Famous park in Croatia. The most beautiful national parks in Croatia

How are Croatia's natural resources divided? What types are there?

So, some dry but impressive statistics. In Croatia you can discover the following natural beauties:

9 National Wonderland Parks;
75 monuments, one way or another connected with natural resources;
10 protected areas;
more than a hundred garden-themed monuments;
70 isolated natural reserves.

All of the listed objects are under state protection and are deservedly a source of pride for the residents of the country. When you see these beauties, you will understand that if you were the Croatians, you yourself would be proud of such countless natural treasures. And now more about the most popular natural masterpieces of Croatia.

Plitvice Lakes are the special pride of Croatia, one might even say - the country’s “visiting natural card”. You could see this miracle of the landscape more than once, but not live, but on the screen, since a huge number of films were shot here (especially in the adventure genre), and the famous “Plitvice Marathon” takes place annually, within the framework of which competitions are held between 15 countries.

Plitvice Lakes is a fairy tale consisting of a picturesque park, 16 lakes, united by hundreds of waterfalls and many “indigenous inhabitants”: plants, animals, fish, birds (including rare species).
The history of the park is interesting and rich. Previously, this place was called nothing more than “Devil’s Forest”, since the park was located in a ring of dense, virtually impenetrable forests. Perhaps this feature saved the lives of many soldiers who, during the heightened moments of Croatia’s struggle for independence, took refuge in the caves of the park from the enemy. So Plitvice Lakes were not always a quiet, tourist place, striking the eye with its beauty. However, in XIX century everything has changed. Guests of the country began to take an independent interest in the local beauties; the number of tourists increased from year to year, so local authorities in 1983 decided to build the first hotel near the park, thereby increasing the flow of travelers. Since 1949, the natural wonder began to bear the title of a national park.

And in 1979, UNESCO included this landscape masterpiece on the World Heritage List.
The park is huge; to see it completely, you need to spend almost the whole day. If you don't have that kind of time, you can use bus tour, which will take about an hour and a half, or speed up movement in individual areas by using a pleasure boat or electric train (by the way, completely silent). The main highlight of the Plitvice Lakes is the birth of new waterfalls, and no one knows at what time and where to expect the birth of a “newborn”. Park workers simply record the appearance of new waterfalls out of habit, put them on maps and in booklets, and tourists never cease to be amazed at the quirks of nature.

They are open at any time of the year, but the entrance price varies. During the peak season (July-August) a ticket costs 180 kunas (32 dollars), in the last two spring months and the first two autumn months, you will have to pay 110 kunas (20 kunas) to enter, the rest of the time the cost is even lower - 55 kunas (10 dollars). There are discounts for students and children, and children under 7 years old and disabled people are always allowed in for free. There are also two-day tickets on sale, they are more profitable to buy, so be guided by the length of your stay. For detailed information, please follow the park link - www.np-plitvicka-jezera.hr.

Direct competitor of Plitvice Lakes - Brion Islands, which is an archipelago of 14 pieces of land, are located in Istria. The Brijuns are shrouded in mystery and have a fascinating birth story. Allegedly, when the Lord created a perfect region - Istria, the devil, unable to bear the success of this operation, decided to ruin everything, and, taking away a bag of stones from one of God’s helpers - an angel, he began to mischief, scattering them in a chaotic manner over the sea. The angels, seeing what the demon had done, decided to at least protect the stones from the waves. This is how the Brion Islands were born, the beauty of which is now impossible to take your eyes off. Today Brijuni - luxury resort, where tourists from all over the world strive to get to. What is interesting on the islands?

Tito Museum;
safari park;
procure yachts;
ornithological park;
tennis court;
golf club;

National Park is located on the largest island and occupies 4 hectares. Undoubtedly, the most interesting thing here is the wildlife. A sika deer, fallow deer, or mouflon can pass by quite calmly. Being on the edge of a reservoir, you can see how fish, gathering in schools, swim with you in a race. The ethnopark presents all domestic animals that are found in Croatia. The ornithological park is a bird paradise, where there is such an incredible number of all kinds of birds that you have hardly ever seen in one place. Safari Park is the highlight of Briunov, occupying 9 hectares of territory. Local wildlife: llamas, antelopes, elephants, and zebras roam freely and you can see them up close. Entrance to the national park, as well as to the safari park, is 110 kuna ($23). There are two wonderful hotels nearby. Locals luxury villas for rent. If you don't have time to watch natural complex during the day, you can spend the night.


