient times, there was a monastery of St. Nicholas the Old nearby, and above the gate of the tower there was an icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.
The gate tower, built in 1491 by the architect Pietro Solari, was one of the main defensive redoubts of the eastern part of the Kremlin wall.
The name of the tower comes from the Nikolsky Monastery, which was located nearby.
Therefore, an icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker was placed above the passage gate of the strelnitsa.
Like all towers with entrance gates, Nikolskaya had a drawbridge over the moat and protective grilles that were lowered during the battle.
The Nikolskaya Tower went down in history in 1612, when militia troops led by Minin and Pozharsky burst into the Kremlin through its gates, liberating Moscow from the Polish-Lithuanian invaders.
In 1812, the Nikolskaya Tower, along with many others, was blown up by Napoleon's troops retreating from Moscow.
The upper part of the tower was especially damaged.
In 1816, it was replaced by the architect O.I. Bove with a new needle-shaped dome in the pseudo-Gothic style.
In 1917 the tower was damaged again,
this time from artillery fire.
In 1935, the dome of the tower was crowned with a 5-pointed star.
In the 20th century, the tower was restored in 1946-1950s and in 1973-1974s.
Now the height of the tower is 70.5 m.

Corner Arsenalnaya (Sobakina)

The tower was built in 1492 by Pietro Antonio Solari and is located further away, in the corner of the Kremlin.
The first name was received at the beginning of the 18th century, after the construction of the Arsenal building on the territory of the Kremlin, the second comes from the estate of the Sobakin boyars located nearby.
In the dungeon of the corner Arsenal tower there is a well,
it is more than 500 years old.
It is filled from an ancient source and therefore it always has clean and fresh water.
Previously, there was an underground passage from the Arsenal Tower to the Neglinnaya River.
Tower height 60.2 m.

Average Arsenalnaya (Faceted)

The tower rises from the side of the Alexander Garden and is called so because there was a weapons depot right behind it.
It was built in 1493-1495.
After the construction of the Arsenal building, the tower got its name.
A grotto was erected near the tower in 1812 - one of the attractions of the Alexander Garden.
The height of the tower is 38.9 m.


It received its current name in 1658 after the church and the name of the Trinity courtyard of the Kremlin.
Trinity Tower is the tallest tower of the Kremlin.
The height of the tower at present, together with the star from the side of the Alexander Garden, is 80 m.
The Trinity Bridge leads to the gates of the Trinity Tower,
protected by the Kutafya Tower.
The tower gate serves as the main entrance for visitors to the Kremlin.
Built in 1495-1499. Italian architect
Aleviz Fryazin Milanets.
The tower was called differently:
Rizopolozhenskaya, Znamenskaya and Karetnaya.
In the 2-storey tower base in the 16th-17th centuries
there was a prison.
From 1585 to 1812 there was a clock on the tower.
At the end of the 17th century, the tower received a multi-tiered hipped superstructure with white stone decorations.
In 1707, due to the threat of a Swedish invasion, the loopholes
The Trinity Tower was expanded to accommodate heavy guns.
Until 1935, there was a
imperial 2-headed eagle.
By the next date of the October Revolution, it was decided to remove the eagle and install red stars on it and the other main towers of the Kremlin.
The 2-headed eagle of the Trinity Tower turned out to be the oldest - manufactured in 1870 and prefabricated with bolts, so when dismantling it had to be dismantled at the top of the tower.
In 1937, the faded gem star was replaced with a modern ruby ​​star.


The tower is connected by a bridge to Trinity.
Its name is associated with this: in the old days, a casually dressed, clumsy woman was called a kutafya.
Indeed, the Kutafya tower is not high, like the others, but squat and wide.
The tower was built in 1516 under the direction of the Milanese architect Aleviz Fryazin.
Low, surrounded by a moat and the Neglinnaya River, with a single gate, which in moments of danger was tightly closed by the lifting part of the bridge, the tower was a formidable barrier for those besieging the fortress.
It had plantar loopholes and machicolations.
In the 16th-17th centuries, the water level in the Neglinnaya River was raised high by dams, so that water surrounded the tower on all sides.
Its original height above ground level was 18 m.
The only way to enter the tower from the city was via an inclined bridge.
There are 2 versions of the origin of the name “Kutafya”: from the word “kut” - shelter, corner, or from the word “kutafya”, which meant a plump, clumsy woman.
The Kutafya Tower has never had a covering.
In 1685, it was crowned with an openwork “crown” with white stone details.

