Zheltikov Assumption Monastery. Zheltikov (zheltikov) in honor of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary monastery Tverskaya zheltikov monastery

The history of the famous Zheltikov Monastery is inextricably linked with its founder, the saint and miracle worker Arseny, the most famous Tver archpastor, glorified by God for his holy life with the gift of miracles and healings from relics after death.
Elected on August 15, 1390 to the episcopal see in Tver, four years later, at his own expense, not far from the city on the river. Tmaka was founded by Zheltikov monastery. On the western side the monastery was surrounded pine grove. In ancient times, this area was called Zheltikovo and was associated by historical legends with the events of reconciliation after the long enmity of the Tver appanage princes with the Moscow Prince Vasily Dmitrievich at the end of the 14th century. Located on the left bank of the Tmaka at the entrance to Tver from the Staritsa side, the monastery for many centuries played an important role in protecting the southwestern borders of the city from enemy attacks.
The first wooden church of the monastery was built in 1394 and consecrated in the name of Saints Anthony and Theodosius of the Pechersk - in memory of the time of Arseny, before his elevation to the rank of Archbishop of Tver in 1390, as a tonsure of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra. In 1404, a stone cathedral church in the name of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary was erected in the center of the monastery. In 1409, Bishop Arseny died and was buried in the monastery. After consecration in 1406, the temple was expanded in 1407. At the beginning of the 17th century, the monastery was destroyed by Polish-Lithuanian invaders. Many of its buildings were burned. Since the 16th century. The monastery gradually began to recover, and in 1637, by order of Prince. Mikhail Fedorovich and Patriarch Joasaph, the main cathedral was dismantled and rebuilt. In 1713-22. was rebuilt again by the support of Tver citizens Ivan Fedorovich Viktorov and Ivan Mikhailovich Vagin. Then it was updated under the empresses Elizaveta Petrovna in 1745, Catherine II in 1780 and then in 1848.
The cathedral stone church in the name of the Dormition of the Mother of God was built in 1722 and consecrated by His Grace Metropolitan of Tver and Kashin Sylvester. There were two thrones. The main one is in the name of the Dormition of the Mother of God. And the second is the chapel, on the right southern side in honor of the Savior Not Made by Hands and the saint and wonderworker Arseny, Bishop of Tver. In 1898, under him, all the icons in the main one and at the iconostasis pillars were rewritten in the ancient Greek style on a colorful background with the same marks with gilded signatures on them. In 1869, all the walls, vaults and arches in the temple and in the altar were decorated with holy images, and in 1899, all wall paintings and ornaments were updated, while the crowns of the capitals and the signatures under the images of saints were gilded with red gold leaf.
After Peter I visited the monastery on the occasion of the successful recovery of his son Alexei and in fulfillment of the vow made by the emperor, he built a single-altar stone church in the name of Alexei the man of God. On September 12, 1709, the Most Reverend Callist, Bishop of Tver and Kashinsky, consecrated this church.

In the same 1709, at the royal expense, a winter, stone, single-domed, single-altar church was built in the name of St. Anthony and Theodosius of the Pechersk wonderworkers. Under the church there was a brewery, a storeroom, a grain barn and a basement.
The lonely stone bell tower between the cathedral and the Alekseevskaya Church was built in 1709.

In one line along the southern side of the monastery, along the river. Tmaki, west of the church of St. Anthony and Theodosius there was a stone two-story building of fraternal quarters. Behind them is the refectory on the second floor, and below is the kitchen. To the east, in the same connection with the same church, a two-story stone building housed the sacristy and the abbot's chambers. They contained portraits of the Tver archpastors and abbots of the Zheltikov Monastery and two large icons painted on wood. On the lower floor there are fraternal cells. Inside the monastery, near the cathedral church, there was a small cemetery, and in the north of the monastery there was an orchard.
A special unique value of the Zheltikov Monastery was the shrine containing the relics of St. Arseny the Wonderworker, found in 1483, in the cathedral.
The territory of the monastery on three sides, except for the south, was fenced with a high stone wall covered gallery on top of the fence. There were semicircular towers on the northern and western corners of the fence. There were two entrances to the monastery. Through the main Holy Gate from the east and the Water Gate facing the river. Tmaka. The decoration of the Holy Gates were portals and above their overlap were two upcoming angels with a cross between them. In 1914, the Holy Gate was rebuilt. Behind the monastery fence there was a guest courtyard, six country houses, a farmyard, bathhouses, cellars, sheds for hay and firewood, a mill hut, and houses for watchmen. In 1902, a bridge across the Tmaka was built at the expense of the monastery.
After the closure of the monastery in 1919, the nationalization of its property, valuables, lands, the dispersal of the monks, on May 25, under the curse of the believers, a commission from the authorities uncovered the relics of St. Arseny. One can only guess about the goals and results of the commission’s work - take those ancient, primarily invaluable spiritual values ​​for believers and Russian jewelry craftsmanship as ordinary valuable metals - silver and gold. It is still unknown where the relics of St. Arseny are now. In the cemetery, tombstones were stolen, and some graves were desecrated.

Before the start of the war of 1941-45. Aircraft workshops were located on the territory of the monastery, and a store was set up in the cathedral. Basically, the monastery suffered during the retreat of our troops from Tver (then Kalinin) in October 1941. The residential building of the abbot, the Assumption Cathedral, and the church of St. were blown up. Anthony and Theodosius, the fence, the sacristy-chapel, the Alekseevskaya Church, and the Royal Palaces were blown up back in 1930. The entire old bell tower, and the upper two tiers of the new three-tier bell tower of 1914 were dismantled into bricks back in 1930. In the post-war period, a fuel and lubricants warehouse for a military unit was built on the territory of the monastery.
In 1945, the Zheltikov Monastery was removed from state protection. Nowadays the regional committee for the protection of historical cultural heritage formalizes the territories and remains of buildings of the Zheltikov Monastery taken under protection again.

B.N. Rothermel
“Tver Diocesan Gazette”, August 2003 (with minor changes)

(Photo No. 1 from the site Walking around old Tver.), other photos. from the publication Code of architectural monuments and monumental art of Russia / State. Institute of Art History Federal agency on culture and cinematography. - M.: Nauka, 1997 - . - (Code of monuments of history and culture of Russia). Tver region: at 6 p.m. Part 2 / [rep. ed. G.K. Smirnov]. - 2006.)

In 2011, with the blessing of Metropolitan Viktor of Tver and Kashinsky, the Malitsky Monastery was entrusted with the issue of transferring the lands of the Assumption Zheltikov Monastery to the Tver diocese and registering them as its own metochion.
In recent years, there has been an active confrontation between the church and the Ministry of Defense. As a result, the monastery began to be slowly but surely transferred to the dioceses.
Long legal proceedings led to the fact that in February 2015 Proletarsky district court decided: “Military unit No. 53956 should be demolished.” The court ordered the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation to cease the economic activities of the unit on the territory of the Assumption Zheltikov Monastery, which it had occupied there since the early 1930s. Before the start of the Great Patriotic War, aircraft workshops were located here, and a store was opened in the cathedral. In the post-war period, the unit was transferred to a fuel and lubricants warehouse, which it was before its last days.
This decision was not made by the court by chance. At the beginning of the last century, during times of religious persecution, the Red Army occupied a real monument of history and culture. The Assumption Zheltikov Monastery was one of the oldest on Tver land and enjoyed the special patronage of Peter I.
The monastery was founded in 1394, and its heyday occurred in the first quarter of the 18th century. What can be seen on its territory now is only a small fraction of its former greatness. About 80% of the buildings were destroyed and replaced by brick boxes used for storage purposes. Of the historical buildings, only the entrance lobby and the fraternal quarters remain here, which are already dying.
Already in 2015, by a court decision, the fuel and lubricants warehouse moved from the territory, and throughout 2016 it was checked for the remains of explosive objects. And so on May 14, 2017, archaeologists, led by Doctor of Art History Alexey Salimov, began work. The result was not long in coming: less than ten days had passed before a group of researchers came across the remains of the foundation and plinth of the white stone Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, founded here in 1404.
- This is the main cathedral of the Zheltikov Monastery. At the same time, the Nikolsky chapel, which was built at the same time, in 1404, and the western porch of this temple were found. We could not find the southern half of the complex, because it was all selected in the post-war period, that is, destroyed,” he said short excursion into history for Tverigrad.ru Alexey Salimov.
“But even what we found is already enough to call the find unique. Now we have a fairly complete understanding of the first stone church of the Zheltikov Monastery, which, in my opinion, due to a number of structural elements, fits well into the Balkan tradition of temple construction,” emphasized the archaeologist with 35 years of experience.
The doctor of art history also noted that the people who built this temple were creative and, in modern terms, creative. In his opinion, the architects were able to realize all their skills and professionalism here, because this temple, in its architecture, falls out of the context of the architecture of the Tver land in the 14th - 15th centuries.

