South Asia interesting facts. Interesting facts about Asian countries

Two Oceans, thirty seas, one hundred thousand islands, best airlines world and much more - that's what awaits you in Southeast Asia! The countries of Southeast Asia attract the opportunity to get everything at once in one trip. Wonderful climate, magnificent beaches, diving and surfing opportunities, sea ​​cruises, exotic nature, unusual cuisine, ancient temples and palaces, noisy festivals, excellent shopping - this list can be continued for a long time.


1. Stunningly beautiful landscape. A riot of colors. Year-round flowering of nature. Beautiful beaches. The extraordinary beauty of ancient architectural monuments.

2. “Bait” ​​for tourists: diving here is excellent and the cheapest in the world.

3. Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City) – a city of chaos, neon lights and friendly people.

4. Fabulous beauty, clean deserted beaches and low prices. It’s as if everything was created for a perfect holiday!

5. Vietnam is one of the most mysterious and amazing countries in Southeast Asia. There is no sweltering heat here, the sun is soft and gentle, the air is humid and clean, the water is clear and inviting - Vietnam has everything you need to relax, to escape from the everyday hustle and bustle and be filled with a charge of vivacity and energy.

6. For those who appreciate natural beauty on vacation, there is a very popular place to visit. West Lake, Lake Xuan Huong, Cam Chi waterfalls, Thong Nyat Park, where the Flower Festival is regularly held, Chua Mot Kot Pagoda, Valley of Love.

7. Vietnamese cuisine has also absorbed the traditions of French cuisine - this can be seen in the abundance of pates and cheeses that can be bought everywhere. A minimum of fat, a maximum of fresh vegetables and fruits, and seafood make Vietnamese food popular not only among sophisticated gourmets, but also among fans of healthy eating.

8. Phan Thiet is very popular resort Vietnam. Phan Thiet is great for family vacation. This is a quiet and cozy resort. With sandy beaches and wonderful comfortable hotels.

9. Nha Trang is one of best places holiday in the country. The city itself is also known as medical resort: here is a clinic for mud therapy and mineral water treatment of joints and diseases of the musculoskeletal system, as well as some skin diseases, diseases of the nervous system, lungs and bronchi.

10. Fu Kuok - the most big island in Vietnam, an area equal to Singapore. Beautiful sandy beaches, planted coconut trees, framed here by virgin tropical forests. There are two large pearl plantations on the island - Japanese and American, which is why Phu Quoc is often called the “pearl island”.


1. Among the mind-boggling number of islands that make up Indonesia (and there are 17,508 of them!), only about 6,000 are actually inhabited. The largest islands of Indonesia are Java, Sumatra, New Guinea(New Guinea), Sulawesi and Kalimantan.

2. The island of Bali has long been the most popular destination in Indonesia. The beautiful landscapes of this picturesque corner attract tourists and nature lovers from all continents of the globe. Tourists can expect a lot of interesting things here. The greatest demand is for cultural events and dances, fine leather items, and foot-tapping music.

3. Indonesia is the largest archipelago in the world.

4. Another feature of Indonesia is that this country has a very diverse culture, its inhabitants speak 580 languages ​​and dialects.

5. Island of Java - world famous temple complexes Borobudur (the third largest Buddhist temple in the world - Borobudur (8th century) not far from Yogyakarta. Its height is 34 m, and its area is 12.3 thousand sq. m.) and Prambanan.

6. Komodo - it is part of Komodo national park of worldwide significance. Founded in 1980, the park covers the territory of three large volcanic islands (Komodo, Rinca and Padar). The largest land lizard on the planet lives here - the famous Komodo dragon, or monitor lizard (Varanus komodoensis), of which there are several hundred individuals.

7. Flores Islands. Most famous volcano Flores is the Kelimutu volcano, whose height is 1.639 m. Its three crater lakes change color from time to time and it is not yet fully understood what exactly leads to this change.

8. Ubud - ancient city in the central mountainous part of the island of Bali, located 10 km north of Denpasar at an altitude of 600 m above sea level. Ubud is considered cultural center islands. Here is large number museums.

9. Sumatra - there are many active volcanoes on the island and near it.

10. Kalimantan Island (also Borneo) is a large island (the third largest in the world by territory), the only island in the world divided between three recognized states: Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei.


1. Malaysia is a country of smiles and unique, varied delights that attract guests.

2. A charming land of warmth and kindness, in any corner of which you can get acquainted with Real Asia and become a part of it.

3. Ultra-modern architecture and unique nature.

4. The country is endowed with evergreen forests and beautiful coastal waters with unique wildlife and amazing flora and fauna for this part of the planet.

5. In Malaysia you can choose: or spend time in modern city with its shops and entertainment venues, or lie in the sun on the white sand by the sea.

6. At your service are ecotourism and mountaineering in the area of ​​Mount Kinabulu, one of the highest peaks in the region.

7. You can watch the life of orangutans in Sepilok or scuba dive around Sipadan Island.

8. Visit the most tall building Petrones business center in the world.

9. Malaysia has something for everyone: historian, businessman, tourist, holidaymaker or city lover.

10. Uniquely memorable is spending a family vacation in Malaysia, about which the English writer Somerset Maugham, having visited Penang, wrote: “If you have not seen this place, you have not seen the world.”