Komendantskaya (Kolymazhnaya)

The tower got its name in the 19th century because the commandant of Moscow was located in the building nearby.
The tower was built in 1493-1495 on the northwestern side of the Kremlin wall, which today stretches
along the Alexander Garden.
It was formerly called Kolymazhnaya due to its location
near it is the Kolymazhny yard in the Kremlin.
In 1676-1686 it was built on.
The tower is made up of a massive quadrangle with machicolations (mounted loopholes) and a parapet and an open 4-sided structure standing on it, completed with a pyramidal roof, an observation tower and an 8-sided ball.
In the main volume of the tower there are 3 tiers of rooms covered with cylindrical vaults; The completion tiers are also covered with vaults.
In the 19th century, the tower received the name “Komendantskaya”, when the commandant of Moscow settled nearby in the Kremlin, in the Poteshny Palace of the 17th century.
The height of the tower from the Alexander Garden side is 41.25 m.

Armory (Konyushennaya)

It once stood on the banks of the Neglinnaya River, now enclosed in an underground pipe, and received its name from the nearby Armory Chamber; the second name comes from the nearby Konyushenny Dvor.
Once upon a time there were ancient weapons workshops located next to it.
They also made precious dishes and jewelry.
The ancient workshops gave the name not only to the tower, but also to the wonderful museum located nearby behind the Kremlin wall - the Armory Chamber.
Many Kremlin treasures are collected here and
just very ancient things.
For example, helmets and chain mail of ancient Russian warriors.
The height of the Armory Tower is 32.65 m.

Borovitskaya (Predtechenskaya)

Built in 1490 by Pietro Antonio Solari.
Travel card.
The first name of the tower is original, comes from Borovitsky Hill, on the slope of which the tower stands; The name of the hill apparently comes from an ancient pine forest that grew on this site.
The second name, assigned by royal decree of 1658, comes from the nearby Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist and the icon of St. John the Baptist, located above the gate.
Currently the main thoroughfare for
government motorcades.
The height of the tower is 54 m.

Vodovzvodnaya (Sviblova) tower

Named so because of a car that was once here.
She lifted water from a well located below to the very top of the tower into a large tank.
From there, water flowed through lead pipes
to the royal palace in the Kremlin.
This is how in the old days the Kremlin had its own water supply system.
He worked for a long time, but then the car was dismantled and taken to St. Petersburg.
There it was used to construct fountains.
The height of the Vodovzvodnaya tower with a star is 61.45 m.
The second name of the tower is associated with the boyar surname Sviblo,
or the Sviblovs, who were responsible for its construction.

Annunciation Tower.

According to legend, the miraculous icon of the Annunciation was previously kept in this tower, and in 1731 the Church of the Annunciation was added to this tower.
Most likely, the name of the tower is associated with one of these facts.
In the 17th century, for the passage of laundresses to the Moscow River, a gate was made near the tower, called Portomoyny.
They were founded in 1831, and in Soviet times the Church of the Annunciation was also dismantled.
The height of the Annunciation Tower with a weather vane is 32.45 m.


Tainitskaya Tower is the first tower founded during the construction of the Kremlin.
It was named so because a secret underground passage led from it to the river.
It was intended to be able to take water in case the fortress was besieged by enemies.
The height of the Tainitskaya tower is 38.4 m.

First Nameless Tower

Built in the 1480s.
The tower ends with a simple 4-sided pyramidal tent.
The interior of the tower is formed by 2 tiers of vaulted rooms: the lower tier with a cross vault and the upper tier with a closed vault.
The upper quadrangle is open into the cavity of the tent.
1 of 2 towers, which did not get a name.
Height 34.15 m.

Second Nameless

Built in the 1480s.
Above the upper quadrangle of the tower there is an 8-sided tent with a weather vane; the upper quadrangle is open into the tent.
The interior of the tower includes 2 levels of premises; the lower tier has a cylindrical vault, and the upper one is closed.
Height 30.2 m.

Petrovskaya (Ugreshskaya)

The Petrovskaya Tower, together with 2 unnamed ones, was built to strengthen the southern wall, as it was the most frequently attacked.
Like the 2 unnamed Petrovskaya Towers, at first there was no name.
She received her name from the Church of Metropolitan Peter at the Ugreshsky Metochion in the Kremlin.
In 1771, during the construction of the Kremlin Palace, the tower, the Church of Metropolitan Peter and the Ugreshsky courtyard were dismantled.
The tower was rebuilt in 1783, but in 1812 the French destroyed it during the occupation of Moscow.
In 1818, the Petrovskaya Tower was restored again.
Kremlin gardeners used it for their needs.
The height of the tower is 27.15 m.

