Southern Coast of Crimea: list of cities. Guide - Southern Coast of Crimea Where is the southern coast of Crimea on the map

In the last century, a vacation on the southern coast of Crimea was considered a great success. A climate close to the Mediterranean, not very hot summers, low humidity, mountains that reliably protect coastal resorts from cold steppe winds, parks, palaces and, of course, the sea, all this makes the resorts of the Southern Coast of Crimea a completely unique place.

After perestroika, Russians had an alternative - holidays in Egypt and Turkey, which were incomparably higher in terms of comfort. This opportunity pushed the wonderful Crimean resorts into the shadows.

But the unbearably hot summer in Egypt and Turkey, the change in the status of Crimea, again attracted the attention of tourists to this unique domestic place.

We will get acquainted with the resorts of the South Coast.


Like most cities of Crimea, Alushta appeared in the Byzantine era, in the 6th century AD. For a long time it was an important fortified point for the Byzantines, Khazars, Genoese, and Turks.

At the beginning of the 20th century, Alushta became popular resort, where you can not only enjoy the beautiful warm sea, but also see many attractions in the city itself and its surroundings.

Alushta Church of All Saints and Fyodor Stratelates is completely unique - it was built in the style of an English church with Gothic elements.

There is another one in Alushta interesting place, which makes it possible to see Crimea in miniature. We are talking about the park “Crimea in Miniature”. Here you can see all the most famous monuments of Crimea: temples, palaces, fortresses, museums.

Alushta offers a lot of accommodation options in hotels, guest houses, villas, cottages, and the private sector.
But many of the most comfortable hotels are located a few kilometers from the sea.

Alushta relatively inexpensive resort. In the period from June to August, prices for a two-room apartment for 2-4 people are in the range of 1000-2000 rubles (June) and 1500-3000 rubles (July - August).

The range of prices for accommodation in a double hotel room is very large: from 1,500 to 12,700 rubles.
This is due to the fact that recently many new hotels have been built for year-round use, with luxurious rooms, a heated pool and many other amenities.


The wonderful narrow streets of old Gurzuf always set the mood for relaxation.
This part of the city is small, but very picturesque.

Magnificent ancient parks full of shady corners, old, huge trees, fountains also perfectly complement a holiday by the sea.

The view of Mount Ayu-Dag and the mountains surrounding the small but cozy resort are magnificent.

There are several sanatoriums in Gurzuf, which allows you not only to relax, but also to receive treatment. Today, these sanatoriums are available to everyone and make reservations directly, without intermediaries.

Gurzuf is a very popular holiday destination. Therefore, many websites provide information about rental housing.

The range of prices for a double room in hotels in Gurzuf is amazing: from 1,700 rubles to 17,000 rubles. like this high price offers one of the new luxury hotels in the village with three swimming pools, rooms with sea views and high-quality service.

In the private sector, summer prices range from 1200-1800 rubles in June to 1600-2300 rubles in July-August.


Once in Yalta, you immediately understand that this is not a simple resort, but a large, metropolitan city.
Southern capital Crimea is located on three hills on the shores of Yalta Bay.

The cozy valley is surrounded by the Crimean Mountains, protecting the city from cold weather. northern winds.

There are more sunny days a year in Yalta than in famous resorts San Remo, Cannes and Nice. The city is at the same latitude as the Italian cities of Genoa and Ravenna.

Already at the beginning of the 20th century, Yalta was a large and popular resort. In the center you can still see the historical buildings of the famous Oreanda and Bristol hotels, which are more than 100 years old.

As a real capital, Yalta has its own flag, coat of arms and anthem.

In the summer season, many famous singers come here, theater troupes give performances at the city theater named after A.P. Chekhov.

The Yalta embankment, restored in recent years, goes into the Primorsky Park. In a small but well-kept park, there are monuments to M. Gorky and A. Chekhov.

By the middle of the 20th century, the natural beaches of Yalta practically ceased to exist, destroyed by landslides from the mountains.

As a result of large-scale restoration work, retaining walls and groins were installed, between which a huge amount of rubble was filled.

Today, all the beaches of Yalta are artificial, they are not threatened by mud flows and landslides. But, limited to the embankment, they are small and crowded during the season.

Relaxing in Yalta, with its large port, flows of cars and buses, crowds of tourists coming from other cities of Crimea, is a pleasure for lovers of noisy, party life.

There are many hotels in Yalta of different price categories and offers from the private sector.

Accommodation in a double standard hotel room will cost from 2,400 rubles to 11,000 rubles per day in the summer season.
The price of luxury apartments reaches 62,000 rubles per day.

Apartments in the private sector in the city center and near the sea are very expensive in the summer season.
A one-room apartment for 2 people costs from 2,000 rubles to 7,000 rubles per day, a two-room apartment costs from 3,000 rubles to 8,000 rubles.

There are a lot of offers, but as summer approaches, the choice becomes less and less.
The principle, the farther from the sea, the cheaper it is, is strictly observed. Reservations are made only through websites.


17 kilometers from Yalta, in the area of ​​the so-called Big Yalta, there is a small, cozy city Alupka.
Its first Russian owner was Prince Grigory Potemkin.

At the beginning of the 19th century, Alupka became the property of M. Vorontsov. The palace, built by M. Vorontsov, and the adjacent park are the main attractions of the city.

At the beginning of the 20th century, Alupka became a popular resort. Many sanatoriums were built here, in which such celebrities as F. Chaliapin, S. Rachmaninov, M. Gorky, V. Bryusov willingly rested.

The magnificent views of Alupka inspired many artists who willingly worked here. Among them are such celebrities as I. Shishkin, V. Surikov, A. Kuindzhi.

The excellent climate of Alupka was the reason for the creation here of a huge landscape park, a true work of park art. Collected in the park large number subtropical plants.

Alupka stretches along the sea and has 29 pebble beaches.
Of these, 6 beaches are free, public, the rest of the beaches are medical and “attached” to numerous sanatoriums in the city. Almost all beaches are artificial and quite narrow.

In Alupka, 23 hotels offer their services to vacationers. Prices are noticeably lower than in Yalta.

So 2-bed room on summer period costs from 1850 to 4250 rubles per day, depending on the location of the hotel from the sea.

The private sector is also cheaper than in Yalta. In summer, a one-room apartment can be rented for from 2,000 to 3,500 rubles.
The price is not always announced and is often only available upon request.
Viewing options, booking and payment occurs only through the sites.


The village of Foros is separated from Yalta by only 42 km, but the contrast with the noisy and crowded Yalta is striking. Foros is a very quiet and cozy place to relax. The westernmost village of the southern coast, from which the road to the Baydar Gate, to the steppe Crimea, begins.

Foros is one of the oldest settlements on the southern coast of Crimea, founded by the Greeks in the 5th century BC.

The word Foros is also Greek, meaning lighthouse or duty, tax. After joining Russia, Foros was a run-down Tatar village for a long time.

At the end of the 19th century, millionaire and “tea king” A. Kuznetsov built an estate here. At his expense, the Foros Church of the Resurrection was built in memory of the miraculous salvation of the royal family in a train accident.

To build the church, they chose a unique place - the steep Red Rock. The rock stands separately from the mountain range and is surrounded by forest. As a result, it seems that the church is floating above the ground.

The temple was built in the Byzantine style, using a special brick - plinth. Sophia-Kyiv and Russian stone temples of the pre-Mongol period were built from such bricks.

The lost interior decoration was luxurious: Byzantine ornaments on the walls, mosaic floors and magnificent icons. The Resurrection Church is a symbol not only of Foros, but of the entire Crimea.
The palace of A. Kuznetsov and the park surrounding it are real masterpieces of architecture and landscape art.

There are several beaches in Foros - paid departmental and free. They are all pebbly.

Strong currents pass along the coast, which makes the water in the sea the cleanest on the southern coast of Crimea. But due to currents, the water temperature can change dramatically, sometimes several times a day.

There are 15 hotels in Foros of different price categories. Double room in the summer months it costs from 2000 to 7500 rubles.

Housing rented out in the private sector of Foros is much less comfortable than in Yalta, Gurzuf and other villages on the southern coast of Crimea. Therefore, prices here are significantly lower.

When choosing the place where you are going to stay, you need to pay special attention to the distance to the sea. Quite a few streets in the village rise steeply uphill - steep ascents and descents that will have to be overcome every day.

The southern coast is a real pearl of the Crimean peninsula. It is often called simply and briefly - YUBK. This heavenly place, along with the French Cote d'Azur, is recognized as the second world resort for the effectiveness of treating various diseases.

Wonderful beaches, waterfalls, embankments, palaces, ancient parks, estates are covered in legends, every corner here has its own history, so a vacation on the southern coast is not only useful and comfortable, but also very educational.

Climatic features

The name itself speaks of geographical location south coast. The not very wide coastal strip of the Black Sea - its width ranges from two to eight kilometers, stretching 170 kilometers from west to east from Cape Aya to the legendary Karadag, is protected from the northern winds by the main ridge of the Crimean Mountains.

From the southernmost point - Cape Sarych, it is only 142 nautical miles to Turkey. IN Soviet times it was a protected area, which made it possible to preserve rare species of plants and animals here. And now this coast covered with huge boulders remains wild, there are practically no beaches here, the underwater world is very rich and diverse, which attracts diving tourists here.

The unique location creates a special climate on the southern coast, which generally belongs to the subtropical Mediterranean, but is also divided into dry, semi-dry and semi-humid types. This division depends on altitude and winds. In a narrow sense, the South Coast includes a section of 80 kilometers from Cape Aya to Alushta. Here the climate is more humid and gentle.

In the area from Alushta to Feodosia, the climate becomes hotter and drier. Strictly speaking, this is the south-eastern coast, where the mountains retreat from the sea by 10-12 kilometers. Temperature and humidity are regulated by the Black Sea, which brings coolness in summer and warmth in winter.

