Golden train of the Reich in Poland. Poland is not happy about the discovery of the Nazi “golden train”

At the end of last week, the media literally exploded with news about the historical discovery. Two Poles have claimed they found a legendary Nazi gold train that allegedly disappeared during World War II.

The treasure hunters' agents reported that the wagons containing the treasure had been found. The men agreed to reveal the location of the find. But only if the authorities guarantee them 10% of the cost of the cargo, KP reports.

The magistrate of the city of Walbrzych confirmed that they received an official letter about the treasure in the middle of this month. It also turned out that the lawyers were of interest to the Pole and the German - they were the ones who made the discovery.

However, what is of interest is the fact that on August 26, an official press conference with treasure hunters was supposed to take place at the city hall, but they did not attend. Instead, the same agents spoke to the media.

Also, according to representatives of the city authorities, representatives of two treasure hunters gave a very detailed and credible description of the details of the armored train itself and the cargo inside. According to them, the train is about 150 meters long and the train was found in the mountains near Walbrzych, on the Polish border with the Czech Republic, reports

The notification procedure has been completed in accordance with the rules and the document has been accepted by us. In addition, the relevant government agencies will also handle the procedure. We also remind you that this find formally belongs to the state treasury,” emphasized the mayor of Walbrzych, Roman Želemey.

In the near future, experts will go to inspect the golden train of the Third Reich. In the meantime necessary documents sent to three relevant Polish ministries: defense, treasury, and culture and heritage.

According to historians, the carriages contain about 300 bars, pearls and diamonds. The train itself disappeared near Wroclaw before the Soviet offensive in 1945.

Some of this gold was melted down during World War II from gold teeth, wedding rings and jewelry of victims of the Third Reich.

After the war, the Americans found boxes of gold at the bottom of lakes (in particular, Toplitzsee), but this was only a fifth of the Reich's treasures. Where the rest was was a mystery. Until then.

Increased attention from almost all of Europe is focused on excavations in Poland. The legendary "golden train" of the Nazis - the same train that allegedly transported treasures looted by the Nazis to Germany - may be found. At least, the chances of this happening, researchers believe, are greater than ever.

The deeper the bucket is dug, the greater the impatience of those around you. Perhaps, in a little more time, one of the main mysteries of the twentieth century will be solved. It is possible that this is where the so-called “golden train” of the Third Reich is buried.

“I must admit that the results of the research carried out using geo-radars are promising. They were carried out by six independent companies using eight different instruments. So it can't be a coincidence. All equipment shows that a tunnel really exists at the search site,” says Andrzej Gaik, a representative of the search team.

The main question now is whether there is a train in this tunnel, in the carriages of which there may be a myriad of jewelry, objects of art and even, according to some guesses, the Amber Room from Tsarskoe Selo. According to legend, a “ghost train” left Breslau (present-day Wroclaw) in the winter of 1945, carrying with it valuables looted by the Nazis in the occupied territories. And then it was as if he fell through the earth. According to treasure hunters, literally. They are sure: mythical treasures, the value of which is estimated at billions of euros, are right here, under their feet, in one of the labyrinths of the Kschenzh castle, under which an entire underground city, one of Hitler's secret bunkers.

“I would never have gotten involved in this if I had not been confident of success,” says expedition member Petr Koper.

The search began last year with a statement from two enthusiastic seekers that they knew where the train was located. This was enough for hundreds of treasure hunters to flock to Poland from all over the world to dig, and at the risk of their lives. According to one version, the Nazis mined the approaches to the train. The authorities reacted quickly - they cordoned off the place, brought in the military and sappers and declared that everything found, if successful, would become the property of the state, after which the treasure seemed to be forgotten for a year. And only the day before the news spread around the world - excavations had begun, search engines were just days away from solving the mystery.

“I think within a week or even five days we will understand whether there is something here or not,” says Andrzej Gaik.

But even if not, this will most likely only fuel interest in the mythical train. After all, there will be fewer places where it could be, which means there will be more chances to find it, if it does exist. And the authorities in Walbrzych will continue to be provided with a flow of people who want to look at places shrouded in a veil of mystery. Skeptics have long been saying that the authorities of the Polish town themselves inflated this story in order to attract more tourists.