Another miracle of Croatian nature is the Krka River, which flows along the bottom of a deep (200 meters) canyon in central Dalmatia and along the way forms lakes, which in turn flow down as waterfalls. Around this magical water extravaganza there is another wonderful park of the same name - Krka. A riot of colors, pristine nature and the water element are intertwined here. A lot of living creatures are “registered” in Krka, but the most interesting “residents” of the park are birds. There is a great abundance of them here, you can also find rare species, and birds of prey. In addition to natural beauties, there are historical monuments, for example, the Visovac monastery, originally from the 14th century.

Fans active recreation You will certainly be interested in the ancient settlement - the town of Skardin, where you will also be offered sailing or a yacht ride. Entrance to the national park, depending on the time of year, varies between 20-95 kunas (4-17 dollars), reaching a peak price in July-August. You can find out more about Krka on this resource - www.npkrka.hr.


In the south of Croatia, on an island located near Dubrovnik, lies another natural masterpiece - Mljet Park, which received national status in 1960. The highlight of the park is the unearthly beauty of the salt water lake. There are two of them - Small and Large. Due to the fact that the local waters have retained their pristine purity, Aurelia, the oldest type of jellyfish, is still found here. Mljet has lush vegetation that amazes even the most capricious biologists with its abundance and shades.

For history buffs, the Benedict Monastery, built in the 12th century, awaits here, ready to reveal its deepest secrets, the surviving remains of the imperial palace. To get around the park, you can rent a bicycle or travel with a guide in a canoe. Mljet is a quiet and cozy park, as if it comes from the Middle Ages, here you can perfectly relax from the bustle of the city and be alone with your thoughts.


Natural attractions of the country are National parks Croatia. 4 most popular: Plitvice lakes, Kornati, protected Krka and Brijuni islands. Photos and reviews.

National parks of Croatia are the heritage of the country. Plitvice Lakes, Krka, the islands of Brijuni and Kornati are real natural treasures on the Croatian shores of the Adriatic.

A holiday in this country will especially appeal to connoisseurs of the vibrant and untouched Adriatic nature. Here you can visit unusually beautiful and luxurious national parks and nature reserves.

The water of Plitvice Lakes is exactly the same color as in the photo!

An excursion to Plitvice Lakes can be one of the most exciting!

Plitvice Lakes is Croatia's most famous natural attraction and is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. An amazing phenomenon: 16 lakes of the national park are connected by 92 cascades of waterfalls. Falling water fills the space with melodic noise, which merges with bird trills and the rustling of leaves. The enormous value of the park is its hundred-year-old beech and pine forests.

Plitvice Lakes are located far from the main Istrian resorts, so it’s worth coming here for a couple of days to see all the wonders of this park.

2. Brijuni Islands

The Brijuni Islands are uninhabited and very picturesque!

Brijuni National Park is located on the archipelago of the same name near the ancient city of Pula. Ancient Roman patricians and medieval nobility loved to relax here, as evidenced by the remains of ancient villas and the ruins of a Byzantine city.

Amazing animals walk in the park - zebras, antelopes, ostriches. These are descendants of exotic animals that were given to Yugoslav leader Joseph Broz Tito. All his life he spent six months on the island of Bolshoi Brijun, and also received heads of other states, famous actors and artists.

3. Krka National Park

Lakes and waterfalls of the Krka Nature Reserve

The Krka Nature Reserve lies in the bed of the river of the same name and is famous for its numerous lakes and sonorous waterfalls. Various Mediterranean trees, bushes and herbs are found here, and 18 species of fish live in the lakes. Most beautiful waterfall, Skradinski Buk, rises 45 m. Its crystal waters fall in cascades and turn into azure lakes.

A walk along the wooden bridges that are installed over the water will give you an unforgettable experience. It is also worth visiting the 15th century Franciscan monastery. with an ancient library.

4. Kornati Archipelago

One of the beaches of the Kornati archipelago

Alien Kornati is no less interesting than other national parks in Croatia

Croatia's Kornati National Park is an archipelago of 140 tiny uninhabited islands, where nature reigns in all its pristine beauty.

