Impressions of the Dominican Republic: pros and cons. Regions of the Dominican Republic: holidays in Juan Dolio

Disputes often flare up among tourists regarding what is best for relaxation: . Such disagreements are quite justified, since both of these countries have something to boast about and please tourists.

Pros and cons of Egypt and the Dominican Republic as tourist destinations

  • A holiday in Egypt will cost much less than in the Dominican Republic. However, tourists argue that if you have sufficient funds, it is better to choose a vacation in the Caribbean, since the level of service here is much higher. This is especially true for married couples with children, for whom the best conditions and good nutrition will be provided.
  • When choosing which is better - Egypt or the Dominican Republic, many focus on the duration of the flight, and in this regard, the second country loses. The flight to Egypt takes no more than 5 hours.

The Dominican Republic is a green paradise on earth.

Some tourists are convinced that a long journey can require a lot of effort, while others say that they will always have time to fly to Egypt, and the Dominican Republic will leave an indelible impression.

  • Hotels and their spacious areas in the DR are literally surrounded by the greenery of exotic gardens, which is not typical for Egyptian ones. In Egypt, hotels are more compact and not so “green”.
  • Tourists in the Dominican Republic usually limit themselves to relaxing on the hotel grounds, where there is a lot of entertainment for every taste. In Egypt, vacationers often leave the hotel. They can be found at local discos or near attractions, of which there are plenty here.
  • In the DR, “lazy” beach holidays predominate, but there are also excursions, mostly natural ones. The opponent has a little more places where various historical and cultural sites. The cost of excursions in Egypt is lower.

Egypt is a country of sand, pyramids and sun.

Why tourists choose Egypt

The land of the pyramids is one of the main tourist destinations, where even in winter you can swim in the warm sea. Vacationers are attracted by the following advantages:

  • Short flight
  • The friendly attitude of Egyptians towards Russians
  • Popular all-inclusive system in hotels
  • Interesting and inexpensive excursions to unique sights
  • Low cost of travel
  • Ancient history and original culture
  • Great shopping experience.

Why tourists prefer the Dominican Republic

DR – paradise with thousands coconut trees, long white beaches and luxury hotels, located on the island of Haiti. Tourists love this country for its excellent, mesmerizing landscapes and quiet, cozy atmosphere, conducive to a pleasant beach holiday.

The Dominican Republic has to offer:
    • Excellent diving, windsurfing, snorkeling and other water sports.
    • Beach holidays available all year round. Even in winter time The thermometer stays at 28-29 degrees, and the water temperature is on average 22-25 degrees.
    • Picturesque nature, distinguished by its diversity and riot of colors. They are waiting for you majestic mountains, thick tropical forests and beautiful coastlines.
    • The hotels provide excellent service, have large grounds surrounded by tropical gardens, and own beaches. There will be no crowds on the beach here, and walking through a private park with exotic plants, you can feel as if you are alone on the island.
    • Lots of attractions, bars, restaurants and clubs.

  • In winter, a trip to the Dominican Republic is an opportunity to see huge humpback whales that come to breed in warm waters.

Many people associate the Dominican Republic with a luxurious vacation. But sometimes tour operators offer inexpensive tours - for the price of a trip to a good Turkish hotel. Before you go, find out exactly where your travel agent is sending you. The first article in the new series is about the Juan Dolio region.


Juan Dolio is a village on the southern coast of the Dominican Republic, located between the capital of the country, Santo Domingo, and the La Romana region. It is washed by warm waters Caribbean Sea. There are no ultra-luxurious palace hotels here, like in Bavaro, but it is close to the main attractions, and the prices are lower. Let's take a closer look at the pros and cons of a holiday in Juan Dolio.


Hotels in Juan Dolio are noticeably inferior to hotels of the same category in the Bavaro-Punta Cana region. No giant territory with golf courses and tennis courts, no unlimited Black Label whiskey in the bar, no casino by Las Vegas standards. But this does not mean that there is no choice. You just need to choose a hotel very carefully. I recommend the five-star Emotions by Hodelpa and Casa Hemingway and the strong four-star Coral Costa Caribe Resort.

