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Address: Kyrgyzstan, Issyk-Kul region
Square: 6236 km²
Greatest depth: 702 m
Coordinates: 42°27"07.1"N 77°16"38.7"E

Since ancient times, the best poets of the East have sung the beauty of the Kyrgyz lake. The largest natural reservoir of this republic is famous for its clean transparent water, gentle banks and picturesque foothills, and its name translates as “hot lake”. The moderate maritime climate, mild winters and the large amount of heat that accumulates here during the summer months do not allow the lake to freeze in the cold season.

Lake Issyk-Kul from a bird's eye view

Records and features

Issyk-Kul lies at an altitude of 1609 m and therefore belongs to the largest mountain lakes on the planet. However, this is not the only record of the Kyrgyz lake. Issyk-Kul is very large - the length of the reservoir is 182 km and the width is 58 km. In terms of size, it is among the 25 largest large lakes peace.

The maximum depth of the natural reservoir reaches 702 m, and the average depth is 278 m. The lake is drainless - more than eight dozen small rivers flow into it. Due to this, the lake water has a slightly salty taste - its mineralization is 5.9 ‰. Another interesting feature of Issyk-Kul is the fluctuations in lake water levels. Every few decades, the water in the lake rises and falls. Therefore, the Kyrgyz have long believed that the lake breathes like a huge sleeping hero.

In terms of transparency, Issyk-Kul water is second only to Baikal water. Over 20 species of fish are found here, and more than half of them were brought to Kyrgyzstan and specially acclimatized for the mountain reservoir. Fishermen are well known for chebak and gegharkuni trout, brought from the Armenian Lake Sevan. It is noteworthy that today trout weighing up to 17 kg or more are caught in Issyk-Kul.

Climate and resorts

The mild mountain-sea climate makes the air in the lake basin very clear. Near the lake you can breathe well, and the number of sunny hours exceeds Black Sea resorts. Every year in Issyk-Kul there are at least 300 sunny days. Average temperature in the middle of winter it ranges from -2...-6°С, and in the height of summer +17°С. The amount of precipitation is distributed unevenly. More rain falls in the eastern part of the lake basin, and west bank considered drier.

Beautiful climatic conditions turned Issyk-Kul into a sought-after health resort and one of the most visited lakes in the world. From year to year, many people come here from Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Russia and other countries to improve their health. Sanatoriums and recreation centers have been built in different places, but most of them are on the northern coast of the lake.

Treatment and recovery are facilitated by a wonderful climate, clean air, mineral waters and healing sulfide silt mud. Those tourists who want to relax cheaper do not buy tickets to boarding houses and sanatoriums, but stay in the private sector, inexpensive mini-hotels or guest houses.

Lake Issyk-Kul against the backdrop of snow-capped mountains

On the northern coast, between the villages of Tamchi to Kurumbu, there are excellent sandy beaches, where there are many vacationers from mid-June to the end of August. The most popular places for beach holiday many call the village of Bosteri and the resort town of Chonpon-Ata, and lovers of quiet places prefer to stay at south coast lakes.

Active leisure

The picturesque foothills of the Northern and Central Tien Shan attract fans of mountain tourism and mountaineering to Issyk-Kul. Climbing routes to the snow-capped ridges of Kungei-Alatau, Terskey-Alatau and Khan Tengri begin from the shores of the lake. In the summer months, lovers of water tourism raft along mountain rivers.

Alpine skiing is developed in the Issyk-Kul region. The modern ski center is located 7 km from the city of Karakol, at an altitude of 2300 m above sea level. This is the largest ski resort in Central Asia. The ski season here starts in November and lasts until April. Moreover, there is always enough snow for skiing, because the thickness of the snow cover on the slopes of the Tien Shan ranges from 1.5 to 2.5 m.

Yurts against the backdrop of Lake Issyk-Kul

Issyk-Kul looks interesting from above. Flights over the lake and the coast on hydrogliders are carried out from Cholpon-Ata, and they turn into one of the most exciting adventures. It is very easy to verify the transparency of the lake water - from a height of 250 m you can clearly see the bottom of the reservoir.

