Time to open the palace bridge. The bridges have been raised: how to get home at night

St. Petersburg is a city of canals and rivers.
Hundreds of bridges have been built in it, several dozen of them span the Neva and its tributaries. Raised bridge spans are a symbol of St. Petersburg; they are separated so that ships can pass through the river during navigation. Navigation along the Neva begins at the end of April and ends at the end of November; accordingly, the rise of bridge spans in St. Petersburg can be seen during this period.

Of the city's 300 bridges, 10 are regularly opened. Drawbridges across the Neva serve for simultaneous vehicular (pedestrian, bicycle, rail) traffic and shipping. A modern motor ship will not pass under a bridge from the 19th century, so each of the St. Petersburg drawbridges has a lifting part in the center. It rises during deployment, opening a passage for the ship.

The entire history of St. Petersburg is inextricably linked with bridges: already 20 years after the founding of the city, 20 wooden bridges, while many of them were already divorced. In the second half of the 18th century, stone bridges began to be built; after 2 centuries they were replaced by reinforced concrete structures. The tradition of raising bridges has been preserved throughout the history of the city. The only change is that until the 60s of the 20th century, the Blagoveshchensky, Troitsky and Liteyny bridges did not have spans raised, but moved to the side.

Bridges are not opened at night during official public holidays. On these days and during sports competitions on the water, bridges are raised during the day. For example, this happens on the Day navy at the end of July.

You can look at the raised bridges while walking along the embankments of the city, during bus excursions or during a boat trip. On the Admiralteyskaya and Dvortsovaya embankments, near the Troitsky or Birzhevoy bridges, there are a lot of cafes and restaurants with floating piers, which also offer views of the northern capital’s nightlife attraction.

Drawbridges of St. Petersburg

Raised bridge spans - main symbol Northern capital. This is the first association that arises when mentioning St. Petersburg, a city stunning in its beauty and grandeur. Today, there are approximately three hundred bridges located within its boundaries, nine of which are raised on a regular basis, and three by prior application. In the first case, we are talking about the bridges of Alexander Nevsky, Birzhevoy, Blagoveshchensky, Bolsheokhtinsky, Volodarsky, Dvortsovoy, Liteiny, Troitsky, Tuchkov. The construction of the Sampsonievsky, Grenadersky, and Kantemirovsky bridges occurs quite rarely under special conditions, namely, according to a preliminary application submitted a couple of days in advance.

Palace Bridge -

This is the most recognizable drawbridge built in the center of St. Petersburg. An excellent point for observing it is the Spit of Vasilievsky Island, from which you can observe the opening of the Palace and Trinity bridges at the same time. This bridge rises first along with the Blagoveshchensky Bridge at 1:25 am.

Blagoveshchensky Bridge -

At the Blagoveshchensky Bridge, until the 1960s, the drawbridges were not raised, but were moved to the side. Another feature of this bridge is that it diverges twice during the night, the first time the parts of the bridge diverge, like the Palace Bridge, at 1:25 am. The bridge is raised for the second time at 3:10.

The bridge is located in the center of St. Petersburg, but there are significantly fewer people here.

Trinity Bridge -

At this bridge, like at Blagoveshchensky, until the 60s of the 20th century, the drawbridges were moved to the side instead of being lifted. Now only one span of the bridge rises upward, and not two, while the moving part is located close to the shore, hanging overhead. This happens 10 minutes after the rise of the spans of the Palace and Blagoveshchensky bridges.

The opening of this bridge can be observed from different banks of the river, and at the same time it will look different. From the Petrograd side you can stand directly on the stationary part of the bridge close to the parting party.

Liteiny Bridge -

The design of this bridge was also changed in the middle of the 20th century. The opening of this bridge follows 5 minutes after Troitsky.

Schedule for raising bridges in St. Petersburg for 2019 (Navigation period)

How to decide on the date of arrival in St. Petersburg, if one of the purposes of visiting here is to see how bridges are being raised? You need to focus on the season, weather conditions and statistics from previous years. Ice gradually begins to disappear from the surface of the Neva with the onset of spring, but at the end of April the river is completely ready for navigation. From this moment, as a rule, bridges begin to be built. At the end of November, when the cold again freezes the expanses of water, navigation stops, and at the same time the opening of bridges. The exact schedule for the construction of bridges is published annually some time before the first voyage along the Neva. In 2019, bridges will begin to be raised in the second half of April. For exact information about the start of navigation, see the news section.