1. The most picturesque nature, magnificent beaches, unconventional culture, genuine hospitality of the local population, unique religious buildings and ancient ruins - all this attracts, like a magnet, hundreds of thousands of tourists from all over the world.

2. Thais are unusually polite, friendly and hospitable, especially towards visitors.

3. Today, Thailand has preserved the face of its unique culture. This is largely due to the fact that, unlike other countries in Southeast Asia, Thailand was never colonized by Europeans.

4 There are five representatives of Thailand on the UNESCO list of the most valuable world heritage sites. We are talking about natural reserves and archaeological sites of the past.

5. The best drag queen shows in Southeast Asia. Theatrical performances where the actors are transvestites. Some of them are participants in international beauty contests.

6. Thai cuisine is famous for its combination of four taste components - salty, sweet, sour and bitter. But if a tourist is afraid to eat rather peculiar Thai dishes, there is no problem: Thailand offers cuisines from almost all countries of the world.

7. In Thailand, skyscrapers and antiquity, permissiveness and law-abidingness, low prices and super infrastructure coexist harmoniously. Having been there at least once, you will want to return there again and again.

8. Holidays in Thailand are a great opportunity to spend your vacation, basking on the snow-white beaches of the ocean, under the dazzlingly bright sun.

9. Amateurs and diving professionals also gather in Thailand every year: the marine flora and fauna of the region is distinguished by an unforgettable riot of colors, so diving into the clear waters of the ocean and walking to the coral reefs will leave an indelible impression of the trip!

10. Thailand is a country of orchids and shimmering sapphires, clear rivers and impenetrable jungles.


1. In Singapore you can make the purchases you have dreamed of all your life.

2. Singapore amazes with its variety of popular nightlife spots. Many clubs are located on embankments and in the tallest buildings in the country.

3. Singapore Night Safari is the world's first park specifically designed for observing animals at night.

4. Singapore Zoo is considered one of the best in the world.

5. The Fountain of Wealth was created according to Feng Shui philosophy and since 1998 it has been the largest in the world.

6. The tallest Ferris wheel in Asia, the Singapore flyer, is 165 meters high.

7. Botanical garden with 20,000 plants - Oceanarium 2500 sea creatures of 250 varieties - 4-dimensional cinema.

8. Architectural masterpiece the Esplanade Theater and the huge Wild Wild Wet water park.

9. Bird Park is one of the most beautiful parks in the world, the territory of which is inhabited by 8,000 birds of 600 species collected from all over the planet.

10.Today, Sentosa remains the best resort in Singapore, a tropical paradise, museums and nature reserve rolled into one.


1. This is one of the few places on Earth where you understand that the magic word “exotic” has not yet lost its original meaning.

2. Four Philippine attractions were in the top ten contenders for a place in the list of seven new wonders of nature.

3. Rice terraces are an incredible and ancient creation of human hands, created more than 2000 years ago.

4. On the island of Bohol you will meet the smallest monkey in the world - the tarsier.

5. The beaches of the Philippine islands are considered the best in the world.

6. Here you can meet whales during a boat trip, and underwater world will amaze you with the variety of corals and the living creatures inhabiting them.

7. Manila has the largest shopping center in Asia.

8. Prices in the Philippines for services and goods will pleasantly surprise you.

9. The Philippines is the third largest English-speaking country in the world and the only Christian state in Asia.

10. Russian citizens do not need a visa to visit the Philippines.


1. Myanmar is a country that has not yet been spoiled by tourism and tourists and is therefore unusually hospitable

2. Myanmar has the largest concentration of Buddhist historical sites in the world

3. About half of the country's population are monks. Monks in Myanmar are incredibly revered

4. On the mountain lake Inle, you will plunge into the world of people who built their homes and temples on the water, living according to other laws, unusual for Europeans, in another time dimension

5. Incredibly friendly and helpful people await you here, not to mention the service staff

6. Yangon - the capital of Myanmar, is considered the cleanest city in Southeast Asia from an environmental point of view

7. Due to the low number of visitors to the country, the sea and beaches here are pristine

8. You will spend an indecently small amount on all purchases, visits to restaurants and souvenirs.

9. In Myanmar, namely in Mandalay, you will see the largest book in the world, which takes monks 450 days to read

10. Only in Myanmar you can take a break from mobile phone calls! There is almost no cell service there!

Sri Lanka.

1. The symbol of Sri Lanka is world-famous Ceylon tea. Sri Lanka ranks 2nd in the world in tea exports.

2. Sri Lanka is the center of world Buddhism. The atmosphere of benevolence and peace that reigns in this country is the result of the deep, centuries-old influence of Buddhist teachings on the worldview and way of life of the Sri Lankans.

3. Sri Lanka can rightfully be proud of any of its incomprehensible landscapes - from golden beaches, caressed Indian Ocean to numerous ridges and slopes forming terraces, rice fields and dense forests.

4. Sri Lanka has been famous for its spices for many centuries. The Spice Garden in Matale gives you the opportunity to see how cinnamon, cardamom, pepper and other exotic plants are grown.

5. There are more than a hundred waterfalls in Sri Lanka. One of the tallest waterfalls in the world with a single stream is the 212-meter Bridal Veil Falls.