Underwater diving

Issyk-Kul is not a sea, so it is impossible to see colorful corals and schools of exotic fish in it. However, the clearest water and local features have turned diving into one of the popular recreational activities on the mountain lake. The fact is that at the bottom of Issyk-Kul there are preserved settlements and ancient settlements built 2.5 thousand years ago. Many of them are heavily covered with silt. But through the overgrown algae you can still see the silhouettes of ancient ruins, and if you’re lucky, you can even find valuable artifacts from the past underwater.

The purest water of Issyk-Kul

Diving centers are Cholpon-Ata and Bosteri. During the summer season, summer bases of diving clubs from Bishkek open in these places. From mid-June to the end of August, the temperature of the lake water allows for fairly deep dives, so Issyk-Kul provides training for beginners and underwater excursions for experienced divers.


While traveling to the largest lake in Kyrgyzstan, tourists can enjoy untouched nature and see many species of Red Book animals and plants. The Issyk-Kul Biosphere Reserve was created in 1948, and in 1991 it was included by UNESCO in the World Network of Biosphere Reserves of the planet. It covers 19.66 thousand hectares, which is 22% of the entire territory of the republic. The protected zone includes the water area of ​​the lake, as well as a two-kilometer coastal zone around Issyk-Kul.

There are 23 species of mammals in the reserve, the rarest of which are snow leopards, deer and mountain goats. Near Issyk-Kul there are tolai hares, steppe ferrets, wild boars, gazelle antelopes, jumping jerboas, gerbils, badgers and weasels. The reserve is home to approximately 140 species of birds. Every year, several tens of thousands of waterfowl remain on the lake for the winter - swans, coots, red-billed ducks, teals, mallards and greylag geese.

Natural and historical attractions

Not far from the southwestern shore of Issyk-Kul lies the unusual Dead Lake or Tuz-Kol. You can get to it by a dirt road. The lake stretches for 1 km and has a width of 0.5 km. Its picturesque shores are overgrown with sparse vegetation, and the salt level in the water reaches 70%. The silt mud of this reservoir is considered healing. It is dark in color, which is why the reservoir is often called Black Lake or Kara-Kol.

Bird's eye view of the beach

On the southern coast, near the right bank of the Tamga River, you can see a block of stone - Tamga Tash, which looks like a Kyrgyz yurt. The stone is surrounded three times by the words of a Buddhist mantra written in Tibetan. Scientists believe that the text of the prayer formula “Om mane padme hum” was carved on a block in the 15th-17th centuries. Within walking distance from Tamga Tash there are three more stones with ancient ornate inscriptions.

In the resort town of Cholpon-Ata, on an area of ​​42 hectares, there is an exposition of a popular museum under open air. It is called the Stone Garden or the Museum of Petroglyphs. Walking through the museum, tourists can see rock carvings from the 2nd millennium BC to the 4th century AD, cromlechs, border stone fences and tombstones. Travelers are advised to come here in the morning or evening hours, because in dim lighting you can better see the drawings and inscriptions on the stones.

The most beautiful and most big lake Kyrgyzstan - Lake Issyk-Kul. It is located in the northeastern part of the republic between the ridges of the Northern Tien Shan: Kungey Ala-Too (facing the sun) and Terskey Ala-Too (facing away from the sun) at an altitude of 1609 m above sea level. Lake Issyk-Kul one of the largest mountain lakes in the world.
The basin of the lake, surrounded on all sides by powerful mountain ranges, remained for a long time a difficult-to-reach region of Kyrgyzstan. Now you can get here along the road passing through the famous Boom Gorge; there are also 2 airports on the territory of the basin: Cholpon-Ata, located near resort town, And international airport Tamchy, which was built and opened in the summer of 2003 on the basis of a military airport.
Here are some numbers about it unique place, attracting an increasing number of tourists: the volume of all water is 1738 km², the area of ​​the water surface is 6236 km², the length coastline- 688 km, average depth - 278 m, the greatest depth is almost 2.5 times greater and equals 668 m, length Issyk-Kul from West to East is 182 km, and from South to North - 58 km. Over the past two centuries, the level of Lake Issyk-Kulpon has been decreasing and, as a result, both the depth and length of the coastline have been reduced. According to the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, since 1886 it has fallen by 4 m, according to other sources, by 9 m.
Due to the great depth of the lake, the water does not have time to cool completely - the lake never freezes, except near some shores. Issyk-Kul translated from Kyrgyz means “Hot Lake”. The ancient Kyrgyz called this pearl of the country “Tuz-Kul” - “ salt lake"for the salty taste of the water, which is not suitable for drinking either for people or animals.