The schedule also includes days on which bridges are not raised at night. These are the days of official public holidays, as well as the dates of large-scale sporting events held on the water. In such cases, bridges are raised during the daytime.

Drawbridges in St. Petersburg

from 1:10 to 2:50 and from 3:10 to 4:55
from 1:25 to 2:45 and from 3:10 to 5:00
from 1:20 to 4:50
from 1:40 to 4:45
from 2:00 to 3:45 and from 4:15 to 5:45
from 2:00 to 2:55 and from 3:35 to 4:55

Every year, from April to November, drawbridges provide navigation along the Neva River, creating the necessary conditions for navigation. The erection of bridges in St. Petersburg and their installation in accordance with the schedule is a priority area of ​​work for the St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution Mostotrest.

There are 18 drawbridges in St. Petersburg - those whose drawbridge mechanisms are still in working order. Of these, 12 crossings are regularly opened during the navigation period:

  • Troitsky, Liteiny, Bolsheokhtinsky, Alexander Nevsky and Volodarsky bridges - across the Neva River;
  • Blagoveshchensky and Palace bridges - across the Bolshaya Neva, connecting the Central part of the city and Vasilievsky Island;;
  • Birzhevoy and Tuchkov bridges - across the Malaya Neva, which connect the Petrograd side with Vasilievsky Island;
  • Sampsonievsky, Grenadiersky and Kantemirovsky bridges - across the Bolshaya Nevka.

The raising of bridges across the Bolshaya Neva, Malaya Neva and Neva is carried out in accordance with the approved schedule. Including Blagoveshchensky, Dvortsovy, Birzhevoy, Tuchkov and Volodarsky bridges, they are usually raised and rebuilt twice a night.

Three bridges across the Bolshaya Nevka are being built based on preliminary applications, which must be submitted two days in advance.

Drawbridges in St. Petersburg vary in design - each crossing has its own characteristics.

The draw spans of the Neva crossings can be single-winged, like those of the Troitsky, Liteiny, Volodarsky, Grenadersky and Kantemirovsky bridges, or double-winged, like the others. But they all belong to the drop-down system: in the spread position, the wings are raised up.

However, this was not always the case - half a century ago, the Liteiny and Kirovsky (now Troitsky) bridges had a rotating system of drawbridges: to allow ships through, the wings moved apart in a horizontal plane. This significantly limited the shipping dimensions, so in 1965-1967 the crossings were reconstructed.

A unique sliding-opening drawbridge system is located at the Birzhevoy Bridge. At the beginning of the deployment, the bridge opens by 15 centimeters, the wings roll away from each other, the center of gravity of the wing changes, and this greatly facilitates the deployment. This design has no analogues in the world. The Grenadier Bridge also has its own peculiarity: it is opened in three stages with short stops.

Most of the bridges in St. Petersburg are raised using the latest hydraulic systems. The exception is the Birzhevoy and Sampsonievsky bridges, whose wiring is carried out using an electromechanical drive. On some bridges - for example, on Dvortsovoy or Sampsonievsky - the unique possibility of manual wiring has also been preserved.

Modern hydraulics allow the bridge to be fully extended in 2-5 minutes, and the bridge is erected in the same amount of time.

During navigation, up to 50 ships can pass under the wings of the Neva bridges per night. The layout of St. Petersburg bridges and their guidance are provided by highly qualified teams of mechanics from the St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution Mostotrest. In winter, between navigations, Mostotrest specialists carry out scheduled repairs and debugging of all mechanisms and systems, which allows us to be confident in the reliable and uninterrupted operation of drawbridges across the Neva and its branches.

The bridges are being raised exactly on schedule. But the crossing can be completed ahead of schedule, when all the ships have passed. In some cases, the second wiring may also be cancelled.

For convenience ground transport and pedestrians in St. Petersburg, Mostotrest State Budgetary Institution has developed a unique online warning system that allows you to find out in real time whether the bridge is open or closed right now in order to build the optimal route around the city. This information, as well as the most accurate bridge construction schedule for the current navigation season, is available on the website of the St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution Mostotrest and in the Bridges of St. Petersburg mobile application.