6. The largest cave temple in South Asia is the stone temple of the sleeping Buddha. The temple houses the largest collection of Buddha statues, many of which are over 2,000 years old. 73 of them are plated with gold.

7. Newlyweds from all over the world spend an unforgettable honeymoon in Sri Lanka, and exotic wedding ceremonies organized in hotels make this important event in life special.

8. Everything more tourists come to Sri Lanka to improve their health. The most ancient treatment methods of Ayurveda and aromatherapy, time-tested and improved by modern technologies, relieve stress, fatigue and discomfort, increase the human body’s resistance to disease, and provide a strong rejuvenating effect.

9. Of the 130 world historical values ​​protected by UNESCO, seven are located on this amazing island

10. The whole world knows traditional Sri Lankan spices, aromatic tea of ​​all kinds, exotic fruits, gems, batik and, of course, the warmth of the friendly hosts of the island. You will have the opportunity to try wonderful traditional dishes, including delicious “curry” - specially prepared meat or vegetables with spices and rice.


1. In Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal, there are 7 sites that UNESCO included in the list of world heritage sites, including the Buddhist temples of Boudhanath and Swayamboodhanath.

2. If you give a tip to local hermits - Sadhus, then in return you will receive a blessing - a red dot on the forehead, called a tikka.

3. Most streets in Nepalese cities do not have names, so it is quite easy to get lost there.

4. In some cities of Nepal, cars and motorcycles are prohibited.

5. Most of the world's mountains above 8 kilometers are located in Nepal - this attracts climbers and rafters from all over the world.

6. One of the most honorable professions in Nepal is a potter. There is even a special caste of potters.

7. Nepal proudly calls itself “the only Hindu kingdom in the world”: 86.5% of the population are Hindus.


I leave Hanoi early in the morning. The sun has just risen. But the streets are clogged with thousands (!) of motorbikes....

Travel around the world in a minute.

Probably everyone would like to have the opportunity to sweep across the world and absorb the beauty of nature from all corners of our planet....

Asia occupies one of the largest parts of the globe. Moreover, this is where almost the bulk of the population lives. Every year the power and influence only grows Asian countries in the world. It is here that the world's leading manufacturers strive to locate their production plants because of cheap labor. Asia has everything for comfortable life and rest. People come here for work, leisure and study. Therefore, we suggest further reading more interesting and mysterious facts about Asia.

1. Asia is considered the largest continent on the planet in terms of population and area.

2. More than 4 billion people make up the population of Asia, in percentage terms this is 60% of the total population of the Earth.

3. India and China have the largest populations in Asia.

4. In the west, the borders of Asia extend from the Ural Mountains to the Suez Canal.

5. In the south, Asia is washed by the Black and Caspian Seas.

6. The Indian Ocean washes Asia in the south.

7. In the east, Asia borders the Pacific Ocean.

8. The Arctic Ocean washes the shores of Asia in the north.

9. Asia can be roughly divided into seven subcontinents.

10. India, Japan and China are considered among the leading economic countries in Asia.

11. Singapore, Hong Kong and Tokyo are the three dominant financial centers.

12. Buddhism, Islam and Hinduism are the main religions of Asia.

13. Asia is more than 8527 km wide.

14. Mount Everest is the highest mountain, which is located in Asia.

15. The Dead Sea, which is located in Asia, is the lowest point above ground level.

16. Asia is considered the cradle of human civilization.

17. Asia has more than ten of the longest rivers.

18. Asia has a huge number of the highest mountains.

19. The shallow inland sea of ​​the Indian Ocean is called the Persian Gulf.

20. 85% of the territory of Siberia is permafrost.

21. Tejen is the longest river in Asia.

22. On the Angara River there is the largest reservoir in the world.

23. Bamboo is the tallest plant on Earth.

24. The Indian rattan palm is the longest plant in the world.

25. In the Indian mountains on the very high point plants grow in the world.

26. Similar natural conditions have two neighboring islands, Sumatra and Java.

27. People of Asian countries are not afraid to settle at the foot of active volcanoes.

28. The New Year is considered the birthday of every Vietnamese.

29. New Year in Thailand is called Songkran.

31. B Chinese city Dongguan is the largest shopping mall.

32. North Korea celebrates its version of Christmas.

34. The territory of modern China can cover five time zones.

35. There is a sense of Chinese unity in the same time zone.

36. Excess weight is prohibited by Japanese law.

37. A third of the world's population is made up of India and China.

38. More than 500 years of Muslim traditions.

39. Eating only with your right hand is an exotic custom in India.

40. Children in China are named in honor of important events.

41. Analytical and individual thinking is more typical for residents of Eastern cultures.

42. Residents of Asian countries are susceptible to the collectivist-holistic trend.

43. Some Asian countries do not have separate designations for green and blue.

44. In Asian countries, various herbs and spices are worth their weight in gold.

45. A large garbage pit is located in the Pacific Ocean Square.

46. ​​Residents of Asia can easily carry objects of different weights on their heads.

