Countries that supply oil in the world. Countries of the world rich in oil reserves

Canada is in fifth place in terms of the amount of oil produced annually. The reserve of this mineral is estimated by experts at 28 billion tons. The oil export market share is 4.54%. Recently, Canadians began to export oil to neighboring countries, mainly in the USA. About 90% of Canadian oil is sold to the United States.

China produces about 4 million barrels of oil every day. The share of Chinese black gold in the world market is 5.71%. The People's Republic of China, being the most big country in terms of population, it also leads in terms of consumption of this resource. However, China's own oil reserves are not enough; according to experts, there are about 2.5 billion tons left in the ground. Therefore, China purchases part of the oil from neighboring Russia.

The United States opens the top three world leaders in oil production. Every day, 9 million barrels of this product are produced here, which is 11.8% of global production. It is noteworthy that the United States is not only the largest exporter, but also one of the leaders in the import of this mineral. America holds the largest reserves of oil in case of unforeseen circumstances.

Saudi Arabia produces 10 million barrels of oil every day. The entire economy of this country rests on the export of this mineral. Sells oil Saudi Arabia to East Asian countries and the USA. This country receives about 90% of all profits from oil sales. The share of supplied oil on the world market is 13.23%. 36.7 billion tons of product remained in the ground.

The leading country in daily oil production and reserves is Russia. More than 10 million barrels of black gold are mined here every day. 13.92% is the share of Russian oil produced on the world market.

Types of oil and places of their production

Black gold may vary in quality, composition and the presence of various additives. Therefore, dividing oil into several types is a prerequisite for trading this mineral.

The most popular brand of oil is called Brent. Its price is fundamental for 70% of all volumes of oil produced. This oil has been produced since 1976 in the Norwegian Sea. This brand got its name, Brent, from the name of all five layers with deposits of this mineral. This brand is in high demand primarily due to its low sulfur content.

In the US, the most common grade of oil is WTI. It practically does not differ in its properties and quality from Brent, only the sulfur content is 0.5%. Most of this oil is used to produce gasoline. That is why this brand is in high demand in the markets of the USA and China.

Oil produced in Russia is called Urals. It is mined in Siberia, Far East and in the northern parts of the Russian Federation. These regions are rich in fairly high-quality oil. Most of the black gold is exported abroad through Transneft pipes. This brand of oil also has a small subtype called Siberian Light. The sulfur content of this product does not exceed 0.57%. It is worth noting that all three grades of oil produced in Russia are directly related to Brent prices.

The Arabic type of oil, Arab Light, is also in demand on the world market. The cost of this product depends on the WTI mark quotes. The producing company Saudi Aramco provides good discounts on oil to countries in Asia and Europe.

Vladimir Khomutko

Reading time: 5 minutes


Volume of oil production of leading countries

Countries of the world that are rich in oil and have significant reserves of this mineral have a strong influence on the world economy, since producers of petroleum products around the world depend on regular supplies of hydrocarbon raw materials, without which the existence of a modern economy is impossible. Global oil refining and chemical production consume truly colossal volumes of raw materials, and therefore the world’s gas volume is colossal.

The production of oil and natural gas for their subsequent export in many countries of the world brings the lion's share of budget revenues, and therefore the oil and gas sector is the leading sector of their economies.

In one day, about one hundred million barrels of “black gold” are produced in the world. The top three largest oil powers are Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia and the United States of America. It is these three countries that supply 30 percent of all traded oil.

Volume of oil production by country of the world

What other countries in the world are engaged in such production, and what volume of oil do they supply to the market? Below we will look at the leading countries in oil production, starting from tenth place and up to the top three.

10th place. Venezuela

The daily volume of oil production in this country is 2.5 million barrels, which allows it to open the world TOP-10 in this area.

The Venezuelan economy is heavily dependent on hydrocarbon sales. Suffice it to say that 96% of exports come from this mineral. Venezuelan raw materials account for 3.65% of the total volume of oil supplied to the market. But if we talk about the reserves of this energy resource, then Venezuela is in first place in the world. According to experts, their level is about 46 billion tons.