The mission of the bridge is to connect, even when it is apart!

This year, the favorite attraction of guests of the Northern capital (it is also the main headache of many citizens who love to walk until late in the warm season) starts later than usual. The bridge-building season in St. Petersburg was postponed due to a lack of applications, although navigation on the Neva was opened, as expected, on the night of April 9-10. However, St. Petersburg residents will still not be left without the main summer “show”: sooner or later the bridges will be raised, and someone will certainly not make it to the crossing. He will find himself in the midst of a white night on Palace Square or at the Rostral Columns and will wander around the city in search of adventure. Haven't decided yet what adventures you are ready for in case of force majeure? In this case, the experience of latecomers is at your service.

The fun is just beginning

If you did not have time to get to the desired bank before the bridges opened, this is not a reason to panic, worry and spend your last money on a taxi through Vantovy. Sometimes you just need to relax, get ready for adventure and see what the St. Petersburg night brings on the other side. It is likely that what awaits you is not a frostbitten kidney on the pavement, but dancing and other joys of life.

St. Petersburg resident Victor has lived in a communal apartment on Vasilievsky Island almost all his life - and knows one trick with which you can set up the events of the night behind the bridges in the right way.

One day I was late for the bridge and decided to take a walk in the center. I met girls from Moscow. I was on a pink bicycle, and with such a bicycle the girls themselves are only suitable for it. It turned out that one of them was a prize-winner in boogie-woogie in the past. And I studied for two months. So we danced, and some band played nice rock and roll for us,” the St. Petersburg resident recalls.

Technological Institute." Sophia, by her own admission, did not think at all about bridges then. And therefore, when the girl went on her first date with a new acquaintance, she unexpectedly fell into a trap.

We sat for four hours at the Alexander Nevsky Bridge: me on one side, the boy on the other. We exchanged text messages when we saw each other,” the girl recalls.

True, a relationship with that same young man still did not begin - but Sophia remembered the story for a long time.

Get over at any cost

Sometimes you don’t want to spend the night where you stayed, it’s impossible and it’s simply impossible. And it seems (sometimes completely unreasonably) that you need to get to the other side right this second, without detours or other compromises. In these cases, ingenuity, adventurism and a drop of dormant madness come to the rescue.

One day in 2012, Nadezhda, a resident of St. Petersburg, sat with a friend in a bar long after midnight. Despite everything, she decided: getting home that night was simply vital.

There were no more ships and tourists, which means it was quite late,” the girl recalls.

However, Nadya and her friend still spotted one boat off the coast - and immediately decided that it would save them. The excursion boat, in principle, was quite suitable for the role of a “Venetian gondola”. The guys decided to negotiate with the captain. As it turned out, this is quite possible, although not cheap.

along rivers and canals" almost to the house.

Of course, you may not be lucky with a passing boat - that’s why rumors persist about crazy daredevils who decided to cross the Neva by swimming. And, probably, everyone, like St. Petersburger Nikolai, “heard a story about a friend of a friend, with whom the girl was offended.” And this girl, as expected, still lived on the same Vasilyevsky Island.

And he, in order to surprise her and make peace, swam across the Neva at night and came to her wet,” Nikolai recalls the legend.

Whether it happened or not is not important, and such an adventure is definitely not worth repeating. In the end, even if the daredevil does not drown, no one guarantees that a belated excursion ship will not taxi in front of the swimmer.

Most St. Petersburg residents, finding themselves on the wrong bank, still prefer to use a taxi. But not all taxi drivers are equally courteous when there are a couple of minutes left before the bridges open. Natalya, a St. Petersburg resident, like Victor, lived her whole life on Vasilyevsky Island, but managed to never be late for the raising of the bridges. Only once did she barely manage to jump onto the island by taxi, after which she was immediately dropped off by a frightened and nervous driver.

We were dropped off on Sredny Prospekt right behind the bridge, because the driver had to go back to Petrogradka, and the bridge was about to open, and he wanted to taxi there, and not on Vaska,” Natasha recalls the discourteous taxi driver.

