Climbing Mount Agung Volcano. Volcanic eruption on the island of Bali: Is there a danger for Russian tourists? Is it possible to fly on vacation?

Ah, Bali - Bali! The island is a fairy tale... The island is a dream... But since the beginning of August 2017, the tourist flow here has turned from rich to very narrow. Especially before the beginning of November. And the reason for this is the Agung volcano and its probable eruption.

Agung is a volcano that stands here on the island and periodically tickles the nerves of all local residents and tourists at the same time. The last time the Agung volcano tickled people was about 54 years ago, and now it began to wake up again in August 2017. And for a second, this is not just a volcano. This is a super volcano! And this means that if he shy away, it won’t seem like much!

Who and what will not seem enough, how to behave on the island if it does start to erupt? And in general: is it dangerous to vacation in Bali in 2017-2018? Today’s article features first-hand information from an employee of our editorial office, who has been there for a month and has no plans to leave yet. 🙂

By the way, if you want to visit one of the volcanoes of Bali, then this can be done. — approx. editors.

Volcano Agung in Bali

Volcano Agung is translated from Indonesian as “big”. And it was right next to (only 50 km) from this dangerous colossus that we settled exactly 1.5 months ago. While still in Russia, we already heard that a large dangerous mountain began to wake up and could begin to erupt at any moment. When we found out about this, the tickets had already been purchased, and we decided not to change our plans, despite the danger.

In addition, this is not our first time on the island and we have already made several Russian friends who live here permanently. They told us that the danger only exists for people directly next to the volcano. This means that the situation is very local. The worst thing that can happen is that the airport will be closed. But even in this case, you can get here from the capital of Indonesia, Jakarta, by water.

In general, after weighing all the pros and cons, we realized that we would go. The last few days before departure, we feverishly followed news from the media, realizing that journalists were forced to exaggerate everything. Today, news about Agung still keeps many Russians in suspense. But! First things first...

Volcano Agung has awakened

Agung has woken up! Like a bolt from the blue, this news broke out on the Internet and on the radio since August 2017. I personally am still surprised - how did this information not end up on TV?! It is thanks to this that my mother still knows nothing about this and lives quietly in the Arctic Circle, unaware of the danger that roams 50 km from her beloved daughter. 🙂 But on the radio and on the Internet, journalists painted a very sad picture...

What do they say today the Agung volcano woke up and if anything happens, it won’t spare anyone! Someone, of course, was incredibly happy: “It’s too good for all those who go to Bali! Let them suffer too, bastards! :-)” Others got wildly scared and handed over their tickets, others decided to relax in a safer place, and others, like scumbags like us, packed their bags and went at their own risk. What, exactly, was the risk?

And here's what it is:

  • could close the airport, and for a long time. I would have to fuss with tickets and look for a way through the ferry from Jakarta - and this whole adventure is not very comfortable and very long.
  • The volcano can still really explode at any moment, and no one guarantees anything for sure. Well, that is, it will be hard not only for those in the affected area. The airport will be closed, there will be problems with the supply of food on the island, volcanic ash will fall on your head for some time... The real Silent Hill (those who are in the know understand).:)
  • and to the heap: toxic substances can spread through the water from the volcano throughout the island, and poisonous rain may well fall on the heads of locals and tourists... And then it will not be good for everyone! Not only for mountain residents...

“Beauty”... Isn't it?!

At least that’s how the situation was described in the media. Yes, the media, of course, likes to embellish everything, but damn... After all, no one can guarantee that everything will be completely wrong! 🙂 We understood this.

But upon arrival on the island we were met by a smiling Balinese who assured us that there was no danger. That Agung changed his mind about erupting and decided to fall asleep again... And like there is no real threat to tourists, and then in 1963, no one else really had cars or motorcycles - so people found themselves in a situation in which many died... They just didn’t fully believe that it would explode and, as a result, they didn’t have time to leave the affected area in time... Something like that!

He finally reassured us by saying that his family was living 4 km away right now. from the epicenter and there is no need to worry at all!

Of course, this encouraged us - I’ll say it straight away. But doubts still remained... Then we decided to go straight to the affected area and see the handsome man with our own eyes! So, Agung Volcano and the latest events in Bali - through the eyes of eyewitnesses :).

Latest news about Agung by the beginning of November

News about Agung on the Internet had already died down in early November. The latest dates back to mid-October. It was at this time that the young man and I went there. We waited until the full moon, since volcanologists were afraid that the biggest risk of an explosion would be during the full moon, so we got on the bike and rode off.