9th place. United Arab Emirates

The UAE, which produces 2.7 million barrels per day, rightfully occupies this place of honor. The share of hydrocarbon raw materials supplied to the world markets is 3.81%.

The main deposits are located in the emirate of Abu Dhabi (approximately 95%), the remaining 5% are located in the emirates of Sharjah and Dubai. The total amount of natural reserves in the UAE is estimated at 13 billion tons. The main importers of this mineral from the UAE are India, Thailand, Japan, Korea, China and Singapore.

8th. Kuwait

Daily production level of 2.8 million barrels.

bring Kuwait to eighth place in the TOP 10 largest producers. Unused liquid natural hydrocarbons in Kuwait account for 9% of the world's total and are estimated by experts at 14 billion tons of “black gold”.

Kuwait holds a 3.90% share of the oil market.

Kuwait's largest field is Greater Burgan, which accounts for half of all extracted raw materials. Another 50% comes from Kuwaiti fields such as Umm Gudair and Minagish, located in the south of Kuwait, and Sabriah and Raudhaiten, located in the northern part of Kuwait. Kuwait's main exports are to Morocco, Jordan, Syria, China and the UAE.

7th. Iraq

The daily volume of oil produced in Iraq is 3 million barrels, which allows it to occupy a prominent place among the main producers of this raw material in the world.

Despite the difficult political situation, Iraq is gradually increasing the production of this raw material, since its economy is heavily dependent on its exports. The revenue side of the Iraqi budget consists of 90% of revenues from oil exports.

In the world, Iraqi hydrocarbons account for approximately 4.24%.

The total reserve of unused resources is 20 billion tons.

6th place. Iran

It supplies over three million barrels daily.

This Middle Eastern country is a major oil power with huge reserves of this useful energy resource. The bulk of hydrocarbons here are extracted from fields located in the Persian Gulf basin. According to experts, the already discovered Iranian deposits will last for almost ninety years, since their level is estimated at 21 billion tons. This is the third indicator in the world.

Iran's percentage in the market for this energy resource is 4.25%.

The main importers are Japan, China, India, South Korea and Türkiye. Half of Iran's export revenues consist of proceeds from the sale of “black gold.”

5th place. Canada

It also supplies more than three million barrels per day.

Canada opens the top five exporters of this product. The largest deposit of this mineral in Canada is located in the province of Alberta. Recently, Canada has become the largest supplier of hydrocarbons to its neighbors, the United States. More than 90% of Canadian crude hydrocarbons are exported here.

Canada holds 4.54% of the oil market.

It has enormous reserves of this mineral, which are estimated at approximately 28 billion tons. According to this indicator, Canada is among the top three in the world.

4th. China

The daily volume of oil, equal to 4 million barrels, rightfully takes the Chinese People's Republic to fourth place in the oil production ranking.

Chinese “black gold” in the world is 5.71%.

The population of the PRC is huge, so China is not only one of the leading exporters, but also one of the leaders in consumption of this energy resource. The amount of explored Chinese hydrocarbons is relatively small - 2.5 billion tons. One of the main exporters of “black gold” for China is Russia.

Third place - United States of America

Opens the “big three” main producers of this product in the United States - 9 million barrels. daily, 11.80% of global production.

The United States is not only a leading exporter, but also the world's largest importer of hydrocarbons and petroleum products. The main deposits are concentrated in three American states - Texas, Alaska and California. In case of all sorts of unforeseen circumstances, the United States maintains the world's largest strategic reserve of already produced hydrocarbons.

Second place. Saudi Arabia

10 million barrels is the daily volume of oil produced in this country.

Saudi Arabia has long been rightfully among the leaders in the production of hydrocarbons, on which its entire economy rests. Main export regions – USA and East Asia. The share of export revenues received from the sale of hydrocarbons in the total amount of such revenues in this state is approximately 90 percent. All fields in Saudi Arabia are developed by the national company Saudi Aramco.

