What to bring souvenirs from China. What can you bring from China - souvenirs, gifts and what is really cheap here

Of course, China is considered a very attractive country for tourists Far East. Almost everywhere and very often we see products on sale with “Made in China” labels, since all these things are incredibly cheap there. And almost all travelers adore China not only for its ancient rich culture, but also for the huge number of souvenirs traditionally sold here - such as tea ceremony sets and cat figurines.

Very often, many tourists buy some kind of jewelry as a gift - cute bracelets, amulets and charms with Chinese characters. They will not only certainly please the people to whom you give them, but will also bring him good luck. You can consider as a gift beautiful wall fans made in China, which later, already at home, can be successfully hung on the wall in the living room or bedroom. But the Maneki Neko figurines purchased here will greatly delight cat lovers and will undoubtedly bring good luck.

Guests who come to your home after your return will be very amazed by the tea ceremony you performed using the items you purchased in China. And of course, they will be delighted by the wonderful taste of real Chinese tea.

Another equally popular and interesting souvenir brought from China is ethnic clothing - shirts made of Chinese silk and painted dresses. Perhaps the most inexpensive and ubiquitous souvenirs in China are figurines - for example, some small god with a round tummy, a money toad, a wind chime, or coins in a set or individually.

Since porcelain was historically invented in China, local craftsmen are considered generally recognized masters of its manufacture. An incredible number of different items are made from porcelain here - small vases and huge jugs, glasses and figurines, plates and mugs, as well as many household items. Usually all this extraordinary beauty is covered on top with gilded ornaments and beautiful designs in the oriental style.

In China, porcelain products can be purchased almost everywhere, especially they are widely represented in Beijing - on Xidan Street, considered the largest city shopping center. For a modest-sized souvenir you will have to pay only 10-15 yuan. Don't forget to haggle with local sellers, you can start bidding right away with half the asking price.

It is unlikely that among your circle there will be a woman who will not like a gift made of real pearls. Therefore, it is worth going to the Beijing pearl market, located near the Temple of Heaven Park. You can, of course, buy some pearl product in a store, but be sure to make sure before doing so that the pearls are not fake. To do this, simply rub two pearls against each other; if the pearls are genuine, you will hear a sound reminiscent of gnashing teeth. Real pearls also jump very well. Under no circumstances buy pearl products on the beach for little money. The price of real pearls greatly depends on the size of the pearls themselves and ranges from 80 to 200 yuan.

You can also bring local alcoholic drinks from China; in particular, Yao Jiu vodka, which has healing properties, is highly valued here. This drink contains extremely useful ingredients - ginseng root, ling zhi mushrooms, red gou qi ji berries, snakes, ants and some other equally original ingredients. Just remember that this alcoholic drink should be taken in limited quantities, otherwise an overdose may cause unpleasant consequences.

You should certainly purchase vodka in China in specialized stores or in supermarkets. It is sold in cans, bottles and even on tap. For a five-liter canister you will have to pay about 33 yuan, for a half-liter bottle - from 3.5 to 5.5 yuan, and for a two-liter bottle - about 15 yuan. Well, for vodka infused with snakes or some other reptiles, you will be charged approximately 30 to 40 yuan per bottle.

It is no secret that China has long been famous for its silk, so in addition to traditional silk clothes, you can also buy many interesting souvenirs made from it or with embroidery on it. Most often they depict traditional Chinese landscapes, dragons, tigers and hieroglyphs indicating some clever thoughts or aphorisms.

The easiest way to buy all this is in Beijing directly at a silk factory, after taking a tour of it, or at the popular “Silk Market”. Just keep in mind that natural silk here is not cheap. For example, for a silk robe you will have to pay at least $100. Silk handkerchiefs are probably the cheapest here.

In addition to traditional figurines of Chinese gods, tigers, dragons that bring good luck, money and happiness, jade Buddha figurines are very popular in the country. They are sold on almost all shopping streets at prices starting from 20 yuan. Don't forget to buy Chinese tea, it is also sold almost everywhere. Just don’t skimp on it so as not to buy low quality tea. It is best to purchase it in specialized tea stores, although it is more expensive there, but there is a much larger assortment there. On average, you will have to pay 20 yuan for 50 grams of tea, but a beautiful gift set will cost 100-120 yuan.