47. India's population is larger than South and North America.

48. It is in Asia that will be located in the future tense largest city peace.

49. Istanbul is the most unusual city in Asia.

50. The famous Bosphorus Bay crosses the Asian expanse.

51. Eastern women are distinguished by modesty and purity.

52. The cow is considered a sacred animal in most Asian countries.

53. Snake spelling is considered a fairly ancient profession.

54. The famous dish “sushi” originated in South Asia.

55. Uzbekistan ranks fourth in the world in terms of gold reserves.

56. The Asian country of Uzbekistan is one of the five world cotton producers.

57. The seventh place in the world is occupied by Asian countries in terms of the amount of uranium.

58. Asia is among the top ten countries in the world for copper production.

59. The Tashkent TV Tower is considered the largest television tower in Asia.

60. Almost all of Mercedes buses are public transport in Tashkent.

61. Mirzachul melons are considered the most delicious in the world.

62. At night you can see the clear starry sky in Tashkent.

63. It is in Asia that you can find fresh and natural fruits.

64. India is considered the great Asian paradise.

65. Türkiye is famous for its unique combination of Western and Eastern traditions.

66. The Philippine Islands consist of more than 7,000 islands.

67. Today, Singapore is considered a developed city-state.

68. Indonesia is considered one of the most popular places in the world.

69. The goddess girl can be found in Nepal.

70. One of ancient civilizations China is considered.

71. South Korea is famous for its rich heritage and culture.

72. In industrial terms, Taiwan is considered the most industrialized country.

73. In “Nippon” the Japanese call their country.

74. Asia is considered the fastest growing continent.

75. The territory of South Asia is considered contrasting and unique.

76. Southeast Asia is considered the most densely populated part of the world.

77. More than 600 dialects can be found in Asian countries.

78. Tourists consider Nepal to be the kingdom of spirits and mystics.

79. The country of monks is Myanmar.

80. Best resort Asia is Thailand.

81. The island of Bali will delight guests with exotic nature and optimal climate.

82. You can observe the life of orangutans on Sepilok Island.

83. The Komodo dragon lives on Komodo Island.

84. The largest marine aquarium is located in Singapore.

85. Rainforests and mountains occupy the largest part of Asia.

86. Asia is considered the place of love and romance.

87. The Philippines is the only Christian country in Asia.

88. Vietnam has the cheapest diving in the world.

89. Malaysia is a great place for servers.

90. The dirtiest and thermal springs located in Sri Lanka.

91. The beaches of Bali are considered the best for surfing.

92. The islands of Sumatra, Taiwan and Borneo are the most populated islands in Asia.

93. The largest river in the world passes through Asia.

94. Some of the best minerals in the world are found in Asia.

95. Once upon a time, part of Asia was considered under the control of the USSR.

96. The Silk Road once passed through the former part of Asia.

97. There is a rare endangered species of tigers in Asia.

98. There are more than a hundred exotic species of pandas in Asia.

99. The peoples of Asia were once ruled by the Taliban.

100. Japan is considered the most developed country in Asia.

1. Asia is the largest continent on the planet in terms of area and population. The area of ​​Asia exceeds the area of ​​the Moon (44 million 500 thousand sq. km. and 37 million sq. km. respectively).

2. Asia has a population of 4 billion people or more than 60% of the world's total population. If all these people stood next to each other, holding hands, they would circle the globe more than 100 times along the equator.

3. More than half of Asia's population lives in two countries - China (1.3 million people) and India (1.1 million people). It is expected that within 20 years India will surpass China in terms of population.

4. The borders of Asia extend from the Suez Canal and the Ural Mountains in the west to Caucasus Mountains, Caspian Sea and Black Sea in the south. In the south, Asia is washed by the Indian Ocean, in the north by the Arctic Ocean, and in the Far East by the Pacific Ocean.

5. Asia can be divided into seven subcontinents:
1). Central Asia – Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan;
2). East Asia - China, Mongolia, Taiwan, North and South Korea;
3). Northern Asia - Russia;
4). Indian subcontinent - India, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka;
5). Southeast Asia - Brunei, Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Laos;
6). Malaysia, Myanmar (Burma), Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam;
7). Southwest Asia - Türkiye, Iran, Cyprus, Israel, Lebanon.

6. The three leading economic powers in Asia are China, Japan and India. They take second, third and fourth place respectively. However, tiny Japan's population is less than 1/10 the size of that of China or India. However, Asia's economy lags behind North America and Europe.

7. The three dominant financial centers in Asia are Tokyo, Hong Kong and Singapore.

8. The predominant religions in Asia include Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism/Taoism and Islam.

9. The extreme western point of Asia is Cape Baba, it is located in the north-west of Turkey.

10. The extreme northern point of Asia is Cape Chelyuskin in Siberia.

11. The width of Asia is 8,527 km.

12. Asia is home to the highest and lowest points on Earth: Mount Everest (8,848 m above sea level) and the Dead Sea (395 m below sea level).

13. Asia is the cradle of human civilization, which originated in the area between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.

14. Ten longest rivers in Asia:
1). Yangtze (Chang Jiang) – 6,300 km,
2). Yellow River (Huang He) – 5,464 km,
3). Lena – 4,400 km,
4). Mekong – 4,350 km,
5). Irtysh – 4,248 km,
6). Yenisei – 4,090 km,
7). Ob – 3,650 km,
8). Lower Tunguska – 2,989 km,
9). Indus – 2,900 km,
10). Brahmaputra – 2900 km.