Fragrant pines and silver olives grow in the reserve, white cliffs rise straight from the sea, huge fish swim near the surface of the water, birds sing in the forests, martens and squirrels run around. On some islets there are ruins of incredibly ancient Illyrian settlements, and on the island of Kornat there is the Byzantine fortress of Tureta. Bernard Shaw wrote that the gods created these islands from the stars and the breath of the sea.

National parks of Croatia on the map

To make it easier to perceive information, and perhaps even plan your future trip, we have put the most beautiful national parks of Croatia on the map.

Croatia ‹ Nature Reserves and Parks

Reserves and national parks of Croatia

State reserves of Croatia

Even on a European scale, Croatia is a small country. This makes it all the more surprising large number state reserves. It must be said that this surprises only those who have not seen them and who do not know to what extent our nature is beautiful and preserved.

In the Adriatic, the State Nature Reserve is undoubtedly dominant Kornati is the most rugged island group in the Mediterranean Sea, with about 140 uninhabited islands, islets and rocks. This is a real labyrinth in the sea, famous for its high cliffs and unusual relief formations. The Kornati archipelago is a favorite destination for yachtsmen.

Part of the southern slope of the largest mountain range in Croatia, Velebit (as part of the Nature Park), from the peak to the coast is covered by the State Nature Reserve Paklenica. It takes its name from Velika Paklenica and Mala Paklenica, two impressive mountain passes with many unusual karst landforms and several caves. Thanks to the exceptional wealth of flora and fauna and numerous endemic species, Velebit has been declared a world biosphere reserve, and its peak part is a state reserve. This park covers the Rožanski and Hajducčki Kukovi nature reserves with unusual karst formations and Lukina Cave, one of the deepest in the world, as well as the famous Velebit Botanical Garden.

Not far from west coast The Istrian peninsula is a State Nature Reserve Brijuni, consisting of two large and twelve smaller islands. The Mediterranean vegetation is well represented here, there is an outdoor zoo, and interesting excavations from the era of ancient culture.

State reserve Risnjak- wooded mountain range north of the port of Rijeka. In the places where the Alps and Dinarides meet, you can meet brown bear, lynx, mountain goat, deer, snake eagle...

State reserve Krka covers the course of the Krka River - our most beautiful karst river flowing along deep canyons. Of the many cascades, the Skradinski buk and Roški cascades stand out, between which in the lake-like part of the river there is the island of Visovac with a Franciscan monastery (15th century).

The most beautiful and most famous Croatian state reserve Plitvice Lakes is part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is located not far from the main road connecting Zagreb with Dalmatia. The phenomenon consists of 16 small lakes interconnected by cascades, which were formed as a result of limestone deposition. The dense beech and spruce forests, sometimes reminiscent of taiga, are valuable, in which numerous animal species have been preserved ( brown bear); Transportation by special panoramic cars and electric boats is organized for visitors.

Southwest of the city Dubrovnik the island is located Mljet, The state reserve covers it western part with two deep bays, which, due to a very narrow passage to the open sea, are called lakes; lush Mediterranean vegetation, valuable ancient monuments and a 12th-century Benedictine monastery on an island in the middle of a lake-bay.

Nature parks in Croatia:

Along with the already mentioned Velebit, this is also:

BIOKOVO is an impressive karst mountain located directly next to the sea above the Makarska Riviera, with a rich variety of flora and fauna and a beautiful panorama. Among the animals, mountain goats are especially notable.

KOPAČKI RIT is a large natural marshy area at the confluence of the Drava River with the Danube with an exceptional wealth of diverse plant and animal species, especially fish and wading birds. Dense forest, numerous herds of deer and wild boars.

LONA POLE is a marshy area next to the Sava River between the town of Sisak and Nova Gradiška, one of the largest preserved marshes in Europe with endless oak forests. Among the bird fauna, storks are of particular interest; they nest on the roofs of local wooden rural houses,

Medvednica is a mountain range in close proximity to the capital of Croatia, Zagreb, thanks to well-preserved beech and spruce forests and many different natural phenomena(caves, waterfalls, canyons). Medvednica has become the main recreational part of Zagreb.

TELASČICA is the southwestern part of Dugoga island in central Dalmatia with a wide and deep bay of the same name - a popular destination for yachtsmen. There are several beautiful islands in the bay, and next to the sea there is a small salt lake, from the side open sea there are the highest Croatian cliffs, the height of which reaches 180 meters.

