Is it possible to return an air ticket purchased online? What to do if you have lost your air ticket? How much money can you get back?

Traveling is an opportunity to study, relax, explore the world and be a free person at the same time. This is the best thing that can happen in life, and there is hardly a person willing to argue with it. The best way to travel is to buy a plane ticket and go to some distant or not quite country to spend time usefully and leave after the trip good impressions and warm memories.

Many people choose airplanes as transport. It is practical, convenient, fast, safe and comfortable. But, alas, this is one of the most expensive types of transport (although there are exceptions here). In any case, a plane flight can account for almost half of the entire budget for a vacation somewhere in southern country. But in life anything happens. It happens that a trip is cancelled.

What to do in this case? Can I return a plane ticket? Is it possible to get back at least a small part of the money spent on booking a flight? What needs to be done for this? Let's try to figure it out together.

How many days in advance can a plane ticket be returned?

So, there are two news, according to tradition, one of them is good, the second is not so good. Let's start with the first one. Yes, it is possible to return a plane ticket purchased online or in any other way. The bad news is that this cannot always be done; in some cases they will refuse you, in others they will reimburse only part of your costs, and with some airlines you will have to tinker and even go to court.

But don’t rush to get upset; with the right approach, absolutely anything is possible. The main thing is to comply with several very simple but important conditions. The first is time. Yes, the phrase “time is money” is not just a metaphor, but a rule. If you apply on the day of departure or a few hours before departure, you can count on virtually nothing. In fact, each company has its own rules. Of course, they are regulated by laws, but in some cases the ticket return time is regulated by internal regulations. And by purchasing a ticket, you automatically agree to the terms and conditions of this airline.

Therefore, be careful and study this issue as thoroughly as possible. How long it takes to return a plane ticket is not an easy question. The sooner the better. The money refund operation will be even more successful if you notify that you will not fly on this flight at least two days before departure. You can, of course, try to do this before registration, but in this case the process will become more complicated, since it is not profitable for the airline to lose money. After registration ends, and especially after departure, tickets become non-refundable.

How much money can you get back?

Can I return a plane ticket? Can. But is it possible to get, or rather return, the money spent? In theory, yes, although here, too, everything depends on the airline. They have their own tariffs, promotions, conditions, and so on. People, as a rule, do not pay attention to such things, and then complain about how bad the airline is that it does not want to return the money, although according to the law it seems to have to do so. Few people know that they exist originally non-refundable tickets, but we'll talk about them a little later. They cannot be called absolutely non-refundable, so at least a small part of the money can still be returned.

Service fees that are paid when purchasing an air ticket are also non-refundable. Also, many airlines impose a fine for returning a ticket, but its amount is not fixed in any legal act, so each company has its own “appetites.” If you want to know a way to return a plane ticket and get 100% of the amount back, then you should familiarize yourself with the grounds for returning a ticket, which in most cases guarantee a full refund.

Reasons for returning a ticket

There are two types of air ticket refunds: voluntary and forced. In the first case, the passenger returns the ticket without any particular reason. Maybe he has it, but for the airline this is not a valid reason. For example, if you had a fight with your companion, decided not to fly to this country, or your boss changed his mind about giving you a vacation, then in this case it will most likely not be possible to return the full cost of the ticket. But at the same time, there are a number of reasons why the airline is obliged to consider your application and return all the money as soon as possible. This is the so-called forced refund of air tickets for direct flights.

Valid reasons that guarantee a refund include, for example, an official refusal of a visa. In this case, you are obliged to document this refusal by providing all the necessary evidence. If the passenger was urgently hospitalized and he also has all the certificates in this regard, he can expect a refund. At the same time, his companions who did not fly precisely because their friend or relative was ill will not receive full compensation.

The death of a close relative (wife, parents, children) also allows you to receive the money spent on tickets. You just need to prove the relationship and provide a death certificate so that the airline has grounds to issue a refund. There are also a number of reasons for which the carrier itself is to blame: cancellation or serves as a reason to return the ticket and receive compensation for its cost.

All such cases are considered on an individual basis. The most important thing is to request a refund on time, at least one day before departure. This is stated in all airline ticket refund policies. Some companies may consider your application on the same day, but be prepared for the entire procedure to take a week or even a month. This happens extremely rarely, but no one is immune from it.

When will the money arrive?

