Southern coast of Crimea: features of recreation. Guide - Southern Coast of Crimea Western part of the southern coast of Crimea

In the last century, a vacation on the southern coast of Crimea was considered a great success. A climate close to the Mediterranean, not very hot summers, low humidity, mountains that reliably protect coastal resorts from cold steppe winds, parks, palaces and, of course, the sea, all this makes the resorts of the Southern Coast of Crimea a completely unique place.

After perestroika, Russians had an alternative - holidays in Egypt and Turkey, which were incomparably higher in terms of comfort. This opportunity pushed the wonderful Crimean resorts into the shadows.

But the unbearably hot summer in Egypt and Turkey, the change in the status of Crimea, again attracted the attention of tourists to this unique domestic place.

We will get acquainted with the resorts of the South Coast.


Like most cities of Crimea, Alushta appeared in the Byzantine era, in the 6th century AD. For a long time it was an important fortified point for the Byzantines, Khazars, Genoese, and Turks.

At the beginning of the 20th century, Alushta became popular resort, where you can not only enjoy the beautiful warm sea, but also see many attractions in the city itself and its surroundings.

Alushta Church of All Saints and Fyodor Stratelates is completely unique - it was built in the style of an English church with Gothic elements.

There is another one in Alushta interesting place, which makes it possible to see Crimea in miniature. We are talking about the park “Crimea in Miniature”. Here you can see all the most famous monuments of Crimea: temples, palaces, fortresses, museums.

Alushta offers a lot of accommodation options in hotels, guest houses, villas, cottages, and the private sector.
But many of the most comfortable hotels are located a few kilometers from the sea.

Alushta relatively inexpensive resort. In the period from June to August, prices for a two-room apartment for 2-4 people are in the range of 1000-2000 rubles (June) and 1500-3000 rubles (July - August).

The range of prices for accommodation in a double hotel room is very large: from 1,500 to 12,700 rubles.
This is due to the fact that recently many new hotels have been built for year-round use, with luxurious rooms, a heated pool and many other amenities.


The wonderful narrow streets of old Gurzuf always set the mood for relaxation.
This part of the city is small, but very picturesque.

Magnificent ancient parks full of shady corners, old, huge trees, fountains also perfectly complement a holiday by the sea.

The view of Mount Ayu-Dag and the mountains surrounding the small but cozy resort are magnificent.

There are several sanatoriums in Gurzuf, which allows you not only to relax, but also to receive treatment. Today, these sanatoriums are available to everyone and make reservations directly, without intermediaries.

Gurzuf is a very popular holiday destination. Therefore, many websites provide information about rental housing.

The range of prices for a double room in hotels in Gurzuf is amazing: from 1,700 rubles to 17,000 rubles. Such a high price is offered by one of the new luxury hotels in the village with three swimming pools, rooms with sea views and high-quality service.

In the private sector, summer prices range from 1200-1800 rubles in June to 1600-2300 rubles in July-August.


Once in Yalta, you immediately understand that this is not a simple resort, but a large, metropolitan city.
Southern capital Crimea is located on three hills on the shores of Yalta Bay.

The cozy valley is surrounded by the Crimean Mountains, protecting the city from the cold northern winds.

There are more sunny days a year in Yalta than in famous resorts San Remo, Cannes and Nice. The city is at the same latitude as Italian cities Genoa and Ravenna.

Already at the beginning of the 20th century, Yalta was a large and popular resort. In the center you can still see the historical buildings of the famous Oreanda and Bristol hotels, which are more than 100 years old.

As a real capital, Yalta has its own flag, coat of arms and anthem.

In the summer season, many famous singers come here, theater troupes give performances at the city theater named after A.P. Chekhov.

The Yalta embankment, restored in recent years, goes into the Primorsky Park. In a small but well-kept park, there are monuments to M. Gorky and A. Chekhov.

By the middle of the 20th century, the natural beaches of Yalta practically ceased to exist, destroyed by landslides from the mountains.

As a result of large-scale restoration work, retaining walls and buoys were installed, between which a huge amount of rubble was filled.

Today, all the beaches of Yalta are artificial, they are not threatened by mud flows and landslides. But, limited to the embankment, they are small and crowded during the season.

Relaxing in Yalta, with its large port, flows of cars and buses, crowds of tourists coming from other cities of Crimea, is a pleasure for lovers of noisy, party life.

There are many hotels in Yalta of different price categories and offers from the private sector.

Accommodation in a double standard hotel room will cost from 2,400 rubles to 11,000 rubles per day in the summer season.
The price of luxury apartments reaches 62,000 rubles per day.

Apartments in the private sector in the city center and near the sea are very expensive in the summer season.
A one-room apartment for 2 people costs from 2,000 rubles to 7,000 rubles per day, a two-room apartment costs from 3,000 rubles to 8,000 rubles.

There are a lot of offers, but as summer approaches, the choice becomes less and less.
The principle, the farther from the sea, the cheaper it is, is strictly observed. Reservations are made only through websites.


17 kilometers from Yalta, in the area of ​​the so-called Big Yalta, there is a small, cozy city Alupka.
Its first Russian owner was Prince Grigory Potemkin.

