An open-air exhibition of military equipment in Temryuk. Military slide in Temryuk History of the formation of the attraction

Taman is one of the Kuban landscapes that are unlike each other. This peninsula is a lowland lying “on the corner” of the Black and Azov seas. It is cut by sea estuaries, narrow thickets of river floodplains, a network of irrigation canals, most of the location is vineyards, melon fields and orchards, as well as sandbanks. It’s windy here, and administratively it’s all part of one district, the center of which is the city of Temryuk. Military slide is its main attraction.

Where is Military Hill located on the map?

Geographically, this is the central part of the city. Not far from here you will find a monument to the Liquidators of the Chernobyl disaster, the Bus Station and the Central Market.

History of the formation of the attraction

The northeastern “crossroads” - the place from where roads to different Taman resorts diverge - is Temryuk. Military Hill - a hill in the northern massif quiet town. The hill was formed on the site of the old mud volcano Bowl (locals say “Myska”). Last eruption observed here in 1943.

During the Second World War, the most fierce battles for Temryuk took place on this bridgehead, which were part of the theater of action of the Novorossiysk-Taman offensive operation. The landing force, which landed to the east, boldly attacked the Nazi positions, which went down in history under the name “Blue Line”. The fighters prevented the organized evacuation of the enemy.

Today, the P-251 highway passes through this area, connecting the station. Golubitskaya with Krasnodar. Consequently, bus passengers on intraregional routes can admire a unique museum immediately from the left and right windows of the cabin. Of course, because the local street. Rosa Luxemburg is a fragment of the named route.

This point in the post-war period - namely in 1983 - received the status of a “protected exhibition pavilion”, a branch of the Temryuk local history museum complex. At the end of the last century, the exhibition was replenished with retired supersonic fighters and combat boats, torpedoes and mines, and many varieties of other offensive and defensive equipment.

Main military museum in Temryuk

Once on the road connecting the street. September 27 and Rosa Luxemburg, it is not difficult to notice majestic monuments, military aircraft, tanks and ships of various sizes: the first thing that catches your eye is the T-34, whose pedestal stands at the very edge of the road. They belong to the era of the second half of the 20th – early 21st centuries. The official entrance to the fenced area is at the end of the steps connecting the space to the roadway.

Typically, a tour of a curious object begins with an inspection of the equipment on display. Only then do visitors pay attention to several impressive memorials. Visitors willingly take pictures with the muzzles of the terrible guns of the Great Patriotic War, the MT-13 mortar, artillery samples, including the KS-19 and Katyusha anti-aircraft guns, IS-3, T-34 85, T-72 tanks, boats, propellers, power plants and fighters of those times.

Mixed with military equipment on Mount Myska there is also post-war equipment - L-29, MiG-21 PFM and AN-14 aircraft, P-15 missile and much more. A complete list would take up a whole page. It is necessary to separately note the Su-208-79 steam locomotive and the ZIS-5 truck, which transported trains with soldiers in those terrible years.

At the eastern end of this territory, a building was built where other exhibits are displayed - photographs, documents, propaganda posters, maps, personal belongings of soldiers and their commanders. In the photo showing the Military Hill Museum in Temryuk, we see huge complex, consisting not only of an exhibition of inoperative equipment, but also of many memorial structures.

Among them sculptural compositions“We won”, “Hurray for the Motherland!” and "Explosion". The latter represents an original vision of the war by one of the popular local muralists. The monument was opened on June 22, 2013 - in honor of the well-known mournful date. Before the audience is a composition consisting of archaeological artifacts welded together - rusty helmets, machine guns, sapper shovels, cartridge and bomb casings, as well as flasks and fragments of tank barrels.

How to get there (get there)?

It’s quite easy to get to Voennaya Gorka - this is the top of the climb, which begins at the end of the street on September 27 (Kalinina). The site is easily accessible from the swamp, the restaurant “On the Volcano” and the Church of the Archangel Michael.

On the map, the route to the desired location looks like this:

Contacts and prices

  • Address: R. Luxemburg street, Temryuk, Krasnodar region, Russia.
  • GPS coordinates: 45.278255, 37.385781.
  • Ticket prices: for adults – 100 rubles, for children – 30.

People have different opinions about this place. The fact is that reviews of the described attraction, which are easy to find on the Internet, vary greatly in nature. Some believe that almost every Russian city has a similar exhibition complex, they say, it is not worth the money spent. Others are sure: Military Hill is the most interesting of such museums, and even more so in Temryuk, since the most creative guides work here.