If all these rivers are connected to each other, they will circle the globe along the equator.

15. Ten highest mountain peaks Asia:
1). Everest - 8,848 m, Nepal-Tibet,
2). K2 - 8,611 m, Pakistan-China,
3). Kangchenjunga - 8,586 m, Nepal-Sikkim (India),
4). Lhotse – 8,516 m, Nepal-Tibet (China),
5). Makalu – 8,462 m, Nepal-Tibet (China),
6). Cho Oyu – 8,201 m, Nepal-Tibet (China),
7). Dhaulagiri - 8167 m, Nepal,
8). Manaslu – 8,156 m, Nepal,
9). Nanga Parbat – 8,125 m, Pakistan,
10). Annapurna 8,091 m, Nepal.

If all these peaks are placed one on top of the other, they will reach outer space. For comparison, Mount Fuji, at 3,776 meters high, is more than twice as tall as the lowest peak on this list.

Asia has influenced western world in many respects, but with all the enormous advantages we have received, we have hardly managed to touch even the surface of the cultural layer of the East.

Asia has influenced the Western world in many ways, but for all the great benefits we have received from the East, we have hardly even scratched the surface of the cultural layer of this diverse continent. From centuries-old traditions and modern trends, we have collected 10 unusual facts about Asia that leave you perplexed.

Vietnamese New Year - Every Vietnamese's birthday

Vietnamese New Year or Tet, is celebrated annually, sometime at the end of winter and lasts three weeks.

The holiday begins on the first lunar day of the first lunar month, which usually occurs in early February or late January.

Among the many traditions of Tet - New Year in Vietnam, it is also considered a birthday celebration day for all Vietnamese people.

Along with the Koreans, the Vietnamese count their age based on the number of Tet they have lived, so a child will be officially considered one year old, even if he was born a few days before the event.

Songkran - New Year in Thailand

Continuing the topic New Year's traditions, Thai New Year is celebrated for several days according to the lunar calendar at the most hot month in Thailand - in April.

The Songkran festival is a Thai “astrological transition”, the main attraction of which is pouring water from head to toe on everyone you meet and sprinkling talcum powder on passers-by is also not forbidden.

Initially, the celebration had spiritual connotations - water was poured on Buddha statues and people collected the water that flowed down to sprinkle it on their loved ones for good luck.

Now the rhythm of the holiday is more intense and provocative - there are large-scale fights with water pistols, which are sold on every corner, and people standing along the roads douse everyone who passes or drives by.

The largest shopping center in a ghost town

In 2005, Chinese billionaire Alex Hu Guirong began construction of the world's largest shopping mall in Dongguan, China.

Spread over more than 2.5 million square meters, the New South China Mall has a capacity of 2,350 stores, not to mention a full-size indoor slide, a 1.5-kilometer canal with gondolas and a replica of the Arc de Triomphe.

But there is one problem - no one wants to open their own store there.

Since 2005, 99% of the retail space has never been used - ever, it's just collecting dust under the baize of the roof, and the only people who really work are the security guards of this strange super center.

There is only one explanation for why the mall is unprofitable - the city where it is built - Dongguan has a population of only 10 million, the majority of whose residents are poor factory workers and take several hours to get to the mall.

North Korea celebrates its version of Christmas

In North Korea, citizens do not celebrate Christmas. Christmas in North Korea is still more an act of war than a holiday.

Therefore, instead of joining in the Christmas holidays, North Koreans celebrate the birthday of Kim Jong Il's mother, who was born on December 24th.

Government North Korea maintains strict power over religious groups within its borders.

They continue to demonize Western influence with their patriotic Christmas cards.

In addition to Kim Jong's birthday, North Koreans celebrate Constitution Day on December 27, and on New Year's Day they hold marches in front of the Kim Il Sung Mausoleum.

Feeling of Chinese unity in the same time zone

China is approximately 5,200 km wide - a fairly wide area that can cover 5 time zones.

Despite this, China has only had one national time zone since the Chinese Civil War in 1949.

The reason for this decision is Chinese policy - after the civil war they wanted to instill a sense of unity in people.

Unfortunately, in reality it looks something like this: while Beijing residents watch the sunrise at 6 a.m., the western regions of Xinjiang will not see the sun for two hours.

This system is still relevant today, although Xinjiang has taken a stand and created its own unofficial time zone, which has a two-hour difference with China's national time.

The Chinese government does not recognize this step.

Japanese law prohibiting excess weight

Japan is currently the thinnest industrialized country in the world and there is a good reason for this - a law against being fat.

Japanese law stipulates that men over 40 cannot have a waist larger than 85 cm; women are given a little more freedom - a waist of up to 90 cm.

Why? Official reasoning is that thin people are healthier, their blood pressure and cholesterol levels are normal.

People who fall outside the legal waist measurements should undergo counseling and start a government-approved diet.

Companies that have large numbers of overweight employees will have to pay a fine, which goes toward the healthcare of older Japanese people.

India and China make up a third of the world's population

It is well known that China has a large population, but the actual number of its inhabitants is simply staggering.