Locals told us that the most best view The view of the mountain opens from the neighboring super-volcano - Batur. Which, by the way, has been sleeping soundly for a long time, for the benefit of everyone. He is many times larger than Agung. And if Batur explodes, then the whole island could accidentally actually go under water... But the current news story is Agung in Bali today.

Journey to active Agung

News about the Agung volcano in Bali, as I already said, did not stop us from traveling straight to the affected area - that is, 9 km. from his mouth. On our way to meet the “scarer” of a million tourists, we met:

1. Gorgeous tangerine grove with fresh tangerines.

2. Stunning views of the neighboring mountains from Mount Batur.

3. Bush! Oh Gods, this bright bush.

As always: super - beautiful road to the place and stunning views along the way. We took plenty of photos, filmed them on camera and headed straight to Agung.

UPD from November 28: Eruption of Mount Agung

And it would seem that everyone had already relaxed, but Agung still caused an eruption! To be honest, when I just sat down to write this article, local residents were already saying in unison that that was it - there would be no eruption. Just take it and start!

On November 21, just after we met my boyfriend’s mother, who came to visit us from Russia, Agung began to erupt. Just as ordered! 🙂 But I hasten to reassure all those suffering blood and sensation: nothing terrible is happening yet.

The volcano stands still and slowly soars. This is the steam eruption of Agung. The only thing that really bothers tourists and local residents is a small flood. Due to the huge amount of hot evaporation, such a large-scale tropical rain fell on the island that they say that even slippers floated on the road! 🙂

Why do they say? Yes, because we ourselves are not in Bali now, but nearby on the Gili Islands. And today we even saw a small tornado over Bali from the island of Gili-Eir. I hope that in a couple of days before our arrival, this whole apocalypse will be over and we can safely move to Thailand! 🙂

Agung in Bali today

Agung's activity in August - September 2017 forced many local residents to seriously strain themselves. They regularly prayed to local spirits to put the dangerous mountain to sleep again. They held magnificent ceremonies in their temples. And it seems that their collective determination is bearing fruit. Volcano Agung - erupts only with steam. The ceremonies themselves are held in the following temples:

The eruption of Agung in Bali really does not cause serious damage to the island, just by some miracle!

That's probably why it's 3 km away. before the affected area, when we went to the volcano in October, some Balinese women stopped us, stuck rice on our foreheads, illuminated our bike, put some wooden beads around my neck, twirled around, whispered something and let us go with God further! 🙂

That's probably why it's 3 km away. before the destruction zone, some Balinese women stopped us, stuck rice on our foreheads, illuminated our bike, put some wooden beads around my neck, twirled around, whispered something and let us go on with God! 🙂

It didn’t seem to calm us down much, of course, but it became somehow easier... Both in our souls and in our pockets... So - like the priestesses of the island of dreams, naturally, they carried out the procedure for cleansing karma, well, not for free. Cleaning karma these days costs about 400 rubles with our money. Well, you must agree - life is more valuable! 🙂

Eruption of Mount Agung in 1963

On the way to Mount Agung, my husband and I, of course, once again discussed the history of 1963, when people (several hundred) actually suffered. Did they really pray to their Gods near the vent until the very end, hoping that he would change his mind?! Getting acquainted with the local mentality, we are increasingly coming to the conclusion that yes. And so it was. The local people honor their land, their home, precisely their place of birth. And it doesn’t matter to them even if this place is in such a dangerous zone.

The possible eruption of Agung in Bali does not prevent them from living a normal life. The one that their ancestors lived. Here is the inscription that right now we are in the zone of defeat or exclusion, as it is also called:

But people who continue to fall asleep and wake up here... Take their children to school, work, have breakfast, lunch and dinner... Life goes on:

To this day, there is a forum about Agung in Bali, where people discuss whether it will explode or not. Many members of the island's VKontakte community also raise this topic. But recently, most have agreed that the danger has passed...

But, you know, when you stand so close to the mountain... The sensations are simply unimaginable...

I would have gone further, right there to the foot, but my young man turned out to be wiser and more prudent, as always, however:). We drove past, and for dessert there was a beautiful beach waiting for us, which is also located in the exclusion zone. Its name is Virgin Beach. Here he is - handsome...

