Old Town of Rhodes - attractions, photos. Old town in Rhodes Selection of hotels in Rhodes

The Greek island of Rhodes was popular beach resort back at the beginning of the 20th century. A sufficient number of first-class hotels, equipped beaches and comfortable infrastructure have always attracted large flows of tourists. Today, Rhodes proudly holds the distinction of being one of the most visited Mediterranean islands.

However, Rhodes has more to offer than just beach holiday. Its history goes back thousands of years. Monuments of Antiquity and the Middle Ages from the Ottoman Empire and Italian rule are perfectly preserved here. Scattered among the picturesque valleys of the island are charming Greek towns, as if frozen in time under the gentle Mediterranean sun. In colorful taverns you can fully enjoy local cuisine, for which the best and only fresh products are used.

The best hotels and inns at affordable prices.

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What to see on the island of Rhodes?

The most interesting and beautiful places for walks. Photos and brief description.

1. Rhodes Fortress

The Rhodes Fortress was built in the 13th century by the Knights of the monastic Order of St. John, better known as the Hospitaller Order. The walls of the structure grew on the site of the ancient acropolis. In the 15th century, the castle was considered one of the most impregnable fortresses Christian world. The ring of stone walls was more than 4 km long. Inside is the Palace of the Grand Masters, built on the site of the Temple of Helios. Only the walls of this castle have survived to the days.

2. Medieval city of Rhodes

Inside the walls of the Rhodes Fortress lie the medieval quarters of Rhodes, built during the reign of the Order of St. John on the foundations of buildings from the Ancient era. There are 10 gates leading to the territory of the old city, located along the perimeter of the fortress wall. The streets of the medieval city are paved with cobblestones; knights once lived within the powerful walls of the surviving buildings, a hospital and administrative offices were located.

3. Street of Knights

Street of Knights is located on the territory Medieval city Rhodes. It begins at the gates of the Palace of the Grand Masters. Mainly on this street are the houses of the “tongues” - national groups of knights who arrived in Rhodes from different countries. For example, there once was the House of the French Knights and the House of Spain. In the Middle Ages, the Order's stables were also located on the Street of Knights.

4. City of Lindos

Lindos is one of the most ancient cities of the island, it was founded in the 10th century BC. The local ancient Acropolis is second only to the Athenian Acropolis in importance. The local temple of Athena Lindia was once visited by Alexander the Great, and in the 1st century AD. e. The Apostle Paul visited here. All city buildings are painted white. The ancient houses are many hundreds of years old, but according to the law, new buildings cannot be erected in the city in order to preserve its historical appearance.

5. Port of Mandraki

An ancient harbor that was the main port of Rhodes for 2.5 thousand years. At the entrance to the port there are two stone columns, on which in the 3rd century AD. e. a giant 36-meter statue of the Colossus of Rhodes rested (now there are figures of deer there). On the stone breakwater there are three medieval mills, preserved from knightly times, and the fortress of St. Nicholas.

6. Fort St. Nicholas

In the past, the fort was part of the defensive system of Rhodes. It is located on the edge of a stone pier - a breakwater built in Antiquity. First, in the 15th century, the central tower of the fortress was erected, called the “Tower of the Mills”. A few years after the Turkish siege of 1480, the structure was surrounded by a moat and walled. Today, there is a lighthouse on the territory of Fort St. Nicholas.

7. Acropolis of Lindos

The Acropolis of Lindos is one of the most significant architectural monuments in Greece. It is located on a cliff overlooking the sea. The first pagan temples appeared here in the 5th-4th centuries. BC The main sanctuary of the Acropolis is a temple in honor of Athena Linda, who was considered the patroness of the island. Many buildings have survived quite well to this day, so tourists can see not only ruins.

8. Acropolis of Rhodes

The Acropolis is located on the hill of St. Stephen, where today the park of Monte Smith is located. It consists of a stadium, an amphitheater and the remains of the Temple of Pythian Apollo. According to excavations, the first buildings appeared here in the 3rd-2nd centuries. BC e. In the era of Antiquity, sanctuaries of the gods, public institutions, and theaters were located on the territory of the Rhodes Acropolis. The main artifacts were discovered as a result of excavations from 1912 to 1945.

9. Rhodes Stadium

The stadium is located on the territory of the Rhodes Acropolis. It was built in the 2nd century BC. Sports competitions were held here dedicated to the sun god Helios, who, along with Athena, was considered the patron saint of the island. It should be noted that Rhodes athletes were among the strongest in ancient Greece. They constantly won prizes in competitions and earned numerous awards.

10. Ancient Kamiros

An ancient city in the north-west of the island, one of the most powerful policies of Rhodes, whose heyday was in the 5th century BC. Kamiros maintained economic ties with Asia Minor and the mainland Greek city-states, and actively developed agriculture and minted his own coins. In the 3rd century AD. happened in Rhodes devastating earthquake, as a result of which the inhabitants left Kamiros, and the city fell into decay.

11. Mount Filerimos

A hill on which one of the best viewing platforms in Rhodes is located. From here you can see antique city Ialyssos and Ixia resort. Also on the top and slopes of Filerimos there are ruins of the ancient Greek temples of Athena and Zeus and picturesque Christian cathedrals of the 15th-18th centuries. In the 16th century, the monastery of the Mother of God was built on the mountain, where the miraculous icon created by the Apostle Luke was placed. At the entrance to the mountain there is an 18-meter concrete cross.

12. Tsambika Monastery

The exact date of construction of the monastery is unknown. Since the 15th century, the miraculous icon of the Virgin Mary has been kept here. It is believed that it helps childless couples conceive a child, so the flow of pilgrims to this place never dries up. Tsambika Monastery is divided into lower and upper. On the territory of the lower monastery there is a temple with an icon, an Orthodox museum, a cafe and a souvenir shop. The upper part of the monastery is located on top of a hill, offering magnificent views of the beaches of Tsambika.

13. Church of the Virgin Mary in Lindos

The temple was built in the 13th century and is located in the center ancient city Lindos. Over the following centuries, the church was reconstructed more than once; one of the large-scale restorations was carried out under Pierre de Aubusson, the Grand Master of the Order of St. John. The interior of the temple was renovated in the 20th century during the Italian rule in Rhodes. The church has a very picturesque snow-white facade, sharply contrasting with the bright red tiled roof.

14. Kahal Shalom Synagogue

Jews settled in Rhodes more than 2.3 thousand years ago, but the first synagogues began to appear already during the Middle Ages. Kahal Shalom is considered the oldest synagogue in Greece; it was built at the end of the 16th century and operated until the 30s. XX century, before the advent of the fascist dictatorship. The Jews were expelled from the island, and the synagogue was abandoned. These days, the synagogue has opened its doors again, but only during the high tourist season, when a sufficient number of tourists come to the island.

15. Church of St. Nektarios in Faliraki

Saint Nektarios is a fairly revered figure in the Greek Orthodox Church despite the fact that he was canonized relatively recently. It is believed that it helps patients recover from illnesses. A small temple in his honor was built at the expense of pilgrims. The church was built in the classical Byzantine style. The facade of the building has an unusual terracotta shade and is decorated with graceful columns.