The population of Sichuan Province alone is equal to that of Greece, Portugal, Holland, Guatemala, Austria, Malaysia, New Zealand, Austria and Canada combined. And this is not the largest province, but only the fourth largest.

In fact, India and China together account for more than a third of the world's population as of 2012 - 2,500,000,000 people. And all these people fit into an area slightly larger than the United States.

Indian ritual that bestows good luck, courage and health to a baby

At the Solapur mountain temple in India, newborns are put through a ritual that is supposed to make the baby happy, strong and healthy.

Apart from hotels or restaurants that cater to Western visitors, in fact, in the whole of India it is difficult to find a bathroom that will have a roll of toilet paper - why use paper when you have a good left hand, right?

And not only eating, but also doing anything with the left hand is considered offensive, for example, passing money with the left hand or shaking hands with each other as a sign of greeting.

Chinese children are named after an important event

Russians will not be surprised by this fact; in our history and literature there is the “Heart of a Dog” and the names Vilor or Vladlen. In the 100 years since the revolution, admiration for the leaders has faded and everything has fallen into place. This is in Russia.

In 1992, China applied to host the 2000 Olympic Games. That same year, 680 Chinese named their children Aoyun, which literally translates to "Olympic Games". More than 4,000 people continued to give this name to their children over the next 15 years.

Another surge occurred when it was announced that China would host the Games in 2008.

It is not too strange for the Chinese to name their children after political events or movements. These are just a couple of ways to choose a baby name, but there are many others.

For example, according to the Chinese registry, common names are "Defend China" or "Build the Nation".

Some children are simply called: "Space Travel", with the name "Civilization" almost 300,000 Chinese now live in the country. For comparison, this is if the Russians named their daughter " Russian Federation" or "International Space Station".

Incredible facts

Asia- the largest and most populated part of the world our planet, part of the continent of Eurasia. The area of ​​Asia is larger than all total area Moons: 37 versus 44.5 million square kilometers respectively.

Lives in India alone more people than in North, South and Central America combined! Lives in Asia 60 percent all people on Earth. More than half of Asia's total population lives in China and India. Today, Asians are moving to cities, so by 2025 it is predicted that 7 out of 10 most major cities peace will be located in Asia.

Contrasts of Asia

One of the most unusual cities in the world - Istanbul in Turkey located partly in Asia and partly in Europe. The European and Asian parts are crossed by the famous Bosphorus Strait, through which hundreds of ships sail every day. The city can rightfully be called "a city of contrasts", as it harbors the incredibly overlapping cultures of East and West.

Photo from the European part of Istanbul with a view of historical center, Golden Horn and Sea of ​​Marmara

Bridge from Europe to Asia. One of the bridges over the Bosphorus in Istanbul - Sultan Mehmed Fatih Bridge

Asia has always been considered a world of contrasts, where you can find the poorest and richest people in the world. The richest and most luxurious cities and resorts on the planet, the poorest slums, the most technologically advanced countries and even countries where primitive tribes live - you will find all this in Asia.

Shanghai garbage man filmed at work

Taming of nature by man: artificial Palm Islands in Dubai

Typical public transport for the capital of North Korea, Pyongyang

One of the most luxurious hotels in the world, Marina Bay Sands in Singapore with a giant rooftop pool and the most expensive casino

Neighborhood cultural capital Pakistan, Islamabad city

Asian landscapes of incredible beauty, which became the inspiration for the creators of the world of Pandora in the movie "Avatar"

The most polluted cities in the world are in Asia, and more precisely in China. In some places people have to wear masks like this

Not all Eastern women are modest. If in Muslim countries of the East a woman cannot even show her face, then in other countries sexual liberation breaks all records. In Thailand, for example, number of prostitutes per capita more than any other country in the world.

Cultural barrier: unusual eastern traditions

Residents of some European countries may feel the shock Having visited Asia, the culture, customs and traditions there are so different. However, Asians themselves are no less shocked when they come to Europe for the first time.

For example, some Japanese have been diagnosed with the so-called "Paris syndrome", a mental disorder that manifests itself after visiting France. The problem is mainly caused by mismatch of ideas Asians about Europeans. Coming to Europe, they expect hospitality and kind treatment, but are met with rudeness, arrogance and lack of culture.

Inemuri- a practice adopted at work in Japanese institutions that allows employees take a nap during the workday. If you sleep at work, no one will judge you or fire you; on the contrary, by doing so you will show that you work so hard that You don’t even have time to sleep at home. Moreover, it has been proven that short-term sleep during the day helps to relax and gain strength, therefore a person will work more efficiently.

It is known that in Asia certain animals are highly revered, and in some cultures they don't eat them at all. In the old days, due to the vegetarian diet, it was impossible even to use animal manure as fertilizer in agriculture, so in Japan they got the hang of using it for these purposes. human excrement. The feces of rich people were more valuable and worth more than the feces of poor people, since the rich ate a more varied diet.

Sacred cow in India

Moreover, in India, for example, in some places you can purchase cow urine in bottles- everything is sacred among cows. People buy it to drink, rub it on their skin like oil, and even bathe their children!

Cows on the streets of Indian cities and towns are as common as stray dogs and cats in our country.