Museum military equipment“Military Hill” is located in the very center of Temryuk. This is unique historical monument, which is located on active volcano Bowl.

On September 27, 1983, the Military Hill Museum of Military Equipment was founded in Temryuk. The exhibition allows tourists to view tanks, guns, airplanes and helicopters, naval guns and boats that were used during the Great Patriotic War and the post-war period. The equipment is located on all slopes of the hill, you can get close to it and take pictures.


Walk through the military museum

A visit to “Military Hill” is a must if you are planning a trip to Krasnodar region. This place is for family vacation, visiting the military museum will be interesting for all family members. Boys will especially like it here - they have real tanks, armored personnel carriers and ships at their disposal.

Particular attention is paid to artillery pieces, rocket launchers and railway equipment.
In the central part of the exhibition, a memorial was erected in honor of the liberation of Temryuk from fascist invaders and the feat of the Russian army in the Battle of the Caucasus. A T-34 tank is mounted on a high pedestal, and an inscription is engraved on the obelisk glorifying the heroism of the people who defended Temryuk.
Military museums host mass events dedicated to the events of the Patriotic War and city holidays of Temryuk.
The museum presents more than a hundred exhibits to visitors. Some equipment (for example, the Katyusha installation) was poorly preserved, but all combat vehicles are genuine. From the top of Mount Miska there are amazing views of most of the Taman Peninsula. A colorful panorama, mud hills and grape plantations will open before your eyes.
You can get to Miska Volcano by minibus or your own transport. The walk from the bus station will take 10-20 minutes.

“Military Hill” has no analogues in the whole world. Today it is a branch of the Temryuk Historical and Archaeological Museum. For a nominal fee, you have the opportunity to spend time with interest and touch the history of your people.

Open air museum

“Military Hill” is the name of the museum of military equipment, freely located on one of the elevated places of the municipality. And this hill is unique. For it was formed by the extinct mud volcano Miska (there are those who call it Myska). The open-air museum has the largest collection of military equipment in the south of our Fatherland. It was opened on September 27, 1983, exactly on the 40th anniversary of the liberation of the Taman Peninsula from the Nazi invaders. Among the initiators of its creation are the first secretary of the former district party committee A. Kuemzhiev and the chairman of the then district executive committee V. Soloshenko. The author and active implementer of the project is architect A. Bragin. Active assistance in the acquisition of military equipment was provided by the former commander of the Azov flotilla and at that time the commander-in-chief of the USSR Navy, Deputy Minister of Defense of the USSR, Hero of the Soviet Union, Admiral S. Gorshkov. And before we talk in detail about the museum’s exhibits, let’s introduce you to the urban settlement itself.

Temryuk today and during the Great Patriotic War

The city of Temryuk is very popular in Kuban. It is the administrative center of the Temryuk district of the same name. Conveniently located. 130 kilometers from the capital of the region Krasnodar, a hundred from Novorossiysk and almost very close to the resort for family and children's recreation and treatment with Anapa - just over four tens of kilometers. By the way, Temryuk is also connected geographically with Anapa. This refers to their neighborhood on Taman. In particular, the Taman Peninsula is mostly part of the Temryuk region. And only partially to the resort city of Anapa. And Taman is quite impressive in size - 2000 square kilometers. 900 of them are land. The rest is estuaries and floodplains. Taman is located in the western part of Kuban. From the north the peninsula is washed by the Sea of ​​Azov, from the south by the Black Sea, in the west by the Kerch Strait, in which the Black and Sea of ​​Azov they rush into each other's arms, merge as waters, while Cherny is lighter, and Azovsky is somewhat cloudy. From south to north, Taman stretches for 40 kilometers, from west to east for 66. In 2010, the peninsula officially received the status of an All-Russian health resort, one of the country’s full-fledged resort areas. Due to the discovery of large deposits here healing mud, which is present in more than three dozen mud volcanoes.

He himself comfortably settled down on the right bank of the Kuban, which in ancient times flowed into, and then suddenly betrayed it and paved a new channel to. As a result of such an amazing somersault, we note that Anapa became rich, having acquired a valuable treasure - magnificent sandy beaches forty kilometers long, with amazing desert-like dunes in some places up to 12-15 meters high and overgrown, among other tree species, local olives, which perfectly protect tourists from the hot rays of the sun in high season. By the way, sandy beaches Residents of the Temryuk district itself, who have them, as they say, close at hand, can also use them. It’s easy to get to them with personal cars, and public transport without much difficulty.