At the beginning of the 19th century, Alupka became the property of M. Vorontsov. The palace, built by M. Vorontsov, and the adjacent park are the main attractions of the city.

At the beginning of the 20th century, Alupka became a popular resort. Many sanatoriums were built here, in which such celebrities as F. Chaliapin, S. Rachmaninov, M. Gorky, V. Bryusov willingly rested.

The magnificent views of Alupka inspired many artists who willingly worked here. Among them are such celebrities as I. Shishkin, V. Surikov, A. Kuindzhi.

The excellent climate of Alupka was the reason for the creation here of a huge landscape park, a true work of park art. Collected in the park large number subtropical plants.

Alupka stretches along the sea and has 29 pebble beaches.
Of these, 6 beaches are free, public, the rest of the beaches are medical and “attached” to numerous sanatoriums in the city. Almost all beaches are artificial and quite narrow.

In Alupka, 23 hotels offer their services to vacationers. Prices are noticeably lower than in Yalta.

So 2-bed room on summer period costs from 1850 to 4250 rubles per day, depending on the location of the hotel from the sea.

The private sector is also cheaper than in Yalta. In summer, a one-room apartment can be rented for from 2,000 to 3,500 rubles.
The price is not always announced and is often only available upon request.
Viewing options, booking and payment occurs only through the sites.


The village of Foros is separated from Yalta by only 42 km, but the contrast with the noisy and crowded Yalta is striking. Foros is a very quiet and cozy place to relax. The westernmost village of the southern coast, from which the road to the Baydar Gate, to the steppe Crimea, begins.

Foros is one of the oldest settlements on the southern coast of Crimea, founded by the Greeks in the 5th century BC.

The word Foros is also Greek, meaning lighthouse or duty, tax. After joining Russia, Foros was a run-down Tatar village for a long time.

At the end of the 19th century, millionaire and “tea king” A. Kuznetsov built an estate here. At his expense, the Foros Church of the Resurrection was built in memory of the miraculous salvation of the royal family in a train accident.

To build the church, they chose a unique place - the steep Red Rock. The rock stands apart from mountain range, and is surrounded by forest. As a result, it seems that the church is floating above the ground.

The temple was built in the Byzantine style, using a special brick - plinth. Sophia-Kyiv and Russian stone temples of the pre-Mongol period were built from such bricks.

The lost interior decoration was luxurious: Byzantine ornaments on the walls, mosaic floors and magnificent icons. The Resurrection Church is a symbol not only of Foros, but of the entire Crimea.
The palace of A. Kuznetsov and the park surrounding it are real masterpieces of architecture and landscape art.

There are several beaches in Foros - paid departmental and free. They are all pebbly.

Strong currents pass along the coast, which makes the water in the sea the cleanest on the southern coast of Crimea. But due to currents, the water temperature can change dramatically, sometimes several times a day.

There are 15 hotels in Foros of different price categories. Double room in the summer months it costs from 2000 to 7500 rubles.

Housing rented out in the private sector of Foros is much less comfortable than in Yalta, Gurzuf and other villages on the southern coast of Crimea. Therefore, prices here are significantly lower.

When choosing the place where you are going to stay, you need to pay special attention to the distance to the sea. Quite a few streets in the village rise steeply uphill - steep ascents and descents that will have to be overcome every day.

South Bank Crimea, where is it better to relax alone, in a group or with children? Let's figure it out. The southern coast of Crimea has always been famous best climate, rich in nature, picturesque mountains, warm sea and, as a result, has become an excellent place to relax.

Southern Crimean resorts stretch over a distance of 150 km from Cape Aya to Mount Kara-Dag. The most popular destinations The best places to relax on the South Coast are Alushta, Gurzuf, Foros and Yalta, as well as small resort villages between them. They can be quickly reached from the capital of Crimea, and the developed transport infrastructure allows you to travel in different directions. Open in Crimea new airport- this is already a landmark.

It is on the South Coast that the world's longest trolleybus route runs, connecting Yalta, Gurzuf, Alushta and other resort villages with Simferopol.

To decide where it is best to relax on the southern coast of Crimea, you need to decide what your priorities are: sanatorium treatment, choice of excursion routes, eco-tourism, entertainment, sightseeing, amenities and developed infrastructure for a beach holiday or budget holiday. The southern coast of Crimea is suitable for all tourists, where you can relax, but each village has its own pros and cons.

Southern coast of Crimea, where is better: Privetnoye and Kanaka

Privetnoye and Kanaka are located in picturesque place among vineyards, orchards and juniper groves. The resorts offer a relaxing and relaxing holiday on the southern coast of Crimea. There are good pebble beaches, many guest houses and especially boathouses on the first coastline, where the entire infrastructure of the villages is concentrated. Privetnoye and Kanakskaya Balka have the most hotels and guest houses in the low and mid-price range. Entertainment in the village can be found on the beach: windsurfing, sea fishing, boat rides, yacht rides or buggy rides. You can also go to the sauna, play billiards in “Katran” (Privetnoe), and sit in a cafe. Among the attractions of the southern coast of Crimea there is the Uskut Jamisi mosque and the snow-white rock Ak-Kaya, hikes to which will appeal to lovers of eco-tourism.