Snake Charm

Very ancient profession in India – snake spell. However, the cobras that can often be seen in performances are completely don't hear the pipe snake charmer. The snake does not move in accordance with the music, but in time with the movements of the instrument. The caster hits the snake with a pipe, and it, afraid of receiving another blow, tries to be on the alert. Today, the profession of snake charmers is no less popular, since attracts a large number of tourists.

These cobras are completely safe, since their poison is removed in advance.

Famous Japanese dish sushi was born in South Asia, and it is prepared from the main ingredients of oriental cuisine - rice and fish. The Japanese have been so accustomed to this dish for many generations that they even there are unique microbes in the intestines, which process seaweed carbohydrates better than people of other nationalities.

The largest mosaic of sushi and rolls made by the Chinese...they love sushi too

Eastern festivals and holidays

In Japan every year you can get to the festival... of crying children. The festival is a competition among sumo athletes, who must take children in their arms and make them cry as quickly and loudly as possible. In Japan they believe that evil spirits are afraid of children crying, so the child will be healthy and happy.

The Crying Children Festival has been held annually in Tokyo for over 400 years.

In February it is held in Japan Hadaka Matsuri festivalNaked Men Festival who want to attract good luck in the new year. Many rituals and fights are carried out, for example, in a cramped room you need to find a sacred incense stick thrown into the crowd and swim in the icy water of the Yesiya River.

U dwarfs of China there is a great chance to find a good job - in an amusement park "Kingdom of the Little People". In this theme park There are only dwarfs working, who amuse and entertain the audience. Some people criticize the organizers that they created a zoo of people, but if not for this park, more 100 dwarfs would remain unemployed.

The original tradition exists in Thailand. In one of the provinces local residents annually throw a banquet for...monkeys. The tradition is associated with the legend that an army of monkeys helped the god Rama defeat his enemies. Monkeys are loved and revered here, so they organize a holiday in their honor. Monkeys don't complain.

In Japan, the coming of age day is 20 years.. The national holiday Coming of Age Day is celebrated on the second Monday of January. On this day, newly-minted adults wear traditional clothes, visit temples, where they pray and make wishes.

It's sad to say goodbye to childhood

New Year in China celebrated on the second new moon after the winter solstice, usually in late January - early February. In 2013, the New Year will be celebrated in China February 10.

Eastern bazaars

Oriental bazaars and street food- an integral part of the culture of Asian countries. They say that the best street food can be found in capital of Thailand Bangkok. The Thais are especially successful rice noodles with eggs, sauces and lemon. And although they say that Asians love all sorts of exotic dishes, like fried spiders and beetles, national cuisine nevertheless, it was created on the basis of products that are very familiar to us.

Worms and caterpillars are Asian delicacies. There are so many people, and everyone needs to be fed something...

Cat cafes

If Japanese homeowners they don't allow you to have a cat You can play, hold and stroke her in specially designated areas. Enterprising Japanese came up with the so-called "cat cafe", where cats interact freely with visitors.

Cats are allowed to do everything: beg food from guests, sleep on tables and in the kitchen, scratch furniture... as long as they attract visitors

In response to Japanese cat cafes in South Korea opened in Busan dog cafe, in which visitors are invited to interact with more than 20 dogs of different breeds and sizes.

For Busan residents, having a dog is a luxury; they work a lot and can only interact with dogs in such establishments

Some Asians are so devoted to their faith that they are willing to... prove it in a variety of ways, including very original ones. For example, a Hindu from the city of New Delhi named Mahant Amar Bharti Ji lives with his hand raised up and has not lowered it day or night since 1973. The monk became a saint for many followers who followed his example.

The Hindu dedicated his raised hand to the god Shiva; for 40 years it has not been lowered.

Eastern fashion

But representatives of the Apatani tribe, which is also in India, mutilate themselves not at all out of religious convictions. Back in the first half of the 20th century, women of this tribe inserted wooden corks that they have worn all their lives. Ear piercings may seem cruel to some, but plugs that change the shape of the nose are too much! However, the women of this tribe were forced to do this because they were once beauties and could become victims of kidnappings, because the men of neighboring tribes wanted to get them.

In another Asian tribe that lives in Thailand and Myanmar, women wear brass rings around their necks, which artificially lengthen their necks. Rings begin to be worn at the age of 5 years and for the rest of life. Many people believe that the rings cannot be removed and the poor woman is forced to wear such a collar all her life until the end of her days, but this is not so. Women can take off and put on rings whenever they want.

The Padug tribe believes that the longer the neck, the more beautiful the woman. Such decorations also attract tourists who buy souvenirs on which the tribes live

Korean fashion 17-19 centuries allowed and even encouraged outfits that exposed women's breasts. This “squeak of fashion” existed until the beginning of the 20th century, after which, apparently, the Koreans decided to follow the fashion trends of the rest of the civilized world.

In New Guinea, men of some tribes do not wear loincloths or swimming trunks: they cover their penis with a special sheath - cat, which is made from the dried fruits of local trees. Already from the age of 4-5 years boys are starting to wear this accessory.

The size of the koteka can be any and does not depend on the person’s social status or the size of his organ

There are a great many in Asia various religious movements. One of the eastern religious and philosophical teachings - Jainism requires followers to renounce worldly life and do not harm any living creature. Some monks wear gauze bandages and filter the water, and also sweep the road in front of them so as not to step on anyone or kill small insects.