For small items you can buy real Chinese chopsticks, paper kites, decorative swords, shell pictures, lacquer boxes and paper lanterns as gifts. From food products - very original candies with unusual meat filling, black rice, starch noodles in vacuum packaging, dried ocean fish, cane sugar, packaged rice cakes and exotic dried fruits. Other very popular gifts are traditional Chinese medicine and cheap branded clothing.

What to bring from China: gifts and souvenirs from China for yourself, relatives, friends and work colleagues.

Of course, you can bring ANYTHING from China - after all, this is the famous homeland of “made in China”. But still, let's consider basic gifts and souvenirs that convey the spirit of this amazing country.

Useful shopping in China

Chinese tea

Of course, in addition to Indian tea, everyone knows the delicious Chinese tea.

China has a huge selection of offers for every taste and budget: These are green, black, white, yellow and red tea, milk oolong, pu-erh.

Tea can be purchased anywhere, but the richest selection is in specialized tea store. In such special stores you can taste tea and buy the one you like.

Tea ceremony set

Where else but in the homeland of tea you can buy the long-awaited. Selection of tea sets and Chinese sets It’s simply huge here, for every taste and budget.

Be sure to buy a special one for yourself or as a gift figurine of a pissing boy to determine the correct brewing temperature for Chinese tea.

Healing creams and ointments

In China, traditional Chinese medicine is widely used for treatment and healing.

Useful medicines can be purchased at pharmacies in China. If you are traveling on a tourist package, your Russian-speaking guide will help you purchase the drug for its intended purpose.

The main purposes of these ointments: treatment of joint pain, rapid healing of wounds and burns, general pain relief. Our well-known ointment " Star"only in Chinese version will also please you and your friends.

If you are on a health or medical trip, then all the necessary medications will be prescribed to you by the doctor treating you, and you can purchase them with a prescription at the place of prescription treatment.

Chinese silk

In the homeland of silk you can buy a huge number of silk products: from practical clothes to souvenirs.

The spirit of the East is perfectly conveyed silk paintings. The most beautiful silk embroidery work, as well as painted paintings on silk canvas can be purchased in specialized stores.

In markets and souvenir shops can also be purchased silk paintings, but if it is important for you to buy a product made from natural silk, the most important thing is to be able to distinguish natural silk from artificial silk, of which there is a lot on the markets.

What souvenirs to bring for your family and friends?

If you don't want to be limited only magnets And keychains, then it’s worth considering gifts and souvenirs with the “spirit of the Celestial Empire.”

To begin with, it is worth noting silk, porcelain products- as you know, this is the birthplace of these goods.

Jade figurine will perfectly decorate your desktop head. Jade products have always attracted the eye with their purity and perfection.

As a gift to a woman you can buy wonderful pearl jewelry. Moreover, on Hainan Island you can buy black pearl products.

A Chinese fan will be an inexpensive but pleasant souvenir for your work colleagues., fanning yourself on hot days will cause your colleague to immerse himself for a short time in mysterious world East.

The fan can be purchased in different sizes, from practical small ones to fans huge size for wall decoration.

Makes a great gift for cat lovers cat figurine.

If you have friends who collect dolls from different countries in the world, a beautiful gift would be an excellent gift for them.

Practical gifts from China

Appliances and electronics from China

IN Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong can be purchased at good prices electronics And technology. As a rule, many tourists stop to buy phones, watches and cameras.

To purchase more bulky equipment is usually organized special trip (shopping tour), since it takes time to select and arrange a cargo transportation service.

Fur coats and jackets from China

A decent fur coat good price can be purchased in Beijing, for example, in Yabaolu shopping area .

You can buy a fur coat both during an excursion trip to China (there is always free time for shopping) and during a special shopping tour to Beijing .

To the question: “What should I bring from China as a gift?” I answer “tea” first. Just forget about the bags, in most cases they contain a low-quality product. Don't expect to see it on the labels in the supermarket. detailed description in English. It is best to buy the aromatic drink at a market, such as in Guangzhou (market Fan Cun ), which is considered the capital of tea.Sellers will answer any questions and advise the variety. The Chinese are not doing well with English, so download an offline translator - it will help you out when you need to communicate with the locals.