The southern coast of Crimea, where is the best place to relax: Rybachye

This village of the South Coast, where it is better to relax, is popular with budget tourists and especially campers. Here is one of the most popular tent camps on the seashore. The Rybachye resort on the southern coast of Crimea is located in a picturesque corner among the Crimean Mountains, thickets of cypress trees and conifers. The main attraction of the village is its wide pebble beach with dark volcanic sand and developed infrastructure.

Although the central beach of the village can be crowded during the peak season, tourists continue to come here as there is an unforgettable atmosphere here. In the village of Rybachye they prevail guest houses and hotels on the southern coast of Crimea in the low and middle price segment, but there are also more prestigious establishments. Here you can stay in boathouses on the seashore, as well as rent nice apartments. The village has all kinds of water activities, you can take a trip to the mountains in an SUV, or go fishing in the sea. Tours to the caves are organized in the Karabi-Yayla tract. You can also go to the Jur-Jur waterfall and the waterfalls of the Satera River, to the Chaban-Kale fortress, which is over 600 years old.

The southern coast of Crimea, where to relax: Malorechenskoye and Solnechnogorskoye

The villages of Malorechenskoye and Solnechnogorskoye are located 2 km from each other, you can walk there.

Although they are located among the Crimean Mountains, the mountains in this area are not very high, and therefore there is always a light breeze, which makes it easier to endure the heat. The villages have good small-pebble beaches with developed infrastructure. In Malorechenskoye there is a unique temple-lighthouse structure that serves both.

There is also an observation deck here, which offers stunning views of the coastline. Not far from Solnechnogorsk there is a 15-meter waterfall Dzhur-Dzhur and an Orthodox church located nearby.

In the villages you can accommodate in establishments of the low and medium price segment.

South Coast: where is the best place to relax - Alushta

Alushta, where you can relax on the southern coast of Crimea, has always been considered one of the most popular resorts. Big Alushta on the southern coast of Crimea includes more than a dozen resorts located to the east and to the west. Alushta has a lot of entertainment and attractions, as well as private municipal and wild beaches, where vacationers will always find the ideal place to relax. The beaches of the southern coast of Crimea in Alushta consist of small and large pebbles and have good infrastructure, and water activities are offered on many beaches.

In Alushta you can stay in establishments of all price segments, although housing in the private sector is a little more expensive than in other places. There are also sanatoriums and boarding houses in the village and surrounding areas where you can undergo procedural treatment. On the southern coast of Crimea in Alushta, all possible entertainment will be available to you and access to many attractions will be available. Among them Marble Cave, exhibition “Crimea in Miniature” on the street. Gorky, Scythian Naples, Aluston fortress, Alushta Aquarium, etc.

Tours to the Southern Coast of Crimea

South Coast: where to relax - Utes and Partenit

Utes and Partenit, where it is better to relax on the southern coast of Crimea, are very popular among tourists. Holidays on the southern coast of Crimea here are not conducive to a budget holiday, and this is especially true for Utes, where renting luxury apartments is popular, and the village itself is reminiscent of Portofino in Italy, or something similar. Parthenite also refers to prestigious resorts Crimea, but here it is much easier to rent housing in the middle price segment and the private sector. You can undergo a course of treatment in the Crimea and Aivazovskoye sanatoriums.

The main attraction of Partenit is Mount Ayu-Dag, and in Utes - big park and the ancient castle of Countess Gagarina. The beaches in the villages are small and narrow, consisting of small and large pebbles.

Where to relax on the South Coast: Gurzuf

Gurzuf, where it is better to relax on the South Coast, is considered one of the most famous and visited resorts in Crimea. There is a well-developed infrastructure, entertainment industry, and attractions that tourists admire. In Gurzuf you can stay in one of the sanatoriums and improve your health. You can also stay in mini-hotels and hotels of all price categories. The beaches in Gurzuf are pebbly and have several dozen municipal and private beaches. As a rule, the private beaches of Gurzuf have an infrastructure that the beaches of other resorts can envy. Gurzufskaya embankment is one of the most beautiful and exemplary in Crimea. Entertainment in Gurzuf is available for every taste, from beach attractions to good restaurants with excellent cuisine. The village's attractions include the Gurzuf Garden, Adalary Rocks, Chekhov's Dacha Museum, the Pushkin Museum and the Suuk-Su Palace.

Big Yalta, Southern coast of Crimea

Yalta is truly considered a pearl Crimean peninsula. Greater Yalta includes many resort villages where you can stay in the private sector and establishments of all price categories. Greater Yalta on the southern coast of Crimea includes the villages of Danila, Nikita, Otradnoye, Massandra, Vinogradnoye, Livadia, Oreanda, Gaspra, Koreiz, Alupka, Simeiz and others.

The beaches and their infrastructure are almost the same everywhere. The structure of the beaches is small and large pebbles. Almost along the entire perimeter of the coastline in the area of ​​resort villages, the beaches are separated by breakwaters and have concrete embankments. Everywhere you can relax on municipal beaches, or stay in a sanatorium and relax on a departmental part of the coastline. There are also private beaches, and this is especially noticeable in central Yalta and Massandra.

