Statistics of train crashes in the world. The safest mode of transport - rating

Numerous studies and statistics prove that those who are afraid of flying and claim that the plane is the most dangerous form of transport are mistaken. Engineers and designers of passenger airliners are constantly working to improve systems and aerodynamic properties.

This allows you to minimize the risk of getting caught. Compared to trains or cars, then best view transport in terms of the number of accidents. The debate about whether train or plane is safer is still ongoing, but the latter wins it.

Research on the safety of different modes of transport is regularly carried out to identify the overall picture and global trends.

In the area civil aviation implements them ICAO ( International organization civil aviation). She established that There is only 1 accident per 1 million flights. Neither railway nor road transport has such data.

Why do many passengers' knees tremble when they board an airplane? Any plane crash is actively covered by the media. Therefore, the reputation of aircraft is not the best.

Numerous studies prove the leadership of the airplane as the safest mode of transport.

The probability that you will be in a plane crash is approximately 1 in 8,000,000. Even if you each fly the same flight, you will need about 21,000 years old to get into a disaster.

If we talk about statistics about whether a train or a plane is safer, then the death rate due to a train accident is 0.9 passengers per 100 million km. Machines have an even higher mortality threshold - 1.6 people die per 160 million km. Every year 1.2 million people dying on roads all over the world.

Plane crash survivor data

Many sources claim that it is almost impossible to survive a plane crash. This is also not entirely true. It’s just that the media covers exactly those disasters where people died large number people, not those where many passengers survived.

In the USA they analyzed 538 disasters. They died in them only 5% people of the total number of passengers flying.

According to the same source Of the 53,487 passengers involved in the accident, 51,207 survived.

After detailed research 26 cases, when the plane was destroyed upon impact with the ground or a fire occurred on board, it was concluded: 50% of all passengers survived.

Even in the event of a plane crash, passengers have every chance of surviving.

If pilots risk performing the so-called splashdown (landing an aircraft on water), then the chances of passengers surviving increase by as much as 50%. When the TU-124 landed on the Neva in the USSR, none of those on board died. The same thing happened during the Hudson landing in 2009.

Studying the causes of accidents, experts came to the conclusion that a fatal disaster for all passengers occurs due to several factors coming together. This can be due to both technical reasons and the fault of people.

A few more facts in favor of aircraft safety

In case all the above facts have not yet given you an answer to the question: “Why is an airplane considered the safest mode of transport?”, then here are a couple more arguments that prove this point of view.

For every 100 million miles the average passenger flies, there are 0.0003 casualties. When compared with the same buses, this figure is almost 17 times higher!

For those who think private flights are better, there is data to prove otherwise. Chances of getting into an accident on a private jet 1 in 7229.

Of those committed in 2012 In 26,600,000 flights, only 6 accidents occurred.

An airplane is the safest form of transport, and statistics prove it. Therefore, you can safely board passenger airliner and enjoy a relaxing flight.

An upcoming trip to another city or a trip to the sea makes people think about what type of transport to prefer. And here some will choose the train, believing that it is safer, while others will fly by plane, spending less time traveling. What type of transport is actually considered the safest?

Public opinion

Opinion polls conducted over the past few years tend to show the same results. Of all modes of transport, passengers consider the train to be the safest.

Airplanes are among the most dangerous. Opinions regarding car travel are divided approximately equally. Regarding maritime transport the public is inclined to classify him rather as in a safe way movement. But this is only the opinion of passengers who are unlikely to study statistical data on accidents, disasters and deaths associated with them.

What do the statistics say?

If people put airplanes in first place as the most dangerous way to travel, then statistics say quite the opposite. Statistical data is compiled in such a way that mortality (number of dead people) for 160,000,000 km of distance traveled. So during flights this parameter is only 0.6-0.7 people. Railway transport is given second place in terms of safety - the mortality rate per 160,000,000 km of track is 0.9 people. The number of deaths in road accidents is 1.6 people. Therefore, we can conclude that the airplane is the safest mode of transport, and road transport is recognized as the most dangerous.

If you still doubt that flying is less dangerous than driving a car, then here are some more facts. In 2014, there were several plane crashes in the world that claimed 884 human lives. And in our country alone, in the first six months of 2014, more than 10,000 people died in car accidents. So which transport will be safer? The answer is still obvious. Therefore, before your trip, you should weigh the pros and cons, giving preference to one or another type of transport. And to get rid of the fear of flying (if anyone has any), here are some aviation facts.