16. Church of St. Panteleimon in Xi'an

The temple is located in the center of the small village of Siana, which is 65 km away. from Rhodes, on the slope of Mount Akramitis. The temple was built in the 14th century from natural stone. Along the edges of the main façade there are two symmetrical clock towers; the roof of the building is covered with red tiles. The church interiors are luxurious, the ceiling is decorated with magnificent frescoes and decorated with gilding.

17. Archaeological Museum of Rhodes

The museum collections display an extensive collection of artifacts found during excavations on the island. The age of many exhibits exceeds several thousand years. One of the most valuable items in the collection is a statue of Aphrodite of Rhodes, dating back to the 1st century BC. The sculpture is made of Parian marble. The museum also has statues of gods created in the 6th-5th centuries. BC

18. Monolithos Castle

A 15th-century castle built by the Knights of the Order of St. John. Like most similar structures of that time, Monolithos was erected for defensive purposes. The structure lived up to its purpose - in the entire history of its existence, the castle has never been taken by storm. Now the building is in a very neglected state, as over time it has suffered serious damage.

19. Kritinia Castle

A defensive structure of the 16th century, erected during the reign of the Hospitallers. The castle was built in the Venetian style. Thanks to its convenient location, the walls offer a panoramic and very convenient view, which made it possible to observe the enemy’s maneuvers. After the siege of 1480, the castle was badly damaged. The knights of the order decided to start restoring it later, but as a result of the defeat in the fight for Rhodes, these plans were not destined to be realized.

20. Rodini Park

The park is located a few kilometers from the center of Rhodes. It is considered the oldest landscape park in the world and one of the main attractions of the island. It is not known exactly when Rodini was founded, but during the Roman Empire the park was already a popular place for walking and relaxing. Parts of Roman aqueducts have been preserved on its territory, centuries-old cypress and pine trees grow here, and there are also small lakes.

21. Kallithea Springs Baths

Thermal springs located in Kallithea, a resort village located near the city of Rhodes. The bathing complex was built in 1928 as part of the development of tourism infrastructure on the island. The building of the baths was built according to the design of P. Lombardi; in our time it is considered a valuable architectural monument. The baths operated until 1967, after which they were closed for 40 years. The re-opening took place in 2007.

22. Seven Sources

A natural attraction near the village of Kolymbia, located on the way from Rhodes to Lindos. Seven Springs is a network of small streams and springs that flow directly from the rock and form a lake with the purest drinking water. The area itself is quite picturesque, as it is located among a relict forest overgrown with pines, cypresses and plane trees. To get to the lake you need to go through a small tunnel.

23. Valley of the Butterflies

A protected area located approximately 27 km. from the city of Rhodes. In this area, lush green vegetation grows, waterfalls flow, and numerous streams merge into small lakes. Even in the hottest weather, you can find long-awaited coolness here. In summer, thousands of colorful butterflies fly into the valley, causing the entire landscape to be covered with a bright, colorful carpet. The place is considered unique not only in Greece, but throughout Europe.

24. Rhodes Ostrich Farm

The farm is home to more than 120 ostriches, as well as deer, camels, birds, donkeys and goats. For the entertainment of visitors, rides on huge birds are organized. As in all such places, there is a store at the farm where customers are offered products from various parts of the ostrich. A local restaurant serves this bird meat and an omelette made from huge eggs for lunch. The farm is located near the village of Petaloudes.

25. Agati Beach

A picturesque piece of coastline with golden sand and the clearest azure sea. The beach is located near the village of Kharaki. Agati is popular among tourists with children due to its fairly gentle descent into the sea. The beach has a developed tourist infrastructure with taverns, sun lounger rentals and other services. “Agiya Agati” translated means “holy purity.”

26. Tsambika Beach

The beach is located at the foot of Mount Tsambika, the surrounding area of ​​which is considered the most beautiful places in Rhodes. The beach has a fairly long strip of sand and is characterized by increased cleanliness and transparency of the sea. Tourists can enjoy numerous cafes, sports centers and entertainment. A fairly popular way to spend time is riding ATVs in the vicinity of the beach.

27. Cape Prasonisi

The cape is located in the southernmost part of the island, it is connected to Rhodes by a narrow sandy isthmus. In winter, the waters of the Aegean and Mediterranean Seas flood this passage, and in summer they recede, forming a magnificent sand spit, which is used as a beach. Cape Prasonisi is a popular destination for kitesurfers and windsurfers.

28. Agios Pavlos Bay

The bay of Agios Pavlos is located near the ancient Acropolis of Lindos. It is believed that in the 1st century AD. The Apostle Paul landed here. There is a beautiful sand and pebble beach equipped with all the necessary infrastructure. Natural ledges of the surrounding rocks serve as springboards for jumping into the water. In honor of St. Paul, a small snow-white church was erected on the territory of the bay.

29. Anthony Queen Bay

The bay is included in the list of the most picturesque places in Rhodes. It is named after the actor E. Quinn, who was popular in the first half of the 20th century. In the 60s the actor purchased a plot of land and settled on the territory of the bay. According to another version, it is believed that the authorities of Rhodes were so pleased with the presence of the star that they granted him land for indefinite use in exchange for the creation of a cinema center on the island. But Quinn never did anything and was forced to leave.

30. Water park in Faliraki

A popular amusement park located on the territory of the resort city of the same name. The water park has areas for children of all ages, so safety is ensured even for the youngest visitors. Near the complex there is a beach, many shops, restaurants, and souvenir shops. During the high season, there is always a large influx of tourists at the water park, which is why queues form at the slides.

Old Town in Rhodes (Rhodes City, Greece) - description, history, location, reviews, photos and videos.

  • Tours for May to Greece
  • Last minute tours to Greece

Old, medieval Rhodes is a cultural site of world significance. It is like an open-air museum: every street, square or building is connected with some story about ancient times. It is one of the best preserved medieval walled cities in Europe.

The walls and gates of Rhodes are a topic for a separate story. And if you are looking for a starting point for exploring the Old City, you can start from Symi Square in front of the Freedom Gate, where the ruins of the ancient Temple of Aphrodite are located (a very popular, although very poorly preserved attraction). From Symi Square you can very quickly reach the famous Street of the Knights (Ipoton), which is located in the so-called Upper Old Town. It is the most popular among tourists among all the ancient streets. Its length is 600 m, and this is where the Hospitallers lived and worked in the past. The landscape of the street is very characteristic: it is straight, and the buildings on the sides are tall and often with almost solid walls, which creates a rather harsh impression. The street was carefully restored by the Italians in 1913-1916.

If you stay in the part of the Old Town that is closer to the sea and move south, you can walk to Hippocrates Square. In its center stands an ornamental fountain, which, together with the majestic staircase in the southwestern part, is the only reminder of the Castellania, which the Hospitallers built here in the 14th century. The square is very popular among tourists and locals, as there are numerous bars, cafes and eateries with outdoor terraces along the entire perimeter. In addition, there are many historical buildings here: for example, the Castellania library in the Epavlis mansion. Also from the square begins Socrates Street, the most popular shopping street on the island.