Resort villages located east of Yalta offer more affordable holidays on the southern coast of Crimea, compared to villages in the western part. The imperial palaces and palaces of the Russian nobility are concentrated in Greater Yalta - Massandra Palace, Livadia Palace, Vorontsov Palace, Swallow's Nest castle, Dulber palace complex. In Yalta, on the southern coast of Crimea, there is a zoo, a dolphinarium, an aquarium and amusement parks, as well as museums, theaters and cinemas. In the village of Nikita you can visit the famous Nikitsky Botanical Garden and the alley of cacti.

In the western part of Greater Yalta on the southern coast of Crimea there is the famous Ai-Petri Mountain, which can be climbed by cable car.


Foros, where it is better to relax on the southern coast of Crimea, has always been considered a favorite vacation spot for the party elite of the USSR. Today Foros is ecologically clean place, and therefore the demand for holidays here is always high. Holidays on the southern coast of Crimea in Foros itself cannot be called budgetary, and the reason for this is high prices for placement. In the neighboring resort villages of Sanatornoye, Oliva, Beregovoe, you can rent inexpensive housing in the private sector or stay in a mid-price hotel. In these villages you can rent an excellent private villa at a relatively low price. The beaches in Foros and the surrounding area are pebbly, and in some places with rocky ridges, and have good infrastructure, especially those that belong to private establishments. In Foros and the surrounding area you can visit the house-museum of Yulian Semenov, who lived here for a long time, the Kuznetsov Palace, the Baydarovsky Gate, the Church of the Ascension of Christ, the Foros Park, the Devil's Staircase pass, the Shuldan Monastery and the fortress on Mount Isar-Kaya.

Hotels on the Southern Coast of Crimea

Now you know where to relax on the southern coast of Crimea. This place is distinguished by a variety of resort towns and cities. Making a choice is never easy, so it’s better to travel and get to know new places. The southern coast of Crimea is a vacation where you simply cannot sit still!

Stretching from Foros to Sudak. Nowadays, the South Coast has everything you need for a great holiday: sanatoriums, children's camps, hotels and campsites; The beaches are equipped with water entertainment centers. The audience is very diverse - families with children, avid party-goers, and those who want to enrich themselves with new knowledge and impressions on vacation are comfortable here.

For young travelers there are water parks, zoos, aquariums, dolphinariums and even a crocodile farm. The largest selection of entertainment for young people is in big cities. There are bars and clubs on the beaches and embankments, and beach and foam parties take place at night. For those who cannot imagine a vacation without excursions, the South Coast is full of architectural and natural attractions - palaces, peaks, observation decks, cable cars. And the famous Swallow's Nest is also here.

Resorts of the Southern Coast of Crimea

The southern coast is the hottest and most popular part of the peninsula among tourists. It stretches from Cape Aya in Balaklava to Mount Kara-Dag in Sudak and unites about 20 cities and towns. The central region of the southern coast - Greater Yalta - includes Yalta and Alupka, as well as several smaller resorts: Gurzuf, Gaspra, Simeiz, Foros and others. Tourists come here for recreational and beach holidays, supplemented by an excursion program. Local health resorts treat pulmonary, cardiovascular and nervous diseases, and the beaches have everything you need for a comfortable stay.

For the abundance of palaces and cathedrals Greater Yalta nicknamed the cultural treasury of Crimea.

One vacation is not enough to explore its many palaces, mansions and cathedrals. Inspection of historical sights can be alternated with a visit to the Skazka Zoo, Nikitsky Botanical Garden, Massandra Winery and Atlantis Water Park.

Lovers active recreation They can walk along mountain trails, take a horseback ride, learn the basics of diving or engage in caving.

Similar recreation conditions are offered by neighboring Bolshaya Alushta. However, it is not so crowded, which attracts families with children. The easternmost resort of the South Coast, Sudak, has become a Mecca for divers who liked its water area with underwater caves, grottoes and tunnels. There are also interesting objects on land. For example, the famous Genoese fortress, where the annual festival of knightly art “Genoese Helmet” takes place.

Another favorite place for divers is Balaclava. This is a calm resort town, where the main entertainment is related to the sea - beach holiday, fishing, yachting and others. On both sides of Balaklava Bay there are semi-wild rocky beaches with clear water.

The most atmospheric resort on the southern coast is Koktebel. Creative youth traditionally gather here and various thematic festivals are held. From active species paragliding and aeronautics are developed sports.

How to get to the Southern Coast of Crimea

Travel time by bus depends not only on the mileage, but also on the number of stops. Thus, a direct flight from Simferopol to Yalta will take only 1.5 hours and cost approximately 250 RUB. The same route with all stops will take 2.5 hours.

Trolleybuses are also in demand among tourists. Most popular route- Simferopol - Yalta, it is chosen for its picturesque views Black Sea coast. The trip lasts almost 2.5 hours, the fare costs 145 RUB. Yalta is also connected by trolleybus service to Alushta and Krasnokamenka. These flights are served by the Crimea Trolleybus company (office site). It also launched Aeroexpress trains from the airport to the railway station in Simferopol in 2015. In high season they run at 10-minute intervals, the maximum ticket price is 50 RUB. An alternative to buses and trolleybuses is private minibuses. Travel on them is not much more expensive than on buses, but the time costs are reduced by 1.5-2 times.