Paklenica National Park is located. Although it is one of the smaller national parks, there is a large and varied offering in a small area. If you want to enjoy all the beauty of its flora and fauna, you can do it, walking or cycling according to him 200 km of equipped paths. For the adventurers among you, Paklenica offers 360 climbing sites. Traditional attractions, of course: Paklenica mill, Manita Pech cave, educational center Mala Paklenica and ethno-house Marasović. Look for a holiday in Lugarnica- a forest house located at an altitude of 400 m above sea level on the main path of Velika Paklenica. To complete the experience, don't forget to stay at the National Park campsite, which has become popular for its pebble beach a place among adventurers and families with children.

Telaščica Nature Park in the south-eastern part of the island of Dugi Otok

On the island of Dugi otok next to the island of Rava and the island of Izh near the island of Pašman you will find Telaščica Bay, another name for which is natural park Telasčica. One of the features Telaščica Natural Park is Lake Mir, the salinity of which is higher than the salinity of the sea. One more thing interesting place- Rocks (Stene) - the most prominent Strmac of the Adriatic Sea. During your stay in Telaščica, visit one of its numerous beaches, walk or bike along one from equipped paths, enjoying the diversity and uniqueness of the animal and plant kingdoms. Very popular trekking, photo-hunting and opportunity solo diving, which does not appear every day and which is not found in any other natural park Croatia. You will find accommodation and relaxation in one of the private stone houses or in one of the apartments in the nearest town of Sali.

Plitvice Lakes National Park - just an hour's drive from Zagreb

The most visited national park in Croatia is Plitvice Lakes. His profitable geographical location allows an hour's drive get to Plitvice from Zagreb or Rijeka. Walking along the Plitvice Lakes along one of numerous equipped routes, you can enjoy the beauty of its 16 lakes with limestone waterfalls, thanks to which the park is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Don't miss the opportunity to view its beauty in an unconventional way - a trip on an electric boat or a panoramic train. Outdoor enthusiasts should definitely try it climbing in summer and skiing in winter. All visitors can enjoy authentic Plitvice dishes in the Lička kuća, Borja and Poljana restaurants. Look for housing in nearby cities, located a few kilometers from the Plitvice Lakes National Park.

Brijuni National Park in Istria

If you ever visit Pula, Porec, Rovinj or any other part of Istria, be sure to make your way to Brijuni National Park. Brijuni thanks to her beauty were a favorite place of the president of the former Yugoslavia Josip Broz Tito. Then we started here creation of a safari park, which you can see by going to excursion by train around Brijuni. Over the past few years, the park has become an increasingly attractive destination for yachtsmen who, located in St. Nicholas Bay, enjoy time in the national park organized by the Concierge service staff club. All those who come to the island public transport, will be inspired by the proposal sports and entertainment events, among which it is necessary to highlight golf and tennis as popular sports. You can stay in Brijuni in one of the villas or a hotel, or use proximityPools and rent an apartment there.

Kopački Rit Nature Park in eastern Croatia

Between the Drava and the Danube in the immediate vicinity of Osijek and Baranja The largest ornithological park in Europe is located - the Kopáčki Rit Nature Park. Routes around Kopački Rit Park are organized by boat or land and include visit to the zoological reserve and Tikvesh castle. Another popular reason to visit is the opportunity recreational fishing. As a feature of Kopački Rit offers you the opportunity bird adoption, which will be marked with your number and name and which you will be informed about when someone sees it anywhere in the world. Enjoy rich traditional Slavonian cuisine in one of the restaurants in nearby towns, such as the ethno-village Karanac, Beli Manastir, Bile, Draz, Knezevi Vinogradi and Osijek. Private housing you can find it in one of numerous rural estates orprivate apartments, located in nearby towns near Kopačka Rit or in the city of Osijek.