In science there are two versions. One says that Russian architecture of the first half of the 15th century lives under the influence of Balkan architecture, and the other says that everything developed in parallel. The second point of view is closer to me. “I think that Tver architecture was a pioneer in the development of a whole range of architectural forms,” Alexey Salimov described the features of construction in those years.
Archaeologists have already been able to restore the appearance of the temple and some of its design features. It was small, about 9 by 10 meters, single-domed, single-apsed (a semicircular lower projection of the building adjacent to the main volume - Ed.), and it had a very complex system of supports. True, the temple was rebuilt very often. In 1637, it was remodeled by order of Prince Mikhail Fedorovich and Patriarch Joasaph: then the cathedral was dismantled and rebuilt. In 1713 - 1722 it was rebuilt again. Then it was updated under the empresses Elizaveta Petrovna in 1745, Catherine II in 1780 and then in 1848. By the beginning of the 20th century, it was already a completely different structure, considerably increased in size.
In addition to the foundation of the temple, archaeologists discovered tombstones next to it - evidence that there were burials on the territory. True, it is now difficult to establish their place. During the creation of a fuel and lubricants warehouse here, most historical heritage was destroyed, and tombstones and white stone from the buildings, mined more than five centuries ago near Staritsa, were scattered throughout the area. However, we can safely say that the tombstones date back to the 14th - 15th centuries.
On May 26, archaeologists stopped work and are mothballing the excavations. But the story of the monastery’s revival does not end there.
In 2013, by decision of the governor of the Tver region, whose post was then held by Andrei Shevelev, the Assumption Zheltikov Monastery was included in the Unified State Register of Objects of Cultural Heritage of the Peoples of the Russian Federation as an object of regional significance, and soon there was talk of its restoration. Now words have begun to turn into action. Alexey Salimov expressed the hope that the found foundation of the temple would not be buried under a new building, but would be included as part of the museum exhibition.
- I hope that the ancient cathedral, or rather its remains, will be included in the new building. That is, they will not be used as supporting elements, but these remains will become part of the interior of the new temple - the Assumption Cathedral of the Zheltikov Monastery,” the archaeologist finally shared his thoughts.
On August 21, 2017, on the territory of the Zheltikov Monastery (metochion of the Nikolaevsky Malitsky Monastery) in Tver, Metropolitan Victor of Tver and Kashinsky performed the laying of the Assumption Cathedral. Concelebrating with Vladyka Victor was the rector of the Nikolo-Malitsky monastery, hegumen Boris (Tulupov) with the brethren and clergy of the Resurrection cathedral. The first stone was laid in the revival of one of the most ancient monasteries of the Tver land, founded in 1394 by Saint Arseny, Bishop of Tver, miracle worker.

was in the vol. Suzemye of the Tver Principality, from the 15th century. Tverskoy u., from the 2nd floor. XVIII century until the 1st third of the 20th century - Tverskoy district. Tver province, 4 versts from the city of Tver, on the left bank of the river. Tmaka.

Founded in an area called Zheltikovo (Zholtikovo), in 1394 by St. Arseny, bishop Tverskoy, who, according to the Rogozhsky chronicler, “in the summer of 6902... built a church on the river on Tmatsa in the name of the saints Father Theodosius and Anthony and the co-monastery” (PSRL. 1922. T. 15. Part 1. Stb. 164 ). In the later Nikon Chronicle, this text is given after the article dated May 6, 6902 (PSRL. 1897. T. 11. P. 156). Therefore, the updated date of the consecration of the temple and the foundation of the monastery should be considered May 3, 6902, the day of the celebration of the repose of St. Theodosius of Kiev-Pechersk (see: Loseva O.V. Russian monthly books of the 11th-14th centuries. M., 2001. P. 330). From the beginning XV century The stone church erected in the residential area becomes a cathedral. in honor of the Dormition of the Most Rev. Mother of God, probably from that time on the monastery began to be called Assumption. In a later source, the Life of St. Arsenia, bishop Tverskoy (the earliest lists date back to the late 16th century), the details of the story about the creation of the monastery do not coincide with the chronicle data. The hagiographic tradition assumes simultaneous construction in the end. XIV century stone Assumption Church, wooden churches. in the name of Saints Anthony and Theodosius of the Kiev-Pechersk and cells (for more details, see: Konyavskaya E.L. Essays on the history of Tver literature of the XIV-XV centuries. M., 2007. P. 323-325).

According to the states in 1764, housing m. was assigned to the 3rd class, from February 29. 1836 - second class. In 1724 - Dec. In 1728, the Sherensky (Shirinsky) Annunciation Monastery of the Kashinsky district was assigned to the monastery. March 2, 1909 by decree of the Holy Synod of November 15. In 1908, the 500th anniversary of the repose of St. was celebrated in Zh. Arsenia.

Abbots and brethren, distinguished visitors

Since the founding of the J. m. it has been governed by abbots. According to legend, the monk of J. M. was St. Savva Vishersky. OK. 1435 The abbot was consecrated as Bishop of Tver. Elijah. In 1566 (after the miracle of healing of the fisherman Terenty in the J. m. at the tomb of St. Arseny) by order of Tsar John IV Vasilyevich and with the blessing of Metropolitan. Moscow and All Rus' Athanasius, the abbot of the monastery, was elevated to the rank of archimandrite. In 1759-1760 Archimandrite J.M. was St. Tikhon Zadonsky. 18 Feb In 1767, the future archbishop took monastic vows. Yaroslavsky and Rostov Arseny (Vereshchagin). In 1836-1838 and in 1867-1873. The monastery was ruled by the Staritsky bishops, vicars of the Tver diocese, from November 29. 1876 ​​- retired former Ep. Sumsky Gennady (Levitsky), from May 1891 - again archimandrites, from March 26, 1905 - former. Ep. Sukhumi Arseny (Izotov), ​​who died in 1909 and was buried in the monastery cathedral. Since May 21, 1909, the rector of the Zh. m. was the former. Rector of Tver DS Archimandrite Anthony, from November 22 1911 - ex. Ep. Omsk Gabriel (Voices), from September 23. 1916 to February 17 1918 - ex. Ep. Astrakhan Filaret (Nikolsky).

In 1615, in the Zh. m. devastated by the Poles, only archimandrite remained. Joseph, in 1685, an archimandrite, a treasurer, 2 black priests, 9 “brothers”, sextons lived in the monastery; servants (cowshed, groom, sexton and solicitor, at the bakery - 3 workers); in 1702 - archimandrite, cellarer, treasurer, 3 black priests, black deacon, 2 “kryloshanin”, 8 elders, monk; outside the monastery - servants (a cattleman, 2 grooms, a cook, a watchmaker, a sexton, etc.); in 1737 - archimandrite, 5 hieromonks, 2 hierodeacons, 18 monks; servants (solicitor, 3 grooms, cook, baker, carpenter, etc.); in 1764 - archimandrite, 8 hieromonks, 6 hierodeacons, 4 monks, white priest, psalm-reader and sexton, as well as 26 ministers (2 bell-ringers, 4 servants, solicitor, stoker, stove-maker, 2 cooks, etc.); in 1801 - archimandrite, 5 hieromonks (including confessor and treasurer), hierodeacon, 2 monks, 7 novices; in 1829 - 6 hieromonks (including treasurer, sacristan and assistant sacristan), 3 hierodeacons, monk, widowed priest, deacon, 2 novices; in 1901 - archimandrite, 9 monks and 12 novices. In 1917, the monastery was supposed to have 17 monks; in reality, the monastery consisted of a rector (a retired bishop), a treasurer, 7 hieromonks, 3 hierodeacons, a monk, and 5 novices on probation.

In 1654, the monastery was visited by Patriarch Nikon of Moscow and All Rus', on September. 1656 - Patriarch Macarius of Antioch, January 11 1745 - imp. Elizaveta Petrovna.


Since 1404, the Zh. m. was built and on August 30. 1405 was consecrated by St. Arseny stone 4-pillar 3-apse Cathedral in honor of the Dormition of the Most Holy. Mother of God with symmetrical side churches in the name of the Image of the Savior Not Made by Hands and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Under 1407, the Nikon Chronicle reports that St. Arseny “added a vestibule from the Tmaka River to the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos on Zheltikov” (PSRL. T. 11. P. 202).

The temple was seriously damaged in 1606/07; in the patrol book of 1615 it was indicated that the cathedral “stands without singing, devastated by the Lithuanian people” (RGADA. F. 1209. Op. 1. No. 467. L. 69 vol.). The same document mentions a wooden c. in honor of the Dormition of the Most Rev. The Virgin Mary with the Table: Apparently, we are talking about the use of a newly built or reconsecrated wooden church as a cathedral. in the name of Saints Anthony and Theodosius. Architectural features The Assumption Church is known from the description of the surveyor of the new church, Ivan Neverov, compiled in July-Aug. 1635: “The stone temple of the Dormition of the Most Pure Mother of God, and on the right side is the chapel of the Not Made by Hands Image of the Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ, on the left side is the chapel of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. The measure inside the church in the sanctuary from the high place to the royal doors is half a third of a fathom, from the royal doors to the front doors is 5 fathoms, across the sanctuary is 2 fathoms. In the same church, the altar is a fathom and a quarter across, across a fathom without a quarter, and the sacristy is the same. In the altar there are 4 fathoms up, the vaults are half a fathom. And across the church and from the aisle there are half 9 fathoms. And all around there are churches and with a border measuring 36 fathoms. And in the church, having entered on the right side, the great miracle worker Arseny rests, and on the left side, Bishop Nile of Tver rests” (Sheremetev. 1899. P. 14). According to the estimate, the walls of the temple were built “in one stone, and it was built with wild stones... and the connections of that church were wooden” (A. S. Uvarov, stone apprentice // Aka. Collection of small works. M. , 1910. T. 1. P. 384). Documents from the 30s XVII century They also indicate that the vaults of the cathedral were only partially preserved above the altar; the collapsed stones lay unremoved until the 2nd floor. 30s XVII century To venerate the relics of St. Arseny, a wooden chapel was built inside the cathedral.