The Moscow Kremlin has 20 towers and they are all different, no two are alike. Each tower has its own name and its own history. Only two towers did not get names; they are called the First Nameless and Second Nameless.

Behind them comes the Petrovskaya Tower, but the rightmost tower has two names at once. Nowadays it is called Moskvoretskaya, but once it was called Beklemishevskaya after the name of the man next to whose yard it was founded.

Somehow it turned out that enemies most often attacked from the direction of the Moscow River, and the Moskvoretskaya Tower had to be the first to defend itself. That is why it is so formidable and with so many loopholes. Its height is 46.2 m.

The first tower that was founded during the construction of the Kremlin was Tainitskaya.


It was named so because a secret underground passage led from it to the river. It was intended to be able to take water in case the fortress was besieged by enemies. The height of the Tainitskaya tower is 38.4 m.


They are located on the highest hill, where all of Moscow came from. This tower stands near Borovitsky Hill, on which a pine forest grew a long time ago. This is where its name comes from. The height of the tower with the star is 54.05 m.


Located in the south-eastern corner of the Kremlin. It was built by the Italian architect Marco Fryazin in 1487-1488. The courtyard of boyar Beklemishev adjoined the tower, for which it received its name. Beklemishev's courtyard, together with the tower, served as a prison for disgraced boyars under Vasily III.

The current name – “Moskvoretskaya” – is taken from the nearby Moskvoretsky Bridge. The tower was located at the junction of the Moscow River with a moat, so when the enemy attacked, it was the first to take the blow. The architectural design of the tower is also connected with this: the tall cylinder is placed on a beveled white stone plinth and separated from it by a semicircular ridge. The surface of the cylinder is cut through by narrow, sparsely spaced windows. The tower is completed by a machicolli with a battle platform, which was higher than the adjacent walls.

In the basement of the tower there was a hidden rumor to prevent undermining. In 1680, the tower was decorated with an octagon carrying a tall narrow tent with two rows of dormitories, which softened its severity. In 1707, expecting a possible attack by the Swedes, Peter I ordered bastions to be built at its foot and the loopholes to be expanded to install more powerful guns. During Napoleon's invasion, the tower was damaged and then repaired. In 1917, the top of the tower was damaged during shelling, but it was restored by 1920. In 1949, during the restoration, the loopholes were restored to their previous form. This is one of the few Kremlin towers that has not been radically rebuilt.


According to legend, the miraculous icon of the Annunciation was previously kept in this tower, as well as in 1731. The Church of the Annunciation was added to this tower. Most likely, the name of the tower is associated with one of these facts. In the 17th century for the passage of laundresses to the Moscow River, a gate was made near the tower, called Portomoyny. They were founded in 1831, and in Soviet times the Church of the Annunciation was also dismantled. The height of the Annunciation Tower with a weather vane is 32.45 m.

– so named because of a car that was once here. She lifted water from a well located below to the very top of the tower into a large tank. From there, water flowed through lead pipes to the royal palace in the Kremlin. This is how in the old days the Kremlin had its own water supply system. He worked for a long time, but then the car was dismantled and taken to another city - St. Petersburg. There it was used to construct fountains. The height of the Vodovzvodnaya tower with a star is 61.45 m.

...which once stood on the banks of the Neglinnaya River, now enclosed in an underground pipe, received its name from the nearby Armory Chamber. Once upon a time there were ancient weapons workshops located next to it. They also made precious dishes and jewelry. The ancient workshops gave the name not only to the tower, but also to the wonderful museum located nearby behind the Kremlin wall - the Armory Chamber. Many Kremlin treasures and simply very ancient things are collected here. For example, helmets and chain mail of ancient Russian warriors. The height of the Armory Tower is 32.65 m.


It got its name in the 19th century because the commandant of Moscow was located in the building nearby. The tower was built in 1493-1495 on the northwestern side of the Kremlin wall, which today stretches along the Alexander Garden. It was formerly called Kolymazhnaya after the Kolymazhny yard located near it in the Kremlin. In 1676-1686 it was built on.

In the 19th century, the tower received the name “Komendantskaya”, when the commandant of Moscow settled nearby in the Kremlin, in the Poteshny Palace of the 17th century. The height of the tower from the Alexander Garden side is 41.25 m.

It is named after the church and the Trinity Compound, which were once located nearby on the territory of the Kremlin. Trinity Tower is the tallest tower of the Kremlin. The height of the tower at present, together with the star from the side of the Alexander Garden, is 80 m.