The cars are located at a depth of 70 meters

New details related to the ship, loaded with three hundred tons of gold, have become known. Although the find has still not been confirmed by anything - the citizens who reported it are waiting for an answer from the country's authorities to the question of how they will be given the 10% required by law - the Polish press is already writing about how exactly they managed to find Nazi jewelry.

Firstly, the names of the lawyers were named, to whose law firm a certain German and a Pole turned to protect their rights to a share of the gold - these are Małgorzata Sosnowska and Jarosław Chmielewski. The lawyers also provide details of the equipment of the allegedly found train: “Self-propelled guns are also placed on its platforms.”

And journalists from the newspaper “Vyborcza” claim that they have found a citizen who personally knows the people who discovered the train. According to him, they used ground penetrating radar and... the services of dowsers. The search lasted several years. The cars are located at a depth of 70 meters in a buried tunnel.

Meanwhile, there is not the slightest clarity regarding the 10% share: so far the Polish authorities, whom the lawyers have approached, cannot even determine which body will be responsible for the “train issue” - overseeing subsoil use, railways, and so on.

But in the prefecture of the city of Walbrzych in Lower Silesia, near which, next to the Ksenz castle (the third largest in , during the Second World War it was rebuilt as Hitler’s residence with a powerful system underground passages), there must be a “golden composition”, held a meeting with the participation of firefighters, police officers and the prosecutor’s office. Discussed security local residents: suddenly, in the tunnel where treasures looted by the Nazis are supposedly hidden, there is methane or some other harmful elements that can explode when the find is extracted.

An armored train with Third Reich gold was found in Poland. The young people intend to receive 10% of the treasure from the Second World War.

Two Polish citizens discovered an armored train with gold and jewelry. The lucky ones claim that they found not just a treasure, but treasures and weapons of the Third Reich, which disappeared in 1945 near Wroclaw.

The men did not dare to talk about the unique find themselves. They notified the city hall of Walbrzych about this through a law firm, which undertook to represent their interests, Reuters reports. The young people intend to receive 10% of the treasure from the Second World War.

In turn, the Polish authorities cannot confirm or deny information that treasure hunters have found the legendary gold of the Third Reich, around which there are many rumors. According to the Walbrzych mayor's office, the military, police and firefighters are trying to sort out this issue.

Let us remind you that, according to legend, a train with gold, pearls and weapons disappeared in a tunnel near Wroclaw, in the area of ​​​​Krzczyong Castle, before the offensive of Soviet troops in 1945. All searches for him were unsuccessful.

Update for 08/27/2015

According to the statement of the Polish authorities, the fact that a Nazi armored train was discovered in Lower Silesia is confirmed. According to the n-tv channel, such a statement came from the deputy mayor of the city of Walbrzych, Zygmunt Nowaczk.

But the Polish city government of Valyuzhikha is not yet going to open the secret location of the find. As well as revealing the details of the find. Because even in their statements, the authorities use the word “find”, and not an armored vehicle. Therefore, some doubts arose in InoSMI about what exactly was found and what exactly was confirmed.

Nevertheless, according to the mayor of the city Walbrzych himself, if someone found something, it doesn’t matter how much it costs or what is there. All this is the property and property of the Polish state.

Let us remind you that reports that treasure hunters found an armored train from the Second World War that belonged to Nazi Germany appeared last week.

Two residents of the Polish city of Walbrzych made a statement that they had found a German armored train from the Second World War. And that this is exactly the armored train that the Nazis used to export gold. But the diggers were not going to give up their find just like that. After all, in Poland there is still a law stating that such treasures belong to the state. Therefore, the successful treasure hunters promised that they would tell about the location of the find only if they were paid 10 percent of the value of what was in it.

According to InoSMI, we are talking about 300 tons of gold, which the Nazis exported on an armored train. This armored train disappeared along the route at the end of World War II. It was assumed that he drove into one of the long tunnels that were created by the Reich to protect the transport of industrial products from air raids. But he never left the tunnel, and the location of the tunnel itself was classified. There are many such tunnels, together with a system of bunkers, between Wroclaw and Walbrzych.

It is there, as many treasure hunters suggest, that many valuable things may be located, including cultural masterpieces.

There are many rumors and legends about Nazi gold. Historians, journalists and professional treasure hunters are still engaged in fierce debate about where the gold bars of the Third Reich disappeared. After all, the Allies, having occupied Nazi Germany, found only empty bank vaults there.