Tickets are sold at bus station ticket offices or directly on the transport. Baggage transportation must be paid separately. There are no problems with public transport inside the resorts of the South Coast, as well as outside them. Regular flights connect all city districts, the fare ranges from 10 to 15 RUB. In small villages like Partenit public transport no, you will have to travel on foot, by taxi or by bicycle.

Car rental

It’s more comfortable to explore the resorts and attractions of the Southern Coast of Crimea by car - you don’t need to connect public transport flights and depend on programs group excursions. It is convenient to start the journey from Sevastopol, where the road goes from Simferopol through Bakhchisarai. A mountain highway with serpentine leads to the Feodosia region from the Crimean capital all the way to Koktebel. In general, the roads in this part of Crimea are quite good and safe, such steep serpentines, as in the Caucasus, it is not here. IN major cities and there are traffic jams on intercity highways during the high season. You can find free parking, but at most attractions you will have to pay for parking - 50-60 RUB per hour.

You can rent a car at Simferopol airport or book in advance online. There are international (Rentalcars, Futoeurope, Hertz and others) or local (Bas-rent and Avtoprokat-krym.rf) rental offices in the region. The cost of renting a budget foreign car in June-August will cost at least 1,500 RUB/day. During the off-season, prices drop to 800-900 RUB. Read more about the features of car rental in Crimea.


There is a large selection of accommodation options on the South Coast - hotels of different star ratings, boarding houses, recreation centers, campsites, hostels, private houses and apartments. The largest number of rooms and the highest prices are in Yalta, where the most luxurious hotels in the region are located. Per night in high season you will have to pay 6,000 - 15,000 RUB for two. If you want privacy, you can rent a house or townhouse. The price range is wide - from 3,000 for a double room to 35,000 RUB for a cottage for 10-12 people per day. For a night in an economy class room in a private hotel or boarding house they will ask for a minimum of 2000-2500 RUB.

Those who want to save money and stay in Yalta should look for available places in hostels - 600-1000 RUB per bed in a shared room.

The cost of living in villages in the vicinity of Yalta and Alushta is somewhat lower. There, for 1500 RUB you can book a room with amenities and air conditioning. In a boarding house, this price often includes a minimum set of health treatments and meals. Similar prices for housing in Sudak, Koktebel and Balaklava.

For lovers of outdoor recreation, guarded campsites are equipped along the entire coast. Accommodation in your own tent costs on average 250-300 RUB, a place for a car - 200 RUB. The price includes the use of shower and toilet.

Beaches of the South Coast

The South Coast is a strip of land stretching between the ridges of the Crimean Mountains and the Black Sea. In the widest places it does not exceed 8 km. Due to the peculiarities of the relief, the beaches in this part of the peninsula are narrow, small-pebble, mostly of artificial origin. There is no silt at the bottom, so the water in the sea is clean and transparent. The level of pollution is low even within the boundaries of large resorts - Yalta and Alushta.

The cleanest water is in Foros - thanks to two powerful currents it is constantly renewed.

Most beaches are aimed at a comfortable, civilized holiday. For those who care about infrastructure, the coast of Yalta is suitable - the beaches of Central, Dolphin, Massandrovsky, Nikitsky and others. Admission to them is free. On the territory there are cafes, restaurants, rental of beach paraphernalia and sports equipment, water activities, and on Massandrovsky there are even boutiques and a VIP zone. Renting a bungalow costs 500 RUB per hour or 1,500 RUB per day, renting an umbrella will cost at least 100 RUB, and renting a sun lounger will cost at least 200 RUB. Tourists with children will enjoy the uncrowded beaches. Maurice Thorez and Livadia with a gentle entrance into the water. As an alternative, you can consider the coast of Alushta, which is distinguished by a wide and clean coastal strip.

Wild deep-sea beaches can be found in the bays and capes of the western part of Big Yalta: in Simeiz at the foot of the Swan rock, in Love Bay east of Alushta, in Dvuyakhkornaya and Lisya bays near Koktebel. You won’t be able to stay alone at some of them - informals and nudists gather in Lisya Bay.

Of the semi-wild beaches, Rainbow in the Alupka area and Yashmovy near Cape Fiolent, between Balaklava and Sevastopol, deserve attention. The latter attracts tourists with beautiful views and clear water.


Divers come to the South Coast for the picturesque underwater landscapes, wrecks and ancient artifacts. One of best places for diving - Cape Meganom near Sudak. The water here is clean and transparent, even inclement weather will not interfere with the exploration of grottoes, niches, caves and tunnels. No less interesting landscape and an underwater lake can be seen in Razboinichiya Bay near Novy Svet. Nearby is Love Bay, an ideal place for beginners and family diving. Ancient artifacts and wrecks of ancient ships rest at the bottom of Zelenaya Bay. Cape Aya near Balaklava is also popular among divers. In addition to caves and grottoes, they are attracted by the bulk carrier "Vinovoz" and "Alley of Anchors". In the Yalta area, karst caves under the Swallow's Nest and fragments of ships are interesting.