The city's population is growing year by year. The absolute majority (93 percent) are Russians. But there are Ukrainians, and Greeks, and representatives of other nationalities and nationalities. The city has its own railway station, seaport. Surprisingly, it also contains the largest volcano in Taman, Rotten Mountain, which has long become an attractive attraction. And in total, we repeat, there are more than three dozen of them. There is also a unique one - in the area, which is only eleven kilometers from the city, gushing straight out of the sea and forming temporary islands that are washed away by the waves, but are reborn again and again. By the way, in the summer there is a real pilgrimage to Golubitskaya - to its salt lake with healing brine and mud at the bottom. From the village it’s a stone’s throw to the Akhtanizovsky freshwater estuary with an area of ​​110 square kilometers, densely overgrown with pink lotuses native to distant India. Come here at the time of flowering, whisper your deepest desire into the lotus, and it will certainly come true. Especially when it comes to the reciprocal love of a girl or a guy you like! But that’s true, by the way! It should be noted that the city's population lives quite comfortably - municipal and private housing are being built. There are schools, kindergartens, medical institutions, communications, including the Internet, bank branches, and so on and so forth in order. In summer, the houses are surrounded by greenery of gardens and vineyards.

But during the Great Patriotic War, much of it was literally swept away from the face of the earth. Temryuk was under the heel of the Nazi invaders from August 1942 to September 1943. That is, thirteen months or four hundred days. More than two thousand civilians killed. Sources also indicate that sixteen thousand were taken into slavery. The so-called Blue Line ran near the city. More than three hundred units of the Red Army took part in the fierce battles for liberation. During the Novorossiysk-Tamansk operation (including the participation of Black Sea Fleet), September 27, 1943 Temryuk was liberated. And by order of Stalin, a fireworks display was given in honor of this significant event in Moscow. To what has been said, it must be added that from the same sources, about nine thousand residents of the city, who went to the battlefields to defend the Fatherland, did not return home: they died in fierce battles. More than two thousand are buried in the land of the city’s War Memorial, and in total there are over a hundred graves in the area. Forty of them contain the remains of old people, women and children innocently shot by the Germans. As for the Taman Peninsula itself, it was completely liberated from the Nazi invaders on October 9, 1943. And this was greatly facilitated by the victory at Stalingrad, from where some military units were sent to liberate them from the fascist evil spirits North Caucasus. The Azov military flotilla, the Kuban detachment of the Cossack flotilla, plus an artillery division made a decisive contribution to the defeat of the Nazis. Ten participants in fierce battles with the enemy became heroes of the Soviet Union - I. Kalganov, A. Laukhin. G. Denisov, V. Golovchenko, I. Bevz, A. Golovnya, M. Rogachev, P. Kashurin, A. Pecheritsa and N. Kolesnikov By the way, it should be mentioned - after the occupation of Krasnodar, the Nazi command sent more than thirty thousand armed men to the front line to the toes of soldiers and officers, while only three thousand Red Army soldiers and three battalions of marines defended the peninsula. But ours fought bravely and desperately, more than once terrifying the advancing enemies, who, by the way, suffered quite a few losses.

Military slide on top of a volcano

We have already talked about the Miska volcano above. It is at its top that the Military Hill is located. And already in 1965 there was a T-34-85 tank on a pedestal. Since then, Gorka has turned into a real, substantial open-air museum of military equipment. In which, according to various sources, combat vehicles of almost all types and branches of the military are presented - land tanks, armored vehicles, guns, the famous Katyushas, ​​sea boats, torpedoes, mines, AN-24 transport aircraft, fighter aircraft, a steam locomotive with a carriage. Among the military equipment, the sculptural compositions “We are the winners!”, “Hurray for the Motherland!”, and “Explosion” stand out. As a continuation of the museum, in its eastern part there is a spacious building, and the public can get acquainted with photographs, documents, propaganda posters, maps of military operations, personal belongings of soldiers and commanders of the Red Army of those terrible years. At the entrance to the museum there is a stele with the inscription “The defense of Temryuk will go down in the history of the Great Patriotic War. The whole country is watching the heroism shown by the personnel, just as it once watched the heroes of Sevastopol!” There is another inscription: “Glory to the Soviet soldiers, the liberators of the city of Temryuk and the Taman Peninsula!”
The importance of Military Hill cannot be overestimated! Especially in the matter of military-patriotic education of the younger generation. And the interest in the open-air museum of military vehicles on the part of tourists (and in Anapa alone and its resort villages there are more than four million of them a year!) is enormous! Including from foreign guests. It is always useful to once again turn over the heroic pages of the history of the Fatherland, to learn from the courage of the defenders of our native land! The museum is a repetition of the formidable warning of the great Russian commander Alexander Nevsky: “Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword!”