Climate of Lake Issyk-Kul

Lake Issyk-Kul refers to those formed by tectonic means and due to the orographic isolation of the basin - the climate here is peculiar, almost marine. It is softer, warmer and wetter than in other depressions of the Tien Shan, located at the same altitude. According to the thermal regime, Issyk-Kul is a subtropical lake. Here, on the shore of the lake, it is moderately warm in summer, and not cold in winter. The average air temperature in January is minus 2 - minus 10 degrees, in July - plus 17 - plus 18. The average water temperature in summer is plus 21 - plus 23, in winter - minus 3 - minus 4. Western part The basin is arid, rains are rare, and almost no snow falls. IN western mountains, bordering the lake, only 115 mm of precipitation falls, on the eastern shore - about 600 mm. However, in recent years the amount of precipitation has increased - the impact of Global Warming is also noticeable in Kyrgyzstan.
To Lake Issyk-Kul More than 80 rivers and tributaries flow in, but not a single river carries its waters away from this azure lake, which causes the accumulation of salts (water mineralization - 5.90%). The largest rivers flowing into the lake are Tyup (103 km) and Dzhergalan (81 km), the length of the rest does not exceed 50 km. Once upon a time, the Chu River, flowing along the western edge of the basin, carried its waters into the lake.
Varied contrast natural areas: in the east there are steppes on dark chestnut soils, on the slopes of the mountains in the west there is a semi-desert, but in the east, at the same altitudes, especially along the Terskey Ala-Too gorges, there are dense spruce forests. The organic world of the lake is also diverse - about 20 species of fish live here, 10 of which are acclimatized. Issyk-Kul is inhabited by: chebak, carp, marinka, osman, pike perch, bream, mirror carp, grass carp, Amur Darya and Sivan trout, whitefish and other fish.

Nature of Lake Issyk-Kul

Large vertical extent Lake Issyk-Kul, the complexity of the relief, significant fluctuations in hydrothermal parameters and other environmental factors have led to a wide variety of flora and fauna in the Issyk-Kul basin. Various types of vegetation are located at relatively close distances from each other - wormwood and solanchak deserts, turf-like steppes, tall grass and alpine meadows, coniferous and deciduous forests and shrubs. The most notable representatives of shrubs on the shore of the lake are thickets of sea buckthorn, and in the alpine meadows there is yellow edelweiss, listed in the Red Book.
Woody vegetation is represented mainly by forests of Schrenk spruce. Spruce forests are distributed mainly in northern slopes mountains bordering Lake Issyk-Kul. Spruce grows in separate tracts, islands, interspersed with glades, rocky screes and rocky outcrops, alternating with meadows. The mountain slopes are rich in thickets of rosehip, barberry, currant, rowan, and juniper. In the lower reaches along the banks of rivers, in places with more moisture, willows are abundant. In the east of the valley they form deciduous forests.
Animal world The Issyk-Kul region includes 50 species of mammals, 285 of birds, 11 of reptiles, 31 of fish, 4 of amphibians. The black-throated loon, bittern, black stork, mallard, gray duck, demoiselle crane, common gull, and blue kingfisher nest near the coastal waters of the lake and the inflowing rivers. Large number species of birds occur during wintering and migration. Typical of these are: gray heron, swans, gray goose. In the 40s, over 100 thousand waterfowl wintered here. By the end of the 60s, their number was reduced by half. Thanks to the introduction of a 2-km protective zone and a ban on gun hunting on the coast, the number of wintering birds has increased and now amounts to 70-80 thousand individuals.
The lake is home to 11 native and more than 10 acclimatized fish: osman, marinka, chebak and chebak, carp, trout, tench, bream, etc. Osman, bream, marinka, carp, carp, trout, pike perch, chebak and chebak are of commercial importance. The latter are also objects of traditional recreational fishing.