In winter, the temperature does not drop to negative levels, which is facilitated by the warm Crimean Current and the mountains, which do not allow cold air here.

Winter on the South Coast is mild, but cloudy and rainy. In January, the average temperature very rarely drops below +4, and the daytime temperature – below +7. During the day it can even rise to +18-20. This is a time of storms and strong easterly winds. In spring, windy and unstable weather remains, the average temperature rises to +14 degrees.

The holiday season begins at the beginning of May and lasts until the end of October. This is longer than on the French Riviera and the Italian coast, which are similar in climate. The intense heat (+28-35 degrees) is softened by sea breezes. You can swim from June to October, the water temperature in July-August reaches 26 degrees, in September it remains the same, by October it decreases somewhat, but remains comfortable until the 20th of the month.

Plants and animals

The flora of the southern coast is very unique. Many of the species existing here are endemic, that is, they live only in this natural area, and an even smaller number of species were brought from other countries. The Mediterranean climate, landscape features, economic and cultural activities of humans - the combination of all these factors led to the uniqueness and inimitability of the flora of the South Coast.

Parks, gardens, and vineyards merge here with evergreen wild thickets. IN famous parks In Livadia, Gurzuf, Massandra, Alupka, and the Nikitsky Botanical Garden, imported exotics have been growing for more than 200 years, and relics and endemics are carefully protected in the nature reserves located here. Precious beeches and oaks, living from 250 to 1000 years, can now be found throughout the coast. This is largely the merit of biologists, since previously entire groves were mercilessly cut down.

Small-fruited strawberry is included in the Red Book. This evergreen tree with edible, strawberry-like fruits can reach a height of 6 meters and has a bizarre twisting trunk and branches. In Crimea, it is found only on the southern coast and is an endemic species. The evergreen coniferous cypress is valued for its unique medicinal properties. The bactericidal properties of its essential oils help suppress many pathogenic bacteria. Back in ancient times, figs were brought to the South Coast, the fruits of which are very beneficial for the body.

It is simply impossible to list and describe the richest plant collection; it numbers more than 1.5 thousand species. One can only marvel at the beauty and fertility of this amazing region. But the fauna of the southern coast can hardly be called very rich. These are hares, squirrels, foxes, hedgehogs, martens, badgers, rodents and bats, adapted to the Mediterranean climate.

Sometimes in winter Crimean deer, mouflon and roe deer come down from the mountains. There are no large predators here.

IN winter time The bird kingdom is also expanding. In the spring, migratory birds fly away and cormorants, laughing gulls, white-bellied swifts, city swallows, hooded crows, wild pigeons, and kestrel falcons remain on the coast.

Reptiles are represented here by a variety of lizards, among which are the endemic Crimean gecko and the relict legless yellow-bellied lizard. The leopard snake is listed in the Red Book. This beautiful snake is almost extinct and is extremely rare.

Where can I go?

The southern coast of Crimea is distinguished by developed infrastructure. All cities and towns have their own special atmosphere and are ready to welcome tourists at any time of the year, so when going on vacation, all that remains is to decide on your individual preferences. The pearl of Crimea and its resort capital is the beautiful Yalta. This city is also called Russian Nice. The temperate Mediterranean climate not only allows for great relaxation, but is also ideal for the treatment of many diseases.

Administratively, Greater Yalta is distinguished - this is the territory from Foros to Krasnokamenka, including many villages, several cities and the port city itself - Yalta. The city is located on three hills in the valley of the Uchan-Su and Derekoiki mountain rivers, surrounded by a semi-ring of mountains. On the territory of Greater Yalta, beautiful parks have been created based on natural forests. The Yalta Nature Reserve is considered a state property.

All these natural features create a special microclimate in the city and attract many people who want to improve their health. Back in 1886, Professor S.P. Botkin discovered the special healing properties of the Yalta air, filled with sea salts and phytoncides. Palaces were built here for the royal family, aristocrats, wealthy industrialists and merchants erected mansions here, and representatives of the creative intelligentsia flocked here.

Just 37 kilometers from Yalta is the second largest resort town South Coast - Alushta. Big Alushta, stretching for almost 40 kilometers along the coast, in addition to the city itself, includes 26 more settlements. Alushta is considered the cleanest and greenest city on the coast.

Aivazovsky Park is famous for its large collection of exotic plants, and in the aquarium you can see many fish listed in the Red Book.

Gurzuf- an ancient town, whose narrow streets, beautiful embankments and numerous staircases give a special charm. The large city beach allows for free accommodation for all vacationers. Gurzuf is also famous for its unique climate; it is no coincidence that the famous children’s camp “Artek” is located here. The names of famous natural formations - Cape Suuk-Su, Mount Ayu-Dag, Adalary rocks - are familiar to many from childhood.

Livadia is a small urban-type village, which is part of Greater Yalta and has a rich history. Starting from the 3rd millennium BC, its surroundings were already densely populated. It was here that the residence of the royal family was located in the mid-19th century. The Livadia Palace, which preserves the furnishings and interiors of the tsarist era, the palace park complex with valuable plant species, with many sculptures by Italian masters and beautiful fountains attract many excursions here.

Massandra– one of the suburbs of Yalta, the center of winemaking. Massandra's wine collection is one of the largest in the world and contains a million bottles. The oldest brand of wine is Jerez de la Frontera, dating back to the 1775 harvest. Local sanatoriums even offer an unusual course of wine therapy. This settlement is surrounded by three protected areas: “Cape Martyan”, Yalta and Crimean nature reserves.

Miskhor– a resting place for the creative intelligentsia. Gorky, Mayakovsky, Chaliapin lived and worked here. “Swallow’s Nest”, which has become a symbol of Crimea, is located right here, on Cape Ai-Todor. And to the top of Ai-Petri you can make an unforgettable climb along cable car, listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

Laspi Bay. Catherine II called this place a fairy-tale mirage from One Thousand and One Nights. A relict juniper grove combined with mountain air creates an unusually healing microclimate here. In addition, the coast here is rich in mineralized clay, which gives the name to the bay itself. Its origin is connected with the existence here in the past of a large number of geothermal springs. After the springs dried up, the water here became so clear that it was recognized as the cleanest on the entire coast, and the bay became a favorite place for diving enthusiasts.

Famous for its clean sea and pristine nature.

Best beaches

Blue Flag of the European Union - this distinction is awarded to the best beaches that meet international standards. The beaches of the southern coast of Crimea have proven that they are worthy of installing it on their territory. Almost all beaches are pebble, equipped with everything necessary: ​​there are changing rooms, showers, bathrooms, sun loungers, and umbrellas. But with small children you will have to worry about safety - the bottom drops sharply in many places. Entrance to almost all beaches is free, you only have to pay for amenities. There are also paid elite beaches, mostly they belong to hotels or sanatoriums.

The golden Yalta beach is covered in legends. Usually sand is called “golden”, but here, as elsewhere, it is pebbles. But compared to other beaches, it is shallower and lighter. There were times when pebbles from this beach were worth their weight in gold and were exported as building material, becoming a real “gold mine” for the owners. In addition, unique healing properties are still attributed to it.

Golden Beach – amazing place . It is located on the territory beautiful park, is surrounded on three sides by mountains, and the water in the sea is famous for its transparency. The bottom here is flat, so it is preferred by families with children. The left side of the beach belongs to the Kurpaty sanatorium, and the right side can be accessed absolutely freely. The legendary staircase, built more than 50 years ago, leads to the territory. From the city to this coastal strip there are about 8 kilometers, so there are slightly fewer vacationers than on the city beach, but a comfortable stay is guaranteed here.

Massandra beach is the proud owner of the European Blue Flag. This is one of the most convenient and lively beaches on the coast. The comfortable territory is divided into several zones, three of which have “VIP” status. Entrance is mostly paid, prices in each zone are different.

No one will be bored here; there is a lot of entertainment: from fun with animators, sports competitions to a relaxing and wellness massage. You can rent water equipment, frolic on the rides, have a meal in a restaurant, and in the evening watch a concert or go out on the dance floor.

Another blue flag flutters above the beach of the famous Yalta-Intourist hotel. This is a world-class beach, suitably equipped and providing vacationers with a lot of interesting entertainment. There is also a fitness center, a massage salon, a children's water park, and attractions. Use of the beach is free for hotel guests, but paid for guests. A high level of service also requires corresponding prices.

Beach in Livadia It is considered one of the cleanest and most beautiful, distinguished by medium-sized and very smooth pebbles, on which you can even walk barefoot. The descent to the sea is quite steep, but there are elevators. The beach area is small, but it has everything you need: changing cabins, showers, cafes, rental shops.

This beach will be preferred by lovers of silence and solitude. There are no animators and a large influx of vacationers here.

It is worth noting that each beach of the South Coast is good in its own way, among them there are both lively and semi-wild ones, so any vacationer will be able to find their “reserved place”.


The list of natural and man-made attractions of the South Coast is very extensive. It is almost impossible to refrain from excursions and devote time only to a beach holiday. What can you admire here?

  • Landscape park "Paradise", also known as "Aivazovskoe"– a magnificent monument of park art. Located at the foot of the Ayu-Dag mountain in the village of Partenit. The park complex is notable for its original modern design developments, which are based on the history of Crimea, its legends and myths, as well as the achievements of gardeners from other countries. This is a whole landscape museum under open air.
  • The “ever-murmuring” waterfall Dzhur-Dzhur on the Ulu-Uzen River is the deepest. Its height is 15 meters, and the water temperature does not exceed 7 degrees. Swimming in the waterfall is prohibited, but tourists still try to do so, since, according to legend, its waters eliminate all sins and diseases.
  • The Dzhurla waterfall is not so full of water, but very beautiful- one of the famous Crimean waterfalls. You can see the mesmerizing water cascade only in the spring, when the snow melts in the mountains.
  • Symbol of Crimeaunique monument architecture "Swallow's Nest" in the village of Gaspra. The castle soaring in the sky always evokes surprise and admiration, and from its observation deck there is a magnificent view of the mountains, the sea and Greater Yalta.