As noted above, the most important thing is to provide all the necessary evidence of the reason for the return. This needs to be done as early as possible, then there is every chance that the airline will meet you halfway and solve the problem as quickly as possible. short terms. But it also happens that returning air tickets for a direct flight is a difficult and time-consuming task. What to do in this case? Alas, all we can do is wait. But as soon as your return is officially recognized as forced, the process of transferring money to your bank card will immediately begin. It usually takes several business days, in some cases you have to wait about a week for money.

How to return an e-ticket

Nowadays, so-called aggregators are very popular - services that look for the cheapest air tickets and help you book them right at home. All you need is the Internet for this. But what should you do if you need a plane ticket purchased online urgently?

In fact, the process of returning such a ticket is no different from what was described above. You need to inform the airline of your desire and reason for returning the ticket, provide evidence that this is an involuntary refund and expect money on your bank card. The main thing is not to forget to check if your electronic ticket is marked non ref, which means “non-refundable”. Let’s look at what to do if you find these words, and whether it’s possible to return a plane ticket of this type right now.

Non-refundable tickets

They are in great demand among air passengers. There is only one reason - such air tickets are much cheaper than regular ones, so purchasing them turns out to be more profitable. you're flying regular flight, but at a lower price. As a rule, people purchase non-refundable tickets knowing for sure that they will fly. But, as mentioned above, life is an unpredictable thing, so sometimes there is a need to return such tickets.

How to get money back for non-refundable tickets

Fortunately, the law provides for those cases in which you can claim a refund and describes how to return a plane ticket if it is “non-refundable”. Of course, the airline is suffering losses, but it cannot do anything about it and is obliged to return the money, otherwise the state will deprive it of its license and the right to transport people. In fact, there is nothing fundamentally new here; money for the return of such tickets is provided in the same cases as in the case of regular ticket. A forced return is recognized in the event of your hospitalization, the death of a loved one, or if the carrier itself violated its obligations and delayed or canceled the flight.


Alas, no one is immune from force majeure circumstances. Even today you can plan a trip, but a few days before departure everything can change dramatically. That is why it is possible to return the ticket and the money for it. Remember, it is best to contact the airline as early as possible, provide all evidence that you will not be able to board the flight, and expect a refund. Of course, it is best not to get into such situations and always get only positive emotions from traveling, but just in case, you should know whether it is possible to return a plane ticket and how to do it correctly.

How to restore electronic ticket on a plane?

How to restore an electronic plane ticket if it is lost is not established by regulations. This is done according to the rules defined by the carrier. We'll tell you when and how the ticket is restored.

How to issue an electronic plane ticket?

Buying a ticket solves 2 problems:

  • the conclusion of an agreement between the carrier and the passenger is confirmed,
  • a seat is reserved for a specific flight.

Electronic plane tickets were put into circulation in 2007 (clause 50 of the Federal Aviation Regulations, approved by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated July 28, 2007 No. 82). You can apply for it on the official website of the airline or an intermediary website that offers different flight options in the following order.

  1. In the drop-down form, enter information about the desired flight: departure date, route, number of passengers, their age.
  2. If the search for a ticket is carried out on an intermediary website, then an airline suitable for the user is selected.
  3. After this, a seat on the plane is reserved. The passenger enters information about himself, his passport data, and email address.
  4. Then payment for the issued ticket occurs online.
  5. The passenger receives an itinerary receipt by email, which he needs to print.

There is no need to print out the ticket itself - all information about the passenger is stored in the carrier’s database.

Can I exchange or return an e-ticket?

The procedure for returning or exchanging an electronic ticket is established by the carrier.

You can find out more about the ticket exchange procedure in our article “How to change an electronic ticket for a train or plane”. Here we note some features of ticket return:

  1. Termination of the contract of carriage is possible at the initiative of both the carrier and the passenger.
  2. The grounds for unilateral termination of the contract by the carrier are specified in paragraph 1 of Art. 107 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Air Code of the Russian Federation): for example, violation by a passenger of passport, sanitary and other rules, refusal to pay for the carriage of baggage exceeding the weight limit, etc.
  3. The consequences of a passenger’s refusal to accept the contract of carriage are specified in Art. 108 VK RF. No special grounds for refusal are required.
  4. The passenger has the right to return money for a ticket by special agreement with the carrier (in fact, after purchasing a ticket for which the carrier provides such a right).
  5. Without the agreement specified in clause 4, the money is returned if the passenger’s health condition requires special conditions for the flight, there is a threat to its deterioration or safety, if the passenger refused the flight due to his illness or the illness of a loved one traveling with him, or the death of a family member/relative .