Liquid hydrocarbons supplied from Saudi Arabia on the global market are 13.23%.

Explored resources are estimated at 36.7 billion tons.

And finally, the leader of the rating is Russia

Daily production is more than 10 million barrels.

Confident first place. Russia has long been considered one of the richest in the world, not only in terms of the amount of “black gold”, but also a real storehouse of other types of minerals - coal, non-ferrous metals, natural gas and so on. The total volume of explored Russian hydrocarbons is more than 14 billion tons.

The percentage of the Russian Federation in the total amount of mined “black gold” is 13.92 percent.

The sharp drop in oil prices, which was provoked by a sharp increase in production in the United States of America and a number of other factors, forced the largest oil powers to take retaliatory measures. For example, OPEC member countries decided to reduce daily hydrocarbon production in order to stabilize prices for “black gold”.

Russia also joined these agreements. Such measures made it possible to stop the collapse in prices, which began to gradually rise. 2017 was no exception, and such agreements continue to be implemented. Global oil production decreased, which allowed the level of supply and demand to equalize.

Among the countries that have refused to limit the volume of their oil production, the most significant are the United States and Iran, the lifting of sanctions from which allowed it to begin free trade in “black gold” on world markets. Since the economic situation in this Middle Eastern state is quite difficult, the treasury needs oil revenues like air.

However, unlike the United States, which can increase the volume of extracted raw materials on a significant scale, the current state of the Iranian oil industry, which has long been isolated from modern world technologies for extracting minerals, does not allow it to have any significant impact on world prices. As much as the country produced last year, so much will continue to be produced.

Oil is one of the most important sources of energy for the country's economy. However, not all countries have this precious non-renewable resource, which is called “black gold”. The power of this energy lies in the hands of just a few countries, many of which have witnessed rapid industrialization and modernization, mainly due to their oil reserves.

Fluctuations in the oil industry could have far-reaching consequences not only for the economies of oil-producing countries, but also for the global economy. Oil production is measured by the number of barrels of crude oil produced each day before the refining process. Based on this criterion, and according to data provided by the Energy Information Administration (EIA), the largest oil producing countries in the world are the following:

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia ranks first among the world's leading oil-producing countries, producing 11,726 thousand barrels of crude oil daily. The country has the second largest oil reserves in the world, with proven reserves of approximately 267 billion barrels. Saudi Arabia has about 100 major oil and gas fields, but 60% of the country's oil production comes from the Ghawar field, which is the largest oil field in the entire world.

The United States is the world's second largest oil producer, producing 11,115 thousand barrels of crude oil daily. The country's estimated reserves are estimated at 30 billion barrels. Even though the US is second, it needs to import huge amounts of oil from other countries as it is the largest consumer of oil in the world. The country's main oil fields are located in California, Alaska and Texas.

Russia is the third largest oil producing country in the world, with 10,397 thousand barrels of crude oil produced per day. The country's proven reserves amount to 60 billion barrels. Russia also has the largest natural gas reserves in the world. Although Russia has several oil fields, most of its crude oil comes from its West Siberian reserves, mainly from the Priobskoye and Samotlor fields.

China imported most of its oil needs until the late 1950s. But today it is the fourth largest producer, producing 4,416 thousand barrels every day. Most of the oil comes from the huge reserves discovered in the northeastern part of the country. China's proven reserves amount to 20.4 billion barrels.

Canada is the fifth largest oil producer in the world, producing 3,856 thousand barrels of crude oil daily. Canada's reserves amount to 173.6 billion barrels, which is the third largest in the world. Most oil exploration and production takes place in Alberta and British Columbia. Canadian oil production is expected to increase significantly in the coming years as unconventional oil sources (oil sands) countries have become economically viable.