Hotel Casa Hemingway

Beaches and water sports

The beaches are also inferior to Bavarian ones in both beauty and quality. The water is a clear turquoise color, but the sand cannot be called snow-white even after the most fun party. The entrance to the sea is very gentle, there are no waves. This is a plus for holidays with children. The downside for him is that on half of the beaches of Juan Dolio the bottom is strewn with sharp corals. It is better to purchase special slippers and swim only in trusted places. But with water sports everything is in order: there is surfing, kiting, and even diving off the nearby islands. And in the winter season, here you can watch the sun set directly into the sea.

sunset in Juan Dolio


Juan Dolio clearly wins here. The capital is only 60 km away, not 210 from Bavaro. Closer from here to the Samana Peninsula, and to mountainous areas Jarabacoa and Constanta, and even to the northern coast. If you want to explore the country, then it is better to relax in these parts. There are no special attractions in the village itself, but it’s just nice to walk here. A wide white boulevard, fences covered with grapes, illuminated high-rise hotels, many cozy bakeries and bars with live music - Juan Dolio is pretending to be Miami a little. The evening promenade is an essential part of local life. But it's clean tourist entertainment, like a dolphinarium, bungee jumping and buggy rides, are not here.

the same grapes


Juan Dolio is a favorite among European expats. There are especially many Germans, Italians and English. There are our compatriots in hotels, but there are much fewer of them than in Bavaro. Travelers who prefer to relax in savage places are also more likely to go here or to the north. And on weekends, expect an invasion of Dominicans from the capital who come for the weekend. They behave noisily, but friendly.

but you won't be bored


The main advantage of a holiday on the south coast is noticeably lower prices compared to Bavaro. This applies to the price of the tour itself, the cost of excursions, and even the menu in cafes and restaurants. A holiday in Juan Dolio in a hotel of the same category will cost 1.5-2 times cheaper than in Bavaro.


Let's summarize. For your convenience, I have collected the pros and cons of holidays in Juan Dolio in a table:

Juan Dolio and Boca Chica are different regions. We'll talk about Boca Chica in the next article.

I rested from 01/18/05 to 01/29/05. at the hotel Bahia Principle Punta Cana 5*, which is on at the moment is one of the best, if not the best in Punta Cana (according to the exchange of opinions with other tourists who went on excursions with us, as well as on the plane, and most importantly, according to the local guides!

So, in the beginning, why did I call the review “Trap for suckers”, because, like most winter holiday lovers in warm regions, I chose another country mainly by reading other reviews and impressions. Here is a resume of a person who visited the Dominican Republic:

1. The bulk of the enthusiastic and grunting reviews about holidays in the Dominican Republic were written by tour operators promoting this destination (by the way, local host tour operators also admitted this to us), or written by people who vacationed there before the fall of 2004 (according to eyewitnesses, the system used to be all included in hotels in the Dominican Republic meant not only three meals a day, as is currently the case in most hotels).

2. The tourism infrastructure in this country, with the exception of the hotels themselves, is practically undeveloped, and there is practically nothing to do there other than a beach (even active, in the sense of sports) holiday.

3. Excursions (in addition to point 2), in addition to impressions of nature, especially in terms of their organization (our host was Capital Tour, represented by the local operator Nymph Tour) are terrifying. For example, if you want to spend 6 hours out of a 12-hour excursion gathering other tourists at different hotels, plus 4 hours on the road, then go on an excursion to Santa Domingo (based on the exchange of numerous opinions with other vacationers, other tour operators have the same thing).

4. I would especially like to note about the wonderful guide Antonina, about whom I read rave reviews before leaving (probably from people who went on an individual excursion for $750), so I’ll say in one phrase: “God forbid”, you will discuss such an excursion for a couple of days (at way back on my way to Moscow I thought about her for almost the entire plane).

5. The local population is really kind and cheerful people, but they are the kind of slackers the world has never seen (before the trip, from the reviews, I was mentally prepared not to worry about service time), and they also don’t understand English.

6. Local guides (to be fair, there are normal ones who honestly tell you what awaits you) try to sell various excursions, talking about the beauties that you are about to see (in order to extract money from you, quite a lot, since all excursions are expensive - at least $80 per person), but you won’t see anything like this (I’ll say it again, the exception is nature) (I’ll tell you separately about fishing).

7. Do not buy tours to hotels that have been operating for a long time, since they no longer correspond to the 5* that could have been given to them 2-3 years ago (this nation does not want to do anything, they built it once, and then with the wrong hands, and have not yet will collapse). Many people who went with us on various excursions were indignant and complained about the ugly conditions and complete chaos, and even the guides said that hotels such as Melia and Paradis had changed for the worse.

8. Most of the people flying back to Moscow said that they would not fly to this country a second time for anything.

Now a little about the holiday itself:

Due to very good hotel, built just a year ago (autumn 2003), and beautiful nature (Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, islands and underwater world the corals are just a fairy tale), the impression is positive, although once again I’ll say it’s a country for a one-time visit.