There are dive centers in every more or less large resort town. Most of them specialize in test dives and equipment rental. The average cost of a dive is 2500 RUB, which includes equipment, instructions, transfer and the swim itself. Renting a package of equipment will cost 1200-1500 RUB.

Treatment on the South Coast

The healing properties of the South Coast climate have long been known; back in the 19th century, health resorts were built here to treat tuberculosis and bronchopulmonary diseases. Also, staying here will benefit people suffering from hypertension, vascular diseases of the brain, neurocircular dystonia, or having problems with the functions of the musculoskeletal system. Several institutions are focused on the rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy. The most unusual technique in this area is dolphin therapy. It is used in the Partenita Dolphinarium and several other resorts. Most health resorts and sanatoriums are open year-round.

Scientists claim that there are only two places on our planet where the air is so saturated with ions and phytoncides that it can cure many diseases - this is Cote d'Azur in France and South Coast.

Kit medical procedures depends on the specific resort and institution. Most people use mud therapy using Saki mud, circular showers, massages, pearl baths, aromatherapy and physical therapy. Some health resorts have swimming pools with sea or fresh water. The price per day in the South Coast resorts varies from 2500 to 8000 RUB. The price includes accommodation, three dietary meals a day, classes in gyms and swimming pools and a range of wellness treatments.

What to bring

Among the banal magnets and souvenirs made from shells at resorts you can find very unique things. Jewelry and crafts made from juniper and beech growing on the peninsula are sold everywhere. Local craftsmen use them to make coasters for dishes, figurines, combs and much more. Prices start from 100 RUB. And in Yalta you can find authentic handmade jewelry made from ancient Crimean pine from the “We are Scythians” workshop.

Before buying souvenirs, make sure that they are authentic and not brought from China - at a minimum, check if the label says “Made in China”.

Among edibles, teas and medicinal herbs growing on the slopes of the Crimean mountains are in demand. And also jam from figs or rose petals. Another calling card of the South Coast is Massandra wines. You can buy and try them during a tour of the plant in Massandra or in branded stores in Yalta, Alushta, Alupka and others resort towns. On average, a bottle of vintage wine will cost 500-700 RUB.

Cuisine and restaurants of the South Coast

The cuisine of Crimea is a peculiar mix of Tatar, Russian, Ukrainian, Armenian, Mediterranean and Asian cuisines. The menus of restaurants and cafes are full of names of well-known dishes. In the local eateries you can taste borscht, dumplings, lagman, shish kebab, pilaf, Greek salad, dolma, cabbage rolls, oriental sweets and Massandra wines. Chefs often interpret traditional dishes in their own way using local products and herbs, which gives them a new, unusual taste.

South Coast restaurants attract tourists with colorful interiors and panoramic views. For aesthetic pleasure, it is worth visiting “Uchan-Su” next to the waterfall of the same name, the “Old Crimea” restaurant on the 12th km of the Yalta-Alushta highway, the “Orange” fusion cafe in Yalta or the “Cousteau” gastrobar at the final station cable car Yalta - Gorka.

Prices for food depend on the resort and the level of the restaurant; Yalta is considered the most expensive on the South Coast in this regard. A snack at a shawarma, pancake or other fast food outlet will cost about 200 RUB for two. The average bill for lunch in a cozy cafe with national cuisine will be 500-1000 RUB. In expensive restaurants you will have to leave about 3000 RUB.

Entertainment and attractions

Unique natural and architectural monuments are concentrated on the southern coast of Crimea. To see at least half of them, you will have to drive along the entire coast. Among the places that you must visit, it is worth noting the Swallow's Nest castle in the village of Gaspra. This structure, located on a 40-meter steep cliff, has become a symbol of the peninsula. Another iconic place with stunning panoramic views is the Gazebo of the Winds in Gurzuf. It is located on a rocky ledge at the top of Shaan-Kaya on the territory of the Crimean Nature Reserve.

The first two served summer residence for members of the royal family. Now there are paid museum exhibitions inside. Entrance to the parks adjacent to the palaces is free. Livadia is periodically closed for official events; on these days you can walk to the palace of the Emir of Bukhara, which stands nearby.

Uchan-Su, and between Alushta and Sudak, in the valley of the Sotera River, the Geyser Waterfall is hidden. This place is also famous for the bizarre geological monument Stone Mushrooms.

Fans of active recreation will be interested in walking along Mount Ayu-Dag, where hiking leads tourist route from Partenit. It goes through observation deck, from which it opens beautiful view to the Black Sea, and descends to secluded beaches at the foot. An equally interesting route begins in Sudak and goes through the Alchak-Kaya protected area. Those who prefer leisurely walks in nature will enjoy the Nikitsky Botanical Garden and the Skazka Zoo, where about 120 species of animals live, the Sea Aquarium operates, entrance ticket for an adult it costs 500 RUB. Or a trip to the Yalta Crocodilarium, where you can see more than 100 species of crocodiles, turtles, lizards, reptiles and other reptiles and amphibians. Older children will be interested in the Alushta park “Crimea in Miniature”. On its territory under open air copies of the main Crimean attractions, reduced by 12 times, were recreated.