The Trinity Bridge, protected by the Kutafya Tower, leads to the gates of the Trinity Tower. The tower gate serves as the main entrance for visitors to the Kremlin. Built in 1495-1499. Italian architect Aleviz Fryazin Milanz (Italian: Aloisio da Milano).

The tower was called differently: Rizopolozhenskaya, Znamenskaya and Karetnaya. It received its current name in 1658 after the Trinity courtyard of the Kremlin. In the 16th-17th centuries, the two-story base of the tower housed a prison. From 1585 to 1812 there was a clock on the tower.

At the end of the 17th century, the tower received a multi-tiered hipped superstructure with white stone decorations. In 1707, due to the threat of a Swedish invasion, the loopholes of the Trinity Tower were expanded to accommodate heavy cannons. Until 1935, an imperial double-headed eagle was installed at the top of the tower. By the next date of the October Revolution, it was decided to remove the eagle and install red stars on it and the other main towers of the Kremlin.

The Trinity Tower turned out to be the oldest - manufactured in 1870 and prefabricated with bolts, so when dismantling it had to be dismantled at the top of the tower. In 1937, the faded gem star was replaced with a modern ruby ​​star.


(Connected by a bridge with Troitskaya). Its name is associated with this: in the old days, a casually dressed, clumsy woman was called a kutafya. Indeed, the Kutafya tower is not high, like the others, but squat and wide.

The tower was built in 1516 under the direction of the Milanese architect Aleviz Fryazin. Low, surrounded by a moat and the Neglinnaya River, with a single gate, which in moments of danger was tightly closed by the lifting part of the bridge, the tower was a formidable barrier for those besieging the fortress. It had plantar loopholes and machicolations. In the 16th-17th centuries, the water level in the Neglinnaya River was raised high by dams, so that water surrounded the tower on all sides. Its original height above ground level was 18 meters.

The only way to enter the tower from the city was via an inclined bridge.

There are two versions of the origin of the name “Kutafya”: from the word “kut” - shelter, corner, or from the word “kutafya”, which meant a plump, clumsy woman. The Kutafya Tower has never had a covering. In 1685, it was crowned with an openwork “crown” with white stone details.


Together with two unnamed ones, it was built to strengthen the southern wall, as it was most often attacked.

Like the two nameless ones, the Petrovskaya Tower at first had no name. She received her name from the Church of Metropolitan Peter at the Ugreshsky Metochion in the Kremlin. In 1771 During the construction of the Kremlin Palace, the tower, the Church of Metropolitan Peter and the Ugreshsky courtyard were dismantled. In 1783 the tower was rebuilt, but in 1812. The French destroyed it again during the occupation of Moscow. In 1818 The Petrovskaya Tower was restored again. Kremlin gardeners used it for their needs. Tower height 27.15m.


It rises from the side of the Alexander Garden and is called so because there was a weapons depot right behind it. It was built in 1493-1495. After the construction of the Arsenal building, the tower got its name. A grotto was erected near the tower in 1812 - one of the attractions of the Alexander Garden. The height of the tower is 38.9 m.


Located further away, in the corner of the Kremlin. Once upon a time she was called Sobakina, after the name of a person who lived nearby. But in the 18th century, the Arsenal building was erected next to it, and the tower was renamed. There is a well in the dungeon of the corner Arsenal Tower. It is more than 500 years old. It is filled from an ancient source and therefore it always has clean and fresh water. Previously, there was an underground passage from the Arsenal Tower to the Neglinnaya River. Tower height 60.2 m.


Located at the beginning of Red Square. In ancient times, there was a monastery of St. Nicholas the Old nearby, and above the gate of the tower there was an icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. The gate tower, built in 1491 by the architect P. Solari, was one of the main defensive redoubts of the eastern part of the Kremlin wall.

The name of the tower comes from the Nikolsky Monastery, which was located nearby. Therefore, an icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker was placed above the passage gate of the strelnitsa. Like all towers with entrance gates, Nikolskaya had a drawbridge over the moat and protective grilles that were lowered during the battle.

The Nikolskaya Tower went down in history in 1612, when militia troops led by Minin and Pozharsky burst into the Kremlin through its gates, liberating Moscow from the Polish-Lithuanian invaders.

In 1812, the Nikolskaya Tower, along with many others, was blown up by Napoleon's troops retreating from Moscow. The upper part of the tower was especially damaged. In 1816, it was replaced by the architect O.I. Bove with a new needle-shaped dome in the pseudo-Gothic style. In 1917, the tower was damaged again. This time from artillery fire. In 1935, the dome of the tower was crowned with a five-pointed star. In the 20th century, the tower was restored in 1946-1950s and in 1973-1974s. Now the height of the tower is 70.5 m.