The food at the hotel is excellent, truly all inclusive - around the clock (any drinks except luxury brands)!

Animation, I will say this - there is (in Spanish and a little English).

The territory is very attractive (although it is felt that the landscapers have not yet completed all the work).

Sports and water activities are all ok, except for the disgusting gym.

The service is diligent, but stupid, probably due to a lack of understanding of English and nationwide laziness.

SPA and souvenir shops are insanely expensive in terms of price/quality ratio, that is, rubbish worth $1 costs $100, a simple massage for 50 minutes costs $97, a sauna costs about $30 per person for 50 minutes.

Where to go outside the hotel, but there’s nowhere in particular, as I said above, there’s no infrastructure, only Manati Park (such a fun little zoo).

What can you bring from souvenirs, anything, there are no restrictions, they don’t give a damn, you want to take out corals, you want cigars, gold... However, it should be noted that, in principle, all this is in Moscow, and at cheaper prices (although obeying According to the herd instinct, we, like everyone else, left the stores to which we were diligently taken on excursions, with full bags).

A special topic is guides and excursions.

Before departure I read one review that good impression Even the filthy guides from Capital Tour couldn’t spoil the holiday - I remembered this review more than once! Moreover, the point is not even in the Capital Tour, but in the general approach to organizing excursions in this country. If you paid money in advance, you got it, then everything becomes your personal American grief.

For example, after our first excursion to Santa Domingo (can you imagine, they don’t seem to pick up trash at all in the city), conducted by the “wonderful” guide Antonina with the organizing participation of Capital Tour and Nymph Tour, most of the 60 people, so to speak direct participants, They refused the next excursion to Saona Island, but in vain. After all the complaints expressed to guides and tour operators, the excursion to the island of Saona was carried out with +10 points on a 10-point scale, and by the way, our hotel neighbors who went on the same excursion through ITS were indignant for several days.

Another very good scam is a whale watching excursion (costs 200 - 250 $ per person, to whom the guide will tell you what price, it’s ridiculous). If you're lucky, you'll see a surfacing whale once (one group from our hotel saw a baby whale), but most return from this excursion (luckily we didn't go) with the feeling that they were cheated like the last suckers.

And most importantly, as a fisherman, I can’t help but talk about the wonderful fishing in the Caribbean Sea. Having chartered a luxury yacht for $1,800, explaining to the organizers of the Nymph tour that a company of fishermen had gathered, and not those who liked to ride a yacht on the sea and drink rum, we sailed into the open sea, nurturing ourselves with hopes of catching Dorado, Tuna and Barracuda, which we had in abundance they promised. We caught as many as 5 fish (100 grams each) for 11 people, and, as a person well versed in fishing, I can say that no one was going to take us fishing, after receiving the money they forgot about preparation and didn’t even take any good bait with them ( no squids, no twisters...). To be fair, I want to say that one of the Southern Cross guides said that during his several years of work in this country, they actually catch fish once in a hundred, and then by accident. If you want to go fishing normally, follow the example of the Americans, they never pay in advance, but only based on the results of fishing, if they have trophies.

So, if you are planning to vacation in the Dominican Republic, prepare yourself for a purely hotel-beach vacation, so as not to spoil your nerves (I recommend our hotel), take a ride once to Manati Park and to one of the islands of the Caribbean Sea (Catalina Island is very dirty , although the underwater world is better than at Saona), and the main thing is not to be fooled by the stories and promises of the host party, it’s their bread and butter to sell suckers from Russia various “exotics”, but if you really want to try your luck, then don’t give money in advance!

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    I don't agree
    What I answer with: 1. I was there at the end of January-beginning of February 2004, vacationed at Bavaria Palace, all inclusive worked, and the food was excellent. 2. We went to whales and saw them, at a distance of a maximum of one hundred meters, 2 whales I don’t know what they were doing, but they made candles over the water - very beautiful, and before this we saw several whales and took pictures, if you don’t believe me, I can publish the pictures. 3. We went with Antonina to Santo Domingo, there were 5 of us, we took a minibus, did not collect anyone and looked at everything, when we were in the mansion they brought in a group of our compatriots, about 30 people with a guide of local nationality, half of the tourists moved from room to room with us, they told us so much more interesting than they did. And it didn’t cost $250, I don’t remember exactly now, but maybe 100-120 per person, but it surprises me if people paid a couple of thousand for an all-inclusive trip and couldn’t find it on normal excursion, it is actually better to sit on the beach. 4. Personally, I really liked it!