The weather on the South Coast is different from the rest of the peninsula. Thanks to the Crimean Mountains, which reliably shelter resorts from cold winds, the local climate is reminiscent of the Mediterranean and subtropics. The hot, dry summer lasts from May to October. However, it is more easily tolerated here than in resort towns Italy and Spain. Freshness is brought by the breeze blowing from the sea and mountains.

The hottest time is mid to late summer. In September the temperatures drop - a good time to get a bronze tan without burning. The sea, on the contrary, warms up to its maximum temperature. In November, a warm winter with rain and thick fog takes over. In April it becomes spring-like warm, and in May Crimeans already take their first swims.

The Southern Coast of Crimea, the most popular part of the peninsula, both among numerous tourists, vacationers, and among local residents.

It is on the southern side of the peninsula that there are numerous boarding houses and sanatoriums, children's camps and holiday homes.

The famous Artek is also located here, where millions of Soviet children from all over the former Soviet Union were honored to vacation.

The most expensive housing stock on the peninsula for sale is also located here.

Prices for the purchase of apartments, dachas, cottages, land plots are calculated in millions of rubles.

This is not surprising, because the climate in this part of Crimea is subtropical Mediterranean, with varying air humidity depending on the altitude above sea level.

South Coast Territory

The southern coast of Crimea occupies the entire southern part of the peninsula with mountain ranges.

The territory starts from the mountain of Cape Aya from its southern part and further to the Kara-Dag mountain.

And of course, special attention must be paid to Mount Ai-Petri, because being on the South Coast it is simply impossible not to visit this great peak. And you can find out how to get to Ai-Petri from Yalta, where everything is clearly and clearly told and shown.

The length of the territory is about 150 kilometers, and the width is from 2 to 8 kilometers.

The width of the site is taken into account from the top of the mountain to the sea strip.

on video: South Coast

This territory includes:

  • partly the Sevastopol region, namely its Balaklava region, which just ends with the beginning of the southern coast of Crimea. You can also find out which ones you can visit while vacationing in this city on this website.
  • Alushtinsky
  • Sudaksky
  • partially Feodosia districts.

Incoming resort areas

The most famous Black Sea cities and towns from the Sevastopol region (western part of the South Coast) and to Feodosia (northern part of the South Coast)

These villages and cities are included in the greater Yalta area. These resort towns are the most famous and most visited by vacationers in the summer.

There are also sanatoriums and rest homes for the treatment of diseases such as tuberculosis.

After all, this is where the largest juniper groves are located, which has a positive effect on recovery from the disease.

  • Gurzuf
  • Parthenite
  • Alushta
  • Zander
  • Feodosia

The resorts are located very close to each other, but driving, for example, from Yalta to the village. The Foros climate can change significantly for the better, it will become much warmer and in this part there is the least precipitation in the summer.

It is interesting that if you climb the Yalta highway towards Sevastopol and pass through a mountain tunnel, the temperature can drop to 5-7 degrees.

This is explained primarily by the intersection of precisely the same mountain range Aya mass, where the southern side of the peninsula ends.

Southern coast... This is a very small part of the Crimean peninsula. Below the cliffs, the yaylas reach sea level, either a flatter or a steeper slope with a width of 1 to 5-6 km. It stretches along the Main Ridge between Laspi Bay and Sudak, this whole wide strip of mountainous and hilly land is the South Coast. However, it is customary to narrow this concept to the area between Laspi and Alushta, which is characterized by the mildest climate and where the majority of Crimean resorts and sanatoriums are concentrated (in Foros, Melas, Katsiveli, Blue Bay, Simeiz, Alupka, Miskhor, Kareiz, Gaspra, Oreanda, Livadia , Yalta, Gurzuf, Artek, Partenit, Karasan, Karabakh, Kastel - Workers' Corner, Alushta).

The average width of the southern coastal slope is no more than 3 km, the length from Laspi to Alushta is about 80 km, the area is 250-300 square meters. This represents only 1% of the entire area of ​​the Crimean Peninsula. The southern coast is comparable to the territory of Moscow in the ring of the encircled road and six times less area Greater Moscow. Crimea is widely known in our country mainly because of the delights of the Southern Coast with its typical Mediterranean landscape. Several million people visit the South Shore every year. The vast majority of visitors settle in sanatorium-resort centers located at sea level and slightly higher. The coastal slope attracts the attention of an immeasurably smaller number of tourists, sightseers, rock climbers and remains deserted, remaining in an almost primitive state.

The nature of a particular area, its landscape, begins with geology. It is the geological structure that largely determines, directly and indirectly, the features of the landscape. On the contrary, he serves as a shining example of great influence geological features per complex natural conditions Crimea.

Details geological structure and the geological history of Crimea the reader will find in many special works. We limit our task to a brief outline main features geology of Crimea and its southern coast.