The version that Hitler's Germany completely squandered its gold reserves in the last years of the war has now been completely refuted by serious scientific research. However, 70 years after the collapse of the Third Reich, only a small part of the missing treasures was found. The Nazis carefully collected gold throughout Europe and had no intention of squandering it. The chief treasurer of the NSDAP, Martin Bormann, declared the Reich's gold an emergency reserve, its strategic reserve. And this reserve by the end of the war, according to American experts, amounted to 400-500 billion dollars in modern prices.

In addition to German gold itself, it included captured gold reserves of Austria, Czechoslovakia, Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, Hungary, Romania and part of Poland. Even in the Soviet Union, the Nazis managed to profit and seize three wagons with gold in Ukraine, which Gokhran employees did not have time to evacuate. 120 tons of gold were handed over to the Germans “for safekeeping” by Benito Mussolini, 100 tons by the Croatian dictator Ante Pavelic. To this we must add gold confiscated from private banks, jewelry stores, confiscated church valuables and other “trifles.” In general, as it was said in one popular novel, the client had money and a lot of money.

At the end of 1944, at the suggestion of German Finance Minister Walter Funk, it was decided to evacuate the Reich's gold reserves. Trains with gold were sent to hard-to-reach mountainous areas Bavaria and Austria. Various caches and hiding places were equipped there. Some of the valuables were hidden at the bottom of mountain lakes. Just in the vicinity of the Austrian town of Bad Aussee, dozens of wagons with tons of gold, kilograms of platinum and diamonds were unloaded. Three carriages with gold from the banks of Soviet Ukraine disappeared near Lake Altsee. The gold from the “Mussolini reserve” was taken out by a special SS command, and traces of it were lost at the Bad Ischl station.

It is curious that this operation was supervised by the well-known SS Obersturmbannführer Otto Skorzeny. He was arrested by an American patrol just in the area of ​​Lake Toplitzsee on May 16, 1945. During interrogations, Skorzeny pointed out some hiding places to the Americans, but three years later he successfully escaped from a prisoner of war camp and ended up in Spain, visiting dictator Franco. The Spaniards categorically refused to extradite Otto Skorzeny. And it’s clear why. He knew a lot about the hidden treasures of the Third Reich, and seems to have generously shared this information with the Spaniards.

On the other hand, the Nazis were not naive people and would not put all their eggs in one basket. They transferred a certain part of the gold and platinum to Brazil, Argentina, Peru, Chile through Swiss banks and the same Spain.

According to some modern researchers, even the Vatican helped the Nazis transfer gold to South American banks, of course not selfishly. Later, this gold was used by numerous war criminals, as well as the German diaspora living in the countries Latin America. According to one version, part
gold was transported by submarine and hidden in remote areas of Chile, Argentina and even Antarctica.

The German Society for Polar Research explored Antarctica at the beginning of the 20th century. In 1939, a German expedition discovered the ice-free and completely habitable Schirmacher Oasis there. After the end of World War II, there was a myth that it was there that the surviving Hitler and other Nazi leaders were hiding.
This, of course, is unlikely, but it was quite possible to hide gold and other valuables there.

Both individuals and entire states searched for the missing treasures of the Third Reich. Back in August 1945, the Potsdam Conference decided that the gold reserves of Nazi Germany should be divided between the USSR, the USA, Great Britain and France. Some of the gold was found, as they say, without delay. So, on May 11, 1945, in a tunnel near Salzburg, American soldiers discovered a train with Hungarian gold. Taking advantage of the opportunity, the Americans took most of the bars for themselves.

The Hungarians were returned some jewelry, including their national treasure - the crown of St. Stephen. There, in Austria, in abandoned wells, 20 tons of marked gold from the Croatian dictator Pavelic were discovered. But the remaining 80 tons disappeared somewhere.

Today, Reich gold is found completely by accident and sometimes in the most unexpected places. In the summer of 1983, two tourists discovered an abandoned house in the forest near the town of Bad Aussee. The walls of the building turned out to be made of Reichsbank gold bars, painted brick brown. The cost of such a “villa” was tens of millions of dollars. And in Lake Toplitzsee, at a depth of one hundred meters, scuba divers found and brought to the surface six boxes of gold.