Iran produces about 3,589 thousand barrels of crude oil daily. The country is the world's fifth largest oil producer and the second largest producer in OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Countries). Proven oil reserves in Iran are estimated at 151.2 billion barrels.

United Arab Emirates

The various emirates of the UAE produce 3,213 thousand barrels of crude oil every day. The UAE's proven reserves are estimated at 97.8 billion barrels, of which Abu Dhabi accounts for the bulk. Abu Dhabi is estimated to have about 92 billion barrels of oil reserves, while Dubai and Sharjah have 4 billion and 1.5 billion barrels respectively.

Iraq has the third largest oil reserves in the world, of which approximately 14.1 billion barrels are proven (officially confirmed) reserves. Iraq's oil industry has suffered significantly due to years of war and unrest. But nevertheless, the country managed to take eighth position in the list of the largest oil producers in the world, producing 2,987 thousand barrels of crude oil daily.

Mexico currently produces 2,936 thousand barrels of crude oil daily and exports more than one-third of its oil to the United States. However, the country is facing the closure of some of its old oil fields due to a significant decline in oil reserves. As a result, oil production decreased in 2005. However, the discovery of new oil fields is expected to counteract this decline in the near future. Currently, the country's proven reserves amount to 10.4 billion barrels.

Kuwait is the tenth largest oil producer in the world, producing 2,797 thousand barrels of crude oil daily. Kuwait has proven reserves of 104 billion barrels, the world's sixth largest oil reserves. This country's main oil fields are located in the Burgan field, which is located in the deserts of southeastern Kuwait. This oil field was discovered in 1938, but commercial production did not begin until 1946. The Burgan field is the second largest oil field in the world.

The oil industry is expected to see a lot of fluctuations in the coming years. According to the International Energy Agency, the US will soon surpass Saudi Arabia, which will certainly have a huge impact on the oil industry as well as the global economy.

Account for individual entrepreneurs and LLCs.

A third of the countries on the planet have proven oil reserves suitable for production and processing on an industrial scale, but not all trade raw materials on the foreign market. Only a dozen and a half countries play a decisive role in this area of ​​the world economy. The leading players in the oil market are the largest consumer economies and a few producing countries.

Oil-producing powers collectively extract more than one billion barrels of raw materials every year. For decades, the generally accepted standard unit of measurement for liquid hydrocarbons has been the American barrel, which is equal to 159 liters. Total global reserves, according to various expert estimates, range from 240 to 290 billion tons.

Supplier countries are divided into several groups by experts:

  • OPEC member states;
  • North Sea countries;
  • North American manufacturers;
  • other large exporters.

The largest segment of world trade is occupied by OPEC. The territory of the twelve member states of the cartel contains 76% of the explored volumes of this non-renewable resource. Members international organization 45% of the world's light oil is extracted from the ground every day. Analysts from the IEA, the International Energy Agency, believe that in the coming years, dependence on OPEC countries will only grow due to a decrease in reserves from independent exporters. Middle Eastern countries supply oil to buyers in the Asia-Pacific region, North America and Western Europe.

At the same time, both suppliers and buyers are striving to diversify the logistics component of trade transactions. The volumes of offers from traditional producers are approaching their upper limit, so some large buyers, primarily China, are increasingly turning their attention to the so-called rogue countries: for example, Sudan and Gabon. China's disregard for international norms does not always meet with understanding in the international community, however, it is largely justified to ensure economic security.