Ticket refunds are carried out through the airline's ticket office or via the Internet - this remains at the discretion of the carrier.

The carrier also decides in what amount to collect a penalty for returning the ticket (but not more than 25% of the cost of the combined price of transportation and the carrier’s costs under the terminated contract of transportation).

How to restore an electronic ticket?

The issue of restoring an electronic ticket has recently become irrelevant.

In order to reimburse an employee’s expenses for purchasing an electronic ticket for the purpose of going on a business trip or returning from it, documents confirming the expenses must be presented to the company’s accounting department.

According to the letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated 02/05/2010 No. 03-0303-18, these are:

  • documents confirming the costs of purchasing an air ticket: a bank certificate confirming the completion of a monetary transaction, checks and other strict reporting forms,
  • documents confirming the fact of transportation: itinerary receipt and boarding pass.

The same letter states that in case of loss of travel documents, a copy of the ticket or a certificate from the carrier confirming the person’s travel can be provided to the company’s accounting department.

Later, in letter dated September 21, 2011 No. 03-03-07/33, the Ministry of Finance indicated that the documents justifying the expenses are:

  • route receipt;
  • boarding pass.

If your boarding pass is lost, a certificate containing information confirming your trip is acceptable.

The letter does not say anything about the ticket, so there is no need to provide it to the accounting department. In addition, according to clause 70 of the Federal Aviation Regulations, approved. By order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated June 28, 2007 No. 82, the loss of a ticket does not affect the validity of the contract of carriage.

Thus, restore lost ticket no need.

So, an electronic plane ticket, which came into use in 2007, can be issued on the airline’s official website or through an intermediary website. It is not always possible to exchange and return an electronic ticket. The procedure and conditions for carrying out these operations are established by the air carrier.

In recent years, many tourists prefer to purchase plane tickets via the Internet.

This method justifies itself by its convenience and practicality - there is no longer a need to waste time moving around the city and waiting in line at the ticket office.

But sometimes unforeseen circumstances occur, and the purchased air ticket is no longer needed, and the trip needs to be rescheduled for another day, or canceled altogether.

Then the question arises: how to return air tickets purchased online? How to get a refund for an air ticket?

In this case, it does not matter how the air ticket was purchased (regular or online), the possibility of a refund for it depends on the fare at which it was purchased.

The tariff is the very conditions for exchanging or returning an air ticket.

Many travelers do not bother reading a long text, but simply check the “read” box at the end.

If you need a refund for an air ticket, you must carefully read the fare conditions. The rules by which you can return your ticket can be found on the airline’s website. This also applies to purchasing a ticket on the Internet through an intermediary.

There are uniform rules for ticket refunds for all air carriers:

  1. The amount of the fine for returning a ticket will be less if it was purchased at an expensive fare;
  2. The longer you delay returning your ticket, the less money you will be able to get back for it.

Some tickets may have special marks: non refundable or non ref.

Such travel documents cannot be returned. They are usually purchased at the lowest price, or at a promotional rate.

True, there is a chance to try to exchange this ticket for a similar one, but with a different departure date. To do this you will most likely have to pay extra.

The reason why there was a need to return the air ticket is also important. If forced circumstances arise (the flight was delayed or cancelled, a relative fell ill or died, or the passenger himself), then it is necessary to provide documents confirming this fact. In this case, the maximum possible amount implied by the tariff will be refunded.

In the event that there is no valid reason for returning the air ticket, then at best you can count on minimal compensation.

In any case, the decision on the amount of refund will be made by the airline after all reasons have been considered.

When is the best time to return your ticket?

The sooner the refund is made electronic air ticket, the better.

  1. If you return your ticket more than 24 hours before departure, you can get a full refund (excluding the refund fee). cash does not apply). But, certain carriers have a system of customer penalties and may charge various fees.
  2. If the air ticket can be returned in less than a day, then in this case you cannot count on a refund amount of more than 75%.
  3. If the ticket is issued on the day of departure, then everything possible must be done to submit the application at least four hours before the start of check-in. In this case, you can hope for a refund of 75% of the cost. If an application for a refund for a ticket is submitted in less than four hours, the fines may increase.

If you are late for a flight, if you have a full ticket, you can return it even after the plane has departed.