Additional information about the lake Issyk-Kul- Guides:

One of the symbols of Kyrgyzstan is the legendary Lake Issyk-Kul. This huge lake, located high in the mountains, has crystal clear water. Its transparent blue surface stretches for many kilometers. Issyk-Kul replaces the sea for all residents of Central Asia. Kyrgyz, Kazakhs, and Uzbeks come here.

General information about Lake Issyk-Kul

To find out where Lake Issyk-Kul is located, you can use the Google map, which can even determine the coordinates of the reservoir. They are 42.26.00 s. w. 77. 11. 00 century. d. The length of Lake Issyk-Kul is 182 km, and its width reaches 58–60 km, its area is 6330 sq. km. The maximum depth of the reservoir reaches 702 meters, its height above sea level is 1608 meters.

Due to the fact that more than 50 rivers flow into the lake, and not a single one leaves it, many minerals are concentrated in it and the water here is as salty as the sea. Salinity in ppm reaches almost 6. In winter, the lake does not freeze due to its great depth and high concentration of mineral salts; the water temperature during this period does not drop below 2-3 degrees Celsius. Only in some places of the bays in especially cold winters can the water become covered with a crust of ice.

The reservoir contains a wide variety of fish. IN Soviet era Several fish hatcheries operated here, which supported the population of rare and expensive varieties of fish: trout, pike perch, bream and many others. But even now fishing attracts numerous tourists to these areas.

Recreation and attractions

The reservoir has a unique pristine nature. On its shores there are alternating settlements and cities built in ancient times, with a rich history and culture, and also replete with unusual attractions. There are sanatoriums, children's camps, tourist centers and various complexes designed for relaxation and restoration of health.

North Shore

Lake Issyk-Kul is famous for its beauty, but there is much more interesting in its surroundings. For example, on the northern side there is an unusual Rukh-Ordo complex ( spiritual center), the main goal of which is to prove that God is one. Upon entering it, 5 almost identical white chapels immediately catch your eye, museum exhibits, symbolizing the main world religions:

  • Islam;
  • Orthodoxy;
  • Buddhism;
  • Catholicism;
  • Judaism.

In cities known as popular resorts, Cholpon-Ata and Bosteri, located five kilometers from each other, vacationers are provided with all the conditions necessary for proper rest and entertainment. For example, in the city of Boster there is a huge Ferris wheel, which allows you to easily see the entire coast of Issyk-Kul. There is also a water park and many different attractions. Cholpon-Ata is famous for its unique museums, numerous restaurants and cafes.

Not far from these cities are located mineral springs equipped with comfortable outdoor swimming pools. There are also beautiful unique gorges, where tourists go in droves every summer, where they do interesting photos, admire the surrounding landscapes and forever take with them their love for the Issyk-Kul region.

On the northern shore of the lake the climate for recreation is more favorable, and swimming season lasts longer than on the opposite south coast. There are a lot of sanatoriums, as well as private boarding houses and small hotels. The beaches are sandy, sometimes with pebbles, or completely covered with clean, fine sand, so relaxing and swimming in the lake here is more convenient.

In the coming season of 2017, Lake Issyk-Kul awaits its admirers at summer holiday. There is no sweltering heat here, like on the Black Sea, but the lake warms up quite well - up to 24 degrees. The water is second only to Baikal in its unique composition, purity and transparency. It’s not for nothing that these regions are called the second Switzerland.