"divorce force majeure" is accompanied by dangers. Ten years ago, back in 2007, 27-year-old US citizen Edward Chili was vacationing in Northern capital and, as it happened, I did not have time to return to the hotel. While waiting to bridge the gap, the man met a group of young people and, as often happens, drank alcohol with them. As a result, Edward woke up on a completely different side of the city, without money, a telephone and with a keen sense of injustice in his stomach. As it turned out, the man was poisoned by an unknown medicine. Fortunately, the tourist was able to get to the hospital himself, where he received the necessary assistance.

https://life.ru/158813" target="_blank">jumped from one part of the roadway to another. The jump did not end very well - the Petersburger’s motorcycle turned over several times in the air, after which it crashed to the ground. As a result, the vehicle was damaged - but the “stuntman” himself, fortunately, was not injured.

Unfortunately, not every such “adrenaline” story has a happy ending. In November 2013, for example, during the opening of the Volodarsky Bridge. They were able to lift it only a few days later - and during rescue operation the ship that arrived to lift the car crashed into the pier and damaged its lining.

Whether to be late for bridges or to carefully watch the clock is something everyone decides for themselves. But if such a situation arises, you just need not to panic. After all, every night behind the bridges can end in an adventure.

The bridges are drawn apart, as if the islands of the delta have unclasped their hands
One of the main attractions of St. Petersburg is the drawbridges. Millions of romantics from all over the world come every year to admire their wings reaching into the sky.

What's being done over the Neva

With the beginning of navigation, as soon as the Neva is freed from ice, commercial shipping of ships from Ladoga to the Gulf of Finland and back begins along the waterways of St. Petersburg. More than 2,000 dry cargo ships, tankers and barges pass through the city every year, many of which are quite large and reach 140-160 meters in length. The navigation period usually starts in April and ends in late autumn. In 2009, the last convoys of ships passed along the Neva on the night of December 1, but depending on weather conditionsnavigation may end earlier or later than this period.

The official construction schedule includes 13 bridges, including a dozen road bridges and one railway bridge – the Finnish Bridge. Three crossings across the Bolshaya Nevka - Sampsonievsky, Grenadersky and Kantemirovsky bridges - are opened from time to time and only upon special requests from shipowners. The rest - Volodarsky, Finlyandsky, Alexandra Nevsky, Bolsheokhtinsky, Liteiny, Troitsky, Dvortsovy, Blagoveshchensky, Birzhevoy and Tuchkov - during the navigation period every night they cut the city into three parts, and for land transport there remains the only thread connecting the Neva banks - the Cable-stayed bridge, located on southeast of St. Petersburg and connecting the left and right bank parts of the Nevsky district.

Where to watch

If you decide to admire the raised bridges, but do not plan to spend the whole night watching this spectacle and remain without sleep, then it is better to watch the opening of the crossings on the bank where you live.

One of the hallmarks of St. Petersburg is the openwork spans of the Palace Bridge, the image of which has filled postcards, tourist guides and films about the great city. Dvortsovy is thrown across the Bolshaya Neva and connects the left bank with the Spit of Vasilievsky Island. If you live on the left bank (that is, on the side where Nevsky Prospekt, the Hermitage and other noticeable places are), then the best place for observation will be Palace Embankment. Along its entire length from the Winter Palace to Suvorov Square, three drawable bridges are immediately visible without interference - Troitsky, Dvortsovy and Birzhevoy. On the left bank it’s unusual beautiful views They also open from the Admiralty Embankment - especially in the Bronze Horseman area, where you find yourself in the middle between the Palace and Blagoveshchensky bridges.

It should be noted that the opening spans of most bridges are located quite far from the shore, and you cannot enter the non-lifting parts of the bridge during the opening - the passage from the embankments is blocked by the police. But if you want to truly appreciate the greatness of engineering, to see up close and in detail how a multi-ton 43-meter wing with its roadway, with all the lights and cast-iron fences rises to the sky in just a couple of minutes - go to the Trinity Bridge, to Suvorovskaya square. Here the navigable fairway runs close to the shore, and the drawbridge part is best visible.

Beautiful views open from the Spit of Vasilyevsky Island - from here you can see several drawbridges at once - all the way to Liteiny, located much higher up the Neva. All water crossings in St. Petersburg are equipped with artistic lighting, which turns the seemingly purely practical task of guiding cargo ships into a solemn ceremony.