1) An aircraft lands every three seconds around the world.

2) Killed by donkeys more people than in plane crashes.

3) If the chance of a daily disaster is at least 0.01 percent, then at least 13 planes should crash per day.

4) A plane crash cannot be an accident - it is always a combination of certain factors.

5) Before each flight, the aircraft undergoes a strict inspection and complex technical condition check.

6) Over 80 percent of people on our planet are afraid to fly on airplanes, and 5 percent categorically refuse to do so, preferring trains or ships.

7) A plane cannot fall from a height of 10,000 km, as many fear. There is a lot of pressure under the wings of an airplane, so it floats in the air in the same way as a car on asphalt.

8) Russian pilots do not drink at the controls - this is an invention of those people who are very afraid of flying.

Reading these facts may help reduce aerophobia. However, they are unlikely to be able to help those five percent of people who do not want to board the plane at all under any pretext.

Business Insider set out to prove this thesis. Its journalists, using scientific data and statistics, claim that the chances of dying while in a car or while walking on the street are many times higher.

Last year, MIT professors found that the global average risk of death for a commercial airline passenger is one in 45 million flights. Statistics say that on average, a traveler can spend 123 thousand years on an airplane without crashing.

The publication provides a list of 10 facts that should convincingly prove that an airplane is the safest mode of transport available today.

1. Bicycle. For cyclists, the odds of being involved in an accident and dying are one in 4,982 trips. These figures are given by National Council US Security Council.

2. Motorcycle. In the United States, there is one accident involving motorcyclists for every 1,907 trips they make.

3. The odds of being seriously injured while walking on the streets are one in 1,749.

4. If you are a passenger in a car right now (in the US), your chances of getting into an accident are approximately one in 415.

5. Government experts in the US say that private jet flyers are much more likely to get into trouble than those who fly commercial airlines. In the first case, the risk of getting into an accident is one in 7229.

6. Analysts from the PolitiFact organization studied the statistics of accidents involving buses and came to the conclusion that this is the most dangerous land mode of transport. There is nothing to compare with flight safety, experts say.

7. Statistics say that for every 100 million airline miles a typical passenger flies, there are only 0.003 fatalities. For comparison: in the case of commercial buses, this figure is 0.05, that is, approximately 17 times higher.

The author of this phrase is Dmitry Kuznetsov - captain and pilot Airbus aircraft A320 of Rossiya Airlines. He is ready to talk for hours and with great pleasure about the fact that the plane is a very safe form of transport. And he did it in an interesting and convincing way. Did you know, friends, that every system on an airplane is duplicated several times? This means that if one fails, the other will perform the functions of the non-working one. And that the plane is capable of taking off and landing even with one of the two engines under the wings completely out of order? And that the plane undergoes such a meticulous inspection before flight that even small chips and dents on the outer body of the aircraft are noted?

All this, and much more, was learned by a knowledge-hungry company of bloggers as part of the #pulkovotour, organized by the press service of Pulkovo Airport. That day we inspected the plane, saw the technical base, met the rescuers and saw new terminal airport from the inside. This post is about inspecting an aircraft using an exampleAirbus A320.

We were all taken through one of the airport checkpoints, dressed in vests with the inscription PRESS and taken to the plane.

Here he is, a handsome man, he doesn’t fit entirely into the lens :)

We walked around the plane on all sides. Dmitry is on the right, wearing a cap and a badge.

From him (and others) we learned that there are two types of aircraft maintenance: operational and technical. Operational maintenance is carried out every time before a flight and can last no more than 50 minutes according to the standard. The captain of the ship is obliged to accept the ship in good condition and he is directly involved in maintenance. Do you see the round stickers with numbers on the plane's body? This is how non-critical metal deformations are marked. One of the captain's tasks is to first walk around the entire plane from the outside and note all new dents in order to mark them with new stickers. During the inspection, it may appear that the captain is stroking the aircraft and talking to it. But it is true, this is a kind of tradition adopted from the older generation of captains.

One of the aircraft engines. Each blade is marked with a number in order. During operational maintenance, the blades are inspected for dents from stones and birds.

By the way, about birds. Contrary to popular belief about the danger of birds getting into aircraft engines, in this case nothing will happen to the engine and the flight will proceed as usual. But you definitely won’t envy the bird; the engine blades (sorry for the gory details) will grind the bird into minced meat. Moreover, Dmitry said that aircraft engines are tested at special testing grounds, firing at the working engine... with bird carcasses. Passenger safety really requires bird victims.