South Bank

On the southern side, the natural landscape is richer and amazes with diversity, the shores are rocky and inconvenient for swimming, but the water is much cleaner and more transparent. There are fewer vacationers, mini-hotels and boarding houses. The most visited places are Tamga and Kadzhi-Sai. There is a military sanatorium in the village of Tamga.

Few travelers know that on the southern side of the lake there is the Kyrgyz Dead Sea - Salt Lake. It is called so because of the mineral composition of the water. The lake measures about three hundred meters wide and five hundred meters long. The bottom is on average 2-3 meters deep. The water is saturated with microelements.

When plunging into the lake, vacationers experience a feeling of weightlessness, like in the Dead Sea. It is impossible to drown in such water; it literally pushes you to the surface. The properties of Salt Lake water are in no way inferior to healing water Dead Sea in Israel. You can improve your health here in just a few days.

The south side of the lake is famous beautiful scenery. Here is the most beautiful gorge not only on the Issyk-Kul coast, but throughout Central Asia. It is called Fairytale Valley. Wind and water have created truly amazing and unusual landscapes here, the description of which is impossible in simple terms. in human words. These are some of the most ancient mountains in Kyrgyzstan, which took thousands of years to form. The mountain folds look like pictures depicting quaint castles built of white clay. The shells found remind us that there was once an ancient sea here.

The southern shore of Lake Issyk-Kul is more suitable for those who know how to appreciate beauty pristine nature. There are almost no sandy beaches here, in most cases they are small pebbles turning into large boulders. But the southern coast is very picturesque; the nature of Issyk-Kul itself has become its main attraction. Here you can take wonderful photos that will keep the memory of this amazing adventure for a long time.

Secrets and history of Lake Issyk-Kul

The waters of Issyk-Kul contain a lot of unsolved mysteries. Over many centuries and millennia, the surface of the lake sank and rose again more than once. When Lake Issyk-Kul once again overflowed its boundaries, its waters absorbed on its way all the cities and settlements that were located in its vicinity. So many villages of ancient people found themselves at the bottom. And in them, researchers discover household items that belong not only to different time periods, but also to different cultures.

Historians explain this by the fact that trade caravans passed through this place in ancient times and the Middle Ages. Due to the fact that the Silk Road ran there, signs of almost all of humanity are found at the bottom of the lake and in its surroundings during archaeological research. In total, at the bottom of Issyk-Kul there are up to hundreds of local objects, large and small, that can be identified as a settlement.

Legend of the lake

Kyrgyzstan keeps many legends about the amazing and wonderful Lake Issyk-Kul. Here is one of them, which explains the origin of the reservoir. A long time ago, in the very place where the waves of Lake Issyk-Kul splash, there stood a huge beautiful city with magnificent palaces and numerous streets and houses where ordinary people lived. But suddenly the earth began to emit tremors, and an earthquake of unprecedented strength began, which spared neither people nor buildings. Everything was destroyed, and the earth itself sank, and a depression formed in this place, which filled with water. So a deep lake appeared on the site of the city.

Several girls from this city early in the morning, shortly before the earthquake, went high into the mountains for brushwood, and that was the only reason they remained alive. They began to mourn their dead relatives and friends who were buried at the bottom of the lake. Every day they came to the shore and shed hot tears there, which flowed in streams into Lake Issyk-Kul. There were so many of them that the water in it became as bitter and salty as the tears of the girls.

Issyk-Kul is one of the world's largest mountain lakes. In terms of transparency, it is compared to Lake Baikal. It is drainless and is fed by more than 80 rivers and water from glaciers. The lake is located in the Tien Shan mountains, its climate is maritime, it is determined by the natural isolation of the basin in which the lake is located. Hurricanes sweep over Issyk-Kul several times a year. The high season here lasts from June to the end of September.