On the right bank, this spectacle is best viewed from the St. Petersburg Hotel or from the revolutionary symbol, the cruiser Aurora, forever parked in front of the Nakhimov School. This is the widest place of the river, which divides here into the Bolshaya Neva and Bolshaya Nevka; here the grandeur and spaciousness of the main waterway of St. Petersburg are most palpable. Also good for viewing are Trinity Square near the bridge of the same name and the beach. Peter and Paul Fortress and a section of Mytninskaya embankment near Birzhevoy Bridge. From the last point, the pilotage of ships looks especially beautiful against the backdrop of the Winter Palace sparkling in the lights.

No less impressive is the layout of the bridges located upstream from the “postcard” St. Petersburg. Around the turn of the Neva at the Smolny Cathedral, between turrets stylized as lighthouses, the beautiful Bolsheokhtinsky Bridge rises across its spans, and behind it opens the prospect of the Alexander Nevsky, Finlyandsky and Volodarsky bridges.

In general, the wiring time lasts quite a long time: every night it starts at 1:30 (Blagoveshchensky Bridge), and ends around six in the morning (Volodarsky). Thus, having gained strength and correctly calculated the logistics of your trip, you can explore all the drawbridges even on foot, not to mention a bicycle or car ride along the embankments of St. Petersburg.

In recent years, water travel under open bridges on boats and motor ships has become especially popular among tourists. Such services are offered in abundance by barkers at the floating piers on the Admiralteyskaya, Dvortsovaya and Universitetskaya embankments, from the landing stages in the Moika, Fontanka and the Griboyedov Canal. The cost of a boat trip on a multi-seat motor ship or river bus is usually significantly lower than the price charged by the captains of small boats. At the same time, before the trip, it is useful to find out exactly the intended route: the constantly tightening safety requirements in the Neva water area do not allow many carriers not only to give you a ride under the raised bridges, but even to appear in the area of ​​the navigable fairway at all. And in this case, you will be able to admire the bridges from the edge in shallow water, which, by and large, is equivalent to free observation from the embankment.

How to cross

Safety requirements for navigation in the Neva Delta are established by the Rules of Navigation on Inland Waterways of the Russian Federation, as well as by orders of the Captain seaport St. Petersburg - the supreme power in the Neva expanses is concentrated in his hands. And these requirements strictly prohibit owners of small vessels from transporting St. Petersburg residents and city guests from shore to shore during bridge construction. In reality, there are desperate heads who are ready to risk their license in pursuit of a long ruble - just last year it was possible to cross, for example, from Vasilyevsky Island to the Admiralteyskaya Embankment. There are no established, albeit unspoken, prices for such a service - we know of cases when one boat captain asked for 500 rubles for four people, and another - 800 rubles “from the nose” of each person transported.

One way or another, in this situation, not only the brave river wolf, but also his passengers are at risk: a small boat may not fall under a thousand-ton cargo ship, but end up capsized by a wave from passing ships. And the most reasonable ways to cross the Neva remain bridges across Vasilievsky Island in the middle of the night for a while or a long journey across the Cable-stayed Bridge.

The completion in 2004 of the construction of the first stage of the cable-stayed crossing, part of the Ring Road complex, was a revolutionary event in the life of St. Petersburg. This bridge on the remote outskirts, officially named after Bolshoi Obukhovsky, and sometimes affectionately called “plunger” by St. Petersburg residents, became the first permanent bridge in the city. Now, if you have your own car or a suitable amount in your pocket (taxi costs can amount to up to a thousand rubles), the raised bridges do not become an insurmountable obstacle when you are in a hurry from shore to shore.

But this option for solving the eternal St. Petersburg problem (remember, “And then the bridges were opened,” justified Buzykin, the hero of the “Autumn Marathon”?) still does not seem very convenient. Too far, too long and too expensive. Construction of the Western High Speed ​​Diameter, high bridges which will spread from the left bank to Vasilievsky Island and further to the Petrograd side, is still in its infancy, and therefore, for the coming years, the surest way to overcome the Neva surface remains a subtle miscalculation of the timing of the connection and routing of the Vasileostrovsky crossings.

Not so long ago, all four bridges leading to Vasilyevsky - Dvortsovy and Blagoveshchensky from the south and Tuchkov and Birzhevoy from the north - were closed for thirty to forty minutes. However, due to the great technical wear and tear of the mechanisms, the symbol of the city, the Palace Bridge, and then its “partner” Birzhevoy, stopped moving in the middle of the night. As a result, now, during navigation, the islanders can cross to the mainland only through Blagoveshchensky (only 25 minutes) or Tuchkov (40 minutes), and with the right calculation, you can even walk past both bridges and move from the left bank to the Petrograd side or vice versa ( which, however, is much more complicated). However, if you are really in a hurry, then it is better not to risk it and take a taxi in such a situation.