Engine on the side. This is a very complex, powerful and reliable device. And it’s beautiful, as you can see :) You can’t be near a running engine, it’ll suck you in! The minimum safe distance is 6.5 meters. The most serious test for an engine is takeoff mode, when the aircraft begins its takeoff run and lifts off the runway. In this mode, the engines operate at maximum (or close to maximum) power. According to the regulations, pilots are supposed to turn on this mode for no more than 5 minutes. Otherwise, the engine is subjected to increased loads and the likelihood of its failure increases sharply.

Several similar technological holes and hatches can be seen on the aircraft body. Each of them performs its own function. For example, this one, if I’m not mistaken, serves to intake air for the aircraft ventilation system.

“Antennas” at the ends of the wings serve to remove static electricity from the aircraft body. To the right is one of the strobes that allows you to spot the plane in the night sky. Airbuses, unlike Boeings, light up twice in a row with a pause. Boeing's strobes blink in uniform flashes, a little more than once per second.

Then we moved inside to the aircraft cabin. When will you be able to sit in a business class seat again? :) In the cabin we had the opportunity to ask questions to Ivan Nikitin, the PIC of the Boeing-767 aircraft (unfortunately, he was not included in the shot). I remember there was a question about complex airport for takeoff and landing. He mentioned Innsbruck airport; landing a plane there is complicated by the local terrain; you have to go around the mountains. Well, he talked a little about the global differences in aircraft produced by Boeing and Airbus.

For our sake, Dmitry launched the APU (auxiliary power unit) of the aircraft. It serves to supply electricity to aircraft instruments and other consumers, such as lighting and air ventilation. Those who flew on the plane as ordinary passengers heard the work of the APU when they boarded.

So the cockpit began to look more elegant. To the right of the seat is the handwheel for manual flight direction control (right?)

Handles and buttons above the head. There are an unimaginable number of them here. I asked the captain, what percentage of the total number of control elements in the cockpit is actually used in normal situations? This greatly puzzled Dmitry, who began to calculate something in his mind. Unfortunately, I did not have time to receive an answer; time was running out.



Dmitry turns off the instruments and the APU.

And this is a shot from the tail of the plane. There are refrigerators, water containers, heaters, in general, equipment that is used by stewards and flight attendants.

Business class seats

Empty salon

Returning to the issue of the safety of aircraft as a means of transport: according to the International Association air transport, in 2012, there were 29,600,000 flights of aircraft from Western manufacturers (Boeing, Airbus, Embraer, Bombardier) and only 6 plane crashes, none in Europe. These figures really show that the plane is the safest form of transport. And the most dangerous thing is the car. This makes being afraid of flying seem a little silly. It is much more likely to die from an accident on the roads than in the sky on an airplane.

An airBaltic plane is landing. By the way, here's another one interesting fact which I learned that day. It turns out that the best thing to do is to land the plane roughly so that the plane's landing gear hits the runway hard. This is done so that the aircraft gets good grip on the road as soon as possible. Moreover, the more slippery the surface (for example, after rain), the rougher the plane must be landed. Therefore, the planes of almost all foreign companies land roughly, this is indicated in the flight rules and regulations. But in Russia, following the old, Soviet school of pilots, it is customary to land the plane easily. And this is fraught with loss of traction and the plane rolling off the runway. This type of planting is actively being fought and is gradually being replaced. So think twice before applauding the pilots who landed the plane easily and delicately :)

And finally, one more interesting fact. The rougher the plane lands, the greater the tire consumption. Have you seen black marks on those places on the runway where planes land? This is rubber from aircraft tires that remains on the surface immediately after the aircraft touches the ground. So, a Boeing 747-400 aircraft leaves about 2.5 kilograms of rubber on the runway after just one landing!

Thanks to the captains of Rossiya Airlines for a very interesting story about everything related to airplanes. It was noticeable that they sincerely love their work, airplanes, and the sky. And they managed to pass on some of this love to us. It’s a pity that there was little time for communication, and many interesting questions came to mind only after meeting with them.

11/16/2015 at 14:01 · Johnny · 58 090

The safest mode of transport according to statistics in the world for 2018-2019

Vehicles allow us to move around the world quickly and comfortably, but at what cost? Millions of people die in transport every year. We compiled a rating to identify the safest mode of transport, transport statistics for 2018-2019 helped with this. Some ranking positions may surprise you, but you can’t argue with the statistics.