Cities and towns of the Southern Coast of Crimeabest place for holidays in Crimea. If you want to see a large number of attractions, you can safely choose these cities and towns. The southern coast of Crimea is the most picturesque mountainous part of Crimea with beautiful scenery, greenery and the most delicious air. The South Coast stretches from Cape Aya to Mount Kara-Dag. There are 160 km between them, the famous South Coast Highway and mountain serpentine.

These places are incredibly beautiful and rich in attractions.

Location, climate

Most better climate There are cities and towns on the South Coast. The southern coast of Crimea is sheltered from the winds from the north by the Crimean Mountains. The Black Sea approaches the South Coast from the south. This secluded place between the mountains and the sea has its own unique microclimate; it is not for nothing that the largest number of health resorts in Crimea were built here. Unique conifers, cedars, pine, spruce, juniper, and cypress trees grow on the southern coast of Crimea. They produce medicinal phytoncides into the air, which kill pathogenic bacteria.

The Black Sea sea air is also useful. It's saturated ozone, magnesium ions, salts, iodine, there is no dust and smog.

The climate on the southern coast of Crimea is Mediterranean; even in winter the temperature does not drop below +10 degrees. The holiday season on the southern coast of Crimea begins in May and lasts until October. In May, the water warms up to +18 degrees, only seasoned tourists swim. The best time to relax on the South Coast is July, August and early September. At this time the water is +23 degrees, the weather during the day is +30 degrees and a light sea breeze is blowing.

Cities and towns of the Southern Coast of Crimea

If you want to see the most beautiful places, come to the southern coast of Crimea. The towns and villages here are so picturesque and so diverse that there is something for everyone. From Cape Aya to Kara-Dag along the southern coastal highway there are the most best cities and villages of the South Coast. Further details about each of them.

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Cape Aya

- uncrowded places on the South Coast, where people come mainly by car. During the Crimean War, it was here that the ship “Black Prince” sank, and gold coins are still found in the area of ​​Cape Aya.


— the village of South Coast with beautiful views and healing air with phytoncides. Recently, Foros has been actively developing. There is a good sanatorium and park here.


is a small quiet village on the southern coast of Crimea with several shops, a small market and a cafe. There aren't very many people here. The beach has pebbles, sometimes large.


- a small village of the South Coast. It is famous for its oyster farm and beautiful view to Mount Cat. The beach is pebble, there are stones, not many people. Nearby is the Blue Bay water park.


- a village on the southern coast of Crimea with steep climbs and stairs near Mount Koshka. There are a lot of people. But the village has a healing climate and beautiful nature.


- this is the village of South Coast with pebble beaches and Vorontsovsky Park. It is clean, picturesque, and the air is very tasty.


- a village on the southern coast of Crimea, where 90% of the beaches belong to sanatoriums and hotels. The famous Yusupov Palace is located in the village.


- a picturesque village of the South Coast with a good location, famous for the Swallow's Nest - the calling card of Crimea. There are very steep ascents and descents here. The sea is clean.


- a village on the southern coast of Crimea, in which the Livadia Palace is located. Here you can walk along the royal (sunny) path.

- most beautiful city South Coast in Crimea, surrounded by picturesque mountains, and itself located on the plain. There are no steep descents or ascents, there is always something to do and see. It inspired writers and now attracts a lot of tourists. Perhaps Yalta is the most populous city in Crimea. But they come here because Yalta is really good. From here it is convenient to travel to the sights of Crimea.

- a small village of the South Coast, which is located 5 km from Yalta. Massandra is famous for its wines, the Massandra Palace (located above the South Coast Highway) and the Massandra beach, awarded the blue flag.

- a village on the southern coast of Crimea, where most tourists come to explore the Nikitsky Botanical Garden. The garden was founded in 1812 by Christian Stevan. Unique plants from all over the world grow here, but in addition to the Botanical Garden, Nikita has a good beach and Cape Martyan. A village with steep climbs uphill.


- a very beautiful small village of the South Coast. There are always a lot of people here, prices are high. The beaches are pebble and clean. Here is nice park sanatorium "Gurzufsky" and the famous camp "Artek".


- a very beautiful village on the southern coast of Crimea in the suburbs of Alushta. There is one of the best parks in Crimea - "Aivazovskoye", expensive luxury hotels, but there is also a private sector and apartment buildings. The public beach in Partenit is not very well maintained, but paid beaches good and not crowded.


- a small village of the South Coast, Crimean Santa Barbara with boathouses by the sea, the Karasansky nature reserve and Gagarina’s palace.

Small Mayak

- a village on the southern coast of Crimea, 1.5 km away from the sea. You can rent inexpensive accommodation here, but walking uphill is not very convenient.


- a city in the South Coast that you want to return to. There is entertainment, an aquarium, dolphinariums, parks and a very long strip of beaches to suit every taste. It is convenient to go on excursions from Alushta; there are also many attractions in the surrounding area.


- a small village of the South Coast near Alushta. The village is located below the Sudak highway, sheltered from it by forest. It's quiet and very peaceful here.


- another village on the southern coast of Crimea, 2 km from the Sudak highway. If you drive along the highway, you may not even know that there is a village here.

- a small village of the South Coast along the Sudak highway. The beach here is not for everyone - with dark sand and pebbles of volcanic origin. In the village you can find budget housing, which is its main advantage. From Alushta to Solnechnogorsk there is a beautiful mountain serpentine.

- a village on the southern coast of Crimea, 2 km from Solnechnogorsk. There is a highway running along the city, and with the opening of the Crimean Bridge there are a lot of cars on it. In Malorechenskoye there are several attractions - cheese kala, a lighthouse temple, a museum of water disasters and the same beaches with gray sand.


- another village of the South Coast with low prices and a large number of campers. There are a lot of cars here, but not enough space. Rybachye attracts tourists with low prices, but again, here the route runs along the sea, cars drive literally over the heads of vacationers.


- a village on the southern coast of Crimea along the highway with low prices. The village is extended from the sea, so you can find cheap housing. The Kino group once settled here, and fans still come to see the guitar-shaped monument of this group.

New World

- a very beautiful village of the South Coast, where the famous Golitsyn trail and winery are located. This place is a must-visit for all lovers of the sea, mountains and picturesque nature.

- a developed city of the South Coast with nightlife, shops, entertainment and a medieval Genoese fortress. Not a bad place for young people to relax in Crimea. Very beautiful place and the bright blue color of the water.

Map of the Southern Coast of Crimea with villages

Such different places can be seen on the South Coast. Cities and towns are located along the Yuzhnoberezhnoe and Sudak highways.

The southern coast of Crimea, cities and towns along the sea are the best places for growing Crimean figs, cherries, peaches, persimmons, pears and apples. Vineyards grow on the South Coast, from which famous Crimean wines are made.

We have reviewed South Coast, cities and towns, which a map of the Southern Coast of Crimea with villages will help you find. Don't forget to download the Travellinka branded map of Crimea. If you love Crimea, there is a subscription form below for new articles.

Most tourists going on vacation to Crimea choose the southern coast of Crimea as their place of residence, which gained popularity as a resort area back in the 19th century. When talking about the Crimean southern coast, we mean the resort areas of Big Yalta and Big Alushta, stretching from Foros to Sudak.
Nowadays, the South Coast has everything you need for a great holiday: sanatoriums, children's camps, hotels and campsites; The beaches are equipped with water entertainment centers (rental of water skis and jet skis). The audience is very diverse - families with children, avid party-goers, and those who want to enrich themselves with new knowledge and impressions on vacation are comfortable here.

Resorts on the southern coast of Crimea: Foros, Simeiz, Alupka, Miskhor, Koreiz, Gaspra, Yalta, Massandra, Livadia, Gurzuf, Partenit, Aivazovskoye, professor's corner of Alushta, Malorechenskoye, Solnechnogorskoye, Rybachye, Morskoe, Vesele, Solnechnaya Dolina.

A huge number of attractions are concentrated on the South Coast: museums, temples, luxurious palaces (Massandra, Vorontsovsky) and garden and park complexes (the most famous is the Livadia Palace and Park Ensemble). Children are welcome at the Yalta Zoo and the Glade of Fairy Tales. For fans active recreation will love the opportunity to do walking By picturesque places or ride on horseback along narrow mountain paths. And even in winter, the southern coast of Crimea awaits guests - the mountains are covered with a dense snow cover, ideal for skiing and sledding.

Winters on the southern coast of Crimea are mild - temperatures rarely drop below zero, and the air is usually dry. The area is protected from cold northern winds by a mountain range.
A well-developed transport network allows you to combine different types of recreation on the coast. For example, you can live at the foot of the Swallow's Nest, in quiet Gaspra, and have fun in the evenings in noisy Yalta.

Treatment on the South Coast
The healing properties of the South Coast climate have long been known. Back in the 19th century, health resorts were built here to treat tuberculosis and bronchopulmonary diseases. Also, staying on the South Coast will benefit people suffering from hypertension, vascular diseases of the brain, neurocircular dystonia, or having problems with the functions of the musculoskeletal system. Dolphin therapy classes are held here for children with cerebral palsy. Most health resorts and sanatoriums on the south coast are open year-round.

Scientists claim that there are only two places on our planet in which the air is so saturated with ions and phytoncides that it can cure many diseases - these are the Cote d'Azur in France and the South Coast.