The steppe and Eastern Crimea is an area of ​​distribution of predominantly young (Tertiary, younger than 75 million years) and mainly terrigenous (clays, sands and sandstones) rocks, generally occurring horizontally. There are also carbonate rocks - marls, limestones. In some places, young rocks are crumpled into very gentle folds.

The third ridge of the Crimean Mountains is also composed of tertiary rocks, but they lie with a slight slope to the north in the form of a monocline. The Second Ridge also has a monoclinal structure, consisting of a series of quests, gently inclined to the north and steeply, with vertical ledges breaking off to the south. Quests of the Second Ridge composed almost exclusively of limestones and marls of an older age (Cretaceous: 135-75 million years ago). If you look at the mountainous Crimea from the north, from the side of the steppe, then due to the very slight elevation of the terrain, no mountains are visible. On the contrary, a glance cast at the Second Ridge from the south glides along the extended rocky ledges of limestone, cut by transverse valleys.

Between the Second and First ridges of mountains lies a vast, ridged terrain lower than the surrounding ridges, composed of a powerful thick layer of clayey shale with seedlings of sandstone, strongly crushed into intricate folds. This is the so-called Tauride formation of the Upper Triassic - Lower Jurassic age (200-160 million years ago), underlying the limestones of the Second Ridge.

IN South direction the intermountain region rises quite sharply. Behind it stretches the first ridge of mountains - the Yayly plateau inclined to the north. The foundation of this ridge is composed of the same shales and sandstones of the Tauride formation, which are overlain by a thick layer of Upper Jurassic limestone. The slope of the yayla coincides with the slope of the limestones. The surface of the plate is furrowed with shallow grooves - karras; they have a mass of saucer-shaped and funnel-shaped depressions, vertical wells-caves. All these micro relief forms are due to the dissolution of limestones by surface waters flowing through cracks in the limestones and karst caves depth.

As already mentioned, on the southern side of the plateau of the First Range of Mountains it is limited by rocky cliffs in which deep-layered and massive Upper Jurassic limestones were found. Below the cliffs of Yayla, the coastal slope - the Southern Coast - is composed of shales and sandstones of the Taurian pharmacy. The rocks of this formation are easily weathered, turning into loose clay products - eluvium and colluvium. The asymmetrical structure of the Crimean Mountains - their gentle slope to the north and steep cliffs to the south - is entirely due to the monoclinal occurrence of Upper Jurassic and Cretaceous, Tertiary rocks. The Mountainous Crimea itself represents the northern wing of a wide and extended anticlinal uplift, which lies on the continuation of the Greater Caucasus and is the connecting link between it and the Carpathians.

Within the southern coast, on the shale slope, there rise small and large rocky peaks, hills and ridges, which are blocks of Upper Jurassic limestone, detached from the yayla ledges and slid down the shale slope. These outcasts animate the topography of the South Bank. In the area of ​​Foros, Kastropol, Simeiz, Alupka, Gurzuf, Alushta, attention is attracted by rounded hills and mountains composed of dark and very strong igneous rocks - diabase, diabase porphyrites, diorites. The introduction of magma into the rocks of the Tauride formation occurred in the Middle Jurassic era, approximately 155 million years ago, and mushroom-shaped and more complex body shapes - laccoliths - were formed. Such mountains are, in particular, Seraus, Uraga, Kastel, Ayu-Dag and many other smaller ones, often just small hills, as, for example, in Partenit or the vicinity of Limen and Simeiz.

Both the limestone outcrops and the intrusive hills of the southern coast are directly related to the isars: almost all of these fortifications are located on them.

In the area of ​​highly dissected relief on the shales of the Tauride pharmacy, powerful accumulations of weathering products are subject to delay. Landslides displace colossal masses of soil, destroy buildings and roads, and destroy suitable land for use. Landslides are especially frequent and most powerful in years with abundant water. After intense downpours, water and mud flows - mudflows - flow down steep ravines to the sea. Mudflows and landslides literally change the appearance of a place before our eyes, often leading to catastrophic consequences.

The final touch to the geological picture of the south coast: this area is seismically active. To a lesser extent than, for example, the Caucasus, Kopetdag, Pamir, but not so much that one can ignore this threatening geological factor. The seismically active area lies in the sea, near Ayu-Dag, and is associated with a deep fault, along which the earth’s crust subsided in the distant past. As a result of release along a fault off the coast of Crimea and a fault along the Anatolian coast, a deep, sharply defined basin of the Black Sea was formed.

Earthquakes on the South Coast occur every year and repeatedly, but for the most part they are weak and imperceptible tremors and vibrations, recorded only by seismographs. However, the very strong earthquakes of 1927, which led to casualties and major destruction in Alupka, Yalta, and Gurzuf, are still remembered.

As you know, Crimea, especially the southern coast, has experienced catastrophic earthquakes in the past. They occurred approximately once every 100 years. Seismic disasters left their mark on the relief of the coastal slope: here and there it is blocked by stone ruins, avalanches of limestone blocks from the cliffs of Yayla. There are many collapsed rocks in the mountains and on the seashore, on the Yayly plateau and on the limestone outcrops there are stepped cracks, deep crevasses and other traces of seismic shocks. Past earthquakes also affected the Isars.