It rises behind the Mausoleum of V.I. Lenin and is named after the Senate, whose green dome rises above the fortress wall. The Senate Tower is one of the oldest in the Kremlin. Built in 1491 in the center of the north-eastern part of the Kremlin wall, it performed only defensive functions - it protected the Kremlin from Red Square. The height of the tower is 34.3 m.


This name comes from the 17th century, when an icon of the Savior was hung over the gates of this tower. It was erected on the spot where the main gates of the Kremlin were located in ancient times. It, like Nikolskaya, was built to protect the northeastern part of the Kremlin, which had no natural water barriers. The passage gates of the Spasskaya Tower, at that time still Frolovskaya, were considered “holy” by the people. No one rode through them on horseback or walked through them with their heads covered. Regiments setting out on a campaign passed through these gates; kings and ambassadors were met here.

In the 17th century The coat of arms of Russia, a double-headed eagle, was placed on the tower; a little later, coats of arms were placed on other high towers of the Kremlin - Nikolskaya, Troitskaya and Borovitskaya.

In 1658 the Kremlin towers were renamed. Frolovskaya turned into Spasskaya. It was named so in honor of the icon of the Savior of Smolensk, located above the passage gate of the tower from the side of Red Square, and in honor of the icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands, located above the gate from the Kremlin.

In 1851-52 A clock was installed on the Spasskaya Tower, which we still see today - the Kremlin chimes.

Chimes are large clocks that have a musical mechanism. The bells play music at the Kremlin chimes. There are eleven of them. One large one, it marks the hours, and ten smaller ones, their melodious chime is heard every 15 minutes. The Kremlin chimes mechanism occupies three floors. Previously, chimes were wound manually, but now they do it using electricity. The Spasskaya Tower occupies 10 floors. Its height with the star is 71 m.


It is not at all like other Kremlin towers. There are 4 columns right on the wall, and on them there is a peaked roof. There are neither powerful walls nor narrow loopholes. But she doesn’t need them. Because the tower was not built for defense at all. According to legend, Tsar Ivan the Terrible loved to look at his city from this place. Later, the smallest tower of the Kremlin was built here and called it Tsarskaya. Its height is 16.7 m.


She got her name from the large bell - the alarm that hung above her. Once upon a time there were guards on duty here all the time. From above, they vigilantly watched to see if the enemy army was approaching the city. And if danger was approaching, the watchmen had to warn everyone and ring the alarm bell. Because of him, the tower was called Nabatnaya. But now there is no bell in the tower.

One day at the end of the 18th century, at the sound of the Alarm Bell, a riot began in Moscow. And when order was restored in the city, the bell was punished for divulging bad news - they were deprived of their tongue.

In those days it was a common practice to remember at least the history of the bell in Uglich. Since then, the Alarm Bell fell silent and remained idle for a long time until it was removed to the museum. The height of the Alarm Tower is 38 m.


It owes its name to the Church of Constantine and Helena that stood here in ancient times. The tower was built in 1490 and was used for the passage of the population and troops to the Kremlin. Previously, when the Kremlin was made of white stone, there was another tower in this place.

It was through her that Dmitry Donskoy and his army went to the Kulikovo field.

The new tower was built for the reason that there were no natural barriers from the Kremlin on its side. It was equipped with a drawbridge, a powerful diversion gate and passage gates, which later, in the 18th and early 19th centuries. were dismantled. The tower got its name from the Church of Constantine and Helena, which stood in the Kremlin. The height of the tower is 36.8 m.


It neighbors Taynitskaya and is a remote building. In the XV - XVI centuries. it served as a gunpowder storage. In 1547, the pylon completely burned down in a fire, but in the 17th century. it was rebuilt and supplemented with a tier with an interesting name: “tent”. When the government started building a luxurious Kremlin palace, the facility was liquidated. As soon as the work that was entrusted to the architect Bazhenov was completed, it was decided to work on the structure again. As a result, the beauty of the Kremlin was complemented by another object, the exact height of which is 34.15 m.


The tower was built in the 1480s as an intermediate tower on the south side of the Kremlin.

Since 1680, the tower has acquired even greater attractiveness in an architectural sense, since it was completed with a 4-sided tent and equipped with an observation post-tower. The stone structure is neatly crowned with a tent with a weather vane.