Dividing tea into black and green is a Western tradition.
Our usual black tea in China turns into red or pu-erh. The closest thing to black tea is local Dian Hong . Chinese green, oolong and even white teas may appear to be green tea. I recommend trying classic oolong Tie Guan Yin or the popular jasmine tea - Mo Li Hua Cha . Forget about milk oolong: this is a bait for Western marketers.

Utensils for the tea ceremony

If you get inspired by the tea ritual and want to buy a set to repeat the ceremony at home, take a closer look at the dishes. Tea during the ceremony brew in a gaiwan resembling a Russian sugar bowl. When you give it as a gift, don’t forget to explain what this porcelain pot is for.

A large number of leaves are poured with hot water, after which they are poured into a chahai - a jug from which tea is poured into a cup, more like a tiny glass. Thanks to this, the tea is poured repeatedly and mixed evenly with water. The basic ceramic set includes a gaiwan, chahai and cups. You can still pick tea board (shepherd) and small figures-amulets for good luck. I advise you to choose dishes in tea shops (or in the same market Fan Cun ): It is possible that they will show you how to use everything correctly.

Wines and baijiu

Despite the fact that the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire rarely drink, Chinese market wines are among the ten largest in the world. Wines from the Xinjiang province are especially popular (the most famous is Museles ) and Ningxia Hui region (local Cabernet Sauvignon was recognized by many French experts). For example, for a bottle of Chinese Cabernet Sauvignon 2010 you will have to pay from 200 to 500 yuan (~ from 1900 to 4700 rubles).

There are stronger options, such as rice baijiu. The strength of the drink, reminiscent of our vodka, reaches 60 degrees. You can buy it in any supermarket, the best one is under the Maotai brand. The price for one bottle is not low - on average 969 yuan (~ 9150 rubles). I do not recommend buying expensive samples from unverified places, they may be fake.


Porcelain from China is a wonderful gift, which contains the history of Chinese art. Chinese vases always decorated imperial interiors, and they were painted by the best artists at court. Many modern masters continue the tradition in their projects, the most famous artist of this direction is Ai Weiwei ( Colored Vases, Ghost Gu ). It is not necessary to buy the works of the greats; fortunately, the Chinese know a lot about copies better than anyone in the world. Look for interesting creations at the flea market Panjiayuan Market in Beijing. A small porcelain vase can be purchased for 350 yuan (~ 3300 rubles). And don't forget to bargain until the last minute.

To distinguish real porcelain from a fake, look through it under a bright light. By nature, porcelain is translucent, and the thin ceramic layer should show through a little. In addition, you can gently tap the product: dishes made of high-quality material should produce high-pitched sounds.


Calligraphy has existed in China for centuries longer than painting. In ancient times, hierarchical lists of important arts were even created, with calligraphy taking first place. Until now, the most famous painters resort to the use of calligraphy in their works, considering it a huge treasure of Chinese culture.

Example of Chinese calligraphy

If you don’t have the opportunity to purchase unique paintings by Chinese artists, you can always take home an engraving or calligrapher’s work. It will fit perfectly into almost any interior, and if suddenly a Chinese man comes to visit you, rest assured, you will immediately become best friends. Go outside to see the work of local artists Liulichang in Beijing.

If you are an artist or just like to draw, you should bring brushes and ink from China: they are believed to be much better here.


Today, Chinese silk is considered the best in the world, so it can be brought from China as a gift. yourself or loved ones. The main thing is that it be real. To recognize a fake, you can set fire to a thread: real silk burns to the ground and leaves no sticky residue. All that’s left to do is convince the seller to set fire to his product for testing. Since it is difficult to imagine a smart person who would agree to this, it is better to buy silk in trusted places. For example, inSuzhou, 100 km from Shanghai. I also recommend the store at Silk Museum or South Bund Fabric Market in Shanghai itself. The cost of a silk scarf starts from 210 yuan (~ 2000 rubles).


You've probably visited AliExpress at least once in your life and perhaps even ordered clothes there a couple of times. What about AliExpress in real life? I warn you: most often our figures are very different from Asian ones. Clothes are made for short and very thin people, but oversized is always in fashion, so there is a chance to find great clothes and bring a gift to friends from China.

If you're in Shanghai, for a chic selection of clothes for every taste and even personal tailoring for reasonable money, check out South Bund Fabric Market. For clothes from local designers in Beijing, go to Wuhao, Triple-Major and Brand New China.

You can check prices on AliExpress. Well, designer things are designer because the prices are comparable to their Western counterparts.