South Coast, view from Mount Ilyas-Kaya

The southern coast of Crimea (Crimean Tat. Yalı Boyu) is one of the most important and most popular coastal areas of resort treatment, recreation and tourism in the former USSR; includes the resort cities of Alupka, Yalta, Alushta, Feodosia, Sudak and numerous resort villages and resort areas. Occupies a lane Black Sea coast Crimea on the southern slope of the Main Range of the Crimean Mountains from Cape Aya in the west (other sources also indicate capes Fiolent or Sarych as the extreme western points of the South Coast) to the Kara-Dag massif in the east, about 150 km long and 2-8 km wide. It occupies the territories of Sevastopol (partially), Yalta, Alushta, Sudak and partly Feodosia regions of Crimea.

night on the Black Sea, village. Lowering

Relief and climate
Gently hilly surface composed of clayey shales and limestones; The southern coast of Crimea is limited from the north by the steep ledge of Yayla - the main ridge of the Crimean mountains (which protects from cold winds from the north in winter), steeply plunging to the sea for most of its part - in the area from Cape Aya to Alushta (this area - in the narrow sense - usually called the South Coast itself). In the area of ​​Gurzuf there is a peculiar dome-shaped mountain-laccolith Ayudag (Bear Mountain), near Koktebel there is the ancient volcanic massif Karadag.

Despite the diversity of natural vegetation of the Mediterranean type (oak-juniper forests with an undergrowth of evergreen and deciduous shrubs; on the slope of Yayla - forests of beech, oak, Crimean pine), the landscape of the Southern Coast of Crimea is largely determined by decorative, including exotic, gardening - parkland: Himalayan and Lebanese cedars, cypresses, cherry laurel trees, magnolias, ivy are common; pears (including duchess, bergamot), apricots, peaches, figs, persimmons are cultivated; the vineyards are extensive; California mammoth tree, Spanish gorse, etc. grow. To the east of Alushta, the main ridge of the Crimean Mountains becomes lower and begins to retreat from the coastline. The terrain between Alushta and Sudak is rugged, alternating small plateau-like ones protruding far into the sea mountain ranges and basins descending to the sea with pebble beaches. Short mountain rivers: Ulu-Uzen with the Golovinsky waterfall, Biyuk-Uzen with the Dzhur-Dzhur waterfall, Sudak, etc. Coastal ridges and hills are covered with shrubby vegetation. Wide hollows are used for vineyards.

The main natural healing factor is the subtropical climate of the Mediterranean type.

Winter is mild and rainy. Average temperature January is +4 °C, daytime temperature is 7 °C; In any winter month, days with temperatures of 15–20 °C are not uncommon. In winter, on the southern coast of Crimea, frosts are usually rare and short-lived, and winter is accompanied by maximum precipitation (rain and sleet) - the bulk of the annual precipitation falls in November-March (400 mm; in April-October - less than 240 mm; average precipitation - about 600 mm/year). Relative humidity 72%. Cloudy weather prevails. Days with strong (15 m/s) eastern wind and storm are possible.
In spring, the weather is predominantly unstable and windy. Frosts are possible until the end of March. The average daily temperature in April is 14 °C. Relative humidity 69%.

Summer is long, sunny, dry (hot). The holiday season lasts from early May to late October - longer than in some Mediterranean countries. The average temperature in July (and August) is about 24 °C, in the daytime 28 °C (the absolute maximum is 39 °C, in recent years - and more; on average, 150 days a year the average daily temperature is above 15 °C). The heat is softened by sea breezes. Precipitation occurs more often in the form of showers; the average number of days in July with precipitation is 7, with thunderstorms - 5. Relative humidity approx. 55%. Swimming from June to October; temperature of surface layers sea ​​water off the coast in January-February - 4-6 °C, in July-August - up to 26 °C, however, sharp drops in temperature are possible - up to 13-16 °C during upwellings (sometimes north winds drive off warm surface water, as a result of which the water temperature near the shore sharply drops by 10 °C or more - followed by a slow increase).

Warm, dry and sunny autumn is the best time of the year. The average (average daily) temperature in October is 14 °C, daytime temperature is about 19 °C. In September, as in August, there is the least amount of precipitation. Relative humidity 62%. The first frosts are at the end of November. The number of hours of sunshine is 2200-2360 per year. Features of the climate of the eastern part of the Southern Coast of Crimea are hotter and drier weather in the summer, lower relative humidity in the fall (53% in Sudak in September), colder winter months.

Crimea, South Coast, Devil's Staircase

History of the resort area
The southern coast of Crimea became famous as a resort area with mid-19th century. On the advice of the outstanding clinician S.P. Botkin, the southern coast of Crimea became a place of treatment for Empress Maria Alexandrovna, who suffered from tuberculosis. In 1899, on the initiative of Princess Maria Baryatinskaya, on the site granted by Nicholas II, the “Yalta Sanatorium in Memory of Emperor Alexander III” was founded - the first anti-tuberculosis sanatorium in Europe.
Health paths (by analogy with German health paths) were laid in Crimea also on the recommendation of S.P. Botkin. By order of Tsar Nicholas II, in 1900-1901, a “horizontal path” 6580 m long was built in Crimean Livadia at an altitude of 140 m above sea level. The Tsar's Path is also called the path of health, where almost all the healing factors of the resort's subtropical climate operate. Three Russian emperors traveled along it: Alexander II, Alexander III, Nicholas II. They were specially equipped for them. observation decks on Mount Pendikul. The Botkin trail was laid by members of the Yalta branch of the Crimean-Caucasian Mountain Club in 1901-1902, after the death of the famous doctor S.P. Botkin, who first highly appreciated the healing properties of the climate of the southern coast of Crimea. Winding through the mountain forest, it rises to the Stavri-Kaya rock (760 m above sea level), from where a unique panorama of Yalta and its environs opens.
Due to its popularity among the aristocracy of the Russian Empire at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries, intensive construction of summer palaces and villas was carried out here, of which the most famous are the Livadia, Massandra, Vorontsov, Yusupov and Dulber palaces.

Southern coast of Crimea Crimea, Meganom

Resorts of the Southern Coast of Crimea
The South Coast resort area of ​​Crimea is world famous resort region, - which includes from the northeast to the southwest and west of the city
(villages and resort areas in brackets):
Sudak (Planerskoye, Crimean Primorye (20 and 29 km southwest of the Feodosiya railway station), and Morskoye), Alushta (Kanaka, Rybachye, Malorechenskoye, Rabochy Ugolok, Karasan (Cliff) and Frunzenskoye), Yalta, and Alupka (Shevchenkovo, formerly Alupka-Sara), and resort villages (almost all of which, together with Alupka, are included in the administrative-territorial subordination of Greater Yalta):
Gurzuf (and Artek), Dolossy, Livadia (Oreanda; Mountain health resort, formerly Ereklik), Gaspra, Koreiz (Miskhor), and Simeiz (Blue Bay, Ponizovka, Parkovoye, Kastropol), Foros (Mellas (Mukhalatka)), Batiliman ( + Laspi; 3 km southeast of Sevastopol; on Cape Aya), etc.

For treatment on the South Coast, mainly chronic specific (tuberculosis) and nonspecific (chronic bronchitis, chronic pneumonia, bronchial asthma) diseases of the respiratory system are indicated; as well as the cardiovascular and nervous systems - neurocirculatory dystonia, the initial stages of hypertension and vascular diseases of the brain; metabolic disorders. Along with climatic thalassotherapy, drinking treatment for diseases of the digestive system is also carried out. spring water in the resort area of ​​Melas, grape treatment (September-November).
The resorts of the southern coast of Crimea are located at a relatively short distance from each other, however, despite their common features, they also have their own characteristic features, and even in the same resort area the microclimates are sometimes different. This difference is due to the terrain, the presence or absence of a forested area and a more favorable slope of the area towards the sun.

At the Crimean Research Institute of Physical Methods of Treatment and Medical Climatotherapy named after. I.M. Sechenov, using the method of comparative analysis, revealed that the health potential of Crimea is higher than that of most foreign resorts. In terms of the complex of climatic factors, the resorts of the Southern Coast of Crimea are closest to the classic ones seaside resorts And Cote d'Azur. But these seaside foreign resorts developed not as medical ones, but as recreational ones. In terms of medical focus and the development of the sanatorium network, the resorts of the South Coast have no analogues.

Southern coast of Crimea Kastropol, Crimea

Alupka Park
Alupka Park (another name is Vorontsovsky Park) is a magnificent park that forms a single ensemble with the Vorontsov Palace.
Alupka Park is located on the territory of Alupka, part of Greater Yalta.

Armenian Church in Yalta
The Armenian church in Yalta vaguely resembles the ancient temple of Hripsime (VII-XII centuries) in Etchmiadzin. The building, built in 1909-1014 by the architect G. Ter-Mikelov according to the sketches of the famous artist Vardges Surenyants, stands on a steep mountain slope. The design of the ceremonial approach to the church is ingenious.

Vorontsov Palace
The Vorontsov Palace is located in Alupka near Mount Ai-Petri, at its very foot. In the former summer residence a prominent Russian statesman, M. Vorontsov, is now a museum. The monument of landscape gardening art is especially revered by tourists - there is a beautiful park next to the palace.

Dulber Palace
Dulber Palace is one of the South Coast palaces that will take your breath away in admiration. An asymmetrical building with luxurious decoration and the proud name Dulber (which means “beautiful” in Arabic) seems like an amazing optical illusion from a magical oriental fairy tale.

Kichkine Palace
In a captivating place near Miskhor, where the air is saturated with iodine and the smell of juniper, the Kichkine Palace is hidden among the greenery. Over its almost hundred years, this “baby” (as its name is translated from the Turkic language) has experienced many interesting events.

Palace of Harax
The Kharaks estate is a south-bank palace famous for its interesting architecture. Its author is the builder of the famous Livadia Palace, Yalta architect Nikolai Krasnov. In addition, the territory of the Kharak Park is notable for the fact that it is one of the most warm places Southern coast of Crimea.

House-Museum of A.P. Chekhov in Yalta
In 1898 A.P. Chekhov moved to Yalta for permanent residence on the advice of doctors along with his mother and sister Maria. A year later, in the village of Verkhnyaya Ashutka, on the outskirts of the city, he built a house. Teachers and doctors came to him for advice, and patients came to him for help. Many prominent figures of literature and art visited Anton Pavlovich at the Belaya Dacha. Southern coast of Crimea

Swallow's Nest
Swallow's Nest is an architectural and historical monument located on the steep 40-meter Aurora rock of Cape Ai-Todor in the village of Gaspra. The structure resembles a medieval knight's castle like the Belem Tower or Villa Miramare near Trieste. The Swallow's Nest has become a kind of emblem of the Southern Coast of Crimea.