They say that the sand here used to be completely white. But after the Agung eruption in 1968, it mixed with volcanic lava and became like this - with black inclusions. But this is also wonderful... Soon I will write a big review of all the beaches of the island and, perhaps, I will give it an honorable first place in the top of my heart :).

And here is the view of Volcano Agung from the entrance to the beach - Virgin Beach:

Conclusions about Agung in 2017

Agung on the map paradise island Bali is a thorn in the head of many tourists... This dangerous neighbor does not allow all residents from Karangasem to Ubud to sleep, he makes everyone remember and realize very well: life is just a journey, and we, the guests, are on this earth. No matter how important we may seem to ourselves big volcano, how Agung can suddenly intervene in everyone’s fate and disrupt that very “solid” tomorrow, cross out all our plans, tear all ideas, dreams and hopes to pieces...

For now, it just stands and releases powerful columns of steam, but not a single person could guarantee that the Agung eruption will stop... Anything can happen! At any moment...

This is probably why the inhabitants of the island are closest to the life of Buddhists and all kinds of enlightened people. The main wisdom tells us: “the past has passed, the future has not yet come, there is only here and now...” And not a single force in the world guarantees any of us that we will live in this world for at least another minute... That is why, Balinese rejoice! They smile every day. They smile even during the funeral of their relatives. They don’t just smile, they sing and dance! 🙂

But somehow I completely went into philosophy... Let's get back to the facts:

Volcano Agung- steam is erupting right now. So far nothing serious is happening, but no one is giving any guarantees.

Located in the eastern part of the island of Bali, Mount Agung is a very revered and significant place for Indonesians. The local population calls Mount Agung sacred and considers it one of the most important attractions in Indonesia. Every year thousands of tourists came to the foot of the volcano to admire the natural beauty and come into contact with the mystery that shrouds this place. This was the case until September 2017, when seismologists recorded strong tremors at the foot of the mountain.

Eruption of Mount Agung

People on duty at the observation post witnessed the release of a steam plume on September 29, 2017. However, no ash clouds were observed. Exactly the same plume of steam was noticed 3 weeks later. At the foot of the mountain at this time, 1052 tremors were recorded.

On November 21, 2017, the Indonesian disaster management agency issued a volcanic warning level four. This level indicated that a volcanic explosion could occur in the very near future. At the same time, at the end of November 2017, none of the experts could confidently name the exact date of the volcanic eruption.

Seismologists recorded the eruption of Mount Agung on November 21. On this day, volcanic ash rose to a height of approximately 700 meters from the crater. On November 27, the eruption repeated. A column of smoke rose above the sacred mountain to a height of 4000 meters from the crater. In connection with this, the eruption was assigned a maximum level of danger.

Indonesians living within a 7.5 km radius of Mount Agung were urgently evacuated. People were given special breathing masks. Some villages located in close proximity to the volcano were covered with a layer of ash. Despite the current situation, the authorities were unable to force some local residents to urgently leave their homes. People did not want to leave their pets unattended and evacuate to safer places to live.

But after the tallest smoke plume was recorded over the Bali volcano on November 27, seismologists have come to the general conclusion that a larger volcanic eruption, which could occur in the very near future, is almost inevitable.

In November 2017, approximately 40,000 Indonesians fled their homes that were in close proximity to the volcano. They set up temporary camps after an exclusion zone was established around the sacred Mount Agung, the length of which, according to various sources, reaches 10-12 km.

Fire flashes over the Agung volcano on the island of Bali were observed at night. The Indonesian Disaster Prevention Agency has made statements that it is very dangerous to be in the exclusion zone. Villages located within a radius of up to 10 km were covered with a dense layer of thick ash, which made visibility very difficult. The evacuation of people continued constantly.

The sky above the volcano was covered with clouds of ash. Ash thrown into the air is known to cause damage to aircraft engines. Due to the current conditions, dozens of flights were canceled every day.