You can get to Hippocrates Square directly by entering the Old Town through the Sea Gate from the Trade Harbor.

Next to Hippocrates Square is the Square of Jewish Martyrs. It has a second unofficial name - Seahorse Square - because of the corresponding fountain. There is a Holocaust memorial in the square in memory of more than 1,600 Rhodes Jews who were deported to Auschwitz (of whom only 151 survived).

Old town in Rhodes

If you walk east from the Square of the Jewish Martyrs, following the curve of the harbor, you can reach the Church of Our Lady of Burgh. It stands on the easternmost border of the Old City, in the Jewish Quarter. The Gothic church was built in the 14th century and is poorly preserved, but it is the oldest building of the Hospitaller era, not counting the city fortifications.

The old town of Rhodes is not just a tourist attraction: it is quite residential and has a population of approximately 6,000 people.

Also located in the Old Town are the Municipal Baths (aka Turkish Baths). The Byzantine building, built in the 17th century, stands on Arionos Square. This is one of the few places in Greece where you can enjoy a hammam. Visiting the baths is not expensive at all, and many tourists come here, but you need to keep in mind that the baths are only open half the days of the week.

Practical information

If we consider the city of Rhodes as a peninsula, then the Old Town occupies its eastern part: this is everything beyond the medieval walls, and almost up to the three city harbors.

In the last article, I already told you in general, but in this article we will talk about the most interesting sights of Rhodes.

I'll show you cool places on the island, its incredibly beautiful bays, beaches, observation decks, preserved medieval towns, monuments of ancient civilization, and even places of power.

So, if you are going to spend your holidays in Greece, then this article about the sights of Rhodes with all the marks on the map is just for you :)

So, let's go!

The city of Rhodes, which bears the same name as the island, is also the capital, and was built by the Knights Hospitaller. The streets here are lined with cobblestones, old houses, palaces and churches, a fortress and gates have been preserved.

The Old Town itself is included in the World Heritage List cultural heritage. By the way, the Rhodes Fortress is the longest in Europe - 4 km, and to get to the city center you need to go through 11 fortress gates. On the lawns along the wall you can see cannonballs; they reached the fortress, made potholes, but did not pierce it through.

We really enjoyed walking around the Old Town, it is somehow completely atypical for old Europe, more reminiscent of an eastern town, with winding labyrinths of streets. We have not been to Turkey, but they say it is very similar to a Turkish town with arrows of minarets and Turkish houses with traditional balconies.

The Mosque of Suleiman the Magnificent is one of the few buildings from the Turkish period that has survived to this day.

And the most photographed objects in the town are the Street of Knights

and the Palace of the Grand Masters.

Just outside the gates of the Old Town is also the pleasant port of Mandraki,

with the Italian Church of the Annunciation, with very beautiful interiors, atypical for Greek churches.

We lived only 5 km from the town, one day, during a morning jog along the sea, I just reached the port) Here, at the entrance to the harbor, there is an ancient lighthouse and 2 symbols of the city - the Rhodian deer and the doe, they stand on columns opposite each other friend, and a little further - medieval mills.

It’s worth coming to the town of Rhodes even just to watch the sunset or dine in one of the many restaurants,

and then, of course, stroll along its streets and watch the local residents.

Local residents have a tradition - every evening they set up chairs next to the house and just sit, look at passers-by or gossip about something with their neighbors.

Ancient Kamiros

From the ancient town of Kamiros (9th century BC) only ruins of tiny houses, temples and a semblance of streets and squares remain; the palaces are only half restored.

If you have a wild imagination, then you can safely go to Ancient Kamiros to wander among the ruins, vividly imagining how the ancient Greeks once lived here.

Well, we found a couple of good marine species here, and for general acquaintance we also took a short walk among the ruins :)

Mount Tsambika in Rhodes is sacred; at its top there is a monastery of the same name, to which a staircase of 307 steps leads. This is a pilgrimage path that especially believers overcome on their knees.

The church has its own legend - once upon a time, here on the top of a hill the Greeks discovered a miraculous icon of the Holy Mother of God, which belonged to the Church of Cyprus, and no matter how much they tried to return the icon to its place, it always returned here. As a result, a small church was built for the icon.

And the miracle of the icon is due to the fact that even childless couples trying in vain to have a child, visiting this place, were sure to receive a long-awaited gift. Now this miraculous icon is kept in the monastery at the foot, but the ritual of climbing the hill and lighting a candle has still been preserved.

Well, from the top of the hill there is a stunning view of the bay and the long sandy beach of Tsambika.

Petaloudes Valley or Butterfly Valley

The Valley of the Butterflies is a pleasant park in a narrow gorge, with numerous paths, bridges, and moss-covered steps, which are especially good to walk on in the sultry heat, hiding under the shade of storax trees.

In the summer there is a unique opportunity to see in one place tens of thousands of bear butterflies, which flock here every year to the smell of fragrant resin and hang in clusters on the stones

and trees.

I can’t say that butterflies are beauties, you won’t even notice them right away, they are masters of camouflage 🙂 and what is rather striking is their number, the very fact of such a huge accumulation in one place. There are several waterfalls and streams in the park, the breath is fresh, in general, you can safely spend half an hour, or even an hour, for a walk along the gorge!

Mount Filerimos

A path along a cypress alley with numerous bas-reliefs, along which you can climb highest point the mountain, topped with a huge 17-meter cross (which was also once climbable), was nicknamed “The Way of Golgotha”, because the distance is equal to what Jesus walked while carrying his cross.

The place reminded us of a mountain with a cross :)

Don’t repeat our mistake - if there is haze in the sky, then you should postpone your visit until the evening, especially since there should be a stunning view of the sunset from this mountain.

Well, on a clear day with good visibility you can clearly see 2 at once greek cities– resort Ixia and ancient Ialyssos. We were there during the day, so, alas, we did not experience the delight of seeing the subtle outlines of the cities.

But as a bonus, we had a blast chasing peacocks, there are tons of them here, and yes, we were in the mating season, when they fluff their tails :)

Well, of course, lovers of ruins will appreciate the preserved ancient ruins of the ancient town of Ialisa, with the ruins of the temple of Zeus and Athena, as well as knightly castles with frescoes and the Church of the Virgin Mary.


Stunning snow white ancient town Lindos is considered typical Greek,

and definitely a must visit!

It is difficult to see as many tourists as here in any other place in Rhodes; this is a very popular place among both travelers and locals.

This ancient town at the foot of the hill dates back to the 6th century BC. e.,

and has survived to this day,

It’s nice to stroll here as well as through the narrow colorful streets of the city,

and climb to the ancient Acropolis and the walls of the knight's castle, from where a stunning view of the heart-shaped lagoon with azure water opens - St. Paul's Bay.

This is perhaps the most beautiful bay on the island; according to legend, the Apostle Paul stopped here on his way to Jerusalem, which is why the bay is named after him. The small church in this bay is extremely popular for wedding ceremonies.