Those who do not have time to cross Vasilievsky Island usually rush far up the Neva - to the Volodarsky Bridge, which is also temporarily closed during the night. But it is located close to the already mentioned Cable-stayed bridge, and in terms of time, effort and money it does not provide a significant advantage over a permanent crossing.

Some consolation and a ray of hope for those who are late can be the fact that usually only the raising of bridges takes place strictly according to schedule. If the number of ships allowed to be escorted overnight turns out to be small, then the bridges are sometimes pulled together much earlier than the time schedule established, sometimes even an hour or more. Ask the police officers on duty on the bridge - they often have comprehensive information on this matter.

Accidents and incidents

Of course, in the history of the city there were all sorts of unforeseen incidents that happened during the construction of St. Petersburg bridges. Watching how heavy ships squeeze into the drawbridges that are not the widest, many spectators wait with bated breath for the ships to collide with the bridge piers. Much like some fans of Formula 1 racing watch the competition not so much out of sporting interest, but in anticipation of a possible tragedy.

However, such emergencies on the Neva are very rare. The last high-profile accident occurred in 2002, when the bulk carrier Kaunas with two thousand tons of steel on board crashed into the support of the Liteiny Bridge and sank in the middle of the fairway. Shipping was stopped, and crowds of curious people spent several days gawking from the bridge and embankment at the top of the ship's deckhouse sticking out of the water and the unfolding operation to raise the vessel.

Nine years earlier, the Komsomolets Tatarii refrigerator with a cargo of vendace weighing 500 tons could not miss the Finland railway bridge. The ship received a hole and sank with all the small fish it carried halfway to the next bridge in the direction of travel - Alexander Nevsky.

More often, troubles occur with city residents desperately rushing to the other side: people, forgetting about basic safety rules or not calculating their strength, fall into the water. In police reports one can find a lot of evidence of such stories, the consequences of which turn out to be far from being as painless as it was for the heroes of “The Incredible Adventures of Italians in Russia.” For example, in the seventies of the last century, an unfortunate rusher, who tried to drive his Moskvich across the Kirovsky (now Trinity) bridge that had begun to rise, fell into the Neva along with his car. The powerful current of the river carried the car so far from the scene of the accident that the car and the body of the victim, who was unable to get out of it, were found only a few days later near the Blagoveshchensky Bridge (then named after Lieutenant Schmidt).

Holidays and competitions

The schedule for the construction of St. Petersburg bridges is a rule established annually, but not an iron dogma. Various circumstances - city celebrations, major international competitions or high-profile state visits - sometimes make significant adjustments to the ship's sailing schedule. For example, commercial shipping traditionally stops during “Scarlet Sails” - one of the largest St. Petersburg holidays, gathering school graduates from all over Russia on the banks of the Neva. The bridge construction schedule may also change due to sailing regattas or powerboat races.

Sometimes the adjustable wings of bridges perform completely uncharacteristic functions. Thus, during one of the celebrations, huge screens were installed on the raised spans of the Palace and Trinity bridges, on which a continuous show of cartoons was shown all night.

Today's article Airmania will save you energy, time and money. So, where is the best place to watch the raising of bridges in St. Petersburg?!

Where is the best place to watch the draw of bridges?

in St. Petersburg

Firstly, guests of the city and its residents are offered 2 ways to look at the raising of bridges, without going further into the classification.

  1. Raising bridges from the shore
  2. We look at the construction of bridges from the water

No one will send you swimming in the night, I mean tourism organizations, but they will put you on the ship with pleasure. Do you need to sit on it?

First, let's look at your goals and facts, because if you want to see the process itself, then this is one thing, but if the goal is to capture all the bridges that have been raised, then another.

What bridges are raised in St. Petersburg

Of course, even if you plan a trip by boat, you won’t be able to go around all the open bridges. Or maybe this is not necessary? After all, the opening of the bridge is mesmerizing in the background architectural features St. Petersburg. Based on this, only the raising of certain bridges arouses interest and admiration.