In 1635-1639. After finding the necessary funds and building materials, the ruins were dismantled “down to the ground” and construction began on a new cathedral “in eternal remembrance” for Patriarch Filaret (Romanov). During these years, the relics of the saint were temporarily in the church. in the name of Saints Anthony and Theodosius. By 1654, the new Assumption Cathedral was built; on July 2, 1655, it was consecrated by the Tver Archbishop. Lavrentiy. The forms of the cathedral probably largely repeated the forms of the old church, on the foundation of which it was erected. According to the inventory of 1702, the church was “white stone, with a wooden dome, covered with scales, a wooden cross, upholstered with white iron” (Ibid. F. 237. Op. 1. No. 46. L. 665). The right chapel in the name of St. had the same completion. Arseny Tverskoy. In the main space of the temple there was a 2-tier iconostasis, in the chapel there was a 5-tier iconostasis. The left aisle in the name of the Image of the Savior Not Made by Hands looked more modest, where there were dilapidated royal doors and the only local image of “The King by the King”; most of the aisle was occupied by the sacristy.

In con. XVII-XVIII centuries the entire complex of residential buildings was rebuilt in stone. In 1713-1722 at the expense of Tver residents I.F. Viktorov and I.M. Vagin, a new monumental 5-domed Assumption Cathedral with a cubic 2-light volume and a 3-part apse was erected; a chapel in the name of St. has been preserved. Arseny Tverskoy. The small drums of the heads were faceted, the side heads were noticeably closer to the central one. A rare feature of the internal structure were 2 round white stone pillars, on which the vaults and the central drum rested. Thus, the temple belonged to the type of pillar cathedrals, built in the traditions of pre-Petrine architecture, which was already going out of fashion at that time.

In 1745 in the north. on the side of the Assumption Cathedral, a stone tent was built at the expense of the treasury (in memory of the visit of J. m. by Emperor Elizaveta Petrovna on January 11, 1745), where after. there was a sacristy. In 1780, the main volume of the cathedral was painted, a carved gilded iconostasis with new icons was installed (except for the local row); in 1869 painting, iconostasis and canopy over the relics of St. Arseny were updated, then restored again in 1898-1899. A chapel with a throne in the name of the First Hour. Stephen's has been located in the sacristy since 1899.

The next stone structure after the cathedral was the J. m. c. in the name of Saints Anthony and Theodosius of Kiev-Pechersk, built on the site of the refectory wooden church of the same name, the area was mentioned even at the founding of the monastery in 1394. In the beginning. In the 17th century, after the destruction of the cathedral, it was apparently temporarily reconsecrated in honor of the Assumption and served as the main church of the monastery. In the scribe book of 1627-1628. The wooden church “dumplings” in the name of Saints Anthony and Theodosius is again listed. By 1685, a new wooden tent church of the same name had already been erected in the monastery. The stone one-domed warm church with a refectory on the basement was built between 1685 and 1702. to the south parts of the monastery, along the river bank. Tmaka. By 1764, there was a dome covered with tiles above the refectory. Adjacent to the temple was a stone porch with a staircase, and a gate was built under the porch. The premises under the refectory were used for a brewery and storerooms, in the 2nd floor. XVIII century - for a cookhouse, “another bakery chamber” and a cellar. Brotherhood cells were attached to the temple. The church had a 2-tier iconostasis, many. whose icons had become dilapidated by 1702. In the church, renovated in the summer of 1838, a new carved gilded iconostasis with local Greek icons was installed. letters; Obviously, it is he who is mentioned in the monastery's statements at the beginning. XX century

In 1700-1709. at the expense of inspector I.F. Viktorov from the east, west. and sowing On the sides of the monastery a stone fence was built, replacing the “pillars with a fence” and wooden St. gates. The fence had corner semicircular towers and a covered gallery, St. gate to the southeast. The corner of the fence was decorated with forthcoming figures of angels with crosses. With funds from the same investor on St. the gate was built and 12 September. 1709 consecrated by the Bishop of Tver. Callist (Poborsky) single-headed c. in the name of St. Alexy, man of God. Church tradition of the 19th century. mistakenly associated the construction of this temple with the name of the emperor. Peter I. The large building was one of the first churches of the octagon-on-quadruple type on Tver land and a rare example of a gate church of this type. The facades had a rich white stone decor of the Naryshkin style. Adjoining the church were 2-storey chambers (3 rooms with a vestibule above, a storage room below), built, according to legend, for Tsarevich Alexei Petrovich, who could only live in them for a short time, actually being under arrest in the spring of 1718, after forced returning from abroad. The original decoration and liturgical objects of the temple were also purchased with funds from the investor Viktorov. In 1849, the walls of the temple were painted with frescoes. To the beginning XX century in the temple there was a 4-tier carved gilded iconostasis, to the right of the royal doors there was a local image of the Savior with the upcoming St. Arseny and St. blgv. book Mikhail Tverskoy, on the left is the local Kiev-Pechersk image of the Mother of God, as well as the revered icon of St. Alexy, the man of God, “Greek letter” in a silver robe (contribution from 1843 by the widow of the actual state councilor A. M. Poltoratsky, buried in Zh. m.). By 1917, the Alexievsky Church housed a library and cells on the lower floor.

According to descriptions from 1685 and 1702, in the Zh. m. there was a wooden “cut osmerik” hipped bell tower with 8 bells. No later than 1713 between Alexievskaya Ts. and the Assumption Cathedral, at the expense of the investor Viktorov, erected a stone hipped bell tower. Inside the bell tower there was an “iron Russian” clock. In July-Aug. In 1803, the rotten plank roof of the bell tower was replaced with an iron one; in 1897, the bell tower was repaired again. In 1833-1834. on the east line fences (between the chambers of Tsarevich Alexei and the abbot's cells) new St. gate in the Empire style, on the site of which in 1912-1914. according to the project of architect. A.P. Fedorov built a gate bell tower. All 3 tiers of the bell tower (travel and 2 tiers of bells) were cubic: the lower one with slightly pyramidal outlines, the upper one with cut corners; the bell tower ended with a small poppy dome. Interesting details of the lower tier that have survived to this day are a semicircular protrusion from the south, reminiscent of an apse, as well as an arched-columnar belt under the cornice. Since that time, the old bell tower has not been used, but has been preserved as an architectural monument.

From cells and outbuildings in 1685, in the housing estate there were wooden cells, an archimandrite's room, a government room, a living room, 5 brethren's cells, a sexton's cell, a bakery, a stable yard with a hut; next to the monastery there is a farmyard with huts, the courtyards of the sexton and the solicitor. In the 1st half. XVIII century from the east in line with the refectory c. In the name of Saints Anthony and Theodosius, stone abbot's chambers were built, at the end. XVIII century from the west, a fraternal building was erected in modest classicist forms (preserved). Together with the church, these structures formed a continuous façade of the residential area from the Tmaka side. According to the 1917 statement, behind the fence of the residential complex there was a guest yard, 6 houses, a farmyard, bathhouses, sheds, cellars, and a mill hut.

Documents about financial situation Fine art in the XIV-XV centuries. not preserved. Probably, the monastery received monetary, in-kind, and possibly land contributions. K ser. XVI century Zh. m. had minor holdings in Tverskoy district. The largest was located in close proximity to the monastery, in Vol. Suzemye consisted of a village, 3 settlements, a graveyard with villages and repairs. In Vol. Volovichi Zh. M. owned a village, 22 villages, 2 repairs. The origin of both estates is unknown. In Vol. Kava, at the expense of the Tver rulers, bought 3 villages for Zh. m. Circumstances of admission to the monastery. Tredubye with the wastelands of Staritsky district. also not installed.

The original of the charter of Tsar Mikhail Feodorovich in 1623 for all monastic estates, issued to J. m. in connection with the destruction of the archive in the Time of Troubles (RGADA. F. 248), has been preserved. According to census books, 2nd half. XVII century, the monastery was registered in 1653-1661. 40 households, in 1678 - 47 households, in 1700 - 52 households. In the Tver Kremlin, Mon-Rue belonged to a courtyard.