Beketov House-Museum
House-museum of academician of architecture A.N. Beketov is a building by an outstanding Ukrainian architect, whose works adorn many cities of Ukraine. The museum exhibits memorial items, paintings written by A.N. Beketov during his stay in Crimea.

Cable car to Ai-Petri
The Miskhor - Ai-Petri cable car is one of those attractions that you can’t help but visit when you come to Crimea on vacation. The breathtaking climb to a height of more than a thousand meters above the most beautiful landscapes is mesmerizing. You were just by the sea - and 15 minutes later at high mountain peak Ai-Petrinsky plateau.

Cosmo-Domianovsky Monastery
The Cosmo-Domianovsky Monastery was founded in 1856 in the mountains according to the plan of St. Innocent, at a spring that had long been revered, where many healings took place. According to one of the legends, he broke out of the earth through the prayers of the holy unmercenary doctors Cosmas and Damian, who were in exile in Crimea.

Aluston Fortress
Aluston is a Byzantine (later Genoese) fortress in Crimea, an architectural monument, now located in the center of the city of Alushta. The ruins of the fortress became one of the main attractions of the city. The Aluston fortress was built in the 6th century. Its area was initially approximately 0.25 hectares.

Livadia Palace and Park Complex Southern Coast of Crimea

The Livadia architectural and park complex is one of the outstanding monuments of architectural and park art.

The palace was built in 1910-1911. designed by architect N.P. Krasnov in the traditions of the Italian Renaissance using elements of Gothic and oriental architecture.

Literary and Memorial Museum of Lesya Ukrainka in Yalta
Ukrainian poetess Lesya Ukrainka suffered from bone tuberculosis since childhood. The illness forced her to live in the south, including Crimea. On my first visit to Yalta, I first stayed at the Mariino Hotel, and then moved to the street. Ekaterininskaya 8, which now hosts an exhibition telling about her life and work in Crimea.

Massandra Palace
Massandra Palace (also known as the Palace of Alexander III) is a unique palace and park ensemble. According to numerous tourists, this place has its own unique charm. If you have an hour of free time when visiting Massandra, we recommend spending it on an unforgettable tour of the Massandra Palace.

Church of the Resurrection of Christ
The Church of the Resurrection of Christ is a church above the village of Foros, built in 1892 on a steep cliff - Red Rock. The height of the building above sea level is 400 meters. Monument to Russian architecture of the 19th century century. Simferopol diocese of the UOC of the Moscow Patriarchate. Southern coast of Crimea

Museum of the writer I.S. Shmeleva in Alushta
This is the only museum of the famous Russian writer in the CIS. It is located next to the House-Museum of Academician A.N. Beketov, in a house that also belonged to the Beketov family in the past. The house where Ivan Shmelev lived is adobe, with two small rooms with a veranda, located next to former estate S.N. Sergeev-Tsensky.

Museum S.N. Sergeev-Tsensky
The museum is located in the house where the famous writer, academician Sergei Nikolaevich Sergeev-Tsensky lived and worked from 1906 to 1941 and from 1946 to 1958. Almost all materials related to his life and work are collected in two departments of the museum - memorial and literary. The writer's library, which contains many rare books, has been preserved.

Yalta embankment
Lenin Embankment is the central walking street of Yalta, one of oldest streets cities. The promenade is lined with palm trees and filled with a continuous line of attractions, bars, cafes and restaurants. The architecture weaves together a variety of styles and is clad in polychrome red granite and light gray porphyrite.

Nikitsky Botanical Garden
Nikitsky Botanical Garden is a comprehensive research institution. It is the most famous and popular of the south coast parks, combining nature, history, art and science. His collection includes about 30 thousand plants from all over the world. Located on the southern coast of Crimea between the village of Nikita and the Black Sea.

Glade of fairy tales
Above Yalta, above the South Coast Highway in a forested gorge, there is the “Glade of Fairy Tales,” a museum of sculpture, floristry, and folk decorative art. More than 200 sculptures made of wood, decorative stone, plexiglass, copper, aluminum, moss were placed in the open air; hundreds of fairy tale heroes were made from various materials.

Ai-Petri Southern coast of Crimea

Seaside Park of Yalta
Seaside Park is the favorite brainchild of Yalta residents. In place of the wastelands of Yalta, which were here before the war, they created a vast park with a mass of ornamental trees and shrubs. Along the alleys there are flowers and among them the magical roses of Yalta.

Roman Catholic Church in Yalta
The Roman Catholic church was built in 1914 using compositional and plastic techniques of Western European medieval architecture. Located on the banks of the Uchan-Su River in Yalta, the church is an elongated structure. Particular care is taken in laying the walls and carving the profiles.

Cathedral of St. Alexander Nevsky
The Cathedral of the Holy Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky is the main Orthodox cathedral of Yalta, one of the city’s attractions. The cathedral was built at the end of the 19th century in honor of the Russian Emperor Alexander II, who died at the hands of the People's Will.

Old streets of Gurzuf
It is pleasant to leisurely stroll along the old streets of Gurzuf and look at the old pre-revolutionary houses. Sometimes you can even get confused and lost among these streets. The village of Gurzuf itself is small in area - all its streets can be walked around in about two hours. The more ancient, seaside part of Gurzuf has retained its medieval flavor.

Foros Park
The most remarkable place in the park - Paradise - "Paradise" with six artificial well-arranged lakes picturesquely located at different levels, a single cascade of which is framed by century-old cypresses, yews, cedars, and scarlet.

Southern coast of Crimea mountains above Foros

Temple of the Archangel Michael
The modern Church of the Archangel Michael, built in 2006 on the site of a vacant lot, is very popular among parishioners and tourists. Over the 5 years of its existence, the temple received the unofficial status of a new architectural landmark.

Church-lighthouse of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Southern coast of Crimea

The Malorechensky Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is the only temple-lighthouse on the peninsula in memory of those who died on the waters and travelers. The religious building of the temple-lighthouse is located near Alushta in the village of Malorechenskoye on a cliff. It is built on a high cliff above the sea and is visible from many points on the southern coast of the peninsula.

Yusupov Palace
In Miskhor there is a palace and park complex built by the famous architect I.P. Krasnov for one of the most famous aristocratic dynasties - the Yusupovs. The palace was built in the neo-Romanesque style using elements of the Italian Renaissance. The Palace Park is a monument of landscape architecture - the work of gardener Karl Kebach. Southern coast of Crimea

There is a legend that in ancient times a Greek ship was wrecked in the Black Sea. There was fog and a strong storm at that time. The ship was broken by a wave, and the sailors tried to save their lives on logs, although in such weather they did not believe that they would survive. In the morning the storm subsided and the fog cleared. The shore appeared in the distance. The sailors shouted: “Yialos!” and this is how Yalta received its first name. Then the city grew, and the names changed - Yalita, Dzhalita, Yalta. Southern coast of Crimea

Yalta is surrounded by a dense necklace of mountains. Magobi, Ai-Petri, Yalta Yayla, Nikitskaya Yayla protect the bay from cold winds from the north. Thanks to this, snow falls extremely rarely in the city. Evergreen trees and shrubs look stunning in winter against the backdrop of the snow-capped peaks of Ai-Petri.
The Yalta water area is an ideal place for mooring cruise ships and yachts, which is why many foreign guests come to the city. They are attracted by stunningly beautiful landscapes, royal palaces and parks, wineries and tasting rooms.
In all guidebooks, the sights of Yalta are called “pearls”. Indeed, in beauty, palaces and parks can be compared to the sparkle of precious stones.

Yalta became popular in those days when M.S. Vorontsov ordered the construction of a road to the South Bank. Thanks to the appearance of the road, the construction of palaces, dachas and estates began. The magnificent consequences of the development of Yalta were the Massandra Palace, the Livadia Palace, and the Swallow's Nest castle.

After the revolution, palaces and dachas were nationalized. They created health resorts for workers and Red Army soldiers. Later royal palaces was given museum status.

Today Yalta happily welcomes tourists. Luxurious hotels were built, the embankment was reconstructed and decorated with fountains, a huge number of entertainment centers. In recent years, Yalta has changed a lot and looks like a rich European resort.
The beaches in Yalta, as elsewhere on the southern coast, are pebbly, most of them are well-maintained. Many beaches have bars or places to relax.

Best time for a holiday in Yalta this is the “velvet season”. It starts in September and ends in early October. At this time, the sea is still warm, and the sun does not burn the skin, but decorates it with a bronze tan. May is more suitable for travel and sightseeing. At this time, it is especially pleasant to admire the beauty of the Wuchang-Su waterfall and inhale the aroma of primroses on the mountain paths.
At any time of the year, Yalta is beautiful in its own way and gives guests unforgettable emotions.

view of Yalta from Mount Ai-Petri

Resort Livadia
The Livadia resort has become famous since the royal family acquired the place at the foot of Mount Magobi. They really liked the picturesque coastline at the foot of the mountains. This happened in 1860. Before this, there were vineyards here and wines were produced, for the storage of which a special cellar was built.
Since the estate began to belong to the emperor, entry into Livadia has been closed. The imperial family was surrounded on all sides by guards.
In 1911, the White Palace was erected according to the design of the most famous Russian architect Nikolai Krasnov. Livadia has become a popular resort, because where the emperor rests, his entourage should also be there.