Changing the departure date to another date and at the same time paying a fine is often more profitable than returning a ticket and then purchasing a new one. The same applies to the situation if the security service detained you.

Who will return the money

In order to return tickets and return the money, you need to write a request for a refund and bring it to the travel agency (it can also be an air ticket office or carrier) where the ticket was purchased.

The application must include flight, ticket and reservation numbers, as well as the date and time of departure.

This information can be found in the email sent to everyone who has purchased a travel document.

There should be no mistakes when filling out the application, since in this case you will have to fill out everything again. This risks the fact that the first version of the application will not be taken into account, which means that time will be lost and in fact it will turn out that the refund was requested later.

Return procedure

Since we are talking about an air ticket purchased thanks to the capabilities of the Internet, in order to return it there is no need to come to the ticket office.

The entire return procedure is carried out on the travel agency website. In this case, you need to fill out an application on the required page.

Simultaneously with sending the application on the website, you need to attach a photo from the passport for which the ticket was purchased. Sometimes it is acceptable to send scans by email.

In all cases, it is permissible to personally contact travel agency employees with a request to reschedule the departure date or to return the money for the ticket. This formality is routine and does not require large quantity time. Many passengers return tickets every day.

If the ticket was purchased through a travel agency, the funds will first go to her account, and then to the account of the person who returned the ticket. An application for a ticket refund can only be submitted by the person who purchased the ticket. If this person does not have such an opportunity, then another person can write the application, but for this it will be necessary to have the power of attorney certified by a notary.

How long does it take for money to be returned?

This question cannot be answered unambiguously. When the funds will be returned will depend on when the person decided to return the tickets purchased via the Internet and submitted the application. Also, the speed of the procedure will depend on the payment method.

Funds are returned to the client in several ways:

  1. Cash refund.
  2. By transfer to an electronic wallet.
  3. Transfer to current account.
  4. Transfer to a bank card.

Especially if you often fly for work. The only downside to such a purchase is the risk of changing your plans.

In force majeure circumstances, people, as a rule, are not able to act calmly and consistently. Therefore, it is better to prepare in advance for such a situation as a refund of plane tickets.

The need to return a ticket may arise for two reasons:

  1. Forced return which occurs due to the fault of the air carrier.
  2. Voluntary return, the culprit of which is the passenger.

In the case of a forced return, everything is much simpler. Airlines always have no problem compensating for any inconvenience caused to customers.

Forced return

Reasons for forced refund of air tickets include:

  • flight cancellation or rescheduling, as well as long delay;
  • impossibility of connecting flights if you are flying with transfers;
  • the planned landing location has changed at the point of arrival;
  • being late for a flight due to a lengthy security check, but no prohibited items were found;
  • refusal to issue a visa;
  • an employee of the company made mistakes when issuing an air ticket;
  • the seat indicated on the ticket was not provided;
  • death or serious illness of the passenger himself or a member of his family.

In the above cases, you have the right to receive back the entire amount spent on the purchase of the air ticket. But to do this, you need to have documents confirming that the return is actually made for forced reasons.

In case of forced return, the airlines will provide you with full compensation

In the event of a flight cancellation or long delay, you should:

  1. Contact the registration service, or your airline representative if the delay or cancellation occurred before check-in. There you must confirm the reason using a mark on the ticket, which must be certified by the company’s seal.
  2. Pick up your flight coupon, if you learned about the delay or cancellation of the flight after completing the check-in procedure for the flight. This is necessary because tickets will be considered used if there is no coupon.

Only if these conditions are met can you count on full monetary compensation.

Voluntary return

In this situation, it is especially important to know your rights, since with a voluntary return, carriers are not so willing to cooperate.

Air ticket refund rules are reflected in Art. 108 Air Code of the Russian Federation, according to which the passenger has the right to refuse a flight if he notifies the carrier in advance.

In this case, you have the right to receive financial compensation, the amount of which depends on the time of notification of the refusal.

Try to notify the airline immediately if circumstances force you to surrender your ticket.

Important! If you notify the company one day before the flight, then you are entitled to a 100% refund of the air ticket price. If there is less than one day left before the flight, the company has the right to collect a fine from the passenger for financial losses caused, which, however, should not exceed 25% of the ticket price.

Non-refundable air tickets

The non-refundability rule applies, for example, to, since tickets for them have reduced prices.