And you can climb the hill with the Acropolis either on foot or on donkeys; we preferred the first option, at the same time we looked closely at the handicrafts of local craftswomen.

I don’t really like ruins, but if they are located somewhere on a mountain, then we definitely go up there.

Because the views from the hill are so breathtaking!

If there is no haze, then you can see not only the city at the foot and the neighboring sandy beach with a bay, where you just want to cool off, but also endless expanses, including St. Peter’s Bay and the neighboring islands.

After a walk along the Acropolis (by the way, it is the second most important after Athens),

we went downstairs and had lunch in the old town in one of the view taverns, I don’t even remember what I liked more – the view and atmosphere of the restaurant or the fresh seafood in it :)

In this place there really are 7 springs, small streams that flow from underground and form a lake. Of interest to tourists, as well as to us, is another object in the neighborhood - a dark narrow tunnel, which actually leads to this very lake.

Every second tourist wants to tickle their nerves and walk through the tunnel. The fact is that the tunnel is completely dark, and you need to walk through it barefoot, finding yourself ankle-deep in cold water; using phones and flashlights is not recommended, so as not to disturb the atmosphere and the mysteries of the legend.

There are 2 beliefs associated with the tunnel, by walking through which you can choose to either become 10 years younger or get rid of 7 sins. We got through it too - I don’t know, maybe we were rejuvenated :)

Well, behind the tunnel, if you go a little to the side along nature trail, you can see a beautiful artificial waterfall.

Kallithea Springs (Kallithea Baths)

Once upon a time in ancient times there were healing springs here,

now it's just nice natural complex with the former name Kallithea Springs,

where you can swim in crystal clear water, sunbathe on sun loungers and have a snack in a cafe.

In general, the nature in the area is simply amazing, especially the sea cliffs.

The ancient marble pavilions have been restored, so that in their shade and coolness you can hide from the hot sun.

Anthony Quinn Cove

This bay is named after a real person - the famous actor of the last century, writer and artist Anthony Quinn. The film “The Guns of the Island of Navarone” with his participation was filmed in the bay, but the Greeks themselves fell in love with Anthony Quinn for the film masterpiece “Zorba the Greek,” in which the actor performed a Greek dance, and the melody from which became a hit. By the way, the film “Zorba the Greek” won an Oscar.

At the end of filming, the actor rented a house in a picturesque bay, and then bought it to stay and live here on long time. The government was very pleased with the presence of the star, or rather, the effect that his presence had - the bay began to attract tourists/fans of the actor like a magnet, so it was decided to give the bay the name of the actor.

I’m sure that even if Anthony Quinn didn’t live in this bay, and it would have been called something else, tourists would still choose this place! Firstly, the bay itself, framed by bizarre rocks, like natural place- very picturesque, the water changes its color from turquoise to sapphire throughout the day, secondly, it’s easy to get here - public transport runs to the nearest resort towns, from which you can already walk to the bay.

Now Anthony Quinn Bay is one of the most beautiful and pleasant beaches on the island for relaxation - the clearest water, the bay is protected from waves and wind, there are sun loungers, umbrellas, showers and a cafe.

Ostrich farm

There is a place in Rhodes that is definitely worth a visit, especially if you are vacationing on the island with children - this is an ostrich farm

and a mini zoo next to it.

At the entrance you can buy bags of corn grains and feed the ostriches - this is the main entertainment. At the same time, only 2-3 of the calmest males are allocated for feeding, who eat from their hands carefully, while females are not allowed near tourists at all, because they often behave inappropriately)

On the farm, ostriches are housed in families - one male and 2-3 females live in a pen. Males are quite aggressive and if you place two adult males with a female, they will fight for their status to the last, until one of them dies. But in general, ostriches, it turns out, live quite a long time, about 60-70 years.

Ostriches are raised for meat and to hatch eggs. They lay eggs at the age of 2 to 35 years, and incubate each for about 40 days, and use young individuals for meat, up to 1 year.

One ostrich egg weighs about 2 kg, enough for about 10 omelettes. There is also a restaurant at the farm where you can try omelettes, steaks and ostrich meat cutlets. There is also a souvenir shop where you can buy all sorts of crafts made from shells, and also, on the farm you can see the world’s largest rosary, also made from eggs, of course, they are under glass)


Most of the vineyards of Rhodes are located around Mount Attaviros, at altitudes reaching 800 m. In the highlands, the white variety Athyri is grown, and the red variety Mandidarya (Amoriano) is cultivated in the flat areas.

Both vineyards can be visited to taste/buy various wines as a gift, or simply to have lunch overlooking the endless grape fields.

In summer, the grapes are still unripe, so we weren’t able to eat fresh fruits from the bush :)

If you see some kind of local production, be it a soap factory, a honey farm or a ceramic workshop, don’t be shy, you can stop by, look and ask the craftsmen everywhere.

The Greeks are friendly enough, they will bite you))

As a rule, all workshops and farms have their own shop where you can buy products from their craft.


There is another attraction of Rhodes on the island, which we, alas, did not get to, is called “the kiss of two seas.” Yes, that’s right, because when you come here, you can swim in two seas at once - the Aegean and Mediterranean.

This place is located on the very southern cape Rhodes, and the seas are separated by a huge sand spit. The place was chosen by kiters and surfers. I really love places like this!

So, for us, this is at least one significant reason to return to the island of Rhodes someday.

In conclusion

Excellent beaches, developed infrastructure, extensive excursion program, most picturesque places islands - all this makes Rhodes one of the most popular tourist destinations Greece.

You can travel around Rhodes either by public transport or by rented car or motorbike, the choice is yours.

The latest options will undoubtedly make your vacation more varied and mobile. We saw all the places described in the article while traveling by car; the roads and traffic on the island are normal. Along the way we discovered and visited several interesting places, where we didn’t initially plan to visit :)

Rent a car in Rhodes

We looked for a rental car in several places: firstly, we asked on the spot (since we didn’t need a car on the first day of arrival, we didn’t book in advance, although we usually do just that), but either there was nothing available, or the prices were higher, or insurance conditions were worse.

We have also made a selection of good hotels in different price categories close to excellent beaches.

A selection of hotels in Rhodes

Budget good Luxurious
  • Saint Amon Hotel
  • Paul's Garden Studios
  • Castello del Cavaliere
  • Vergina Sun
  • Rea Hotel
  • Villa Olive Grove
  • Bay View
  • Helios Aparts
  • Johannes Apartments
  • Mediterraneo
  • Anelia Boutique Apartments
  • Kastri Boutique Beach
  • Rodos Palladium
  • Esperos Mare
  • Kouros Exclusive
  • Atrium Palace
  • Blue Dream
  • Porto Angeli
  • Sentido Port Royal
  • Kolymbia Sun

View all hotel options in Rhodes

You can rent accommodation in Rhodes from locals using the Airbnb website .

A lot of useful information about Greece - where to go, what to do, what to see, etc. can be found on the website Greek National Tourism Organization.