At the beginning of the 18th century, the tower had a later gate. Like many other towers of the southern wall, the Second Nameless Tower was dismantled in 1771 in preparation for the construction of the Bazhenov Grand Kremlin Palace and was rebuilt after the construction of the palace ceased.

The Commandant's Tower of the Moscow Kremlin has a wall thickness of 1.7-3.3 m, rising 41.25 m from the side of the Alexander Garden. The length of the outer perimeter at the base is 30.5 m. It is located between the Trinity and Armory towers. Erected during the reign of Ivan III, in 1493-1495.

Names of the Commandant's Office

Throughout the history of the existence of the Commandant's Office, it had three names. In the 17th century it was called Deaf due to the lack of passage gates. It was also called Kolymazhnaya, since the Kolymazhny yard was located nearby - a kind of garage for the royal carriages and stables.

The current name, Commandant’s, was given in the 19th century, almost 4 centuries after its construction. They called it that when the commandant of Moscow moved into the Amusement Palace, standing next to it.


The architect was, of course, the Italian architect from Milan - Aleviz Fryazin (Aloisio da Carcano). It was he who was invited to continue the construction of the Moscow Kremlin after the death of his compatriot Pyotr Fryazin (Pietro Antonio Solari).

Like its “sister”, Komendantskaya has a quadrangle at the base and a stone hipped top (it was erected in 1676-1686). It consists of 3 cylindrical tiers.

Near Komendantskaya

You can approach it through the Alexander Garden. Having walked along it a little more, we will see in front of us the majestic Trinity Tower - the highest passage tower of the Moscow Kremlin, considered second in importance after

The Moscow Kremlin has 20 towers and they are all different, no two are alike. Each tower has its own name and its own history. Only two towers did not get names; they are called the First Nameless and Second Nameless. Behind them comes the Petrovskaya Tower, but the rightmost tower has two names at once. Nowadays it is called Moskvoretskaya, but once it was called Beklemishevskaya after the name of the man next to whose yard it was founded.

Somehow it turned out that enemies most often attacked from the direction of the Moscow River, and the Moskvoretskaya Tower had to be the first to defend itself. That is why it is so formidable and with so many loopholes. Its height is 46.2 m.

The first tower that was founded during the construction of the Kremlin was Tainitskaya.

Plan of the Kremlin towers:


It was named so because a secret underground passage led from it to the river. It was intended to be able to take water in case the fortress was besieged by enemies. The height of the Tainitskaya tower is 38.4 m.


They are located on the highest hill, where all of Moscow came from. This tower stands near Borovitsky Hill, on which a pine forest grew a long time ago. This is where its name comes from. The height of the tower with the star is 54.05 m.


Located in the south-eastern corner of the Kremlin. It was built by the Italian architect Marco Fryazin in 1487-1488. The courtyard of boyar Beklemishev adjoined the tower, for which it received its name. Beklemishev's courtyard, together with the tower, served as a prison for disgraced boyars under Vasily III.

The current name - "Moskvoretskaya" - is taken from the nearby Moskvoretsky Bridge. The tower was located at the junction of the Moscow River with a moat, so when the enemy attacked, it was the first to take the blow. The architectural design of the tower is also connected with this: the tall cylinder is placed on a beveled white stone plinth and separated from it by a semicircular ridge. The surface of the cylinder is cut through by narrow, sparsely spaced windows. The tower is completed by a machicolli with a battle platform, which was higher than the adjacent walls.

In the basement of the tower there was a hidden rumor to prevent undermining. In 1680, the tower was decorated with an octagon carrying a tall narrow tent with two rows of dormitories, which softened its severity. In 1707, expecting a possible attack by the Swedes, Peter I ordered bastions to be built at its foot and the loopholes to be expanded to install more powerful guns. During Napoleon's invasion, the tower was damaged and then repaired. In 1917, the top of the tower was damaged during shelling, but it was restored by 1920. In 1949, during the restoration, the loopholes were restored to their previous form. This is one of the few Kremlin towers that has not been radically rebuilt.


According to legend, the miraculous icon of the Annunciation was previously kept in this tower, and in 1731 the Church of the Annunciation was added to this tower. Most likely, the name of the tower is associated with one of these facts. In the 17th century, a gate was made in the tower for the passage of laundresses to the Moscow River, called Portomoyny. They were founded in 1831, and in Soviet times the Church of the Annunciation was also dismantled. The height of the Annunciation Tower with a weather vane is 32.45 meters.


Named so because of a car that was once here. She raised water from a well located below to the very top of the tower into a large tank. From there, water flowed through lead pipes to the royal palace in the Kremlin. This is how in the old days the Kremlin had its own water supply system. He worked for a long time, but then the car was dismantled and taken to another city - St. Petersburg. There it was used to construct fountains. The height of the Water Tower with a star is 61.45 m.