The chronology of events taking place on the island of Bali has been compiled from September 2017 to the present:

  1. Late September 2017: a deep crack, about 80 m long, was formed in the crater of the volcano. Experts calculated that there may be about 15 million m³ of magma inside the volcano, which moves towards the crater, but cannot find a way out.
  2. Early October 2017: for 2 weeks, earthquakes regularly occur near the volcano, which indicate that magma cannot escape, breaking through the interfering solidified lava.
  3. November 27, 2017: seismologists set danger level 4; a magma eruption is expected any day now. Ngurah Rai Airport is closed due to the current situation. The volcano smokes and releases huge columns of ash. Lava eruptions are observed at night.
  4. November 30, 2017: a column of light gray ash appeared above the crater. In the afternoon, the amount of ash emissions decreased significantly. The airport has resumed its operations.
  5. Early December 2017: there are no visual signs of volcanic activity; transparent water vapor periodically appears, spreading over a distance of up to 1.5 km.
  6. Mid-December 2017: experts noted a sharp reduction in harmful emissions, the height of the ash column decreased to 500-1000 m. Seismologists reduced the danger level to two.
  7. Late December 2017 – mid-January 2018: most of the time the volcano is in a calm state, but sometimes ash columns are released, 2-3 thousand m high.
  8. Mid-February 2018: the situation continues to remain calm, and therefore local authorities allowed Indonesians to return to their homes.
  9. March 2018: after a relative calm that lasted several months, the volcano began to be active again.

Agung's last eruption occurred in 1963. The natural disaster claimed the lives of more than 2,000 people.

Current news

On March 15, the following news arrived from the island of Bali: on at the moment The Indonesian Disaster Management Agency again recorded a small eruption of Mount Agung. Grayish smoke appeared from the crater of the volcano, maximum height the smoke column was approximately 700 m.

Authorities urge local residents not to lose calm and not succumb to general panic. The exclusion zone currently reaches 6-7.5 km.

According to Indonesia's chief seismologist, there are many examples in which the peak of volcanic activity lasted for 6 years. And a large-scale eruption that destroys everything in its path may ultimately not happen at all. After the specified period, the activity of tremors gradually begins to subside.

Is it possible to fly on vacation?

Due to the latest news, the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has issued a special warning for tourists who are currently in Bali. According to this warning, if ash clouds appear from the crater of a volcano, before leaving for the airport, the tourist must coordinate departure from the country with his travel agent or airline representatives.

The Russian embassy in Indonesia calls on Russian citizens to temporarily refrain from traveling to Bali.

Volcano Batur

The highest point of another famous volcano in Bali, called Batur, is located at an altitude of 1717 m above sea level. Batur has three craters that periodically emit small bursts of grayish smoke and ash, and tremors can be felt at the base of the volcano. The top of the volcano is covered with dark spots. These are traces of solidified lava that remained after destructive volcanic eruptions that date back to 1917, 1926-1929, 1947 and 2000.

In 2000, the smoke column rose 300 m above the crater. There was no serious damage, but the Indonesians were very alarmed by the activity of the volcano, because until that moment no eruptions had been observed for half a century. Seismic activity was recorded by specialists in the fall of 2009. For several months, there was an increase in volcanic activity, but by the summer of 2010, seismologists made a statement that an eruption of the Batur volcano was not expected in the near future.

Indonesians use numerous rituals to appease the spirits of Mount Batur. The territory in which it is located is very revered by local residents. No wonder a large number of temples were built along its perimeter. To avoid volcanic activity, Indonesians held a special ceremony. The people sewed a large sarong and wrapped it around Mount Batur. They prayed at the foot of the volcano and came to him with offerings.

Climbing volcanoes

Does not require any specific preparation. However, it is not recommended to climb to heights on your own. Before you start climbing, you need to find an experienced guide. You can climb the Batur volcano within two hours, making several stops along the way for a little rest and a snack.

Guides accompanying tourists to the volcano crater must have a walkie-talkie with them in order to signal for help if necessary. These people are well versed in the area and know how to reach the volcano crater in the shortest possible way.

The main impression for which people strive to get to the top of the volcano is the sunrise. The sunrise seen in the crater of the volcano will remain in the memory for a long time, and the magnificent photographs taken in this place will leave the best memories of your trip to Bali.

More and more volcanoes are awakening across the globe. each time it spews out clouds of smoke and ash more and more powerfully..

Volcano Agung frightens Bali authorities

A volcano erupted on the Indonesian resort island of Bali, causing flights to and from Australia to be canceled after a huge cloud of ash rose into the sky.

The Agung volcano is throwing out ash and smoke that have shrouded dozens of villages in an impenetrable fog. Lava flows spread over a radius of 2-3 kilometers around the troubled mountain. There were no reports of casualties, but the national disaster management agency established a 2.5-mile exclusion zone around the mountain and said face masks would be distributed to anyone dangerously close to the mountain as a precaution. For this purpose, local officials purchased 50,000 masks.