Livadia Palace
New palaces and parks began to appear around the royal estate. In terms of climatic properties, Livadia began to be compared with Nice, which was fashionable at that time. The healing air could get rid of pathogenic bacteria, including the causative agents of tuberculosis. And Russia at that time was suffering from an epidemic of consumption.
After the revolution, a sanatorium for peasants was created in the building of the White Palace. At this time, the interior decoration of the palace and furnishings were severely damaged. And in 1945, the famous Yalta Conference was held here at a round table.
In 1993, the Palace was given the status of a museum and was restored. A tour of the palace reflects the main historical and political events of Russia. Every year government meetings and conferences are held in the palace. Decisions and laws that are important for the state are made there.
The films “Dog in the Manger”, “Roksolana” and modern Russian TV series were filmed in Livadia Park.

Recreational route “Sunny Path”
Now Livadia is a resort village where you can relax on a royal scale. Those who come here on vacation can enjoy walks in the luxurious imperial park, relaxation on comfortable pebble beaches, and romantic evenings in the organ hall. This unique organ is the largest in Ukraine. It consists of 4600 pipes. The hall hosts an international organ music festival every year.

The recreational route “Sunny Path” begins in the park. Walking along it has a beneficial effect on the body and brings pleasure with its landscapes. They are recommended to everyone who is undergoing treatment in Livadia sanatoriums. The length of the trail is 7 kilometers. The trail ends in Gaspra.
It is best to take water and sandwiches with you when going for a walk. There are many rest areas along the trail where you can stop. Rocks and mountain peaks look great from the trail. Climbers train on Krestovaya rock. The decoration of the trail is the temples. The new and very beautiful Church of the Archangel Michael sparkles with its domes on a sunny day.
There are several chic restaurants in the village. The most famous "Tiflis".
There are many souvenir tents along the path from the park to the parking lot. There are shops and cafes in the center.

Starts just above Livadia highway on Ai-Petri. At the very beginning of the road, through the greenery of the trees behind the fence, a palace in the Moorish style is visible. This is the Uzbekistan sanatorium. Immediately behind it is a playground with a huge number of children's attractions, behind which there is a bright orange building. There is a theater of sea animals in the building. It's called "Aquatoria". It operates in the summer, and in winter, dolphin therapy sessions are held at Aquatoria. Nearby there is an aquarium with exotic fish and a cafe that children really like.
There are no nightclubs in Livadia, but there are many of them in Yalta. Yalta is only 3 kilometers from the village. Therefore, if you wish, in 15 minutes you can find yourself in the center of the noisy Yalta embankment.
Livadia is a very quiet village and those who really appreciate a calm environment and silence come here.

Gurzuf is a romantic, but at the same time bright and cheerful youth resort. True dreamers come to rest in the bay at the foot of Mount Ayu-Dag. Everything here is special and extraordinary - the air, the sea, the parks, the rocks. Small houses are surrounded by the greenery of evergreen trees, where hospitable owners rent out their rooms to vacationers. Along the sea there are a number of small, but at the same time beautiful and cozy hotels.
When you come to rest in Gurzuf, you should definitely go for a walk in the park of the former military sanatorium. The beauty of exotic plants and funny forms of small architecture lift your spirits, and the famous “Night” fountain evokes natural delight.

After a walk through the park, to fully experience the beauty of the village, you need to board a boat and go on a sea voyage. The ship passes by the rocks in the center of the bay. These are the Adalara rocks. There are many legends about them, and the most common of them is the legend about the naughty twin brothers.
Then a panorama of Artek opens. This name is familiar to everyone. It was here, at the foot of Bear Mountain, that the buildings of the famous children's camp. And Mount Bear itself is a failed volcano. With its outlines, it resembles a giant bear that lies down by the sea and drinks water.

After a boat trip, you should go for lunch at a cafe on the seashore and be sure to try the “Red Stone White Muscat” wine, which is considered the king of Muscats, and the grapes from which this wine is produced grows not far from Gurzuf in a valley at the foot of the mountains.

There are two museums in Gurzuf - the Pushkin Museum and the Chekhov Museum. And in “Artek” there is a museum of the history of the camp, a space museum, a local history museum, a museum of Black Sea treasures, and a naval museum.
The beaches in Gurzuf are pebbly. Most beautiful beach located at the foot of Ayu-Dag. You can get there by hiring a small boat. This is not to say that it is cheap, but the beach is truly amazing and you can sunbathe topless there.

Beaches in Gurzuf
Neat and well-maintained beaches of the Artek camp. But it’s too noisy there, kids are running around, and you can’t buy juice or ice cream.
There is a nudist beach in Chekhov Bay. You can get to it by passing through the Gurovsky stones.
The favorite beach of young people in Gurzuf is Sputnik. Clean beach and all the necessary infrastructure is done beach holiday very comfortable. It’s always fun here, you can play volleyball, swim races, relax in a cafe on the beach and meet equally cheerful and active peers.
There is also a city beach in the village. Admission is free and there are changing cabins and showers. There are attractions for children and a cafe on the beach, but it is always very crowded.
Several beaches in Gurzuf are departmental. They belong to health resorts and, although entry to them requires passes, in most cases you can get there by paying the security guard at the entrance.
Fans of night swimming can safely go to the Sputnik youth beach, where it is as lively and fun at night as during the day.

Holidays in Miskhor are liked by those who love silence and solitude. The village is located on the Black Sea coast at the foot of the southern cliffs of Mount Ai-Petri. It’s wonderful in Miskhor all year round. Here are the best health resorts on the South Coast, wonderful beaches and a beautiful coastline. It is a venue for international conferences and a film set for many films.
Before the revolution, the coast of Gaspra, Miskhor, and Koreiz belonged to the Golitsyn, Naryshkin, and Meshchersky families. From that era to today have been preserved architectural masterpieces in the form of palaces and ancient parks.
The most famous and famous is Miskhorsky Park. There are more than 150 species of trees in this park. These are unique relict and subtropical plants. Miskhorsky Park is famous for its sculptural compositions.

It is in Miskhor that you will find the world-famous Little Mermaid, who sits on a stone in the sea with a baby in her arms. There is a fountain on the shore, next to it is the girl Arza, who is being watched by the insidious robber Ali. The park with its sculptural compositions fascinates tourists from all over the world. Take a walk in the park with a guide and they will tell you many beautiful legends about this place.
There are magnificent palaces on the coast of Miskhor; walking next to them, you get the feeling of being in a fairy tale. It is here that the famous Yusupov Palace, the Dulber Palace in the Moorish style are located, and nearby on Cape Ai-Todor is a unique symbol of Crimea - the Swallow's Nest. The cruiser Marlboro departed from Cape Ai-Todor in 1919, carrying away representatives of the royal family who wished to emigrate.

The beaches of Miskhor stretch for 7 kilometers. All beaches are pebble, there are paid and free.
Near the rocks of Cape Ai-Todor is the beach of the Zhemchuzhina sanatorium. From it you can admire not only the sea, but also the Parus rock.
All beaches are separated from each other by breakwaters. Along the beaches there is a promenade with retail outlets and cafes where you can dine.
The health resorts of Miskhor host entertainment programs and dances in the evenings.

While vacationing in the private sector of Miskhor, you can purchase vouchers for treatment at health resorts and subscriptions for procedures. Many health resorts have swimming pools, so if you buy a subscription, you can go swimming even in winter. Also, if desired, you will find gyms.

On the coast among the rocks, the first settlements belonged to the ancient Greeks. Perhaps the name of the village meant “lighthouse”. Now this is a resort for the most different tourists. Rich holidaymakers come here to stay in luxury villas and “savage” tourists come here to spend their holidays in a tent on the seashore.
The village has become famous throughout the world since the first dacha for President M.S. Gorbachev was built on the seashore. It was at this dacha that he was at the time of the coup.
The exotic coast is decorated with picturesque cliffs on which juniper groves grow. Among the rocks, the buildings of health resorts and snow-white villas look beautiful.

From the village a serpentine asphalt road rises into the mountains, which leads to the edge of the Red Rock. It is here, at an altitude of about 400 meters, that the Church of the Resurrection of Christ is located. Everyone knows it as the Foros Church. It was erected in 1892 in honor of the rescue of the emperor during a train crash. The church was consecrated by Bishop Martinian of Tauride. In Soviet times, the church was converted into a roadside cafe, later into a warehouse, and then completely abandoned. And only in 2002, with the support and financing of the President of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma; the church was restored and parishioners and pilgrims headed here again. In 2008, Anastasia Zavorotnyuk got married here.
On Easter week, many people come here to climb the bell tower and ring the church bells. These days everyone is allowed to ring the bell.
The golden domes of the church on Red Rock are clearly visible from the Sevastopol highway. From the church the road goes to the Baydar Gate pass. On the Baydar Gate there is a panoramic platform and next to the restaurant “Shalash”. This restaurant has been operating for many years and serves the most delicious pasties in Crimea. There are also tents with souvenirs. Starts from the pass walking trail, which leads to the Shaitan Merdven pass. This pass is famous for the fact that A.S. climbed it. Pushkin during his stay in Crimea.
The rocks of the Forossky edging are decorated with relict small-fruited strawberry trees. Its red trunks stand out brightly against the light gray rocks. These rocks are chosen by rock climbers and mountaineers from all over the world for training and competitions. The various routes of Foros are described in many guidebooks to Crimea.

The most beautiful place to relax in the village is Foros Park. Its quiet corners are decorated with lakes and sculptures. This is where the real “Paradise” is located. In this park you can spend days on end, sitting on a bench in the shade of trees or admiring the lilies in the ponds. At the beginning of the 20th century, on the Foros estate, the park resembled a real zoo corner, where you could see Japanese ducks, swans and even antelopes. Fish swam in the fountains.