Losinj water area and Kvarner dolphins, Losinj island

When visiting the island of Lošinj, do not forget to visit water area of ​​Losinj, located in Veli Losinj. The Blue Planet organization, dedicated to the protection and study of marine species, founded the Adriatic Dolphin Project. As part of this project, Loshinsky was created dolphin sanctuary and marine education center. Entrance to the "blue planet" is only 15 kunas. You will be offered a lot of entertainment, watching the playful dolphins in their natural habitat is crystal clear clean sea. In the center you have the opportunity learn something about the Adriatic Sea. You can also lift your family's spirits by adopting a dolphin. If you find yourself in Lošinj in first Saturday in August, you can participate in Day of the Dolphin. Besides pleasure gastronomic delicacies, hospitality of the hosts and accommodation in the private sector, take advantage of one of the programs developed for that day.

Kosljun and Biserujka Cave, Krk Island

Total 8 km from the city of Krk located Punat. Besides the fact that he is the most equipped tourist port of the eastern Adriatic, here hides one pearl called Kosljun Island. This small island is located just 750 meters from Punat. You can walk around it in two hours and still enjoy the rich cultural and historical heritage of the Franciscan monastery, museum, zoological collections and library. Since there are no public catering establishments on Koszljun, Look for food in the nearest Punat, Baska or the city of Krk. Be sure to go to Rudina to visit the 110-meter Biseruika cave, the beauty of its interior and shape will take your breath away. The Biseruika Cave is illuminated and equipped with safe routes. Your whole family will have the opportunity to experience the beauty of this natural phenomenon affordable price- only 15 kuna per person. You can look for accommodation in apartments or rooms in Šilo, Klimna, Malinska, Njivice, Krka, Baska, Punat...

Vransko Lake on the island of Cres

One of the most mystical natural phenomena Croatia is Lake Vransko on the island of Cres. It acquired its mystery thanks to an as yet unexplained fact: in this freshwater lake , the bottom of which is below sea level, fresh and salt water don't mix. The lake is located in the center of the island of Cres. It should in no way be confused with the Vransky Lake of Biograd and Sibenik. When visiting Vransko Lake on Cres you will be able to enjoy the beauty of the lush Mediterranean vegetation, as well as the singing of many birds, since the lake is also an ornithological reserve. If you are a lover of legends and stories, you will be inspired by the fact that according to legend, at the bottom of this 76-meter lake there is an enchanted castle. There are many more legends about Lake Vransko you can hear during your visit one of restaurants and staysapartments in the nearest town of Cres.

Krka National Park, a couple of kilometers from Sibenik

Between Skradin andSibenik Krka National Park is located. Krka National Park open to visitors all year round and offers many possibilities. You can admire the beauty of NP Krka while walking along one of the equipped paths or along the 3-kilometer bike path, stretching from the Skradinsky bridge to the Skradinsky buk, or organized tours on boats. The most famous parts of the Krka NP are the Skradinski buk and Roški slap waterfalls. Of course you can feel a whiff of old customs in the ethno-presentation on Vodenica from the 19th century, you can buy a souvenir in memory of the Krka NP in the souvenir shop and look for food in one of the catering facilities of the aromatic plant culture, used as food by page sheep, from whose milk is produced worldwide famous page cheese. This type of food is also suitable for lambs. Page lamb considered one of world famous delicacies thanks to its high quality meat. Besides enjoying the delicacies of Pag, you can enjoy hiking, diving, cycling 115 km of equipped paths or just a visit cultural heritage Hellenistic era, as well as partying until late at night in "Croatian Ibiza"- sandy

There was a time when Croatia was one of the most unexplored countries in Europe. With its natural beauty, beaches and many ancient towns, it has the perfect Mediterranean feel. But as times change, intrepid European travelers and fashionable resort-goers are beginning to discover the new horizons that Croatia has to offer. From chic coastal resorts to wild, rugged national parks, here's a selection of Croatia's most beautiful sights.

Historical cities and beautiful nature are just some of the main attractions of Croatia. The capital Zagreb is the birthplace best museums countries, galleries, restaurants and shops. Centuries-old towns line the coastline, their harbors lined with Venetian-era stone buildings, while countless beaches offer activities such as scuba diving, water skiing and windsurfing. The stunning islands of Croatia on the Adriatic are a haven for yachtsmen and those simply wanting to relax and enjoy the Mediterranean sun.
Dalmatia and the Dalmatian Coast

The Dalmatian coast is legendary - it is in fact one of the most dramatic and beautiful coastlines in Europe. The coastline extends for hundreds of miles with steep cliffs and many islands. Once an outpost of the Venetian Empire, Dalmatia is famous for the combination of its Roman ruins, medieval architecture and dramatic landscape. A drive along this coastline is the best way to explore Croatia's attractions. You will see many wonderful towns along the way. Charming architecture and historical sites (including Diocletian's Palace), many of which are UNESCO World Heritage Sites.