The most beautiful Jain temple in Palitana, northwestern India

Bhutan in the Himalayas is a poor and rather closed country that has preserved its age-old traditions. For example, local residents, and very decent people at that, draw on their houses phalluses for... attracting good luck. There are even phalluses in churches, where they are used to hit childless women on the head during rituals so that they can become pregnant.

Some images of male penises on the walls of houses are very realistic

Features of the nature of Asia

The nature of Asia is incredibly beautiful, here you can find unique species of plants and animals. For example, in Asia it is growing tallest grass in the world, which reaches a length of up to 30 meters! This bamboo. The longest plant also grows in Asia - Indian rattan vine, the length of the stem can reach 300 meters. In the mountains of India there is vegetation even at unprecedented heights - 6400 meters above sea level.

Islands of Southeast Asia Java and Sumatra have similar natural conditions, but in Java 30 times the population than on Sumatra, although the latter island is much larger in size. This is primarily due to the fact that there are about 120 volcanoes in Java, and almost every fourth of them is active. The island's soils are very fertile due to volcanic activity. Residents of these places do not seem to be at all afraid of eruptions.

Many tourists come to Java solely to watch the eruptions

It is sometimes very difficult to survive in Asia, and not because there are too many people living here, and poverty is a common thing. Asian nature is often merciless: Floods, tsunamis, earthquakes and other natural disasters are not uncommon here.

Animals of Asia

The diversity of animals in Asia is simply amazing, and some representatives of the animal world have unusual features. For example, heikegani crabs, living off the coast of Japan, have special shells that look like...the faces of evil samurai. Apparently, the species developed such unusual appearance features not by chance. Many generations of fishermen released crabs with such an “emblem” on their shells back into the sea, and the “normal” ones were caught and eaten. Over time, crabs "human face" were more likely to produce offspring.

Sailors released these crabs because they believed that samurai who died in the 12th century were reborn into them.

In Asia you can also find spiders with an unusual appearance. Their abdomen has the shape of a flat disk with an original pattern, which makes it similar to a seal. This structure of the abdomen helps the spider hide in the hole. The flat disk serves as a kind of “plug”, and the unusual pattern allows for good camouflage.

Spider of the species Cyclocosmia truncata from the genus Cyclocosmia

In Asia, fighting animals, such as fish, is a popular form of entertainment. Beautiful fish species Betta splendens very warlike and aggressive, so if 2 males are placed in one aquarium, a fight begins. The Thais use this feature to entertain the public.

Technologies and inventions

When the Japanese were asked a question about the most important, in their opinion, inventions of the 20th century, they replied that these were things like karaoke, a mini video camera, a player and computer games. But in first place, oddly enough, it was not a technological miracle at all, but a culinary dish, or rather, instant noodles.

Robot restaurant

The world's first robot restaurant appeared in Asia. The convenience is that the cook receives all orders automatically, and robots take on the role of waiters, delivering orders and clearing dishes. Some restaurants even have their own robot chefs, saving on labor costs. However, it is not a fact that such innovations pay off very quickly. Similar restaurants already exist in China, Japan, Thailand, as well as in some Western countries.

The most alpine railway is located in China. At the highest point of the journey, passengers find themselves on top 5 thousand meters above sea level. Some passengers may have difficulty breathing, so the trains have special carriages that are supplied with oxygen. Each passenger can wear oxygen masks if desired.

Qinghai-Tibet Railway connects Xining and Lhasa

The first paper money in China

The first paper money that began to be widely used appeared in China in 1165, although there are suggestions that the invention took place 500 years earlier. Paper bills came into circulation during Sunn Empire. The money bore an official red seal confirming its authenticity and a design depicting the value of the bill in silver bullion.

An ancient Chinese paper bill measured 20 by 30 centimeters

Toothbrush, it turns out, was also invented by the Chinese. The first mention of this personal hygiene item was found in the Chinese encyclopedia 1498. The toothbrush was made from pig bristles embedded in a bamboo stick. Toothbrushes came to Europe only 150-200 years later.

Yoga not only means a system of exercises and breathing techniques, it is a concept in Indian culture that combines a variety of practices, spiritual and physical. Yoga was invented and developed in ancient times during the Harappan civilization, who lived in the 4th-2nd millennia BC along the banks of the Indus River. Today, yoga has gained fame as simply a popular health-improving gymnastics.

Asians have always been good at building. The architecture of Asia is sometimes quite amazing. For example, in the city of Osaka, Japan, there is an unusual building, through which passes...urban expressway. The city authorities planned to build a road in 1983, but the land owners had other plans for this. As a result, both parties came to an agreement, and the highway had to be routed directly through some floors of the building (from the 4th to the 8th floors). Everyone was happy.

The Gate Tower building with the highway running underneath it

Another example of compromise: the owners of this building did not want to sell the land for road construction. The elderly couple who owned the building did not want to sign an agreement to demolish it, since the amount of compensation was not sufficient to build a new house. I had to get out... Later the building was demolished when an agreement was reached for a higher amount of compensation.

Road near Wenling city, Zhejiang province, China with stubborn house