During the period of secularization reforms of Tsar Peter I in 1701-1705. The land holdings of the monastery were not confiscated, but all income from them began to flow to the Monastery Prikaz. From 30 Dec. 1701, instead of this money, each monk, including the archimandrite, was paid a single fixed monetary and grain allowance in the amount “without which, due to need itself, it is impossible to live.” During the period of partial secularization of land holdings in 1705-1720, probably due to the insignificance of the income received, the right to collect them was again transferred to the monastery. In 1744, there were 534 peasants in Mont-Rem. Zh. m.'s ownership rights to the estates were confirmed in the charter of the emperor. Elizaveta Petrovna dated December 5th. 1744. The document was written on parchment and decorated with drawings, the sheets were bound with “dark azure damask”, the binding was also lined with damask “with different stripes and on it white herbs with roots”, fastened with silk-silver cords, a red wax seal was enclosed in a silver case (GA Tver region F. 192. Op. 1. No. 4). According to the officer's inventory of 1764, in the 1st half. XVIII century The monks did not receive either grain or cash wages, being content with a common meal and small cash payments resulting from the division of income from services and circle collections. Servants received 1 ruble. and 6 quarters. bread a year. Retired officers and soldiers (5 people) living in the monastery were entitled to 44 rubles per year. 30 kopecks, 15 quarters flour, 7, 5 quarters. croup

In the 1st half. XIX century Zh.'s regular payment was 701 rubles. 39 k. silver. In the beginning XX century for the maintenance of the rector, brethren and full-time ministers, 1192 rubles were allocated annually from the Tver district treasury. 19 k. Information about Mon-Rem's receipt of income in the form of interest on capital was first recorded in a ticket of the Moscow Treasury, issued in 1800 by the daughter of Lieutenant Colonel N.I. Shishkova, who deposited 500 rubles into the treasury. banknotes with the condition of paying Zh. m. 25 rubles. annually. In 1917, non-salary income amounted to 5129 rubles. 72 k., interest on securities 3364 rub. 87 k. In the possessions of J. m. there were 55 dessiatines in the vicinity of the monastery. 692 soot. land transferred by the College of Economy in 1776: including 27 des. 740 soot. arable land, 12 dec. 522 soot haymaking, 980 fathoms. garden land, 7 des. 1550 soot. wood timber, 3 des. 1020 soot on the river Tmaka, “under the nameless stream and ponds.” The monastery itself occupied 1 des. 1520 fathoms, hotel and stable yard - 1 des. 840 soot Mont-Rue also belonged to: from 1797 - Lake Lipenskoye. at c. Astraganets from 17 dec. 731 soot. land; wasteland Tukolovo (30 dess. 1288 fathoms), Krasny Bor (75 dessiatinas 1240 fathoms), Dityatevo (28 dessiatines), Chernitsyno (43 dessiatinas 433 fathoms), Tsybakino (14 dessiatinas 1954 fathoms), Poryadino and Avdotkino (28 des. 1680 fathoms). The monastery had a flour mill on the river. Tmaka.

Features of worship

With the blessing of Patriarch Nikon of Moscow and the letter of Archbishop. Tverskoy and Kashinsky Lavrenty from January 12. 1656 rector J. m. archim. Arseny received the right to serve “in a bishop’s hat”, with a club, a legguard, a “hand staff” and “to be the fourth archimandrite” in Tver (Description. 1908. pp. 21-23).

To the beginning XX century in Zh. m. the days of the repose of St. were especially honored. Arseny Tverskoy (March 2), celebration of the Image of the Savior Not Made by Hands (August 16), memory of the Dormition of the Most Holy. Mother of God (Aug. 15), in memory of St. Alexy, man of God (March 17), Saints Theodosius (May 3) and Anthony (July 10) of Kiev-Pechersk.

He led one-time religious processions from Tver to Zh. M. at the opening of the relics of St. Arseny in 1483 bishop. Vassian (Strigin-Obolensky), on the occasion of the miracle of the resurrection of the fisherman Terenty at the shrine of St. Arseny in 1556 - bishop. Akakiy. In 1655, Patriarch Nikon established an annual religious procession in connection with the transfer of the relics of St. Arsenia from c. in the name of the Venerables Anthony and Theodosius to the Assumption Cathedral and their position in the shrine of Metropolitan. Moscow St. Philip (Kolycheva). From this year on the first Sunday after the feast of St. Apostles Peter and Paul carried out a “holy walk” with banners and crosses from all the churches of Tver to the monastery.


Found in 1483 on the initiative of Bishop. Tver Vassian stone coffin with the incorruptible relics of St. Arseny was placed in the chapel of the Image of the Savior Not Made by Hands in the Assumption Church. According to legend, this coffin was hollowed out by the saint. On March 2, 1654, Patriarch Nikon, on his way from the Valdai Svyatoozersk monastery in honor of the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God, visited J. m., examined the incorrupt relics of the saint and blessed their re-dressing in a new mantle, schema and omophorion. In 1655, Patriarch Nikon, at the request of the Tver Archbishop. Lawrence sent to Zh. M. a wooden shrine in which the relics of St. were transported from the Solovetsky Monastery in honor of the Transfiguration of the Lord to Moscow. Philippa. On July 2, 1655, the relics were transferred from the center. in the name of Saints Anthony and Theodosius, where they temporarily stayed since 1637, in the Assumption Cathedral of the monastery and were placed in a shrine sent by Patriarch Nikon. The old stone coffin remained in the c. in the name of Saints Anthony and Theodosius of Kiev-Pechersk. The relics were transferred to the center for the second time. in the name of Saints Anthony and Theodosius during the construction of the new cathedral in 1713-1722, then returned to the temple. In 1734, under Archimandrite. Meletii, the relics were transferred to a new silver shrine built at the expense of the Tver residents (the wooden shrine was transferred to Otroch in honor of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary monastery). In 1784, at the expense of the merchants I. and M. Yankovsky, V. Volchaninov, a new cypress shack covered with gilded silver was built. On the shrine there were 8 chased pellets, which depict events from the life and posthumous miracles of the saint. On July 19, 1830, according to the inscription, “the silver placed on the holy shrine was gilded” at the expense of Tver merchants A. M. Konyaev, P. G. Korovin and others. The canopy over the shrine was gilded in 1876. In 1884, at the expense of Generals Yu. V. Smirnova, who was healed through prayers to the saint, made a cypress lid for the shrine, lined with silver gilded boards. On the front side of the lid there is a relief life-size image of St. Arsenia. In 1912, the cancer was restored with funds from an anonymous St. Petersburg benefactor.

According to the descriptions, the “internal schema” that covered the relics of St. Arseny, in 1782, “another schema or, more correctly, a large paramant or air made of black velvet” was laid, decorated with pearls, diamonds, and an image of the Savior Not Made by Hands, made of enamel.

At the relics were those that, according to legend, belonged to St. Arseny silver gilded panagia of the 15th century. (?), which after 1922 was kept in the Kalinin Museum of Local Lore (Popov, Ryndina. 1979. pp. 556-557; by 2008 location unknown), small omophorion made of white silk (“patterned damask”), air, A 4-pointed cross (“knitted from gold and silk”), found in a coffin during the discovery of the relics, in a glass case - the so-called. the staff of St. Arseny, made of mahogany, with a silver crown and ivory “horns”. According to the embossed inscription on the crown, the staff was “renewed” with the blessing of the archbishop. Tver Joasaph (Zabolotsky) at the expense of the merchant of the 1st guild K. D. Svyatogorov. Next to the shrine in the icon case, the revered miraculous covering for the tomb of St. was kept behind glass. Arseny, made, according to the inscription on it, in 1600 by abbot. Moscow in the name of St. Alexy, man of God, monastery of Feognia (Ognev). To the beginning XX century During prayers to the saint, the veil was placed on those praying.

In c. In the name of Saints Anthony and Theodosius, a coffin made of white stone was kept, hollowed out, according to legend, by St. Arseny.

In the Assumption Church there was a life-size icon of St. Arseny, according to legend, written at the discovery of the relics in 1483 and decorated with a silver gilded chasuble in 1701. The painting “The Assumption of the Mother of God into Heaven” and a portrait of Bishop of Tver were kept in the J. m. Arseny (Vereshchagin), transferred by him in 1786 (see: GA of the Yaroslavl region. F. “Collection of manuscripts.” Op. 1. D. 298 (171): Diary of Archbishop Arseny (Vereshchagin). 1786-1790. L. 1).

The monastery owned valuable items of utensils: chased silver “clothes” (weighing 2 pounds 33 pounds) (1799) for the throne of the Assumption Church; silver gilded lamp at the relics of St. Arsenia - contribution of 1691 by V. G. Volkov for the commemoration of relatives; miters, decorated with gold and silver glazes, pearls, emeralds, corals, turquoise, amethysts, garnets (1848, 1850), etc. In 1894, workers of the Tver Morozov manufactory donated a silver chalice, paten, star, spoon and spear.

The most valuable in book collection J. m. were a manuscript with the canon and stichera of St. Arseny, written in 1488 with the blessing of Bishop. Vassian by the monk Theodosius; The Gospel (“in four”, with the image of 4 evangelists, made with dry paints), donated in 1553 by G. F. Pogodaev for the memorial of his parents; a collection of teachings “from the Holy Gospel and from many Divine Scriptures,” rewritten in 1530 by the “conception and structure” of the abbot. Sergius; manuscript with Life, 2 services, words of praise and prayer of St. Arseny, rewritten in 1665 in Moscow; a collection of services to the Dormition of the Most Holy One granted to the J.M. in 1709. Mother of God, St. Arseny, Saints Peter, Alexy and Jonah of Moscow, St. John Chrysostom, as well as with the Life, words of praise and prayer of St. Arseny; collection with services and Lives of various saints (1st half of the 18th century). The handwritten Jerusalem Charter of 1438 from J. m. has been preserved (GIM. Synod.).

From the old printed books, 2 altar Gospels are known, published in the Vilna fraternal printing house and granted to the Jewish Museum by Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich; Apostle (1634), “The Eye of the Church” (1641), “Paterikon, or Fatherland, Pechersk” (Kievo-Pechersk Lavra, 1661) (by 2008, some of them were in the TGOM). Rector J. M. Archim. Alexander (Ushmarsky) compiled a “Brief Chronicle of the Monastery of St. Father Savva, who lived above the Vishera River, the Novgorod miracle worker, with the addition of ancient royal letters and others given to this monastery" (St. Petersburg, 1806); rector J. m. archim. Plato (Kazansky) compiled a “Historical and statistical description of the Tver Dormition Zheltikov Monastery, with the addition of the life of the holy founder Onago, St. Arsenia, bishop Tverskogo" (1852).