    Pavel, like an old woman, sees the devil in every corner
    ... hehe What I mean is that, from his point of view, all the laudatory reviews about the Dominican Republic are custom-made. This is nonsense. Everyone has their own tastes. For example, I won’t go to the Maldives for nothing (Honestly!!!) - so after this I am a representative of a Turkish-Egyptian travel agency? I bought a tour there from March 29 to the Caribbean coast (La Romena - Santana Beach Hotel. After trips to Cuba and Morocco, I concluded that I will no longer contact the Atlantic coast. Well, screw the Atlantic!! I’ll be back (God willing) - I’ll tell you how is it and what PYSY - I undertake within three days send 100 dollars to the FIRST person who can convincingly prove to me that Pavel cannot be suspected of advertising this “wonderful” hotel. Like - MY opinion - that Pavel, an exiled Cossack, acts in the interests of the company "promoting" a new hotel. Will anyone be able to dissuade me?

    Hehehe! There was a smell of crap on the site...
    ... and it turns out that the Expert, who used to sign here as Mikhail, came out. Have you read Misha's stories? About Morocco, for example? No? And don’t read - don’t injure your psyche :)))

    Pavel, you are about to be devoured!!
    They REALLY don't like negative reviews here! On my own behalf, I would like to note that I completely agree with the author on all points.

    I support
    I already wrote in remarks to the previous story that the Dominican Republic is NOT paradise. Thanks to the author for his objectivity. I will probably stand up for Antonina - she is good in herself, she really knows a lot and wants to present her country in the best light. But the organization of excursions to St. Domingo Capital by tour is simply terrible. We lived on the Caribbean coast, and they picked us up last - so, not only were they an hour and a half late, but Antonina had just finished telling us about the history of the Dominican Republic at our hotel - we were shocked, this doesn’t happen anywhere - they always wait for the last ones tourists and begin to tell: ((Is it really difficult to make separate transfers... Negative reviews are not liked by those who are afraid to admit that the vacation was not a success and want, out of spite, for others to also go and suffer, IMHO. After all, this is not the first time this has happened - they squeal "Paradise!! Paradise!!" - you believe them like a fool, but it really sucks. In the Maldives there is a BAD entrance to the sea, almost everywhere in the Dominican Republic there is wind. In Morocco in Agadir the beaches are too wide - it’s a long walk to the sea from the sun lounger. . Etc. This does not mean that you should not go there, you just need to be prepared for it so that there is no disappointment. Write honestly, eh??

    I agree with the author
    Written to the point. Indeed, I’m tired of laudatory reviews, I would like the truth, both positive and negative. Yes, you pay several thousand dollars for a trip, but this does not mean that on vacation you need to throw money away for all sorts of bullshit.

    Super expert - fuck you....
    ...and for the rest, I’ll note - where did you see the negative review and “negativity”?? On the contrary - Pavel very diligently and unconventionally advertised the SUPER HOTEL = I can’t help but quote - “Due to a very good hotel, built just a year ago (autumn 2003), and beautiful nature (the Atlantic Ocean, the Caribbean Sea, islands and the underwater world corals, just a fairy tale), the impression is positive, although once again I’ll make a reservation, the country is for a one-time visit. The food at the hotel is excellent, really all-inclusive - around the clock (any drinks, except elite brands) Animation, I’ll say this - there is (in Spanish and a little! in English). "And this is negative??? Is it possible that the “gym” let Maladts down - PAVEL! There’s just one thing I don’t agree with - and I think Natalya will agree with me - IN PRINCIPLE YOU CAN’T HAVE A VACATION ON THE ATLANTIC IN THE DOMINICAN CANIA IN WINTER! AWESOME weather! And the “laziness” of the servants has nothing to do with it!

    Where did you see the negative in Pavel’s story?
    ...On the contrary - Pavel very diligently and unconventionally advertised the SUPER HOTEL = I can’t help but quote - “Due to a very good hotel, built just a year ago (autumn 2003), and beautiful nature (Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, islands and the underwater world near the corals is just a fairy tale), the impression is positive, although I’ll say it again, the country is for a one-time visit. The food at the hotel is excellent, really all-inclusive - around the clock (any drinks except elite brands) Animation, I’ll say this - there is (at least)! Spanish and a little English). and national laziness. "And this is negative??? Is it possible that the “gym” let Maladts down - PAVEL! There’s just one thing I don’t agree with - and I think Natalya will agree with me - IN PRINCIPLE YOU CAN’T HAVE A VACATION ON THE ATLANTIC IN THE DOMINICAN CANIA IN WINTER! AWESOME weather! And the “laziness” of the servants has nothing to do with it!