Cheap flights to Rhodes

Have you been to Greece or specifically Rhodes? Did you like the island? If you managed to visit Rhodes where we haven’t been, write in the comments, thanks to you, the list of Rhodes attractions will be even more complete!

The Island of Roses - Rhodes, like the whole of Greece, has gone through a lot over its centuries-old history.
Geographical location Rhodes made it a tasty morsel for all Mediterranean countries. The island was located at the crossroads of maritime trade routes between Asia and Egypt.
Rhodes was conquered, it became free, then conquerors came again.

The main attractions of the island are located in its capital - the city of Rhodes.
This city is not only a concentration of unique architectural monuments, but also a wonderful resort, with beautiful hotels, beaches, numerous shops, salons, restaurants, taverns and nightclubs.

Holidays here are suitable for those who do not like monotony, silence and a relaxed holiday atmosphere. Life in the city is in full swing - a trip to the capital can be a real holiday, colorful and educational.


The climate of Rhodes is ideal for relaxation. The most comfortable months for travel are April – May and October – November. During these months, the daytime temperature is 20-24 degrees, and the water is still cold for mass swimming - 18-20 degrees.

The hottest months are from June to September. The air warms up to 28-30 degrees, and the water 22 degrees in June, 24-25 degrees in July - September.

But Rhodes did not get its name - “Island of the Sun” - by chance - there are 300 sunny days per year.

Rain falls mainly in the winter months: December, January and February.


Almost one and a half thousand years BC, this beautiful fertile land, near the coast of Asia Minor, was owned by the Achaeans. Around 1100 BC they were supplanted by the Dorians, who created the Union of Six Cities.

From 164 BC Rhodes became an ally of the Roman Empire for a long time.
In 1309, after a long and stubborn resistance of the Rhodians, the knights of the Jerusalem Order of St. John, the so-called Ionites, took possession of the island for more than 200 years. These were people from all the Catholic countries of Europe who wanted to free Jerusalem from the infidels.

They helped pilgrims and dreamed of Christianizing the entire East. Interestingly, while dreaming about this, they oppressed the Orthodox Church in Rhodes.
Rhodes owes its medieval architectural appearance to the ionites.

In 1522, after a months-long siege, the well-defended city was captured by the Turks.

The Ionite knights fled to Malta and have since been called the Knights of Malta. The Order of Malta still exists today.

The Turks settled in Rhodes for almost four centuries. The important trading position of the island and the high standard of living of the inhabitants led to the fact that Turkish oppression on Rhodes was not very strong.

Skilled artisans and successful traders, the Rhodians had many privileges compared to other Greek colonies captured by the Turks.

In 1912, the Turks were replaced by Italians, who had a noticeable influence on the architecture of the island. They built such notable buildings as the Palace of Government, the National Theater and the Courthouse.
The Italians conducted many archaeological excavations and restored numerous ancient monuments.

On the island, Mussolini built a dacha, which he had never visited. Today it is completely abandoned and is not shown to tourists.

Only in 1948, after the German occupation, Rhodes again became part of.

How to get there

It operates on the island of Rhodes.
Charter flights V holiday season they fly from many cities in Russia, in particular from Moscow. The flight takes 3 hours 10 minutes.

Airplanes fly from Athens, Thessaloniki and many Greek islands all year round. takes only 50 minutes. In addition, there is a ferry from Athens to Rhodes.

An economy class ticket from Transaero to Rhodes there and back will cost 22,700 rubles. You can find tickets cheaper if you buy them in advance or from low-cost airlines.
The cost of a flight from Athens to Rhodes when purchasing a ticket in advance on the company's website is 24 euros. The closer the departure date, the more expensive the ticket.

The cost of a ticket purchased a few days before departure will range from 65 to 100 euros. The ticket price does not include the cost of baggage transportation. The cost of transporting luggage up to 23 kilograms is also paid online and costs 15 euros.

If you pay for luggage at check-in, it will cost more. The planes of Greek airlines that fly from Athens to Rhodes are quite old and the service is primitive. During the flight, you can only count on a very limited selection of drinks. But the flight is so short that all the inconveniences can be survived.

Rhodes is separated from Athens by about 500 kilometers. The ferry covers this distance from 10 to 16 hours. During the voyage he visits many islands, and this trip can be considered an excursion. Of course, if traveling by sea is enjoyable, and seasickness does not torment you. The sea is an unpredictable element.

The cost of a ferry ticket depends on the type of cabin chosen, and ranges from 20 to 170 euros. Discounts are provided to children from 4 to 10 years old (50 percent); in economy class cabins, children under 4 years old travel free of charge. Rhodes Airport is located 16 kilometers from the capital of the island.

There are several ways to get to the city of Rhodes:

  • use taxi services. The trip to the city center will take about 20 minutes and will cost, depending on the class of car, about 2,000 rubles;
  • The most economical transport is a bus, which runs every 15-30 minutes during the day. Travel time by bus is approximately 300 minutes. Ticket price 2.20 euros;
  • If your vacation plans include traveling around the island, it is advisable to book a car rental in advance, it is more reliable and cheaper.

There is a special website that presents the coordinates of all companies providing car rental services. Website address: http://www.rhodes-airport.org. The cost of renting a car per day depends on the make of the month, and starts from 16.50 euros per day in May.

To arrange a rental, a driver's license with an English transcription is required. The driver must be at least 21 years old and not more than 70 years old. The cost of a liter of A95 gasoline costs 1.7 euros.

Some hotels provide airport transfer services. The availability of such a service can be found when booking a hotel room.

Where to stay

The city of Rhodes, as well as throughout the island, is full of hotels of different star categories. Many of them are located in the Old Town or very close to it. After spending half a day on the beach, the second half of the day can be spent leisurely walking around the Old Town, visiting shops and markets.

Rodos Park Suites & Spa 5*

This luxurious five-star hotel is set in beautiful gardens.

The rooms offer magnificent views of the Knight's Castle in the Old Town or the garden.

The hotel provides tourists with a full range of services typical of a high-star hotel:

  • outdoor swimming pool;
  • spa;
  • bio – sauna;
  • gym;
  • fitness center;
  • massage;
  • Turkish bath;
  • hydromassage baths;
  • restaurant with Mediterranean cuisine;
  • parking;
  • car rental.

The Galaxy Roof hotel bar offers excellent cocktails and is popular among tourists and city residents.

Accommodation prices start from 12,886 rubles per night for a double room.
But the hotel’s impeccable service, Russian-speaking staff, beautiful interiors, spacious, comfortable rooms, live music in the evening, and a magnificent sandy beach not far from the hotel are worth the money.
The hotel has only 59 rooms.

Address: Rhodes city, 12, Riga Fereou Street.

Mediterranean 4*

The undoubted advantage of this four-star hotel is its location on one of the most famous sandy beaches of Rhodes.

Nearby is the Old Town and the Aquarium.
The hotel is large, has 241 rooms, but each of the rooms has an original interior and modern furniture. Despite the proximity to the sea, the hotel has an outdoor swimming pool with umbrellas and sun loungers.