If you are planning to buy a couple of new shoes, pay attention to Feiyue is a Shanghai brand that recently became popular in America and Europe.


In local culture, jade is valued above gold and silver. The stone of life, happiness and wisdom, reminiscent of an emerald with its greenish tint, is translated from Chinese as “dear”, “noble”, “pure”.

Jade stone

A small ring or pendant made of a semi-precious mineral can be purchased for 35-70 yuan (~ 330-660 rubles), for example, at the Beijing market Panjiayuan Market . You can bring jewelry to your girlfriend, mother or friends. Also pay attention to small jade souvenirs: small figurines of Buddha and animals, each of which has its own symbolism.


China is a global manufacturer of electronics and household appliances. The quality there is no worse than in Russia, but the prices are an order of magnitude lower. However, I advise you to be careful: I brought three pairs of headphones that looked good and sounded great, but broke within the first month of use. The rest of the electronics (fitness bracelet, power bank, charger) work properly. I advise you to choose in advance the models that you will go after purposefully and, of course, check the goods at the checkout. You can bring electronic toys for your child: robots or dinosaurs. The selection in Chinese stores is impressive.

As you can see, in China you can find souvenirs for the home, for beauty, and for showing off to friends - maybe tea, or maybe something stronger. But the main thing, of course, is to bring stories and impressions. With a suitcase of gifts, I brought back from China a great love for the country. She deserves it.

The Celestial Empire is now attracting the attention of the whole world. The country is huge and mysterious, with its own deep, incomprehensible culture, special perception of the world and its own attitude towards people, life and eternity. Tourists have flocked to China; they are interested in everything and understand little. And this attracts even more.

European tourists are primarily interested in shopping, and secondarily in local attractions. And the Chinese managed to create in their cities an infrastructure familiar to shopaholics. There are many markets here shopping complexes of varying grandeur, street trading is developed. But, with all the Europeanization and Americanization that Chinese masters tried to put into the appearance of places visited by tourists, oriental flavor appears everywhere.

And this is good, because, having visited Beijing or, any traveler gains local impressions and wants to grab some typically Chinese little thing as a souvenir. This also applies to gifts that every self-respecting tourist brings for family and friends.

So, the question is: What to bring from Beijing as a gift? What souvenirs? There may be a lot of answers, but here are the main directions in which you can choose a truly Chinese gift.

The difficulty of choosing is that the Chinese are pioneers and pioneers in many industries, be it silk, or porcelain, or pearls. What about painting, which also originated in China? And so, no matter what you touch, it turns out that the Chinese have already been there, discovered or invented something.

Painting in China changed from era to era. Moreover, it was closely related to calligraphy and was directly related to serving the state. As an ancient art with numerous traditions, Chinese painting is distinguished by grace and perfection. Chinese landscapes are magical, they captivate and can evoke a sense of contemplation.

A buyer from Europe will choose a composition embroidered on silk or drawn on rice paper, judging by his concepts and ideas. He is interested in oriental flavor, general appearance, clarity of lines and color combinations. Meanwhile, each drawing contains a philosophical thought and the imprint of centuries-old cultural traditions. Hieroglyphs, sometimes depicted in the drawing, contain wise thoughts.

As for the prices for Chinese paintings, they vary. Especially if you buy from local artists their own creations.

"Imperial" stone

Who would doubt that jade comes from China. This semi-precious stone, “imperial”, is a symbol of masculinity and power. The stone itself is beautiful, durable, products made from it are aesthetically pleasing and bear the imprint of Eastern traditions.

You just need to make sure that you don’t buy quartz, or serpentine, or even glass under the guise of jade. It can be difficult to distinguish; only a professional can do this. A tourist simply needs to buy such things not just anywhere, but in specialized stores, this will protect them from counterfeiting. Yes, it may not be cheap, but it will be a solid gift.

Porcelain souvenirs from Beijing

Porcelain, as you understand, was also invented in China. This happened in 620, and for many centuries the Chinese kept the secret of porcelain production. During this time they honed their skills and are still recognized masters. Porcelain products are distinguished by the perfection of their forms and extraordinary painting, which certainly has a spiritual content. For example, vases from Tibet, which have become widely known.

Among the porcelain products in demand among tourists are tea ceremony sets. There is a large selection of products of all shapes, colors and sizes. Teapots, saucers and cups can be quite fancy; they are traditionally made from Yixing clay.