10. Moped and motorcycle

Mopeds and motorcycles rightfully occupy the tenth position in our ranking of the safest modes of transport. For many years in a row, such transport has been considered the most dangerous and 2018 is no exception. Of the total traffic, motorcycles make up only 1%, while 20% of road deaths occur due to this type of transport.

In order to survive, you should remember that you cannot reach a reckless speed of more than 70 km/h. Desperate bravado is not only inappropriate, it can also cost the driver his life. What if he took a passenger with him...

According to statistics, 125 deaths occur for every 1.5 billion km. motorcycle rental The mortality rate of drivers of conventional cars is 28 times less than the mortality rate of motorcycle drivers. These are the modern facts.


In ninth place in the list of the safest modes of transport for 2018-2019, the “younger brother” of the moped, the bicycle, is considered. From year to year, a bicycle is considered one of the most dangerous types of transport, according to official statistics. This year was no exception, unfortunately.

Most often, accidents involving bicycles occur when they collide with cars. The number of such accidents on the roads is constantly growing. Therefore, cyclists should be as careful as possible. Since teenagers are the most likely to die in such accidents, all parents should consider at the moment. At 1.5 billion km. According to statistics, there are 35 deaths.

8. Subway

The metro was in eighth position in the ranking of the safest mode of transport according to statistics for 2018-2019. In case of accidents, this type of transport destroys the lives of many people at once. And emergencies in the metro are especially dangerous for citizens. If we talk about Russia, most often the victims are passengers of the Moscow metro.


Ferries are not as safe as water transport enthusiasts would like. According to current year statistics, by 1.5 billion km. accounts for 20 deaths. In particular, it should be noted that not every death occurs as a result of a crash. There have been cases of passengers falling overboard. Water transport also unsafe!


The spaceship ranks 6th in our ranking of the safest modes of transport for 2018-2019. Only 18 of the spacecraft that have been sent into limitless space since the very first flight in 1961 have failed to return. And this is despite an impressive number of vehicles of this type sent into space. There were 530 ships in total. It is worth considering that people did not die in space itself. Tragedies happened during takeoff or during landing. According to statistics, by 1.5 billion km. accounts for 7 human deaths.

5. Minibus

4. Car

Cars used to be considered an incredibly dangerous type of transport. So, how, in the statistics of 2018-2019, one of the most safe types transport turned out to be a car? It's very simple. The machine design has been significantly improved in recent years. Thus, the number of accidents has decreased significantly.

New statistics show that 1.5 billion km. There are four deaths per car. However, this does not mean that you can safely forget about safety measures or become fans of crazy driving.

3. Bus

For 1 billion km. accounts for 0.5 deaths according to official statistics. This applies to ordinary buses. Therefore, in the ranking of the safest modes of transport for 2018-2019, buses took an honorable 3rd place.

In European spaces, this type public transport is among the safest. Things are worse in Egypt, as well as in the Russian Federation. But still, buses are deservedly in third position in the ranking. However, we should not forget about the terrible incidents associated with this type of transport.

It’s worth at least remembering how a bus in the capital was rammed by a truck. And this is not an isolated case!

2. Airplane

In second place are airplanes. Although, in previous years, this type of transport occupied the top line of such ratings. But, according to 2019 statistics, the plane cannot be considered one of the safest modes of transport.

However, 0.5 deaths occur per 1.5 billion km, if we also take into account small aviation with helicopters. Commercial ships will always be more dangerous than conventional light aircraft. However, we should not forget that the worst thing in the case of plane crashes is the fact that almost none of the huge number of passengers manages to escape. And even the crew of an aircraft in plane crashes is often no luckier.

It is known that such incidents can never be an accident. When a plane crash occurs, a combination of certain factors are to blame. However, airplanes are always considered one of the safest types of transport. And statistics confirm this every year. But the most surprising thing is that people are often much more afraid of flying on airplanes than riding motorcycles.


Trains, according to statistics from 2018-2019, are considered the most safe transport in the world and ended up in first place on our list. This is especially true for American and European trains; only 0.2 deaths occur per 1.5 billion km. to the share of trains. If we take only Russian Federation, in railway transport the mortality rate is 0.7 per 1.5 billion km, which is also not very much.

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