Guests can enjoy:

  • tennis courts;
  • beach volleyball;
  • water sports on the beach.

Tourists note the excellent cuisine of the restaurant, which has a Russian menu, a buffet with a variety of snacks, and cocktails at the pool bar.

Prices for one night stay in double room start from 8845 rubles.

From the roof there is a beautiful view of the sea, the port and the medieval city.

Address:: 35, Kos (Cos) Str, Rhodes 85100, Greece.

Rhodos Beach 3*

Rhodos Beach Hotel is an excellent three-star option budget holiday.

The Aegean Sea can be seen from the windows of half of the rooms, the windows of the other half of the rooms overlook the garden.

The hotel is located on the first line, on Canari Beach. The city center and the Old Town are a 10-minute walk away. The distance to the port of Rhodes is 1 kilometer.

The hotel beach is sandy and pebble, with a gentle entrance to the sea.

The hotel has 2 outdoor swimming pools, one of which is for children. For sports lovers there are tennis courts, volleyball and basketball courts.

The minimum price for a double room per night is 6,022 rubles. In terms of price/quality ratio, this hotel is one of the best. It is no coincidence that the majority of tourists vacationing here are foreigners.

Address: 19, Akti Kanari Street 85100 RODOS, DODEKANISSOS, GREECE.

Moschos 2*

Hotel Moschos has only 31 rooms, and is located in a small three-story building. The 2-star hotel is located in the city center, and is aimed at real travelers who spend only the night in the room and travel the rest of the time.

This hotel is an ideal place for tourists on a budget who want to see the amazing monuments of the city of Rhodes, visit the fashionable shops, and stroll around the port (only 500 meters).

A night in a double room costs from 2828 rubles.

Free parking and Wi-Fi are available in public areas of the hotel. Elli Beach is only 200 meters away.

An additional bonus is the provision of free accommodation for 1 night, provided that you stay at the hotel for 10 days.

Breakfast is included in the room rate.

The hotel is ideal not only for a budget holiday, but also for short stays of 2-3 days. The disadvantages include small rooms and not very nice view from the windows.

Address: 5 Ethelonton Dodekanission Street, Rhodes, Greece.

Africa 2*

The two-star hotel is located on the first line, 100 meters from the pebble beach of the coast Aegean Sea. Water activities are available for tourists on the beach.

The Old Town is a 5-minute walk away.

The hotel is surrounded by a variety of shops, restaurants, bars and taverns. Literally a few steps away: port, aquarium, casino.

The staff is friendly and welcoming. The service provided corresponds to the price.

A night costs from 1,351 rubles, but the hotel does not provide meals. This does not create any inconvenience: there are many taverns and cafes very close by.

Address: Alexiou Diakou 63, Rhodes 85100, Greece.

Sights of the capital

The city of Rhodes is one of the most beautiful cities not only the islands, but also Greece. Inspection historical monuments different eras may take more than one day.

The Palace of the Grand Masters or the Castello Palace was both a temple of Helios and a Byzantine fortress.

During the time of the Knights, the Palace was the center from which the Masters of the Order ruled the Eastern Mediterranean.
The Turks used the Palace as a fortress. The 158 rooms are decorated with precious carpets, antique furniture, magnificent vases and marble mosaics.

The Street of Knights in the Old Town leads to the Palace.

The palace is open: Monday 12.30-07.00, Tuesday – Sunday from 08.30-19.30.
Ticket prices: adult 6 euros, children 4 euros, common for all museums of the Old Town 10 euros.
Telephone: + 30 22410 23359.

Next to the Palace there is a bastion, tickets for which can be purchased at the Palace ticket office.

It is interesting to climb the clock tower in the Old Town.

The view of the Old Town from above is magnificent. A ticket to the tower costs 5 euros. The ticket comes with a coupon that entitles you to a free drink at the tower bar.

The Archaeological Museum is located next to the Palace, on Museum Square.

During the time of the Knights of St. John, it was a hospital to which sick people came from all over Europe. It is surprising that already in the 15th century, every patient, regardless of financial status, had a separate bed and medical care in the hospital.

A two-story building with two-level arcades, inside of which there is a cozy courtyard, has survived to this day. The Archaeological Museum located here is a unique collection of art objects ranging from the Mycenaean era to the later eras of Greek civilization.

The most famous exhibit is the statue of Aphrodite. Mosaic floors, terracotta figurines, funeral slabs from the time of the knights and much more can be seen in this magnificent museum.

The museum is open daily: from 8.00 to 19.40, on Monday from 13.30 to 19.40.
A ticket to the museum costs 3 euros.
Telephone: +30 22410 75674.

The Rhodian Acropolis is one of the most interesting places in the city.

In ancient times, the acropolis united sanctuaries, temples, and underground vaults in the most fortified part of the city. The most famous building of the acropolis is the Temple of Apollo Pythian, which was built in the 2nd century BC.

The territory of the huge Pythian Stadium, which used to host competitions in honor of Apollo of Pythia, is today used as a theater. There is an indoor ancient theater called the Odeon on the acropolis, where famous speakers performed.

Acropolis works: from November 1 to March 1 from 8.30 to 15.00. Admission is free.
Telephone: +30 22410 25500.

For many centuries, the Rhodes Fortress defended the city from numerous enemies. The fortress was built in the 15th century by the Knights of the Order.
After two long blockades in the 15th century, which did not lead to the capture of the fortress, it began to be considered impregnable. Today the fortress is unique monument medieval architecture, included in the list of UNESCO monuments.
You can visit the monument daily, free of charge.

North of the Old Town is the port of Mandraki, founded in 408 BC.

The entrance to the port is guarded by statues of deer and fallow deer. There is an assumption that the Colossus of Rhodes, one of the seven wonders of the world, depicting the pagan deity Helios, was previously located in the port.

The height of the Colossus was more than 30 meters. In the ancient port, as before, ferries, ships, yachts and boats arriving on the island moor.

On the embankment there are such architectural monuments as the Provincial Palace, the Evangelical Church, and the Church of the Virgin Mary.

The port offers tourists a wide variety of seaside excursions.
The most interesting of them is a trip on a boat with a transparent bottom, which costs 5 euros. In addition to the bottom of the sea, you can see the embankment of the Old Town from the sea.

Where and what to eat

The taverns of the city of Rhodes are famous for their delicious Greek cuisine, large portions and excellent local wine. Of course, prices are higher on the tourist “trails” than a little further away from them.

Approximate cost of meals:

  • on average, breakfast for two costs 15 – 20 euros;
  • dinner 40 euros with drinks;
  • lunch in a tavern costs 30-35 euros for two (lunch consists of: salad - 6 - 8 euros or soup 6 - 10 euros, main course - 8 - 15 euros, juice - 4 - 5 euros, glass of wine - 4 - 5 euros ).

If the main dish is seafood, then its cost is 40 euros.
In the Old Town, in a small restaurant or cafe you can find food at other prices.