The Museum of the City of Temryuk - Military Hill was opened in 1983, in the year of celebrating the 40th anniversary of the liberation of the Temryuk region from the Nazi invaders.

The initiator of the creation of the museum was the 1st Secretary of the Republic of Kazakhstan CPSU Kuemzhiev Alexander Fedorovich and the chairman of the district executive committee Viktor Nikolaevich Saloshenko.

The creation of a museum is only a small part of their work, but what a significant and memorable one. The military hill has become the hallmark of Temryuk.

Purchasing exhibits and war relics turned out to be difficult, sometimes impossible.

It was decided to purchase post-war equipment. In this work, the district leaders were supported by the USSR Ministry of Culture and the USSR Ministry of Defense. Enthusiasts from different parts of the country responded.

The most interested attention to this issue was shown by the former commander of the Azov military flotilla, at that time the commander-in-chief of the USSR Navy, Deputy Minister of Defense of the USSR, Hero of the Soviet Union, Admiral S.G. Gorshkov.

He presented Temryuk with a torpedo boat that had been removed from service. On his own he arrived at the port of Temryuk and was transported to Mount Miska.

The whole city was involved in the arrangement of the museum. War veterans, heads of farms and enterprises worked after work, on weekends. Komsomol members, public utilities, signalmen, and electricians tried.

The history of the Military Hill exhibits began with an old steam locomotive, doomedly standing at a dead end of the Starotitarovsky railway section. It was decided to deliver it to Mount Miska, where the T-34 battle tank had already been installed in 1960.

Then the formidable Katyusha appeared, which terrified the Nazis. It was not put into production before the start of the Great Patriotic War, and then it was hastily tested in raids on occupied territory.

The museum's collection quickly expanded. Tanks, artillery pieces, armored personnel carriers, mines, airplanes appeared... Today the museum's exhibition includes more than a hundred exhibits of pre- and post-war equipment.

The museum has become a unique center of patriotic education. This is the venue for patriotic events, meetings of veterans and soldiers of the Russian army, and athletes. Amateur artistic groups from the region perform here. Victory parades take place on the hill. Athletes, cadets, soldiers and sailors of military units from all over Kuban come here.

Tourists - adults and children - have been viewing Military Hill and the entire Temryuk district with unflagging interest for more than 30 years. The view from Mount Miska is breathtaking. Taman, in full view. A unique spectacle. The location at the very top of an extinct mud volcano gives the area a special flavor.

Temryuk and its residents are proud of the Military Hill.

On the slopes of an extinct mud volcano, Mount Miska. It was opened in 1983. The museum is located on both sides of the highway. Here you can view an impressive collection of authentic equipment from the Second World War: airplanes, helicopters, warships, tanks, various guns, missiles, trucks and even a train. All exhibits are in excellent condition, the museum grounds are well-groomed and beautiful. Walking here will be interesting for both children and adults.

The battles for the Taman Peninsula were very difficult and bloody. The Germans organized a defense line here, which they considered impregnable - it went down in history as the Blue Line. The Blue Line blocked the Soviet troops' road to Crimea, while it was a springboard for the Nazi army for a counter-offensive in the Caucasus. Some of the most massive and heaviest air battles of the Second World War took place over Taman and Anapa, which largely decided the outcome of the Battle of Taman. Therefore, at Military Hill, much attention is paid to aviation.

In every even the smallest village on Taman there were war memorials - there was not a single piece of land that was not affected by the war. So the organization of such an interesting and large-scale museum here, in Temryuk, is not accidental.

Photo of the Military Hill museum in Temryuk

Panorama of the Museum "Military Hill"

"Military Hill" has a large collection of equipment

Rockets from the Military Hill Museum

Opening hours: 9:00-21:00. Ticket price: 80 rubles - adults, 40 rubles - for children from 7 to 18 years old, 25 rubles - for children from 4 to 7 years old. Excursion services cost 300 rubles, excursions are conducted regardless of the number of excursionists, even for one person. Address: Temryuk, Mount Miska, intersection of highway P-251 and st. Chernyshevsky. How to get there: from the Temryuk bus station by minibuses and buses heading towards the village of Kurchanskaya, routes No. 104, 145. You can walk from the main city street Lenin along Chernyshevsky street.