The beach season in Foros lasts almost six months. The water warms up in May and remains warm until October. The beaches in the village have very beautiful names - “Pink”, “Green”, “Quiet Bay”. The beach with pink pebbles belongs to the Foros sanatorium. This is an equipped beach, next to which there is a cafe and billiards.
A little away from the village there are “wild beaches” where tourists live in tents. They come with their families, and with large companies, setting up entire tent camps on the shore.
The favorite pastime of vacationers on the coast is fishing from a boat, diving, boat trips on motor ships, yachts and scooters, as well as horseback riding to Cape Sarych and traveling to the mountains in jeeps.
There are many dolphins in the clear sea; they play boldly near the shore and come close to boats.

view of Alupka

Alushta! It is here that hundreds of thousands of tourists come every year to enjoy the clean air and picturesque views of the sea and mountains.
Since ancient times, the picturesque Alushta Valley has attracted people. A cozy coastline, protected on the north side by mountains from cold winds from a small ancient settlement, by order Byzantine emperor turned into a coastal fortification, and the Aluston fortress was built in the center of it.
Later, prominent figures of art and science began to buy plots of land in the vicinity of the city, and a small village called Professor’s Corner appeared. And in the center of Alushta at this time the first guest houses and an inn.
Today Alushta is one of the best climatic resorts South Coast. The magnificent buildings of the health resorts are surrounded by the greenery of subtropical plants.

Beach in Alushta
The beaches are small pebbles, and walking on such a beach is a kind of foot massage. The sea is very clean, and when diving with a mask, you can see all the pebbles on the seabed. The beach season begins in May and lasts until early October. During the rest of the year, you can relax on the coast, undergoing climatic treatment and seeing the sights of the city and its surroundings.
There are many health resorts and private boarding houses in the city. In recent years, a lot has been built in Alushta modern hotels, which in their level can compete with hotels in the best foreign resorts. In addition, the city has its own water park with a large number of slides and pools, as well as attractions and entertainment centers.
In the center of the city there is a spa hall where pop stars perform in the summer.
The city's decoration is its parks. Seaside Park - favorite place holiday for everyone who comes to Alushta. On park benches, in the shade of Himalayan cedars, young mothers share their experiences and young people in love kiss.
Walking along the shady alley from Primorsky Park we find ourselves in the Children's Park. It's always crowded here. Near the “Whale” fountain, kids are running around, mothers with strollers are walking nearby in the park, a little further, dads are teaching their sons marksmanship at the shooting range, but the most interesting thing in this park is the Ferris wheel. This is an attraction where you can ride it and see the entire city with all its surroundings. Tourists coming to Alushta are sure to ride a wheel above the city to photograph the view of the sea and mountains.
At night, the Alushta embankment sparkles welcomingly and winks with the lights of bars and cafes. There are several discos on the embankment, and not far from the embankment there are nightclubs “Kiwi-Kiwi” and “Cave”.
The Alushta resort prepares for the holiday season every spring. This can be seen in the well-groomed lawns and flower beds, smooth roads, and the neat appearance of the embankment and central streets.
Residents of the city are very hospitable and every year they look forward to tourists from all regions of our country.


Team Nomads
Southern coast of Crimea - article from the Great Soviet Encyclopedia
photo: D. Grunov, K. Kamensky, A. Danchenko, A. Denisov, S. Kireev, O. Gorelova
Health path, health paths at resorts. / in the book Manshina N.V. Spa treatment for everyone. For health, go to the resort. - M.: Veche, 2007. - 592 pp. (46-49)
Gabinskaya M., Slavich S. Southern coast of Crimea. Simferopol, 1980.
Resorts. Encyclopedic Dictionary / Ch. ed. E. I. Chazov. - M.: Sov. encyclopedia, 1983. - 592 p.
Manshina N.V. Treatment at the resorts of Crimea / in the book. Sheiko N.I., Manshina N.V. Crimea. - M, Veche, 2005. - 286 p.
Geography of Crimea
Southern Coast // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: In 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional ones). - St. Petersburg, 1890-1907.
Wikipedia website
Geography of the USSR
Yandex. Cards
Berg L. S. Geographical zones of the Soviet Union. Volume II. - M.: State Publishing House of Geographical Literature, 1952.

The most popular and invariably in demand among tourists resort area in Crimea– this is his South coast. Geographically Southern Crimea called the part of the Black Sea coast on the southern side of the Main slope of the Crimean Mountains. This territory is limited from the west by Kara-Dag, and from the east by Cape Aya. Here are the best conditions for recreation and tourism, which have long been widely recognized throughout the world. Resorts of Southern Crimea lie at a very short distance from each other, so that their boundaries are sometimes completely blurred. But at the same time, each of them may have very special features, its own microclimate, vegetation, and relief lines. Unlike other parts of the Crimean coast, there are a lot of mountains here, so there will be no shortage of picturesque views. Whichever holiday resort you choose.

On the southern coast of Crimea The charming climate of the Mediterranean reigns. Warm winters, hot and dry summers, sea winds from the sea and from the mountains have earned it the reputation of a world health center. People with a whole range of diseases are sent here and are cured by the wonderful nature here. The best time to relax is early autumn, the so-called “velvet season”, because the period when you can swim here ends much later than in other places, because the water in the sea remains warm for a very long time.

Add to list resorts in the region First of all, it includes such famous health resorts as Alupka and Yalta, as well as Simeiz, Gurzuf and small villages almost merged into one like Gaspra, Foros and Koreiz. The mountain slopes and expanses of plains here are strewn with a lush carpet of subtropical plants, and the beaches are pebbly and fully equipped for the needs of vacationers. In addition to natural beauties, southern part Crimean coast has most interesting story, closely connected with the life of Russian monarchs, for whom luxurious palaces were built here and picturesque parks were laid out. Every year guests from all over the world flock to take a look at the architectural ensembles of Massandria and Livadia, as well as the magnificent Swallow’s Nest castle.

It was in this part of the peninsula that in the post-revolutionary period the most large number sanatoriums and children's health camps. Many of them are still working today. Most of the tourists visiting Southern Crimea, comes specifically for treatment. The region is very popular among families with children - all conditions are created here to turn your vacation into a fairy tale. Now the hotel fund of Southern Crimea includes hotels, holiday homes, boarding houses, private apartments of various levels of comfort with and without treatment, so choosing the optimal offer for each client will not be difficult.

The village of Morskoye on the southern coast of Crimea just west of Sudak it stretches along a valley between the mountains along the Black Sea coast. Several thousand people live here, that is, it is a small settlement. As elsewhere in the south of Crimea, holiday season in Morskoye lasts a very long time and is characterized by high air and water temperatures. The sun almost never hides behind the clouds, giving light and warmth to tourists for two and a half thousand hours a year. Sometimes even in October you can swim and sunbathe here.

The beauty of the mountain and seascapes of the resort is all the more amazing because this is one of those places on the territory of the Crimean peninsula that has not yet been touched much by civilization, and which still retain an absolutely natural, miraculous charm. The largest beach in the village with medium-sized pebbles is landscaped in those areas that belong to the territory of sanatoriums and boarding houses. There are cabins, awnings, and fresh showers. But the cleanliness leaves much to be desired, largely due to the fact that two mountain rivers flow through the beach at once with water that is not very clean due to the rain.

The choice of places to stay in Morskoye is incredibly rich - from chic, stylish hotel rooms with a full range of luxury attributes, to fabric tents by the very waves of the Black Sea. Accordingly, prices vary greatly, so good option There is something for almost every budget. In Morskoye, in addition to standard beach activities such as catamarans, jet skis and scooters, horse riding and excursion routes, you can go diving exploring the seabed or rush along the waves with a parachute following motor boat. And it is clear that, like any resort town in Crimea, it cannot do without shops, restaurants, bars, cafes and food markets.

Although this city is not a resort in the real sense of the word, it is nevertheless one of the most popular recreational areas in Crimea. In general, this name usually means not only the city itself, but also such settlements like Inkerman, Kacha, Uchkuevka, the resort of Balaklava and several villages. The city, home to about four hundred thousand people, has a number of advantageously located bays where the water never freezes. That is why he has long become not only seaport, a commercial harbor, but also a naval base. And, of course, we cannot ignore ancient history of Sevastopol and its status as a hero city of the Great Patriotic War. Moreover, the historical sights and architectural monuments preserved in Sevastopol attract tourists almost more than its beaches, among which there are sandy and pebble ones.

Weather in the Sevastopol area prices are mostly the same as on the South Coast. Summers are very warm, but not too hot, there is little precipitation, and the water is suitable for swimming from June to mid-September. The most visited are the long lines of beaches between Streletskaya Bay and Omega, as well as the central beaches of the city, and Sandy Bay near the Chersonesos protected area. Most of the beaches have showers, cafes and rescue services, but there are also completely wild places where the coastline leading to the sea is covered with stones or overgrown with grass.

For holidays in Sevastopol You can choose from a variety of hotels, boarding houses, campsites, sports centers and residential buildings. The modern entertainment industry includes shopping, a water park, water rides, a dolphin theater and nightclubs. To the great delight of athletes, surfing and diving schools are open.

Greetings and Kanaka

In Privetny and Kanak a very healthy microclimate without cold winds and sharp temperature fluctuations. Here, like nowhere else, you can fully enjoy the splendor of the Crimean nature and relax away from the noise and bustle major cities and transport interchanges. Finely pebble beaches resorts are very suitable for families with children, especially since they offer a large selection of water activities and attractions, as well as rental of sports equipment. Excursions to the Genoese fortress and trips to vineyards are organized, which Privetnoye resort deservedly proud.

Although holidays in these two villages are not as popular as in the more famous resorts of the Southern Crimea - like Yalta or Alushta, nevertheless, here you can find tourist complexes of the highest level. But most travelers still prefer mini-hotels, inexpensive comfortable boarding houses or cottages on the very seashore. Markets selling fresh fruit and vegetables, including the best local grapes, shops, restaurants, bars and cafes are easily accessible to all guests.


Near Alushta in Crimea, at a very short distance from each other, there are several cozy villages with a mild and sunny climate and beautiful scenery of a mountain valley. The villages of Malorechenskoye and Rybachye , as well as the town of Solnechnogorskoye, are practically no different from each other, but at the same time, each of them has its own characteristics. Rybachye is a wider and more spacious, well-equipped resort area, but in Malorechensky will appeal to those looking for peace and privacy. Both villages boast attractions such as a lighthouse temple on the edge of a steep cliff or the Bay of Love. Both villages are excellent for holidays with children - there is no transport, no manufacturing enterprises, no noisy entertainment - only greenery, sea, sun and an atmosphere of peace.