For example, for a huge portion of cold cuts of sausages, kebabs, wings, potatoes and vegetables you can pay 10 euros. And for 60 euros for two you get a portion of lamb, a glass of beer and local wine.
Taverns and restaurants often offer a compliment from the chef as a sign of gratitude for visiting.

Prices in supermarkets and shops:

  • A 1.5 liter bottle of water costs 0.7 – 0.9 euros;
  • 1 liter of juice - 1.2 euros;
  • homemade wine costs from 5 euros per 0.5 liter;
  • beer in cans 0.45 euros;
  • kefir 300 ml - 2.5 euros;
  • chips 2 euros;
  • pineapple sliced ​​500 grams – 3 euros.


Nightlife in the island's capital is varied. There are many pubs, restaurants, night clubs. In the summer, in the theater under open air, concerts of Greek music and dance are very popular.

Dance lovers can choose from several nightclubs with dance floors.

At the Angel pure Club, which is located in the Old Town, you can hear disco, Latin and Greek hits.

Fans of rock music and metal should visit the Valhalla Rock Bar Rodes club in the Old Town.

Huge dance floor of the Paradiso nightclub Beach Club designed for 4 thousand people. The club plays dance music, electro, techno and house.
There is a whole entertainment complex with an excellent bar and relaxation area around.
Nearby, in a separate building, there is a casino with slot machines and roulette. The magnificent restaurant at the casino offers delicious Greek and European cuisine and a varied wine list.
Club and casino address: Nikiforou Litra str., complex Rodia Mare, Kallithea Beach, Rhodes Island.

In the center of Rhodes town there is the most exotic club - Butik Club. The design of the club includes details of a pirate ship, palm trees, waterfalls, parrots and, of course, music.
The menu includes original cocktails and dishes with seafood delicacies. The club is open daily.

  • HAVANA, located at Miltiadou Str. 9, Rhodes; Tel: +30 6944314724;
  • TAJ MAHAL, located at Iliadon 2, Ialysos, Rhodes; Tel: +30 22410 29220;
  • Colorado Club; Orfanidou Str. 57 and Akti Miaouli, Rhodes, Tel: +30 22410 75120; Website: www.colorado.gr.


There are so many shops in the old and new parts of the city that it is impossible to pass by while walking around Rhodes.

offers jewelry made of silver and gold: earrings, pendants, chains, bracelets for tourists with any income level. The store has a wonderful selection of opal products, as well as Byzantine icons.
The entrance to the store is located next to the arch at the entrance to the medieval part of Rhodes from the sea. Jewelry purchased in this store is a wonderful memory of the sunny island!

Jewelry store Alexandra Gold– one of the most expensive and luxurious jewelry stores in Rhodes. Exquisite jewelry made of gold and platinum with precious and semi-precious stones made by jewelers of Rhodes and jewelers of European countries.

Afrodite Store attracts customers with its original design, as well as an excellent collection of women's clothing designed for any age. The store has a good selection of genuine leather products: bags, vests, wallets. The store stocks Von Dutch, Bosco and INDIES brands.

Shop Diakosavas offers collections of expensive clothing from such popular brands as Timberland, Nautica, Polo by Ralph Lauren, La Martina, Trussardi Jeans, The Bostonians. The store offers a large selection of original shoes and accessories. Despite the fact that the store opened only in 2010, it is very popular among both city residents and tourists.

Royal Carpet Store sells handmade carpets from different materials. An original feature of carpets is the use of silver and cotton in the production of carpets.
The store also offers vases, icons, lamps and other interior items.

Avanti Furs Store offers a huge selection of top quality fur products.

Sportswear and paraphernalia can be purchased at Columbia Sportswear.

For souvenirs and gifts, you should head to the Jannis shopping center.

Clothing made from natural fabrics, dresses, tops, trousers, sundresses, T-shirts with a Rhodes theme in bright colors can be bought in many Rhodes stores. These relatively inexpensive purchases will remind you of a pleasant and unforgettable vacation.

In numerous markets in the capital you can try and buy spices and honey. Unlike shops, you can bargain well here.

Everyone will enjoy shopping in the city of Rhodes. But prices here are the highest on the island. In order to save money, you can go shopping at shopping centers in the vicinity of the city, where trips are often offered free of charge directly at the hotels.

Emergency services

When going on vacation abroad, no one thinks about any emergency situations. But practice shows that they sometimes happen. Then it will be very useful to know the emergency phone numbers.

Emergency numbers in Rhodes:

  • Police: 100;
  • Fire service: 199;
  • Ambulance: 166;
  • Information service for on-duty pharmacies: 107;
  • Information service for emergency hospitals: 106;
  • Tourist police: 171.

The most common emergencies that arise are health related. Every tourist traveling to Greece must have 30,000 euros.
Insurance policies are issued by many insurance companies, some of which have offices at the Greek Embassy and Consulates.

A visa will not be issued without a medical insurance policy. Along with the insurance policy, a reminder is issued with telephone numbers to contact if the need for medical assistance arises.

The dispatchers on these phones speak Russian. A common mistake tourists make is turning to hotel doctors who provide their services for a fee. Only doctors called through dispatchers specified in the instructions to the insurance policy will provide medical services free of charge within the limits of the insured amount.

A trip to a place washed by two seas opens up the possibility of a relaxing holiday on the beautiful beaches of the island. At the same time, you can find out some of the sights of Rhodes that are definitely worth seeing.

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One of them is located on the road leading from the village of Filiraki to the capital (next to the building of the main shopping center). It contains pieces of the saint's relics. The green area in front of the church is decorated with a platform lined with a mosaic of colored pebbles. There are benches for resting numerous pilgrims. Entrance to the church is free.

Church of Saint Panteleimon in Xi'an

In a small village, popular with tourists rushing to buy honey, butter, and items from local craftsmen, there are two churches of St. Panteleimon. One of them is ancient (built in the 15th century). It is made of large stone blocks, without a bell tower with a cross on the roof. The new temple, erected in honor of St. Panteleimon (a healer revered in Greece), is small, but very elegant. Elements of woven white circles, similar to lace, give it a solemn, festive look.

The church has two towers with painted clocks. On the bathhouse there is a huge image of Jesus Christ. The interior of the church glitters with gilding, frescoes, icons, paintings telling about the life of the holy martyr Panteleimon. Parts of his relics are also kept here. The easiest way to get to Xi'an with a tourist excursion is by bus or taxi. Entrance to the church is free.

Archaeological Museum of Rhodes

On old street Knights (directly on the Knights' Alley) in a medieval building belonging to the Knights' Hospital, there are numerous exhibits interesting museum. In the halls where aristocrats used to be treated, archaeological finds from different places on the island. Among them, the main place belongs to statues, ceramics, amphoras, and jewelry. Here you can see the statue of Helios (patron of Rhodes), created in the 2nd century BC. e. A statue of Aphrodite of Rhodes kneeling and wringing out wet hair (it was made in the 1st century BC) made of marble.

There is a hall dedicated to the life of knights. Many statues are located in the church courtyard. Here is the famous statue of a lion with its paws on the head of a bull. It is made of special black granite. Open from 8am to 7.45pm.