By 2000, 329 tons of gold belonging to the Nazis had been discovered. But this is only a fifth of the disappeared treasures of the Reich. They say that from time to time, gold “bricks” with a swastika and the inscription Deutsche Reichsbank appear on the black market, which are very popular among collectors.

In 2015, in Poland, two treasure hunters found a train with 300 tons of gold, diamonds, and pearls in an abandoned mountain tunnel. In the vicinity of the town of Walbrzych. The lucky guys, through lawyers, handed over the coordinates of the high-profile find to the authorities, demanding 10 percent of the value of the treasure. The exact location has not been disclosed. The Walbrzych authorities held a press conference, essentially confirming the sensation. Have they really found the precious composition? They have been looking for the train since 1945!

“Legends about the golden echelon have been circulating in these parts since the end of World War II,” said historian of the Third Reich Konstantin Zalessky. - It’s not for nothing that the “Gold of Breslau” was included in the book “100 Great Treasures”.

- What does Breslau have to do with it? Walbrzych appears in the news.

— Walzbich is located in Lower Silesia. It passed to Poland after the war. Before that, it was a German land with the capital of Breslau (now the Polish city of Wroclaw). Rich German landowners and aristocrats lived here for a long time. They had gold. Breslau went down in the history of World War II as the German Brest. Since February 1945, Soviet troops tried to take the fortress city. But he capitulated only on May 6. The defense was led by Gauleiter SS Obergruppenführer Karl Hanke, the Fuhrer's favorite.

This Hanke apparently sent an armored train with gold to Berlin (or somewhere else) at the end of 1944 or at the beginning of 1945, realizing that the city was about to be surrounded by Soviet troops. The train left Breslau towards Waldenburg (present-day Walbrzych). But he didn’t reach the station. According to one version, a secret train entered a tunnel near the Ksenzh castle and... disappeared. In those parts, the Nazis built a whole system of tunnels. According to another version, he was driven under Mount Sobes near the town of Pelersdorf, where there was an underground military plant. There was also railway. The supposedly valuable cargo was hidden in adits and tunnels. According to the third version, the gold was hidden under Mount Snezka in the Sudetes.

The search for the golden train of the Third Reich in those parts began immediately after the war. Black diggers also searched for treasures in numerous dungeons in Wroclaw, but to no avail.

- Do you believe in the find?

— Everything is arranged too seriously. Both the law firm and the press conference of the Walzbich authorities. This is not a bluff. Please note what the representative of the Polish Ministry of Culture, Piotr Zukowski, said the other day: “I urge that all searches be stopped until the completion of the official procedure aimed at ensuring the safety of this find... The hidden train, the existence of which I have no doubt, may contain hazardous materials from World War II war. There is a high probability that the train is mined." What doubts can there be here? Found!

The train carried masterpieces from museums

- And what could be there?

— Possibly, valuables looted by the Nazis in Eastern Europe, in the USSR. Gold, coins, diamonds... I don't exclude ancient treasures. In Breslau there was the famous Royal Museum of Art and Antiquities (now - National Museum Wroclaw), other museums. There, in 1944, the Nazis brought collections from Berlin and other cities, since Breslau had not yet been bombed. Museum curator Günter Grundmann was responsible for the evacuation of all the treasures at the end of the war from Gauleiter Hanke. He managed to take out some of the valuables, and hid some in local castles and mines. According to his inventory, the Polish authorities after the war found about 80 such burials in Lower Silesia. But many of Breslau's museum treasures have not yet surfaced. Perhaps they are in this armored train. However, let's not guess. Let's wait for official announcements. The wait won't be long.

— Is this train the last high-profile discovery from World War II?

- What are you talking about! Let us at least remember the priceless Amber Room, stolen by the Nazis in Tsarskoye Selo. To this day, enthusiasts are looking for it in Kaliningrad, Germany, Poland, and the Czech Republic. There are many legends about Nazi treasures in Austrian Alps, where at the end of the war the Fuhrer created a special fortified area. There really are a lot of things hidden in mines, tunnels, and at the bottom of lakes. Lake Toplitzsee acquired gloomy fame. It seems that the Nazis dropped a lot of mysterious boxes here. Many amateur scuba divers have died trying to find them. 16 boxes were found. But there were... fake banknotes. Many caches from World War II are still waiting for their treasure hunters.