Bishop was buried in the Assumption Cathedral. Tverskoy Nile († Peter (Zverev). By 1920, the treasurer of the Sschmch lived in Zh. Innocent (Bede), 9 hieromonks, 5 hierodeacons, 5 monks, white priest. John of Petropavlovsk. In Aug. 1920 Archimandrite became rector. John, in 1922 the bishop again lived in the monastery. Staritsky Peter (Zverev).

According to the resolution of the Tver City Executive Committee dated April 28. and the City Council from April 30. 1919 On May 25 of the same year, the relics of St. were opened. Arseny and it was discovered that the relics were re-veiled in 1918 in full bishop's vestments of gold brocade, donated by the former. archbishop Astrakhan Philaret. On the silk cassock there was an inscription about the transposition of the relics on February 8. 1919 in a new coffin for the ruler of the Tver diocese, Bishop. Seraphim (Alexandrov) and Bishop. Balakhninsky Peter (Zverev). According to the autopsy report, most of the relics of the saint were “covered with mummified remains of skin and muscles.” The cancer and relics were left in the Assumption Cathedral until the end. May 1919 exhibited for the worship of believers. Several have survived. acts signed by the residents of Tver, which condemned the blasphemous opening of the relics of St. blgv. book Mikhail Tverskoy and St. Arsenia. The location of the relics by 2008 is unknown.

In 1922, church valuables were confiscated from the temples and sacristy of the monastery. In the spring of 1923, the housing estate was closed; by the summer of the same year, a labor artel was registered there. By 1929, the Zh. m. also housed an orphanage. By decision of the Tver Provincial Executive Committee of June 10, 1929, the Assumption and Aleksievsky churches, which were used later, were closed. for a granary; Church property was confiscated and stolen. The cemetery was devastated, tombstones were stolen, and some graves were desecrated. In 1930, the so-called. the chambers of Tsarevich Alexei, the old bell tower, the 2 upper tiers of the bell tower were dismantled into bricks in 1914. In March 1931, local authorities received permission from the Main Science Department to dismantle the Alexievskaya Church. Until the beginning During the war of 1941, aircraft workshops were located on the territory of the monastery, and a store was located in the cathedral. In Oct. 1941, during the retreat of the Red Army from Kalinin (Tver), the monastery was damaged, the Assumption Cathedral, c. in the name of Saints Anthony and Theodosius, abbot's building, fence. In 1945, J. M. was removed from state protection, and a fuel and lubricants warehouse for a military unit was built on the territory of the monastery.

By 2008, the remains of the 2-story fraternal building and the lower tier of the gate bell tower from 1914 with the arch of St. gate The regional committee for the protection of historical and cultural heritage draws up documents for the protection of the territory and surviving buildings of the monastery.

Arch.: RGADA. F. 237. Op. 1. No. 46; F. 1209. Op. 1. No. 467. L. 69 volume - 70 volume; No. 469. L. 2 volumes - 3 volumes; 873. No. 123-135 vol.; GA Tver region. F. 192: Zheltikov Monastery; F. 466. Op. 1. D. 86824; Tsukerman V. Sat. information about the construction of various buildings and structures in the city. Kalinin (Tver). Kalinin, 1976. Part 1: Pre-October period. L. 28, 53 // GA Tver region.

Lit.: Plato (Kazansky), archimandrite. East. and stat. description of the Tver Assumption Zheltikov Monastery. Tver, 1852; Zhiznevsky A.K. The campaign was led. sovereign saint Nikon, Patriarch of Moscow... in 1656 to Tver, Vyazma and the Iveron Monastery. Tver, 1889; Sheremetev S. D. Zheltikovsky Monastery in Tver. M., 1899; Tver diocesan stat. Sat. / Ed.: I. Dobrovolsky. Tver, 1901. P. 603; Description 2-cl. Tver Assumption Zheltikov Monastery. Tver, 1908; Voronin N. N. Architecture North-East. Rus' XII-XV centuries. M., 1962. T. 2. P. 397-398; Vodarsky Ya. E. Church. organizations and their serfs in the 2nd half. XVII - early XVIII century // East. geography of Russia XII - early. XX century: Sat. Art. M., 1975. P. 92; Popov G. V., Ryndina A. V. Painting and applied art of Tver XIV-XVI centuries. M., 1979. S. 97, 556-557; Architectural monuments of the Tver region: Cat. Tver, 2000. Book. 1: Tver. pp. 234-235; SPAMIR: Tver region. M., 2002. Part 1. P. 17, 40, 162, 548-552; Gadalova G. S., Perelevskaya E. V., Tsvetkova T. V. Cyrillic editions in the repositories of the Tver land: (XVI century - 1725). Cat. Tver, 2002. S. 109, 122-123, 129-130, 213; Roteriel B.N. The disappeared shrine of the Zheltikov Assumption Monastery // Tver EV. 2003. No. 8. P. 29-35.

A. V. Mashtafarov

Zheltikov Monastery- destroyed in Soviet era Orthodox monastery near Tver, one of the most significant religious and cultural centers of the medieval Tver Principality.


The Assumption Zheltikov Monastery was one of the oldest on Tver land. It was founded in 1394, during the reign of Mikhail Alexandrovich, by Bishop Arseny. On the western side the monastery was surrounded by a pine grove. This area in ancient times was called Zheltikovo and was associated by historical legends with the events of reconciliation after the long enmity of the Tver appanage princes with the Moscow Prince Vasily Dmitrievich at the end of the 14th century. Located on the left bank of the Tmaka at the entrance to Tver from the Staritsa side, the monastery for many centuries played an important role in protecting the southwestern borders of the city from enemy attacks. The first wooden church of the monastery was built in 1394 and consecrated in the name of Saints Anthony and Theodosius of the Pechersk - in memory of Arseny's tenure, before his elevation to the rank of Archbishop of Tver in 1390, a tonsure of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. In 1404, a stone cathedral church in the name of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary was erected in the center of the monastery. In 1409, Bishop Arseny died and was buried in the monastery.

The heyday of the monastery, which enjoyed the special patronage of Peter I, occurred in the first quarter of the 18th century. At this time, the Alekseevskaya Church (g.) with the adjacent chambers (g.), the new Church of Anthony and Theodosius of the Pechersk (g.) and the new Assumption Cathedral ( - g.), which formed the main architectural composition monastery complex, which remained until the monastery was closed in 1928. In the 18th century, the monastery was surrounded by a high stone fence with covered passage galleries and two corner towers. In 1789, Mikhail Timofeevich Konyaev, a captain of major general rank, hero of the Russian-Turkish war of 1768-1774, was buried in the monastery.

At the beginning of the century, on the territory of the monastery there was the Assumption Cathedral (its five chapters are clearly visible in the center of the picture), the Alekseevskaya Church with the adjacent chambers (to the right of the entrance gate), the Church of Anthony and Theodosius, and near it - the fraternal and abbot's buildings (Mr. , on the left side of the photo). In the eastern part of the monastery there was an entrance gate (city). Behind them in the photo you can see the bell tower tent from 1833. The space between the chambers of Tsarevich Alexei and the main cathedral was occupied by the monastery garden.

The royal palaces of the monastery were blown up in the city. The old bell tower was completely dismantled; in the new three-tier bell tower of 1914, the upper two tiers were dismantled into bricks back in 1930. Before the start of the war of 1941-45. Aircraft workshops were located on the territory of the monastery, and a store was set up in the cathedral. The monastery was mainly damaged in October 1941 during the retreat of our troops from Tver (then Kalinin). The residential building of the abbot, the Assumption Cathedral, and the Church of St. were blown up. Anthony and Theodosius, fence, sacristy-chapel and Alekseevskaya Church. In the post-war period, a fuel and lubricants warehouse for a military unit was built on the territory of the monastery. In 1945, the Zheltikov Monastery was removed from state protection.

Currently, the regional committee for the protection of historical and cultural heritage is formalizing the newly protected territories and remains of the buildings of the Zheltikov Monastery.


  • Arseny (1394 - March 2, 1409), abbot
  • Elijah (formerly 1435), abbot
  • Theodosius (Golosnitsky) (1753-1755), archimandrite
  • Tikhon of Zadonsk (1759-1760), archimandrite
  • Arseny (Moskvin) (1784-1789), abbot
  • Sergius (Orlov), archimandrite
  • Platon (Kazansky) (1848 - January 9, 1865)
  • Gabriel (Voices) (1882-1886)
  • Filaret (Nikolsky) (December 1916 - February 17, 1918)

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An excerpt characterizing the Zheltikov Monastery