Monolithos Castle

Like many cities on the island, the small settlement of Monolithos (meaning stone), nestles on the slopes in the shape of an amphitheater. Narrow cobbled streets, snow-white houses twined with bright geraniums and an ancient castle-fortress, built in 1480 by the Knights of Malta on the top of a 100 m cliff (on the preserved foundation of an ancient Byzantine structure).

The impregnable castle was not captured by enemies. Nowadays, the ruins of individual buildings included in the castle complex, as well as ancient cisterns used to collect rainwater, have been preserved. A stone staircase hidden in the rock leads to the castle. Climbing up to the ruins of the castle, you can admire the city landscape and the view of the Aegean Sea.

Kritinia Castle

Sometimes the building is called Castello Castle. The medieval structure was erected by knights in 1472 high on a rock, among a pine forest, as a fortification. WITH high place a view of the sea opened up. It was convenient to keep an eye on approaching ships (for example, pirate ships). The appearance of invaders never occurred unexpectedly for the population.

All that remains of the castle are the ruins of thick walls and a small chapel that stood inside the castle. And only the family coats of arms of the Great People who ruled the life of the island were preserved above the entrance to the castle on the ruins of massive walls. The castle is located between the villages of Kamiros Skala and Kritinia, 50 km from Rhodes. The road here is narrow and tourist buses cannot pass through. You can get there by car or scooter.

Rodini Park

3 km along the road leading to Lindos, there is a landscape creation of the world, made in antiquity. During the time of the knights, there was a Palace on the territory that belonged to the Grand Masters. The park occupies the territory of a small valley, decorated with oleanders, plane trees, beautiful flowers, murmuring river streams, and mirror-like surfaces of ponds. Openwork bridges pass over a garden of blooming water lilies. Peacocks roam freely among the magnificent plants. The park has a waterfall, a small zoo with important deer, which have become a symbol of Rhodes.

The park has preserved and operates an ancient water supply system. Above the Park you can see the ruins of an ancient necropolis with tombs carved into the rock (the tomb of Ptolemy). Ancient Park awarded the status of a tourist attraction. It is open all year, admission is free.

You can get here by bus number 3.

Kallithea Springs Baths

The area of ​​Kallithea is the oldest place on the island, belonging to the city-state of Ialyssos. Numerous churches with amazing frescoes and residential buildings remind of the Byzantine period of life. The main attraction of the town was the famous baths, a hydropathic clinic with healing springs, built during the reign of Mussolini. The baths destroyed by the war have been completely restored. Now it is beautiful here, cozy among snow-white columns, mosaics, beautiful arches, a sea of ​​flowers in cool healing waters.

The Kallithea Baths have been completely restored. Sandy beach complements the list of pleasures offered in the ancient baths. The Kalithea Springs Museum contains documents detailing the stages of restoration of the baths. A nature reserve with a museum and thermal baths is located between Kallithea and Faliraki.

Seven springs

This unusual place, created by nature over the centuries, is considered a popular tourist attraction on the island. A powerful underground spring comes to the surface in seven places, forming beautiful streams of pure water falling from the rocks. The stream enters the Lutanis River, then rushes through a man-made concrete tunnel into an artificial lake. This is the only body of water (Kolimbaea area) filled with fresh water.

Local legends say that if you go through the dark, 200-meter tunnel leading to the lake, you can cleanse yourself of the seven deadly sins. People who walk through the very cold water of the tunnel barefoot receive a lifelong indulgence. There are not many people who want to lie down on the shore of the azure lake, breathe in the wonderful aroma of coniferous trees and rare flowers. You need to get here by car, using detailed Epta Piges signs.

Cape Prasonisi

In this place the waters of two seas, the Aegean and the Mediterranean, meet. They seem to be fighting each other, connecting the cape with the island in the summer and separating it by a flooded isthmus in the winter. On the high hill of the cape there is a stone lighthouse and a one-story keeper's house. The closest settlement to the cape is the village of Katavia. Here you can find comfortable conditions for accommodation if you want to take part in wonderful windsurfing, diving, swimming in two seas at the same time.

On the cape there are rental services for water equipment, boats, and schools for teaching beginners water sports. There is a bus to the cape twice a day. Driving duration is 3 hours. If you rent a car, then you need to choose an SUV.

Valley of the Butterflies

Otherwise it is called Petaloudes Valley (after the name of the municipality). This is a narrow park located along the gorge and going up to the top of the hill. Thousands of different butterflies live here. Nature has created an unusual microclimate in the valley, formed by small rivers, subtropical plants, and trees such as styrax, which secrete odorous resins (they have been used in perfumery for many hundreds of years to make incense). Their delicate aroma attracts butterflies from the bear family. Variegated butterflies are visible only during flight. At the beginning of the dry season, all the butterflies of the island gather in the valley.

Among them is the Mountain Bear butterfly, listed in the Red Book. In order not to disturb the life of rare creatures, special wooden paths have been made for tourists in sensitive places. Against the backdrop of an extraordinary natural panorama, you can see an ancient monastery of the 17th century, erected in honor of the Virgin Mary Cleopatra, and an ancient (from ancient times) bench of Tiberius (the exiled emperor).

Agnos Pavlos Bay

It seems that this place was created for lovers of a relaxing holiday, yoga, and diving. A wild coast, strewn with stones, sand, covered with rocks, crystal clear water in the bay. In an extraordinary silence, a completely windless place with strong energy, yoga fans from all over the world gather. There is a modern yoga center here. This is also a kingdom for diving. Amateurs admire the extraordinary underwater beauty of the bay. The bay is located near the Acropolis of Lindos.

It's easy to walk to the beach. Local legend says that the ship of the Apostle Paul stopped in this bay in 58 AD. On the edge of the beach area of ​​the bay, a small snow-white church was erected in honor of the holy Orthodox preacher Paul. Residents of nearby settlements and Lindos get married in it.

Anthony Quinn Cove

The name of the bay is associated with the name of the writer, artist, and actor Anthony Quinn, who lived on the island. A film with his participation was filmed on the beach of the bay. The bay is located 4 km from the town of Faliraki. The beach has a modern infrastructure, including comfortable showers, sun loungers, umbrellas, sports equipment rental, cafes, bars. The bottom near the shore is shallow and rocky, the water warms up well, and the depth begins abruptly. The bay is surrounded by the bizarre outlines of green rocks, which form the greenish tint of the water with their reflection. From Lindos, Faliraki you can get to the bay beach by bus.

Water park in Faliraki

Faliraki is considered the main entertainment center of the island. In the central part of the town there are many entertainment establishments such as nightclubs, casinos, restaurants, taverns, and discos. Vacationing young people will definitely come here during their vacation. Since 2001, a water park, Luna Park, began operating. The water park area is divided into three zones.

The first one contains extreme water slides of different types. The second area is reserved for a large pool with artificial waves. In the third, kids of any age can play. They are provided with safe slides and a variety of attractions. Vacationers are provided with a jacuzzi, massage rooms, and a shopping center for shopping. A taxi ride from the main airport to Faliraki costs 30 €.