Typically, porcelain products are gilded, oriental ornaments, symbols of dragons and other mystical creatures, and hieroglyphs with wise thoughts are applied to them.

They are sold everywhere in Beijing, but the best place to go for porcelain souvenirs is Xidan Street. This is an extensive shopping area with a large selection of porcelain products. A small souvenir will cost 15 yuan. As elsewhere, you should bargain here without hesitation. And immediately reduce the price by half - maybe the seller will give in.

In addition to tea sets, tourists buy related items such as plates, jugs and figurines.

Chinese figurines

All the figurines that are sold in Beijing at every turn are talismans. They are generally inexpensive, starting from 20 yuan, and for this money you can bring prosperity to your home, happiness and luck to yourself and to the person to whom you present your souvenir.

Many miniature gods are already familiar to the general public: they have round bellies, a knapsack and a purely Chinese face, stone-opaque. There are also other figurines depicting dragons and money toads.

The Maneki Neko cat is popular; she sits with her front paw raised and brings prosperity and good luck to the home. Or to the office, if you brought it as a gift to your work colleagues. Very popular images are Guanyin Bodhisattva and Hotei, Happy Buddha and Maitreya Buddha. Figurines with their images protect from misfortunes, protect the family and help increase wealth.

"Silk" gifts from Beijing

Chinese silk is an unsurpassed thing. It is considered the thinnest in the world, and at the same time is exceptionally durable. While in Beijing, you will see a lot of silk products in shopping establishments, often skillfully painted. These are stoles and scarves, robes and shirts, extraordinary dresses. Silk bed linen is also very popular; it can be decorated with Chinese landscapes, national symbols, and hieroglyphs exuding wisdom and knowledge.

It is best to buy silk products or the fabric itself at the manufacturing factory. Or in a specialized market called “Silk”. You can't buy real Chinese silk cheaply, especially a dress or robe. Such a purchase will cost from $100. But a small product, a scarf, for example, can be bought for half a dollar.

Silk fabrics often depict various symbols, which the Chinese are big fans of. Everything here has its own meaning: the lotus flower means loyalty and devotion, and the butterfly means joy and happiness. And color also plays a role. As you know, black symbolizes eternity, red – fire and joy, yellow – power.

Pearl placer

China, so you know, has been producing pearls for a long time, and today 90% of world exports come from China. It is grown in Weitang. This is a city in the vicinity of which there are lakes for growing pearls. There is also a pearl market in Beijing near the Temple of Heaven Park, the famous “Hongqiao”. There is a wide selection of pearl products, natural and cultured. Of course, you also come across fake pearls, which you can distinguish from real ones yourself.

There are two ways to do this:

1. You need to rub two pearls against each other. If it is fake, you will hear a sound similar to teeth grinding.

2. You need to throw the pearl to be tested to a height of 20-30 cm. If it is bouncy and jumps like a tennis ball, then it is real. Sluggish bounce indicates a fake.

The value of a pearl, if genuine, is determined by many factors, including size. The price can vary between 80-200 yuan. If you bargain skillfully, you can lose about 100 yuan. If the price of pearls is unexpectedly low, then most likely they are trying to sell you a fake. This often happens on beaches and in places where foreign tourists gather.

What else to bring from Beijing as a gift?

In fact, a gift from Beijing can be anything; there are a great many local original options. Here are examples:

- beautiful boxes, varnished;
— sandalwood fans decorated with national paintings;
- ivory fan;
— bracelet with Chinese characters;
- paper kite;
- a typical Chinese umbrella;
- wall fan;
— decorative swords of Chinese warriors;
- chopsticks;
- paintings made from shells.

Well, this country is far from small. Here you can find many unusual and exotic things that will be wonderful gifts for your relatives and friends.

Wondering what to buy while traveling in China? Below is a list of souvenirs that you will definitely like and will remind you of your Chinese adventures.


China is the birthplace of silk. Chinese silk is famous throughout the world for its quality, color and variety. Silk produced in Hangzhou, Suzhou, Sichuan and Dandong is especially good. Arriving in, many tourists get lost in search of souvenirs; silk would be the best choice. It can also be used to make a qipao (Chinese long dress), as well as other clothing and accessories.