Inconveniences caused by the raising of bridges

If you plan to observe from land, from where we will tell you later, then keep in mind an important nuance. Much depends on which side of the Neva you live or have settled on. If you do not plan to spend the whole night in contemplation, then moving to the opposite bank will be problematic.

Before the construction of the Cable-stayed Bridge, returning home was a real problem. Now you can do this only if you choose a taxi, it will turn out to be quite expensive. Still, you need to make a big detour from the center to get to the Cable-stayed Bridge. It’s cheaper to “catch” the moment when one of the bridges is closed for a short time and cross. By the way, you can leave Vasilyevsky Island via the WHSD, this is the abbreviation of our Western High-Speed ​​Diameter.

To avoid any problems, look below at the interactive disengagement schedule: select a bridge and plan your route:

Raising bridges from the ship at night

This was exactly the option I chose Airmania to film our video about raising bridges.

I suggest you first check out the daytime walk along the rivers and canals, and then switch to the night one)

I have moved a little away from the topic regarding where is the best place to watch the raising of bridges in St. Petersburg. Let's return to the conversation.

We begin to sort things out depending on your goal.

Where is the best place to watch the raising of bridges in St. Petersburg to take beautiful photos?

Let's be honest, if the goal is to take a photo, get into a car and drive away, then there is no need to travel by boat. To do this, you will only need to take the location that we will indicate on the map and wait for the appointed hour.

Keep in mind that there are a lot of people interested, so most come 1-2 hours before the start and take their seats. Be prepared that it won’t be visible very well, this is not a VIP box)

Where is the best place to see the opening of bridges in St. Petersburg on the map:

Where is the best place to watch the raising of bridges in St. Petersburg to see the raising of 4 bridges in a couple of hours?

From a ship or boat. Here everything depends on how much you are willing to pay for this spectacle. The easiest way is to buy a ticket for a night boat trip and see the number of bridges specified in the tour program. We watched the raising of four bridges and in the video posted above, you can see how great it was!

There are different companies, tours, programs, so you can choose the one you like yourself. And if finances allow, then rent a boat and rush along the waves past the ships)

Palace Bridge

This is the most desirable bridge among tourists in terms of watching its construction. As we said, if you are chasing beautiful photos, then it would seem there is no need to swim anywhere. But keep in mind that the view from the water will impress you much more. There is also an interesting point to consider: a lot depends on the captain of your ship. The thing is that we were periodically disturbed by boats and ships located between us and the Palace Bridge. Our captain did not come close, so the video was saved by good equipment with zoom.

Trinity Bridge

The Trinity Bridge in St. Petersburg is not raised like the palace bridge, so you can miss all the action if you look in the wrong direction. Everything happens quite quickly and the interval between the opening of these bridges is small.

Liteyny Bridge

Just like the Troitsky Bridge, the Liteiny Bridge does not open so beautifully. It seems like after these two bridges you need to cover yourself with a blanket and go inside the ship, but no. There is another bridge ahead, which certainly will not disappoint you.

Bolsheokhtinsky Bridge

Not everyone gets to this bridge. If we talk about tourists on land, then due to the distance from the center, many do not plan a trip here. When it comes to boat trips to raise bridges in St. Petersburg, you need to clarify in advance whether your ship will reach the Bolsheokhtinsky Bridge. The ship will spend a lot of time en route, but the passengers' impressions will be very pleasant. It’s easy to miss the moment if you don’t follow the route, be careful. In our video, of course, there is the raising of the arches of the Bolsheokhtinsky Bridge and I liked it no less than the spectacle at the Palace Bridge.

Where and from whom should you ask for courage if you are afraid to fly?

There is a place in St. Petersburg where, since August 1963, everyone who is afraid of flying on an airplane has come.

Why from now on and what is this place?

On Obukhovskaya Defense Avenue, house 24, there is the Church of the Icon of the Mother of God of All Who Sorrow, Joy and the Tomb of the Blessed Matrona Barefoot. A TU-124 plane splashed down near this place, with 44 passengers on board. The plane was flying from Moscow and none of the passengers were injured when landing on water.

They say that since then, people who are afraid of flying come to ask Matrona Barefoot for help. Believe it or check it.

With this, I would like to finish our article about where it is better to watch the raising of bridges in St. Petersburg.

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