Several reasons why you should visit Issyk-Kul

The lake is the pride of Kyrgyzstan; about 2 million tourists come here every year. It is located at an altitude of about 1600 meters above sea level and is famous for its extraordinary beauty. Why Issyk-Kul attracts tourists:

  • visa-free entry for citizens of 44 countries;
  • low prices for holidays;
  • for Russians - no language barrier;
  • majestic mountain landscapes;
  • healing mineral springs;
  • clean mountain air and beautiful beaches;
  • acquaintance with culture, national cuisine and the traditions of the hospitable Kyrgyz people.

The most popular resorts - cities Karakol And Cholpon-Ata, sat down Bosteri, Sary-Oh And Chok-Tal, gorges Barskoon And Jeti-Oguz. The main beaches are concentrated on the northern shore of the lake between the villages Tamchy And Korumdu.

Natural and historical attractions, well-organized tourist infrastructure, an abundance of fruits, entertainment - all this is available in the resorts of Issyk-Kul. And one more thing - it is never hot here, light breezes do not allow the temperature to rise above 30°C even at the most warm month- July. When is the best time to relax on Lake Issyk-Kul?

May is a time for a wellness holiday

May- the time when tourists who want to improve their health begin to flock to the resorts of Issyk-Kul mineral waters and mud. On the shores of the lake there are sanatoriums and boarding houses that provide a full range of balneological services:

  • radon, pine and pearl baths;
  • mud therapy;
  • therapeutic and wellness massage.

And also - a local, completely unique method - kumiss treatment. The May weather is already pleasantly warm. During the day the temperature rises to 20°C, everything around blossoms. Only here you can admire the huge fields of blooming scarlet poppies in May.

June - opening of the season

The beginning of summer in the Issyk-Kul region coincides with the calendar; during the day the air warms up to 20-23°C, at night the temperature can drop to 7-10°C. At the beginning of the month the water is still cold - 12-19°C. From the middle June The swimming season opens.

June is not a suitable month for a beach holiday with children - the water for children remains quite cold even at the end of the month.

For other vacationers, a vacation in June has undoubted advantages - a small number of people and so far low prices for housing and food. Swimming and sunbathing in June will successfully replace interesting excursions, health treatments in local sanatoriums, horseback riding in the picturesque surroundings of the lake.

July - high season

IN July Mountain meadows begin to bloom, and the air is filled with the aromas of forest and herbs. The July temperature stays at 25-29°C, the water warms up to a comfortable 24°C. Sandy beaches the lakes are filled with vacationers, and there are no vacancies in sanatoriums and boarding houses.

At this time, resort life is in full swing - famous artists give concerts, entertainment venues operate at full capacity.

July is a noisy, fun time. For those who want peace, beauty and peace, it is better to reschedule the trip to the end of August or September. In addition, July marks the peak in prices for everything - accommodation, excursions and entertainment.

August is the velvet season

Until the very end of summer, the weather in Issyk-Kul remains warm, even sometimes hot (up to 36°C). The water in the lake is still suitable for swimming. people in August It’s not getting any smaller, but prices continue to remain high.

To travel to Issyk-Kul at the end of summer, accommodation must be booked at least a month in advance.

The most popular entertainments are boat trips, fishing and of course visiting picturesque gorges, thermal springs, temples and historical monuments. For diving enthusiasts, there is a separate entertainment - diving to the ruins of ancient cities resting at the bottom of the lake.

August is the time for grapes, apricots, peaches and fresh vegetables, which are sold at very reasonable prices. In the evenings the lake is already cool, so it’s worth stocking up on a couple of warm clothes.

September - end of the tourist season

September- a fertile time for those who are alien to the bustle and noise, who want to admire nature alone, lie on a half-empty beach and swim in a still warm lake. The temperature in September during the day drops to 23-25°C, the evenings become even cooler, and rain may begin.

But they are not able to ruin your vacation - there are still plenty of sunny days in September. Vacation prices are approaching June prices. But August has a significant advantage - the swimming season continues and fresh fruits ripen. September is a suitable month for romantic couples seeking solitude.

This is also the time for mountain hiking. There is no sweltering heat, the weather is mostly cloudless, which allows you to admire stunning views.