Once standing on the banks of the Neglinnaya River, now enclosed in an underground pipe, it was named after the nearby Armory Chamber. Once upon a time there were ancient weapons workshops located next to it. They also made precious dishes and jewelry. The ancient workshops gave the name not only to the tower, but also to the wonderful museum located nearby behind the Kremlin wall - the Armory Chamber. Many Kremlin treasures and simply very ancient things are collected here. For example, helmets and chain mail of ancient Russian warriors. The height of the Armory Tower is 32.65 m.


It got its name in the 19th century because the commandant of Moscow was located in the building nearby. The tower was built in 1493-1495 on the northwestern side of the Kremlin wall, which today stretches along the Alexander Garden. It was formerly called Kolymazhnaya after the Kolymazhny yard located near it in the Kremlin. In 1676-1686 it was built on.

In the 19th century, the tower received the name “Komendantskaya”, when the commandant of Moscow settled nearby in the Kremlin, in the Poteshny Palace of the 17th century. The height of the tower from the Alexander Garden side is 41.25 m.


It is named after the church and the Trinity Compound, which were once located nearby on the territory of the Kremlin. Trinity Tower is the tallest tower in the Kremlin. The height of the tower at present, together with the star from the side of the Alexander Garden, is 80 m.

The Trinity Bridge, protected by the Kutafya Tower, leads to the gates of the Trinity Tower. The tower gate serves as the main entrance for visitors to the Kremlin. Built in 1495-1499. Italian architect Aleviz Fryazin Milanz (Italian: Aloisio da Milano).

At the end of the 17th century, the tower received a multi-tiered hipped superstructure with white stone decorations. In 1707, due to the threat of a Swedish invasion, the loopholes of the Trinity Tower were expanded to accommodate heavy cannons. Until 1935, an imperial double-headed eagle was installed at the top of the tower. By the next date of the October Revolution, it was decided to remove the eagle and install red stars on it and the other main towers of the Kremlin.


(Connected by a bridge with Troitskaya). Its name is associated with this: in the old days, a casually dressed, clumsy woman was called a kutafya. Indeed, the Kutafya tower is not high, like the others, but squat and wide.

The tower was built in 1516 under the direction of the Milanese architect Aleviz Fryazin. Low, surrounded by a moat and the Neglinnaya River, with a single gate, which in moments of danger was tightly closed by the lifting part of the bridge, the tower was a formidable barrier for those besieging the fortress. It had plantar loopholes and machicolations. In the 16th-17th centuries, the water level in the Neglinnaya River was raised high by dams, so that water surrounded the tower on all sides. Its original height above ground level was 18 meters.

The only way to enter the tower from the city was via an inclined bridge.


Together with two unnamed ones, it was built to strengthen the southern wall, as it was most often attacked.

Like the two nameless ones, the Petrovskaya Tower at first had no name. She received her name from the Church of Metropolitan Peter at the Ugreshsky Metochion in the Kremlin. In 1771 During the construction of the Kremlin Palace, the tower, the Church of Metropolitan Peter and the Ugreshsky courtyard were dismantled. In 1783 the tower was rebuilt, but in 1812. The French destroyed it again during the occupation of Moscow. In 1818 The Petrovskaya Tower was restored again. Kremlin gardeners used it for their needs. Tower height 27.15m.


It rises from the side of the Alexander Garden and is called so because there was a weapons depot right behind it. It was built in 1493-1495. After the construction of the Arsenal building, the tower got its name. A grotto was erected near the tower in 1812 - one of the attractions of the Alexander Garden. The height of the tower is 38.9 m.


Located further away, in the corner of the Kremlin. Once upon a time she was called Sobakina, after the name of a person who lived nearby. But in the 18th century, the Arsenal building was erected next to it, and the tower was renamed. There is a well in the dungeon of the corner Arsenal Tower. It is more than 500 years old. It is filled from an ancient source and therefore it always has clean and fresh water. Previously, there was an underground passage from the Arsenal Tower to the Neglinnaya River. Tower height 60.2 m.


Located at the beginning of Red Square. In ancient times, there was a monastery of St. Nicholas the Old nearby, and above the gate of the tower there was an icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. The gate tower, built in 1491 by the architect P. Solari, was one of the main defensive redoubts of the eastern part of the Kremlin wall.