- Very interesting..
The Countess exchanged glances with Anna Mikhailovna. Anna Mikhailovna realized that she was being asked to occupy this young man, and, sitting down next to him, began to talk about her father; but just like the countess, he answered her only in monosyllables. The guests were all busy with each other. Les Razoumovsky... ca a ete charmant... Vous etes bien bonne... La comtesse Apraksine... [The Razoumovskys... It was amazing... You are very kind... Countess Apraksina...] was heard from all sides. The Countess got up and went into the hall.
- Marya Dmitrievna? – her voice was heard from the hall.
“She’s the one,” a rough female voice was heard in response, and after that Marya Dmitrievna entered the room.
All the young ladies and even the ladies, with the exception of the oldest ones, stood up. Marya Dmitrievna stopped at the door and, from the height of her corpulent body, holding high her fifty-year-old head with gray curls, looked around at the guests and, as if rolling up, slowly straightened the wide sleeves of her dress. Marya Dmitrievna always spoke Russian.
“Dear birthday girl with the children,” she said in her loud, thick voice, suppressing all other sounds. “What, you old sinner,” she turned to the count, who was kissing her hand, “tea, are you bored in Moscow?” Is there anywhere to run the dogs? What should we do, father, this is how these birds will grow up...” She pointed to the girls. - Whether you want it or not, you have to look for suitors.
- Well, what, my Cossack? (Marya Dmitrievna called Natasha a Cossack) - she said, caressing Natasha with her hand, who approached her hand without fear and cheerfully. – I know that the potion is a girl, but I love her.
She took out pear-shaped yakhon earrings from her huge reticule and, giving them to a beaming and blushing Natasha, immediately turned away from her and turned to Pierre.
- Eh, eh! kind! “Come here,” she said in a feignedly quiet and thin voice. - Come on, my dear...
And she menacingly rolled up her sleeves even higher.
Pierre approached, naively looking at her through his glasses.
- Come, come, my dear! I was the only one who told your father the truth when he had a chance, but God commands it to you.
She paused. Everyone was silent, waiting for what would happen, and feeling that there was only a preface.
- Good, nothing to say! good boy!... The father is lying on his bed, and he is amusing himself, putting the policeman on a bear. It's a shame, father, it's a shame! It would be better to go to war.
She turned away and offered her hand to the count, who could hardly restrain himself from laughing.
- Well, come to the table, I have tea, is it time? - said Marya Dmitrievna.
The count walked ahead with Marya Dmitrievna; then the countess, who was led by a hussar colonel, the right person with whom Nikolai was supposed to catch up with the regiment. Anna Mikhailovna - with Shinshin. Berg shook hands with Vera. A smiling Julie Karagina went with Nikolai to the table. Behind them came other couples, stretching across the entire hall, and behind them, one by one, were children, tutors and governesses. The waiters began to stir, the chairs rattled, music began to play in the choir, and the guests took their seats. The sounds of the count's home music were replaced by the sounds of knives and forks, the chatter of guests, and the quiet steps of waiters.
At one end of the table the Countess sat at the head. On the right is Marya Dmitrievna, on the left is Anna Mikhailovna and other guests. At the other end sat the count, on the left the hussar colonel, on the right Shinshin and other male guests. On one side of the long table are older young people: Vera next to Berg, Pierre next to Boris; on the other hand - children, tutors and governesses. From behind the crystal, bottles and vases of fruit, the Count looked at his wife and her tall cap with blue ribbons and diligently poured wine for his neighbors, not forgetting himself. The countess also, from behind the pineapples, not forgetting her duties as a housewife, cast significant glances at her husband, whose bald head and face, it seemed to her, were more sharply different from his gray hair in their redness. There was a steady babble on the ladies' end; in the men's room, voices were heard louder and louder, especially the hussar colonel, who ate and drank so much, blushing more and more, that the count was already setting him up as an example to the other guests. Berg, with a gentle smile, spoke to Vera that love is not an earthly, but a heavenly feeling. Boris named his new friend Pierre the guests at the table and exchanged glances with Natasha, who was sitting opposite him. Pierre spoke little, looked at new faces and ate a lot. Starting from two soups, from which he chose a la tortue, [turtle,] and kulebyaki and to hazel grouse, he did not miss a single dish and not a single wine, which the butler mysteriously stuck out in a bottle wrapped in a napkin from behind his neighbor’s shoulder, saying or “drey Madeira", or "Hungarian", or "Rhine wine". He placed the first of the four crystal glasses with the count's monogram that stood in front of each device, and drank with pleasure, looking at the guests with an increasingly pleasant expression. Natasha, sitting opposite him, looked at Boris the way thirteen-year-old girls look at a boy with whom they had just kissed for the first time and with whom they are in love. This same look of hers sometimes turned to Pierre, and under the gaze of this funny, lively girl he wanted to laugh himself, not knowing why.
Nikolai sat far from Sonya, next to Julie Karagina, and again with the same involuntary smile he spoke to her. Sonya smiled grandly, but apparently was tormented by jealousy: she turned pale, then blushed and listened with all her might to what Nikolai and Julie were saying to each other. The governess looked around restlessly, as if preparing to fight back if anyone decided to offend the children. The German tutor tried to memorize all kinds of dishes, desserts and wines in order to describe everything in detail in a letter to his family in Germany, and was very offended by the fact that the butler, with a bottle wrapped in a napkin, carried him around. The German frowned, tried to show that he did not want to receive this wine, but was offended because no one wanted to understand that he needed the wine not to quench his thirst, not out of greed, but out of conscientious curiosity.

The surviving part of the bell tower of the Zheltikov Assumption Monastery.
Photo by Artem Artemov from the website

Zheltikov Dormition Monastery, Tver Bishopric, near Tver, on the bank of the river. Tmaki, in an area formerly called Zheltikovo. Founded by St. Arseny, Ep. Tverskoy, in 1394. The cathedral monastery church of the Assumption was built in 1404; rebuilt several times; resumed in 1780. Here, in a silver gilded shrine, the relics of St. rested. Arseny and the wonderful icons of ancient painting: the Image of the Savior Not Made by Hands and St. Arsenia. Monastery church in the name of St. Antonia And Feodosia was built in 1394 St. Arseny. It contained an icon Assumption Mother of God, the cell of the saint and a wonderfully artistically carved icon of the Passion of the Savior. The monastery preserved: the omophorion of St. Arseny, a cross found in his coffin, a staff and a stone coffin made by St. Arseny for his burial. The monastery also preserved the palaces in which the son lived for some time Peter I Tsarevich Alexey Petrovich.

Zheltikov Assumption Monastery, 2nd class, 4 versts from Tver, on the banks of the Tmaka River, in an area formerly called Zheltikovo. Founded by Saint Arseny, Bishop of Tver, in 1394 (see March 2). The cathedral monastery church of the Assumption was built in 1404; rebuilt several times; renewed in 1780. Here, in a silver gilded shrine, rest the relics of St. Arseny and wonderful icons of ancient painting: the Image of the Savior Not Made by Hands and St. Arseny. The monastery church in the name of Saints Anthony and Theodosius was built in 1394 by Saint Arseny. Here is an icon of the Dormition of the Mother of God, the cell of the saint, and a carved icon of the “Suffering of the Savior”, remarkable in art. The monastery preserves: the omophorion of St. Arseny, the cross found in his coffin, the staff and the stone coffin made by St. Arseny himself for his burial. The monastery also contains “chambers” in which Tsarevich Alexei Petrovich lived for some time.

Book materials used: S.V. Bulgakov. "Russian monasteries in 1913."

Assumption Zheltikov Monastery. The history of the famous Zheltikov Monastery is inextricably linked with its founder, the saint and miracle worker Arseny, the most famous Tver archpastor, glorified by God for his holy life with the gift of miracles and healings from relics after death.

Elected on August 15, 1390 to the episcopal see in Tver, four years later, at his own expense, not far from the city on the river. Tmaka founded the Zheltikov Monastery. He is building a warm wooden church in it in the name of the founders of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra, Saints Anthony and Theodosius. And 10 years later, in 1404, he founded a stone church in the name of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary, where he bequeathed to be buried after his death. After consecration in 1406, the temple was expanded in 1407, and in 1637, by order of Prince. Mikhail Fedorovich and Patriarch Joasaph was dismantled and reassembled. In 1713-22. was rebuilt again by the support of Tver citizens Ivan Fedorovich Viktorov and Ivan Mikhailovich Vagin. Then it was updated under the empresses Elizaveta Petrovna in 1745, Catherine II in 1780 and then in 1848.

The cathedral stone church in the name of the Dormition of the Mother of God was built in 1722 and consecrated by His Grace Metropolitan of Tver and Kashin Sylvester. There were two thrones. The main one is in the name of the Dormition of the Mother of God. And the second is the chapel, on the right southern side in honor of the Savior Not Made by Hands and the saint and wonderworker Arseny, Bishop of Tver. In 1898, under him, all the icons in the main one and at the iconostasis pillars were rewritten in the ancient Greek style on a colorful background with the same marks with gilded signatures on them. In 1869, all the walls, vaults and arches in the temple and in the altar were decorated with holy images, and in 1899, all wall paintings and ornaments were updated, while the crowns of the capitals and the signatures under the images of saints were gilded with red gold leaf.

After Peter I visited the monastery on the occasion of the successful recovery of his son Alexei and in fulfillment of the vow made by the emperor, he built a single-altar stone church in the name of Alexei the man of God. On September 12, 1709, the Most Reverend Callist, Bishop of Tver and Kashinsky, consecrated this church. In the same 1709, at the royal expense, a winter, stone, single-domed, single-altar church was built in the name of St. Anthony and Theodosius of the Pechersk wonderworkers. Under the church there was a brewery, a storeroom, a grain barn and a basement.

The lonely stone bell tower between the cathedral and the Alekseevskaya Church was built in 1709.
In one line along the southern side of the monastery, along the river. Tmaki, west of the church of St. Anthony and Theodosius there was a stone two-story building of fraternal quarters. Behind them is the refectory on the second floor, and below is the kitchen. To the east, in the same connection with the same church, a two-story stone building housed the sacristy and the abbot's chambers. They contained portraits of the Tver archpastors and abbots of the Zheltikov Monastery and two large icons painted on wood. On the lower floor there are fraternal cells. Inside the monastery, near the cathedral church, there was a small cemetery, and in the north of the monastery there was an orchard.