    Normal story

    Good story
    Pavel, thanks for the good story. You showed both the pros and cons of your vacation. People are all different: some appreciate beautiful nature and architecture, others good service, etc., so a great many positive and negative reviews are possible. Based on your story, I decided that I would not go to the Dominican Republic (although there was an idea, because it is a relatively new and not expensive place in the Caribbean. This is compared to other Caribbean resorts). But there are many other and no less beautiful places in the same Caribbean!

    on account of "will be devoured"
    Dear Urfin, the Great and Terrible! regarding your insightful remark “They REALLY don’t like negative reviews here!” I would like to note: on 100 roads they don’t like rudeness and that’s all. When objective reviews come in, even if they are negative, we post them. We delete remarks with curse words, rudeness and personal attacks - in short, everything that, in our opinion, does not enrich our dear visitors and cannot serve as useful information for them. Good luck to you!

    About rudeness on 100 roads
    Dear VEB-master, thank you for your objective assessment of my insight! It is what it is! But in terms of rejection of rudeness (first of all by you, dear, since you are the moderator of this forum), you, perhaps, got carried away. There is a lot, oh, a lot that you either don’t see or evaluate very loyally. Do you want live examples? Look at the replicas from Misha's story about Morocco. Or go to the "Mauritius" section and read there. You will see a lot of “objective and friendly” things. Sometimes it’s embarrassing for an outsider to read, I can imagine what it’s like for authors who sculpt their masterpieces sincerely and from the heart to see this! It’s interesting to know whether authors often contact you with a request to remove offensive flames, or are they masochists in life? THIS is ONLY what I wanted to tell Pavel. Excuse me if my remark struck a nerve with you and that it was a hint that you, as the local administrator, don’t catch mice, but, as M. Gorky wrote, “the truth is, it’s like the sun, you can’t cover it with your hand!” " Then I bow and leave for Tierra del Fuego - your regular reader Urfin, V. and W.

    Thank you "The Great and the Terrible" for your support
    ... “Misha about Morocco” - that’s me. I advise you to read another one of my short stories - “Bali without illusions” (I wrote it in several stages - be sure to enjoy the remarks. I am by no means a masochist - I am very amused by the responses of beggars to my stories. I go myself once every two months somewhere - by the way - there was a short story about Slovakia recently - read it if you're interested. I fell out of my chair laughing - when I read the lines to my stories. Personally, it just amuses me. I wish you a good trip to Tierra del Fuego.

    I will answer everyone at once
    I didn’t expect such controversy over my first vacation review in my life. I will try to answer everyone at once. 1. I did not categorically write anywhere that the all-inclusive system does not work properly in all hotels, and also that no one saw whales. However, it should be noted that the chance to see whales is only at the end of January - beginning of February, and not from December to March, as tour operators write (and an excursion from Punta Cana really costs $200 - $250 per person). 2. It’s a shame that someone took my review as promotion of the hotel; all I wanted to say was that I was lucky at least with the hotel (in relation to many others). Again, the fact that I recommend this hotel (by the way, it has a lot of problems there - the quality of room cleaning, the “understanding” of the waiters...) concerns only the near future; only God knows what will happen there in a year. 3. Regarding the fact that you need to go to individual excursions. Yes, that’s right, if I had known that general excursions were of such quality, I would have done so, although you must agree that this is already siphoning off money. But this is wrong - what the guides said about the general excursion did not frighten us, but on the contrary attracted us, and, for example, according to all assurances, there were no more than 25 people on the bus, but there were (after much preparation) 60 on the bus! It turns out that their excursion was canceled the day before. 4. And I’ll add one more thing to my main story. One person from our hotel, who went for $250 (on the bus, he found out that others paid $200) to see whales, rode standing in the boat all the way - there wasn’t enough space for him (the guides didn’t calculate it) - how’s that for you!

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Holidays in the Dominican Republic in 2019

Holidays in the Dominican Republic

Literally 15 years ago, a holiday in the Dominican Republic was the ultimate dream for Russians, but now you won’t surprise anyone with a trip to the other side of the planet for the sake of the tropical sun, smiling girls and fiery rumba rhythms. You can come here, escaping from the harsh winter to the gentle sea, or you can become immersed in the history of the colonization of Central America, and visit all the museums and attractions that still remember the pioneer Columbus and other legendary characters.