Winter holidays in Issyk-Kul

in winter hospitable Issyk-Kul opens its arms even wider to tourists. Despite the fact that not all recreation centers operate, you can be sure that the best of them will welcome you. In winter, here you can relax in luxurious suites for money that in summer is only enough for a seedy double room. Prices for food and excursions are reduced significantly.

What could be better than to spend New Year holidays among the sparkling “crystal” winter nature, listen to local legends, take a steam bath, and then dive into a clean, non-freezing lake?!

Winter activities in Issyk-Kul:

  • sledding, alpine skiing and snowboarding;
  • winter fishing;
  • impressive photo shoots against the backdrop of mountain peaks.

IN winter time they also work here sanatoriums. The average air temperature in December is around -5°C, in January - around 0°C, and in February it begins to tend to positive values.

One of the most important attractions of Kyrgyzstan, as well as a place of pilgrimage for most foreign tourists, is Lake Issyk-Kul, nicknamed the “Pearl of Central Asia”. We can say that Issyk-Kul is the main calling card of Kyrgyzstan, which attracts like a magnet not only in the summer heat, but also in other seasons.

Kyrgyz pearl

The reason for this is that Lake Issyk-Kul gives its guests not only a great mood, a wonderful vacation, unforgettable experience, but also strengthens their health with the help of clean air, healing mineralized water, various hot springs and unique sunlight.

Issyk-Kul gulls

Where is Lake Issyk-Kul located?

Lake Issyk-Kul is located on the territory of the mountain basin of the same name. In turn, Issyk-Kul Basin lies between two mountain ranges, the so-called. And Teskey Alatoo(translated from the Kyrgyz language “ala” - “motley”, “too” - mountain, “alatoo” literally means “motley mountains”, “kungey” - “sunny side”, “teskey” - “shadow, facing away from the sun, side").

Issyk-Kul map

The Alatoo Mountains are part of the Northern Tien Shan. According to scientists, as a result of tectonic shifts and faults of the earth's surface, some of their sections rose up and formed the Kungei Alatoo and Teskey Alatoo mountain ranges, while other sections sank down and filled with water over time. This is how it was formed Lake Issyk-Kul.

Teskey Alatoo

The lake occupies most of the Issyk-Kul basin. Thus, the length of the basin in the east-west direction is approximately 240 kilometers, and its width is almost 75 km (somewhere in the middle, near the village of Tosor). The dimensions of Lake Issyk-Kul itself are: approx. 182 kilometers and wide (largest part) - 58 kilometers.

Mountains Kungei Alatoo. Grigorievskoye Gorge

The Alatoo mountains bordering the Issyk-Kul basin have a beneficial effect and protect the lake, and if Kungey Alatoo does not allow cold weather to reach Issyk-Kul north winds, then Teskey Alatoo protects the lake from the hot, scorching breath of the Central Asian deserts. This has led to a mild, comfortable climate: there are no severe frosts here in winter (in January from -5 to +5 degrees Celsius), and in summer there are swelteringly hot days (the warmest month is July, the temperature is approximately 17-20 degrees).

How beautiful Lake Issyk-Kul is in the summer

How to get to Lake Issyk-Kul?

The Issyk-Kul Basin is connected to the rest of Kyrgyzstan through the Boom Gorge. The distance from the capital of the republic, Bishkek, to Lake Issyk-Kul is approximately 190 kilometers, with just under 25 km passing through the above. This highway is one of the strategic ones, and therefore its condition can be assessed as very good. Currently, this road is undergoing a major reconstruction (at the same time it is being significantly expanded), which, according to the assurances of those in charge, should be completed before 2015.

The distance from Bishkek to Lake Issyk-Kul is just under 200 km

A railway line runs parallel to the Bishkek-Issyk-Kul highway, which ends in the city of Balykchy.

Highway through the Boom Gorge

There are also two airports on the coast of Lake Issyk-Kul. One of them is located near the city of Cholpon-Ata, and the other is located near the village of Tamchi. Tamchyn International Airport began operating in the summer of 2003, and during Soviet times it was used as a military facility.