Rating of leading oil exporters

The absolute leaders in oil exports are the record holders for extracting raw materials from the subsoil: Saudi Arabia and the Russian Federation. Over the last decade, the list of the largest oil sellers is as follows:

  1. Saudi Arabia consistently ranks top with the most extensive proven reserves and daily exports of 8.86 million barrels, that's almost 1.4 million tons. The country has about 80 extensive fields, the largest consumers are Japan and the United States.
  2. Russia supplies 7.6 million barrels. per day. The country has proven reserves of black gold of more than 6.6 billion tons, which is 5% of the world's reserves. The main buyers are neighboring countries and the EU. Considering the development of promising deposits on Sakhalin, an increase in exports to Far Eastern buyers is expected.
  3. UAE exports 2.6 million barrels. The Middle Eastern state has 10% of oil reserves; the main trading partners are the Asia-Pacific countries.
  4. Kuwait– 2.5 million barrels The small state has a tenth of the world's reserves. At the current rate of production, the resources will last for at least a century.
  5. Iraq– 2.2 - 2.4 million barrels It is in second place in terms of available reserves of raw materials, with explored deposits of more than 15 billion tons. Experts say that there is twice as much oil in the ground.
  6. Nigeria- 2.3 million barrels The African state has consistently occupied sixth position for many years. Explored reserves account for 35% of the total volume of discovered deposits on the dark continent. Udachnoe geographical location allows you to transport raw materials both in North America, and to the countries of the Far Eastern region.
  7. Qatar– 1.8 - 2 million barrels Export earnings per capita are the highest, making it the richest country in the world. The volume of proven reserves exceeds 3 billion tons.
  8. Iran- more than 1.7 million barrels The volume of reserves is 12 billion tons, which is 9% of the planet’s wealth. About 4 million barrels are extracted daily in the country. After the sanctions are lifted, supplies to the foreign market will increase. Despite the decline in prices, Iran intends to export at least 2 million barrels. The main buyers are China, South Korea and Japan.
  9. Venezuela- 1.72 million barrels The largest trading partner is the USA.
  10. Norway- more than 1.6 million barrels The Scandinavian country has the most extensive reserves among the EU countries - one and a half billion tons.
  • Large exporters, whose daily sales exceed 1 million barrels per day, are Mexico, Kazakhstan, Libya, Algeria, Canada, and Angola. Less than a million per day is exported by Britain, Colombia, Azerbaijan, Brazil, and Sudan. In total, more than three dozen states are among the sellers.

Rating of the largest oil buyers

The list of the largest buyers of crude oil has remained stable over the years. However, due to the intensification of shale oil production in the United States and the growth of the Chinese economy, the leader may change in the coming years. The daily purchase volumes are as follows:

  1. USA 7.2 million barrels are purchased daily. A third of imported oil Arab origin. Imports are gradually decreasing due to the reactivation of its own deposits. At the end of 2015, in certain periods, net imports decreased to 5.9 million barrels. per day.
  2. China imports 5.6 million barrels. In terms of GDP, it is the largest economy in the world. In an effort to ensure stability of supplies, state-owned companies are investing huge amounts of money in the oil production industries in Iraq, Sudan and Angola. Geographic neighbor Russia also expects to increase the share of supplies by Chinese market.
  3. Japan. The Japanese economy needs 4.5 million barrels daily. oil. The dependence of the local oil refining industry on external purchases is 97%, and in the near future it will be 100%. The main supplier is Saudi Arabia.
  4. India imports 2.5 million barrels per day. The economy's dependence on imports is 75%. Experts predict that in the next decade, purchases on the foreign market will increase by 3–5% per year. In terms of purchases of “black gold” in the near future, India may get ahead of Japan.
  5. South Korea– 2.3 million barrels The main suppliers are Saudi Arabia and Iran. In 2015, purchases were made in Mexico for the first time.
  6. Germany– 2.3 million barrels
  7. France– 1.7 million barrels
  8. Spain– 1.3 million barrels
  9. Singapore– 1.22 million barrels
  10. Italy– 1.21 million barrels
  • More than half a million barrels per day are purchased by Holland, Türkiye, Indonesia, Thailand and Taiwan. //

According to IEA estimates, in 2016 the demand for liquid hydrocarbons will increase by 1.5%. Next year growth will be 1.7%. In the long term, demand will also grow steadily, and not only due to the increase in the number of vehicles using internal combustion engines. Modern technologies require more and more synthetic materials derived from petroleum.