In 2014, the Federation Council of the Russian Federation approved a law on non-refundable air tickets, according to which airlines have the right to sell such tickets to passengers, provided that their number does not exceed 30% of the total amount per flight. This implies that these should be the cheapest tickets, the cost of which is reduced by 15-20% .

How does the choice of fare affect ticket refunds?

The refund conditions for air tickets are strongly tied to their fare. Existing tariff plans can be divided into the following categories:

  1. Business class. It is quite easy to return air tickets, however, you will still have to pay a fine for them.
  2. Premium class. Such tickets are refunded 100% of the cost, even in case of no-show. This is understandable; losses from such situations are already included in the considerable cost of the air ticket.
  3. Economy class. If passengers in this class refuse to fly, companies lose a significant portion of their profits, so they are always reluctant to refund tickets.

Important! The lower the cost of tickets, the more difficult it is to return them and receive compensation for them.

When purchasing a ticket, immediately clarify the conditions for its return

Refund of economy class tickets

Each airline has its own conditions under which compensation for returned air tickets occurs. You need to check them with the employee at the ticket office when purchasing a ticket, and they are usually listed on the carrier’s official website.

It is important to find out immediately whether your ticket is non-refundable. If you buy air tickets at special discounted rates, then it will probably be impossible to return them.

For tickets sold without a promotion, the following standard conditions most often apply:

  1. Full reimbursement of expenses provided for flights within the Russian Federation and notification of the carrier more than 24 hours in advance.
  2. Fine of 25% of the ticket price charged when flying within the Russian Federation and notifying the carrier less than 24 hours in advance. The same fine will have to be paid when returning the ticket to international flight with less than 24 hours notice.
  3. Fine of 10% of the ticket price is withheld when returning an international flight ticket with more than 24 hours notice.

Money is usually returned in the same way it was paid. This can be cash, transfer to a bank account or card, payment to an electronic wallet. As in the situation with a forced return, there must be a corresponding mark on the air ticket form.

If you cancel your flight, you need to contact the same place where you purchased the ticket - the airline ticket office or travel agency. If at this moment you are in another city or country, a request to cancel the flight can be made online by sending an email to the company.

How to return an e-ticket

If you are an air carrier, then cash compensation is also carried out through it. Let's look at the example of a specific airline.

Before returning your e-ticket Ural Airlines, the return must be issued in your personal account on the company’s website. This assumes that you bought it on the official website.

To make a refund, you need to go to the subsection " Checking your order", find and open your order, click on the word " Return" at the bottom of the page, and then to the word " Confirm».

Important! When you click on " Return» you will no longer have the opportunity to cancel your action.

Cancellation of a seat on a flight by phone

To receive a refund, you will need to write a statement, which must indicate your Full name, passport details and air ticket number. The application is written in free form and sent by email to the airline.

After completing the return procedure, you should receive a confirmation of the transaction by email indicating the exact amount of the refund. Air tickets are refunded within one day.

Returning a ticket through an agency

An e-ticket can also be refunded if it was purchased through an agency. For this fill out a form on its website and attach a scan of your passport to it. It is important to know the status of your ticket and whether a refund procedure is possible for it.

This should be noted in the “Restriction” column. If the description is on English, then the phrase “non refundable” will mean that the ticket is . Another important point - agency fees are non-refundable.

Air tickets purchased through aggregators

It is very popular and profitable to purchase air tickets through aggregators. They are specialized websites through which you can purchase tickets for any airline to all destinations. It is with their help that you can easily find the best flight option in terms of price and quality.

But aggregators do not issue tickets themselves, so if you need to cancel a flight, you should not contact the administration of this site, but directly the air carrier. After booking your order, you receive a letter from the site with a description of the route, which should also include the airline’s contact information. You need to apply for a refund based on them.

Air ticket exchange

It is impossible not to mention the exchange of air tickets. It doesn’t matter whether it’s an electronic ticket or a paper one purchased at the box office, you can exchange them under conditions similar to those for a refund.

Important! If you wish to reschedule your flight to another date, you must notify the carrier as soon as possible. The time and date of your flight determine whether you will have to pay extra for the exchange.

Each airline has its own tariffs for this situation. Therefore, carefully study the conditions, because in some cases it is more profitable to return the air ticket completely than to reissue it.

Knowing the rules for returning plane tickets established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, you can always defend your rights and negotiate with the airline on terms that are favorable to you.