The name of the tower comes from the Nikolsky Monastery, which was located nearby. Therefore, an icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker was placed above the passage gate of the strelnitsa. Like all towers with entrance gates, Nikolskaya had a drawbridge over the moat and protective grilles that were lowered during the battle.

In 1812, the Nikolskaya Tower, along with many others, was blown up by Napoleon's troops retreating from Moscow. The upper part of the tower was especially damaged. In 1816, it was replaced by the architect O.I. Bove with a new needle-shaped dome in the pseudo-Gothic style. In 1917, the tower was damaged again. This time from artillery fire. In 1935, the dome of the tower was crowned with a five-pointed star. In the 20th century, the tower was restored in 1946-1950s and in 1973-1974s. Now the height of the tower is 70.5 m.


It rises behind the Mausoleum of V.I. Lenin and is named after the Senate, whose green dome rises above the fortress wall. The Senate Tower is one of the oldest in the Kremlin. Built in 1491 in the center of the north-eastern part of the Kremlin wall, it performed only defensive functions - it protected the Kremlin from Red Square. The height of the tower is 34.3 m.


This name comes from the 17th century, when an icon of the Savior was hung over the gates of this tower. It was erected on the spot where the main gates of the Kremlin were located in ancient times. It, like Nikolskaya, was built to protect the northeastern part of the Kremlin, which had no natural water barriers. The passage gates of the Spasskaya Tower, at that time still Frolovskaya, were considered “holy” by the people. No one rode through them on horseback or walked through them with their heads covered. Regiments setting out on a campaign passed through these gates; kings and ambassadors were met here.

In 1658 the Kremlin towers were renamed. Frolovskaya turned into Spasskaya. It was named so in honor of the icon of the Savior of Smolensk, located above the passage gate of the tower from the side of Red Square, and in honor of the icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands, located above the gate from the Kremlin.

In 1851-52 A clock was installed on the Spasskaya Tower, which we still see today - the Kremlin chimes.

Chimes are large clocks that have a musical mechanism. The bells play music at the Kremlin chimes. There are eleven of them. One large one, it marks the hours, and ten smaller ones, their melodious chime is heard every 15 minutes. The Kremlin chimes mechanism occupies three floors. Previously, chimes were wound manually, but now they do it using electricity. The Spasskaya Tower occupies 10 floors. Its height with the star is 71 m.


It is not at all like other Kremlin towers. There are 4 columns right on the wall, and on them there is a peaked roof. There are neither powerful walls nor narrow loopholes. But she doesn’t need them. Because the tower was not built for defense at all. According to legend, Tsar Ivan the Terrible loved to look at his city from this place. Later, the smallest tower of the Kremlin was built here and called it Tsarskaya. Its height is 16.7 m.


She got her name from the large bell - the alarm that hung above her. Once upon a time there were guards on duty here all the time. From above, they vigilantly watched to see if the enemy army was approaching the city. And if danger was approaching, the watchmen had to warn everyone and ring the alarm bell. Because of him, the tower was called Nabatnaya. But now there is no bell in the tower.


It owes its name to the Church of Constantine and Helena that stood here in ancient times. The tower was built in 1490 and was used for the passage of the population and troops to the Kremlin. Previously, when the Kremlin was made of white stone, there was another tower in this place.

The new tower was built for the reason that there were no natural barriers from the Kremlin on its side. It was equipped with a drawbridge, a powerful diversion gate and passage gates, which later, in the 18th and early 19th centuries. were dismantled. The tower got its name from the Church of Constantine and Helena, which stood in the Kremlin. Tower height 36.8 m


It neighbors Taynitskaya and is a remote building.In the XV - XVI centuries. it served as a gunpowder storage. In 1547, the pylon completely burned down in a fire, but in the 17th century. it was rebuilt and supplemented with a tier with an interesting name: “tent”. When the government started building a luxurious Kremlin palace, the facility was liquidated. As soon as the work that was entrusted to the architect Bazhenov was completed, it was decided to work on the structure again. As a result, the beauty of the Kremlin was complemented by another object, the exact height of which is 34.15 m.


The tower was built in the 1480s as an intermediate tower on the south side of the Kremlin.

Since 1680, the tower has acquired even greater attractiveness in an architectural sense, since it was completed with a 4-sided tent and equipped with an observation post-tower. The stone structure is neatly crowned with a tent with a weather vane.

At the beginning of the 18th century, a gate was built in the tower. Like many other towers of the southern wall, the Second Nameless Tower was dismantled in 1771 in preparation for the construction of the Bazhenov Grand Kremlin Palace and was rebuilt after the construction of the palace ceased.