A special unique value of the Zheltikov Monastery was the shrine containing the relics of St. Arseny the Wonderworker, found in 1483, in the cathedral.

The territory of the monastery on three sides, except for the south, was fenced with a high stone fence with a covered gallery at the top. There were semicircular towers on the northern and western corners of the fence. There were two entrances to the monastery. Through the main Holy Gate from the east and the Water Gate facing the river. Tmaka. The decoration of the Holy Gates were portals and above their overlap were two upcoming angels with a cross between them. In 1914, the Holy Gate was rebuilt. Behind the monastery fence there was a guest courtyard, six country houses, a farmyard, bathhouses, cellars, sheds for hay and firewood, a mill hut, and houses for watchmen. In 1902, a bridge across the Tmaka was built at the expense of the monastery.

After the closure of the monastery in 1919, the nationalization of its property, valuables, lands, the dispersal of the monks, on May 25, under the curse of the believers, a commission from the authorities uncovered the relics of St. Arseny. One can only guess about the goals and results of the commission’s work - take those ancient, primarily invaluable spiritual values ​​for believers and Russian jewelry craftsmanship as ordinary valuable metals - silver and gold. It is still unknown where the relics of St. Arseny are now. In the cemetery, tombstones were stolen, and some graves were desecrated.

A special place in the history of the Tver region and the city of Tver was occupied by the cemetery located on the territory of the Zheltikov Monastery. Initially erected by Saint Arseny as the burial place of the Tver bishops, the Assumption Zheltikov Monastery by the end of the 18th century became the main necropolis for the most respected and famous citizens of Tver and the Tver province. Burial next to the relics of the Saint, in the monastery land consecrated by his name, becomes a kind of recognition of the lifetime merits of the deceased, or a mandatory attribute of his high social status. Representatives of the most noble noble families of the region, wealthy merchants and important officials, and clergy are buried in the monastery cemetery. The names of most of these people have sunk into oblivion forever, but some are still known today, although not as widely as they deserve.

The name of Fyodor Nikolaevich Glinka is known to many connoisseurs of Russian literature. This man lived a very long and amazing life, the events of which would be more than enough for a dozen remarkable biographies.

He was equally able to achieve success and earn well-deserved recognition in military, social and literary affairs.

In 1805 he took part in the Battle of Austerlitz. In 1812, as Miloradovich’s adjutant, Fyodor Nikolaevich took part in all the major battles of the Patriotic War, from Smolensk to the capture of Paris. Rewarded for bravery with a golden weapon.

He published his first poem in 1807, seven years before the first anonymous publication of A.S.’s poem. Pushkin in the journal Vestnik Evropy. In 1822, the Great Russian poet thanked Fyodor Nikolaevich for his efforts to mitigate disgrace with the following message:

When, amidst the orgies of life, noisy
I was ostracized
I saw a crazy crowd
Contemptible, timid selfishness.
I left without tears with vexation
Wreaths of feasts and the splendor of Athens,
But your voice was a joy to me,
Generous citizen...

V. Belinsky, analyzing Glinka’s poem “To Charitable Moscow” in 1841, wrote about him: “Mr. Glinka is an honorable person in our literature - what is called fame, glory, authority. This was especially facilitated by his long-term and diligent service to the muses. Since the twenties of the current century, you will not find a single magazine, not a single almanac in which the name of Mr. Glinka would not appear.

Many works, in poetry and prose, were scattered by Mr. Glinka throughout all periodicals without exception. Both are of absolutely equal dignity: the prose is always smooth, the poetry is often smooth, and sometimes sparkles of feeling and poetry even flickered in them. But their peculiarity lies in the fact that their common drawback also constitutes their common advantage: they are all monotonous, all in the same tune, they all sing (in Mr. Glinka, prose sings like poetry) in one voice about something, where -sometime, somewhere; but this, we repeat, constitutes their high dignity, for constant conviction in the same (and lofty) truths, although always expressed in the same words and phrases, is such a constant conviction that does not change, does not move forward , never back, always respectfully”...

The themes of Glinka’s work are alien to Belinsky; he considers the poet a literary veteran, his work a relic of the past due to the lack of “honest civic motives” in it. But besides the irony often encountered by the venerable critic in relation to writers who have a worldview different from his, in Belinsky’s characterization one can feel some respect for the poet’s personality - “attacks began to appear on the poems of F. N. Glinka, and for a long time now for Russian magazines and almanacs the name of F.N. Glinka has gained value beyond his poems.” Life often refutes the theories of the most respected critics - Glinka’s new poems and prose will be published in many Russian magazines many years after the death of the frantic Vissarion Grigorievich. His literary environment changes with the passage of time - Pushkin leaves, Tyutchev and Khomyakov come, and the elderly writer has warm, friendly relations with them.

And Fyodor Nikolaevich’s civic position underwent a significant evolution, although not in the direction that Belinsky liked. From a member of the secret organization “Union of Welfare”, convicted and sent into exile, Glinka at the end of his life transformed into a convinced monarchist, a very religious person and at the same time open and friendly. In Tver, where he finally settled in 1862, Glinka actively participated in all public events - he was a member of the Tver City Duma, a member of several charitable societies, studied the history of the Tver region and was the founder of the Tver Museum. Fyodor Nikolaevich maintained the closest ties with the Zheltikov Monastery - he was a friend of the abbot of the monastery, the author of the book “Historical and Statistical Description of the Tver Dormition Zheltikov Monastery” by Plato (Kazansky), and worked a lot in the monastery archives studying rare documents.

In 1863, his wife, the famous poetess and translator Avdotya Glinka, née Golenishcheva-Kutuzova, was buried in the monastery cemetery. Glinka bequeathed to bury himself next to his wife. The poet's will was fulfilled in 1881. He was buried with military honors.

In 1894, the monastery celebrated the five hundredth anniversary of its existence. And this was by no means an abstract date. The continuity from Saint Arseny was carefully preserved and emphasized in every possible way by the monastery brethren. The monastery carefully preserved the first coffin of the Saint, which he personally prepared for burial, a wonderful cover for the coffin of the Saint, which, according to legend, the Poles wanted to kidnap in 1609, but could not because the soldier who stole the cover from the coffin was raised along with a horse to a height by an unknown force and from there they were thrown to the ground, while the cover itself remained lying on the roof of the temple of the Most Holy Theotokos. In the monastery library one could see ancient manuscripts and pre-schism books from the 17th century. Valuable liturgical objects and icons from the 14th to 17th centuries were kept in the monastery sacristy.

The monks could show an interested visitor numerous royal gifts - Russian autocrats from Ivan IV to the last Russian emperor favored the monastery and often gave gifts. The monastery complex becomes for a person of the early 20th century a kind of portal to the past. If all this splendor were preserved today, the Zheltikov Monastery would be one of largest centers pilgrimage and tourism in the Tver region.

But the Zheltikov Monastery did not have to celebrate its six hundredth anniversary, although the twentieth century began quite well for the ancient monastery. Zheltikova Grove and its surroundings become a favorite vacation spot for Tver residents. Every year the monastery is visited by numerous pilgrims from all over Russian Empire, and lovers of antiquities do not leave it with their attention.

The improvement of the monastery lands continued. Was built wooden bridge through Tmaka, and in 1912 the reconstruction of the monastery gates began. It was carried out according to the design of the architect A.P. Fedorova (author of the projects for the buildings of the Women's Commercial School and the Technical School in Tver). The Holy Gates were rebuilt in the pseudo-Russian style (previously they had a completely “classical” look); a high three-tier bell tower with a dome was erected above them. Now the ringing of the ancient monastery bells could be heard on Proletarka.

The first blow to the monastery's well-being came in 1917. The monastery lost all its lands, and the first, still cautious forays of representatives of the new government for the monastery treasures began.

In 1919, the monastery was attacked by a well-organized raid by local authorities. Following the example of the ancient invaders - the Poles, activists, despite the protests of believers, broke into the monastery gates and began clearing the sacristy of the valuables stored in it. At the same time, the shrine containing the relics of St. Arseny was opened, the relics themselves were apparently removed from the shrine and transferred to the local history museum (their location is currently unknown), and the shrine, along with other valuables, was requisitioned by the attackers. What specific items were confiscated in 1919 and what their material, not to mention spiritual, value was - one can only guess about this because no registers or documents have survived. Today, the Tver book depositories contain only a few old printed books from the 17th century with notes indicating that they belonged to the monastery library.

Apparently the most valuable things were sent to Moscow. As the robbery progressed, the graves of the monastery cemetery were desecrated - monuments were thrown down, crypts were broken into. It was then that the monument to F.I. was destroyed. Glinka and his wife, the graves of all Tver bishops from the time of Arseny of Tver were destroyed.

After the first raid, monastic life in the monastery did not immediately die out. By the way, in all sources the monastery is indicated as a second-class monastery, but after 1917 the bulk of its inhabitants were women, and it was thanks to them that the monastery was able to exist until 1929. Despite some differences in biographies, they are all quite the same - the fate of the last inhabitants of the Zheltikov Monastery was tragic. Here are some of them:

ANISIMOV Georgy (Gorgoniy) Yakovlevich,

born in 1875 in the village of Bykovo, Voronezh province, into a peasant family. Graduated from the Moscow Theological Academy. In the early 1920s - a resident of the Novgorod monastery. He was tonsured into a mantle with the name Gorgonius. Ordained as a hieromonk. In 1928 - served in the Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ in Leningrad. Since 1929 - rector of the Tver Dormition Zheltikovsky Monastery (by appointment of Archbishop Dimitry of Gdovsky). October 19, 1930 - arrested as “a member of the Tver branch of the counter-revolutionary monarchist church organization of the TOC”; on November 10, he was sent to Butyrka prison. February 18, 1931 - sentenced to military service and executed on February 23.