Pros and cons of the Dominican Republic


The climate of the republic belongs to a typical tropical zone with a strong influence of trade winds, which determine the seasonality of the year. From July to October inclusive, the Haitian country experiences heavy rainfall, while the air temperature remains very high, which scares off most tourists. In the remaining months, the Dominican Republic is warm, with relative humidity reaching 80%, and rain can occur even in the middle of December, when the country is officially in the “dry” season.

Santo Domingo

For tourists who are looking for a varied holiday, the Dominican Republic will offer its capital - Santo Domingo. This is an ancient colonial city founded by the brother of Christopher Columbus, which today is not only an important excursion center, but also the main place for active and beach holiday.


This may seem strange to some, but the central beach of Santo Domingo is located 30 km from the city limits! It's called Boca Chica, and it's a typical Dominican coastline with turquoise shallow waters and golden sand. The neighboring beach, Juan Dolio, is also very popular among both guests and locals.


All the attractions of the main Dominican city can be divided into two large thematic groups - architecture and museums. The value of man-made monuments is that most of them have been preserved in their original appearance and are open to visitors. For mandatory inspection it is recommended:

  • Fort San Diego;
  • Columbus Fortress;
  • Fortress of La Fortalesa;
  • Atarazan Ensemble;
  • Captain's Palace;
  • Casa Borghella.

Among the museums it is worth noting:

  • Colonial Museum;
  • Dominican National Museum;
  • Amber Museum;
  • Center of French culture.


In the capital of any country, shopping will be very diverse, although not always cheap. The shops and shopping areas of Santo Domingo are no exception. Almost every browser necessarily indicates three largest center, accommodating several thousand stores:

  • "Acropolis"
  • "Mega Centro";
  • Plaza.

In addition, tourists are advised to walk along Churchill Avenue, where souvenir shops and small shops are located. The largest market in the capital is called Mercado Modelo.

Punta Cana


In fact, the entire Punta Cana region is 35 kilometers of varied beaches with natural palm thickets, the purest sea ​​water and walking distance from hotels. The sand here is different: from the snow-white coral shore to the golden color, washed by the blue waters of the shallows. There are several hundred beaches on the coast, and they are divided into northern and southern part. The most popular beaches in the north are:

  • Bavaro;
  • El Cortecito;
  • Macau;
  • Arena Gorda;
  • Uvero Alto.

The southern coast is represented by such popular places as:

  • Cabeza de Toro;
  • Blanca;
  • Juanillo.

Every beach in Punta Cana has free access. If the beach area belongs to the hotel, the price of your stay also includes the rental of sun loungers and access to “non-motorized” equipment.


Despite the fact that the region received active development only in the second half of the 20th century, sightseeing tours in Punta Cana are also in demand because there is so much to see. For example, the legendary Indigenous Ice Reserve, where 500 species of rare birds and reptiles peacefully coexist on a vast territory.

There is also a man-made Dolphin Island in Punta Cana, where good-natured sea inhabitants really live. Vivid shows are organized daily for visitors, and for a fee you can swim with dolphins and fur seals yourself.

For the sake of architecture, many tourists advise going to the town of Salvaleon de Higuey. Colonial-era buildings have been preserved here, and the settlement itself seems frozen in time or stepped off the screen during a classic Latin American TV series.


There are a lot of shopping areas in Punta Cana, and the regional capital of the same name cannot boast of a large number of shops. There are most modern sales centers in Bavaro, for example, “Palma Real Shopping” or “Plaza Bavaro”.

If you are more interested in markets, then there are them at every beach; they will differ only in size and quantity of goods on the shelves.

Puerto Plata

Another resort region Dominican Republic, uniting several major cities, where hundreds of thousands of tourists from all over the world come every year. It is in Puerto Plata that there are recreation areas popular with young people and those guests who are used to parties from morning until late at night.


In fact, the most famous sections of the coast of the tourist area are named after the resorts in which they are located. All three beaches are protected by a coral reef, but the waters here cannot be called calm, which attracts many extreme sports enthusiasts from all over the world:

  • Caberate;
  • Sosua;
  • Playa Dorada.

Two other beaches - Punta Rucia and Encuerto - are also very popular among tourists.


A key tourist attraction in Puerto Plata is the country's largest amusement park, Ocean World. The place has become famous throughout the world thanks to its interactive water park, where anyone can swim with sharks, learn how to train dolphins and answer the question of where to relax in the Dominican Republic, in one of the local clubs with live Latin American music.