Spacious pebble beaches at both resorts are equipped with rental stations, showers, sun loungers and outdoor cafes. And a little further, outside the villages, there is a strip of wild beaches, at the disposal of nudists and camping enthusiasts. Rybachye and Malorechenskoye offer sanatoriums, holiday homes and small hotels, various types of housing right next to the sea. In terms of service, the local hotels are in no way inferior to the most prestigious Crimean resorts and guarantee a truly unforgettable vacation.


Alushta is an affordable and prestigious Crimean resort in the southern part of the Black Sea coast. In terms of importance and popularity, this city is second only to Yalta. For many years now, this resort annually welcomes all categories of tourists, giving them the opportunity to spend time in accordance with their age and interests, having fun, improving their health and learning new things. The moderately humid climate formed with the mixing of sea and steppe air currents creates optimal conditions for recreation throughout the entire holiday season from May to October. There are a lot of sunny days a year, and the air and water temperatures consistently remain at the same pleasant level. That is why in Alushta It is recommended to travel as a patient with many different diseases.

Other very important dignity of Alushta What encourages so many vacationers to choose it for their vacation is a very developed transport network. From here you can get to almost any place in Crimea: the large nearby cities of Yalta and Simferopol and small villages. Through Simferopol there is a railway connection with Krasnodar and the south of Russia, there is also a international airport. Of course, this is also very convenient for exploring the sights of Crimea, so those who love excursions simply cannot find a better place than Alushta. In the most Alushta There is also something to see: the Valley of Ghosts, geysers, caves, chains of waterfalls and rocks that delight with their beauty. The hotel and resort business in Alushta actively competes with affordable housing in the private sector, so vacationers always have the opportunity to choose.

Alushta beach strip is about six kilometers long. For the most part, they are covered with small and medium-sized pebbles or sometimes sand of a dark color and quite large size. All beaches are well equipped and completely safe even for small children. Resort life is constantly in full swing on the wide embankments of Alushta - this is where most of the cultural and entertainment establishments, restaurants and retail outlets are concentrated. And although there are always a lot of people here, even in the midst of summer there is no feeling of unpleasant crowding and everyone can freely indulge in relaxation exactly as they like.

Parthenite and Utes

At the feet of Ayu-Dag, at some distance from Alushta and Yalta, lies another prestigious resort of the South coast - the village of Partenit . This is the very edge of the Alushta region, next to Cape Plaka. Thousands of tourists come here to sunbathe and swim, attracted by the stunning climate of Southern Crimea. At this time, well-groomed pebbles and sandy beaches the villages are full of people, and various activities such as diving, surfing, boating and jet skiing are in high demand. Those who are not into such fun can find romantic solitude on wild beaches blue lagoons under Mount Ayu-Dag. In the village, restaurants and cafes await customers, trips around the surrounding area, supermarkets and a dolphinarium are offered, which is worth visiting with children.

Near Partenit located new resort called Cliff with the unique architecture of modern multi-storey hotels standing almost close to the shore. Cozy, secluded place without loud noise nightlife, promotes relaxation and relieves accumulated fatigue. Natural pebbles and artificial concrete beaches of Utes equipped with convenient entry into the sea. And, to the delight of history buffs, it is in this small village that you can see the ancient palaces of Prince Yusupov and Countess Gagarina framed by a magnificent park with southern tropical plants.

Urban settlement Gurzuf , a little east of Yalta near the famous Ayu-Dag mountain, also known as “Bear Mountain”, has long gained fame as one of the most best resorts peninsula of Crimea. Wonderful Mediterranean climate with warm but not too hot on sunny days, lush and varied vegetation on picturesque mountain slopes, swimming season from June to October, a huge park with shady groves, fountains and sculptures - this is the “calling card”. Along the transparent clean sea There are paid and free pebble beaches with stones of different sizes. Most of the paid ones belong to sanatoriums and boarding houses, while city and municipal ones rent umbrellas, sun loungers, and showers. There are beach cafes here and there. In season, as elsewhere on the South Coast, there is very little free space on public beaches. Therefore, many tourists prefer to take a boat to the more deserted coastline at the foot of Ayu-Dag, where they can swim and sunbathe in the open air.

Almost the entire embankment in Gurzuf. Private housing is rented in two main urban areas - old and new. Here it’s up to you to decide which type of placement is most suitable for your purposes. In the village, in addition to traditional types of attractions and entertainment on the water, tourists will be offered boat excursions to Yalta and Alupka, as well as famous castle Swallow's Nest is a tourist pearl of the Crimean coast.

Yalta is the most famous and fashionable resort in Southern Crimea , his tourist capital. The city is surrounded by a semi-ring of high mountains, descending into a bay with unusually beautiful scenery. The city is literally buried in tropical greenery, of which there is so much here that if you look from above, it seems as if buildings are scattered here and there among a continuous green carpet. In addition to the city itself, a territory stretches along more than seventy kilometers of the coast, which is commonly called Greater Yalta, which includes Gurzuf, Alupka and some other towns and villages. This must be remembered and always clarified when choosing a place to go on vacation.

If you want to choose a season when you are guaranteed the most favorable weather conditions in Yalta– it is better to go there during the so-called “velvet season”, because here the period suitable for swimming begins later than in other places, since the water takes longer to warm up. There are quite a few beaches in Yalta, but they are all mostly private and belong to sanatoriums, hotels and boarding houses. There are free beaches, but you still have to pay to rent a sun lounger. In addition, as a rule, due to the number of vacationers, at the beginning of the day there is not a single free place left to even lay out a towel. So if you want space and a clear sea, pay attention to the extensive coastal strip outside the city. But in relation to entertainment Yalta there is something to surprise your guests. There is a water park, a dolphinarium, a zoo and a botanical garden, a fantastic park-museum “Glade of Fairy Tales”, with sculptures of fairy-tale characters, which will not leave any child indifferent. During the summer season, famous acting troupes give performances and concerts at the local theater. Yalta has no shortage of all kinds of restaurants, cafes and shops where you can make all the necessary purchases. So if you expect more than just sunshine and sea bathing from your holiday in Crimea, then Yalta - resort just for you.


Charming Simeiz - a popular youth resort in the south of Crimea , which comfortably nestles at the foot of Mount Koshka on the territory of Greater Yalta. The bizarre relief of the Crimean mountains and rocks sticking out of the water give it a very special beauty. On foot travel around Simeiz quite difficult - it is an endless chain of descents and ascents, steep mountain paths and slopes overgrown with coniferous relict forests. But how much fun you can get during such walks and what amazing photographs you will get! The beach season at this resort, as throughout the South Coast, lasts until September. It is characterized by consistently hot summers with almost no precipitation with temperatures around 23-25 ​​degrees and well-warmed water.

The free pebble beaches of the village are crowded and therefore heavily polluted during the high season, but sanatoriums and hotels take very good care of their private beaches, cleaning and improving them. So it's better to pay to get into one of them than to endure the inconvenience. But in the secluded bays of Blue Bay you can not only dive into clear water from the rocks, but also scuba dive or just have a good swim without crowds and noise. There is also a water park with water slides, which is a kind of “highlight” that complements the usual range of Crimean beach fun provided to vacationers at almost every resort.


Talking about Forose, it should be noted that this is the most southern of all resort villages in Crimea. In addition to its developed infrastructure and subtropical Mediterranean climate, it is known for its clean, well-maintained pebble beaches. By the way, Foros has always been liked by actors and musicians for its picturesqueness, evoking romantic thoughts and stimulating inspiration. On both sides of the resort I limit two high mountains, and in the center the third high point creates the architectural dominant of the Foros Church - the main attraction of the village. A huge park with a delightful collection of rare plants and trees descends to the sea in three tiers. Not only tourists, but also the residents themselves willingly relax in its fabulous groves with ponds and lakes.

All city ​​beaches of Foros are available to vacationers for free, and the main one is cut up by countless coves with clear blue water and has a completely wild, unkempt appearance. However, this “uncivilization” only makes him even more beautiful. Near the shore in the water you can often see jellyfish, crabs and other marine life, which, as you know, usually appear only in very clean water. Private beaches of hotels, of course, are much better equipped - they have canopies, toilets, and bars. Prices for accommodation and entertainment in Foros are on average no higher than throughout the southern coast. Water activities, excursions and discos are very actively visited by vacationers, and if this is not enough, you can go to Yalta, where you certainly won’t be bored.


A unique corner of the Crimean coast, which represents Balaclava, is located in Balaklava Bay, one and a half kilometers long, one of the most beautiful in all of Crimea. Balaclava is a resort with a very ancient history , it was described by Homer in the poem “Odyssey”. Now this is an area of ​​Sevastopol, which has long been adapted for sailing. Here you can see many private yachts gliding along the always calm surface of the azure water. The huge Genoese fortress looms over the entrance to the bay, and schools of dolphins often swim to the shore - in a word, the place is absolutely fabulous. It is not surprising that there are so many tourists here, despite the fact that there are no beaches at all in Balaklava. But from here you will be taken by boat to the famous “Golden”, “Silver”, “Blizhny”, “Yashmovoy” and other beaches outside the resort. All along the way you will be able to admire the breathtaking panorama of the coast from the sea.

Until recently in Balaklava it was impossible to find any hotels or sanatoriums, because this city was completely non-tourist. But then several good holiday homes and small hotels with decent service were built, and private housing continues to be in demand. For entertainment, walking and water excursions to Cape Fiolent are organized, and “ To the Lost World", inspection of the Chembalo fortress and a visit to the Cold War Museum. After long and interesting trips, an excellent ending to the day will be dinner at one of the many fish restaurants on the embankment.