Dubrovnik is also located on the coast, but deserves a special mention. Known as the 'Pearl of the Adriatic', it was once a wealthy and influential centre. Today, Dubrovnik is like a living museum, with numerous quaint churches and curious visitors strolling along the pedestrian marble streets. It's a chic place, with relaxed cafes, gourmet and trendy restaurants. Dubrovnik is colorful cultural history, the stunning architecture of the Old City Quarter, and the famous 2 km route along the city walls. George Bernard Shaw once wrote: “those who seek heaven on earth must come to Dubrovnik and find it.”

Dubrovnik - the most glamorous tourist place destinations of Croatia. Its gorgeous old town surrounded by strong medieval walls and declared a world heritage UNESCO. Any sightseeing tour of the city should begin with a walk around the ramparts (their total length is almost two kilometers), which include fortresses, towers and ancient guns. High on the walls you can enjoy amazing views of the city's old rooftops and glistening waters Adriatic Sea. Don't forget comfortable walking shoes, drinking water and a camera.

Brela Beach

This selection of Croatian attractions will not include beaches. The beach is located in Split, it is known as one of the most beautiful beaches in Croatia. In 1968 the beach was crowned 'Champion of the Adriatic' due to its stunning clear waters, beautiful coves, spectacular views and winding Victorian paths. The symbol of the beach is the Brela Stone - a large rock in the wake of turquoise waters.

Mljet Island National Park

The island of Mljet is the most south-eastern of the larger ones Adriatic Islands in the region of Dalmatia. In the northwestern part of the island there is a protected area – Mljet National Park. Unique beauty, with two salt lakes and rich flora. Rent a bike and explore the lakes and take a walk through the vast forest that covers 78% of the island. You can also visit the Benedictine monastery and small chapel. The island can be reached by ferry from the mainland, which takes an hour and a half, but a visit to Mljet Park is definitely worth it.

The western third of the island of Mljet is a protected national park covered in dense woodland. The park also includes two turquoise sea ​​lakes with an islet where a 12th-century Benedictine monastery is located. It can be visited by a special taxi boat. Popular with nature lovers, the park offers a variety of activities - numerous hiking trails cut through the wooded area, and the nine-kilometer route covers the entire perimeter of the lakes. This route is ideal for walking or mountain biking. You can simply go for a swim, or rent a kayak to explore the lake. A local culinary specialty is specially prepared lobster. There is only one hotel on the island, but locals rent out rooms to visitors during the summer season. Mljet can be reached by ferry or catamaran from Dubrovnik.

City of Rovinj

This is a small fishing port located along the Istrian Peninsula, which is quickly becoming a popular tourist resort. Rovinj can be called one of the most picturesque cities in the Mediterranean with many beautiful buildings, steep winding streets and islets off the coast. Some of the most famous attractions include the Basilica of St. Euphemia and the Zletní Forest Park.

In northwestern Croatia, on the Istrian peninsula, lies the coastal city of Rovinj. Pretty pastel-colored buildings surround the fishing harbour, and at the top is a church with an elegant Venetian-era bell tower. In addition to the neighboring pebble beach, a popular attraction in Croatia is the Batana Ecomuseum on the waterfront, which tells the story of the Batana wooden boat used by local fishermen. There are also many elegant hotels, high-quality seafood restaurants and art galleries. Local residents speak a dialect that mixes Croatian and Italian languages. The closest airport to Rovinj is in Pula.

Island of Vis

It's no surprise that Croatia's attractions include so many beaches and islands. Vis - amazing place, located on the northernmost corner of the coast. With a population of 4,000 people, Vis is known as the gastronomic capital of the Adriatic. With fantastic restaurants nestled under Venetian architecture serving traditional Croatian food as well as pan-European cuisine, you will experience the Mediterranean as it was many years ago. Most of the island is covered with olive groves and vineyards, making the place ideal for tourists who want to take a break from the hustle and bustle of big cities. Read more about the islands of Croatia in a separate collection.

Zlatni Rat beach

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