  • Waterfalls of the Damajagua River;
  • Fortress of San Filipe;
  • Brugal Rum Factory;
  • Mount Isabel de Torres.


The center of the region's shopping life is Playa Dorada, where most of the shops are concentrated, headed by the huge Playa Dorada Plaza shopping center. Other resorts cannot boast of such luxury, but almost every village has its own small market where you can buy a variety of souvenirs.

La Romana

One of the most modern resorts in the Dominican Republic, La Romana, has hotels spread over an area of ​​7 thousand hectares, cleanest beaches, regularly awarded " Blue Flag"and dozens of entertainment areas guaranteeing a luxury vacation.


There are not many beaches within the resort, but all of them are not only exceptionally clean and well-groomed, but also universal in terms of recreation format. On the local coast, you can sunbathe on a sun lounger with a cocktail in hand, or rent a boat for high-speed entertainment on the open sea. The most popular beaches in the city are:

  • Saleta;
  • Minitas;
  • Maperosa.


Most tourists have visited at least once tourist center Casa de Campo. This is a private club with an area of ​​7 thousand acres, where there are golf courses, a horse ranch, private beaches and a pier for pleasure yachts. You can stay here by renting one of the luxurious villas right on the seashore.


As for shopping in La Romana and its surroundings, it cannot be called cheap. Bill Gates and Madonna once came here to relax, which played into the hands of local entrepreneurs who established the resort status.

However, the shopping streets of Dominicas and Bayaibe are a concentration of a huge number of shops, souvenir shops and cozy departments with goods that will appeal to every guest. True, for the reason mentioned, they will cost twice as much as in any other Dominican city.


It’s hard to imagine a holiday in the Dominican Republic without visiting local shops, incredibly cozy markets and shopping centers where they sell things that can hardly be bought anywhere else. And each of these things will be an excellent souvenir in memory of a bright trip to the other end of the planet.


The Dominicans are Cuba's main competitors in the production of rum. They sell it in every grocery store, and it is as good as its Caribbean neighbor. Another national drink is mamajuana - this is the name of a strong tincture of rum, honey and herbal mixture, which is considered here the “drink of love”

Leaving a Central American country and not buying fresh roasted beans is a very frivolous act. Moreover, the price for them is ridiculous compared to Russian stores - in terms of our money, from 500 rubles per kilogram

Even if you don’t smoke, a couple of 20-centimeter cigars can diversify a gift package for family and friends

Handmade dishes

In the Dominican Republic, it is made from everything that comes to hand - ceramics, wood, pumpkin and coconut shells. A prerequisite is bright painting with national patterns and symbols that inspire positivity.

It is a sky blue, milky white or greenish gem. It is mined only in Haiti, which is why it is considered a local jewelry material. Expensive, besides - you will have to declare the purchase, because the export of stone is strictly controlled

Doll without a face

A kind of souvenir that locals call “Lime”. They say that the Indians came up with these figurines as a sign of silent protest against the colonialists and in memory of the ancestors killed by people with Big Earth

Shark teeth

The cheapest, but at the same time the most stylish souvenir. Triangular teeth are used to make beads, bracelets or pendants for the neck

Visa and customs

If a tourist from Russia goes to Caribbean for vacation, the Dominican Republic will be open to him without a visa for up to 30 days, the stamp is placed at the border control upon arrival. But for this you need to have:

  • Tourist voucher;
  • A passport valid until the end of the trip.

In addition to the stamp in the document, the guest is given a tourist card, which since 2012 can be purchased in advance at the consulate, or even ordered online by paying a fee of $10.

Customs regulations in the republic are very specific. Tourists are not allowed to import any meat or dairy products, large sums money, as well as a number of goods included in national exports. More details about customs regulations and clearance tourist visa for up to 60 days - read

How to get to the Dominican Republic

By plane

The only acceptable way to get to Dominican Republic from Russia is a flight across the Atlantic Ocean from Moscow or St. Petersburg with a transfer in Europe or the USA. There are currently no direct flights from Russia, the reason for this is the huge distance between the countries. Alternative option for residents Far East- flight to Seoul, Shanghai or Hong Kong, and from there direct by charter flight to Santo Domingo. But this option will be even more expensive and longer, taking into account the wait. The minimum flight time via Germany or Spain is 12 hours.