Recently, most travelers buy tickets and book their accommodation via the Internet. This is very convenient and practical - you don’t need to stand at the ticket office, waste time and money moving around the city. But sometimes it happens that an air ticket purchased online is no longer needed and the trip has to be canceled or rescheduled. How to return a plane ticket purchased online?

In most cases, a ticket purchased online is returned in the same way as a regular one. But only if you bought it without the “Non Ref” mark (non refundable). Most often, tickets with this mark are sold on low-cost airlines or are among the cheapest, even in economy class. If it says Non Ref, then your money will not be returned..

If you have a full ticket, a refund is possible. Conditions may vary between airlines - look for them on the carriers' official websites. But everyone has one principle - the sooner you apply for a refund, the easier the process will be.

Please note: Usually, the more expensive the air ticket, the easier it is to return it. That is, in 95% of cases you will not have any problems returning business class. Fines for this procedure may either be absent altogether or be several times less than when returning a low-cost airline.

Tickets purchased through promotions, sales or special rates are non-refundable. But you will most likely be allowed to exchange it for another flight. Some carriers generally accept returns on the day of sale. If you are late, then only transfer the flight to another date. Therefore, carefully study the conditions before purchasing.

When is the best time to return a ticket?

The sooner you decide to return your electronic plane ticket, the better.

  1. If you rent it out a day or more in advance, you can expect a 100% refund of the cost (only the commission is not refundable). Some carriers may fine customers for this procedure and charge them various fees.
  2. By returning your ticket less than 24 hours in advance, you will receive 75% of the cost, minus all of the above.
  3. If you change your mind about flying on the last day, try to submit your application four hours before registration begins. In this case, you will be refunded according to the second point of this list. If you are late, the fines will increase.

Please note: If you purchased a full ticket and missed your flight (or were not allowed through by security), you can return it after the plane departs. Often, paying a fine and rescheduling a flight to a new date is more profitable than returning a ticket and buying a new one.

Who will return the money?

We found out whether it is possible to return air tickets, now we will tell you about the return procedure itself. You must apply for a refund to the place where you purchased the ticket (travel agency, ticket office, carrier). The statement states:

  • flight number;
  • ticket number;
  • reservation number;
  • departure date;
  • departure time.

This information is provided in the email that arrives when purchasing a ticket. Do not make mistakes when filling out, because if something is incorrect, you will have to write a second application, and the first one will be canceled (accordingly, it will be considered that you ordered a return later).

Return procedure

  1. Since you bought your ticket online, you don’t need to go to the ticket office to return it. Everything is done on the airline’s (or travel agency’s) website. You will need to fill out an application on the portal in the appropriate section and attach a photo of your passport (the one for which you purchased the ticket). In some cases, scans are sent by email.
  2. You can also always personally contact representatives of the airline or travel agency with a request for a refund or rescheduling of the flight date. There is no need to worry or be embarrassed - this is a standard procedure and does not take much time. Hundreds of passengers return tickets every day.
  3. If you purchased a ticket through a travel agency, the refund will be made first to their account, and only then to yours. An application for a refund can only be submitted by the person who purchased the ticket, or anyone else who has a notarized power of attorney from the “owner”.

How long does it take for the money to be returned?

This question is quite complicated - it all depends on when you decided to return the Aeroflot tickets purchased online, on the deadline for submitting the application and on the method of payment. Money can be returned in the following ways:

  1. Cash.
  2. To an electronic wallet.
  3. To a current account.
  4. To a bank card.

In order for funds to be returned to your account or card as quickly as possible, you must indicate:

  1. Identification code.
  2. Full name of the bank and client's current account.
  3. Bank identification code and correspondent account.

If the purchase was paid through an electronic wallet, then provide:

  1. Last name, first name and patronymic of the recipient (exactly the one for whom the ticket was purchased).
  2. Wallet number.
  3. Type of system (Yandex money, WebMoney, LiqPay, RBK Money, etc.).

Please note: immediately after submitting an application for a refund, you will lose your seats and they will be purchased by other participants in the system. It is no longer possible to change your mind and withdraw your application. Typically this procedure takes from 10 to 90 days.

Is it possible to change the departure date?

It all depends on the air carrier and the cost of the ticket. In most cases, you can change the date by paying a small fine. There is no change fee for business class or annual fare tickets.

That's all you need to know about how to return an electronic plane ticket purchased online. We wish you pleasant flights!