View of the Chui River in the Boom Gorge

When leaving the Boom Gorge towards Lake Issyk-Kul

Lake Issyk-Kul Kyrgyzstan – some interesting facts

Lake Issyk-Kul- among the 25 largest (by area) lakes in the world, while it ranks 7th in the list of the deepest lakes on Earth. If we take into account only the high-mountain lakes of the planet (which are located above 1200 meters above sea level), then Lake Issyk-Kul will be in second place in terms of area, second only to the South American Lake Titicaca, and in terms of depth and volume of water, Issyk-Kul is not will be equal. Here are some characteristics of the “Kyrgyz pearl”:

Water surface area
Water volume

1738 cc km

Greatest depth
Average depth
Coastline length
Water mineralization
Length in the east-west direction
Length in the direction "south - north"
Maximum water temperature in summer
Minimum water temperature in winter

Lake Issyk-Kul is a unique body of water - about 80 different mountain rivers flow into the lake, but not a single one flows out. This determined the natural concentration of salts and minerals in the lake (chloride-sulfate-sodium-magnesium), which has no equal in its healing properties. In addition, the water in the lake is very transparent, which, coupled with the mineralization of the water and the brightest rays of the sun, makes the waters of Issyk-Kul chameleon-like - the color constantly changes from dark blue and dark greenish shades to soft blue tones).

Coast of Lake Issyk-Kul

Lake Issyk-Kul It is also unique in that the water level here changes cyclically (every few decades it either decreases or rises). At the same time, the length of the coastline and the depth of the lake change. According to the TSB (Great Soviet Encyclopedia), the level of Lake Issyk-Kul in the 90s of the 20th century fell by approximately 4 meters compared to 1886, although some other sources indicate this figure to 9 meters.

Coast Guard of Issyk-Kul

Due to the fact that Lake Issyk-Kul is deep-water and maintains a constant temperature well (due to mineralization, as well as protection on all sides by the Alatoo mountain ranges), even in the coldest winters, the water in the lake does not freeze. By the way, Issyk-Kul (Kyrgyz name is Ysyk-Kol) translated from Kyrgyz means “Hot Lake”.

Lake Issyk-Kul - best place for relaxation

The sun loves Lake Issyk-Kul very much(there are more than 300 sunny days per year, or 2700-2900 hours of sunshine). For comparison, on the Black Sea this figure ranges from 1900 to 2400 hours, and in Moscow – 1500-1600 hours.

White steamer

Kyrgyz Lake Issyk-Kul: historical facts

For the first time, Chinese chroniclers wrote about Lake Issyk-Kul at the end of the 2nd century BC. Where the lake was named Zhe-Hai(translated from Chinese means “Warm Sea”).

Beauty, located between snow-white mountain peaks

There were routes around Lake Issyk-Kul Great silk road , in connection with which both large cities and minor trading settlements and caravanserais were formed here. The most famous of them are the cities of Chigu and Barskhan (Barskoon).

Issyk-Kul water is the purest and most transparent

The lake is also associated with many legends and myths: about Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, the Great Tamerlane, about the legendary and fairytale city Kitezh, endless riches, etc.

A view from space at Lake Issyk-Kul

A full-fledged scientific study of the lake began in the 19th century by scientists Russian Empire, one of whom was N.M. Przhevalsky. In Soviet times, the center of the Issyk-Kul region of the Kirghiz SSR (now the city of Karakol) was named after him.

The only things better than mountains are mountains,
Where is the beautiful Issyk-Kul nearby?

The latest comprehensive international archaeological expeditions in the waters and coast of Lake Issyk-Kul have confirmed the previously existing guesses of scientists that a fairly developed human civilization lived in these territories approximately 2,500 years ago, which was not inferior in its development to the well-known civilizations of the Mediterranean coast.

Issyk-Kul morning

Transparent waters of Issyk-Kul