BARTOLOMEY Vladimir Vladimirovich,

born in 1892 in Moscow, in the family of a noble landowner. He graduated from the Nikolaev Cadet Corps and two courses from the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg University. From 1920 to 1921 - served as clerk of the Moscow reserve rifle regiment. At the end of 1928 - he was ordained a priest, served in the church of the Zheltikovsky monastery, after its closure - in the church in the village of Naumovka, Middle Volga region. May 7, 1929 - arrested in Buguruslan on suspicion of “distributing a/c leaflets”, released two months later. He hid in Tver, served in St. Nicholas Church. November 26, 1930 - arrested as “an active participant in the Tver branch of the counter-revolutionary monarchist church organization of the TOC.” February 18, 1931 - sentenced to military service and executed on April 24.

VARENTSOVA Agafya (Anfisa) Ivanovna,

born in 1880 in the village. Verbiti, Bezhetsky district, Tver province. Received primary education. Since the 1880s - in the Zheltikov Monastery, she was tonsured into a mantle with the name Anfisa, after its closure she worked as a laborer in a store. Deprived of voting rights. She was sued for selling vodka. May 28, 1931 - arrested in a group case. On July 11, she was sentenced to 3 years of exile and sent to Kazakhstan.

VASILYEVA Elizaveta Vasilievna,

born in 1867 in the village. Foxes of Zavidovo district, Moscow province. Received primary education. From 1871 - in the Zheltikov Monastery, she was tonsured into the mantle, after its closure without specific activities. Deprived of voting rights. May 28, 1931 - arrested in a group case. On July 11, she was sentenced to 3 years of exile and sent to Kazakhstan.

VORONINA Praskovya (Viktorina) Sergeevna,

born in 1883 in the village. Ryazanovo, Turginovsky district, Moscow province. Received primary education. From 1906 - in the Zheltikov Monastery, she was tonsured into the mantle with the name Victorina, after its closure without specific activities. Deprived of voting rights. May 28, 1931 - arrested in a group case. On July 11, she was sentenced to 3 years of exile and sent to Kazakhstan.

ZHIVOVA Ksenia Kirillovna,

born in 1883 in the village. Torbeevo, Bogorodsky district, Moscow province. Received primary education. Since the 1900s - in the Zheltikov Monastery, tonsured into the mantle, after its closure without specific activities. Deprived of voting rights. May 28, 1931 - arrested in a group case. On July 11, she was sentenced to 3 years of exile and sent to Kazakhstan.

KOZOREZ Semyon Ivanovich,

born in 1881 in the village of Gorodishche, Lokhvitsky district, Poltava province, into a peasant family. Received primary education. Monk, later ordained hieromonk. He served as a deacon in the church of the Zheltikovsky Monastery. November 10, 1930 - arrested in connection with the case of the Tver "branch" of the IOC. February 18, 1931 - sentenced to VMN and on February 23 executed at the Vagankovskoye cemetery.

SAVELIEVA Elizaveta Ignatievna,

born in 1891 in the village of Stary Pogost, Tver district, Moscow province. Received primary education. Since 1918 - in the Zheltikov Monastery, tonsured into the mantle, after its closure she worked as a laborer. Deprived of voting rights. On July 11, she was sentenced to 3 years in labor camp and sent to a camp.

Before the eyes of these people, the ancient monastery was slowly dying. In the second half of the 1920s, the Soviet government became concerned with the construction of a new settlement for workers on the northwestern outskirts (now Rzhevskaya Street). The new village was intended to improve the living conditions of workers and therefore received the somewhat dissonant name “Village of FUBR (Fund for Improving the Living Conditions of Workers.” To solve this rather noble task, the builders of the village decided to partially use materials inherited from the “damned past”, namely, limestone and brick Alekseevskaya Church and the royal palaces. For this, the indicated monastery buildings were carefully dismantled. However, there was no need to show any particular scrupulousness. At the beginning of 1929, the monastery was finally closed, its inhabitants were thrown out onto the street (though not for long), and the remaining buildings were transferred to the Migalovsky airfield. - warehouses and workshops were located on the territory of the monastery.

Perhaps the remaining monastery buildings, including the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, could have been preserved in their new quality to this day, but the war prevented this

In September 1941, large-scale work began on the banks of the Tmaka and in Pervomaiskaya Grove to create defensive positions to the west of the city of Kalinin. On the territory of the monastery there was an observation post, in the freshly dug trenches there were militia and soldiers of the 5th Infantry Division. On October 14, 1941, the former monastery possessions witnessed a fierce but short-lived battle. It so happened that at the time of the offensive there were virtually no troops in the city of Kalinin. The fighters of the extermination battalion - yesterday's workers, students, and urban intelligentsia - had to defend the city. The Germans were advancing from the direction of the village of Danilovskoye. This is how former fighter of the destroyer battalion Vasily Ivanov recalled this battle: “The Germans were advancing with light tanks in front. We met them with rifle fire (!). There were also Red Army soldiers in position with machine guns. The battle took place near an anti-tank ditch. German tankettes did not They passed and only shot. The infantry was advancing. Many of our people died.... We retreated to the embankment. railway. And here the battle continued. Then the Red Army soldiers took our position, and we were taken beyond the Volga."

It is difficult without a map of defensive positions to determine exactly where exactly the events described took place, but on the southwestern outskirts of the Pervomaiskaya Grove on the road to the former Zheltikov Monastery, today you can see the remains of some kind of ditch, now overgrown with pine trees and bushes. Perhaps these are the remains of this same anti-tank ditch that Vasily Arsentievich writes about. After shelling and bombing, under the threat of complete encirclement, Soviet troops retreated towards the city center. There are several versions of the destruction of the remains of the monastery buildings in October 1941. According to one of them, the monastery was blown up by retreating units of the Red Army in order to destroy aircraft workshops; according to another version, the monastery was destroyed by German bombing and artillery shelling. The residential building of the abbot, the Assumption Cathedral, and the Church of St. were blown up. Anthony and Theodosius, the fence, the sacristy-chapel and the remains of the Alekseevskaya Church. The first version looks more plausible - it is unlikely that even the most terrible artillery shelling and bombing could have completely destroyed the strong monastery buildings. Moreover, the defensive line itself has been very well preserved and even after 70 years in Pervomaiskaya Grove the outlines of trenches, machine gun points and dugouts are clearly visible. After the war, the remains of the monastery were removed from state protection. Few buildings survived the war, but as you can see from the photographs of the 1940s, more were preserved than exist today. Apparently some of the buildings, for example the remains of towers, walls, and the cathedral, were destroyed after the war when a fuel and lubricants warehouse was organized.

The territory of the Zheltikov Monastery has long been included in the city, but not many Tver residents, not to mention visitors, know about this historical place. Today the Pervomaiskaya Grove area is an ordinary city outskirts - panel houses, private sector, industrial facilities, absolutely nothing interesting for tourists. The grove itself, which looks beautiful from a distance, on closer inspection may seem like a branch of a city dump, especially in the warm season. At the same time, old trenches and craters from bombs and shells are the most successful for storing the remains of numerous picnics among visitors to the grove, which on May 9 looks very symbolic.

If you drive along the Staritsky highway in the direction from the city and turn left at the right place, drive along an unpaved road along the edge of a grove, then along a street of dull gray brick cottages, you can find yourself near a small pond. On the shore of the pond there is a cardboard with a request not to wash cars in the pond (which apparently was often practiced, and maybe is still practiced) since this pond was allegedly dug by Saint Arseny a long time ago. Not far from the announcement you can see a small Orthodox cross, erected in memory of the nearby monastery. Under the cross there is a small black stone tablet installed by F.N. Glinka and his wife are grateful descendants. Who is F. Glinka and why the stone tablet was installed in this particular place for an uninitiated person will most likely remain shrouded in the darkness of the unknown.

It is doubtful that this pond has been preserved since the time of the Saint; most likely it was dug in the 18th-19th centuries, but if not for the cardboard and the cross, then nothing would indicate that next to the pond there was once one of the main spiritual monasteries of Tver a region whose history is lost in the depths of centuries.

On the contrary, the surrounding landscape is extremely modern. Even the strange red brick gates (the remains of the monastery gates and bell tower) and the two-story unsightly building standing in the distance (the brethren's building) do not spoil this suffocating impression of dullness and ordinariness. Some army construction debris is scattered around the pond. Big land plot around the fraternal building there are several rows of rusty barbed wire, not very neatly wrapped around the perimeter, above which crooked security towers rise. Some green barrels and containers, apparently containing fuel and lubricants, are scattered chaotically inside the zone. To completely stylize it as a small concentration camp, all that is missing is the characteristic square pipe with thick black smoke. From time to time the silence is broken by the roar of a military transport plane landing at the nearby Migalovo airfield.

For some reason this place is equally gloomy both in gray and sunny weather, and even the Darkness, like 600 years ago carrying its waters, is unable to change this impression. You can’t help but envy Ivan Ivanovich Lazhechnikov, who lived in those days when the surroundings of the Tver Dormition Zheltikov Monastery looked much more poetic.