Bali Airport representative Arie Ahsanurrohim spoke about the cancellation of flights between Bali and Australia, flights to New Zealand will be carried out as scheduled.

Brent Thomas, commercial director of the New Zealand travel company House of Travel, said that tourists should be as collected as possible and carefully observe natural circumstances. “It (the volcano) could go dormant again or it could flare up again, no one knows when that will happen,” Brent Thomas said.

Note that the Agung volcano began to show the first signs of life at the end of 2017. Then the emissions from the bowels of the earth were so powerful that the authorities organized the immediate evacuation of people from dangerous places.

The largest one occurred in 1963, more than 1,000 people became victims, and several villages were destroyed. Agung is just one of more than 120 active volcanoes in Indonesia, which is prone to eruptions and earthquakes due to its location on the "Ring of Fire" - a series of fault lines stretching from the western hemisphere to Japan and southeast Asia.

Last day of Bali. How to avoid becoming a victim of a volcanic eruption

On the island of Bali, popular destination for tourists from all over the world, an ancient volcano, dormant for more than half a century, is about to awaken. Now there are a huge number of tourists there, including residents of Russia. 360 hopes everyone can get out of the eruption before it starts, but we've put together some guidance on how to stay as safe as possible before, during and after the disaster.

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What's happening? Volcano Agung on the island of Bali (Indonesia), dormant since 1963, has begun to awaken, with giant columns of ash flying from its vent into the air. The country's authorities announced the need to evacuate 100 thousand people from the surrounding area. Of these, more than 50 thousand are tourists, among whom there are Russians (300 people only according to official data). At the same time, the airport in Denpasar, largest city islands, stopped flights due to ash. They are scheduled to resume on Tuesday, but depending on the situation, this decision may be postponed.

How likely is a major eruption? The volcano has been assigned the fourth - highest - threat level. The previous eruption of Agung in 1963 killed about 1,700 people, but it is poorly known what signs preceded its eruption. Now the ash is rising to a height of more than three kilometers, the Indonesian Volcanology Center has announced the threat of a pyroclastic flow: a mixture of high-temperature volcanic gases, ash and lava, the speed of which can reach 700 kilometers per hour.

How is the evacuation going? Just last week, when the volcano just started spitting out ash, about 25 thousand people ran away. Now the sounds made by the volcano can be heard 11 kilometers around Agung, and the authorities are already talking about the need to remove 100 thousand people. It is noteworthy that 145 thousand people left their homes back in September, when seismic activity around the volcano increased sharply, but everyone returned in October, when the danger seemed to have subsided.

What signs indicate that you should immediately leave the eruption zone? It is necessary to listen carefully to the warnings of volcanologists and services responsible for evacuation. They have more information than an individual tourist or even local resident, explains volcanologist, doctor of geological and mineralogical sciences Pavel Plechov. Only experts can determine areas that are safe during an eruption. If a person suddenly finds himself in a place where there are no appropriate warnings and services, he simply needs to leave the possible disaster zone as quickly as possible, go 10 kilometers from a living volcano.

How to survive if you are still in the zone of a volcanic eruption? The most important thing is to protect the airways. Volcanic ash is very dangerous for mucous membranes. Essentially, it is very finely crushed glass with sharp edges. To avoid inhaling ash, you need to cover yourself with cotton-gauze bandages or something similar, or at least a rag moistened with water, notes Pchelov. Water must be filtered and all hygienic precautions must be observed. There is no need to be afraid of lava; in the entire history of mankind, only a few have died from it during eruptions. However, it is better not to go down into lowlands and river valleys, because pyroclastic flows will go there first.

What should be done after the eruption? Again, all sanitary standards must be no less strictly observed - filter water, check the freshness of food, and under no circumstances eat anything covered with volcanic ash, Pchelov emphasizes. In general, if it is possible to stay in a safe room, it is better to stay there until the relevant services announce that you can go outside (via radio, Internet or something else). And even then, before you go out, you need to make sure that your body is completely covered, from head to toe, and your airways are covered - the air after an eruption is no less toxic than during it.

Morning transfer to the volcano

At the time of the meeting, the driver of the transport company will arrive at your hotel or villa Maps Bali Tour. You must wait for the car at the hotel reception or at the entrance to the villa. When all participants are assembled, the transfer will go to the foot of the volcano. Your guide will meet you at the parking lot. He will give you flashlights for the hike.