The issue of transport can seriously spoil a holiday in the Dominican Republic, since it is perhaps the main problem for tourists. There are not many buses, and even on weekdays they are crowded local residents. Travel to them costs from 5 pesos.

Municipal buses in cities are very similar to our “accordion” buses, but travel on them is more expensive, because they are considered a more comfortable way of transportation. One trip from 15 pesos.

The metro is only in Santo Domingo, and today it connects only a few blocks. Passage through the turnstiles is standard, using cards. It will cost from 30 pesos.

Taxis are quite popular among tourists, but drivers in any city are a special caste of people who try to make money from any passenger. It is useless to bargain with them; not a single car has a taximeter. The minimum cost is 50 pesos.

Renting a car or moped is possible if you know exactly where to relax in the Dominican Republic, but rental prices vary, often without any explanation. The rules for obtaining keys are standard: age from 25 years, driving experience of at least 3 years and presence of all necessary marks in the insurance policy in case of an accident.


Most large hotels shopping centers and restaurants accept both national money and American dollars - this was influenced by many years of cooperation with travel agencies from the USA. A number of stores and even markets duplicate price tags in two currencies.

It is best to pay in cash; dishonest sellers can cheat with bank cards. There are ATMs in almost every hotel of 3 or more stars, but they only issue pesos, and in a strictly limited number of bills.

- A comfortable stay, but not worth the hassle of such a flight or such a price.

Advantages: Beautiful nature, good service

Disadvantages: Restless ocean, algae, humid, dirty outside the hotels.

Hi all. Today I remember my last vacation, which took place in the Dominican Republic. My impressions of this direction are mixed.

To be honest, the Dominican Republic is not worth the effort and money spent. Although we had a very good rest.

But first things first...

Punta Cana has a funny airport that resembles a hut. There is a roof over your head, but there are not walls everywhere. We pass through passport control in a matter of minutes; Dominicans don’t bother with this issue. The luggage was also unloaded instantly.

We're going to the hotel.

Nice spacious rooms, hotel right on the shore. I was so eager to see the Atlantic again that I rushed to the coast without unpacking my suitcase. But I will be disappointed... The beaches of Punta Cana and the beaches of my beloved Varadero are heaven and earth. And the ocean is different here. There is no that fantastic turquoise shade. And the waves...

There were waves here the entire two weeks of our stay. This is generally normal here. For me, who cannot swim, this was a significant minus.

The wave lifts fine suspension from the bottom, the water near the shore is not transparent. And algae. They are, of course, removed. But not everywhere. Near some hotels you can see entire rubble of brown mass. And for some, algae is removed with a tractor.

It's humid in the Dominican Republic. Constantly. Be prepared for this.

Not far from our hotel there was a “Russian” store and a small market. Prices in the store are fixed, you can pay by card. At the market, traders behave very aggressively, bargain reluctantly, and prices are steep.

What to bring from the Dominican Republic? Of course, rum, cigars and coffee, that is, what is produced on the island. For my taste, Dominican coffee turned out to be one of the best I have ever tried. And, of course, Mama Juana! This is a national Dominican drink based on numerous plant components. Alcoholic. The Dominicans themselves call it living water, Viagra, the elixir of life and take it little by little as a tonic. It is better to take the dry mixture home for preparation.

Where to go on excursions? Of course, Saona. This is an island in the Caribbean Sea. Snow-white beaches, turquoise water, palm trees leaning towards the water. Bounty Island, as the guides say. Saona is wonderful, she tipped the scales in favor of positive emotions from the Dominican Republic. Well, where else can you swim with starfish? And don’t be stingy, take a VIP excursion, your comfort and the excursion program directly depend on this.

For those who want to see the coast from a bird's eye view, a helicopter flight is offered, 10 minutes for $100.

Santo Domingo, the capital of the Dominican Republic, is interesting in terms of historical and cultural value, but... did not impress. A grey, boring, dirty city, entangled in wires.

You can also go to the Samana Peninsula; this excursion is highly praised. We weren’t, I can’t say anything, it was mentioned as part of the excursion program.

The nature of the Dominican Republic is pleasing to the eye - everything is green, everything is in bloom, the hotels take care of everything.

The hotel area is dirty. Very.

The hotel has food, animation, etc. at a decent level.

Let me sum it up.

Should you go to the Dominican Republic? If there is a strong desire - yes. If you are faced with a choice, choose another direction.

Will I fly to the Dominican Republic again? On purpose - no. If a good offer comes along, it’s possible. This is not a country where you want to return, although a holiday there is definitely good.

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