There are many varieties of Chinese tea. Chinese tea drinking has quite a long history. The Chinese drink tea several times a day, for example with meals to improve digestion or simply for pleasure. Chinese tea can be divided into five categories: black, green, bar, flavored and oolong. Here are ten of the most famous Chinese tea varieties:

Longjing is grown near Lake Xihu (or West Lake), Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province;

Bilochun - Taihu Lake District, Jiangsu Province;

Maofeng - Huangshan Mountains, Anhui Province;

Tieguanyin - Anxi, Fujian Province;

Yinzhen - Zhong Mountains, Hunan;

Qi Men Hong - Qimen County, Anhui Province;

Maojian - Xinyang, Henan Province;

Luan Guapian - Luan, Anhui Province;

Duyun Maojian - Duyun Mountains, Guzhou;

Puer - Simao, Yunnan.


Porcelain, also known as "fine china", is one of the earliest art forms to be introduced into western world thanks to the Great silk road. The art of creating porcelain dates back to dynastic times.

China is rich in materials necessary for the production of ceramics. Jingdezhen, one of the most famous cultural and historical cities in China, is the oldest city in which porcelain is created.

Handmade products

There is a saying “a nation is judged by its crafts.” Chinese handicrafts are created "alive". A huge number of artisans demonstrated the highest level of skill in their work. Looking at their work, you may think that they are abstract, intricate or mysterious, but when you look at them up close, you will feel the power inherent in them by the creator.

The most famous Chinese handicrafts are embroidery, paper cutting, engraving, leather work, silk embroidery, carving, ceramics, etc.


In Chinese culture, jade symbolizes beauty, nobility, perfection, permanence, power and immortality. It has been known in China for at least four thousand years. Handmade jade products were considered one of the most luxurious and precious. People not only wore them, but also decorated their rooms as a tribute to tolerance, sophistication, beauty and eternity.

The four most famous varieties of jade are:

Khotan jade, which is produced in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region;

Jade Xiu from Xiuyan Manchu Autonomous County, Liaoning;

Dushan Jade from Nanyang, Henan;

Turquoise from Hubei.


Chinese painting is one of the most ancient types of traditional art. Over the centuries, the strengthening of Chinese painting reflected all the changes of time and social conditions.

In the painting of the Celestial Empire, two main techniques can be distinguished:

1. scrupulous, the so-called “painting of intellectuals” or gong-bi - it was often used by artists depicting courts;

2. freehand or shui-mo - a brush was used to apply water-based paint or ink. The Chinese character "mo" means ink, and "shui" means water.


Chinese calligraphy is an art form and calligraphers are highly respected people. There are several styles of writing: print, formal, regular, running, semi-cursive and cursive. Each has its own characteristics and purpose.

If you are interested in Chinese calligraphy, you can purchase one or more Chinese calligraphy treasures: brush, calligraphy paper and ink.


China is one of the few countries in the world that has existed for more than a millennium. If you love antiques, then this is the right place for you. Charming antique shops and souvenir shops, market stalls are easy to find in any Chinese city.

To become a successful collector, you need to know the exact price of things in your area of ​​interest. You need to be very careful. When buying an expensive product, make sure that it has the official seal of the store and its documentation is in order.


In ancient China, alcoholic beverages were sacred and were used only for sacrifices. Today, however, wine and other alcoholic beverages are often served with Chinese food.

Below is a list of wines and spirits that are popular all over the world and have won many world awards:

Maotai liqueur produced in Guizhou province;

Wuliang - Yibin, Sichuan Province;

Laobaigan - Hengshui, Hebei Province;

Jiannanchun - Mianzhu, Sichuan Province;

Luzhou Laojiao - Sichuan Province;

Yanghe Daqu - Jiangsu Province;

Gujing Tribute Liquor – Anhui Province;

Fenjiu Liquor - Shanxi Province.

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese medicine is an integral part of Chinese culture. Traditional types of medicine play a major role in the Chinese way of life. Their role is significantly different from that in the West. The basis of Chinese medicine is the use of herbs and potions.

There are thousands of types of herbs used as medicines, including aconite root, camellia, cayenne pepper, Chinese cucumber, chrysanthemum, cocklebur, croton seed, ginger, ginseng and others.

Beijing pharmaceutical company Tong Ren Tang (Tongrentang) is the largest company producing products based on traditional Chinese medicine.