The ascent will begin around midnight. In total it takes from 4 to 6 hours. There are several stops planned during the climb so you can rest. In half this time you will cover two-thirds of the way. The remaining third is the most difficult section: you have to climb a slippery rocky slope at an angle of 45 degrees.

At dawn, the guide will offer you tea, coffee, buns and bananas. You will have plenty of time to take photos and have breakfast. After this you will descend back to the foot of the volcano. The descent will also take from 4 to 6 hours. A driver will be waiting for you in the parking lot.

Transfer to the hotel

After all the guests are assembled, we head to your hotel. The time of arrival at the hotel depends on traffic jams and the distance of your hotel.

Important information:

  • In accordance with clause 7.3.3 of the user agreement, the site company is not responsible for weather conditions on your ascension dates. The weather in the Agunga volcano caldera is unpredictable, with fog, rain and low visibility possible during the ascent, especially during the rainy season.
  • Choose comfortable, comfortable clothes and shoes. The route to the top of Agung passes through several zones: from the dense jungle at the base to the slippery rocks at the top.
  • People with joint and heart diseases are not recommended to climb.


  • div > .user-text">

    Natalia 11/11/2016

    Agung (company: Maps Bali Tour)


    We watched the sunrise on the mountain several years ago, but when we returned to Bali we couldn’t resist climbing again. If you have good physical fitness, then it will be easy for you, but if not, you will have to work hard. But believe me, what you see is worth it.

  • div > .user-text">

    Julia 10/12/2016

    Agung (company: Maps Bali Tour)


    We climbed the Agung volcano. Height 3150 m. It was difficult. It was incredibly difficult. Shortness of breath, clogged feet...things wet from sweat. When you get up, you don’t want to eat or drink. When the surface becomes rocky, it becomes cold and windy. Very strong wind. And here it’s scary and very dangerous. But when you reach the height, you scream like crazy. Such a view opens up before you... until you see it yourself, you can’t imagine it. It takes you even longer to go down than it took to go up. Sneakers, everyone is killing it. Then you definitely can’t walk for half a day, and you don’t want to. It’s worth going there for the view, emotions and personal best. But I recommend taking warm clothes. And prepare yourself for the fact that as you climb up, you will curse yourself for deciding to do this one day.

  • div > .user-text">

    Mike 09/24/2016

    Agung (company: Maps Bali Tour)


    We got up at night. The road, as we already learned at dawn, goes along the fallen lava, through the jungle. Take more water with you, yes, it’s hard to climb with it, but you won’t be able to buy it anywhere, even before the climb. Wear very comfortable shoes and do not eat a heavy dinner. You will have to climb over huge cobblestones, sometimes even jumping over them, and with every meter it becomes more and more difficult to climb. At the end of the climb you will be rewarded with a stunning view. This climb requires good physical fitness.

  • div > .user-text">

    Anna 07/04/2016

    Agung (company: Maps Bali Tour)


    We were on holiday in Bali in June. In two weeks we visited almost all corners of Bali, went in for water sports, but the most vivid impression, without a doubt, was climbing the peak of Mount Agung. If you have good physical fitness and don’t feel dizzy from heights, then I highly recommend doing this climb! Shrouded in darkness and frightening with incomprehensible sounds, the night jungle, narrow paths with cliffs at the edges, a sharply changing landscape, climbing steep rock slopes, a bewitching view of the island in full view, and, finally, a huge crater bowl at the peak - this is the minimum of what awaits you .

  • div > .user-text">

    Daria 02/21/2016

    Agung (company: Maps Bali Tour)


    The incredible power of the mountain and the magnificent view that opens from the mountain are worth all the effort. But in order to get there, you still need to prepare. It’s better to climb Agung at night, when it’s not too hot. It can be chilly at the top, so take a jacket. Climb from two to four hours, depending on physical fitness. You should take water and chocolates and sandwiches with you. Flashlights and sneakers are a must. A camera is a must. If Mr. Agung seems too much for you, then take a closer look at Batur. It is lower, but no less beautiful.

  • div > .user-text">

    Maria 01/23/2016

    Agung (company: Maps Bali Tour)


    Amazing feeling to meet the sunrise at the very high point Bali islands - Agung volcano! An endlessly star-strewn sky, green island like a palm with traces of lava from a previous eruption, a crater, a shadow from a volcano, neighboring islands and mountains, white fluffy clouds!! And it's all in one place!! But to enjoy this beauty you will have to try very hard!! Let's lift heavy! Only for people in good physical shape! Be sure to take a guide
